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Benedicto College – TechVoc Campus
A.S. Fortuna Street, Mandaue City
Senior High School Department
First Semester S.Y. 2022-2023
Signature :
General Instruction:
1. Read the statements carefully.
3. The duration of the test is 60 minutes.
4. Answers are to be written on a separate ANSWER SHEET.
Directions: Identify the following terms. Write your answers on the space provided.
1. What is the term that refers to a particular programs' supposed ability to run on all common operating
2. What was the first name of Java?
3. What type of programming language is Java?
4. In what year Java was released?
5. What company releases Java Programming?
6. Who is the developer of Java programming?
7. What company acquired Java programming?
8. It is one of the most popular and widely used programming language both in education and in the industry.
9. What is the thing that can only run on the computer and if online it has to be downloaded before being run?
10. What do you call a thing in Java that is used to package Java files together into a single file?
11. What do you call an application that runs on a web server and helps to display web pages?
12. What do you call an application that is used to build an application in Java that has User Interface?
13. What do you call the thing that runs on a Web server and is used to develop large, complex websites?
14. What is normally the second line of a Java Program?
15. What do you call the set of rules defining how Java program is written and interpreted?
16. What do you call things that is used to store data or values?
17. What do you call variables whose value does not change during program execution?
18. What do you call those remarks and non-executable phrases or sentences found in the program?
19. What do you call comments enclosed by /* and */ symbols?
20. What do you call comments place under a // symbols?
21. What do you call names given to various program elements such as variables, functions and arrays?
22. What do you call keywords that have standard pre-defined meaning in Java?
23. What do you call things that specifies the possible range of values of the set, the operations that can be
performed on the values, and the way in which the values are stored in the memory?
24. What do you call characters that are used to signal an alternative interpretation of a series of a characters?
25. What do you call a control statement that allows the program to choose among a series of actions based on
the value of the expression?
26. What do you call a control statement that executes a block of code if a boolean expression evaluates to true?
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27. What do you a type of java that is usually stored on a website and is downloaded and runs on a client
computer from within a web browser?
28. What is the operator symbol to get the remainder of division?
29. What the operator symbol to increase integer value by one?
30. What type of operator is this : ==?
31. What is the operator symbol to check if operand are not equal?
32. What assignment operator symbol that is used to assign value from right side operands to left side
33. What do you call this escape symbol : \n?
34. What do you call this escape symbol: \r?
35. What do you call this escape symbol : \b?
36. Give 10 Characteristics of Java
37. Give 5 Java Reserved Words
Prepared by:
Approved by:
Dr. Johner D. Montegrande
Mitch E. Cortes, MATCS
Principal, SHS Department
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