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IB BIO 2.1 - 2.3

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Basicwhat elements can protein contain?c,h,o. NITROGEN and sometimes sulfur (common but its not always there)
Basicwhat are proteins used for?hormones, enzymes, many thingsprotein
Basicother than cho, what elements do nucleic acids contain?nitrogen and phosphorusnucleicAcid
Basicis nucleic acid or nucleotide the subunit(smaller)?nucleotidenucleicAcid
Basicwhat 3 main parts are nucleotides made of? (covalently bonded)base, sugar, phosphatenucleicAcid
Basichow can we see if a nucleotide is rna or dna?look at the ribose sugar. deoxy = dna, oxy = rnanucleicAcid
Basicwhat is the general structure of an amino acid.(its amine not amino idk why it says that)aminoAcid
Basicwhat is amine (chemical formula w elements)NH2aminoAcid
Basichow can you recognize a fatty acid?carboxyl, CH3 (methyl) and chain of CH2 (methhylene) in betweenfattyAcids Lipids
Basichow do we know if a fatty acid is (mono/poly)unsaturated or saturatedthe amount of double bonds between carbons. carboxyl doesnt count . its saturated because no more hydrogen can be added. no double bonds = unsaturated one double bond = monounsaturated 2 or more = polyunsaturatedfattyAcids Lipids
Basichow can we know if its alpha or beta glucose? (if have another way of remembering replace)look at the first carbon, if H is on top its alpha, if OH is on top/ H is on bottom then its beta.carbs glucose
Basicwhat is condensationwater releasing (used for anabolic reactions; building molecules)condensation metabolism
Basicwhat is hydrolysisit splits water. catabolic reactions need water to happen (break down molecules)hydrolysis metabolism
Basicwhats a glycosidic bond?bw 2 monosaccharides. the 1st carbon and 4th carbon bondmetabolism
Basicwho discreidted vitalism by synthethically creating ureafrederich wohlermetabolism
Basicwhat was wohler trying to create when he made ureaammonium cyanateurea vitalism
Basicwhat is vitalismbelief that organic molecules are made with a vital force and not physical elementsvitalism
Basicwhat enzyme breaks down proteins into amino acidsproteaseenzyme protein proteins
Basicdescribe a peptide bondtake out OH of carboxyl and one H of the methyl(CH3) (so it makes H20). then the nitrogen and carbon are connected, combining the 2 amino acids.peptide protein proteins
Basicwhat enzyme catabolizes lactose into galactose and glucoselactase (and water) . it breaks the glycosidic bondcarbs enzyme
Basicwhat is thisglucose
Basicwhat is the differnece between the structure of glucose and galactoseswitch OH and H on the 4th carbon
Basicis fructose a hexose or pentosehexose. it looks like a pentose but theres a extra CH2OH
Basicwhat are the three most common forms of monosaccharidestrioses, hexoses, pentoses
Basicwhat monosaccharides is maltose made up of2 glucose
Basicwhat is lactosesugar foudn in milk. made of glucose and galactosecarbs
Basicwhat is sucrosetable sugar. glucose and fructosecarbs
Basicconnection between 1st and 4th carbonsa glycosidic bond - straight chainbonds carbs glycosidicBonds
Basicconnection bw 1st and 6th carbonglycosidic bond - bentbonds carbs glycosidicBonds
Basicwhat is the differnece between a straight/bent chain glycosidic bondstraight = bw 1st and 4th carbons bent = bw 1st and 6th carbonsbonds carbs glycosidicBonds
Basicwhere is galactose found (real life)milk, and cerealscarbs
Basicwhere is fructose found in real lifefruits and honeycarbs
Basichow sweet is fructosesweetest naturally occuring carbcarbs
Basicwhat are polysaccharides often (length and shape)long, maybe branchedcarbs
Basicwhat type of molcules is cellulose made up of (spec type of monosaccahride)β-glucosecarbs cellulose
Basichow are the molecules in cellulose bondedhydrogen bondscarbs cellulose
Basicwhat are bundles of cellulose calledcellulose microfibrilscarbs cellulose
Basicwhat is THE special trait of cellulose (hint: structure )high tensile stregnth. this precents pplant walls from bursting even under high water pressurecarbs cellulose
Basicwhy cant i eat grass???!!!??!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?humans do not have the neccessary enzymes to break down bonds bw β-glucose molecules. Grazing anaimls and bacteria in their gut have the enzymes (why not meeeeeeee)carbs cellulose
Basicwhat type of monosaccharide are amylose and amylopectin made ofalpha glucoseamylose&Amylopectin carbs
Basichow are molecules in amylose+amylopectin oriented and whats an effect of thisthey are oriented the same way. this means the molecule is curvedamylose&Amylopectin carbs
Basichow are the carbons linked (which to which) on amylose+ amylopectin1-4 via condensationamylose&Amylopectin carbs
Basicamylopectin: what type of chain and its effect on shape and sizebranched; globular shape, it can be biggeramylopectin amylose&Amylopectin carbs
Basicis amylose branched/unbranched and its effect on shapeunbranched; forms a helixamylose amylose&Amylopectin carbs
Basicwhat is another name for starch (2) (what its made up of)amylose and amylopectinamylose&Amylopectin carbs
Basicwhat is the more common name for amylose/amylopectin. (what it makes up)starchamylose&Amylopectin carbs
Basicdo plants or animals make starchplants. animals can digest/useamylose&Amylopectin carbs
Basicis starch solubleyes; but too large to be soluble in wateramylose&Amylopectin carbs
Basicwhat is starch's effect on osmotic balance of cellsosmotic balance: cause too much water to enter cells it does not affect itamylose&Amylopectin carbs
Basicwhy is starch useful for energy storageit is easy to add and remove glucose from it. in potatos/seeds glucose is held as starchamylose&Amylopectin carbs
Basichow is starch used in leaf cellsa temporary store when there is too much glucose being madeamylose&Amylopectin carbs
Basicglycogen formula(C6H10O5)ncarbs glycogen polysaccharide
Basichow many subunits does glycogen have usually~30,000carbs glycogen polysaccharide
Basicdescribe the sturcture of glycogen (bent, etc. )it branches many times and its compact bc Condensation reactions link carbons 1-4 on the next α-glucose. •If branches occur where a condensation reaction is, then it links carbon atom 1 – 6. it coils so it is good for storagecarbs glycogen polysaccharide
Basicwho makes glycogenanimals and also some fungicarbs glycogen polysaccharide
Basicwhere is glycogen stored in humansliver and some muscles. its used when large amounts of glucose would cause problemscarbs glycogen polysaccharide
Basicwhy is glycogen used as a energy storage (osmotic balance )•Glycogen does not affect the _osmotic__ balance of cells, i.e. cause too much water to enter them •It is easy to add or remove extra glucose molecules to glycogen •Therefore glycogen is useful in cells for glucose, and consequently energy, storage.carbs glycogen polysaccharide
Basicwhat functional groups do all fatty acids containcarboxyl, methyl (CH3)Lipids
Basictrans fat has bend or nono bend. trans = straightLipids
Basicare the hydrogen on the same side in cis isomeryesLipids
Basicare cis or trans fats more commoncisLipids
Basicwhat is an effect of bends in moleculesmakes it more loosely packedLipids
Basicwhat state of matter are cis isomers lipids usually inliquidLipids
Basicwhat state of matter are trans isomers lipids usually insolidLipids
Basicare trans isomers loosely or densely packeddense. tightlyLipids
Basicno double bonds - Saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated?saturatedLipids
Basic1 double bond - Saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated?monounsaturatedLipids
Basic5 double bonds - Saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated?polyunsaturatedLipids
Basicgive examples of foods high in monounsaturated fat●Olive, peanut, and canola oils ●Avocados ●Nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, and pecans ●Seeds such as pumpkin and sesame seedshealth Lipids
Basicgive exmaples of food high in polyunsaturated fats●Sunflower, corn, soybean, and flaxseed oils ●Walnuts ●Flax seeds Fishhealth Lipids
Basicwhat is coronary heart diseasecoronary arteries being blocked by fat depositshealth Lipids
Basicwhat is the bond between glycerol and fatty acids calledester bondsLipids
Basicwhat hydrolyzises triglycerides (enzyme)lipaseLipids
Basicfunction of lipidsinsulation, protection, storageLipids
Basicfuntion of phospholipidsstructure - they ae a main component of cell membranesLipids
Basicmain purpose of steroidshormone signalling (testorone)Lipids
Basicwhat type of tissue are lipids stored inadipose tissue (fat) - located immediately beneath skin and around some organs (kidneys)Lipids
Basichow does the amount of energy released (in cell respiration )from lipids compared to carbs/proteinlipids release double the amount 2:1Lipids
Basichow much denser in terms of energy storage is lipids compared to carbs1/6Lipids
Basicwhy is glycogen neccesary when we have fatits faster. too much glucose at once is badcarbs Lipids
Basicwhat is one thing (energy storage) that glucose does that fats/fatty acids cantanaerobic. aerobic - fatty acids and glucose can docarbs Lipids
Basicwhat level storage molecule is glycogenintermediatecarbs
Basicbmi formulabmi
Basichow much bmi for each weight catergory?
Basicwhat dieseases are associated with a high bmi
Basicwhat are some problems with low BMI
Basiclist some problems with BMI- not a good indicator of metabolic health (30%) - doesnt account for muscle mass, water, etc. - its for populations not individuals
Basicpeptide bondc-n (add more)
Basicwhat are do all polypeptides have in commonthey are all made up of a combo of the same 20 amino acids
Basicwhat happens in ribosomespolypeptide synthesisprotein proteinSynthesis
Basichow do ribosomes know what polypeptide to makemessenger RNA (mRNA)protein proteinSynthesis
Basicwhat is the primary structure for protein (1st stage of synthesis)amino acid sequence. its the order formed by covalent peptide bondsprotein proteinSynthesis
Basicwhats another word for unbranchedstraight chain