Uploaded by Zessicrel Mejias

Religion Effects Group Activity: High School

Activity for September 18, 2023
7:45-8:45 (Grade 12 Love)
11:00-12:00 (Grade 12 Hope)
1. This is a group activity and the group has already been determined. There are four groups
and they are to be divided for reporting purposes. The division will be up to the leader.
2. Below are the Positive and Negative Effects of Religion and I have divided it in a way that
your burden may be lightened up.
3. Two groups will be talking about the Positive effects and the other two groups for the
Negative Effects.
4. Each group is given THREE Effects in each category which are highlighted in RED.
5. Each group will first define what a positive or negative effect is (according to the category
they are assigned)
6. Next, the specific effects (highlighted in red) will be discussed. How?
a. Define each statement (if there are difficult words, define the word! Example: the
word “Promotes; give the meaning of it. For emphasis' sake, you may define each word
before giving the whole meaning of the statement.
b. Explain further each statement by giving simple examples like “What is an example of
a situation that portrays promoting social harmony?”. Explain also why it is considered
a positive/negative effect.
c. Then give a real-life or historical example that the statement was applied.
d. Finally, say a parting word before ending the report.
The reporting is on September 19, 2023
Each member of the group must participate in the report.
Make sure that your voice is loud enough.
Practice your part well so that you can report well.
Failure to report well will have a consequence. You will be reporting the whole report of
the group ALONE until I am satisfied of how you report.
Group 1 – Positive Effects of Religion
Promotes Social Harmony
Provides Social Change
Gives Positive Goals in life
Group 3- Negative Effects of Religion
Affirms Social Hierarchy
Triggers Conflicts and Fights
Impedes Scientific Success
Group 2- Positive Effects of Religion
Provides Moral Values
Explains the unknown
Give People a Sense of Belonging
Group 4- Negative Effects of Religion
Causes Discrimination
Serves as an Economic Tool for
Controlling the Masses
Obstruct the Use of Reason)