Uploaded by Ahmada Rizal Ilyasa

Reading Comprehension: Levels and Process

Reading is a complex process of receiving and interpreting information through print
media. It requires the interaction between the reader and the writer, where the reader brings
in their background knowledge to comprehend the text. Good readers have better
comprehension skills because reading comprehension is an interactive mental process
between linguistic knowledge, knowledge of the world, and knowledge about a particular
topic. There are three levels of understanding in reading comprehension: literal, inferential,
and evaluative. Literal meaning refers to information that is stated in the text, whereas
inferential meaning involves determining what the text means and what information is not
explicitly stated. Evaluative meaning is understanding what the text is telling readers about
the world outside the text. Reading comprehension is an active skill that involves guessing,
predicting, checking, and asking oneself questions. There is no complete agreement among
experts on what reading is, but it involves decoding and comprehension processes to
understand the representation of the text.