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Poultry: Types, Cooking, and Selection - Grade 11

Objectives: At the end of this lesson,
students should be able to:
Define the term poultry
Differentiate among the different types of poultry
Describe the composition and structure
Discuss the effects of cooking on poultry
Outline steps in deboning the leg, thigh or breast of the chicken.
Discuss steps in stuffing and cooking a deboned part of the chicken.
Suggest guidelines to follow when selecting and purchasing chicken
Differentiate among the different market forms of poultry.
Engagement Activity:
Come up with some words associated with
Use the words to create a jingle
What is Poultry?
This is the name given to birds that can be
eaten for food or kept for their eggs. Poultry
includes ducks, geese, pigeons, turkey, and
chicken. In the Caribbean, chicken is one of the
most widely used sources of protein. It is
relatively economical and usually available.
Composition and Structure:
The flesh of poultry and game birds is muscle tissue. Muscle tissue is
composed of: Water( about 75%) protein(about 20%) Fat(5%).
Other elements, including carbohydrate, in small quantities.
Muscles consist of muscle fibers held together in bundles by
connective tissues.
Maturity and Tenderness:
The tenderness of a piece of poultry is related to connective tissue.
Connective tissue increases with:
Use or exercise of the muscle
Maturity or age of the animal
Selecting and Purchasing Poultry:
Poultry is usually sold ready to cook. This means that the bird is bled , feathers
plucked and the head, feet and guts removed.
Consider the method of cooking.
Creamy white unbroken skin
Plump firm pink flesh
Frozen poultry should be properly packaged with no freezer burs or ice
Fresh poultry smell.
Avoid poultry with discolouration.
Market Forms:
Whole birds—cleaned, head & feet removed
Breasts—whole or half, with skin and bones, boneless, or boneless and
Whole legs—usually bone-in with skin
Thighs—bone-in or boneless, with or without skin
Drumsticks—bone-in, with or without the skin
Ground poultry
Processed poultry—ex: patties, sausages or bacon
Storing Poultry:
Fresh poultry should be placed on refridgerator immediately after
Fresh poultry should be used within two days.
Remove giblets and store separately from fresh birds.
Wrap carefully to avoid freezer burns when keeping birds for an
extended period of time.
Frozen birds may be kept for up to three months.
Section birds to be frozen according to use.
Effect of heat on poultry:
The effects of heat on Poultry are the same as those for meat. It has
less flavor than meat , therefore more condiments and sauces can
be used to enhance flavour. The methods of cooking used will be
determined by the age and fat content. Thorough cooking of
Poultry is required because it is a source of Salmonella bacteria.
Poultry cut into parts will have a shorter cooking time than that
cooked whole. Stuffed roasted poultry will take a longer time to
cook than unstuffed
Preparation for roasting:
Ensure that the cavity is completely free of entrails
Wash chicken thoroughly inside and outside
Pat dry with a kitchen towel
Season interior lightly with salt and pepper
Stuff neck and body cavity
Season outside lightly
Put on roasting pan and place In oven
Occasional basting during cooking especially for young birds
Students will draw a chart to differentiate among the different types of poultry.
Content 10
Organisation and Creativity 4
Punctuality 1
Total 15
Explain three changes that takes place in poultry when heat is applied. 9mrks
Present a booklet with three recipes on deboned poultry. One recipe each
should be for the leg, the thigh and the breast.
List of ingredients 5
Method 5
Picture 3
Name of recipe 1
Punctuality 1
Total 15
Make a reminder to place on the refridgerator, five ways to appropriately
store chicken
Content 5
Organization and creativity 4
Punctuality 1
Total 10
5. On a brochure, display five market forms of poultry
Content 5
Organisation and creativity 4
Punctuality 1
Total 10