Death and Dying 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Across Down 3. type of directive that is used in the event that a person is unable to communicate their dying wishes. 1. when the idea and interpretation of death are no longer a source of psychological conflict. 6. when the patient does not believe that he or she is dying 2. right of every individual to make decisions about how he or she lives and dies 7. death that is used when the entire brain ceases to function without life support mechanisms in place. 8. care that prepares the body for viewing by the family. 4. usually expected by the family and community and is related to chronic illness 10. a way of postponing death. 5. requires keen listening and observation skills with a dying patient. 15. death that is a sudden death and referred to by insurance carriers. These are usually caused by an activity or event caused by the deceased or another person. 9. a person who will act on the patients behalf and oversee that person's care 19. intentional harm to a person, at their request, to promote or cause death. 20. natural stiffening of the body 22. true clinical diagnosis of this during the dying process 23. illness in which the deceased has succombed for a long period of time. 24. these feelings are projected onto the family, oneself, health workers, or spiritual entity. 11. care that is the medical and supportive care provided to the dying patient. 12. psychiatrist who developed the best-know model in the 1960's to describe the stages of death. 13. do not resuscitate 14. period when death is expected 16. type of competence that provides support and care across cultures 17. brain death means ________ death. 18. instructs others on how healthcare is to be delivered. 21. death that is often the most devastating, it is unexpected regardless of the cause.