Any Day Lesson Plan Lesson Topic: Geography Course: 6th Grade GATE Social Studies TERMINAL BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE SWBAT identify the major geographic features of the world. The main purpose of this class is to give the student a working knowledge of world locations for teaching a more effective social studies program. CONTENT STANDARDS 6.G1.1 Use and construct maps, graphs, and other representations to explain relationships between locations of places and regions. Key concepts include major landforms and water bodies, countries, cities, ecosystems, climate, languages, religion, economic systems, governmental systems, population patterns, disease, trade routes, and settlement patterns. 6.G4.1 Explain why environmental characteristics vary among different world regions. Key concepts include but are not limited to latitude, elevation, landforms, location, and human factors. VOCABULARY Flexible, up to guest teacher discretion. Lesson Sequence (Bellwork, at least 2-3 Learning Activities, perhaps a Final Closure/Exit Ticket) TIME Describe what is happening at this step How are you checking student understanding at this step? 10 Minutes Bell Work How are you feeling today? Bell work is graded monthly, teacher is visually monitoring class and answering any questions. 10 Minutes 15 Minutes Introductory Video CNN 10 (Current Events) One paragraph current events Have students write a one paragraph paper about the subject of their choice from today’s CNN10 episode. Teacher is visually monitoring class and answering any questions as they arise. Teacher is monitoring class and answering questions while presenting ppt slideshow. . 15 Minutes Formative Assessment Students will take a formative assessment on guest teachers’ subject choice of online assessments. Games as a check on learning and team building activity. 5 Minutes Exit Ticket On a blank piece of paper each student will write down one thing that they learned today. Teacher is the game host. Each team will identify a spokesperson to answer questions and keep noise to a minimum. Guest teacher may use this activity as positive reinforcement in lieu of writing the paragraph above. Several games will carry the teacher bell to bell. Students know the game routines and rules and seem to really enjoy it. SWBAT identify the major geographic features of the world. The main purpose of this class is to give the student a working knowledge of world locations for teaching a more effective social studies program.