Uploaded by Paul Belmont

Community Hexcrawl 1.7

V 1.7
This hexcrawl is a collaborative community
project. 42 different people helped bring a
strange and dangerous region to life.
All text and images are licensed under
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0. You can
edit and share any text and images in this
document, provided you keep the original
attributions, share it under this license, and
don’t sell it.
Neutral - Black
Kalawi Tribe - Purple
Researchers - Green
Rust Monks - Orange
Protean Army - Blue
Pallid Knights - White
Badlands - Yellow
Barren Fells - Dark Grey
Bluffs - Light Grey
Savannah - Green
Wastes - Brown
Everything in this document is a draft.
Hexes take 6hrs to cross. They could be
twenty miles of flat open ground or one
mile of trackless wilderness. A faction is
the group that owns the hex. Some areas
are Neutral: nobody can control the region
successfully. Factions can fight internally.
Very little information in this hexcrawl is
canonical or definitive. Guess and
improvise. Invent new connections. Have
fun! And watch out for the wurm.
Hex Credits
8.3 - Annon #8107
3.8 - Angus Warman
3.2 - Anni - spectrumcourt.blogspot.com
1.7 - Ben Massey
7.9 - Bradley Carpenter
1.1 - Buzzclaw - buzzclaw.blogspot.com
3.4 - Captain Caveman cyborgsandsorcerers.blogspot.com
1.6, 1.9, 4.6, 4.8, 5.4, 6.2, 6.4, 8.8 - Christopher
2.6, 4.4, 6.7, 7.2 - Chris Paul
1.10, 2.7 - Clemensas152
8.10 - Dan D. - throneofsalt.blogspot.com
6.3 - Daniel MacPhee
2.2 - David Schirduan - www.technicalgrimoire.com
2.5 - Dehumanizer - factsnfables.blogspot.com
4.3, 5.8, 5.10 - Dmitry Gerasimov
5.6 - Grant
3.1 - Goblinist mappingthegoblincaves.blogspot.com
8.1 - G. R. Michael - as-they-must.blogspot.com
3.9 - Harrison Swift
3.6 - Jake Bruce
5.5, 5.7 - James Taylor
3.5 - Jim - d66kobolds.blogspot.com
8.9 - lovelyzoo
5.1 - Marten
2.8, 2.10, 5.3, 5.9 - Mihovil Vinković
2.3, 4.5, 4.10 - Phineas thecosmicorrery.blogspot.com
1.5 - Phlox - whosemeasure.blogspot.com
7.10 - Purplecthulhu - velvetinks.blogspot.com
8.4 - Rodger Thorm
3.7 - Sean F. Smith
1.2, 1.4, 1.8, 2.4, 4.9, 5.2, 6.10, 7.1, 7.3, 7.7, 8.5, 8.7 Skerples - coinsandscrolls.blogspot.com
4.1, 6.9 - SkyDiverV1
7.4 - Solomon VK - http://
4.7 - Starflier
3.3 - Stone Drunk Wizard
2.9 - Tavern Stoep
2.1 - Theo Thaconatos chromaticdraymond.blogspot.com
3.10 - Tmj
6.5 - Tom H - plasticpolyhedra.blogspot.com
6.6, 8.6 - Unknown
1.3 - Vance A - leicestersramble.blogspot.com
8.2 - Vulnavia - thelovelydark.blogspot.com
1.1 - Neutral - Wastes
1.6 - Neutral - Bluffs
1.2 - Neutral - Wastes
1.7 - Kalawi Tribe - Savannah
1.3 - Rust Monks - Bluffs
1.8 - Neutral - Bluffs
1.4 - Pallid Knights - Barren Fells
1.9 - Protean Army - Savannah
1.5 - Researchers - Barren Fells
1.10 - Kalawi Tribe - Savannah
Terrain: Gray and rust-orange dirt, sickly
brown grass. Metal beams protrude.
Obvious Feature: Bands of eyeless purplehued humans build small settlements. Will
trade warily, listen cautiously, speak rarely.
Hidden Feature: The crater-tomb of the
Water That Eats. Sacrificing a friend or
love one to it grants a boon, often tainted.
Terrain: Laminated layers of pristine
volcanic glass, as if newly cooled.
Obvious Feature: Burbling volcanic pit,
ringed by smooth metal gantries and
floating wires.
Hidden Feature: Slug-like magma sprites,
jealous of their hidden mineral wealth.
They swim through stone.
Terrain: Hoodoo-lined cliff walls of banded
ochre and ebon sandstone.
Obvious Feature: Cliff-dwellings with
windows and eaves designed to 'sing' in
the west wind with a meditative drone.
Hidden Feature: Collections of mica-leaf
volumes etched in alien tongues. Burned
translation notes, signs of hasty flight.
Terrain: Angular shards of granite and
basalt. Eerie hard-light shadows.
Obvious Feature: The Starlight Cathedral.
Motes of starlight trapped to form
windows, arches, pews.
Hidden Feature: Pieces of iridescent
weightless mirrors, accidentally created.
They only reflect the truth.
Terrain: Ash covered basalt descents.
Sudden updrafts and crosswinds.
Obvious Feature: Granite aqueduct carries
oily water from 1.4. Drinking it brings you
closer to both death and undeath.
Hidden Feature: Paper golems tend to
meditative redoubt. Disillusioned mortal
Researcher curates secrets in rock garden.
Terrain: Sharp arid cliffs, rust red rivers,
carved to run at sharp angles.
Obvious Feature: Iron-forged cliff face of
three-headed goddess, free of rust. Her
centre mouth has a staircase descending.
Hidden Feature: At the deepest point of a
pond fed by the river, a vault door. Inside,
an armoury of terrible weapons.
Terrain: Stands of red-leafed trees dot the
scrub. Tall obsidian spires.
Obvious Feature: Tribal stronghold
extracts, works, trades obsidian. Ivory
armour, ironwood walls.
Hidden Feature: Internal factional struggle
supplanted rightful heir. Partisans lair in
mine, skin cut by shards to mark intent.
Terrain: Sandstone mesas, tinged with
orange streaks and small rockfalls.
Obvious Feature: Protean Army scout
trapped under a landslide. Bleeding ichor.
Promises wealth if removed. Lies.
Hidden Feature: Buried hoard of psychic
elephant ivory. Valuable. Makes excellent
magic items or focuses. Might be haunted.
Terrain: Unusually tall kauri trees, bladed
shrubs, finger-thick grasses.
Obvious Feature: Concentric castle, under
construction. Kalawi tribe labour, paid in
alcohol, protean drugs, and iron.
Hidden Feature: Wellspring of soul-stuff,
granting equally power and madness.
Psychic elephants stand guard.
Terrain: Waist-high grasslands, animal
trails, patches of burnt soil.
Obvious Feature: Signs of recent battle.
Discarded broken weapons, crackling
purple fire, smouldering craters.
Hidden Feature: Kalawi warcamp licking
wounds, buring the dead. Hidden by nearinvisibility magic.
2.1 - Rust Monks - Wastes
2.6 - Researchers - Wastes
2.2 - Neutral - Wastes
2.7 - Protean Army - Savannah
2.3 - Rust Monks - Bluffs
2.8 - Kalawi Tribe - Savannah
2.4 - Pallid Knights- Barren Fells
2.9 - Kalawi Tribe - Savannah
2.5 - Neutral - Bluffs
2.10 - Neutral - Wastes
Terrain: Dry creek bed. Pockets of sticky
liquid seep up and evaporate.
Obvious Feature: Suspended mesh
parabolic dish, manoeuvred by wires and
cranks. Twanging wires, creaking metal.
Hidden Feature: Fuschiagogue skyprophet in monitoring dome, directs dish
operations, breeds winch-finches.
Terrain: Salt-crusted dunes, scattered
patches of red moss.
Obvious Feature: Huge hole in the ground,
reflective green smoke billowing out of it.
It drifts a long way before dissipating.
Hidden Feature: At the bottom lies an
ancient wurm corpse, slowly expelling
clouds of acidic gas. Its eye is valuable.
Terrain: Sharp, jutting cliffs covered in
artificial tessellations.
Obvious Feature: Watercarved stair winds
up a cliff. Small niches hold meditating
monks, watching the sky for rain.
Hidden Feature: Every fifth alcove hides a
rusted lever. Together they control the
cliffs’ patterns. Potentially a weapon.
Terrain: Jagged peaks capped with
asbestos snow.
Obvious Feature: The Elevenfold Table, a
monolithic construct on a flattened peak.
Ringed by stairs, decrepit bridges.
Hidden Feature: By the light of the moon,
the shades Elevenfold Knights test new
applicants and perhaps answer questions.
Terrain: Karsts, tall bushes covering
ponds, creeks.
Obvious Feature: Right-angle maze of
eroded limestone. Damp. Many insects
and small scurrying animals.
Hidden Feature: Second layer of maze
expands. Underground rivers, floods, bone
pits, trapped gold, and wurmspawn.
Terrain: Ochre pits of sludge. Low hills of
oxidized rock.
Obvious Feature: A massive rusty hulk
with swaying spires, partially buried in the
sludge. Traces of meteoric slag.
Hidden Feature: The ancient hulk’s golem
crew digging holes, scrounging parts from
the crash to repair the vessel.
Terrain: Dried grass, large bushes,
dancing neon flowers.
Obvious Feature: Some suspiciously large
bushes, actually living granaries for the
Kalawi. Empty but still usable.
Hidden Feature: Headquarters of Protean
infiltrators causing trouble in 1.7. Shed
skin, rebirth sacs, scavenged gear.
Terrain: Small rivers, dried grass, herds of
Obvious Feature: Elephant graveyard. A
Kalawi native helps them pass on. A few
elderly elephants milling about.
Hidden Feature: Ostereomancer collects
elephant bones. Wants exotic bones,
spines preferred. Can locate undead.
Terrain: Silver grass sea, gently swaying.
Patches of taller reed-like brush.
Obvious Feature: Round grass-free plain.
Single-occupant huts, dispersed. Hairless,
speechless elders wander between huts.
Hidden Feature: Clusters of tusks carved
with intricate fractal patterns, hidden in
the grass. Subtly steer ley lines.
Terrain: Cracked earth, salt pans. Water
pools but nothing grows.
Obvious Feature: Cloud constantly raining.
Slowly drifts through region. Rain is
slightly metallic.
Hidden Feature: Kalawi hunger-priest
binds the cloud here. He becomes less
visible when wet.
3.1 - Neutral - Badlands
3.6 - Researchers - Bluffs
3.2 - Neutral - Wastes
3.7 - Rust Monks - Wastes
3.3 - Pallid Knights - Bluffs
3.8 - Neutral - Savannah
3.4 - Neutral - Barren Fells
3.9 - Kalawi Tribe - Wastes
3.5 - Researchers - Bluffs
3.10 - Neutral - Wastes
Terrain: Jagged limestone outcrops. Few
plants larger than lichen.
Obvious Feature: A single bristlecone
pine, twisted by wind. Unreachable, always
seems to be visible in the distance.
Hidden Feature: A rock shelter, scratched
with the names and portraits of people
who have slept their.
Terrain: Huge turtle shells lined with
glimmering stars and old skulls.
Obvious Feature: City of mobile lights
inside a shell. Pool in centre grants one
wish per century. Time flows oddly.
Hidden Feature: Sleeping void-clad corpse
of a fallen starchild. White-furred ratman
lives in its heart.
Terrain: Steep canyons, steam leaking
from sulphur-stained walls.
Obvious Feature: Floating pumice-island
drifts. Monkey-like ghosts dart out of
holes, try to steal organs.
Hidden Feature: Island contains alcoves
full of decorated brittle armour, coated in a
mineral crust.
Terrain: Jagged cliffs. Between them,
craters filled with black glass.
Obvious Feature: A north-south pass.
Heavily fortified trading post run by mindaddled ex-Researcher.
Hidden Feature: A buried titan, dreaming.
Nightmares manifest as solid shadows,
hostile to all, but particularly Pallid Knights.
Terrain: Trio of high buttes in a windy plain
of scrub grass and chalky gravel.
Obvious Feature: Metal scaffolds, ladders,
and bridges frame and span the buttes.
Onion-shaped structures visible above.
Hidden Feature: A river runs beneath the
buttes, harnessed via enormous iron
wheels as a subterranean power source.
Terrain: Arid valley, limited wildlife and
vegetation. Irregular bluffs.
Obvious Feature: Ancient remains of
construction camp. Desiccated supplies,
rusted tools. Signs project was massive.
Hidden Feature: Hidden entrance to inside
of largest bluff, which is hollow. Enclosed
ecosystem (research project).
Terrain: Saltwater sinkholes and ferrous
fenland. Manufactured reedbeds.
Obvious Feature: Massive basalt altar
balances atop vast obsidian centipede. Its
sharp feet impale headless carrion birds.
Hidden Feature: Shimmering puddle only
visible when facing south; an acidic heatmirage that you can reach and drink.
Terrain: Spiralling sinkhole miles across.
Floating grass islands.
Obvious Feature: The Sucking, centre of
the sinkhole. Audible from anywhere in the
hex, it sprays up plumes of gas and juice.
Hidden Feature: Contents of the sinkhole
are spat out on the far side of the moon as
a vibrant freeze-dried stain.
Terrain: Plain of hollow bottletrees, wood
stained cyan by floodwaters.
Obvious Feature: Silt-enclave of Kalawi
Tribe sorcerers. Fanciful wooden machines
cook, clean, entertain guests.
Hidden Feature: Enclave kidnaps Pallid
Knights to drown in tree hollows. Produces
oblong gourds that power their magic.
Terrain: Forest of giant fungi. White-grey,
inedible, burn damply and smokily.
Obvious Feature: Stone throne covered in
mold and fungal growth. Galleries of
faceless kneeling statues.
Hidden Feature: Gold-plated mushroom
effigy under the mold. A new species of
fungus grows in its vicinity every day.
4.1 - Protean Army - Bluffs
4.6 - Researchers - Badlands
4.2 - Researchers - Bluffs
4.7 - [Faction] - Badlands
4.3 - Protean Army - Barren Fells
4.8 - Protean Army - Wastes
4.4 - Pallid Knights - Barren Fells
4.9 - Protean Army - Wastes
4.5- Neutral - Bluffs
4.10 - Researchers - Wastes
Terrain: Oily rivulets bounded by yellowstreaked crumbling cliff faces.
Obvious Feature: Metal-meat hybrid
transport barracks halted for repairs. Wild
animals fight nearby for cast-off scraps.
Hidden Feature: A wurm nest lies calcified
in a rock formation. It’s petrified occupants
will reawaken if the area floods.
Terrain: Square-cut cliffs, right-angle
rivulets of murky water.
Obvious Feature: Broken golem factorycomplex. Shattered ceramic orbs, maze of
conveyor belts and rusted arms.
Hidden Feature: Golem-mine and
geothermal magic loop in the bowels of
the complex. Parasitic Researcher team.
Terrain: Desolate plateau, narrow arch
bridges over dizzying chasms.
Obvious Feature: Camp of Proteans
preparing to assault the Pallid keep in 4.4.
Scouts, spies, and siege engines.
Hidden Feature: Ruins of a lost city in the
depths of the canyons, wreathed in toxic
fog. Cursed weapons of ancient power.
Terrain: Windswept hills of stone and
moss, small ponds scattered throughout.
Obvious Feature: A keep with a high tower
perched atop a rocky crag. A ghostly call
draws creatures from miles around.
Hidden Feature: Warrens of tunnels and
tombs below the keep hold the remains
(and spirits) of the Pallid Knights.
Terrain: Colossal weatherworn granite
spires rise from domed hills.
Obvious Feature: Even on clear days,
lightning arcs between the spires, strikes
metal objects carried between them.
Hidden Feature: Researcher wagon
caravan lurks, taking notes and sending
test subjects into the spire fields.
Terrain: Flared Mesas streaked green and
purple. Paths of scorched terrain.
Obvious Feature: Mines producing threads
of purple glimmerglass ore. Researchers
study, guarded by Protean deserters.
Hidden Feature: At midnight, a beam of
coherent light from the sky tracks across
the terrain, chasing moving targets.
Terrain: Lichen-marked jagged black
stone. Circular salt pans, some flooded.
Obvious Feature: Five stone spires.
Pilgrim trail between them grants
destructive power or tears aspirants apart.
Hidden Feature: Eel-like water spirit,
contains entire ecosystem in its gills.
Drowns travellers to feed flock.
Terrain: Blasted stone plain, pockmarked
with craters and twisting caverns.
Obvious Feature: Warcamp of pustular,
mutated knights clearing a stinking cave.
Heavy on armaments, light on supplies.
Hidden Feature: An oasis island,
surrounded by a moat of tar. Trees grow
inedible fruit. Lake of deadly water.
Terrain: Deep drifts of fist-sized white
stones. White moths flit between gaps.
Obvious Feature: Lost army of diseased
knights, reduced to a few stragglers.
Refuse to be lead out of the desert.
Hidden Feature: Burned remains of
luxuries, cast aside to aid progress. Gold
scraps, book fragments, scorched silk.
Terrain: Low clay mounds writhing with
malformed half-buried golems.
Obvious Feature: At the centre of the
mounds, a rickety observation tower
guarded by patchwork golems.
Hidden Feature: Bunker beneath the
tower is filled with golem-steering
whistles, maps of the region.
5.1 - Neutral - Badlands
5.6 - Neutral - Badlands
5.2 - Pallid Knights - Bluffs
5.7 - Pallid Knights - Badlands
5.3 - Rust Monks - Barren Fells
5.8 - Neutral - Bluffs
5.4 - Rust Monks - Bluffs
5.9 - Researchers - Badlands
5.5 - Kalawi Tribe - Badlands
5.10 - [Faction] - Wastes
Terrain: Huge strip mine canyon. Stepped
sides, heaps of spoil, fallen cables.
Obvious Feature: Cracked titan bones at
the mine’s floor, leaking regenerating
marrow from churning extraction plants.
Hidden Feature: Buried marrow-vats, a
small ocean of protein, awaiting the arrival
of long-dead owners.
Terrain: Pale granite slopes, blending into
each other and concealing deep chasms.
Obvious Feature: Ghostly fortified tower
collapses at sunrise, reassembles itself in
reverse each sunset.
Hidden Feature: Time-crypts of the Pallid
Knights, where their greatest warriors rest
and wait for the end of time.
Terrain: High hill surrounded by tar pits
and rivers. Leafless trees.
Obvious Feature: Walled monastery,
bearded monks. Everything made from
wood and stone.
Hidden Feature: Shrine containing the
coagulated soul of a wurm matriarch.
Guarded by eight servitor-golems.
Terrain: Calderas of geothermally heated
water form steep cascades.
Obvious Feature: Weathered stone
monastery. Monks offer hospitality but
slay those who find the tower.
Hidden Feature: Beyond the path from the
monastery, a tower of alien metal, infinitely
tall. Unseen from a distance.
Terrain: Sandstorms whirling against stark
pillars create ceaseless noise.
Obvious Feature: Wind and sand rushing
through the World-Etch creates erodes
transitory petroglyph prophecies.
Hidden Feature: The Tai-Asal of the
Yawaal, ritutal kritarchs of the tribe. They
speak only the hand-language of judges.
Terrain: Massive lonely flat-topped stone
dominates landscape.
Obvious Feature: Stargazer Rock juts up
from surrounding boulders. Stars are
wrong when viewed from atop rock.
Hidden Feature: Cave’s walls inside of
Stargazer Rock depict dozens of
unfamiliar star charts and constellations.
Terrain: Empyrean heights cut by river
canyons. Cerulean alpine lake.
Obvious Feature: The Lament of Joscail, a
stone that watches over dead Knights,
their hollow armour frozen mid-fight.
Hidden Feature: Lair of the Lindwyrm.
Liquid hydrogen breath, covetous dreams,
loathing of the quick and the bright.
Terrain: Trench-lined scorched hillsides,
craters turned into strongpoints.
Obvious Feature: Rust Monastery empty
but miraculously intact. Gearwheel
guesthouse respected as neutral ground.
Hidden Feature: Fortifications and dry
aqueducts follow and disrupt ley lines,
twisting magical power in the region.
Terrain: Small creek nestled between
crater-marked hills.
Obvious Feature: Abandoned researcher
base. Wurm cult markings on the walls.
Astrology notes for stars in 5.6.
Hidden Feature: Locked bunker-library
contains speculative notes on wurm
control via astrology.
Terrain: Chest-high silver grass. Burnt
battle sites. Pools of psychic goo.
Obvious Feature: Pallid reinforcements on
their way to 5.8, burdened with spoils and
prisoners from Proteans driven to 4.9.
Hidden Feature: Knights fading from
being away from their stronghold for too
long. Need a swift messenger to 2.4.
6.1 - Neutral - Wastes
6.6 - Rust Monks - Barren Fells
6.2 - Neutral- Badlands
6.7 - Neutral - Barren Fells
6.3 - Rust Monks - Wastes
6.8 - Pallid Knights - Bluffs
6.4 - Researchers - Wastes
6.9 - Neutral - Badlands
6.5 - Neutral - Bluffs
6.10 - Neutral - Wastes
Terrain: Dried salt lakebed. Skeletal fish,
boats with lightning-blasted masts.
Obvious Feature: The Last Tavern, serves
only water. Anyone who draws blood
within its boundary stones is desiccated.
Hidden Feature: Geode-temple of salt
spirits, bound in chains of bone and wood,
in the deep cellars of the Last Tavern.
Terrain: Fissues, constant earthquakes,
sparse scrub, and slothful animals.
Obvious Feature: Floating city-state of
Geodesia, ruled by iron-fisted immortal
sorcerer-queen Ica. Major trade centre.
Hidden Feature: Fissure filled with
solidified souls of political dissidents in
gem form. Guarded by lesser criminals.
Terrain: Pits of bubbling tar. Heatdistorted petrified trees.
Obvious Feature: Mounds of moaning,
rusted swords. Monks ritually bind slain
souls to the blades that slew them.
Hidden Feature: Wurm-cultist shrine in
copse of red cacti. Desiccated worm eyes.
Eye-shapes carved into shrine.
Terrain: Magically radioactive glowing blue
dust dunes, freezing gales.
Obvious Feature: Tents around crater,
contains sizzling meteorite. Researchers
wear thick yellow rubber suits.
Hidden Feature: Series of covered
sinkholes kept clear of dust, hiding
underground mutant village of Sheol.
Terrain: Impossibly high cliffs of orange
stone. Sheer drops, treacherous footholds.
Obvious Feature: The safe paths twine
between vast pillars scored over centuries
by the singing winds.
Hidden Feature: One of the pillars floats,
suspended by wind alone. A monumental
shrine to hidden elementals.
Terrain: Volcanic and meteoric craters.
Hard to differentiate.
Obvious Feature: Monks tending gardens
of rust bonsai sprouting from meteorites.
Trimmed with diamond saws.
Hidden Feature: One meteorite grows
strange trees. Is actually an egg, may
hatch into a void-creature if heated.
Terrain: Ancient mountains worn down to
broken mounds above treeline.
Obvious Feature: Cerulean lake, ringed by
mire. Tumbled towers on a rocky island.
Strange lights when the moon is hidden.
Hidden Feature: Silver wires draped atop
highest fell lead to opening hewn in
bedrock. Sets teeth humming upon entry.
Terrain: Soft boluses of granite, like a
rising wave of bubbles.
Obvious Feature: The Blessed Archway.
Silver gate, rows of devotional offerings.
Anything crossing the arch dies painlessly.
Hidden Feature: Tabernacle of penitent
vultures, made wise and solemn through
cumulative brain-feasts.
Terrain: Jagged obsidian spikes erupt from
the ground in clusters.
Obvious Feature: Huge spire of living
amethyst. Moves slowly, attempts to
absorb and desiccate all plant life.
Hidden Feature: Sentient wizard skull
encased in crystal. Rest of bones in
amethyst spire, once the wizard’s body.
Terrain: Geysers, bubbling mud pits,
sulphur flats. Yellow-brown reeds.
Obvious Feature: Destroyed geothermal
reclamation dome. Hissing pipes, tanks of
rainwater, mysterious gears.
Hidden Feature: Muck Wurm lair with a
clutch of tungsten-enriched eggs.
Breathes fire, water, air, and earth.
7.1 - Rust Monks - Badlands
7.6 - Neutral - Bluffs
7.2 - Rust Monks - Savannah
7.7 - Researchers - Bluffs
7.3 - Neutral - Savannah
7.8 - Pallid Knights - Barren Fells
7.4 - Rust Monks - Savannah
7.9 - Kalawi Tribe - Badlands
7.5 - Kalawi Tribe - Wastes
7.10 - Protean Army - Wastes
Terrain: LINE
Obvious Feature: Latticework pillars with
support wires. Each holds a single Rust
Monk, eyes trained upwards.
Hidden Feature: One Rust Monk has
transcended, walks clad in mercury.
Speaks in maddening riddles, shrieking.
Terrain: Rolling hills dotted with tangled
patches of brambles.
Obvious Feature: A ragged sinkhole filled
with turquoise water, tainted by mineral
deposits below. Monk’s hut at edge.
Hidden Feature: Pasture of obsidian
antelope nestled in a low valley. Crooked
sickle brand on their flanks.
Terrain: Folds of grassland punctuated by
bursts of red-orange trees and tall grass.
Obvious Feature: Gigantic tuber-like tree
with jade green leaves. Headless birds with
eye-necks nest in the upper reaches.
Hidden Feature: Rhinoceros graveyard.
Deep trenches, just the horns or backs
Terrain: Sage-coloured plane, studded
with regular rows of crusted tumuli.
Obvious Feature: Smallholdings worked
by lay sisters of the Rust Monks. They
have plenty of fowls but lack cloth.
Hidden Feature: The burned husk of an
Aether refinery, now used by indolent
ethanol distillers.
Terrain: Smoky glass brambles growing
steadily. Glass dust chokes the air.
Obvious Feature: Toppled tower of clear
glass, shattered. Called “the Smokestack”,
though no one remembers why.
Hidden Feature: Cave oasis with clean
water and mushrooms. Entrance has a
glass charm of protection.
Terrain: Octagonal stumps of tiered basalt
with drifts of gravel and sand.
Obvious Feature: Spawning pit of crystal
starfish. Musical, valuable, and soaked in
neurotoxins and hallucinogens.
Hidden Feature: Failed psychic war
elephant initiate lair, full of bitter thoughts
and fevered dreams.
Terrain: Cracked shallow valleys like the
creases of a mummified hand.
Obvious Feature: Fortified town of Seraph.
Empty gun-port towers, tar-coated
streets, battered peacekeeper golems.
Hidden Feature: Invisible, cautious
Researchers monitor the populace and
visitors, testing, altering, and extracting.
Terrain: Tilted chalky moor, studded with
skeletal projections.
Obvious Feature: Painted limestone tors
with low footbridges, rickety and
switchbacked, over the bog.
Hidden Feature: A ramshackle quarry
where Pallid Knights excavate boy
mummies, some already awake.
Terrain: Scarred, arid, flat lands rising into
jagged cliffs.
Obvious Feature: Village of gourd farmers
living beneath a rock face speckled with
casket-caves and hanging coffins.
Hidden Feature: The village’s ground-level
pet cemetery is littered with piles of dirt
and empty graves.
Terrain: Black igneous rock with upland
ridges of quartz.
Obvious Feature: Pit of liquidifed,
diseased flesh, trying to reform into
distinct soldiers. Protean warning-marks.
Hidden Feature: Hot springs, waters full of
minerals and diluted ghosts. Can induce
lethargy, healing, flesh-change.
8.1 - Pallid Knights - Badlands
8.6 - Researchers - Bluffs
8.2 - Rust Monks - Savannah
8.7 - Researchers - Bluffs
8.3 - Neutral - Savannah
8.8 - Neutral - Barren Fells
8.4 - Kalawi Tribe - Badlands
8.9 - [Faction] - Badlands
8.5 - Researchers - Badlands
8.10 - Protean Army - Badlands
Terrain: Lone and level sands. Extreme
temperature swings. No landmarks.
Obvious Feature: Corpses in red or white
maille litter the sand. Their bronze swords
are valuable, still sharp, possibly haunted.
Hidden Feature: Pallid warcamp, only at
night. Will soon raid the “Amorites” in 8.2.
Never will, and there are no Amorites.
Terrain: Gorse-tangled hills, scattered with
animal bones and olive-coloured trees.
Obvious Feature: Monks in pedal-powered
stilt-walkers, grinding bones to gravel
under iron hooves. Guided by flares.
Hidden Feature: Paths form an intricate
maze. Walking them correctly leads to a
greatwurm’s lair.
Terrain: Windswept grass plains with
shallow bowls and matching hills.
Obvious Feature: Massive fractal-etched
monoliths of smooth white or black stone,
hovering, slowly spinning in the air.
Hidden Feature: The monoliths contain
mazes of cell-like tombs or cells, all empty,
all lit by flickering yellow lights.
Terrain: Sandy, rocky. Few plants. Sacred
stone pipes jut from the ground.
Obvious Feature: Swept crossroads,
allowing easy travel for a few hours.
Travellers leave stone marker heaps.
Hidden Feature: Giant flag-draped pipes
descend at steep angles. Used for Kalawi
initiation rituals.
Terrain: Sandstone spires encrusted with
calcium salts and lumps of quartz.
Obvious Feature: Dying or molting wirewurm, a building-sized tangle of thick
cables and nodules, wanders and drifts.
Hidden Feature: Small researcher team
and auto-wagon follow the creature from a
safe distance.
Terrain: Small pools of sour water, crumbly
shale overhangs, narrow gullies.
Obvious Feature: Metallic outcrops in the
shape of fossil sea life, surrounded by
small glowing lights and a smell of salt.
Hidden Feature: Researchers camped
around a vast ammonite fossil they are
studying. Their numbers seem diminished.
Terrain: Chalky slopes, dotted with
nodules of grey slag and porous stone.
Obvious Feature: Researcher samplingcaravans, gathering, trading, carving deep
tracks into the soil.
Hidden Feature: Dissection oubliettes.
Could be repurposed for healing or
unnatural modifications.
Terrain: Cracked night sky, pouring red
starlight. Frigid cold, deep snow.
Obvious Feature: Pallid Knight citadel
mounting desperate defense against
waves of Protean soldiers. No clear victor.
Hidden Feature: On a mountain summit, a
steel seed, oblong in shape, the size of a
person. Sprouting roots into the rock.
Terrain: Lilac coloured desert with oases
of green crystal formations.
Obvious Feature: Giant crimson crane flies
flitting from crystal to crystal, feeding on
them via a huge proboscis.
Hidden Feature: Team of hunters seeking
fly larvae, which is considered a delicacy
by the Kalawi Tribe.
Terrain: Dry riverbeds, multicoloured
canyons, fossils in the walls.
Obvious Feature: Protean encampment
full of wounded soldiers. Fog-shrouded
mutant chirurgeons graft better limbs.
Hidden Feature: Murdered messenger,
bag full of maps and vital commands. A
trick, a traitor, or a tragic accident?
Badlands (pale yellow) are a middle
elevation terrain type. They are often
creased with valleys or paths between
eroded terrain features. Some feature
pillars or mesas, others feature cliffs and
plains of scrub. Water is scarce and drains
1d20 Omen
Remains of animal dropped from on
high. At night: flapping wings.
Long scratches on rocks. At night:
Leathery rustle, lantern-eye glow.
Ringing bells, distant sobbing,
groaning. Occasional shouting.
Synthetic-sounding pipe music,
laughter, musky smell, shimmering.
Barking laughter, panting, smell of
wet fur and urine.
Patch of drying mud, stench of
rotting meat.
Plume of black smoke, earthquake
rumble, crushed scenery.
Flakes of rust, oil drips, bursts of
garbled words and static.
Trickle of water, small hardy shrubs,
white slicks of dried salt.
Translucent, iridescent, exoskeleton
Echoing shots, bright flashes,
incoherent sobbing, weird ideas.
Screech of rusted metal, sticky
protein sinew webs.
Shed skin, sinuous tracks. Burst of
Whispers, intrusive thoughts. Smell
of ointment and blood.
Harsh chemical smell, gurgling,
drips of oil and fire.
Boreholes and pits, hoofprints,
ragged tent and washing line.
Whooping calls, triangular prints,
flakes of pale skin.
Regular crunching, small piles of
washed pebbles, clawed footprints.
Delicious smell of meat and spices,
drops of gravy, trail of faint smoke.
Slimy hoofprints, distant warbling
calls, acidic smell.
Flock of 2d6 nightgaunts subdue victims by grappling and
tickling, carry them off to a random hex (1d8.1d10).
A lone nightgaunt sits on a perch, interrogating the unwary.
“Tell me a stooorrry,” it hisses, “and I’ll give you a preeesent.”
3d6 tax collectors riding camels, with 1d10 unfortunate
debtors in chains. Proof of payment or money lets you pass.
A flying canvas citytent, populated by faerie people. A mobile
bazaar, hotel, festival, and orgy. Reality is different inside.
A hyena-ox, an escaped beast of burden. Visibly starving. Still
muzzled. Pack contains a folded tent and a hammer.
A rust worm, born of a giant’s innards. Liquidizes mud to drag
down prey. Smells awful, sounds worse.
A titan excavator, rumbling on triple treads, snapping at the
smell of marrow and warm flesh. Hissing hydraulics, gantries.
1d4+1 rusting mechanical hounds on patrol. Attempt to inject
targets with tranquilizer darts, drag to destroyed prison-lair.
A small spring protected by 1d6 transparent oozes. Paralytic
touch, almost invisible.
A giant psychedelic scorpion. Shoots pods from tail which
disperse hallucinogenic spray, then attacks disoriented prey.
Lone wurm cultist entrenched on a mesa top. Desperate and
on drugs, fires his memetic musket at anything that moves.
A 13-legged titan rust spider, looking for protein dross to fuel
its spinnerets and unusual objects for artistic projects.
A harmless gravel snake, imitating a more dangerous serpent.
Grey-brown, feisty, delicious with salt.
A Protean scout, head quivering with extra eyes and sensory
jelly. Beams telepathic impressions back to command post.
2d6 globular firebelchers, like jelly-legged potion flasks full of
kerosene. Adorable until they get hungry.
A sand prospector and their donkey, searching for the perfect
grade of filtration medium. That’s not it. That’s not it either.
2d6 vulture-hounds. Hairless, eyeless, beak, soft padded feet.
They follow at a distance, looking for weakness or carrion.
A boulder tortoise. steel-trap jaws ready to bite and maim.
Makes a delicious but lethargy-inducing soup.
Dubious cannibal commissary cart. Wrapped in bandages. Sells
pies, sausages, delicacies. Not subtle. Buys bodies.
3d6 deer-snails. Mottled brown and white legs, pink shells,
antlers with eyes on the end. Skittish, excellent climbers.
Barren Fells (dark grey) are the highest
elevation terrain type. They are unnatural
mountains, cold and forbidding. Alpine
lakes might be present. Some are capped
with tufts of crystalline asbestos. Others
might be crystals themselves. The stars
are visible from the top most of the time.
1d20 Omen
Bubbles, noxious fumes. Burping,
1d6 mire zombies, maybe melted together. Grasping claws,
wheezing, sighing. Soft splashes.
black skin stretched over bursting organs. Drag victims down.
Hissing. Rising bands of steam.
A sublimator, glittering specks of light in roughly human shape.
Smell of scalded earth. Heat.
Flies. Solids it touches rapidly transition to gas. Hungry.
Scrap of paper with an arrow drawn 2d4 paper golems, like silent origami humans. Limb-knives cut
on it, held down by a stone.
like steel. Gentle, but deadly when panicked. They fear fire.
Hanging bulbous rocks, crisp salt- A mineral dryad, inhumanly beautiful. Sustained by rare metals
rimmed footprints.
and esoteric alchemy. Trades geode-fruit and advice.
Sled-like tracks, drifts of fresh snow, A parasitic alpine scorpion. Bear-sized, weather-bringing. Toxic
excavated animal corpse.
causes paralysis and frostbite.
Broken glass, acrid smells, strange 1d6 Rsearchers, plus a servitor golem, carrying an aetheric
clangs, beeps, curses.
telescope. Versed in astronomy, awful at terrestrial navigation.
Fleeting memories, shivers of terror, 2d4 giant nightmare spiders, wearing the faces of old enemies
creaking wood, warbling tones.
or dead friends. Venemous, phase-shifted.
Clang of metal, feverish whirring,
1d4 geodesian wardens trying to repair their crash-landed flyer.
curses, fountains of sparks.
What’s in the hold: tribute, weapons, prisoners, secrets?
Flickers in the upper atmosphere,
Meteorite storm. Causes spell mutations. Will cause physical
alteration of weather spells.
mutations if exposed to the storm for too long.
Clatter of wheels, soft click of limbs, A necromancer’s ambulatory carriage pulled/carried by 4 giant
flickering lantern-light.
spiders. Sells potions, body parts, dubious advice.
Icy chill, sparkles in the air, crunch of 2d4 failed Pallid Knight aspirants, their agonized armoured
bodies packed with asbestos crystals.
Rising clicking, dancing stones,
Shoal of harmless but inedible sand prawns, chittering and
ridges of sand.
nipping. Bare flesh might be lacerated. Sleeping is impossible.
Red vines, dangling skull-charms,
A creaking imp, bones and spikes overgrown with red lichen.
sound of bending wood.
Trades ingots of silver for souls, fresh or bottled.
A single huge feather, sunA roc, resplendent and gleaming, posing on a peak before
devouring shadow, harsh cry.
taking to the air.
Whooshing, fleeting shadows,
2d6 winged lions, white and grey against the sky, diving fast.
sense of foreboding.
They aim for necks and pack-beasts.
Trail of salt, tall white banners,
3d6 saltform traders, with 2d6 blind slaves and 1d4 large
shrieking trumpets.
packbeasts. Trade high purity salt and healing for rumours.
Grey mist, dimming light, drips of
A wandering ghost. Insists it is not dead, cannot remember any
water falling upwards.
details of life or goals. Frustrated by foggy amnesia.
Cackling, rock-pillar totems, piles of 4d10 starving rock goblins. Camouflaged, cunning, one quarter
gnawed bones, deep winding caves. teeth by weight. Burned by water.
Zap and roil of lightning, blue-white 2d6 lightning trees, migrating to a new peak. Black and white
stripes, coronal discharge, platinum-tipped branches.
Rising air pressure, growing light,
A low-altitude comet, streaking and weaving. Size of a carriage,
flicker of raw magic.
made of snow and grit, shedding dust and eerie light.
Bluffs (light grey) are a middle elevation
terrain type. They feature steep cliffs and
sheer drops. The terrain here might be
more hazardous than its inhabitants. Bluffs
cluster around the base of the Barren Fells.
1d20 Omen
Faint cart tracks near large bluff.
1d6 secretive Researchers with supply caravan. Strange
Grating rock sound.
equipment and liquids going in, biological samples going out.
Dragonfly-hum, flicker of stained
Defective optical drone, wants to examine eyes for impurities,
glass wings. Questing green laser. replace with leaking oil-soaked orbs if necessary.
Low buzzing noise, drifts or red1d12 rust nodules the size of a child’s fist, rolling along the
orange dust. Smell of lightning.
ground. Infectious touch, makes the skin grow rust barnacles.
Doubled corners, twisting
A dimension-displaced wurzle-lion, dragged through a
perspective, blurred colours.
malfunctioning gate . Half bird, half seal, half mad.
Raspy rumbling, drops of blood,
An injured sand mole. Blind, snuffling. Will pretend to be tame
shallow furrows.
until the hook in its side is removed.
Dried pond, crispy insect skins. Faint 1d4 large dragonflies hover, turn, and strike. Can spay burning
buzzing, swift shadows.
acid from tails, causing blindness and agony.
Reverse waterfall, pressure
2d6 divergent Rust Monks, preparing a disruption mandala in a
headaches, nausea.
side canyon.
Discarded crystals, burnt smell, drill Glitchy spider-like mining robot believes itself to be a mounted
whirring, grating martial hymn.
Protean Knight. Looking for a commander to report to.
The sound of glass clinking, a smell 2d12+1 fulgurites, tiny clouds of glass shards animated by
of ozone. Hair stands on end.
lightning. Will attack any player using an electric device first.
Desiccated bodies impaled on dead A shrike-roc nests nearby. Strikes isolated targets by surprise,
tree branches. Some are gnawed.
impales them for later. Nest contains rare spices.
Crude poles topped with skulls.
2d6 yetisyn bandits, crass and lustful apemen cast out from
Half-eaten, animal carcasses.
the higher peaks, armed with crude clubs and cruel teeth.
Lumps of burning stone, purple
A phosphorus dragon roams, searching for rare metals and
scorch marks, cracked stone.
unusual chemicals. Beware its deadly breath.
Freshly broken camp, offerings to
2d6 members of the Kalawi tribe. To see what they are hunting
nebulous gods.
or tracking roll another 1d20 on this list.
High-pitched tone, warm breeze,
A 50’ cube of shimmerfish, riding a heat haze. Bursts eyes,
smell of chalk and hot oil.
plugs nostrils, clogs lungs, worms into ears.
Flash of azure and gold, high piping A dire peacock. Hypnotic feathers induce paralysis, then
cry, shed hair-like feathers.
madness. Very valuable if captured or carefully killed.
Bifurcated boulders, winding cracks, A young razorwurm, thin as paper but as hard as steel. Cuts
tin-sheet warbling.
ankles, slices through armour, challenges swords.
Infrasonic booms, odd winds, olive 3d6 howler lizards, throat-sacs full of pressurized air.
scales, claw scratches.
Deafening at 50’, potentially deadly at 10’.
Tinny chattering, scraps of brown
A False Rust Monk, constructed from minute gearwheels and
cloth, wisps of white smoke.
heretical doctrine-wafers. Can solve mathematical problems.
Distant thunder, acrid smoke,
A biomechanical war crab, festooned with smoking barrels and
posthole clawprints.
chitin lances. Slow but very deadly. Sawblade claws.
Clacking, creaking, rhythmic
3d6 wandering skeletons. Rusting equipment, recently applied
marching, flakes of rust.
warpaint, sharpened fingers and teeth.
Savannah (green) is the lowest elevation
terrain type. They are grasslands, relatively
wet and fertile compared to the other
terrain types. Though food is easier to find,
predators and competitors abound.
Clusters of trees or even whole forests
might be present.
1d20 Omen
Earth rumbling, something whizzes
through the air.
Thrumming felt in the skull. Sound
of clanking armour. Muttering.
Strange tracks; thumb-sized holes
in the loam, horizon to horizon.
Cracked earth, holes from root
networks. A large whistling tree.
Sweltering heat. Sound of breaking
branches. Smell of sap.
Silk scraps caught on trees, bursts
of melodic song, silver scraps.
Instant headache, flickers of false
Deep hoofprints, drifting violet
Rippling thunder underfoot,
creaking stone.
Winding trail of slime, blood, and
dying plant life.
Laughter and singing, occasional
shots. Broken twigs as marks.
Low trumpeting, passing headache,
zigzagging elephant tracks.
Mild headache, wiff of nostalgia and
Furrow in the earth. Hundreds of
yards long, 20’ wide. Wurmsign.
Purring and snoring, incredulous
yowls, shining yellow eyes.
Clanking, screaming metal, flakes of
rust, trail of upturned plants.
Bright yellow eyeshine, flash of
white fur, snake-like tail, hissing.
Floating spherical balloon, spare
ropes, smell of pepper.
Wild laughter that devolves into
muttering, smell of rotten meat,
Smell of ozone, fast-moving clouds,
twinkling air, dropping temperature.
2d6 members of the Kalawi tribe hunting an elephant, tiring
him out. Angered if their kill is stolen.
A Protean knightmare, a psychic mutant amalgamation of
knights. Coated in armour, well armed, fast, argumentative.
A bone picker, stilt-walking hooded semi-undead scavenger.
Imperious. Trades baubles for clean meat and dry socks.
A hoard gullet disguised as plant life. Brilliant, gluttonous.
Inhales with hurricane-force winds. Inhaled creatures slumber.
A baobab branch appears far above. Thick blue leaves,
shimmering bark, no trunk. Its oval fruits are priceless.
A young harpy covered in ragged finery and loops of jewellery.
Will (incompetently) tell fortunes for treasure. Means well.
Herd of 2d6 psychic elephants. Purple corona of psy-discharge.
Infrasonic trumpeting. Sparks of raw magic and trapped souls.
Migratory herd of 3d6 scale-kine. Horned, plated, bulky, and
suspicious of two-legged predators.
Swarm of fossilized sea life, animated by confused ghosts. A
small ankle-breaking wave of stone.
A Protean soldier, overcome by mutation, disintegrates into
helpless flesh and raw matter.
2d4 overconfident and haughty Researchers, led by 2
untrustworthy Kalawi guides. Faulty monster-warding device.
A golem made to imitate a psychic elephant. Observed from a
distance by 2 Researchers that created it.
An animated psychic elephant skeleton on a half-remembered
dream march. Flickering purple bones.
3d6 wurm parasites, cast off and dying in the sun. Looking for
new hosts. Enough energy for one or two leaps.
A fat and torpid pumble cat, full of fieldmice and sagacity.
Appreciates delicacies, offers nothing in return.
2d6 armoured rhinos, plated in iron and brass. Intelligent but
impatient. Demands, not negotiations.
An eye-grabbing lemur. Long scooping fingers, quick reactions,
insatiable hunger for squishy ocular orbs.
An aeronautical land-diver, tethered to their support balloon.
Green liquid in a brass suit. Gurgles, collects samples.
A grand hyenacore, a hyena with a human face. Loves jokes and
meat equally, but cannot abide sarcasm or hypocrisy.
A sudden cloudburst. Clothes and food soaked, books
dampened. Grass immediately revives, flowers in hours.
Wastes (orange) are a low elevation terrain
type. They are ruined places, full of
chemical hazards, tar pits, and the remains
of armies and civilizations. Terrain type
varies widely. Craters are common.
1d20 Omen
Reflective green cloud drifting
Floating cloud of rusting gas. Dissolves non-living matter. Drifts
towards the PCs, shining bright.
in a thick layer 2-3’ above the ground.
Boneless, tar-coated coyote corpse, Blob of sentient tar. Wants to slurp up bones. +1 HD per
decaying flesh mostly intact.
skeleton absorbed, approximates combined shape of victims.
Pungent, foul stench. Melted bones 1d4 acrid jellyfish, gently floating. Tendrils move with lethal
and stone. Sharp hissing.
swiftness, paralyzing and digesting. Leaks and sprays acid.
Soft singing and distant chords,
1 starlet, whirling colourful fluid and song. Playful, wants to
dizziness. Shimmering mirages.
dance. Warps gravity and space around it. Inimical to earthly life.
Multicoloured shooting star appears 4 bright ones, searing motes of starstuff, collecting memory5
overhead. Sound of singing.
tributes for the High Machine. Speak via magnetic dust.
Distant snatches of deep and
2d4 lugubrious petroleum mermaids sing and cavort in a tar pit.
cloying song. Splashes. Fumes.
They will trade hydrocarbon pearls for shiny baubles.
Horrid bleach scent drifts by. Skin A sickly Protean squire staggers blindly, tears streaming down
crackles, nose burns, eyes sting.
its creased face. Its lower back writhes with larval parasites.
An unbroken red trail, neither paint 1d3 red ooze centaurs. Slug below, melting humanoid above.
nor blood, stains the ground.
Faces contorted into soundless screams. Vaporizes iron.
Subterranean gurgling, shed teeth, 1d6 predatory craters try to blend in with the landscape. Lure
smell of ammonia.
victims with gold tongues. Slow but very large.
Popping and boiling stone, heat
2d6 magma sprites swimming through stone. Can instantly
wave, angry squealing.
ignite clothing and flesh at a touch.
Singing, a high pitched whine, like
3 bramble fiends, smoke in their veins and silica in their throats,
glass edges rubbed together.
planting young glass brambles in sandy soil.
Whooping hypersonic wails,
A burrowing progenitor-wurm seeks the creatures that stole its
rumbling, burrows, mounds.
selenium egg. Repelled by lightning, salt, and writing.
Sizzling oil, groaning metal, stabbing A machine demon, all gears and fluids. Will trade enhanced
lights, smoke trails.
robot parts and electrical power for pieces of soul.
Clang of metal, disassembled
1d6+1 ever-silent Rust Monks scavenge for pieces of broken
mechanisms, bare footprints.
machinery and arrange them into a garden inside a crater.
A smell of corrosion. Marching1d4 ancient clockwork soldiers, bearing faded flags. They may
songs in a dead language. Ticking. attempt to bargain for replacement parts, or attack the party.
Fresh boot marks, discarded
1d8 Protean soldiers searching for chemical resources. Willing
chemical testing equipment.
to offer information or medical services.
Blaring musical note, red filter,
A floating glyph of warding, like a crack in reality. Pours
waving and folding vegetation.
ethereal bloodlight into the world. Cannot approach.
Oil slick wake, flensed corpses,
A beached tarpit kraken. Enraged, confused, dying, and still
splatters of dense tar.
hungry. Flammable, but dangerously quick.
Nausea, sweating, headaches, bitter A decaying plutonium golem. Leaking gouts of corium, still clad
taste, shimmering air.
in burning graphite armour. Will forever taint the land.
Trails of clean sand and polished
3d6 horse-sized land starfish, in a variety of pastel colours.
bones, quiet popping, smell of salt. Harmless unless you lie down and allow them to gnaw on you.