Uploaded by Theo Higham


"You nibbas spend too much
time on captions...
Not enough time on action."
Sauce Collection
If daily ur making progress = you feel amazing about yourself
It doesn’t matter ur current level. What matters is your rate of progress
That’s the secret to supreme confidence
Tomorrow is never promised. It’s easy for us all to take our lives for granted
and think there is always better days ahead
But you never know what might happen. That’s why you gotta live fast and
make the most of things
No more waiting or delaying on the things you want guys
SPEED โค๏ธ
Everybody does everything so fucking slowly
It actually amazes me how slow people are
0 sense on reality. YOU reading this are going to die. Do you realise that?
“Later bro”
“Im tired today”
“Ain’t been a good week”
“Covid affected my plans”
There are ONLY 2 types of guys.
Guys who get:
1. Inspired
2. Envious
When I see a guy killing the game I wanna learn and do that shit myself
I enjoy wearing my Rolexes because nobody else I know at my age really has
The scarcity creates the value
If everyone had 1 then I wouldn’t care
Whilst you guys are struggling to make money you should understand that
it’s a good thing it’s hard work because most ppl will give up and then you get
to be the one flexing
Keep going. It’s all worth it ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ
If you’re going to do anything in life just do it
If ur gonna go on a date assume she’s dying to hang you
If ur gonna spend some money spend it like you have millions in the bank
You only feel lazy and sluggish when you aren’t winning in life
I wake up earlier when I made loads of money the day before
I wake up with the MOST energy after a night of drinking with girls
Ur all overthinking like DICKHEADS.
And wondering why ur life sucks
Nobody respects the timid man. Girls hate it. Other men think ur weak.
Move quickly. Be decisive.
you gotta understand you ain't gonna be young forever bro
before you know it ur gonna be 30. and then 35. and then 40.
tick tock
Some of you guys are pussies. Don't you feel guilty for not trying hard ??
i told my brother to quit uni. So now i gotta keep making lots of money.
I told all my friends that our lives are going to get better and better so now
we must keep improving
I told my mum that her son is a millionaire genius and she never has to worry
about anything so now i gotta make sure she has 0 troubles
i am only 22 but the biggest mistake i see other dudes my age make is think
they are super young.
bro we ain't young lets be honest
there are dudes our age playing in the NBA or in the premier league playing
for manchester united
stop comparing yourself to the losers in society. compare yourself to the
and the most depressing thing about working a job is that there are actual
RETARDS out there who are rich.
You can either be the pussy who complains about his hometown and parents
and upbringing
Or you can solve it by working hard.
Don’t like your “friends”? Become richer and travel the world and meet new
Don’t like the fact that you masturbate daily? Become a more confident guy
and attract some bitches
Don’t like the city you live in? Join networks and move in with some of our
Some people will listen to advice and think “nice that’s good shit” and never
apply it
Others write notes on it. Internalise the lessons.
Apply it.
Then analyse the conclusions they’ve come to after taking action
Life is like a call of duty game
Because you can try as many times as you want
You can start as many business
You can take to as many girls
Youre friends are like other olayers game
Who can cover each others back
But dont play with noobs
Play with good players
Get an amazing team
Destroy your opponents
Listen to me bro
Nobody is coming to save you.
You ain’t gonna 1 day just wake up in the Beverly Hills with millions in the
If you don’t actively pursue it .. you’ll NEVER have it
If you want to LEVEL UP fast:
1. Wake up and sleep same time daily
2. Hit the gym
3. Speak to other guys on the same mission
4. Start building your social media presence
5. Only date women who add to your life
6. Sell anything. Begin. Make adjustments as u go along.
Imagine knowing u are only gonna live once
And your biggest dream is to have a regular house and 2 kids
That’s it ?
Cmon G
Stop letting society make you think lower of yourself
Ain’t nothing to fear
Listen bro
You’re blessed. You could have been 5ft 2, born in 3rd world dump, mentally
disabled, autistic, missing a limb, really bad stuttering problem
U got none of them things
Grind harder u can do anything
Men are evolved to build shit
That’s why young kids love playing with Lego and spend hours battling away
until they create their little masterpiece
U are only sad when you don’t have a purpose
Change your mindset and you have the “motivation” to do anything
Don’t like squats?
No problem. What do you like?
Probably money and girls, right?
Tell yourself :
Doubt is removed by action.
The reason you hate yourself and are constantly overthinking is because you
aren’t doing enough
When humans are busy focused on the task. It’s described as they are “in the
When ur in the zone you haven’t got time to worry or stress
You can’t get cancelled when you don’t give a fuck
Can’t be discouraged when you know where you’re headed
Complacency kills at every level of society.
In high school the “cool kids” who prioritised being popular over everything
End up as regular guys working average 9-5 jobs all their life. Ugly wife. 1-2
holidays a year.
You got to be constantly evolving in this world
Whilst ur working hard it’s important to fuel your body with good food and
A lot you are lazy because of the people you hang around + foods you eat
Ur problems come from thinking too small
You don't miss that girl when you know supermodels are waiting
You don't care about that failed sales call when you know ur gonna be worth
U don't care about missing that party when you know u will have plenty of
fun later
some of you are way too entitled. just because you have dreams of success
doesn't mean ur ever gonna achieve them
u need a team of killers around you on the same mission
if you want value then give others value. thats how networks work.
A lot u see someone live the lifestyle u want
But think it’s not possible for u cuz of self-imposed limitations
You need to realise that you can have everything you see others have
You just gotta start thinking differently and hanging around ppl who open
this kind of thinking in you
Recently I’ve been crazy busy and been writing down everything on my notes
so I don’t forget
I have 76 TASKS TO DO.
I literally don’t understand how people get bored / have time to overthink
their existence
And the crazy thing is every time I do 10 things .. 15 more appear
The game never stops โค๏ธ
I’m surprised more people don’t understand the importance of even being in
the same room as people doing better than them
You become smarter literally just sitting next to them without saying a word.
I dunno how it works but it does
You just become so inspired to do more
I like to use everything around me as a tool/asset for something
I see this dude wear a mask. Most ppl just ignore it
I think “lemme use this for a pic. It’s gonna get attention”
That’s how successful people think. Your brain should never turn off to
potential opportunities no matter how small of an advantage it can bring you
Add a You NEED a team of people around you with different roles all working
together to achieve the big goal
That’s the only way ur gonna get anywhere
Too many people now a days wanna be the hero.
You shouldn’t care about doing things alone.
You should focus on what gives you the best result.
And sometimes teaming up with other people is better than being no.1 by
bit of body text
your upbringing has a massive effect on your chances of success in life.
and the reality is I had a very strict dad who taught me well
most of you are pretty fucked up and have really horrible habits
but you still have massive control of who you talk to on a daily basis, whether
you take shit off your gf
all these factors you control
you gotta want it man. if you don't WANT IT then you are going to get
absolutely obliterated by people like me
how are you going to compete with me ? It's 11:28 at night and im writing this
Then I've got a 1.5 hour drive in a bit to go to Nottingham to see a girl who
maybe maybe i can monetise
not sure. 50-50
I have so many things that im focusing on right now
some of you literally have 0 responsiblities and people to care about
you literally only have to wrorry about sending a few emails and you still cant
fucking do it
Everything must be done quickly.
- replying to girls
- replying to friends
- replying to your mum
- executing on ideas
- driving
- drinking your pre-workout
- boozing
Nothing can be done slow
Because life is a competition. This is the reality
So if YOU are slow and I AM quick then you will lose
This is basic logic.
Yet most people fail at understanding this because in school everyone is set
the same homework and have the same expectations
You aren’t rewarded for working quickly
However in the real world you are massively compensated for the extra
speed at which you finish tasks
Think about all the "big ish" accounts on money Twitter
They're all so proud of their "brands"
They are careful about what they write and say. They plan out. They
schedule. Hire ghostwriters.
I am the only one posting what I want wihtin 2 seconds of thinking
Everyone else is scared. They overthink the consequences.
When you wake up today. I want you to look at yourself in the mirror
“I’m the man”
Then proceed with your day. If ur situation sucks right now - it isn’t the end of
the world
You can completely change your life within a few months
Just make the decision today.
People do things so slowly it amuses me.
I’m a millionaire liquid. And I reply to messages within seconds and do
everything immediately
Sometimes I look around and think “no wonder everyone’s a loser”
They have no sense of speed
How you do 1 thing is how you do everything
It doesn’t matter how small or big
Your attitude determines how far you get in life.
It’s a massive life hack. I learned this from 1 of my friends older brothers
He was a dentist with his own practice.
V successful guy
And he really impressed me with his answer
Hours and seconds are made up. It’s not a real thing. It’s a man made concept
your mindset needs to be PERMA ATTACK. 24-7 attack.
whenver you find yourself on the defensive its because you are
fearful/insecure of something
im telling you guys it's all in your fucking mind. literally everything.
you tell yourself that when you get rich you will talk to that girl.
You could just get her now if you tried.
you tell yourself that you are gonna feel like the man when you buy a nicer
you can just feel like that now.
you tell yourself when you are older you will have everything figured out and
the reason ur struggling is just because you are young. its cope.
Once you see something happen with your own eyes = tells you that it’s
When I went to Andrew Tates house in Romania and saw all of the super cars
with my own eyes I thought “this is sick.
Some ppl just casually got 8 super cars out in front of their house. With a
giant mansion etc”
I saw my boy deadlift 260kg so I did 240kg after
You’re never going to reach a point where you become “successful enough”
to then start needing brothers
The whole journey requires like minded individuals
The goal is always getting to the next level.
At every step of your journey you’re always trying to get to the next level
And having people around you who are literally on the SAME JOURNEY will
always be a bonus
It 100% comes down to how quickly I do things
I literally do everything insanely quickly.
Any message or task that must be done. I reply/execute instantly
Everything that’s not urgent I ignore.
Prioritise your tasks and watch how easy life becomes guys
A lot of u complain about overthinking being a big problem for you
But that’s just cope. Excuses. Not true.
Because EVERYONE knows to train hard, network with like minded people,
build up their social media
so START there.
They teach people to make decisions slowly because it keeps the slaves
working jobs they hate
“Think carefully before doing something” doesn’t mean to waste your whole
life doing the same thing
You need to train yourself to make decisions quicker. Complete tasks quicker.
Reply to messages quicker
Alex Hormozi talks about this.
He says unsuccessful people reply to messages slower and therefore a
simple text conversation takes 1 week instead of 20 mins
Understand this guys:
They control the entire world with fear using the pandemic as the tool
Then they kinda return the world to normal
And then they FUCK ALL THE POOR PEOPLE with inflation.
It’s 4d chess.
And everybody lost their will to fight because Covid years pussified everyone
Do you not understand how corrupt the world is??
I’m going to start posting more of my real thoughts here. Because I’d get
banned on social media for saying this
The reason I made RAPID progress after being kicked out of uni was because
I’m a force of nature
I already had insane energy because of habits from my whole life. And
because I was strong as an ox.
I also wasn’t desperate to speak to girls and go drinking because I’d done
enough of it.
If you are desperate to party and drink .. it’s because you haven’t done
enough of it
So it’ll always linger in your thoughts
Stop viewing the day as 24 hours
View it as the number of tasks you can get done. And if ur slow you can only
do a few tasks
If you are quick the day becomes longer. You’ve effectively created more hrs
in a day
You should FEEL EXCITED when you - wake up.
Everything you want - you can create.
Understand this : If you make the right moves then you can have everything.
- Big bank account
- Big foreign whips
- Beautiful women
- Great physique
- Lots of time
When I was younger I was AMAZING at video games.
Well tbh all I played was FIFA + Call of Duty. No other games
But I was destroying everyone at these games.
Literally all my friends stopped playing me because I would absolutely
annihiliate them.
Anyways.. it's not that I played the game more than them
it was just that when i was playing i was always thinking "whats going on
here? how can i do better?"
This has always been my mindset. in literally everything in life.
your mum and dad are getting older. You are running out of time to show
them a better life
lets go bro. step it up.
You need to learn from people ahead of you.
Don’t copy them. Take the goods bits. Ignore the bad or the things you
understand really well already.
So for example in Romania I spent some time with Joe Lampton. I don’t agree
with everything he says but I took many good points and applied it to my own
So at the time I was running a 50-50 business with someone else. And Joe told
me that in life there is never 50-50. Someone always doing more and
ultimately only 1 of you can make the final call
At the time I didn’t fully understand because things were going well. Later I
realised the point he was making.
And in your close circle he says that you shouldn’t have too many “brothers”
Just a couple. Otherwise there is a conflict of interests and nobody knows
their role
Another thing that I’ve come to realise is absolutely true. A team only works
well when everybody knows their role
If everyone thinks they are equal and has the same role = confusion and lack
of progress
For example in football. You have strikers and goalkeepers etc
Which one is more important? Hard to say
But they’re certainly DIFFERENT
Also you need to be open-minded.
Some of you are v good in business but you need to listen to those with crazy
stories and life experience
Some of you are fantastic in the gym but don’t know how to make a dollar
Vary who you listen to. Become the ultimate man
In day to day life ppl are always trying to get you to subscribe to their agenda
U gotta know when to say no and when to say yes.
You can’t just drift through life and allow others to waste your time
I do everything quickly to protect my time. So I don’t let anyone waste it.
This bartender at the cigar lounge is trying to describe the whole menu to me
trying to give me shit I don’t want
V quickly I shut it down because ik what I want.
Even after I told him what I want he’s trying to read it out
“Not interested thanks.”
DONT LET mfs waste your time and try to dominate the interaction with shit
you don’t wanna hear
Doing something > nothing
The key to being quick is to always be doing something
You all know the story of the tortoise ๐Ÿข beating the hare
If you are always moving forwards and never taking a break .. you will beat
You guys gotta move quicker. i speak to a lot of you and you do everything so
You have no concept of time
I'm telling you guys when you see your dad die in front of you at 55 years old
it makes you move quicker and with a ferocious attitude
no time to waste. constant progression.
I constantly have 70 things written down on my to-do list
It’s insane to me how some ppl just go through their lives not knowing what
to do
When you are young = live with your boys
You won't ever that much energy and hunger to conquer the world when
you are old.
Don't waste these years.
These are the glory days.
Testosterone is pumping through your body. Use it.
Use your anger to fuel you to the highest highs.
After I got kicked out of uni I didn't want to do anything else besides MAKE
I was so angry you guys don't understand.
Didn't want to speak to anybody. Didn't want to fuck girls. Didn't want to
speak to my mum.
You guys seem to be ok with the fact that ur broke and inflation is FUCKING
How does this not bother you??
There is men out there who shoot and kill and take life changing risks just to
get paid. Risking their freedom daily
and ur there in your parents warm comfy house.
And you still dont wanna work hard?
bro do you realise how lucky we all are
If we take 100 risks and lose everything.. we can all still live ok.
Live with parents or go to our friends house
some people have literally nothing to fall back on.
That's when u should be scared of taking a risk
Change your world view to "the worst thing that can happen to me is i waste
a lot of time"
constant speed and action makes sure you don't waste time.
It's so easy to drift through life
the more you progress = the more you slow down time.
This summer I was in england and didn't travel. Was grinding in england.
Made good progress and so it felt like a kinda long summer but when you are
fucking around and wasting time then time goes by really quickly
you only dislike when time flies by when you arent using it productively
when you are using it productively = you get excited about the weeks passing
Us guys are mentally blessed with god given gifts.
we need to make the most of it and put others in a position where they can
win and live the life of their dreams.
You are responsible for the ppl around you.
Living a good life yourself is NOT enough
That's an easy goal.
U need to take care of LOTS OF PPL if u wanna consider urself a boss
"hey hassan i was just wondering shall I do X or Y?"
"hey bro I was just thinking that i should do ?"
"hey man please can you tell me if its better to do X or shall I start with Y
then do X?"
bro just fucking begin otherwise im wasting my time telling you what to do
Every level requires new info. The elite families have secret info.
Info rules the world. With the right info we could all control the world
But unfortunately.. we can’t access it.
I ain’t different to you guys. I’m not 6ft 6 with model looks
I have no clear advantages.
I just believe in myself more than you and get pissed off when I don’t get
what I want
“I wanna make 6 figures”
Bruv that doesn’t even pay for my rent. If you guys are gonna follow me then
you need to promise yourself that you are gonna start thinking BIGGER
main takeaways from my content:
1. Move quicker and decide quicker (speed)
2. Think bigger
3. Be very selective with your circle. Only winners and the ambitious
Move out of your parents house.
I know its easier because they cook and clean for you but you lose your
peace of mind.
Them constantly talking in your ear about going to university and getting a
traditional job is holding you back
Move in with your bros and chase your dreams
I find it offensive when slow thinkers talk to me
I don’t want you joining the network if you don’t do things quickly. You’ll ruin
the culture for everyone else
Slow thinkers disgust me. Because it tells me their outlook on life is horrible
Imagine being 32 thinking you even have 1 day to think about things
When I was broke I used to go driving for a couple hours every night just
thinking about my next few moves.
I couldn't sleep before 3am ish.
I was restless. Tenacious.
If you sleep easy at night whilst broke = u will never make it bro
I remember in school a lot of people would be SHOCKED that I hadn't
Harry Potter
Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad
All these typical TV shows.
They would be so confused as to why I hadn't watched them
Maybe because I'm not a loser??
No such thing as burnout boys.
There is only work and not working / action or inaction / progressing or
getting worse
every minute of the day you are either progressing or getting worse.
"I will sleep on it"
I won't sleep until i have achieved XYZ. That's the difference
Most people are brutally useless. 0 decisiveness
Imagine being alive on the planet 1 fucking time and not wanting to do
absolutely everything
Some of you have only travelled to 2-3 countries in your ENTIRE LIFE.
fucked 2-3 bitches in YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.
Pathetic boys
U need to attack harder. Speak quicker. Think quicker. Decide quicker.
Think about all the shit that you went through and get PISSED OFF
Prove everybody wrong
Prove a point. Make your name mean something
Most of us on this side of the internet are v lucky
We have so many advantages over the majority of the world
Imagine being born in Syria and having an awful education. Completely
different reality.
"Life is what u make it" - it's a lot easier for John in USA to say
For all you guys who grew up in America .. you have it SO EASY. America is so
much easier than everywhere else in the world
i was born in england and thats a great country to be born into. but doesnt
compare to USA.
Everyone in USA is OBSESSED WITH MONEY which makes it so much easier
to start businesses and get paid
Most people aren't honest enough about whats actually holding them back.
It's very easy to find the solution if you can clearly articulate the problem.
You might pretend that your problem is laziness.
Whereas the whole time it was FEAR of others' opinion
And the solution to fix that is different than laziness
Be honest with yourself and you can progress.
Lie to yourself and you're doomed
Biggest issue with 90% of people is a lack of urgency
Always delaying and delaying. Praying for better days
You gotta force better days.
And you can only get better days by changing your actions
You can't do the same thing over and over again and keep the same people
around you
Nothing is stable in life 1 day your business is very profitable.
The next it's not. 1 day you're laughing with your boys and 1 week later
they're talking shit
If you want to become a man of power learn to handle the chaos
how you view the world determines where you end up. I wake up every single
day wanting to be more important and have more conections money options
Not to sit on a beach in mexico
a lot of you don't know this but until this summer I was travelling for 2 years
straight and "having fun"
it was fun man but tbh it would have been better to have a homebase and get
more focused
its more fun starting businesses with your friends than to sit on a beach in
mexico city
eventually you get to the point where yuo think "all these beaches look the
"all these fancy hotels are basically the same"
i talk to some of you and you are missing that aggression.
No desire for a better life
some of you live in clown world and you have 0 sense on reality
Not enough time speaking to the right people.
Not enough time banging girls.
Not enough nights stressed and anxious because you ain't getting paaid
People act like 1 day = 1 day
That all days are almost the same length of time
Time is a man made up concept. Doesn’t exist
So that means 1 day ≠ 1 day
1 day (20 tasks) > 1 day (10 tasks)
A lot of this world is just about opening your mind up and removing toxic
limiting beliefs
When you BELIEVE something is possible then you start trying harder
Because you know the juice is worth the squeeze (the work)
Most of you don’t work very hard because you don’t believe you can actually
become rich and change your life
If someone told you to work 6 hours a day and you would be a millionaire in 3
You would do the 6 hours of work every single day.
But you guys choose not to because you BELIEVE that you won’t make the
big money
So your shitty mindset is costing you bruv
Life is a competition.
If you don't understand this bro then you need to wake up
Let's say you wanna be a YOUTUBER You are competing for views.
Because your viewers only have a certain no. of hours per day they can
allocate to watching YouTube
Why would they choose you?
You guys are scared to make moves because you are unsure if they will pay
But life doesn’t work like that
There is never a guarantee of pay off
The only thing that is guaranteed is certain actions are always a NET
And if you do enough correct action then 99.99% likely ur gonna pull it off
and make cash
If your mindset was so good then you'd at least have freedom to wake up
and do whatever you want
Why are you still working a job?
Where's your Lambo??
Maybe humble yourself and realise you've been lied to your whole life
Traditional advice is incorrect
Work hard = always good
Speak to other ambitious ppl = always good
Cut off complete losers and time wasters = always good
Leave parents house = always good
Learn sales + marketing = always good
Become a better speaker = always good
How quickly you can complete work determines ur success
Because there are so many tasks and convos that are needed to become
So if ur the dude that always overthinks everything then you won’t be able to
compete with the dudes like me
My lessons don’t come from textbooks
They come from me being stressed af annoyed af in my bedroom at 4am
figuring this all out
These lessons came the hard way.
“Don’t have energy”
That’s genuinely a disrespectful message to send
You’re disrespecting your future wife
Your parents
Your future children
Bored and “nothing to do”?
- speak to your boys and talk money
- Dm a girl on IG
- hit the gym
- speak to people online and learn shit
- bang out some press ups
- learn a new language (IMO not worth it when broke just focus on money)
- apply for a second or 3rd job
- negotiate for a pay rise
- post some type of content on social media
If you live at your parents house you can’t even call who you want
You have to be quiet at night
Can’t just bring a girl round
Can’t talk to your friends on the phone and plot
Can’t do SHIT
Most these dudes have perfect lighting gay VSLs and ghostwriters writing
their content
I do voice notes whilst hopping in the V10 Lambo ๐Ÿ˜‚
And do everything myself whilst managing lots of different things
Including a monster sales team (tbh much easier now because my brother
helps me and everyone is insanely good)
Most of you can’t do 1 thing
You either want it or you don’t ??
“U shouldn’t be motivated by that! Do it for the love of it!”
Let’s be real. It doesn’t matter what it takes to get the job done
If the only reason you go gym is because you love big booty sluts then fuck it
that’s fine
“But passion passion passion”
It’s something I like pulling out the draw when I’m feeling *lower* on energy
Because I’m never low
But sometimes less energetic
I like to think of some random shit like ..
It would be cool to be able to flex on all the haters from the past with a
95% of the time I’m motivated by the CHASE / THE PROGRESS / the game
But sometimes I need to get the other 5% push .. so I think of “shallow” shit
The only reason you get stuck on 6k a month is because you think “ohhh I
don’t need to push that hard today last week has been good”
When in reality every day you need to push as hard as ever
Every day resets
Whatever you have plans of doing. Do it instantly
No hesitation
Imagine you were having a fight on the street
1 strong dude or 5 strong dudes
I’m putting my money on the 5 strong dudes every day of the week
Most of you are alone and trying to compete with guys in PACKS
There is never any negatives attached to working hard
You’re gonna learn things though experience + talking to people
Sitting at home being a depressed loser is never gonna help you
Whatever you wanna do
Do it now.
1 day ur gonna be 70 and have erectile dysfunction. U need to do
them bitches aren't gonna wait for you. that money isn't waiting for you.
those potential amazing business partners aren't waiting for you
you need to FORCE the universe to give it to you
People say that you appreciate time more when ur older and thats its more
valuable etc
but tbh its not really that true because:
your life at 35 is WORTH MUCH MORE than at 72
at 72 you dont care about your life as much. you are old and slow
at 35 you are in your PEAK OF POWERS
Trust me boys.
The “problems” aren’t as bad as u think
The biggest tragedy in life is being a full grown man in his YOUTH / PEAK
And not having the financial means to do as you please
I’m always preaching on about SPEED
I use this principle with absolutely everything in my life
If you move quickly. Talk quickly. Decide quickly
You can make money effortlessly as well
I would always be the kid saying “ima do this and that”
Everyone would think I’m deluded and crazy
Lemme tell you guys something
There are only 2 types of ppl in this world you gotta watch out for:
1. The really loud ones
2. The really quiet ones
Everyone else is stupid and useless and won’t make it
Most of you think ur too good to do things
“I’m above that”
In your mind that’s how you think. I return to the basics every single day
Nothing escapes my sight. I know exactly what needs to be done and I don’t
miss tasks
I never ever forget anything
If you genuinely get inspired when you see others do cool shit ur gonna win in
life bro
i promise you bruv
if you get envious and jealous you have problems because you don't realise
that COULD be you.
Don't hate and get to work
I don't think i just DO DO DO
as soon as my brain even senses theres an opportunity i just jump on it
i dont ask myself "hassan is this a good idea?"
When i was broke i spent ALL my money going to bulgaria and then driving
across border to romania to meet Tate
This then lead to other opportunities down the line.
I took a risk and it paid off
Most of you guys are scared to live attacking and thats why u will never
amount to anything
You never get anywhere by thinking too much and working slowly
You get to the top by acting like YOU LIVE ONCE
cus you do
I’m never gonna be 23 again ..
Besides this year
So I gotta attack.
This is my last shot at EVER being 23 years old
Think about that
Not had a single bite to eat all day and it’s touching midnight
I have a large empire to run and once you have momentum you don’t want to
I’ve had half of 1 energy drink
I’m not promoting this. It’s not healthy
I’m just sharing the reality of my life
Sometimes you gotta sacrifice certain areas of your life to really level up in
diff areas
Reality of the game
Boys.. the beautiful part about life is that you can genuinely do whatever you
like everyting is based on CAUSE AND EFFECT
more gym = more gainz
more work = more money
more ig dms = more girls
More arguments with idiots = more chance of failing
Which means you can literally predict the future by just doing MORE of the
good habits. and then its just a case of ensuring you do XYZ..
well if ur surrounded by a bunch of others mofos who wanna do XYZ then ur
all gonna call each other out when someone is slacking
Cause and effect rules the world. and waiting for things to happen will never
be more effective than FORCING things to work because
forcing = action
waiting = inaction
the more you work twoards the life u want the closer u will get to ur dream
life. this is how i view the world
Everything in YOUR life.. is YOUR fault
some of you don't understand this and thats why you aint got what you want
i told EVERYBODY in uni that i would be rich and now i make enough to buy a
supercar every week
because i got pissed off
most of you aren't ever gonna be rich. i mean that.
because you aren't brave enough
and its very hard to reverse the programming of the first 18ish years of your
life. very hard.
living in the same hometown for years and years of your teenage/adult life is
the dumbest thing you can do
literal stupidity.
Its incredible how powerful your words are .. i remember telling my mum ALL
THE FUCKING TIME that i wasnt gonna finish uni
in my gap year after school i regularly would tell her im going to go uni next
year but i wont finish it
i kept saying it. its amazing how the uinverse listens to you when you have
something in your mind
i had 0 idea on what i wanted to do and didnt even know why i was saying
that but i just kept saying it
Set your life up in a way where you never waste any time
It’s just absolutely efficient
Rn I’m waiting for food at gym and my shake
And I’m writing this and responding to some English hoes who want me to
come back
Messaging hoes is work
1 of the best things you can do when you start making a bit of money
Buy a decent car - BMW 3 series or C class Benz
You are going to feel good about yourself. You'll want to work harder.
To make money.
1. You need a product / service
2. People to buy the product or service
So basically you need a product + traffic
Most people don’t know how to create their own product.
And the money they make working for someone else is too low
That’s why they remain poor forever
The trick is to create your OWN product or service.
And then you can charge whatever price you want and also you will be more
motivated to get as much traffic as possible
Super easy
There are so many industries you can make money in. And so many ways you
can create useful products for people to buy
Society and school gets you thinking small. That only the smartest people
can create their own businesses
Business is simple. It’s just other people’s money. It’s sales.
That’s it.
Let’s say ur selling online. you literally just need a website, the attention of
You will start making money.
It’s so easy bruv
You can sell:
- toilet seats
- fancy phone cases with customised words on the back
- special dog food that makes the dog more energetic blah blah
- viagra
You could create an Instagram account
Get hot girls to make videos with you. Market it on IG
And tell your audience that the reason why you get hot girls is because your
dick game is on point
Easy. Done.
When you finally become a man:
When you realise the work never stops.
Even if you were sat on 30 milly the game doesn’t stop
Ur gonna want more and more.
When I was younger I used to think “I’ll retire at 8 figures.” Blah blah
But as you get older you realise as men we never stop.
Life is depressing when you do fuck all
Learn sales
Learn how to gain attention
Learn how to speak to strangers
Master the art of handling a lot of stress + work
Train hard to be strong
Have a strong team
Delegate tasks to others as you make more $
You can go from a broke loser to financial freedom in a couple months
Never before in human history has there been a time like that
Imagine our grandparents in this era.
They would do anything to be young again
Make the most of it guys
Broke boys worrying about spending money
Listen bro whether you have $3276 in the bank or $1283
You can learn so many marketing lessons from Lil Baby.
He focuses on himself.
Doesn't worry about what's going on around him
Authentic. Real. Likeable.
Things to do when you start making good money:
- sign up to 2-3 expensive gyms
- personal assistant
- invest in books, courses, mentorships
- big desk and good workspace
- cleaner
- travel
You like the gym?
Make a YouTube channel, tiktok account and produce lots of content
explaining your fitness journey, diet, routine etc
Build an audience.
Sell them a workout program
In the future build your own fitness clothing line
Done โœ…
I met up with 1 of my closest friends yday and he was showing me a lot of the
guys from school on LinkedIn
Everyone’s working these dumb corporate jobs
All sucking dick for a living. Couldn’t be me.
I would rather be homeless on a beach than lose my freedom
Spend a lot of $ on things you use daily or multiple times a week
- laptop
- desk
- tables
- chairs
- phone
- car
- good WiFi
- aftershave
- YouTube premium
- Spotify premium
You fear less when you have money.
Most of your stress and anxiety comes from a lack of cash
Listen to me bro
They don’t want to see you make money and take care of your mum
They don’t wanna see you drive by in the Rolls
They don’t want to see you drink champagne with your brothers laughing and
having a good time
They wanna see you stuck in the same position
Financial advice:
Do NOT be frugal. Being frugal is the most expensive thing you can do
Especially in networking.
People wanna hang out with FUN guys.
School just trains you to become part of the system
The majority fall for it and live the rest of their lives as slaves
Every time you catch yourself overthinking
Do 1 of 2 things:
1. Just start banging out press ups
2. Post content about whatever ur thinking about
- tweet,
-make a YouTube video,
-create a short podcast about that topic
Overthinking is a sign of under working
Poor people think sitting inside all day working hard is what gets them money
and fun
You have to be out of your house talking to different people
conversations lead to money.
You can either make money online or offline
But either way it's the same principles
You need to have a product or service that you gotta sell to a bunch of
Therefore get good at :
- sales
- marketing
- speaking to people
- satisfying customer demands
Spent over 30k in the past couple months on travelling / hotels / food etc
I would have to check but I wouldn't be surprised if it's more than that
I have O respect for saving money.
I need new information, skills, connections, experiences.
A lot of you think a business is some big fancy operation
It’s just giving some people a product or service
That service could be ANYTHING.
Some girls sell feet pictures .. think about it
Study some of the big ecom brands and look at how much money they spend
on ads & to get them edited
They pay editors. Models. Influencers. Good cameras.
It doesn't matter what ur selling guys
you need to find a way to get ppl paying attention to ur product
Imagine buying something in finance because it’s the “correct decision”
What kind of autistic retard does that??
Turn up dealership. Cash. Boom. Hit the streets. Show your mum you just
spent 6 teachers yearly wages on a car
They attacked society with double inflation
Increase in prices of goods
Increase in the "price" of pussy
Girls are now put on a pedestal.
They expect more.
Most guys have turned to simps.
This allows the girls to control most dudes.
Easier to control the population.
the crazy thing about money is how it BUYS YOU MORE TIME
We only have 24 hrs in a day.
but you can pay for other peoples time.
so now you have your 24 hours + their 24 hrs + her 24 hrs + his 24 hrs + his 24
hours + his 24hrs
only hire someone if they can save you time + make you money OR both
That’s why when you first start out don’t think “how can I make $1M”
Think how can I make 5k or 10k? Cus money makes money
And you figure out shit on the way
Go spend 40k on a Rolex and you will understand not everyone is happy
when you succeed.
And you have to be careful or people will try and steal it
Go spend 5k on a weekend trip with your boys staying in 5* hotels.
Dress fresh and you will see how nice people treat you
Start paying the bill every time you’re out with people and you learn a lot
about human dynamics
working a job or going to university are NOT good options when you realise
how the world works. wake up.
they use money to control the world. ppl are living like slaves because of
we all chase money and work hard and give up a lot of our lives to chase it
but once you at least accept this then it becomes so much easier to escape
your current situation
because you will have the necessary anger and fuel to change things
The main 2 areas you need to focus on boys are :
1. money
2. training
1 of the 2 is always more important depending on your current situation.
That's normal.
But you gotta focus on both but make the decision on which is more
If you are completely broke don't be a gym nerd and spend HOURS every
week cooking and preparing meals
fuck that. not worth it. You need money in the bank TODAY
Go sell balloons or vapes and stand outside a night club
Work a second job where you don’t have an “official” contract
There’s a million ways to get paid.
Sell something door to door.
Tell people you’ll wash their windows and how ur some struggling 20 year old
kid who is an international student and can only work 20 hours a week but
you’re really passionate about working more
Even if you can't afford it yet: Go to the Rolex store & try on a few watches.
It will inspire u to push harder
Being around nice things opens your mind up & gets u thinking bigger
"if they are selling these then there must be alotta ppl who can afford them.
I can do it too"
Making money is actually really easy.
The more annoying part is all the other stuff that comes with it
Ur just constantly dealing with bullshit but it’s part of the game
Gotta be able to deal with lots of ppl, stress, bullshit
thats how the game works boys.
You must spend more money in the right areas and improve your position
and then the money comes to you
money isn't the end goal.
The position you are in is the only thing that matters
Systems and organisation is super important if you wanna get a lot done
A lot of ppl get overwhelmed by how much they have to do to be successful
It’s easy once you organise everything.
Messy minds don’t get shit done. You need clarity my Gs
Spending large amounts of money is a high testosterone trait
Nerds get scared.
I instantly respect a man who spends a lot in a strip club / casino
Because it shows his attitude towards life - FUN
Stupid people view spending money purely in the number leaving their bank
Smart people think about the access they can get and the people they can
Money is a tool guys. Always play " HOT POTATO " with your money
Get it and then INSTANTLY look to get rid of it in the right areas
Never hold on to money for a long time.
Money goes stale.
U need to keep it moving to keep the progress coming
Assets don't just mean property
They include:
- your loyal brothers
- access to powerful people
- social media profiles
- knowledge you have
- skills
- pictures and videos on your camera roll
Everyone wants MILLIONS.
U have way more chance of making a lot of money when you work together
and plot the future
Team work gets everything done because you cover each others weaknesses
When you surround yourself with other ballers you all think BIG PICTURE
Lifestyle inflation:
Most mfs who start making money spend all their money and spend all their
time having fun being an idiot
And then end up back to step 1
Because they didn’t have discipline
“I got a Lambo this week let’s have fun and blah blah
Same routine. Nothing changes.
Most mfs who start making money spend all their money and spend all their
time having fun being an idiot
And then end up back to step 1
Because they didn’t have discipline
“I got a Lambo this week let’s have fun and blah blah
Same routine. Nothing changes.
Broke boys always talk about “that's unhealthy"
"Material possessions don't make you happy"
Bro I agree chasing constant excellence isn't healthy and yes happiness
doesn't come from objects
But that doesn't change the fact that you are a loser
I genuinely judge someone very badly if they are afraid of spending money
I make a mental note and put them in the “loser” category in my brain
How can I consider you my friend (my equal)
If you are afraid of being generous and spending cash
Sometimes I wake up and think
“Business is so easy. I don’t understand how some ppl don’t get this”
Then I realise this is the “competition”
Do you think your dad gives a fuck about what you buy him for Xmas?
He wants you to be successful and chase your goals. Not to be a little bitch
If you work a 9-5. Cool.
Keep doing it.
But bro you better be making a PLAN to get out ASAP.
Don't lose your life to that.
I spoke to a lot of ppl in my d2d knocking days and...
old people told me their biggest regret was...
not taking more risks when they were younger
the more you do = the more things pop up
So technically the harder you work = the more work comes up.
A lot of you dont know what to do with your time because you do nothing
with your time.
This is how it works
U guys who ask me "how do u have so much energy??"
by doing a lot bro.
the more you do = the more energy you get and the more tasks that pop up
that need doing
its a never ending up spiral
If you are cashflow poor you shouldn't be worried about any investments
Other than investing in yourself.
Sounds cliche but it's literally the name of the game
Why dollar cost average into Eth?
Bruv why don't you DCA into YOURSELF
Every month spend X on yourself
I could launch a course tomorrow on everything I know about girls and make
All I need to do is open up my camera roll and show some pics
I like knowing I have that in my back pocket
I can gym clothes / gym wear if I wanted
Options are unlimited
I could message any person on Twitter and tell them I wanna affiliate for their
And then just write a few tweets a day and make sales because I already have
a great reputation
My point is this boys ..
The harder you work the easier business and life becomes
Once you’ve got amazing connections and friends
It becomes super easy
We can completely stop selling boilers and just start selling alarm systems
It don’t matter
Systems > actual product ur selling
It’s all about ur systems and teams and energy levels
You can run any business when you have smart friends who all work together
with you
It’s all about team work
You need an INNER CIRCLE of killers
A lot of u are completely headed in the wrong direction
U have 0 concept of how business works bro
If you are BROKE it is very hard to pull of a clothing brand or something
similar to this
You have 0 capital to pour into this.. the designs are average..
A lot of guys make a bit of money and become arrogant
My secret weapon to eternal progression is my mentality ..
im always a white belt when im working.
there is always new things to learn
more more more info
it never ends
You gotta realise ur in competition with everybody else who isn’t on your
team to get those things
Resources are finite
There isn’t unlimited amounts of resources
So u need to be competitive
And there are people like me and my friends out there who want them things
more than you
And so it’s hard to beat us
You get complacent on 7k a month
And my most recent watch purchase is $97k
So how you gonna win??
It’s all about the standard you set on yourself and the ppl around you
If you are complacent on small amounts and a low quality of life
Then that’s your destiny and that is all ur gonna end up with
99% of things online are exaggerated
On Instagram you think all girls use lip fillers and have all got their boobs
But in reality there's lots of normal girls left
You think everybody is rich
when in reality EVERYONE is broke except for 1%
You guys would genuinely surprise yourself on how easy it is to make
changes to your life
I always use the following analogy :
If I started eating 8000 calories a day. My boy would change INSTANTLY
And you would all agree with me.
It’s the same with business thought.
If you started doing XYZ then your income would change instantly
It’s the exact same thing
U aren't going to go from $300 a week cashflow to millions of dollars over
night boys
Build your skillset and connections.
every day become a bit stronger and smarter.
Keep doing this and you will improve very quickly
Every day become 1% stronger and before you know it it ..
You’ll be waking up to your dream life
I remember being a brokie and spending EVERY SINGLE PENNY on myself
trying to learn new skills and education
(big names in the space can vouch on this)
i spent all my money booking a flight to bulgaria
and then driving across the border to meet tate when i was 20
I never ever ever believed in saving $ because i knew i needed CASHFLOW
The name of the game in business is to have people run the tedious hard
working parts
And you are just the one with the leverage making the big boy decisions and
moving the entire operation forwards
That’s why it’s funny when ppl say money is evil
Because you literally are giving other ppl jobs when you’re a G and set
businesses up
Everything is about CASHFLOW.
U cannot save yourself rich If you make $400 a day and save every penny
It would take 2500 days / 6.8 years to make $1M
The goal should be spending all ur money learning new skills to make more
per day
HOW to escape your current 9-5
Firstly you need to understand that you can never save yourself rich.
Which means that the current money you’re making is simply a tool to escape your job
That money will NEVER EVER get you rich. Accept this.
Because it won’t make you rich .. you need to look for other ways to make money
So you need to invest the current money ur making into education + other opportunities
But the problem is most of you have very little money to invest in
I would strongly recommend getting a door to door sales job.
You are going to learn the most important skill (SALES) and also develop an insane work ethic
Another benefit is you will have thick skin and care less about rejection
Instead of working in a supermarket for X dollars
It’s better to work on a commission only sales job for X dollars. At least you learn a ton of valuable skills
And then in the evenings you gotta use your time productively
1. Analyse your day of selling
2. Grow your social media profiles
3. Network with other like-minded individuals
4. Invest into courses. Books. Mentorships.
Then negotiate a pay rise at your current sales job. Every company pays salesmen well if they are
bringing in a lot of sales
Now use that extra money you are making from your job to invest into more education
V soon you will reach a point where you are too knowledgable to be broke
Learn key skills. Focus on social media.
Making money is just providing a product to a bunch of people.
Social media helps facilitate this. If you wanna be a copywriter .. build a brand and get clients this way
Wanna do ecom? Well your margins are bigger with a personal brand.
Wanna be an entertainer? Need social media
That’s why i if I was to go back to 0 ..
I would spend WAY more time learning social media and spending time making content because the
opportunities are limitless
But you need to work on the other areas too.
The key mindset to have is “I need to improve myself little by little”
Keep chipping away guys.
So went out with this girl to a few bars. Did some bar hopping
Tbh that’s normally what I like to do
Anyway got on the limes and in the middle of road stopped and gave her a
Anyway in bed later she was saying how I’m so convincing
I said “what do you mean”
“Ur just so bold and forwards. Like when we were on the limes earlier you
kissed me”
Blah blah
It reminded me of the quote “it’s better to be impetuous than cautious
because if fortune is a woman..”
Everyone’s looking for FUN. Be that source of fun and everyone will love you
It’s literally that simple
Friends or girls. It’s the same
If ur fun then people will wanna hang out with you
Also it shows you no excuses are real
“I’m studying I can’t come out” she would come out you just gotta show her
that it will be fun
You dudes care about chicks opinions way too much
In many parts of the world they just kidnap girls and then marry them ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ
I’m not advocating that. But u defo shouldn’t take shit from a girl
Nothing is more important in a relationsship than boldness.
It makes you larger than life.
Everyone is scared. Concerned about things and worried about
consequences of actions that have not even taken.
girls have 0 respect for male weakness. Being timid/scared is weakness
I'm telling you these chicks would rather get facefucked by a strong guy
they just met instead of a guy they've been with for 2-3 years whos weak
ALL the money pussy opportunities are out there waiting to be claimed by
the guys who don't give a fuck and are willing to do anything to get them
Most people don't understand this. A lot of you probably haven't even
internalised this
Read what i'm saying again and again.
Once you understand this your life will change
1 thing that’s always NOT been cool to me is walking around with your chick
all day
Idc if she’s a 10/10.
Spending all day with a girl at the beach or in the shopping mall is super
You’re basically cucking yourself.
You might as well tell the world you love it up the bum
A few hours MAX and then you gotta be around the boys or by yourself
The men with the most testosterone want the best girls and so therefore take
the most risks
because they want the power + wealth that it takes to get them
These girls have 0 respect for weak men.
They literally prefer the dude they just met who they respect than the guy
they’ve been with for 2 years.
No honor with females.
As men we would NEVER speak ill of our woman.
No matter how hot the other girl we’re seeing is.
Hot girls have a cheat code to life
This girl I met in Miami was at the Kanye concert yday and then must have
got invited to some exclusive party
Where Elon Musk, Rick Ross, Diddy were all there
For a guy to go somewhere like that he needs to be a SOMEBODY
How do these guys subscribing to these onlyfans girls
Not realise that they are just funding another mans dreams
Was at a restaurant last night and started talking to this woman. 43 years old.
She has a husband and wouldn’t leave my table
It’s actually shameful how much most of these girls disrespect their partner
If you’re fun and confident. Ur better than 90% dudes.
Just spoke to my boy and he said he was trying to get this girl on onlyfans
and she was unsure and didn’t really like the idea
He got a brand new car and the next day she said let’s do it
Perception = reality
People respect you when you have nice things
Every time you miss the gym. Don’t make the money you should be making
Your gf resents you a little bit more
And 1 day she’s gonna get facefucked by the man that never took days off
U gotta make decisions within seconds if you wanna make it to the top
slow thinking and being unsure in yourself is repulsive. Girls hate when guys
cant make decisions
Rich men usually are ambitious, intelligent and can facilitate spontaneity.
They're fun.
A woman will rightfully prefer a rich man over a broke man.
You prefer hot girls over ugly girls.
So who's the shallow one? If women liking successful men bothers you...
You're a loser.
mutual self-interest in all your relationships coupled with you working super
and always pushing to be better ensures loyalty in all areas of your life
Girls are assets
When I first started growing my Twitter account I used to show girls and it
gets you views
Then once I was already gaining easily I stopped and deleted old posts
You gotta do what u gotta do in the moment
Different levels require different strategies
Let’s say I have a friend called Peter.
We can both help each other WIN and then make way more money and get
way more bitches and have way more fun
We’re baking a bigger PIE and we both get a bigger piece
2+2 = 5
Whereas women are in competition for X
And so there can only be 1 winner
That’s why bitches always chat shit about their friends
So many nerds post shit on social media like
“I’m here to help people
“My passion is helping others and inspiring others”
When you make your intentions clear. You build trust
When there is trust then a sale can take place
No trust = no sale
That’s why a lot of these mainstream fitness influencers or you tubers don’t
make much money and they’re shit businessmen
Cus ppl can tell they’re liars
They’re good at marketing because they make people feel good. Everyone
likes reading stuff that makes them feel good
Making people feel good = gets you views
But don’t necessarily mean sales. Sales require trust
I learned v quickly when I first started door to door that sales is all about
Because I would have completely different interactions with people based on
what I said and my energy
I’m the same person. Same boiler.
But certain people would treat me completely different than others
I understood it’s all about the words I used, my voice tonality, my body
language etc
I started experimenting with different things and I learned the most
important thing is to have INSANE CONVICTION
People put off decisions because decisions guarantee change
And most hate change
They’d rather clutch onto their shitty lives as long as it stays the same
Than experience something completely new
Sales is all about trust. I always say this but ppl don’t seem to understand
how much i mean this
Whether ur selling something for FREE or $10k it’s the same thing.
You need trust.
Even if something is free it doesn’t mean people will take it.
They have to still trust you and want it.
Maybe the level of trust required can be a bit lower but they still need to
trust you
When we sell boilers the majority are FREE.
Because it’s a government scheme.
Yet 95% of doors are rejections.
AND ITS FREE. Do you understand what I’m saying?
Because a boiler is a big thing so needs more trust than a free water bottle
But ultimately it always comes down to the same thing ..
you have to convey to people that what ur giving them is going to improve
their life
If you can show them how it will improve their life and show them that others
have improved their life from X product/service
Then they will buy.
of body text
Because of my door to door sales experience...
I know very well about body language, voice tonalities, eye contact, when somebody is
lying (cus you learn when someone is telling the truth about a certain objection or if it’s
just a smokescreen/ cover up)
When I started making some progress and told some of my old friends I could see the
envy in them.
Show them a pic of a girl you just started seeing and they say “she’s not bad”.
Broo she’s better than anything you’ve ever been with ๐Ÿคฃ
Stop the ๐Ÿงข
People live in constant state of denial.
They know they are doing what they are supposed to be doing so they shit on others who
are trying to make shit happen
Or the first time I sold a boiler to a 5 bedroom detached house (biggest sale you can get)
I told a few of my colleagues and 1 of them was saying “yeah but there’s a good chance
the deal falls through”
When I told some of my friends in uni about my future plans.
They told me to be realistic. 1 dude said “you can’t sell boilers forever”
And although I agreed with him.
I don’t like the way he said it - it’s a start and could lead to other stuff.
And it did
Led to me having my own team which is making good money.
People are far too short-sighted and like to hate on others to try to discourage and slow
their progress down
Sad world.
In NEW MONEY when someone has good news it’s received very well and everybody
encourages each other to get to the next level
I learned in sales that it’s better to push hard for a sale and get a definite NO
then maybe
Maybe is a waste of time
If a girl told you “maybe” when you asked her on a date you’d take that as a
So stop getting happy when prospects tell u maybe.
Door to door sales is the best thing you guys can ever do
I have such an advantage over people on the streets
My friend Abz (many of you know him) is also good with people and he does a
lot of street selling
You see where I’m going with this …
It HELPS A LOT when you talk to tons of strangers
You develop a lot of confidence and it’s a great skill to have
I learned this in door to door sales.
How important basic manners are
so the reason we get so many referrals because I tell EVERYBODY to be super
its the most powerful thing in the world
even if someone slams teh door in your face.. no problem. smile as theyre
closing that motherfucker
half through closing they might change their mind and say "actually can you
repeat what you said?"
Not being afraid of conflict or confrontation.
HUGE SKILL in life.
I developed it from door to door
Most people are very scared of saying NO to people and stating their
You might say something that someone else said
But sound like a retard because you are saying it in the wrong way
I’ll talk to anyone and find a solution.
What’s the WORST thing that can happen?
They tell me “fuck off you dickhead. Walk.”
Rejection bothers me 0.
When you get 5 deals it’s very easy to get the 6th
But when you are in a dry rut .. it’s hard to get any deals
When you have a girlfriend all the girls fancy you
When you are single girls don’t give you as much attention
It doesn’t matter what you sell.
What matters is how good ur systems are and how good you / ur team are at
That’s it
Everything else is mental masturbation.
Who cares about what’s the “coolest” business??
The coolest business makes the most money.
Humans are always governed by self-interest
“What’s in it for me?”
This is our default thought in every situation when others are talking to us.
We haven’t got enough time to worry about everyone else because
evolutionary and still in lots of parts of the world we are focused on survival.
It’s just now a days ppl have forgotten about this because life has gotten so
I remember being a door to door salesman thinking
“I’m getting fucking pimped here. Wtf am I doing with my life”
But then I would quickly remind myself of the fact that I was learning sales
and improving my skillset
This would comfort me and encourage me to keep going on this path.
Trusting that this was the correct approach to things
I thought to myself
“how am I not gonna be successful??
I can sell now, I can speak well, I’ll improve other things as time progresses.
But I’m on the right path”
I learned v quickly when I first started door to door that sales is all about
Because I would have completely different interactions with people based on
what I said and my energy
I’m the same person. Same boiler.
But certain people would treat me completely different than others
I understood it’s all about the words I used, my voice tonality, my body
language etc
I started experimenting with different things and I learned the most
important thing is to have INSANE CONVICTION
"Hassan bro give me advice"
yeah here it fucking is :
work until 4:45am and then once you have done that then DO MORE. lol
everyone else on the internet / social media is selling you lies. I will never do
i keep it real and ik it decreases my sales (supposedly)
authenticity + brute force > selling dream
who else on twitter puts their product in their name besides me?
I am always promoting the group because i believe in it
conviction > anything else (when it comes to marketing)
but its very hard to be convincing if you dont actually believe in it
I am a very good judge of character.
It happens from years of being in the door to door sales industry
u can smell the rats from a mile away.
You can sense when someome is up to somehting
Its a super crucial skill.
If you can't tell whos good for you and whos not.. ur GONNA FAIL.
I keep winning because the team i have close to me are high level guys who i
can trust.
Thats how its gotta be
u cant have slimy friends maaan or ur gonna get fucked
You need to analyse how your “offers” sound in life
A lot of you sound like idiots because you only think about yourself
Do things the right way and you get further ahead
When you think “me me me”
You don’t get far
there are two types of trust in sales:
- Trust in your ability to get the job done (aptitude/not a complete fuck stain)
- Trust that you won't snake them
You need both to complete the sale
You are JUDGED mostly on appearances. And how you carry yourself
BUT as a man your money is the most important in terms of actually enjoying your
life and having amazing experiences
But you’re certainly judged the most in life by how you look. Let’s be honest
I’m at the airport now and I’m just looking around thinking everyone’s a loser
because they’re all fat, unattractive
Maybe they’re rich? Who cares? And they don’t act like it
"everyone has their own opinion"
yes thats true. But lets be honest 99% of your opinions don't mean anything in life.
You have to give people a reason to care about your opinion
i see all the time these NERDS come to Twitter and start writing their thoughts. Why
the fuck would anyone care about YOU have to say?
genuinely sit and think about it
When you DM someone and ask them a Q
You’re trying to receive VALUE for free. Think about. And we all know nothing
in life is free
So having said that the worst thing you can do is be a bit rude or demanding
in the DM
Be respectful and others have more chance of helping you
BOLDNESS is a life hack.
In a world of timid nerds and overthinking when you just put yourself out there
full of confidence and swagger
People just flock to you
A lotta people try and fake confidence. I don’t think you can.
It comes across as fake. You gotta genuinely believe in yourself and respect
And if ur a pussy who isn’t making any progress with his life .. how can you
respect yourself??
In my personal opinion I believe if you are working as hard as you can you will
become very confident
It’s impossible to have an insane work ethic and feel insecure about yourself
Speaking well is the number one most important skill in the world.
You can't bang a chick if you don't say hi to her.
You can't make new friends if you'd on't say hi or put yourself in certain
You can't make sales if you don't know how to persuade others
Every day you need to be working hard to make yourself important
Don’t you want your friends and family to be proud of knowing you?
Imagine just existing for 70 years and dying
I remember hearing that from some super successful dude.
He said a productivity tip is :
Get others to message you and reply to them with a voice note
Super helpful
life must be scary without connections and friends. I like the fact i can
message a lot of people and get a reply within seconds
thats why i started my twitter account in the first place
yday i put a tweet out that said "in romania who wants to spar dm me" and 3
guys came to spar
its brilliant
People ahead of you don't mind sharing tips and secrets with you
If they trust that you won't turn on them or act like you did it all yourself
They just cannot stand ungrateful men
Show respect to those ahead of you and they will share their experiences and
Every piece of content you post online attracts a certain type of audience
So you can literally choose what kind of people you want to meet by posting
certain types of content
You guys gotta understand when you become better
Everyone around you gets better and has a new passion for life
Me becoming such a weapon is changing my brothers life and my mums life
After I lost my dad 6 years ago my mum was always upset. She’s really
religious. Will never date another man again. And she’s still young.
So she’s been upset for ages but me being a weapon has made her happy
1. Gym
2. Fighting / cardio
3. Fashion
4. Mentality
5. How you speak
6. Connections / friends
7. Dating life
8. Making money
9. The art of spending money
10. Body language
You gotta focus on all these 10 things. Don't just focus on making money.
As a man nobody gives a fuck about you when you’re weak and poor
You are insignificant. Like an ant.
Nobody minds stepping on an ant. Become bigger and more important and
others will treat you better.
Nobody knows how much $ you make
Or the fears in your mind, or the problems you face
All they see is the image you portray to the world
Think about this
Nobody cares about the stress you had to go through, the sleepless nights,
the long phone calls plotting, the hours of grinding away on the laptop, the
hate you had to deal with
They only respect the Lambo pulling up
As a man you’ve got 2 things to really focus on :
1. Money
2. Gym
This is your FOUNDATION as a man.
Just focus on developing these 2 areas and your life becomes super simple
When people mention your name, recognize you, talk bad about you, adore
you or simply invent false stories that involve you
Your power as an individuals grows
All the effort wasted by lesser men. Absorb it. Enjoy it.
I need you to hate so I can use you for your energy.
guys without a car laugh at the guy with the BMW "look at him he thinks he's
guys with 0 YouTube subs laugh at the guy with 7k subs "look at him he thinks
he 's the next MrBeast"
Spectators always have the most to say
If you want to be friends with higher level people
Show them something new. Send them a link to something that they will find
Don’t ask them for things.
It’s really not difficult
Go to Dubai and they say “all the girls get shat on”
Go to Bali and they say “ur only going there because it’s cheap”
Go to most places in Europe “weather is shit”
Nobody wants you to enjoy your life ๐Ÿ˜‚
Expensive gyms are where you meet some of the hottest girls and coolest
Invest in your surroundings
When I was in Miami some guy called me poor because I was wearing these
regular Adidas shoes that I use to go to the gym
It was at that point I realised how stupid people are + how shallow they are
How can you be afraid of posting on social media?
Do you not realise most people are scrolling past your stuff whilst they’re sat
in the bus after work
Or during their lunch break
I give 0 fucks about the opinion of a 9-5 dude
The world revolves around self-interest
If you can show others how you would be useful to them. They are going to
like you and want you around
When you start making some good money it’s important you spend some of
that money to improve your position amongst society
You cannot allow yourself to be seen as another normal dude
If you have more money than all the other dudes .. then let everyone know
Most of these guys on Twitter are anons, don’t show their face, lifestyle,
Nobody vouches for them
He’s an anon. Which means he’s scared of showing his face. Which means his
opinion cannot and shouldn’t be trusted
They’re just pretending to be something they ain’t.
You gotta understand most people who follow you on social media are gonna
be retarded. It’s part of the game
I post content to speak to those who understand the deeper message of
what I’m saying
The smart ones can understand the difference between the trolling and the
serious stuff
Welcome to the real world. Why would someone who’s worked hard to be
better and smarter than you
Just give you free game
It doesn’t really exist
There is no free lunch. Every wise man understands this
When someone’s life is positively impacted by you ..
- You can ask them for favours
- They WANT to help you
- they’ll tell people about me / bring other cool people to my network
More WINNING in your environment = inspires you to push harder also
I got to hang out with Joe Lampton for 2 weeks in his crib
Learned a lot. He’s got a lot of wisdom because he lives fast. Always moving
and going out the house meeting people
So he has interesting stories and understands reality v well
But my point is - I wouldn’t have been able to meet him in the first place if I
hadn’t paid for access
This is how it always works. You must pay for access
Very rich men give MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to charities to get access to the
guys who own them and are even richer
Study the game.
It’s honestly crazy meeting mega famous people, always inspires me a lot
Because it makes you think BIGGER
On TV they aren’t seen as human. Basically Gods that people worship
IRL ur like “oh that’s 50 cent but he’s just a dude”
Maybe one day I can do things he did
That’s the problem with going to new restaurants
They don’t know you = don’t care about you = average service
Go to the regular = they know you = care about you = amazing service
A lot of you dudes think that when you become successful.. everyone’s
gonna be happy
Most of your “friends” are gonna be pissed off. They’ll start saying “you think
you’re better than us”
This is why you need a new circle.
I have a few criteria if I'm going to like somebody or not:
1. Do they move quickly?
2. Do they believe in realism?
3. Are they physically strong?
4. Do they believe in the same things about the world / women / money /
When I got kicked out of uni I felt pretty alone.
Me vs the world
That’s how I felt. Nobody really was on the same wavelength
Now whatever happens in my life I have 300 guys inside NEW MONEY. And
the reversal is also true.
It’s sick.
Need a place to stay? Someone’s got you.
Need help? Someone’s got you
Need advice? Someone’s got you
The biggest thing holding some of you back is that other successful people
don’t trust you
Imagine if somebody like me could FULLY TRUST you ..
You’d be a millionaire guaranteed within 1 year
Imagine how much I could help you with my wisdom, network, experience,
But why would I want to give you access to that if I think you are somebody
who just uses others temporarily
The difference between me and 99.9% other guys on Twitter is they just care
about making sales
I care about influence and impact hence the amount of time I put into the
The stronger each individual member = the more powerful the collective unit
We live in the information world.
War happens on our mobile phones Competing for online "land".
If you dominate the internet then you can have anything you want in the
physical world
Use the internet to meet everybody u need on your team and then create
your perfect reality
Nobody cares about the: - stress you had to go through - sleepless nights long phone calls plotting - hours of grinding away on the laptop - hate you
had to deal with
They only respect the Rarri pulling up
A lot of ppl pretend to be happy for you when in reality they don’t give a fuck
You gotta have a small circle and know who cares vs pretends
Poor people have this mindset that rich people should just give them things
for free
Which is a completely wrong understanding of reality
Failing to understand reality = ur gonna stay poor
Your understanding of the world and life experiences is what’s going to make
you successful
If you consider yourself “low level” right now
Your number 1 goal should be doing anything you can to get to a higher level
You become who you surround yourself with.
If you are a brokie typically you hang around brokies making the entire
problem worse
You must break this pattern and do anything possible to hang around the
right people
Your options are:
1. Try to help higher level people as much as possible
2. Pay for access
You’ll be surprised at how much ppl love sharing what they know
Humans love helping each other
It’s just you need to show interest in what they have to say. Complete
humility to the expert in the room
When someone is better or smarter than me I don’t say a word
I just wanna listen
Because I value INFORMATION more than anything in the world
Friends from online networks wanna see you do better than your friends
from school
Because their whole life they've been looking for other guys who think like
And when they finally find them they just want the best for them
perception is absolutely everything in this world. That's why you gotta have
some nice things
i really dont give a fuck about watches or clothes but i have some nice things
because we live in a shallow world and THE GAME IS THE GAME
ppl care about that stuff. so who cares if u care or not
Nobody cares as much as you think.
Trust me.
I've seen it first hand. Ppl care about you when they are around you and see
you often but when you are no longer in the picture they forget about you
Humans are like this in general
Ur all sat there overthinking everything and shit when in reality just shoot ur
You gotta make sure people are not fucking you over
You need to know who your best salesman is and BY HOW MUCH
super important.
Be a professional and make sure nothing escapes your vision
Focus on the systems and mindset and processes of THE PPL YOU ADMIRE
Not the flash or the fun
Nobody gives a fuck about how hard you have it
They don’t care about the struggles and how you feel
Ppl judge you on what you are in the moment and your short term potential
I don’t understand why ppl say dumb shit like
“She didn’t want me at my worst so now that I’m up she don’t deserve me”
Of course she didn’t bruv. You were a LOSER
Doesn’t make the girl shallow. Nobody is attracted to losers
The smart ones amongst you will know the flexing is the surface level
Read between the lines and study someone’s mind
All the best ppl you see are more humble than you realise
Sometimes you gotta be a showman. And mostly you gotta be humble and
listen to others
That’s how you get to the top
When you become a really good speaker you learn to stutter intentionally to
make yourself more relateable
Speaking too well can intimidate others so you need to sometimes pause and
stutter and just be more "dumb"
its funny because everyone else tries to be nice to get what they want
im just very blunt and brash. And i end up getting treated way better
people respect you more when you are direct
the best feeling in the world is proving yourself right.
when ur a broke boy you think you just wanna prove the haters wrong but as
you start progressing that desire isn't really there
its just about proving urself right and then enjoying your new life