工程材料 HW1 注意事項: 1. 作業請上傳 PDF 檔,檔名為 "姓名_學號" (ex. 林奕安_r10522701) 格式不符者,0 分計之,且不接受補交 2. 可以用中文作答 3. 時限為下週四(9/21)午夜 11:59 題目: 1) Please explain the properties of metals, ceramics, polymers, and semiconductors. Metal have good electrical and thermal conductivities. And it also have high strength, high stiffness, ductility or formability Ceramics can be defined as inorganic nonmetallic materials and it also strong and hard, but very brittle. Polymers materials made from giant (or macromolecular), chain-like molecules having average molecular weights from 10,000 to more than 1,000,000 g/mol built by the joining of many mers or units by chemical bonds. Polymers are usually, but not always, carbon based. Polymers typically are good electrical and thermal insulators 半導體材料導電性介於金屬材料及陶器材料,同時也能透過半導體的材 料來得知該素材的年份。 2) Please provide a comparison of the differences between metals and alloys, as well as between thermoplastics and thermoset plastics 金屬/合金:金屬為純物質,合金為混合物,金屬導電性較高、導熱性較好; 合金會差一些。 熱塑型/熱固型塑膠:熱塑形物質結構較線性,有支鏈,加熱軟化、冷卻硬化。 有良好的延性及可塑性。 熱固形物質在加熱後固化、不可溶解、不融化。結構會較穩定但比較脆弱,因為 彼此之間都是緊密的連結,受到一些外力就會破裂。 3) Write the electronic configuration of the following elements (a) iron, (b) aluminum, (c)copper, (d) carbon, (e) zinc, and (f) chromium (a)[Ar]4s23d6 (b)[Ne]3s23p1 (c)[Ar]4s13d10 (d)[He]2s22p2 (e) [Ar]4s23d10 (f) [Ar]4s13d5 4) Please provide explanations for Ionization Energy, Electron Affinity, and Electronegativity. Ionization Energy:將一個電子從原子、離子離移開至無限遠處所需的能量。 Electron Affinity(電子親和力):表當一個原子要吸收或增加一個電子所需的能 量釋出。在同一週期中,價電子遞增,而中心原子核的質子增加,靜電吸引 力增加,因而原子半徑遞減。而靜電力與半徑平方成反比,對電子的吸引力 就會更大,因而電子親合能量增加。 Electronegativity(電負度):是一個原子得到電子的傾向大小,原子通常會傾向 將外殼層電子軌道全部填滿。而原子序越高的元素通常電負度較低,因外殼 層電子離中心原子核越遠,因此電子會受到較低的電力吸引,電子較容易游 離。鹼金族及鹼土族的元素會傾向丟失電子;6A、7A 族會傾向得到電子。 5) Compare the three primary types of chemical bonds, including their formation and their influence on material properties (ductile or brittle, thermal conductivity, density…). 鍵結種類 金屬鍵 共價鍵 離子鍵 方式 自由電子與陽離子之 間的吸引力 價電子與原子核的 靜電吸引力 陰離子及陽離子之間 的吸引力 鍵結強度 中 強 強 延性與展性 良好 硬且脆不易延展 易碎裂 熱傳導 良 無 無 密度 高 中 中 導電性 強 無特別 水溶液可導電 、 子 、 一 人 子 子 子 子 6) What is a crystalline material? What is an amorphous material? Please provide an explanation along with an example. crystalline material: 原子與電子的排列在三維空間是有規律的周期性重複排 列。這種排列狀態又稱為長程(10nm~cm)有序。晶體材料具有固定的熔點。像 是鑽石有明確的排列方式。 amorphous material:組成的原子排列方式是較無規則,稱做短程有序(1~10Å)。 非晶體材料沒有固定的熔點,融化是逐漸軟化的溫度範圍。像是玻璃、紙張、木 材都是非晶體材料。 7) Define the terms lattice, basis, crystal, unit cell, lattice parameters, and interaxial angles. Lattice: Is a collection of points, and the points are arranged in a periodic patten so that the surroundings of each point in the lattice are identical. It can be one-,two-,three-dimension. Basis: Continuous repeating unit. Unit cell: The unit cell concept complements the lattice and basis model for representing a crystal structure. Lattice parameters: The axial lengths or dimensions of the unit cell and are denoted by convention as a, b, and c. Interaxial angles: The angles between the axial lengths is interaxial angles.α,β,γ 8) Gallium has an orthorhombic structure, with a0 = 0.45258 nm, b0 = 0.45186 nm, and c0 = 0.76570 nm. The atomic radius is 0.1218 nm. The density is 5.904 g/cm3, and the atomic weight is 69.72 g/mol. Determine (a) the number of atoms in each unit cell; and (b) the packing factor in the unit cell (a) 0.45258/0.1218=3.716 G bo 0.45186/0.1218=3.7098 Co 0 r 0.76570/0.1218=6.29 5 9048 . = x × 69 72 *O . Lxl 0 = O = 5 2 b ) packingfactor . . . 45258 45186 hm = 65JoMm . 1218 nm . Hm = 0. = = 0 0 . 45255 × ( 0 0 . . 45186 × 10 F 65J0 1215 X ( 0 4 π× [ 4 5258 × . 5186 4 0 cm . 8× = 10 904 gcm3 1 . xl081 218 = . × F 98366 8 個 0 10 * X 6.0 X 4 5253 × 4 .5150 . L 657 . 0 = β= β= O = . × . 65 7 38668 # × 10 F c) cm cm 「 9) Determine the Miller indices for the directions in the cubic unit cell shown in following figure. A= [ 0O ] B= [ 位 TO ] C= [T D= 11 = C 120] ] 1 泛] = [ 2 TT ] 10) what is the meaning of Miller indices [100], <100>, (100), and {100}. [100]= the two points’ distance . the “head” point – the “tail” point x coordinate is 1 <100> They have their particular indices because of the way we construct the coordinates. So the families of equivalent direction can be describe as <100>=[100] [ 1 00] [010] [0 1 0] [001] [00 1 ] (100) The plane of atoms in crystal. The plane’s x,y,z interception and take it as reciprocals of these intercepts. It represents the plane that only intercepts x-axis at one. {100}Represent groups of equivalent planes. These planes have similar indices. = (100) (010) (001) ( 1 00) (0 1 0) (00 1 )