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PRNS 1030: Communication for Health Care Professionals Syllabus

PRNS 1030: Communication for Health Care Professionals - 1
1. Mar 18, 2022 by Ronaye Boulton (ronaye.boulton)
Viewing: PRNS 1030 : Communication for Health Care Professionals
Last approved: Fri, 18 Mar 2022 08:14:43 GMT
Last edit: Fri, 11 Mar 2022 00:32:10 GMT
Name of Proposer
Ronaye Boulton
Subject Area
PRNS - Practical Nursing
Catalog Nbr
Academic Organization
HEALTHWELL - Health and Wellness
Academic Group
HEHU - School of Health and Human Services
Curriculum Consultant
Ronaye Boulton
School Manager
Roxanne Williams
Other Course Development Team Members
Faculty/Subject Matter Expert(s)
Faculty/Subject Matter Expert(s)
Krista Taylor
Joe Doucette
Crystal Watson
Effective Term
Fall 2022 (Term 1228)
Title (Short)
Communication for HC Professio
Copyright statement
PRNS 1030: Communication for Health Care Professionals - 2
Title (Long)
Communication for Health Care Professionals
Line of Business
Line of Business
Course Description
Therapeutic and interprofessional communication skills provide the framework to effectively deliver respectful care in nursing. This course is designed
to enable the student to establish and maintain professional therapeutic and interprofessional relationships as a member of the interdisciplinary
healthcare team. The students will further develop their skill in applying therapeutic communication principles.
Grading Basis
70% (G70)
PRNS 1020
Instruction Mode / Course Delivery Method
In Class
Attendance Type
Class Meeting
Final Exam
Independent Study (IND)
Discussion (DIS)
Computer Lab (CMP)
Post-Secondary Student Information System (PSIS) Course Data Requirements (Used by Institutional Research)
Delivered Under Contract
Retraining/Skills Upgrade
Brokered Course
Cost Recovery
Course Outcomes and Objectives
In keeping with NSCC’s approach to portfolio learning, learners will have demonstrated the ability to:
1. Demonstrate medical terminology according to the Standards of Practices of Nova Scotia College of Nursing.
PRNS 1030: Communication for Health Care Professionals
PRNS 1030: Communication for Health Care Professionals - 3
1. Explain the importance of using approved health care terminology to promote safe client care.
2. Utilize approved abbreviations in Health care communication.
3. Compare variations in approved abbreviations within health care agencies with ISMP DO NOT USE list.
4. Apply the use of approved current mediation terminology, abbreviations, and technology through effective written and verbal communication.
5. Adapt to documentation methods of different settings.
In keeping with NSCC’s approach to portfolio learning, learners will have demonstrated the ability to:
2. Collect required and relevant information from a variety of sources, including health related agencies.
1. Define information literacy.
2. Define health literacy.
3. Gather information from appropriate resources using various data collection techniques, including electronic information.
4. Employ effective internet search strategies based on NSCC Library Services recommendations.
5. Evaluate the quality of health-related resources including web resources for credibility and authenticity using NSCC Library Services.
6. Search available health care databases.
7. Select relevant and reliable information from articles and reports.
8. Employ a variety of techniques to organize and present information.
In keeping with NSCC’s approach to portfolio learning, learners will have demonstrated the ability to:
3. Apply Orem’s self-care deficit theory and the nursing process to client care.
1. Review the nursing process and Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory.
2. Identify information and resources that assist clients in the promotion and maintenance of health.
3. Prioritize client care based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, client needs and care priorities.
4. Describe the advantages of collaborating with the client to promote independence.
5. Examine how to develop and prioritize for a plan of care.
6. Identify factors that can influence an established plan of care and ways to modify interventions.
In keeping with NSCC’s approach to portfolio learning, learners will have demonstrated the ability to:
4. Examine the concepts of interprofessional communication in relation to effective delivery of care.
1. Examine the concept of boundaries as it applies to therapeutic communication and relationships.
2. Describe the importance of boundaries in the therapeutic relationships.
3. Examine the implications of multiple relationships, boundary crossing, boundary violations.
4. Demonstrate therapeutic communication techniques.
5. Compare and contrast therapeutic and non-therapeutic communication techniques.
6. Collaborate with patient/clients, families, communities and healthcare team.
7. Describe the effects of gender on the communication process.
8. Illustrate types of nonverbal communication.
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PRNS 1030: Communication for Health Care Professionals - 4
9. Explain the use of empathy, trust, and touch in the therapeutic relationship.
10. Identify motivational interviewing and self-determination theory.
In keeping with NSCC’s approach to portfolio learning, learners will have demonstrated the ability to:
5. Identify the concepts of interprofessional collaboration in relation to effective delivery of care.
1. Describe the concepts of collaboration, coordination, networking, cooperation, delegation within professional relationships.
2. Define the characteristics of a group using Tuckman's Stages of Group Development.
3. Identify the importance of understanding roles and respecting diversity including responsibilities and competencies.
4. Examine the principles of team work/group dynamics to enable effective interprofessional collaboration.
5. Define conflict resolution.
6. Describe the importance for establishing a safe environment in which team members can express diverse views.
7. Identify strategies for dealing with conflict.
8. Describe the process of conflict resolution.
In keeping with NSCC’s approach to portfolio learning, learners will have demonstrated the ability to:
6. Demonstrate charting, documenting, and reporting of health care information.
1. Review the purpose of documentation.
2. Review the components of the patient record (admission sheet, discharge documentation, most common used forms in a chart).
3. Demonstrate the principles of effective reporting (verbal, written, e-filed, recorded, use of SBAR).
4. Demonstrate documentation guidelines (legal aspects of charting, SOAP, DAR, by exception).
5. Chart using current electronic documentation methods (e-documents, etiquette, e-file tracking and reporting).
6. Apply the principles of effective interpersonal communication including structured communication tools, such as: SBAR, IPASS, Focus charting
(DAR and SOAP), Charting by exception, Electronic documentation.
7. Apply Nova Scotia College of Nursing (NSCN) documentation guidelines in all written documentation.
In keeping with NSCC’s approach to portfolio learning, learners will have demonstrated the ability to:
7. Describe culturally responsive practices that strengthen the therapeutic relationship.
1. Identify culturally responsive practices.
2. Describe cultural competencies.
3. Describe person centered care as related to the therapeutic relationship.
4. Explain how Indigenous ways of knowing and being inform best practices and can be woven throughout therapeutic relationships.
5. Describe how the history and on-going oppression and institutionalized racism in health care influences therapeutic relationships today.
6. Examine the diverse physical, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual needs of individuals.
7. Recognize cultural biases held and describe the impact on client care.
8. Understand the role of an interpreter.
In keeping with NSCC’s approach to portfolio learning, learners will have demonstrated the ability to:
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8. Adapt conduct to align with the recognized standards of practice or expectations of the profession as well as the protocol outlines in the NSCC
Student Code of Conduct.
1. Review the competencies identified in the Professional Conduct Self-Assessment Tool.
2. Describe how the competencies in the Professional Conduct Self-Assessment Tool relate to professionalism in the workplace.
3. Apply professional code of conduct competencies to various workplace scenarios (case studies).
4. Describe how specific professional conduct competencies relate to the content of the program curriculum.
5. Examine through reflection and self-assessment your level of competence in applying professional conduct competencies within your field of
6. Complete a self-evaluation utilizing the Professional Conduct Self-Assessment Tool.
7. Accept feedback from faculty and incorporates changes based on that feedback.
In keeping with NSCC’s approach to portfolio learning, learners will have demonstrated the ability to:
9. Develop a portfolio to reflect on learning in the Practical Nursing Program.
1. Understand the application of portfolio.
2. Describe content within a portfolio.
3. Create a plan for a portfolio.
4. Reflect on previous learning to incorporate into a portfolio.
5. Gather appropriate supportive portfolio documentation.
6. Utilize the concept of portfolio as an instrument of professional development including:
a. Resume.
b. Cover letter.
c. Autobiography.
d. Learning narrative.
e. Skills assessment.
Other Course Notes:
It is the responsibility of the student to review and understand all Nova Scotia Community College policies, most specifically the Student Community
Standards, Academic Integrity, Student Appeals, Use of Copyright Materials, and Academic Accommodation policies. Policies directly applicable to
students are referenced in the student handbook. The policies and procedures can be found on the College website: https://nscc.ca/policies (https://
If you have questions about policies and/or procedures, you are encouraged to ask Faculty, your Academic Chair or Staff at Student Services.
A workplan for this course is attached and will be reviewed by your faculty member(s) within the first week of class study.
Key: 13528
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