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Ahmed Body CFD Benchmark using TCFD

Ahmed Body External Aerodynamics
CFD Benchmark using TCFD​®
This report presents the benchmark validation of a CFD simulation of the famous external
aerodynamics test case - Ahmed body, using ​TCFD®​ ​. Ahmed body is a generic car body (a simplified
car model) i.e the flow of air around the Ahmed body captures the essential flow features around
an automobile. The aim of the benchmark validation was to evaluate the TCFD​®​, computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) software, and compare its results with the measurement data. The particular
goal of this benchmark is to compare the ​Drag Coefficient​, V
​ elocity Profiles​, ​Velocity field​, and
® ​
the time-averaged ​Wake structure of the TCFD​ simulation results with the real experimental
measurement in the wind tunnel [1], [2].
Benchmark Parameters
Typical flow speed: ​40 m/s
Reynolds Number: ​4.29 M
Flow model: in​compressible
Mesh size: ​20M cells
Medium: ​air
Slant angle:​ 25º
Reference density: ​1.2 kg/m3​
Dynamic viscosity: ​1.8 × 10-5
​ ​ Pa⋅s
CPU Time:​ 700 core.hours
Turb. Model:​ k-omega SST
Simulation type: ​Virtual Tunnel
Turbulence intensity: 1%
The original CAD model of the Ahmed body was in the STEP
file format. Original STEP files are usually too complex for
comprehensive CFD simulations, so certain preprocessing
(cleaning) CAD work is generally required. While the original
CAD model for this project was simplified and cleaned using
Salome open-source software, any other standard CAD system
can be used instead. The principle is always the same: the
surface model has to be created;
all the tiny, irrelevant, and
problematic model parts must
be removed, and all the holes
must be sealed up. This Ahmed
body CAD model is reasonably
simple. The surface model in the
STL format is created as input
for the meshing phase. This
preprocessing phase of the
workflow is extremely important
because it determines the
simulation potential and limits
the CFD results.
The computational mesh was
created in an automated workflow
using ​snappyHexMesh a
​ pplication.
A cartesian block mesh was used
for the initial background mesh to
mimic the virtual tunnel. The
Ahmed body model itself is
1044mm long, 338mm high, and
389mm wide. The virtual tunnel is
5m high, 11m long, and 6m wide.
Basic mesh cell size is a cube of
10mm edge. One Refinement box
is included within the refinement
level 5. The inflation layer of the
mesh, at every wall, has 5 cells, of
Expansion ratio 1.25 between cells.
The mesh refinement levels can be
easily changed, to obtain the
coarser or finer mesh, to better
handle the mesh size. In case of
need, any other external mesh can
be loaded directly in ​MSH,​ ​CGNS or
OpenFOAM​ format.
Mesh Elements
internal faces
faces per cell
Mesh Elements
tet wedges
TCFD​®​ Case Setup
Simulation type: ​Virtual tunnel
Time management: ​steady-state
Physical model:​ Incompressible
Number of components: ​1
Mesh Mesh size: ​20M cells
Inlet: ​Velocity 40 m/s
Outlet: ​Static pressure
Turbulence: ​RANS
Turbulence model:​ kOmegaSST
Wall treatment:​ Wall functions
Speedlines: ​1
Simulation points:​ 1
Fluid: ​Air
Reference pressure: ​1 atm
Reference density: ​1.2 [kg/m3]
Dynamic viscosity: ​1.8e-05 [Pa.s]
TCFD​® includes a built-in post-processing module that
automatically evaluates the required quantities, such as
efficiency, forces, force coefficients, flow rates, and much
more. All these quantities are evaluated throughout the
simulation run, and all the important data is summarized
in an HTML report, which can be updated anytime during
the simulation for every run. Furthermore, visual
postprocessing of the volume fields can be done with
Results #1 - The Drag Coefficient
The Drag Coefficient is a very important total value
(dimensionless quantity), which is a measure of the
object's resistance to the airflow. A major contribution to
the drag of a vehicle stems from the pressure drag which
is a consequence of flow separation. According to
measurement in the wind tunnel [1], the drag coefficient
of the Ahmed body, with the slant angle 25º, has the Drag
Coefficient equal to 0.285, while simulation software
TCFD​® predicts the Drag Coefficient to 0.2848. The
difference between the simulation and measurement is so
little that it below the drag coefficient image resolution.
Ahmed body (slant angle 25º) Drag Coefficient
Measurement result according to [1]
CFD result according to TCFD​®
Results #2 - Velocity Profiles
Another important quantity is the velocity profile
on the centerline of the Ahmed body, at a certain
distance ​(x),​ from the tail of the body. In this
simulation study, it has been evaluated the
x-velocity component in the four distances of x =
23, 103, 183, and 243 mm, and compared with the
measurement results [2].
Results #3 - Velocity Field
Another important goal is the flow visualization on the
plain located downstream in the wake, behind the Ahmed
body. In the original paper from S.R.Ahmed [1], the authors
suggest examining the cross-flow velocity distribution, at
three downstream positions in the wake at positions (a),
(b), and (c). Shown are the velocity distributions in the half
of the symmetric transverse planes at xA/l =-0.077, -0.19
and -0.479. The cross-section boundary of the bubble is
shown. Region of reversed flow is cross-hatched. The
formation of the side vortex is clearly visible. It is also seen
that its core is fed by the separation bubble. Velocity
vectors in the cross-hatched region indicate the existence
of an upper and lower region of reversed flow; the axis of
the upper region is curved upwards in direction of the core
of the side edge vortex.
Results #4 - Wake Structure
Another important goal of this study is
examining the wake structure. In the original
paper from S.R.Ahmed [1], the authors observed
that the wake flow exhibits a triple deck system
of horseshoe vortices. Strength, existence, and
merging of these vortices depend upon the base
slant angle. In a time-averaged sense, the
regions of flow separation exhibit complex
kinematic macro structures. Such structures in
the wake, which is the major separated flow
region of a vehicle flow field, determine the drag
experienced by the body. The shear layer,
coming off the slant side edge, rolls up into a
longitudinal vortex, in a manner similar to that
observed on the side edge of low aspect ratio
wings. At the top and bottom edges of the flat
vertical base, the shear layer rolls up as
indicated, into two recirculatory flow regions A
and B, situated one over another. As the flow
over the slant surface is influenced by the vortex C coming off the side edge, the strength of vortex A is
dependent upon the strength of vortex C. The flow observation described in [1] was clearly confirmed
with the TCFD​®​simulation.
The very complex CFD analysis of the Ahmed body aerodynamics, using TCFD​®​, was performed
successfully. It has been shown, that the TCFD​® simulation provides very good agreement with the
measurement data, in terms of total integral quantities (Drag Coefficient), 1D quantities (Velocity
profiles), 2D effects (Velocity planes), and 3D effects (Wake structure).
According to measurement in the wind tunnel [1], the drag coefficient of the Ahmed body, with the
slant angle 25º, has the Drag Coefficient equal to 0.285, while simulation software TCFD​® predicts the
Drag Coefficient to 0.2848. The difference between the simulation and measurement is so little that it
below the measurement drag coefficient image resolution [1]. The numerical difference of the Drag
Coefficient of the Ahmed body between measurement and the TCFD​® simulation is less than 0.1%
(while the authors of the measurement estimate the measurement itself has an error about 1%, [1] ). In
the CFD simulation, the velocity profiles are extremely sensitive to mesh density at the wall.
Overall the velocity profiles predicted by the simulation show good agreement with the measurement.
Visual characteristics (cross-flow velocity distribution at three downstream planes, and the triple-deck
system of horseshoe vortices in the time-averaged wake) of the flow, show very good agreement
between the measurement and TCFD​®​ simulation.
All the data are freely available. Potential questions will be answered on request at
[1] S.R. Ahmed, G. Ramm, Some Salient Features of the Time-Averaged Ground Vehicle Wake, SAE-Paper 840300,
[2] H. Lienhart, C. Stoots, S. Becker, Flow and Turbulence Structures in the Wake of a Simplified Car Model (Ahmed
Model), DGLR Fach Symp. der AG STAB, Stuttgart University, 15-17 Nov. 2000
[3] H. Lienhart, S. Becker, Flow and Turbulence Structure in the Wake of a Simplified Car Model, SAE 2003 World
Congress, SAE Paper 2003-01-0656, Detroit, Michigan, USA, 2003
[4] C. Hinterberger, M. García-Villalba, W. Rodi, Large Eddy Simulation of flow around the Ahmed body. In "Lecture
Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics / The Aerodynamics of Heavy Vehicles: Trucks, Buses, and Trains",
R. McCallen, F. Browand, J. Ross (Eds.), Springer Verlag, ISBN: 3-540-22088-7, 2004
About TCFD​®
CFD SUPPORT LTD. creates a new generation of CFD simulation tools. ​TCFD​® massively increases
productivity in CFD simulations. It successfully merges the benefits of both ​open-source and ​commercial
code: due to its open-source
nature, TCFD​® is perpetual for an
unlimited number of users, jobs,
and cores, and it is further
commercial nature, TCFD​® is
professionally supported, well
tested, ready for the industry,
robust, accurate,
offers a graphical user interface
(GUI), documentation and much
more. Since TCFD​® is unlimited, it
is well-suited to demanding
transient or aeroacoustics.
TCFD​® scales CFD simulations to the
available hardware resource. TCFD​® is
fully automated and flexible. Its
beauty is, that it is the user who
decides how deeply to dive into CFD or
not at all. TCFD​® can be used as a black
box (data in - data out) or as a fully
sophisticated CFD code where all the
options remain open at the same time.
TCFD​® was originally designed for
simulations of rotating machinery like
Pumps, Fans, Compressors, Turbines, etc. TCFD​® proved to be so effective, that it was later extended with
many other applications to cover even a wider range of CFD field. TCFD​® shows great performance at the
external aerodynamics of various objects. TCFD​®
numerical solver is open-source. TCFD​® is not
dependent on other software but it is fully
compatible with standard other software packages.
TCFD​® is fully automated and can run an entire
workflow with a single command: from data input,
the new case is written down, the mesh is created,
the case is set up and simulated, the results are
evaluated and the results are written down into a
report It operates both in graphical interface (GUI)
and in batch mode. TCFD​® is from the beginning
developed to fit any existing CAE workflow. TCFD​®
has a modular (plugin) character. Any part of it can be
used within other applications. It has strong
interfaces to cover a wide range of input and output
data. Technical support of TCFD​® ​is unlimited.
www.cfdsupport.com​ | +420 212 243 883 | ​info@cfdsupport.com