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Black Conservatism: Steele vs. Sowell Analysis

This assigned composition provides a methodical examination juxtaposing two literary works of
art, namely “The Loneliness of the Black Conservative” by Shelby Steele and “Common Sense
in a Senseless World” by Thomas Sowell. In this inquiry, the goal is to offer a more complete
understanding of the intricate challenges and possible dilemmas that may arise and the
repercussions one may be forced to confront being black and conservative in current-day
America while dissecting and evaluating the ideologies of both men. This carefully crafted study
investigates the sophisticated nuances, obstacles, and complications encountered by black
conservatives in modern times, offering intricate insight into their individual efforts.
One must first understand that black conservatism has been greatly impacted by the emergence
of identity politics, numerous civil rights campaigns, and the Great Society operations
throughout the years, having now developed as a distinguished intellectual movement,
characterized all on its own. Borne of such a political landscape were both Sowell and Steele,
refined educated thinkers of great depth expressing unique perspectives on race, individual
responsibility, and the purpose of government. The words they dared to produce have proven an
uncompromising rejection of conventional commentary and pose inflammatory questions
regarding politics and race.
A critical examination of “The Loneliness of the Black Conservative” by Shelby Steele reveals
his account of the mental toll, societal pressures, and psychological strain Black conservatives
encounter in America. The dynamics within the black community whether subtle or overt are
unique and specific, as Black people are not usually a monolith, except of course (sarcastically
speaking), when it comes to the issue of politics and race. The persuasive coercion compelling
one’s acquiescence to liberal ideals can prove overwhelming to the defiant resister, which often
leads to ostracism, exclusion, and feelings of estrangement from the very community into which
they were born. Ironic indeed, the very segregation and sense of separation once forced upon the
community happens to now be nurtured by them unto one of their own. Steele takes issue with
the impact of welfare on the black community, citing that it stimulates a mindset of vulnerability
and dependence, thus stunting personal power and growth. He goes on to research and dissect the
weight of racial legitimacy, scrutinizing ways in which black conservatives manage to maneuver
their own identity in an environment of mostly liberals. By confronting and contesting the
prevalent assumptions, arguments, and beliefs, he invites readers to pontificate on the intricate
nature of racial and political identity.
Thomas Sowell’s “Common Sense in a Senseless World” performs a detailed, fastidious
inspection, probing the issue of race filtered through the lens of economic concepts. Sowell
places a strong emphasis on the importance of cultural and human agency in determining
socioeconomic results. He disputes popular theories about racial inequality, contending that these
theories frequently simplify complicated social realities.
The notion of affirmative action is scrupulously explored as Sowell queries its efficiency and
unforeseen repercussions. Furthermore, he indicates and emphasizes ways in which
governmental procedures affect black communities. Sowell also investigates ways in which
academia impacts public opinions and societal debates. Readers are challenged by the works of
Sowell, to review and evaluate traditional prudence, research contrasting hypotheses for social
inequities, and recommend reassessment with the possible overhaul of governmental operations.
Comparing the divergent viewpoints, it may be noted that the creations of Sowell and Steele bear
many conflicts in approach, with respect to matters such as factors of culture, racial integrity, and
the function of governmental agencies. Steele focuses on the internal dynamics of the black
community, arguing for the necessity of challenging liberal orthodoxy. He highlights the
importance of individual agency and personal responsibility as pathways to empowerment. In
contrast, Sowell places greater emphasis on the broader socioeconomic context, asserting that
cultural factors and historical legacies shape outcomes. While Steele critiques the welfare state,
Sowell offers a broader critique of government intervention, advocating for limited government
and emphasizing the unintended consequences of well-intentioned policies. These differing
perspectives enrich the discourse surrounding black conservatism, encouraging critical
engagement with prevailing ideologies and prompting readers to reconsider the factors that
contribute to disparities within society.
The works of Sowell and Steele have had a profound impact on the discourse surrounding black
conservatism. They have stimulated conversations within academia, influenced policy debates,
and challenged prevailing narratives on race and politics. By presenting nuanced and thoughtprovoking arguments, they have expanded the intellectual landscape and created space for
alternate perspectives. Far beyond the scope of black conservatism, the arguments of Sowell and
Steele remain influential in discussions about politics, conservatism, free will, and governance.
Their initiatives have triggered everyone from academics and social reformists to zealots,
inspiring them to simply pause and reflect on the relationship between individuality, philosophy,
and social evolution enabling a deeper, more enhanced comprehension of the hurdles faced by
today’s black conservative.
This report has provided an in-depth comparison of Thomas Sowell’s “Common Sense in a
Senseless World” and Shelby Steele’s “The Loneliness of the Black Conservative.” By
comparing their perspectives, philosophies, and arguments this analysis has illuminated the
challenges, complications, and possible implications of being a black conservative today. The
contributions of Steele and Sowell have greatly enhanced the discussion about black
conservatism. They have most definitely confronted the prevalent narrations and stimulated
critical engagement, encouraging future studies, scrutiny, inquiries, and debates on the junction
of politics, race, and individual responsibility.
Steele, Shelby. “The Loneliness of the Black Conservative.” Hoover Institution, Stanford
University, 2021, www.hoover.org/research/loneliness-black-conservative. Accessed 10 June
“Common Sense in a Senseless World.” YouTube, uploaded by FreeToChooseNetwork, 15
Mar.2021, www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK4M9iJrgto&ab channel=FreeToChooseNetwork.
Accessed 8 June 2023.