Definition 3.3 Generation of Square Triangular Numbers A few very natural questions arise, such as, “Are there any square triangular numbers?” This is easily answered since 1= 1(2) 2 = 12 is such a number. To show more than this trivial case occurs, we find that 36 = 8(9) = 62 2 is also a square triangular number. One would ask “are there infinitely many square triangular numbers?” This is considerably more difficult to answer since a careful check reveals that the next one to be 1225 = 49(50) = 352 2 Now, seeking a pattern from the first five cases (excluding zero): 1, 36, discouragingly 1225, 41616, impressed by the 1413721. One relative is scarcity immediately of square triangular numbers and the possibility of a nice easy to - guess pattern seems quite remote ; but, having gone this far, it does not hurt to at least pursue this course a little further. Let ππ , ππ and (ππ)π the nth square, triangular and square triangular numbers respectively. Organizing the data available, then we have: 1 = (ππ)1 = π1 = 12 = 1(2) 36 = (ππ)6 = π2 = 62 = 2 = π1 8(9) = π8 2 1225 = (ππ)3 = π35 = 352 = 41616 = (ππ)4 = π204 = 2042 = 1413721 = (ππ)5 = π1189 = 11892 = 49(50) = π49 2 288(289) = π288 2 1681(1682) = π1681 2 Looking for a pattern, let us carry on by writing the numbers in various ways; in particular, we might look at them in prime factored form. 1 = (ππ)1 = π1 = 12 = [(1)(1)]2 = 1(2) 2 = = π1 2 2 8(9) 23 32 36 = (ππ)2 = π6 = 6 = [(2)(3)] = = = π8 2 2 2 2 1225 = (ππ)3 = π35 = 352 = [(5)(7)]2 = 49(50) 21 52 72 = = π49 2 2 41616 = (ππ)4 = π204 = 2042 = [(22 )(3)(17)]2 = 288(289) 25 32 172 = = π288 2 2 1413721 = (ππ)5 = π1189 = 11892 = [(29)(41)]2 = 21 292 412 = π1681 2 We note that as far as patterns are concerned, the form of the ππ ′π is a little nicer than that of theππ ′π , but essentially they are the same, so we shall concentrate on the ππ ′π . Since we only have five cases at hand, and the sixth case is likely to be a bit far off, we must make the most of what we have. We might note that three of the cases are the square of exactly two factors whereas the trivial case π1 = 12 could be written with any number of 1′π and π204 = [(22 )(3)(17)]2 could be reduced to the square of two factors if we dropped the requirement of prime factors. It might be worthwhile to write each ππ as the square of two factors. This allows no options except for π204 which could then be written in five non-trivial ways, namely, π204 = [(2)(102)]2 = [(3)(68)]2 = [(4)(51)]2 = [(6)(34)]2 = [(12)(17)]2 If we looked only for the monotone increasing pattern of the factors we would choose π204 = [(12)(17)]2 . Now, looking at the data so arranged, we have: π1 = [(1)(1)]2 π6 = [(2)(3)]2 π35 = [(5)(7)]2 π204 = [(22 )(3)(17)]2 π1189 = [(29)(41)]2 By inspecting, here is a very nice pattern here; and in fact, it is recursive of a Fibonacci type. Rewriting the data, we have: (ππ)1 = [(1)(1)]2 (ππ)2 = [(2)(3)]2 = (1 + 1)2 (1 + 1 + 1)2 = (1 + 1)2 [(2)(1) + 1]2 (ππ)3 = [(5)(7)]2 = (2 + 3)2 (2 + 2 + 3)2 = (2 + 3)2 [(2)(2) + 3]2 (ππ)4 = [(12)(17)]2 = (5 + 7)2 (5 + 5 + 7)2 = (5 + 7)2 [(2)(5) + 7]2 (ππ)5 = [(29)(41)]2 = (12 + 17)2 (12 + 12 + 17)2 = (12 + 17)2 [(2)(12) + 17]2 By testing this pattern, we will see if (29 + 41)2 [(2)(29) + 41]2 is a square triangular number. Testing: (29 + 41)2 [(2)(29) + 41]2 = (29 + 41)2 (29 + 29 + 41)2 = 702 992 = 9800(9801) = 48024900 2 The above number is a square triangular number and this pattern is considerably strengthened.