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IELTS Writing Task 2 Forecast (Dec-Sep 2021)

[DEC - SEP 2021]
Topic 1: WORK
1. Some people think that managers alone should make decisions in the company, while
others think that employees should be involved in the decision-making process too.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Whether or not employees should be involved in policy-making at the workplace is always
debated globally. However, both their viewpoints need to be looked at and critically evaluated
before drawing a final conclusion.
On the one hand, when the company's personnel are included in the decision-making process,
there can be a plethora of positive outcomes. Firstly, due to their subject matter expertise, the
engagement of workers in policy-making can be a significant contributory factor towards the
success of the organisation. For example, they can easily explain the loopholes in the system,
whether it is customer satisfaction or the demand and supply section. Secondly, when the staff
becomes a part of decision-making, it eventually raises their sense of accountability. This is
because it makes them feel like they are playing a prominent role in the welfare of their
workplace. Finally, all the work done with co-operation will definitely make the
work environment more conducive, and hence there will be a surge in productivity among the
On the other hand, there is a section of people who vehemently contend that only the batten
should be the main decision-maker. This belief, too, has explicit reasons, and among them, the
primary cause is the authenticity of the chief executives. For example, because each gain and
loss directly affects top management, they will make more effective decisions.Moreover, the
bosses possess several years of experience in making strategies; hence, they will perform this
duty very well. Therefore, the role of employers is highly significant in the process of
establishing policies.
After analysing both the arguments, I am of the opinion that employees and employers both
have their unique prominence in the organization. Therefore, it would be a wise decision to
include the personnel when any new planning is being conducted, because it will hasten the
growth of the organization.
2. Nowadays more and more older people compete with younger people for the same
jobs. What can be the reason for this? What would you suggest as a solution?
The job market has become more competitive as more older people start to apply for the same
positions as younger people. This phenomenon leads to several severe problems, and some
feasible solutions would be analyzed in the essay below.
There are a number of negative outcomes from such a competition between young and old job
applicants. First, young people have to compete with older people who have accumulated more
experience, which means that young people might fail to find work.
This, consequently, heightens unemployment rates, causing social unrest and crime escalation.
Second, if old job seekers cannot compete with young people in certain fields that require great
versatility and creativity like sales or marketing, they might not get a job. Without adequate
financial means to support their family and themselves, elderly people might have to live in
The government should take some immediate actions to mitigate this situation. New policies
should be established in order to provide old people with sufficient social benefits, old-age
pensions and medical care included, so that they can live comfortably when they retire.
Another effective solution is to fix retirement age over which no one is by law employed by any
institutions or companies. This will reduce the level of competition for the same jobs between
the young and the old and empower young people to increase their chances of getting their
wanted positions.
In conclusion, the mentioned competition could produce undesirable issues to both old and
young job applicants, and the government certainly play a tremendous role in tackling those
3. Nowadays people tend to change a few careers during their life. What are the reasons
for this, in your opinion? Do you think it is good for the society as a whole?
In this day and age, many people, the world over, change their career paths few times during
the journey of life. This tendency mainly arises because of earning more money and lacking
future opportunities in the present career. I wholeheartedly deem that this type of inclination is
a positive development for society.
One of the predominant reasons why individuals choose to alter career paths after a certain
time is the desire to make more money from the prospective fields. To be more precise, if a
person has a chance to do well in another area by showing his or her potentials, he or she
changes the present career track without any hesitation, leading that individual to have mental
satisfaction and lead an epicurean life. To exemplify, an empirical study conducted by Oxford
University reveals that 90% of professionals are passing a sumptuous life down to changing jobs
on time. Another prevalent cause is that because of not having future prospects, people are
forced to choose an alternate career. This is because if a specific job would have no demand in
the future, individuals must have to leave that job immediately. To cite an example, a large
number of employees in the telecommunication industry left jobs in 2010 because they saw that
there would be no development in this sector in the future.
Changing jobs in order to boost career as well as to adjust to the new environment as per the
demand of markets is a good sign. The main reason behind this notion is that if an individual
could not adapt himself according to the changing world, it would next to impossible for that
person to survive in this dog-eat-dog world, causing many financial and personal problems. To
illustrate, researchers of Cambridge University have found that people who change jobs to
adjust themselves according to the changing job market do not have to struggle with financial
predicaments. Hence, indubitably, this tendency is a positive thing for society.
In conclusion, earning more money and securing better future lead people to change careers,
which is obviously good for society.
4. Nowadays an increasing number of people change their career and place of residence
several times during their life. Is this a positive or a negative development?
Topic 2: TOURISM
1. Many people believe that international tourism has negative implications on their
countries. What is the reason for it? What can be done to change the negative attitude
towards international tourism?
Many individuals think that foreign tourism brings negative effects to their countries. There are
several reasons for such negative attitude towards international travelers. However, a couple of
solutions could be adopted to handle this situation, as will now be discussed.
International tourists are often criticized for their contribution to the environmental
degradation. It has continuously been noticed that they throw rubbish in their surroundings
irresponsibly, which increases the amount of litter everywhere, despite all attempts to reduce
waste produced by the local community. This contributes to water, air and soil contamination.
Furthermore, foreign tourism has a harmful influence on traditional customs and indigenous
practices of host countries because many tourists are careless and insensitive about the
emotions and feelings of local residents. For instance, in India, some foreign travelers wear
inappropriate clothes or expose too much of skin when they visit sacred places, which leads to
some negative attitude and irritation in the local public.
However, this situation can be improved adopting different solutions which could be handled by
the government. The government should explain the benefits of international tourism which
contributes to the development of local residents. They not only spend money in shops and
restaurants but also create jobs in service industries, and this aspect could be publicized.
Additionally, the government should increase the awareness among the foreigners through
different media such as roadside billboards and advertisements, and tourists should be
encouraged to get rid of rubbish correctly.
In conclusion, the inhospitable feeling that the local people have for international tourists can be
explained in many ways. However, in my opinion, the government’s involvement is essential to
change the negative attitude by citing various advantages of international tourism to their
country and raising awareness among tourists in order to protect local habitats.
2. Nowadays scientists and tourists can travel to remote natural environments such as
the South Pole. What are the advantages and the disadvantages of this development?
With the advent of technologies, a large number of improvements have been implemented in
the tourist industry the world over. Resultantly, in this day and age, scientists and travellers are
able to traverse remote areas, such as the South Pole, North Pole, and things like have come
along with a number of upsides and downsides. Whereas this travelling habit removes
boringness and helps people increase knowledge, it can also be risky and cause the destruction
of the ecological cycle.
One of the decisive advantages of travelling to remote natural environments is the chance of
bringing excitement to life. To be more precise, if people had the chance to visit untrodden
places, it would help them get a grip avoiding the hustle and bustle of mundane routine life. This
is because visiting nearby tourist spots does not give enjoyment to travellers nowadays.
Another obvious benefit is that by travelling to remote places, scientists get to know many
unknown things, which is conducive to developing new theories, products, and so on. To cite
an example, an empirical study conducted by Oxford University reveals that 90% of scientists
get new ideas when they travel to remote environments.
On the contrary, travelling to underdeveloped and far areas is risky for humans, causing many
deaths every year. The main reason behind this is the lack of proper communication facilities,
poor infrastructure, to name but a few. Thus, if individuals had to lose their lives because of
enjoyment, this type of travelling should not be encouraged. Not to mention, visiting remote
natural environments frequently is one of the notable causes of breaking the ecological cycle.
This is because of hunting, destroying animals' habitats for hotels, and suchlike, causing the loss
of biodiversity. To exemplify, researchers of Cambridge University have found that if people did
not visit far natural places, our ecology would not be so hampered.
In conclusion, much as people can remove monotony and enrich their knowledge by visiting
remote places, this habit has also detrimental repercussions on the ecological system and
individual lives.
3. Museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not by local people. Why is
this so? What could be done to encourage more local visitors? Please include relevant
examples from your own knowledge and experience.
These days, a lot of museums and historical sites seem to appeal mainly to tourists, rather than
locals. This essay will discuss a number of plausible reasons why this occurring, and a number of
possible ways to attract more local people.
There may be a variety of factors contributing to the low numbers of local people visiting
museums and historical sites. Firstly, it is possible that most local people have already visited
such places, and may already have significant knowledge of their own culture and history, and
therefore do not feel the need to return to these places often, or even at all. Therefore, the
majority of people visiting are mostly tourists. Furthermore, many local people probably prefer
to spend their free time and holidays visiting other areas outside of their hometown or country,
because they are more interested in learning about other cultures and history, rather than their
Although it does seem to be a quite a difficult task attracting more locals to visit their own
museums and historical sites, there are a number of solutions that could encourage them to do
so. One possible solution may be for local governments to continually upgrade museums by
rotating artefacts and displays, in order to arouse more interest from locals. Different
exhibitions could be displayed and promoted more often, focusing on different themes, or
aspects of the culture. Secondly, governments could also encourage and fund annual trips for
local school children to museums and historical sites. And lastly, free entry to such places for
locals may also encourage more local visitors.
In conclusion, attracting local people to visit museums and historical sites in their area may be a
difficult process, however, there are a number of ways that locals could be encouraged to do
4. Some people believe that traveling is a valuable experience; others say it is a waste of
time and money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
As an outcome of the rapid globalization process, in the contemporary world, travelling has
become more available, comparing to the previous centuries. However, nowadays, it is put to a
debate; whether it is a vast source of gaining essential experience or how others count it as a
time-consuming and expensive action. This essay will discuss both views and support the
premier point.
To begin with, it is often believed that several soft skills, such as sociability, which cannot be
learned in own country, will be gathered through travelling internationally. Communicating with
a person, who possesses a different culture and language, might be beneficial in a gradual selfdevelopment and give an opportunity to learn them visually. In addition, taking trips overseas
would broaden minds and establish global citizen's qualities. For example. people, travelling a lot
can accept various mentalities, cultures and religions effortlessly.
On the other hand, it cannot be denied that travel abroad requires huge financial support and
time. Considering the fact that in a plethora of tourist attractions the cost of journey tickets,
accommodation and food is comparatively higher, therefore, an immense amount of money is
obligatory. For instance, rental apartments for a short time are in demand, and they are
necessary to tourists, relatively they will have cost more expensive. Moreover, in order to
realize all mentioned actions, plenty of time is required. Adaptation to the new community,
finding suitable airlines, accommodation and journeys require time.
To sum up, there is good evidence both to upheld and disprove the view regarding the trips
overseas. In my opinion, tourism is the root of the social qualities and essential, priceless
1. Some people believe that bicycles are the best mode of transport in the cities, while
others disagree. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both views and give your
It is argued by a certain section of society that using bicycles for commuting is the best option
for transport in the metropolis. However, not everyone holds the same opinion. Using bicycles
in towns would certainly help as it is the cheapest means of transport and creates no pollution,
but there will also be some drawbacks. In my opinion, bicycles are the best means of shortdistance travel.
Firstly, bicycles, which do not require any kind of fuel, are the cheapest way to transport
people. In other words, spending a plethora of money on petrol and diesel, which is quite
expensive nowadays, is not required. For example, my friend and I always use bicycles to go to
supermarkets to buy groceries because we do not have to spend money on fuel, and it is costeffective. Secondly, if bicycles are used for traveling, they would not release any hazardous gases
which are harmful to the environment.
Despite its advantages, it has some demerits which are undeniable. On the one hand, using
bicycles for long-distance is inconvenient. In order to commute to far-away places, people need
to choose other means of transport such as a car, bus, and tram. For instance, my cousin,
whose office is in the center of the city, travels by car as it is the fastest way to commute. On
the other hand, traveling along with family is not possible when people prefer to go on an
outing together.
In conclusion, although there are some plus points to using a bicycle, there are also problems
with longer distance travel and transport in certain conditions. I believe that bicycles should be
used to travel in the vicinity in order to avoid spending money on fuel.
2. As countries develop, more and more people buy and use their own cars. Does the
advantage of this for individuals outweigh the disadvantage for the environment?
Perhaps with the industrial revolution more and more people are satisfying their never ending
demand of materialistic things, trend of buying expensive and personal cars is one such
example. However, increasing demand of car is hampering the environment in a dismissive way.
Apparently, poor connectivity of public transportation has inclined people to utilise their own
vehicles, relatively 20% of the population prefer public transportation. Hence, these are the
people belonging to low income group or senior citizens. Besides, personal car eradicates the
dependency on others and reinforces the value of self-sufficiency among individuals. Nowadays,
car manufacturers are amalgamating engines which produce less pollution and hence, is ecofriendly. For instance, In India after 2019. all the cars are being manufactured with BS 6 engines
popularly known as Bharat stage 6 in order to impede pollution.
On the contrary, as every household is having the same number of cars as members, it is
adulterating the environment and causing global warming. According to the report by the UK
association it was found in the UK every household have at least three cars and on an average
UK solely contributes 5% of the pollution emission. Subsequently, global warming is resulting in
depletion of the ozone layer, as a result which is also destroying the natural habitat of flora and
fauna. Apart from this, pollution fosters the health problems in humans, for instance, asthma,
liver infection and cardiovascular problems.
In conclusion, disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Although, own vehicle is making
everyone independent, but at the cost of endangering the environment.
3. One of the best ways to solve environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel
for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The overconsumption of fossil fuels has become a major topic of concern recently. Some
people suggest that increasing the fuel price can be the solution to cope with environmental
issues. Personally, I believe that other measures should also be given equal consideration.
Firstly, increasing the fuel expense cannot minimise the global dependence on fuel. It should be
first noted that even when the price of fuel increases significantly, people still cannot cut down
the tremendous demand for petrol at once. For example, in daily life, people still need to use
their cars despite the fluctuation in the petrol price. Another clear reason is that petrol is also
intended for other applications in manufacturing industries and agricultural purposes. If the
price of fuel increases, the national economy could suffer many unfavourable consequences.
When it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, some measures should be taken to
mitigate the problems of overconsuming fuel. The most practical measure at the moment is to
reduce the demand for resources in daily activities like traveling or production. This can be
done by encouraging people to turn to mass-producing energy-efficient products like hybrid
cars or implementing new saving energy technology in manufacture. Besides, the most
sustainable solution is to lower the reliance on fuel by taking advantage of alternative resources.
Wind and tidal power in the Netherlands, nuclear power in Japan, and solar power in the
United States have all proven their efficiency in energy in energy production. These could be
employed in other parts of the world to minimise the global dependence on fossil fuel.
All existing data above shows that only increasing the fuel price will not reduce the global
warming effects. Some strong alternative measures need to be implemented to tackle this
4. In some cities, government has tried to tax the owners of the vehicles, for example to
reduce the traffic congestion. Do you think it is a positive or a negative impact?
Perhaps with the industrial revolution more and more people are satisfying their never ending
demand of materialistic things, trend of buying expensive and personal cars is one such
example. However, increasing demand of car is hampering the environment in a dismissive way.
Apparently, poor connectivity of public transportation has inclined people to utilise their own
vehicles, relatively 20% of the population prefer public transportation. Hence, these are the
people belonging to low income group or senior citizens. Besides, personal car eradicates the
dependency on others and reinforces the value of self-sufficiency among individuals. Nowadays,
car manufacturers are amalgamating engines which produce less pollution and hence, is ecofriendly. For instance, In India after 2019. all the cars are being manufactured with BS 6 engines
popularly known as Bharat stage 6 in order to impede pollution.
On the contrary, as every household is having the same number of cars as members, it is
adulterating the environment and causing global warming. According to the report by the UK
association it was found in the UK every household have at least three cars and on an average
UK solely contributes 5% of the pollution emission. Subsequently, global warming is resulting in
depletion of the ozone layer, as a result which is also destroying the natural habitat of flora and
fauna. Apart from this, pollution fosters the health problems in humans, for instance, asthma,
liver infection and cardiovascular problems.
In conclusion, disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Although, own vehicle is making
everyone independent, but at the cost of endangering the environment.
1. The Internet contains a lot of information. However, sometimes this information is
inaccurate or wrong. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
With the advent of technology, people living the world over always prefer to search for
information on the internet which might not be always beneficial for all. Resultantly, there has
been a growing body of opinion that not all information on the internet is accurate. Being a
rational mind, I, too, assent to this notion, for I am of the view that some sites do not update
their data regularly and some websites are not run by authentic authorities.
Among the ratiocination to buttress my stance, the one that deals with the reason of having
inaccurate information I the internet as a source of backdated data. In other words, if
companies do not modify their information from time to time, the general public uses those old
data, leading their research or work unfruitful. For example, an empirical study conducted by
Oxford University reveals that every year 25% of research papers have been rejected I that
students use old information collected from the internet. Hence, if organizations updated their
data regularly, the general public would not get the wrong information.
Another critical rationale in reference to why sometimes information mentioned in some
websites does to provide accurate data is necessarily synonymous with managing those sites by
unauthentic or unprofessional people. To be more precise, opening a website is an easy task,
but collecting data from authentic sources and managing sites properly is really arduous. Thus,
it is next to impossible for a person or company to maintain a website and get popularity
provided that professionals are not highly trained. For instance, researchers of Cambridge
University have found that every year 20,000 sites are closed down due to receiving negative
reviews from the users.
In conclusion, inasmuch as sites are not being updated regularly and managed are being updated
regularly and managed by qualified professionals, users sometimes get wrong information while
they search on the internet.
2. Internet contains a lot of information, however, sometimes this information is
inaccurate or wrong. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
With the advent of technology, people living the world over always prefer to search for
information on the internet which might not be always beneficial for all. Resultantly, there has
been a growing body of opinion that not all information on the internet is accurate. Being a
rational mind, I, too, assent to this notion, for I am of the view that some sites do not update
their data regularly and some websites are not run by authentic authorities.
Among the ratiocination to buttress my stance, the one that deals with the reason of having
inaccurate information I the internet as a source of backdated data. In other words, if
companies do not modify their information from time to time, the general public uses those old
data, leading their research or work unfruitful. For example, an empirical study conducted by
Oxford University reveals that every year 25% of research papers have been rejected I that
students use old information collected from the internet. Hence, if organizations updated their
data regularly, the general public would not get the wrong information.
Another critical rationale in reference to why sometimes information mentioned in some
websites does to provide accurate data is necessarily synonymous with managing those sites by
unauthentic or unprofessional people. To be more precise, opening a website is an easy task,
but collecting data from authentic sources and managing sites properly is really arduous. Thus,
it is next to impossible for a person or company to maintain a website and get popularity
provided that professionals are not highly trained. For instance, researchers of Cambridge
University have found that every year 20,000 sites are closed down due to receiving negative
reviews from the users.
In conclusion, inasmuch as sites are not being updated regularly and managed are being updated
regularly and managed by qualified professionals, users sometimes get wrong information while
they search on the internet
3. Nowadays online shopping becomes more popular than in-store shopping. Is it a
positive or a negative development?
It is undeniably true that, due to the advancement in technology, the form of shopping also has
changed significantly. Nowadays, most people prefer to buy things online rather than from
the local market. This trend also has some pros and cons, which I will discuss in the below
There are many advantages to online shopping. First, it makes shopping easier for people,
especially for those who are busy at work and have no time to buy goods. The second is that
online websites provide many choices through which a person can select one. Moreover, many
online shopping sites offer many price offers. In addition to it, individuals can buy products
directly from the national or international company. For example, flipcart, Amazon Last but not
least, nowadays, online websites also provide cash back service to their customers.
On the other hand, online shopping has many disadvantages also. First, it wastes a lot of time
because shopping sites provide many choices, so that’s why people spend a long time selecting
one thing. Second, it affects the local businesses, as online shopping decreases market sales.
However, it provides various facilities to its customers but makes them lazy, too, because
people do not want to move here and there to buy the items. They prefer to do their shopping
while sitting in front of a computer or laptop.
Another drawback is that sometimes people do not receive the same thing that they selected
online. In addition to that, they cannot check the quality of the product online. For example, a
few months ago, I ordered a dress from an online shopping website. I was very excited when I
placed the order, but when I received it, it broke my heart because the company sent
a different color dress and the product quality was very poor.
In conclusion, after analyzing all the aspects, it is clear that online shopping has many benefits,
but its drawbacks cannot be ignored. So, people have to be very careful about the product
quality before placing an order.
4. Some people believe that having a conversation on a mobile phone in a public or
crowded place should be banned. Others feel that we should be able to talk wherever we
like. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
With the advancement of technology, almost everyone owns smartphones these days. While
some feel that conversing through them in community areas should be restricted, I side with
those who believe that it is impossible having taken into account emergencies and the
implementation of such policy.
On the one hand, supporters of introducing a ban on public-made phone calls might argue that
they are a serious source of distraction and annoyance. Take a theater, for example. As a
result, not only do the audience feel annoyed, but so do the performers, because it may take
their attention away. In addition to this, it is not uncommon to see some people using abusive
language during conversations, which is inappropriate in public places, such as parks. Young
children might negatively be influenced consequently. Therefore, there seems to be a point in
this prohibition.
Despite the argumentation above, I support those who think there are two main reasons why
restricting phone calls does not work. Firstly, some phone calls require an urgent reaction:
emergencies. Under such circumstances, ignoring a call is not the right course of action because
a person’s life may be saved through a single call to an ambulance, for instance. Secondly,
putting this suggestion into practice will not be possible unless an intelligent enough jamming
machine is invented to sort out which calls, both incoming and outgoing, are urgent and
immediate. I do understand that these calls are a cause of annoyance, but banning them
altogether is wrong and unfeasible.
Although some people argue that cell phone calls should be limited in crowded places, I agree
with those who believe that it is not workable, as the difficulties of putting it into practice are
1. Some people consider sports to be their career in the society. For others, it is mostly a
workout to stay fit. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Sports play a large role in society. They are the means by which certain people earn a living, and
for others, a way to stay healthy. Both approaches come with benefits as well as drawbacks.
Certain sports like football and basketball have become so famous that they are known as
career sports, and have attained the title of the highest paying jobs. Footballers and basketball
players are among the richest individuals globally and being on popular teams provides them
with a platform to make an impact on certain world issues. Many players, for instance, have
used their influence to bring about awareness to global issues such as climate change, world
poverty, and hunger. They have started charities aimed at improving people’s lives and have
become role models and symbols of hope for some of the most distraught people on the
On the other hand, those not playing professionally, while not accumulating wealth, still reap
the benefits of staying fit. They have improved lifestyles, live healthier and longer, and also tend
to enjoy playing sports as a pastime activity. For some, athletic activities such as running and
swimming can be a way to unwind after a stressful day or a way to connect with friends and
family, while others who have had a limb amputated or are suffering from certain disorders like
paralysis may use such activities for physical rehabilitation.
Though many argue that it is better to earn while playing rather than spend money on buying
sporting gear and equipment, in my opinion, it is better to engage in a sport for fun. Those that
play for money tend to lose sight of why they began playing in the first place and it turns into a
race for who can be the most popular or richest. Furthermore, after sustaining injuries,
professional players tend to find themselves out of a job, sometimes without another career to
fall back on. Playing for fun however, sets a certain goal for people, whether it be for leisure
purposes or for staying fit, and after this goal is achieved, people are free to go back to their
chosen career path without feeling like they have let themselves down.
2. Some people consider sport to be their career and role in the society. For others it is
mostly a workout to keep fit. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Nowadays, it is true that sport plays a very important role in our lives. Some people even
pursue it as their career. In my own opinion, a sports career is not a bad choice, but it is a little
First of all, it is clear that one of the main reasons people choose sports is to keep fit. Sports
help them to have good health, lift their spirits, and so on. After several years playing sports,
some people find it really interesting and passionate. They know that it is the career that they
are looking for and decide to become professional athletes. For others, in contrast, they do not
consider sports as a career because they simply do not think that sports can bring them a good
life or their sports passion is not enough. And as we all know, without passion and
determination, we can’t be successful in anything. If someone does not like sports, you can’t
force him or her to choose sports as a career.
In my opinion, a sports career has 2 sides: positive and negative. If you are successful and can be
number one in the world like Roger Federer in tennis or Lionel Messi in football, you can do
many things. By then, you will not have to worry about earning a living anymore and will even
be able to help others by doing charities or starting a foundation. It sounds great, but if you are
just an average player, or even worse, suffer a serious injury which destroys your career, you
will be nothing and there will be no way to get back.
In summary, working out to keep fit is good. However, if you want to do it as a career, like any
other job, you must consider it carefully because, after your decision is made, you have to
follow it till the end.
3. Some people believe that the use of mobile phones in public is as annoying as smoking
and should be banned, similarly to smoking. Give your opinion and examples from your
own experience.
Some people opine that mobile phones should be banned in public places as they are as
annoying as smoking. I vehemently disagree with this point of view as, life without mobile
phones is unimaginable in the present scenario. This essay will explain in detail the reasons for
my disagreement.
Firstly, we cannot ignore the fact that the lifestyle of the people has changed a lot in the recent
years. As compared to the past. people have busier schedules. As a result. they spend most of
their time outdoors. To stay in contact with their family and friends, they use mobile phones
even in public places during their free times. A recent survey revealed that most of the people
talk to their parents while commuting. If there is ban on mobile phone usage in public places,
people will hardly get enough time to interact with their near and dear ones. Consequently,
they might be depressed or deprived of the moral support that they usually get from their close
Secondly, jobs have become challenging these days and advanced smart phone features have
made life easier. With video conferencing applications, one can conduct a webinar or attend a
meeting at any time and place. Also, they can send emails, quotations, documents or pictures
with one touch. For instance, many employees, who travel to different places while working,
find mobile phones very useful. They can report to their seniors or coordinate with their peers
and subordinates. Thus, mobiles can be considered as the need of the hour in this technological
To sum up. I believe that ban on mobiles in public places is not a right decision to make as it has
become one of the basic needs of humans. We cannot deny the fact the usage of mobile phones
in public places is inevitable due to current lifestyles and work requirements.
4. Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned, while others disagree.
It is a common belief that we should strictly prohibit extreme sports due to the huge number
of risks involved. In this essay, I am going to demonstrate that risk factors are present in all
sports before suggesting that people should have the right to play any sports they want.
Advocates of banning certain sports may argue that their inherently dangerous nature may
threaten lives. As extreme conditions are a prerequisite for these sports, risks like equipment
failure render players more vulnerable than in other sports. For example, skydivers who freefall
from enormous altitudes seem more prone to injuries or even death than players of ordinary
sports. It not only imperils the lives of the people undergoing the severities post such injuries
or mishappenings but also curbs one’s harmony as at times, the players may be rendered
distraught and traumatized for life. This, as they say, is a clear lack of prudence and safety
measures for the people participating in such sports.
In contrast, I believe that people should have the autonomy to play any sports they want,
regardless of their danger. This is because they can already decide for themselves whether to
take part in several dangerous non-sport activities. For example, those who reach the legal
drinking age are free to purchase alcohol, the excessive consumption of which may have fatal
consequences. If personal freedom is championed with regard to things like alcohol, one can
argue that it should be extended to sporting pursuits as well. Instead of an outright ban on
extreme sports, I believe there are ways to mitigate the risks attached to them. Sports
associations could impose an age limit for extreme athletes to ensure only people who are fully
developed physically are allowed to participate. Another solution is to bar players
from practising or competing without the necessary protective gear. These measures would
strike a happy medium without intruding on people’s personal freedom.
In conclusion, I believe people are entitled to play dangerous sports if they want, and certain
restrictions in lieu of a ban would help ease the safety concerns.
Topic 6: SOCIETY
1. Some people feel unsafe either staying at home or going out. What are the possible
reasons for this? What can be done to address this issue?
In today’s world, people may feel that they are put in danger wherever they are. This essay will
state what causes this phenomenon and how to tackle it.
Various factors can cause people feel insecure. Firstly, media somewhat encourage people to
worry about their safety by informing about high crime rates. News programmes on TV tend to
report sensational crimes to attract more audience. If someone is constantly exposed to violent
images of crimes such as terror in public places, the person would doubt the security more
compared to someone who is not aware of the accidents. Secondly, natural disasters occur
more and more frequently as a result of global warming, making people difficult to ensure their
safety even at home. Clearly, we are experiencing more common extreme weather condition
such as flooding and droughts across the globe. Since we cannot avoid the damage of these
natural disasters by staying inside, fear of dangerous weather conditions keeps growing among
In order to tackle this problem, governments and individuals should work together.
Governments can place more police on streets to deter criminals and protect citizens. By doing
so, governments can reduce crime rates as well as people’s fear of offenses. At the same time,
individuals should carefully select what to watch on media and understand the reasons for
violent tendency of news. In addition, planning safety measures and precautions in the event of
natural disaster can help allay concern of the public. One good example here is to build sea
walls to prevent cities from being damaged by flooding.
In conclusion, I suggest that governments and individuals tackle the feeling of insecurity among
the public by reducing crime rates and prepare for unexpected natural events.
2. Some people say the most important thing about being rich is that it gives you the
opportunity to give back. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Give reasons for your answer.
It is indubitable that money is very important for helping others. However, I disagree with the It
is indubitable that money is very important for helping others. However, I disagree with the
given statement that it is the most essential thing in terms of a chance to help the needy. I
believe that there are numerous ways of helping the underprivileged, and monetary aid is
certainly not the best forms of aid.
My first argument to support my viewpoint is that giving money to the poor would be a very
shortsighted approach. It would satiate their needs for some time, but ultimately they have to
be made capable of standing on their own. Providing education and job training is better way of
helping them. For example, my friend’s mother, teaches children of the slum area every evening.
She is herself not very rich, but she is helping in better ways than money can do.
Secondly, it is not always the financial help, which is needed by people. A timely helping hand
when a person is suffering is better than helping with money. For instance, in natural calamities,
such as earthquakes and floods, the immediate need of people is food and medical care. Many
college students volunteered to carry food and medicines to the needy, when there was a flood
in some areas of Punjab, a few years ago. Fresh medical graduates also went and stayed there
and helped people with immediate medical care. In times of crises, such help outstrips any help
that money can provide.
Opponents would argue that only the rich are in a position to help the poor, as people need
money for even the basic necessities of life such as food, clothing and shelter. Even providing
education and job training to the destitute, needs money. They have a point, but I still believe
that the help in terms of personal effort provided by those who are, themselves, not so affluent
is equally good.
To sum up, if one is rich, he is in a better situation to help others who need money and all the
things which money can provide. However, I reiterate my view by saying that to help others,
one need not be rich as help can be provided in many better ways than with money.
3. Some people think that they can make as much noise as they want, while others think
that the amount of noise people make should be strictly controlled. Discuss both views
and include your own opinion and examples.
People hold different views about whether people should have the freedom to produce noise
or comply with some regulations of it. In my view, it is important that noise making be put
under control.
On the one hand, it is understandable why some people believe in their rights to generate noise
freely. As people these days often have to suffer from considerable stress at work or school,
they tend to find an effective way to relieve it. In some cases, recreational activities such as
karaoke singing or party holding can bring a certain amount of relaxation, mitigating stressful
situations for everyone. If too strictly imposed, any restriction of noise may deter people from
gaining access to one of the useful methods of relaxing.
However, I can understand the arguments against noise makers. Firstly, excessive levels of noise
can cause serious disturbance to the nearby residents who also have the rights to take a proper
rest after a tiring day. Those who are affected by the loud sounds from their neighbours may
not only be unable to relax but also have their levels of discomfort increased. In the long term,
this will definitely have a negative impact on their quality of life. Another reason for this opinion
is that too much noise can exert detrimental effects on the health of the unintentional hearers.
For example, constant exposure to high pitch noise can result in auditory problems, for
example hearing loss. Hearing-impaired individuals are very likely to experience difficulty in
their daily life.
In conclusion, although there are good reasons why people should be allowed to make as much
noise as they wish, in my opinion some appropriate controls are necessary.
4. In the near future it is expected that the proportion of older people will be higher
than that of young people in many developed countries. What are the positive or
negative effects of this development?
Aging population becomes more popular in the world, especially, in the developed nations.
Some educationalists think that this issue has positive effects on the development of a country
while other experts claim that this trend put one’s economics in jeopardy. My essay will shed
light on advantages and disadvantages of so-called “old population”.
First of all, it is believed that the longer people live, the more they enjoy their lives. After
stressful working years of the young age, the senior has times to enjoy a comfortable life
without working deadlines, the pressure from employers. They can read books, write the
articles or might also devote themselves to their passions which were unable to do when they
were young.The social evidence reveals that, conversely, along with enjoyment are pains from
the old’s deseases. They often deal with deseases which deprive the minutes of basking in
twilight years, for instance, are the attack of isomnia, hypertension, loss of memory and others.
Equally importantly, the second benefit of aging population is conducive to the booming of
nursing and health-care related industry. With more old people dominating, doctors and other
health experts endeavor to come up with new medicines to treat above deseases and enhance
the quality of health-care infrastructure. Nevertheless, the opposite truth is a huge waste of
money poured into welfare, which leads to the financial deficit of other major fields such as
education, politics.... Besides, in spite of the senior plays an important role in making high-skilled
products, the society would be put in a dire shortage of the young who are more likely to
respond for the survival of the nation in the near future.
Third of all, it is also thought that in accompany with the presence of the old is the preservation
of traditional culture values. In the current rapid-change world, for example, hardly does the
young nurture the patriotism without the words of the elder through historical events and
relics or the ancestor worship dogmas. By contrast, the counter-argument is that as a result of
conservatism in the old, the society will be in the lack of new ideas and ideals that contribute to
the economic growth of the nation.
In the final analysis, aging population is an acknowledge trend that has positive and negative
impacts on each individuals as well as the whole society.
Topic 7: READING
1. The main purpose of public libraries should be to provide books. Public libraries
should not spend their limited resources on computer software, videos or DVDs. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
The importance of public libraries is undeniable. While some people argue that libraries should
be more focused on stocking printed books and materials than investing in digital resources, in
this essay, I would argue why availability of digital media is crucial in libraries used by general
First of all, the last few decades have seen dramatic growth in the use of digital media such as
electronic books, learning software and other audio-visual learning and reading materials. This is
because these resources are not only easy to carry but also convenient to use in many
innovative ways. For example, there are many free websites on the Internet which provide free
video lectures for better understanding of a topic. If there are only hard bound books in the
stacks and they do not provide these resources, they will become unattractive to general
public. As a result, the significance of libraries itself may become questionable.
More importantly, modern generation is time poor and they want to access everything quickly
including knowledge, which printed books may not always be capable of providing. This is
because the growing competition and advanced life style demand more skills and knowledge in a
very short time. For instance, youngster might prefer to listen to the summary of a book
converted to the form of a video rather than reading full text. Moreover, important part of
digital resources may be emailed to personal devices with the permission of the library, and the
same may be accessed later anywhere.
To conclude, although printed books will never lose their importance, the young generation is
moving towards digital information and learning. In my opinion, I would prefer to access digital
and attractive video content in a public library instead of going through lengthy printed text.
2. Some people say that public libraries should be free; otherwise they are just a waste
of money, especially because modern technologies and the Internet allow easy access to
resources. Discuss and give your point of view.
Some people believe that library should be made available to the public without entrance fee
because new arising modern technology and internet access can already provide information
resources. Nonetheless, most people will no longer visit the library. However, others argue
that it should have an entrance and membership fee.
We can never deny those people who believe that library should impose entrance and
membership fees to the public. The funds are needed for the maintenance of the facilities and
purchasing of new books. Library is still important because it is a quiet place where people can
read the books peacefully. Nowadays, there are various web pages on the internet that can
provide similar information as in the library. Nevertheless, the convenience of the place is much
more calming for the reader. The reader cannot concentrate on reading information on
computer shop because of the noise from other users. It is widely true that information from
the internet has several adverts, and it interrupts on comprehending the information.
Therefore, the library is still important for the readers. It does not rely on electricity. It is
conventional and boundless. There is not health and mental hazards on reading in the library
that might happen due to excessive use of a computer.
However, some people point out that library should be free to users. It is widely believed that
the aim of good governance is to educate certain people in the society. Public libraries should
be made free and accessible to the majority of people. There are certain groups of people who
want to acquire information; nonetheless, they are restricted because of the fine imposed in the
library. For instance, the impoverished group is not given the opportunity to finish their studies.
As a result, if the library can only be free to the public, therefore the impoverished can acquire
simple knowledge despite the lack of education at school. They cannot be displaced to other
social economic group because they have knowledge that is comparable to educated ones. The
information in the public library is vast. It has resources that are being taught at the school. The
free entrance of public library is beneficial in displacing people from ignorance.
Overall, in my opinion, libraries should be free for all because it will help the community to
become successful if most people are inclined in reading instead of being astray such as drinking
or committing crimes. The community will develop if the majority of people are knowledgeable.
3. Some people say that with the development of modern technology printed books,
newspapers and magazines lose their importance. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement?
It is true that technological innovations like computers and the internet have made books and
newspapers less important. When people can find all information online, they have hardly any
incentive to buy books or magazines. This, however, does not mean that books have lost all of
their relevance. In my opinion, books are still relevant to a certain extent.
Billions of people living in many parts of the world still do not have access to the internet. They
need magazines and newspapers to know what is happening around the world. Books are easy
on the eye. Computers can lead to several visual problems. Young children, in particular, should
not be allowed to stare at a computer for hours on end.
There is no denying the fact that internet has made information readily available at our
fingertips. Gone are the days when students had to frequent libraries to find information for
their research projects. In addition, most of the information available online is free and can be
accessed by anyone who owns a computer and an internet connection.
Books and magazines, on the other hand, are not free. They are not exactly environment
friendly either. Paper is made from wood and to make paper, you have to cut trees. Also books
have a short shelf life. Although they can last decades, they are not indestructible. By contrast,
information posted online will be there for all eternity. Also portable mobile devices like tablets
and laptops eliminate the need to go about classrooms luging heavy books.
It is not hard to see that information technology has made books and newspapers less
important. This, however, does not mean that they have become totally irrelevant. A lot of
people begin their day reading their favourite newspaper. To conclude, books and magazines
may have lost some of their relevance, but it is impossible to claim that technology has made
them redundant.
4. More and more media coverage is on popular people who came from normal
background who have gained success in cinema, fashion or sports industry. Why do you
think people are interested in knowing their lives?
In the modern era, the broadcasting channels all over the world are keener into the lives of
well-known people who have a simple past like a common man. The reason behind such an
attitude is the organizers wanted to highlight the struggle renowned people had and can inspire
the people who admire them. I firmly believe here as a superior aspect to get influenced by the
great personalities to achieve our goals.
On the one hand, prominent persons are not hailing by birth, but because of their hard work,
dedication, and determination, they are into the news racecourse. For example, a prevailing
actor, Mr. Chiranjeevi from the south of India, is known for his excellence in western dance and
acting performances. His smile, attitude makes huge people respond. His social responsibilities
included eye donation camps and blood bank organizations. Hence, all over the states, his
supporters contributed to public services.
On the other hand, some people, who take it in the other way, just for fun, enjoy the gossips
around famous people. It becomes entertainment for them to lead a conversation. Also, some
inspirations may even lead to death. For example, the world most popular, Baahubali film, made
teenagers get involved in small combats. However, nevertheless, the famous person's past does
make a lot of difference in individuals. Many social applications like Twitter, Facebook,
currently, indulged in a quick spread of the media across the globe.
I finally conclude that media at present have been hiking the news for a good cause, and people
take it as an encouragement. There are many such famed persons in our country which includes
political industry, film industry, and technological industry.
1. The news media plays an important role in modern societies. Why are they important?
Do they have a positive or negative influence?
In modern society, the general tendency has been that news media plays an essential role more
and more in our life. Several related reasons, as well as the pros and cons of that issue, have
been debated upon and this essay will tackle the most important ones.
First and foremost, among the numerous reasons for the problem above, the most remarkable
one is that human beings can easily update more information all over the world through TV.
radio, newspaper or the Internet. For example, online newspapers are updated almost with all
information in every view such as economy, society and education. Besides, there are various
professions' information like farmers, entrepreneurs. workers, teachers and so on, which
people can get them not only good news but also bad news all day long. Another reason is the
human connection with their world. People can know what is happening around them, helping
them have more topics to discuss with others that increase the connection between people. If
people just spend their daily life on eating, working and sleeping without getting more news.
their life will become closed and boring even society will return to prehistoric times.
Then, the most obvious gain of the circumstance is it creates favorable conditions for people to
know difficult circumstances in society, which is a bridge for people to share together, helping
society grow more and more. However, the more communication channels appear, the more
untrustworthy news are given. Currently, there is too many news on unreliable newspapers
that give false news, making people are missed their understand. Furthermore, content
plagiarism in newspapers is also increasing significantly in recent years, making non-serious
journalists violate the law. For instant, In Vietnam, we can easily recognize that when we read
online newspapers. Although the titles are different, the contents are the same on many pages
without the specific author's name or citations line.
To sum up. it is imperative to thoroughly examine both merits and demerits of news media are
indispensable in modern life. Furthermore, the negative effects still overweighs the benefits.
2. Some people say that having a lot of TV channels is good, while others argue that it
reduces the quality of programs. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
In present-day society, TV production has reached its maximum renewal, but still. there is a
debate about whether it is so normal or exaggerated. One part of society believes that
generating more and more TV channels is entertaining, while others prefer quality over
quantity. This essay will briefly discuss both sides and give my thought.
On the one hand, the sphere of television is not only one of the significant factors in
development but also an indicator of civilization. A huge superiority of the variations of
different channels is that absolutely every human can enjoy a picture that he finds captivating.
Moreover, we learn a lot from TV, including local news, facts from wildlife programs or maybe
a talk show about the success of a famous singer and so on. For example, in the children's
channel "Balapan" there are educative cartoons and films in the Kazakh language around the
clock while on the 'Turan" channel you can visit another corner of the planet without getting up
from the sofa.
On the other hand, seeing the same picture quickly gets boring. It would be splendid if these
programs were entertaining and intellectual, but instead, all of them are in the same type and
vice versa negatively affect the brain, thereby impairing the ability of critical thinking and
memory. This can be seen by the fact that channels that do not carry much meaning, for
example, videos borrowed from mobile entertainment applications, are gaining the most
Taking everything into account it is convenient for someone when there is a large choice of
channels, especially by a frequent TV viewer, however, sometimes an excessive number of them
is not fascinating. In my opinion, each channel should have its uniqueness and producers should
take this into account.
3. At present the media affects people's lives significantly. What impact does this have
on the society? Is it a negative or a positive development?
In the twenty-first century, media seems ever present in the lives of people all around the
world. This essay will look into its impact and also discuss whether it is positive or negative.
The role of the media is huge and it will probably continue to grow. Throughout the world,
people’s opinions and beliefs are shaped by the media. Whether it is a newspaper, a TV channel,
a website, or a social media app, these organizations have the power to make us vote for a
political party, alter our views on particular social issues, or taken an interest in some area of
life. In other words, the power that they wield is immense. In the United States, the media
appears to have recently divided the population into rival political factions, with devastating
consequences for society as a whole.
The above example makes it seem as though the media is purely negative, but this is not true.
When unscrupulous individuals use it to manipulate large numbers of people into doing
something, then of course it is problematic, but that is not always how media works. There
have been honest, upstanding media outlets throughout history whose commitment to
spreading truth has helped solve great problems. Take, for example, the Washington Post’s
expose of Richard Nixon’s crimes during the Watergate scandal. It is clear, then, that the
media’s power is neither positive nor negative; instead, it is what people let it be.
In conclusion, the media has a very large degree of control over people’s lives and this seems to
be growing. It affects many parts of society, and in some ways this is rather negative, whilst in
others it is positive.
4. Advertising industry has a huge influence on the society. Do you think positive effects
of advertising outweigh negative effects?
In this current era, advertisements provide a myriad of information about products which make
people's lives easier and more convenient. It is an undeniable fact that advertisements have a
great influence on the lives of the masses. While there are some disadvantages, the advantages
are far higher than the disadvantages. On the one hand, the most prominent benefit of
promotional ads is that people get information about newly launched items. This is because
advertising provides adequate information about the products, which helps customers select
the proper products that save their money. For instance, the advertisement for LED bulbs gives
awareness about saving energy and money for buyers in comparison to CFI lights. Another
distinct merit of commercials is from an economic perspective. In other words, eye-catching
ads augment not only sales of the commodity, but also increase the revenue of the company.
Besides this, the export of demand products increases the employment and gross domestic
product of the nation. Thus, the masses get accurate information regarding the items, and at
the same time, it also helps in the growth of the economy.
On the other hand, there are drawbacks to commercial ads. First and foremost, the excessive
purchasing trend is increasing tremendously. This is due to prompting offers on products which
influence buyers to buy them. Apart from this, individuals purchase several things which are
unnecessary or they seldom use them. A recent survey conducted by The Advertisement
Association reveals that in the USA, impulsive buying has grown from 45% to 75% in the last
three decades, which has led to a problem of dumping. Secondly, it is a waste of time and
money. This particular product requires huge resources for manufacturing, which creates a
problem of scarcity in the future. This advertisement requires a huge investment, which
generates a debt problem for the company if the product does not run successfully in the
market. To quote an example, a renowned automobile company Gionee become tapped bank
corrupt. Therefore, these are the downsides of advertising.
In conclusion, it is truly said that we are flooded with ads which have an immense impact on
our lifestyle. Nonetheless, I believe that there are more positive effects, such as the description
of product and economic benefits, than negative ones for the sustainable future of the country.
Topic 9: HEALTH
1. Nowadays there is an increase in people with an unhealthy diet and not doing enough
physical exercises. What do you think might be the reason? What can be done to
encourage people to have a healthier lifestyle?
In this modern world, there is a rapid increase in people becoming obese and a lack of fitness.
There are various causes for these problems and each problem can be dealt with particular
solutions so that people can live a healthy way of life.
It is likely that major changes in lifestyle will occur due to remarkable advancements and
sophistication in technology, which have an impact on our daily lives and health. This progress
comes with an adverse effect on our health due to lack of physical exercise, being lazy about
physical exercise, and being lazy at home and the office. At the office, people have to cope with
the challenges of their endeavors. Therefore, they have to sit for long hours at the computer
without any breaks. Even in the home, people continue watching television and taking rest in
the bedroom, which results in depression, stress, anxiety, diabetes, heart and other insane
diseases. Moreover, children play computer games for long hours instead of doing outdoor
sports, which affects their minds and bodies. In addition, consuming junk food, which is available
in fast food stores, worsens their health. These foods are high in calories, cholesterol, and fat,
while at the same time lacking vitamins, minerals, and protein, and these factors are taking a toll
on our health.
These problems can be solved by both governments as well as everyone’s responsibility to lead
an unhealthy lifestyle. The individual should keep an eye on their eating habits, consuming more
vitamin and protein-rich foods and avoiding cheap, luring junk foods. The government should
restrict unhealthy fast-food stores which are scattered all over every city. Encourage the public
to do daily exercise, yoga, and meditation, which relaxes the mind and body, which helps them
to stay fit. Besides, youngsters participate in sports and volunteer in communal activities on
weekends, which leads to a vigorous way of life.
To conclude, a sedentary way of life and cheaper fast food are reasons for a detrimental way of
life. Both the government and people should take responsibility for following a healthy diet and
regular exercise to lead a healthy way of life.
2. More and more people are suffering from health problems cause by a modern lifestyle
which cannot be treated with modern medicines. Some people think that a return to
traditional medicine should be encouraged. To what extent do you agree?
Sedentary lifestyles and high levels of stress have given rise to myriad health issues. There are
people who suggest that traditional medicines can solve many of these concerns and therefore
we should go back to them. I completely agree with this view. In my opinion, traditional
medicine holds the key to curing diseases that cannot be cured by modern medicine without
any reactions.
Firstly, modern ways of living and working have created an environment of excessive stress and
pressure, especially among people living in metropolitan cities. Lack of sufficient physical activity
and frequent consumption of processed foods have a very harmful effect on the body. As a
result, humans have become more prone to chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes, which
are very difficult to cure, if not diagnosed correctly in the initial stages. For instance, brain and
liver cancer are still incurable by allopathy and there is no breakthrough solution in sight yet.
Furthermore, according to a recent Chinese survey, the occurrences of these diseases are
uncommon among people who live a healthy lifestyle and consume natural herbs and roots.
It is, therefore, no surprise that some people have started advocating a switch from allopathy to
Ayurveda and acupuncture due to their proven history of treating major diseases without any
side effects. This is because ancient medicinal systems treat diseases by attacking the root of the
problem and healing the patient in a holistic manner. To illustrate a point, a substance found in
the root of the turmeric plant has been clinically proven to be effective at attacking cancer cells,
leaving aside good cells. By contrast, modern techniques like chemotherapy have dangerous
side effects.
To conclude, I believe that the absence of side effects and the ability to treat a person in a
holistic manner make traditional medicine more effective at curing health problems caused by
the modern lifestyle.
3. Healthcare should not be provided for free regardless of a person's income. The
health of a person is in his or her own hands and they should, therefore, be held
accountable for that. Do you agree with this opinion?
Free medical facility has always been a controversial issue. Although some citizens obstinately
believe that free medical services should not be provided on the basis of income, as each
person is responsible for protecting their health, I do not agree with this viewpoint.
First and foremost, since nowadays people tend to live a sedentary lifestyle, there is an obvious
probability that it will attract severe health related problems. Consequently, the unhealthy
eating habits and lack of physical activity causes innumerable health issues. Due to this, it is
extremely crucial that people receive the free medical policies from the government, or from
their organizations, so that they are compelled to visit doctors for routine check-ups. For
example, it is imperative that employees who work for IT firms should be given free insurance
for their medical treatment coverage to avoid the perilous negative impacts of computer jobs.
Therefore, the health authorities must realize that healthcare is a basic requirement to
transform the world into a disease-free place, and should not hold any restrictions based on the
financial status of any citizens.
Furthermore, living a well-disciplined lifestyle is not enough. There are numerous diseases that
cannot be prevented, and some patients are suffering from chronical disorders that are
hereditary in nature. For example, cancer is often passed down in the genes of a family.
Moreover, some existing ailments become worse due to environmental pollution. To exemplify,
asthma is one such disease such disease that affects people living in polluted surroundings and
there is no easy way to prevent it. Therefore, it is evident that the health of a person is not
always determined by their lifestyle or choices. Thus, free health care system should be
implemented for all the communities.
To conclude, although people can take precautions in their life, there are many factors which
are responsible for the health issues, and the and the health ministry should consider the
difficulty involved in staying disease free, and thus free medical treatment should be provided to
everyone in the society regardless of their financial status.
4. People think that good health is a basic need so it should not be in hands of profitoriented companies. Are the advantages of profit-oriented companies overweight the
Health is a right for every person. Humankind believes that health is a predominant part in
people’s life and earning profit is unethical way for medical services to take benefit from people
who have suffering. I firmly believe that the drawbacks are greater than the positive effects in
this issue.
Needless to say, good health care is available to everyone which should be free. Private health
care is more likely to be unfair due to the fact that only wealthy people can afford the cost of
health services. The most noticeable is that this condition will be a trigger to create social gap
as rich people stay in special rooms which have advance technology opposite to poor people.
Moreover, they will shorten waiting list for appointments and operations for faster treatment.
On the other hand, poor people tend to wait in long period and it causes their condition worst.
In consequence, societies will do not same quality of care and treatment especially people who
live in marginalization.
Despite the negative impacts of private medical treatment. It also has benefits such as people
have their decision to choose secondary service for specific disease and they can be easy to
take a special treatment to make short their recovering period. As a consequence, people will
be more effective to address their health problems.
The aforementioned evidence examines that private health care brings tangible positive impacts,
even its only contribute small effects. Where possible, government should focus on this
condition to make medical treatment free for all human, and equity in health treatments.
1. Governments should focus their spending on public services rather than on art such as
Music and Painting. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people argue that arts like painting and music fail to directly improve people’s quality of
Some people argue that arts like painting and music fail to directly improve people’s quality of
life and consequently government should allocate money on other things like infrastructures to
promote people’s quality of life. However, I disagree with this view. In this essay, I will explain
why I think that arts, such as music and painting is as essential for people as other public
The advantages of spending money on arts cannot be overlooked. The arts clearly make
people’s lives better. To begin with, the arts give us immense joy and relaxation. Consider
listening to a beautiful song sitting on the sofa after a whole day’s work; it really relieves the
tiredness and we feel rejuvenated. Paintings, photographs and other pictures add colour to our
lives and often inspire people to create works of art of their own. I am not only thinking of
artistic works produced by renowned artists, but also those produced by children for their
parents to attach to refrigerators using magnets.
Furthermore, the arts like music and painting are part of our culture and give identity to the
country. Arts also bring people together. By appreciating arts, individuals from different parts of
the nation could feel connected and related. Moreover, arts like music and painting can help us
express our emotions. It is a basic human need to be able to express ourselves. Art is what
differentiates us from animals. As humans, most of us need an outlet for our creative and
emotional needs and the best way to express this is through arts like music and painting.
Many people feel that the government should spend money only on certain things, such as
defence, health and education. Whilst I agree that these things are important, I think that
governments should be able to find a little money to spend on arts, not only because they raise
our quality of life, but because they can remind us of our heritage and show the world what
kind of a country and people we are.
To sum up, our government is responsible for improving the quality of people’s lives both
physically and spiritually, therefore proper amount of money should be allocated wisely on arts.
Only by this can we progress our society in a more balanced and more sustainable way.
2. People living in big cities face many problems today. What are the problems? Should
the government encourage people to live in regional towns?
Most individuals like to live in metro cities, but there are many issues that they have to face in
their day-to-day life. One of these solutions could be Local authorities are developing towns
near the city areas where they can urge people to move, reducing the burden on metro cities.
To begin with, people in developed cities undergo many struggles in their day-to-day chores,
and there are many reasons for it. Firstly, traffic is one of the biggest problems in mega cities
due to overcrowding of individuals as everyone wants to be part of big cities. For example,
Mumbai, the financial capital of India, faces lots of travel issues due to having local trains,
flyovers, bridges, taxi services, and bus services. This is because lots of people come to Mumbai
on a daily basis. Secondly, due to transportation, there will be a pollution issue and the best
example of it will be Delhi, which is currently ranked number four in the most populated cities
in the world. Thus, these are problems which are faced by metro cities on a day-to-day basis.
However, these problems can be resolved by taking certain initiatives. The following step could
be for governing bodies to develop the nearby spaces so the population can migrate to these
newly developed spaces, hence causing less stress on the main city. For instance, in the case of
Mumbai, the local authorities have taken a similar kind of step by developing south Mumbai's
western line, so people can migrate to these places and the strain on the city can be reduced.
Therefore, the government should certainly take such action so that people benefit.
Big cities face many issues like pollution, traffic, and what not, but these can be solved by
developing a nearby range of cities so that people will be motivated to migrate to these fields,
and megacities will not have much strain on them.
3. Some people say that the government is responsible for aged care and financial
support for the elderly; others argue that it's the role of individuals. Discuss both views
and give your opinion.
Owing to the drastic rise in the incidence of chronic diseases nowadays, some individuals are of
the opinion that everyone should be responsible for ensuring that they are healthy. Whereas,
some other people disagree with this idea and believe that the onus lies with the government
to ensure that the health of its citizens is well catered for. This essay will discuss the role of
both parties in ensuring good health.
The state of living free of diseases and being in good health is the job of every individual due to
the fact that it requires hard work, discipline, and consistency on the part of the person in
order to appreciate the effect on their body. It can be challenging and cumbersome, but the end
result is fulfilling and beneficial to the person. It can involve activities such as abstinence from
some types of food and snacks, exercising regularly, going to the doctor for a medical check-up,
and a few others. All of these cannot be enforced on anyone, hence the need for everyone to
rise up to this task.
On the other hand, the government also has a role to play in assisting its citizens to live healthy
lives, because some people do not have the financial capacity to fund hospital bills, register at a
gym or even eat good food. As a result, they become prone to several kinds of illnesses and
diseases. Therefore, a good step in the right direction on the Government's part will be to
subsidize all the aforementioned activities. For instance, the US president has made available a
medical care card for all Americans. Thus, it covers their basic health needs. Therefore, every
US citizen has easy access to good health care.
In conclusion, while it is the role of every individual to take care of their own health, the
government also needs to help so as to ensure everyone lives in good health.
4. Some people believe that the government should help the unemployed or just laid off
from work on a weekly basis. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your
own opinion.
Unemployment is becoming a major problem all over the world. Even in some developed
nations, the rate of unemployment is high. This is sometimes attributed to the financial
recession that gripped the world during the first decade of this century. While the situation
improved considerably over the last few years, a lot of people who had been laid off by their
previous employers are still out of work. Some people feel that the government should give
them weekly financial allowances. I don’t think that this is a viable solution.
To start with, if governments were to provide financial assistance to every unemployed person,
they would have little money to run the country. Most nations already have several welfare
schemes for the jobless and the governments certainly offer some financial assistance through
these schemes. Of course, these nominal financial aids are unlikely to solve the financial woes of
the jobless. I won’t blame the governments for these because there is a limit to the amount of
money they can spend.
In most cases unemployment is the result of the lack of skills. People who possess skills that the
industry demands will have no difficulty finding jobs. Yes, the recession wiped away many jobs.
However, there are still several sectors that need skilled manpower. Instead of doling out
financial assistance to jobless people, the government should run free training programs and
camps where the jobless can pick up skills. This will provide a lasting solution to this problem.
The government should also create awareness about the dignity of labor. The unemployment
rates in India are high. This is not really caused by the dearth of job. Rather it is a result of
misplaced notions of dignity. The educated middle-class Indians will only accept white collar
jobs. If the jobless take up manual jobs, the nation will become much more prosperous.
To conclude, giving weekly financial assistance to the jobless will not increase the GDP of a
nation. It is never a solution. Instead of giving people money, the government should provide
free training that will increase their employability.
1. Giving lectures in auditoriums to large numbers of students is an old way of teaching.
With the technology available today there is no justification for it, and everything should
be done online. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion.
A group of individuals are inclined to think that providing lectures in halls with a huge crowd of
people is becoming an old tradition of teaching. Due to advancements in technology, everything
is available on the internet. If questioned, I strongly agree with this viewpoint. My position is
elaborated further with reasons and examples.
The foremost argument to justify my stand is that attending virtual classes is beneficial for those
who cannot afford the fees of institutions. To be more precise, if institutes take online lectures,
then they will not be charged with infrastructure, cleaning, water, and so on. As a result, the
cost of teaching would be dramatically dropped. For example, the VIP academy used to charge
15000 rupees for offline tuition, but due to the coronavirus, everything is now restricted, so
their fees for online lectures are only 5000 rupees, and the public can afford it.
Another reason to satisfy my view is that the personalised learning experience has become
possible with the help of advanced technology. In a classroom, the teacher would be interacting
with more than 100 students at a time, and a pupil may not be able to cope with the other
students. However, the online system has allowed us to take one to one session so that
learning should be enhanced. To summarize, the crowd prefers personal tuition rather than
joining offline institutions because of personal learning.
To conclude and according to my opinion, I firmly believe that advancements in hi-tech are
useful for all people in terms of finances and learning individually too.
2. Usually students have to study a range of different subjects. Some people believe that
learning subjects without being interested in them won't be beneficial. Do you agree or
disagree with this statement?
It is true that students these days have to study different types of subjects that may not be
necessary for the future. Consequently, some people hold the opinion that children should be
taught only those subjects that they are interested in. I accord with this given statement. Here,
in the below essay, I will try to enunciate this fact with my own perception.
To begin with, there are subjects that are only part of the curriculum, but as such, there are no
benefits to studying those subjects. For example, in India, Sanskrit is being taught in most of the
government schools starting from the 5th standard to the 9th standard. Most students do not
find any interest in learning about this subject. Furthermore, even if they did learn, it would be
useless in their career. Therefore, instead of teaching Sanskrit, if some music lessons or dance
lessons were taught at school, then it would be beneficial for every student, especially those
coming from destitute families. Undeniably, taking a coach for music and dance lessons would
be expensive in the market.
Further emphasizing my point of view, there are other subjects that are not beneficial for
students, if they are not really interested in studying them. For instance, I do not have any
interest in art or drawing lessons that were part of my school curriculum when I was a kid.
Apparently, I do not think even teachers teach any real skills while teaching these kinds of
subjects. Normally, they ask us to draw or paint something. However, they never give us any
technical comments that would be beneficial for the future. Therefore, in my opinion, instead of
these subjects, if some real subjects were taught in a school, that would be better in terms of
learning. In particular, learning a computer, communication skills, or a foreign language as
subjects would definitely be more beneficial.
To recapitulate, by looking at the above facts, in my opinion, there is no point in teaching those
subjects in a school where students do not have any interest in learning. Thus, certainly, while
deciding a curriculum for a school, some kind of opinion should be taken from the senior
students, so that a better timetable can be prepared every year.
3. Some people say that the purpose of education for individuals is to be useful to the
society, while others argue that the purpose is to fulfill personal ambitions of an
individual. Discuss both views and give your opinion?
The purpose of education has been a controversial issue for decades. Some people hold a view
that the objective of schooling is to help people to become a social useful member, whereas
others argue that education aims at fulfilling the ambitions of people. From my perspective, the
ultimate goal of education is to accomplish personal aspiration.
It is undoubted that schooling could foster helpful society members. A highly civilization society
is composed of groupsof expertise in various fields, and education is a way to produce those
qualified persons. For instance, graduates from foreign languages universities are conductive to
breaking the language boundary between cities as well as nations, in order to promote their
business going and cultural communication. Without education, that is, the lack of useful society
members, is more likely to create an undeveloped society.
However, the main target of education should be achieving the personal goal. Specially, studying
helps to expand your scope of horizon and own adequate knowledge reserve, in turn, assisting
you to be well prepared for your future career. From my personal experience, for example,
majoring in secondary education at university allows me to have a solid understanding of
teaching, which includes the application of multiple effective teaching strategies that cater to the
needs of each student. Further, it promotes me to pursue the future career as a professional
teacher. For another, schooling is individualized that helps you to become the person who you
want to be, according to your preference and capacity. In other words, it frees you from the
boundary constraint of the society.
In conclusion, although education contributes to cultivating useful persons for the society, I
believe it is more beneficial to fulfill personal dreams.
4. Some people say that in our modern age, it is unnecessary to teach children about the
skills of handwriting. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Handwriting skills involve craftsmanship and an artistic way of presenting letters and require a
great deal of time and practice. Since students are more likely to type rather than write on
paper for the rest of their life, I do not believe that this skill is prevalent in this modern era
where computers are used both in the academic and professional arenas.
To begin with, neat handwriting was a criterion for academic success in the past, but not
anymore in this digital era. Assignments, classwork, tests and other school activities are mostly
done on computers, and this is why a student needs to grasp the skills of computing and typing
more than present immaculate letter formations on paper. To illustrate an example, I submitted
three assignments during my last term and all of them were submitted to my teachers' emails,
and not a single one was handwritten. Besides, time invested in honing excellent handwriting
can be better utilised in mastering more important subjects and skills.
Moreover, the use of computers and the Internet in offices is a common trend. An employee is
expected to be an expert computer user, and immaculate handwriting is not a requirement to
be hired by a company. Ironically, better penmanship has little value in a world surrounded by
technology. With computers becoming more prevalent in the future, parents and teachers
should focus more on teaching technology to students rather than instructing how much a
letter should be stressed or curved!
To conclude, academic activities and professional needs in this era of technology compel
students to have skills in computers, and this is why it would be more practical to enhance their
technical skills rather than their handwriting skills, which have already become less important.
1. Some cultures value elderly people more, while other cultures value the youth more.
Discuss both approaches and give your own opinion.
Whether the cultural value of the old age and the young age should be considered and
explained much more has become a heated debate in different countries with numerous
standards. Some people claim that the value of the elderly would be better; others believe that
young people's culture might be more valued. From my perspective, the old age’s culture as
well as the young generations also are indispensable to the enhancement of society. This essay
will discuss both sides of the argument before coming to a reasoned conclusion.
To begin with, a great number of people are persuaded that the old are more valuable due to
the fact that the old have experienced many more things in society, which enables them to be
wiser. Therefore, they will always pay more attention to their own family as well as work and
be responsible for others. Furthermore, every community needs the experienced ones, as
senior citizens are more kind and easier to work with due to their potential benefits. As a
consequence, a great deal of experience as well as the cultural value of the senior people could
contend with national and international affairs well.
However, young people's culture should also be considered to be more crucial. Firstly, the
people who always say that youth means being more energetic and creative. Because creativity
has a key role to play in the development of an organization as well as success, like an engine
could not operate without fuel, particularly in small companies when they are developing. So,
corporations need to enhance and develop the novel ideas of young people in order to
progress better.
In conclusion, my notion is that old age and youth are beneficial and essential to our well-being
and progress. So, they need to work together to play the major roles in a whole society.
2. Some cities do not restrict on how stylish and unique houses and offices that people
construct can be. Do you think the advantages of this approach outweigh the
Modern societies, from the many changes that they have implemented, have also brought about
a change in the architectural trends of the world. The buildings and the constructions that we
see today are not only built using the latest technological equipment, but also have
an eccentric style to them.
As people's lifestyles have evolved, so have their houses, beyond the concept of 'just a place for
shelter'. Many people now build their homes as a reflection of their personalities. This makes
them more affectionate towards this personal space of theirs. The exterior of the house is also
as personalized as the interior. Logically speaking, it seems really irrelevant for the city
authorities to restrict how an individual wants his house to look.
The same conviction applies to the construction of various offices and corporates as well. The
owners of companies wish that their company's ideology should some way or the other be
reflected in the offices they establish. This desire may have stemmed from the idea of increasing
productivity minus the stressful working environment. Many famous companies, like Google and
Facebook, along with numerous others around the world, have amazing office spaces that make
their employees delighted and leave onlookers fascinated.
As far as I'm concerned, I'm not able to think of any disadvantages to the given phenomenon.
Referring to the concept of interior designing, it has always been done in houses so that the
owner really feels like the house belongs to him. The only variation now is that the exteriors of
the house are also being individualized, which according to me is just as normal.
Therefore, to conclude, I would like to say that modern architecture has been surpassing itself
in the last few years, and it is only safe to say that it will mature more. It is a very progressive
idea to not restrict any such kind of personalization in buildings, as the styles and the
uniqueness might only add to the beauty and diversity of the cities.
3. Some people believe that young generation should follow traditions of their society;
others, however, believe that young people should be free to make their own choice as
individuals. Discuss both views and your own opinion.
Social traditions are a part of who we are, and play an integral role in our lives as a result.
While it has been argued by some that young people should live by to these traditions, there is
a contrasting point of view that the young should have the freedom to live the way they want.
This essay will attempt to examine both perspectives before delivering my opinion.
There are a number of reasons to support the idea that young people should continue to
uphold social norms. Firstly, the young have the responsibility to maintain their cultural values.
If young people follow social traditions in activities that are different between cultures, such as
marriage and funeral, for example, they will be preserving the uniqueness of their heritage.
Secondly, by adhering to the accepted practices in their society, the young generation will have
a secure foundation for their own future. To specify, since previous generations were able
to flourish in the past, it can be assumed that young people will live just as soundly when they
follow established customs instead of having to think about creating their own norms.
On the other hand, the reasons to support the young’s decisions in having their own ways of
life are also significant. It is suggested that the youth should freely express themselves in many
aspects of life, and social traditions should be no exception. Since every generation has had a
way to make their mark in history, the young people of this day and age also deserve the
chance to make use of their energy and youth, instead of being held back by established beliefs.
Furthermore, social practices are not set in stone, and certain ones are even backward such as
the tendency to belittle women in society. The young generation with their forwardthinking ways would be the perfect people to explore new cultural norms; by being free and
not having to follow outdated customs, they too can establish practices that are more
appropriate for their time.
In conclusion, while there are merits in both views of the matter, I think the young should
be selective in choosing the social traditions that they want to live by; otherwise, their freedom
to live and behave the way they want should be supported.
4. In some countries, more and more adults are living with their parents after graduating
from college, university, or even after finding a job. Do the advantages of this outweigh
the disadvantages?
In recent years, the number of adults still living with their parents has been on the rise due
to recent economic upheaval. While some argue that this trend helps cement relationships
between members of a family, I believe it is largely disadvantageous due to the growing
dependence of children on their guardians.
On the one hand, staying under the same roof can help forge stronger bonds between family
members. One of the primary reasons for this is there are abundant opportunities for regular
face-to-face interactions and intimate conversations. For example, a newly graduated student
can get advice, discuss problems at work, and confide possible setbacks to his parents. This kind
of conversation will likely help build confidence which is widely regarded as a key to success in
an increasingly competitive business world. This ideal scenario seems less likely if, however, the
son is settling down in a new home, with a different timetable from members of his family and
only speaking with his parents on occasion over the phone.
On the other hand, I am firmly of the opinion that those who refuse to live on their own are
more likely to experience a prolonged period of immaturity. Firstly, those who remain at
home are usually exempt from mundane tasks such as preparing meals, doing laundry and
tidying their rooms. Consequently, they are likely to be dependent on their parents and have
trouble developing the capacity for self-reliance that is essential for personal and career
success. It will be more difficult for them to make their own well-informed, responsible
decisions. Indeed, many helicopter parents, such as those in Vietnam, closely monitor their
children, failing to guide them properly in how to gather relevant information, and evaluate
possible options for a final sound decision. Both of these failures are likely to have detrimental
effects, preventing many from leading a self-sufficient life.
In conclusion, although young adults might be better supported emotionally in staying
home, over-reliance on one’s parents is not a wise path towards becoming a well-adjusted,
high-functioning member of society. In my opinion, teenagers should start taking full
responsibility for their lives at the age of 18.