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TN Geology: Fault Analysis at Gallatin Road Cut

Table of Contents
Page Number
Executive Summary
Geologic Setting
Location and Orientation of Fractures
Structures and Regional Geology
Summary and Conclusions
References Cited
The post-depositional features observed in the Sequatchie formation at the TN-109 road cut in
Gallatin, TN, indicate that the region was subjected to uplifting and regional stress after its
deposition. There are at least 6 faults which all share a common trend of 250-280 degrees.
Three of them have greater than 1m of dip separation. One fault is a strike-slip trending 272
degrees with only 1.6cm of dip separation. However, it contains a significant amount of
cataclasite. The only feature to which can be drawn similarities from the strikes alone, is the
FHRFZ. Faults at this site 27km southwest of the Gallatin road cut have a similar trend of 250270, and they could be an example of en-echelon faulting (Abolins et al., 2018). These fault
zones are likely similar in origin, but the origin is not clear. The author believes that they were
formed during uplift of the Nashville Dome and reactivated on multiple occasions.
The Central Basin of Tennessee is in an area surrounding Davidson, Rutherford, Wilson, and
Sumner Counties. It is roughly centered over the Nashville Dome, which is an elliptical cratonic
uplift, trending NNE with a land area of 12,000km2. Dome uplift and erosion in the basin has
exposed strata varying in age from the middle Ordovician to the later-Tertiary period. Postdepositional features (faults, fissures, sinkholes, folds) can be observed around this area,
drawing a connection between a diverse set of geological units and offering evidence for the e
events of the past.
This paper will investigate a specific outcrop north of Gallatin, TN, where late Ordovician
to Devonian strata can be observed. Lithological and structural features were studied to relate
this specific location to the characteristics of the greater Nashville Dome. These faults are
related to, and possibly an extension of the Freeman Hollow Road Fault Zone (FHRFZ). The
FHRFZ is exposed 27km southwest of the TN-109. The faults at both locations have a similar
trend of 250-270° (Abolins et al., 2018).
It is possible that the faults visible in the roadcut are related to the Appalachian
Mountains or the Nashville Rift. The evidence, however does not strongly support either
hypotehsis, and were reactivated by uplift of the Nashville Dome. The slip we see on them
today reflects the amount of uplift that was subjected to the Cambrian through Mississippian
strata. (Abolins, et al., 2018).
Geologic Setting
This road cut is located on the northwest side of the Nashville dome on the boundary with the
Highland rim. It is on highway TN-109 approximately 7 miles north of the TN-31E junction.
There is outcropping of strata from Ordovician Sequatchie fm., Silurian Wayne group., and
Devonian Fort Payne and Chattanooga Shale formations. These formations are quite diverse in
lithology due to changes in local environmental conditions caused by uplifting of the dome and
sea level cycles.
Figure 1: Map of Middle Tennessee showing the geographic location of multiple fault zones,
Nashville Dome, and Nashville rift. From Abolins et al., 2018.
Structures are observed in the Sequatchie formation at road level. These rocks were
deposited in a shallow sea with a moderate amount of silt input. The area was subsequently
uplifted around 800ft on different occasions from the middle Ordovician to Early Cretaceous.
This uplift of the Nashville Dome reactivated numerous pre-cambrian aged faults in several
fault zones, including this zone being studied. (Wilson and Stearns, 1963).
(Wilson, 1961)
Figure 2 from Wilson and Stearns 1963
Figure 3 from Wilson 1961.
The black Chattanooga Shale unconformably lies overtop of the late Ordovician and
Silurian sediments which have been thinned by about 200 feet at the crest of the dome relative
to the flanking areas. This is mostly due to uplift and truncation, where the rocks were exposed
at the crest of the dome due to uplift, causing them to weather away before burial by the
Chattanooga Shale. (Wilson and Stearns, 1963). Additional 400ft of uplift happened during the
late Mississippian during the Alleghanian orogeny, attributed to flexure of the lithosphere
during this time. (Abolins et al., 2018).
Forte Payne formation contains platy siltstone with shale, brownish black to olive-gray in color.
At base is greenish-gray glauconitic shale or mudstone near 1 foot thick. Certain localities
contain chert and crinoidal limestone.
Chattanooga Shale is carbonaceous, grayish black with thinly laminated fissile bedding.
Osgood formation is thin to medium beds of olive gray to yellow-green. It contains shale
and claystone with calcareous nodules and thin beds.
Sequatchie formation at this road cut contains thin to medium beds of gray argillaceous
limestone. Some medium beds are laminated, containing thin nodules of chert or vugs filled
with gypsum. There are some beds of grainstone which show soft sediment deformation
including cross bedding, stylolites and seismite. (Ferguson et al., 1987).
Location and Orientation of Fractures
There are several faults in the TN-109 outcrop, visible on both the east and west side of the
road. The strike can be determined by placing the transit in the fault plane visible across either
side of road cut. There is a large number of normal faults visible on both the east and west sides
of the highway. They are mostly trending 250-270° with dips ranging from 55° to vertical.
Table #1, strike, dip, and dip slip values for faults observed in Sequatchie Fm.
Fault #, type
Dip, Dip slip
1 – Normal
68° S
2 – Normal
55° S
3 – Normal
62° N , 90cm
4- Normal
70 S, 20cm
5 – Reverse
84° N, 1cm
6 – Normal
72° S, 1.7m
7 – Normal
90°, 1.4m
Relationship between Structures and Regional Geology
The topography, faults, and fractures observed in the TN-109 road cut indicate that it is located
in the northern highland rim fault zone. The strike of the fractures is at a high angle to the trend
of both the Appalachian Mountains and the Nashville Rift. There is no evidence in this paper
that the faults are directly related to either. However, the strike of the faults at TN-109 is very
similar to faults exposed 27km to the southwest at the Freeman Hollow Road Fault Zone
(FHRFZ). Alleghenian orogeny and have been reactivated due to isostatic factors more recently.
An ancient rift has been interpreted to the south of this area due to gravity and
magnetic anomalies of sub-surface rocks. It is the southernmost member of an inferred large-
scale mid-continental rift(MCR) spanning from Alabama to Ohio. (Stein et al., 2014). There is
not much evidence linking the faults at Gallatin to any activity of the Nashville Rift. Instead the
high angle of the faults relative to trend of the rift instead shows that they are not likely
Figure 4. Gravity map showing the anomalies which indicate the position of an ancient rift
buried beneath strata in the midcontinent of United States. From Stein et al., 2014.
Summary and Conclusions
The formations visible in the TN-109 outcrop north of Gallatin, Tennessee have clearly been
affected by post-depositional forces. They contain multiple fractures and faults which have
significant dip-slip. There has been close to 800ft of uplift since the deposition of the basement
rocks in this area. However, this uplift happened in different stages and was influenced by many
factors including uplift of the Nashville Dome, regional stress from formation of the
Appalachian Mountains, as well as isostatic uplift from erosion in the millions of years since.
The faults overall have a trend close to 270° which is roughly perpendicular to the
trends of both the Appalachian mountains and a hypothetical Nashville rift which had likely
formed during the breakup of Rodinia. It is probable that all of these factors had an influence in
the development and reactivation of these faults.
References Cited
Abolins, M., Bush, R., Han, A., and Ogden, A., 2018, Mesoscale faults, macroscale folds, and
inferred basement structures, Nashville dome, central Tennessee, in Engel, A.S., and
Hatcher, R.D., Jr., eds., Geology at Every Scale: Field Excursions for the 2018 GSA
Southeastern Section Meeting in Knoxville, Tennessee: Geological Society of America
Field Guide 50, p. 95–119, https://doi.org/10.1130/2018.0050(07).
Ferguson, C., Wilson, C., Jr., and Barnes, R., 1987, Geologic Map and Mineral Resources
Summary of the Gallatin Quadrangle: Tennessee Division of Geology Geologic
Quadrangle Map 313-NW, scale 1:24,000
Pope, M. C., Holland, S. M., Patzkowsky, M. E., The Cincinnati Arch: A Stationary Peripheral
Bulge During the Late Ordovician, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
Washington State University, Pullman, WA
Stein, C.A., Stein, S., Elling, R., Keller, G.R., and Kley, J., Is the “Grenville Front” in the central
United States really the Midcontinent Rift?, GSA Today, vol. 28,
Stein, C.A., Stein, S., Merino, M., Keller, G.R., Flesch, L.M., and Jurdy, D.M., 2014, Was the Midcontinent Rift part of a successful seafloor spreading Geophysical Research Letters, v.
41, p. 1465–1470, https://doi.org/ 10.1002/2013GL059176.
Wilson, C., Jr., and Stearns, R., 1963, Quantitative Analysis of Ordovician and Younger Strata in
the Nashville Dome Tennessee, Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, Vol. 46, pp823-832, May 1963.
Wilson, C. W., 1961, Stratigraphy and Geologic history of Ordovician rocks of Central
Tennessee, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 73, p. 481-504, April 1962.