RESURRECTION GR A D E 10 oBelief in the Resurrection and the Last Day, accountability and everlasting life in Heaven or Hell is a basic component of faith in Islam. oMuslim believes in that at a time when Allah sees fit, the world will be brought to an end in a terrifying cosmic disaster & everyone will be brought to account. » ََ ت ث ُ َّم ِِلَْْن َا ت ُ ْْ ََع ُو ِ قال تعالى «كُ ُّل نَفْ ٍس ذَائِقَة ُ الْ َم ْو ALLAH SWT SAID: “EVERY SOUL WILL TASTE DEATH. THEN TO US WILL YOU BE RETURNED(57)” A man`s life on the earth ends with his death, the soul remains in the Barzakh till the Day of Judgment. Barzakh means: -The immediate state after one`s death. -The partition between two things. -The period between death & resurrection. ٌ قال تعالى « َو ِمن َو َرا ِئ ِهم بَ ْر َز َ ُ خ ِإلَ ٰى يَ ْو ِم يُ ْبعَث »ون Allah SWT said: “and behind them is Barzakh (a barrier) until the Day when they will be resurrected. (100)” On the day of judgement, the clarion will be sounded twice: The 1st everything will perish The 2nd every dead thing will come back to life THE 1ST EVERYTHING WILL PERISH The Quran descripts the state of living things at the 1st clarion, e.g: the mountains will be like carded wool, the horror of the Day of resurrection will affect the whole of the nature. It is state: “When the sun is put out(folded up), and when the stars fall, and when the mountains vanish, ….. and when the seas are set on fire,… and when the sky is stripped away, and when the Hellfire is fiercely flared up, and when Paradise is brought near, on that Day˺ each soul will know what ˹deeds˺ it has brought along“ ، ْس ِي َرت ُ َو ِإ َذا ا ْل ِج َبا ُل، ْس ك ُِو َرتْ و ِإ َذا النُّ ُجو ُم ان َكد ََرت ُ قال تعالى « ِإ َذا الش َّْم َو ِإ َذا ا ْل َج ِحي ُم، ْش َطت ِ س َماء ُك َّ و ِإ َذا ال........... ، ْس ِج َرت ُ ار ُ ……………… َو ِإ َذا ا ْل ِب َح َ ْس َّما أَح » ْض َرت َ ، ْ َوإِ َذا ا ْل َجنَّةُ أ ُ ْز ِلفَت،س ِع َرت ُ ٌ ع ِل َمتْ نَ ْف THE 2 ND CLARION: The people will be raised up & judged. “On that Day will all men come forward, cut off from one another, to be shown their past deed” َٰٓ ٰ ٰ ٰ َ ْ ُ ُ ج لَهُۥ يَ ْو َم ٱ ْل ِقيَ َم ِة ِكت َبًا ر خ ن و ۖ ۦ ه ق ن ع ى ف ۥ ه ر ئ ط ُ ِ َ ِ ِ ُ ِ ُ َ ِ ُس ٍن أ َ ْل َز ْم ٰنَه َ ٰ « َو ُك َّل ِإن »ُورا ً يَ ْلقَ ٰىهُ َمنش A record of each person's deeds will be produced as evidence on the Day of judgment. The good Given the record The sinner Will be given in their right hand Will be given in their left hand From behind their back ON THAT DAY: No Injustice will be done to anyone. No person will be able to deny the contents of his record. - Even the part of his body (togue, hand & feet) will testify. No excuses will benefit the transgressors. Many will wish for another chance to make amends, but in vain. Allah will judge each person. -He will reward those who led a righteous life & pleased him. -And punish those who disobeyed him, commit sin & bad actions. IF THERE IS NO DAY OF JUDGMENT OR FUTURE LIFE: There would be no justice. There would be no purpose of creating people with the sense of responsibility. There would be no purpose of sending prophets to mankind. When Muslims do believe in the Day of judgment & the everlasting life, that means his life is not limited to worldly desires, because he knows that this life will not end with his death, so that will deeply effect on his attitudes, emotions & actions in this world, not only by avoiding the bad things but also by using his resources to the best of his ability to do good.