NCR ATM ERROR STATUS REFERENCE GUIDE Any time an error or change of status occurs at an NCR ATM, an error status message is generated. This messages is formatted and sent to the ATM Network where the help desk operators can view the message and act upon it accordingly. In addition to the message being sent to the network, it is also printed on the journal printer of the ATM. This message can indicate a variety of information, such as what device created the error condition (ex. currency dispenser) and what impact it may have had on the customer transaction. The message also indicates whether the error was a result of a function that the ATM performed on its own (unsolicited status) or that it was caused by an action directed by the ATM network (solicited s tatus). This information can be beneficial when investigating balancing or customer discrepancies. The following section breaks down the format of the error status messages as printed on the journal tape and lists their interpretations. Please note that these status messages, when sent to the ATM network, are translated and logged to the networks error log reports. Your network customer service representative may also be able to provide the network interpretation of the message and the impact it may have had on a particular transaction. Please Note: Depending on the version of S/w loaded at the ATM, message details printed may vary a bit. This document is made to synchronization with APTRA 2.06 & NDC+ Sw. STATUS MESSAGE FORMAT Each status message is broken down into specific fields that together describe the error condition or status change that occurred at the ATM. The following diagrams explain the error message format and the definition of each field within the message. ERROR STATUS MESSAGE FORMAT DESCRIPTION tttt*m*d*aa.a,M-bb,R-c Transaction Serial Number (tttt) - This is a four digit number (in the range of 0001 - 9999) that indicates the customer transaction affected by the error status. Message Status Type (m)- this is a one digit number that has two possible values: 1 = a message was sent by the ATM but not requested by the network computer indicating that it is an Unsolicited status. 2 = a command was sent to the ATM and it responded with the error message, indicating that the host Solicited the status. Device Code (d) - this code will always appear as a single alpha character in caps. It will identify the hardware device that created the status message. Transaction/Device Status (aa.a) - this code will be from one to thirteen digits in length. It will give information pertaining to the approval or denial of the customer transaction that took place when the error status message occurred. Diagnostics Module Status (M-bb) - this is a 2-digit number that gives a more detailed explanation of the error condition the affected hardware device experienced at the time of the error status. These numbers always appear after the “M-” in that actual status message. Supply Status (R-c) - this is a one to five digit number that will explain the status of the currency, paper, or capture bins in the ATM. NCR Confidential & Intellectual Property RESTRICTED CIRCULATION Pg 1 of 5 Error Status Message Format tttt * m * d * aa.a, M-bb, R-c Supplies Status Transaction Serial Number Device Code Message Status Type A=Time of Day Clock B=Power Failure C=Card Reader/Writer E=Cash Dispenser F=Depository G=Receipt Printer H=Journal Printer J=Vandal Guard K=Night Safe L=Encryptor M=Camera P=Sensor R=Supervisor V=Statement Printer Transaction / Device Diagnostic Module Status Native Mode Messages: *1*A* Time-Of-Day Clock *1*B* Power Failure *1*D* Card Reader/Writer *1*E* Dispenser *1*F* Depository *1*G* Receipt Printer *1*H* Journal Printer *1*I* Validation Printer (5070) *1*J* Vandal Guard (5081) *1*L* Encryptor *1*M* Camera *1*N* Door Access *1*O* Flex Disk *1*P* Sensors *1*Q* Touch screen *1*R* Supervisor Keys *1*V* Statement Printer *1*Y* Coin Dispenser NCR Confidential & Intellectual Property *1*]* Document Processing Module *1*\* Envelope Dispenser *2*D* Card Reader/Writer *2*E* Dispenser *2*F* Depository *2*I* Validation Printer (5070) *2*K* Night safe Depository *2*O* Flex Disk *2*Q* Touch screen *2*V* Statement Printer *2*Y* Coin Dispenser *2*]* Document Processing Module *2*\* Envelope Dispenser *2** Command Reject *2**### Specific Command Reject indicating the reason for the message being rejected where ### is a letter followed by 2 numbers RESTRICTED CIRCULATION Pg 2 of 5 Device Code E = Currency Dispenser Format = *tttt*m*E*aaaaaaaaa, M-bb, R-ccccc Field Specifics ⇒ *tttt*m*E*aaaaaaaaa, M-bb, R-ccccc aaaaaaaaa = Transaction / Device Status (This field describes what happened during the transaction using the first digit of the field and how many bills were dispensed from each currency cassette using the remaining 8 digits of the field.) Possible values for each digit of "a aa aa aa aa ": a aa aa aa aa Character 1 - This character, known as the transaction code, descibes what happened during the dispense operation. Character 2 & 3 Number of bills dispensed from currency cassette #1 Character 5 & 6 Number of bills dispensed from currency cassette #3 Possible values for Character 1: 0 - The dispense operation was successful but some exception condition was encountered. 1 - Less bills were dispensed than were requested. 2 - No bills were dispensed. 3 - A faulty dispense occurred and the quantity of bills dispensed is unknown. 4 - No bills were dispensed or the card was not ejected before bills were dispensed. 5 - Some or all bills were not taken by cardholder and some or all bills were retracted into the reject bin. NCR Confidential & Intellectual Property Character 3 & 4 Number of bills dispensed from currency cassette #2 Character 7 & 8 Number of bills dispensed from currency cassette #4 RESTRICTED CIRCULATION Pg 3 of 5 Device Code E = Currency Dispenser (continued) Field Specifics ⇒ *tttt*m*E*aaaaaaaaa, M-bb, R-ccccc bb = Module Status Possible values for "bb": 00 - No error 01 - Pick requested from cassette that is not installed 02 - Too many bills being rejected 03 - Pick failure 04 - Pick failure from cassette low or out of currency 05 - Sensor failure or currency jammed 06 - Divert gate failure 07 - Reject bin not present 08 - Reject bin overfilled or sensor blocked 09 - Communications failure at dispenser 10 - Operation not attempted due to previous failure 11 - Bills still in transport, operation not attempted 12 - Presenter mechanism failed or jammed 13 - Exit shutter jammed open 14 - Exit shutter jammed closed 15 - Bills observed passing overfill sensor 16 - Main transport timing disk or main AC motor failed 17 - Exit sensor failed to clear or is blocked 18 - Currency jam in presenter transport or sensor failed 19 - Exit sensor blocked (bills may be in exit slot) 20 - Dispenser not configured 21 - Security violation 22 - Security inhibition 25 - Flex disk authorization not required 28 - An area of NVRAM cannot be accessed (SOH cannot be updated) 29 - Presenter transport timing disk or motor failure 30 - Presenter transport sensors blocked or failed 32 - Heartbeat on execution processor failed (80652) 33 - Communication failure on the I2C bus (80852) 34 - A present notes operation has been attempted without any notes being stacked or a retract operation has been attempted without notes having been presented 35 - Operation incomplete due to power disconnection resulting from the interlock on the ATM access door being tripped 36 - Pick valve test not attempted because cassettes were installed 37 - Tamper Indicating service switched ON 38 - Tamper Indicating service switched OFF 39 - LVDT or associated circuitry malfunctioning 40 - Note parameters not configured because of an NVRAM corruption or it is the first operation since initial power-up 41 - An attempt was made to pick from a cassette which has been disabled for in-service replenishment 146- SDC link failure NCR Confidential & Intellectual Property RESTRICTED CIRCULATION Pg 4 of 5 Device Code E = Currency Dispenser (continued) Field Specifics ⇒ *tttt*m*E*aaaaaaaaa, M-bb, R-ccccc ccccc = Supply Status (This 5-digit supply field describes the state of the currency reject bin and each of the currency cassettes.) Description and possible values for "ccccc": c cccc Character 1-describes the status of the divert bin 1 = Divert bin not overfilled 4 = Divert bin is overfilled Characters 2-3-4-5 -describe the supply status of currency cassettes 1-2-3-4. 0 1 2 3 = = = = No new status Sufficient bill supply Bills low Bills out Example: *1234*2*E*101010000,M-04,R-13100 (In this example, the customer requested $50 but only received $30) Interpretation: As a result of transaction 1234 where the host directed the ATM (2) to dispense currency (in this case 2 - $20 bills and 1 - $10 bill), the currency dispenser (E) encountered a pick failure while attempting to get bills from a cassette that was low on currency (M-04). The transaction status (101010000) indicates that less bills were dispensed than were requested (digit 1 = 1), one bill was dispensed from currency cassette 1 (digits 2&3 = 01) and one bill from currency cassette 2 (digits 3 & 4 = 01). The supply status (R-13100)determines that the reject bin is not full (digit 1 = 1), currency cassette 1 is out of bills (digit 2 = 3) and currency cassette 2 has a sufficient bill supply (digit 3 = 1). NCR Confidential & Intellectual Property RESTRICTED CIRCULATION Pg 5 of 5