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Sanjeev Mansotra | Ways AI Helps in Transforming Education Sector

In What Way AI
z Help in
Sector of
▪ The
z education industry in Africa is not an exception to how
artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to disrupt a variety
of industries. AI has the potential to revolutionize education in
Africa by streamlining processes, enabling personalized
learning, and expanding access to education. Sanjeev
Mansotra, Planet One Group mentor believes that AI holds
immense potential by enhancing the effectiveness,
personalization, and accessibility of education for children on
the continent.
▪ “AI has the potential to narrow educational inequalities,
improve learning outcomes, and support the expansion of the
African education market”, asserts Sanjeev Mansotra, a Dubai
based businessman.
Personalized Learning
Offering tailored learning experiences is one of the main advantages of
AI in education. To fulfill each student's unique learning needs, AIpowered systems may analyze student data, pinpoint their strengths
and shortcomings, and offer individualized content and teaching
strategies. Regardless of the restrictions of a typical classroom setting,
this tailored approach guarantees that every student has the essential
assistance and tools to maximize their learning potential. Sanjeev
Mansotra’s core education has been actively working towards
education, making it accessible to every child in Africa, and considers
AI in education as an essential factor that will address the educational
gaps across the continent.
Access to Quality Education
In many regions of Africa, gaining access to high-quality education is a
considerable difficulty. However, by granting access to educational
materials and digital platforms, AI can aid in closing this gap. To
provide students in remote areas with access to a high-quality
education, AI-powered solutions can provide online courses, virtual
tutoring, and interactive learning experiences. Language obstacles can
be overcome by these technological solutions, enabling students to
learn in their mother tongues. Followed by Sanjeev Mansotra's wife's
last visit to Africa, Mansotra participated in this revolutionary effort to
improve educational programs for African youth and considers AI
involvement as a positive move that can improve the education horizon
for the children of Africa.
Teacher Support and Professional
AI can automate administrative tasks, allowing teachers to focus on
personalized education and student interaction while providing
valuable insights and recommendations for improved pedagogical
Adaptive Assessments
Traditional tests often fail to capture students' potential, but
AI-driven adaptive tests can adjust content and difficulty
based on performance, providing immediate feedback,
identifying strengths and weaknesses, and aiding teachers.
To find patterns, trends, and insights
that guide decision-making at many
levels, including curriculum design,
resource allocation, and policy
development, AI can analyze enormous
amounts of educational data. This datadriven approach enables education
stakeholders to make well-informed
decisions, spot opportunities for
development, and put into practice
plans that are supported by the best
available research.
By tackling issues with access, quality, and individualized learning, AI
can dramatically enhance Africa's educational system. However, for it
to be put into practice effectively, empowering future generations and
promoting socioeconomic growth, it must be culturally appropriate,
inclusive, and responsive to local requirements.
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