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Team Contract: Norms, Rules & Responsibilities

Team 5: Nolan Casey, Aidan Murphy, Robin Wu, Michael Pilson, Meha Kapur, and Chibuike
Team Contract:
Norms for team member behavior, but please use examples:
1. Effort: Group members should be doing their assigned work within the project, and
putting their full attention into it. Do not just have-complete what you are assigned to do.
If you are uncomfortable with your task or having an issue with effort, please inform the
CEO and we can reorganize/reassign the tasks so that you can invest fully in your work.
2. Honesty: If you are to miss a meeting or cannot complete your part for any reason, be
honest with your excuse. You shouldn’t be lying and making up excuses if you are too lazy
to do it. Inform the CEO and the team will work around it and you can just make it up
later down the road.
3. Respect: Respect is key when working with a group. Every group member brings their own
unique and valuable background to a group setting. Each member is to be treated with
respect, decency, and genuinity. If there's an issue with respect, inform the CEO and will
meet and discuss the discrepancy.
4. Preparation: Come to meetings with your assigned work completed and be prepared to
discuss what you did, as well as your findings. Make sure you are ready to work and talk
about the next steps for the project. Preparation allows the team to continue its work on
schedule and not fall behind. If someone is not prepared, explain the situation and the
team can supplement the work.
5. Participation: Each member should participate in group discussions, there should not be a
few people dominating the discussion. Participation is essential to the success of the team
as everyone needs to contribute and share their opinion.
6. Learning: By participating and contributing to the group everyone will gain knowledge
about working in a team, as well as knowledge about the project. If someone does not
understand or needs to learn something other group members should be teaching them.
7. Support/help: If someone cannot do their part on their own other group members can
contribute and support them within reason (they should not be doing their entire part).
Support can help the group thrive.
8. Leadership: The CEO should be making the final decision while also respecting what the
group said about it. Everyone should have a voice within the team no matter their role, and
should be able to express their feelings on things. However, the CEO has the executive
authority to make decisions.
9. Accommodative: If someone cannot commute to the meeting place, make sure zoom is an
option for the group. If the team meeting place needs to change to accommodate someone
within the group, then the group should discuss this change and adapt accordingly.
10. Accountability: Team members should talk to each other if someone is not doing their
part, and can set up a separate meeting to discuss their effort if needed. Failure to do so will
result in a punishment and possibly talking to the professor. But, any issues should be
handled within the team. Everyone should be doing the work given to them but if
something were to come up the CEO would reach out to them directly.
Ground Rules:
Meeting Time: Monday, 6pm (1 hour)
Location: Tepper Breakout Rooms
Additional meeting times will be decided on the basis of the workload.
Meeting policies:
If a team member cannot make it to the meeting for any reason, they should inform the group
at least one day in advance.
Team members should be on time for all meetings and let the team members know if they will
be late for any reason.
Attendance policy: If a team member misses without telling the group they must provide
snacks at the next team meeting for everyone.
There will be 5-10 minutes designated for small talk and catchingup, then the next 25-30
minutes will be each person presenting and explaining their progress, the final 20-25 minutes,
we will discuss what else needs to be accomplished or any issues that are present.
Decision-making approach:
All decisions will be made collectively, with inputs from all team members. In case of any
disagreements, the group members will discuss the issue at hand and depending on the opinion of the
majority a decision will be made.
CEO: Meha Kapur
Chairman: Chibuike Dumebi-Kachikwu
Head of Human Resources: Nolan Casey
Associates: Tianqi Wu, Aidan Murphy, Michael Pilson
Division of Work: Work will be divided equally among the team members, on the basis of each person’s
strengths and weaknesses.
Use of Technology During Meetings: Computers and cellphones will be allowed and used, just make sure
everyone is on task and on-topic. Do not be playing games or on social media during the meetings.
Free riders: The group members should all contribute to the team project. If we notice any free riders, we will
first try to communicate and encourage them to work. If they don’t listen, we will report to the Professor or TAs
for further actions.
Dominators: All members deserve the respect of their peers and should contribute in a respectful way to the
discussion/work, if a member is overpowering the conversation, the other group members should point it out
and confront and individually and with civility settle the dispute. If the behavior does not change, we will seek
the help of the professor or TA.