STUDENT PROFILE School Name: ____________________________ First Name ______________________________ Surname_________________________________ Picture Address_________________________________ Date of Birth _____________________________ Nationality_______________________________ Mother Tongue____________________________ Other Languages_____________________________ These are some of my favorite things Sport __________________________________________________ Book___________________________________________________ School Subject ___________________________________________ TV Show I like___________________________________________ After School I like ________________________________________ I want to be a ____________________________________________ GENERAL HEALTH PREFORMING OF STUDENTS School Name ____________________________________________________ Personal Information I Serial No II Name III Father Name IV CNIC /B Form Number V Age & Date Of Birth VI Class VII Contact Number Of Parents Basic Medical History I Overall General Physical Health on Appearace II Hight III Weight IV Blood Pressure V Temperature VI Pulse Rate General Mental Health I History of Smoking Any other substance/Druge abuse II Habit of running away/ bunking routine claseees III Social media post/other pointers of interest towards substance/ drug abuse e.g tattoos, stickers on vehicle/ books etc. IV Adecline in academic performance / physical activity Signature & Stamp School teacher Signature & Stamp Principal Signature & Stamp Medical officer MONTHLY ASSESSMENT RUSULT School Name _________________________________________________________________ Name of Student _______________________________________ Class: ____________ Sr. No Subject 1 English 2 Urdu 3 Maths 4 SST/GK 5 Islamiat 6 Science 7 Nazra Total Marks Marks Obtained September October November December January February March April Total Remarks:____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ May Teacher Remarks Sheet Name ________________________________ Class ___________ Assignment Remarks Inspector Remarks Sheet Name _________________________________ Class __________ Date Remarks Signature