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Solar Electric Fence for Smart Farming

International Journal of Electrical Power System and Technology
Vol. 2: Issue 1
Solar Based Electric Fence for Smart Farming
Kapil Dev Sharma*, Shailika Sharma, Prateek Sharma, Abhisht Saxena
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dronacharya College of Engineering, Greater
Noida, India
Animals create problems for farmers in their fields. By using electric fences farmers can
protect their fields, farmhouses, farmlands from animals. These control the animals by giving
them a short, sharp but safe shock that teaches them to stay away from the fence. Thus
electric fences are economical and practical solutions to maximize field production through
controlled grazing. Electric fencing is safe, as its output is discrete. There is certain time
duration between two pulses that prevents prolonged shocking to animals or people. In
addition, the short ‘on’-time prevents heat build-up. This project works on stable
multivibrator principle. A free running oscillator is designed to generate square wave and the
output is given to push-pull amplifier. This square wave is stepped up to high voltage level
and can be connected to the fence
Keywords: Solar photovoltaic, Energy, Battery, Voltage, Current, Sunshine hours
*Corresponding Author
E-mail: kdsharma.en@gmail.com
India is a farmer's country. The economy
of India is mainly depends on farming. But
the farmers have many problems for them
there should be some solution for their
problems. Destroying crops by animals is a
major problem that farmers face. They use
fencing around their farms, do cowboy job
but these methods requires a lot hard work
and manpower. Electric fences can be used
to protect farmhouses, farmlands, forest
bungalows, etc. from animals. In a way,
these simulate the job of a cowboy or
forest guard. Electric fences are already
popular in countries where manpower is
expensive electric fences are slowly
becoming popular in India as well. These
control the animals by giving them a short,
sharp but safe shock that teaches them to
stay away from the fence. Thus electric
fences are economical and practical
solutions to maximize field production
through controlled grazing. Electric
fencing is safe, as its output is discrete (not
continuous). There is certain time duration
between two pulses that prevents
prolonged shocking to animals or people.
The availability of electricity is also a
major problem. To solve the problem of
electricity we can use the sun means solar
energy. Empower the fence corralling your
dairy cows or meat cows and spare
electrical expenses with our complete line
of Solar Powered models. Much the same
as our module models, the Power Wizard
Ultra low impedance, solar powered
electric fence chargers convey shock
power per second to your dairy bovines or
hamburger cows. The Power Wizard Solar
controlled models are accessible for farms,
hobby farms or cattle ranches from one
acre to 100 acres.[1]
Solar photovoltaic power is put away in a
battery through charge controller. Battery
controls a MOSFET based Inverter that
develops 50 Hz 220 V. AC is then
bolstered to a wall the wall around the
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Solar Based Electric Fence
rancher field to prompt gentle shock to
infringing steers for shielding the harvest
from harm.[2]
The solar energy is converted to electrical
energy by photo-voltaic (PV) cells. This
energy is stored in batteries during the day
time in order to be utilized whenever
required. This project is designed to use
solar energy for protection of farmer field
by applying it to the fence through
inverter. A solar inverter, or PV inverter,
converts the direct current (DC) output of
a photovoltaic solar panel into a utility
frequency alternating current (AC), which
can be fed into a commercial electrical
grid or used by a local, off-line electrical
network. In this plan solar energy is
deposited in the battery from Photo
Voltaic cells.[3] This stored energy of
battery is transformed to AC supply in offline mode at 50 Hz frequency using PWM
inverter built around an IC with MOSFET
gate driver IC to drive a half MOSFET
Bridge and step-up transformer.[4]
This undertaking takes a shot at stable
multivibrator rule. A free running
Sharma et al.
oscillator is intended to create square wave
and the output is given to push-pull
amplifier. This square wave is stepped up
to high voltage level and can be joined
with the wall. This wall framework is
fueled by a 12 V rechargeable battery. A
solar panel is associated with the battery to
charge on day time.[5]
A typical PN junction diode is utilized for
unidirectional low of charge current. The
battery additionally can be charged from
house hold AC supply of 230 V, 50 Hz.
The battery charger circuit is intended to
accuse the battery of the assistance of
house hold AC supply for crisis
This circuit utilizes directed 12 V, 750 mA
power supply. 7812 three terminal voltage
controller is utilized for voltage regulation.
Bridge type full wave rectifier is utilized to
rectify the ac output of auxiliary 230/18 V
step down transformer. The fence
framework is fueled by a 12 V
rechargeable battery. A solar panel is
associated with the battery to charge on
day time. An ordinary PN intersection
diode is utilized for unidirectional low of
charge current.[6]
Fig. 1. Schematic Diagram of Electric Fence System.
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International Journal of Electrical Power System and Technology
Vol. 2: Issue 1
Technical Specifications:
Energizer: Model “BIAC 250” confirming
to BIS 302-2-76 (1999) standards for
Input voltage: 12 V
DC Input current: 500 Ma
Output voltage: 7.0 KV to 9.9 KV
Peak current: 7.5 A
Fig. 2. Model Diagram.
Then the 6v battery is charged by this
electrical energy generated by the solar
panel. Then from the battery 6V supply
flows to the MOSFET based inverter
which is the heart of the fencing system
that develops 50 Hz 220 AC.
Then this AC is applied to the MOSFET
drivers which in contrast with the battery
energize the half bridge MOSFET Drive.
Then the electrical energy from the
MOSFET drive is not sufficient to send it
to the fencing system.[8]
Fig. 3. Running Model.
Solar based fencing system is basically a
fencing system which uses the solar
energy for fencing the perimeter. The
panels or we can say that the solar cells
which are designed to store the solar
energy which generate the equivalent
electrical energy and which will pass to the
Then a step-up transformer is used which
is helpful in increasing the power of
electrical signal. Then this signal is sends
out high voltage monitored pulses into the
fence at controlled intervals.[9]
These pulses will travel through the
fencing wires at regular intervals of
1.2 seconds and the duration of each pulse
will be 300 millionths of a second
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Solar Based Electric Fence
Sharma et al.
purposes. Together with other electronic
components, such as resistors, coils, and
capacitors, it can be used as the active
component for switches and amplifiers.[11]
Fig. 4. Circuit Diagram Of Solar System.
Electric Battery
It is a common power source. Solar
photovoltaic power is stored in battery
through charge controller. Battery powers
a MOSFET based Inverter that develops
50 Hz 220 V AC is then fed to a fence the
fence around the farmer field to induce
mild shock to encroaching cattle for
protecting crops.
PWM Inverter IC
It would regulate the power supply. In this
Electrical inverter or switching regulator
on a single chip. Transformer coupled dcto-dc converters. Transformer less voltage
doubles, and polarity-
Fig. 5. Solar Output of Panel.
Converter applications employing fixedfrequency, pulse width modulation (PWM
(a) MOSFET (IRF 510)
This device is used for amplifying or
switching electronic signals. A BC547
transistor is a negative -positive-negative
(NPN) transistor that is used for many
From the data recorded, Input, output array
can be calculated with following formulae
given below.
(b) Array
Watts = Voltage(V) * Current(A)
(c) Input to arrays (IA), Watt = G(W /
m2) * A(m2 )
(d) Where, G-Incident solar radiation
(e) A - Panel Area (m2)
Fig. 6. Electric Fencing In Farms.
Conversion Efficiency: The conversion
efficiency decides the capacity of the solar
cell to covert incoming solar insolation
into electrical energy. Average value of
conversion efficiencies of large panel and
small panel varies between 16.97% to
10.48% and 18.24% to 10.30%
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