8/31/23, 3:08 PM Mastercard Benefits MasterRental Eligibility Certificate Insurance information I N S U R A N C E C O M PA N Y New Hampshire Insurance Company, an AIG company E L I G I B I L I T Y C E R T I F I C AT E NUMBER I S S U A N C E D AT E 08/31/2023 15:07:51 759816935088715129906 Cardholder information CARD NUMBER **** **** **** 7598 NAME LAST NAME Laharish Guntuka COUNTRY OF VEHICLE R E N TA L Canada C O N TA C T P H O N E N U M B E R EMAIL 515-357-9112 lguntuka@gmail.com To receive coverage: You must be named as the primary driver on the Rental Car Agreement. You must take possession of the Rental Vehicle. You must decline the full collision/damage waiver or similar option offered by the rental car company. You must pay the entire cost of the Rental Vehicle (tax, gasoline, and airport fees are not considered rental charges) with your Eligible Mastercard Account or in combination with your Eligible Mastercard Account Card and accumulated points on your Eligible Mastercard Account. If the rental car company requires a payment method to secure or to reserve the Rental Vehicle for the rental period, the Eligible Renter must secure, reserve, hold, or deposit the entire transaction for the Rental Vehicle to your Eligible Mastercard Account Card. Coverage is not available (1) when you have personal automobile insurance and live in a state under whose law such coverage automatically provides coverage of rental autos, including waiver of any collision damage deductible, or (2) where generally prohibited by law. https://www.mycardbenefits.com/usa/en_US/benefits/cdw/cdw-certificate 1/3 8/31/23, 3:08 PM Mastercard Benefits Coverage is subject to the applicable terms and conditions. Coverage details COVERAGE Collision and Physical Damage Insurance due to: COVERAGE AMOUNT PER E L I G I B L E R E N TA L Coverage is provided for the lesser of the following amounts: (1) The contractual liability assumed (1) Collision with another object (2) The Actual Cash Value of the Rental Vehicle (2) The Rental Vehicle’s overturn (3) The actual repair amount (3) Malicious Vandalism (4) The Reasonable and Customary Charges of repair and replacement (4) Theft (5) Other physical damage to the Rental Vehicle. COVERAGE PERIOD PER E L I G I B L E R E N TA L 31 Consecutive Days (5) Wholesale market value less salvage and depreciation (6) The rental agency’s purchase invoice less salvage and depreciation https://www.mycardbenefits.com/usa/en_US/benefits/cdw/cdw-certificate 2/3 8/31/23, 3:08 PM Mastercard Benefits Coverage starts when the Rental Vehicle is picked up and ends when the Rental Vehicle is returned. How to file a claim CALL VISIT 1-800-MASTERCARD www.mycardbenefits.com You must report the claim within sixty (60) days from the date of loss or the claim may not be honored. This certificate is in effect for 60 days from the date of issuance. https://www.mycardbenefits.com/usa/en_US/benefits/cdw/cdw-certificate 3/3