lzpe Modpo treM^sldM L! U M ,{za|eu alu 6z'le]ślLrlpd -ruła o|6lM ł uz.3]pod łsat of >oo8 S,-LN]cntS +Lalla 9sn)oJ ',,iii, ,,'.i,,|', i i i i i ii ł iiliii|; j i :;, ;, ;i;: li! :i! ilł liłłi l|a PP, 8 9].onśo{{ashon o, 10 Re.t on5h p Phraśeś \!, Llstenlng Focus: (lap Pronunciation Focus: ]]] i Reading Focus: M! l;p e - -, l c olhing, comPo!nd óó 22-23 Ral. M! sto,, ^ ., p, 20 Narctive tenses Readhq Focu5i @Li§tenin9 Focu§: ]Vatchin9 Pronunciation Foct R tla 9 ind roltnes]Word §: óo 3ó-37 Tl:Ve i..]lhF P, 34 Present ancl Past P. 35 Difierent ho iday smartphone 9ener.t on i ^ ]o Readlng Focu!: Focus oń Wolds| Negaiive @U§tening Focu§: ad]ectiVes; Verb phraSes Pronunciation Focu§: pp,5G-51 The RealJlnk p. 49 Diets :: @Reading Focuś: @Li§tening Focu§: Match]n9 Match]ng Pronuncia,tion Focu§: PP. 60,ó1 Focu§ on Words: Phr.sa Verbs; no art c e, a/an or the .o locations] V/orc {amiies pp, ó4-ó5 Camp]ng in the p. ó3 Eco schoo w]ld @Reading Focu§: M! oUiz: Myster]es oi the pp. 74 75 Focus on Words: Pańs o1the bodyi nj!riesi body jd oms Reading: ExcUses ior P.85 Word li! Pronunciałion Focu§: li ihe P. 77 char]ty events pP,78-79 Med]ca charity fund ra]s]n9 @Li§tening Foc,j§: Gap Pronunciarion Focu§: Listenin9: Ań iitefu eW Wih a yoL]ng peńo.ner pp. 102-103 Focu§ on Wolds: Cl]me aid fi] l\,/]atch . n9 p. 105 A young eX- pp. 10ó-107 Rańdom Pronunciation Focus: guse P. 140 PrePositions P. 141 Phrasa Phrases re ated to leadiig; Word b!jd]n9 Readin9: UK .r me tle.ds p. 'l13 Word li§t of English Rełerence and Pra<tice ::=- oReading Focus: Pronunciarion Focus: word famiies and word Focus on Words: Pr son @Listening Focus: ń. cl,ie c.se;the ]!ł ce 2 @Listening Focus: Matchl.g crm ńa s; Peop e ńVoled and professions pp.92-93 Book Speech st;iements; peop e ]n ente.tn nmcnt; 11ó-']39 Woods; Velb phrases | PP. 88-89 Focus on Words: Enterta nment; pp. t]p|e of l actś_ .- ndńe55 {1.'Reading Focus: MUtiPe Verb phrases;synonyms Verbs p. 142 Word buiding p, 143 Pronoun§ and numerals p. 144 llregular velbs p, 11 Word formation PP. 12_13 pp,1ó-17 Descr bin9 a Person Q/ oWriting Focu§: gword bUidlng s]own]ciWó Gr-maful(; środkiięzykowe $Cżytanie |9[4óWiei]e !/9 :::] ., 24 Ver5 p.ttenr5 P.25 so, tao, neitheł gMU iip e choice c oże PP.26_27 @Writin9 Focus: P. 28 Ask ń! for aid Pisłnie Pp,30-31 S]oWn].tWo Gramntyka t9środkijęzykowe (y'Sł!chan & events in a sequence j .. (łjMóvlienle QjPlsanie 38 Used io a.d @Głpped sentences pP. 40_41 @Writin9 Focus: Givin9 adv ce p. 42 Askin9 for ańd 9Vn9advce . 52 Fltlre :..lin!o!s and -..:!le P.rfect p. 53 ouest]on tag§ oMu]tpe choj.e c oże pp.54-55 @Wririn9 Focus: pp.44-45 s]oWn].tv/o Gr.matyka 0Środ<ljęzykowe (/słuchan e E jpsis i _. Cż},tanie 9iP *i e (/ MóWien]e P.5ó.aresiallant, A§k ng for ]nformat on pp,58-59 SłoWn ctwo Gramatyk. (:/ślodk]lęzykowe €i Cżyl.nie @vo.;.n (4P p. ó7 PrePos t ons at @łanslai]oi pp. ó8_ó9 @Writin9 Focus: P. 70 Erple5s.!.nd ]!st]lying iń óp I on; .oitr.n]n9 p ci!]res saa]e " PP.72-73 slown ctwo Glamatyka 9środk]lęzykowe & s]uchanie 0Pi,nn. (7Mó*l.n ., 80 Th ]d p.81 c auses of @Op"n . o,e pP. 82,83 @Writin9 Fo.u§: ExPressing an oPii]on p. 84 At the doctor's p. 95 No!ns słown ctwo i Gramatyka ":e e @va*l.n gPlsa pp.96-97 @Writin9 Focus: SłoWn ctwo i Gramaiyka An ańic|e rev]eW]ng pp. 110-111 U S"*un.. @Writin9 Focus: e pp, 100-101 @Środk]językowe @S]uchanie @P san. Modif]e15 Wiih base and p, 108 HaVe PP,8ó-87 @środk]ęzykowe @ C.yt Comment and op]nion OT€nslatjoi " 9vo*inn p. 112 oPinions] " pp.l1Ą-1'15 SłoWn]ctwo Gramatyka @środkijęzykowe G Vin9 your oP nion and emphas]sjng a po nt g CzrĄanie @Va.l.n. @Pisanie 3 Fo clothe§ and accessories. fashion and 5 l can describe peóPle's personality, SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 copy the table. Write the Words in the box under an aPPropriate bild cheerfu cotton determ]ned 5eńś]b e sens]tive 5 im ślit ta ó c]othes/Matelial5 i.]r.:] Add more wolds Under each heading. Usethe Words to describe 5omebodyyou knowWell, 3 4 Look at the Picture in the quiz, Which 'look' do you like ńost? Why? Do the quiz and.omPare your answer§. Do you a9ree With the description§ beloW? Why?/Why not? (lul AL m Reod the śloleńent§ below ond Write ln youl nolebook [...l A=logree B=itdepends c=ldisogree 1 Peop e soy l'm trendy, 2 o woys Lrse hoir proc]Ucts (gel, hoirsproy, etc,) in the moln ng, 3 l get bored W]ih my cloihes qU]ckly, 4 l love dress]nq Up lol pońies, 5 l donl mind Where mV c othes come from l ilst wont to look good Ó l'd never shove my head for chor]ty, 7 ] belleve thot weoling moke-Up is not only lor Women, ond lvhd!'5 oul ói ldr{,iioh, 8 'm interesled in WhĘt's ii MOSIIY As MO§llY Bs M()STIY cs '.j§hió!! YoU're o losh]onislo Yo!'re o pony onlmo on.] you l]ke to be lhe centre ol o!tljnlion. YoU"le tfendv ond yoLr cole dbout VoUl oPpeoldnce bul be corelu yo! don't come o<lóss ds $q!]g!r' or Voi.. YoU mi9ht hove Some lrendy i|ems ln your Wordlobe, but in generólyou 9ó lor (1 co§Uo1 look rolherthon o10rmo one YoU'le downło:eqrth ond hove ó !9]q[Le9 ottitlde lo clothes, Thoi's Why you like procticol c othe§ like spońSweol YoU feel comfońobIe in your own skin, ond people ike you becoUse Vou're eosyqojnq ond yoU go Wilh łhe {loW. YoU're no1 nteresled ]n lo lowin9 |rends ond yoU tend to be o l|tle rebe lloL]9, YoU're o9oin§l'foś loshion'* ond you be ieve in buying good-qUo ity c]olhes lho| ]osi o long time YoLr ike to know Whele VoUr clothes ore mode, ond yoL] oo.I -'| d poy.9 o b, "o,e 'o, ell .o b,olcJ 'lć9t 1osh on nerpens Ve lośhónob then rep]oced by newer có e.tions e. olhes lhol ore sold iol o śhod time ond Focus oN WoRDs 5 l El Focus oN WoRDs lFashion l cIothes and accessories Which items in the lists b6low can you §ee in the picture? Write lheń in your notebook. Then listen and rePeat. and stye 7 ffit rook at the exPressions in red from the quiz, ln your notebook, comPleie these exP.essions in question§ 1-8. Then li§ten, check and rePeat. shoes and accessories 1 kńows what's ]2 h9hhees in{aSh]on or9q]of fashion? oi aitent oń? .5 k]id .nd n eic]y] ]ó !intaqe s!.! ó fol ań ińtelviów {or a date hy'? asse9 8is Describe in detail the tyPe of <lothes you Would Wear in the followin9 situźtions, ln your ńotebook, add any use{u] new Vocabulary to the lists in EXer<ise 5. J .,hoól " |-oae o, , p th.il dPpe-raice? ó fee s.ómfort.b e n theil owi ? 'jl'ir]łi(ll']1:i An§werthe questions in Exercise 7 names of people you know Then choose the Person mon different from you and describe them in detailto a Pańnei With th€ r1 ę la. aaa- - \!. ,pp-_!_Ą. -. He śpends a ]at af filalley an cjothes and rarely Wears the same thing twrce ,., M, r,^Ąd )ash" ę.-. i]O{L]j ||rł V,.;riI)! 9 F,, l,,:),-] |] ,, ln your notebook, mótch the underlined Wolds Jńd eiP.esśionśiń the qui/ w,Lh their synonyms, Then listen, <heck and repeat, 1 h.ppy.nd wthou.(ońes _ 2 9.rsib e łid p]a.t.a = a d 1f.! t or d soóed e.t 4 not irlerested ]n ser ols t]-]..rs: 5 ó 10 - rot e.s y up9et or.nioyed 10ó Pi.Jld o{ ih. Vr.y yo! oo(= ln your notebook, cońplete the sentences With the most aPProPriate adjectives in 1 Tom -e!er os.s . s He! !ery in how people look, ienrper ól qet! ft-tc.] she! only interested l is , He a]Ways kńows how to solve practica] prob ems, Phi ]5 extreme y proud ol his good lóok§. He! 3 Wi 4 quit_, 5 Tammy neverWotr]es abo!tanyih ng,5he! so 11 1r]:'lrłir,ll rł:' choose three people you have a Photo of on your phone. Describe their Personalities to a pańnei TAis i5 Maria, sheśmy cousiń shes a .eelly a /,go- q p, ' 12 f!ĘĘĘ work in grouP5. choose a style icon, e.9. James Dean or IMarlon Brando, Do some resear.h on|ine and prePale a digital Presenlation about th€m. Then P.esent it to 5 4 8m Read ańd li§ten to Jo's interview With Ańńa. Decide Which ofthe underlined verb phra§e§ ale §tate verbs and which are dynamic verbs. Dynamic and state verbs l cań usa dynamic and state verbs li P i-:,ł i{:l^'{:] lmagine you are 9oin9 to a Weekend music {e§tivaI in the summei Discuss what you Would w€ar. (m Read and li.ten to Jo M€ck and answer the 1 Who does she Work for? 3 What 2 Where iśśhen.W? ]s Joi lep94!!q on festiva fashióń Hlp magaz]ne, L[k9 your hat, H ] 'm Anna: Thanks. don't lsualVweal hat§. Blt itl lealy hot, so l'm Wearinq this baseba l cap, t be onqs tó my boyfriend, He doesn't need t beca!se he isn't here today, |Ę! lev sinq fol his exams] she doing there? (t No, iti] oK. MV bovfriend hates festiva §. He prefer§ listenjng io music at home, lreal]V Wantto see Kings of Leon LB9!tothe]r S Ęffi ln your noteOook, complete Jo's inrerview with Tom with ihe corect Present 5imPle or Ples€nt continuous form ofthe verb§ in brackets. Then listen Jo: H 1or 'm repón ig oń leł !- HP maqaż._. ]j!j ] ] l.sh on ! . .- j_] (yol/e|.y)th. festVa l (r.V.) Yes ? . ree y !óód tme Jó] r i.Ve) y.!r T,shift, 3 Tomj .]o: H 'm Jo lv]act a.d l .5 . f.5. on .ditor lcr Hrp m.9aż;.e, nj!śt..V. t.c b.sl]ob in the,crd be.ilse tod._V .t th. Co.ch. . mls . f.łi,]. ]i Cj lornia The qlest oi i5 'W..t 9 tl]_- "F.n;V. Look" lh s year?' Tei tholsa.d Pł]P. to mus. here a.c ihe temper.n]l. i5 32" R-.]]ohe.d ire oi aterard re. y t. Ll,.tch 1]em, blt ri.]ht now t. peóP _. żboL,i ]ł..t -h.y .i.]Why 3 Read the GRAMMAR Focus and look at the verbs iń bl!e i. Exercise 2. Which verbs describe an action and which desclibe a state? \4ost lerbs h.Ve cyna c me.n n!]5 They descr be a.ió.s:śómethiig'h-PP.il Yo!..n !se them Wth s]mp e ól l co.t.!óUś fólnr5 .s; ias|ió. edi!ól lól H P l]l;9_.żne Tad.| ] aI ile a.e.i]eli; łl!:jn] l_-tiifjl Sof]e !,-rbS r.l. Slitive ,rei.i.9s he! d.s.r be śl;t_.! n.ilj r]9 'h;i]p.n5 YoJ ..nnot !3e thenr { th ..ńtńt].!! l lhe iemp.r.ilre is J'2 iNaI ++fri]d€v! !r) A iew lerbs (e 9 1l]i]{, i].|e ooł] h.!. b.th d!.im and st:t !e n]e...i]ś Th_- łr_--rii95 ir. d {leleit ] m!ł i:!e rhe bestiólj be]iele lal!e) i Jboli 90 i9 l. se. lIl],]|-..,l§lr]er d!..m.] lth].l 6 i n th_E = lhein llono . Tofr: oh, thanksI Jó: oh, t' t's nry fest Va Tlh rt (óOl) 9r_-.t j_.a|s? t5 50 hotl Tom: My L.9s .re Vcly 5k niy .id so (n.Veri'Wear) shorts, eveń iń §ummer |n Jo| So Wh]ch Tom: ' '0 1l ..lo: fact, ? b.ids 3 (yo!/y/óńi) to 5ee today? ( ke) Foo F ghters, blr ł]ót kno,r'r) (óók) for . hale o.e here oi], th_"y 1' Tom: oh r9ht thaiks]See yol, !r'h.i they're on feniv. progr.mme Look ai Jo's interuiew with Tom again. Find two Verbs With both dynamic and stative meaning§ and explain the diłference§ in meaning. ln your noiebook, write true sentences about your§elf with the a{łirmative or negative{orm oł an aPProPriate 1 2 3 4 5 6 (need) a ńeW Pa l oftra ners (V/eal) my favóur]t,- T{h ft today, (b!y) a my . óilje5 o| i. (th nk) n]ón.: óthrF.rc too erPensive (th.k)olqo.9 ś]oPP]i9 .t.r 5!'Elłl/ilĄ]Ę r'śk each other questions ba§ed on the senrence§ in Exelcise 7. Da you need a ńew pan o{ traineB? Gap fill l can understand the key Point' ol a radio progrcmńe on a fańiliar topic. A A 1r,ierr,] i. ,ur,r"unc rvho knorr,s c\,,clything aboutyotl and stilllikcs y()u. Read sayin9§ A-c about and discuss the question§, 'liend5hiP 1 Wlr ch 5ayń9 do you ke ben? Why? 2 Wh.t qU. ]t e5 sho!ld a c]osefrend have? 3 How would you comp ete the sentence] (EEt Listen to a radio programme about {.iendshiP. What do the numbers in the box fz rc v so,a 1,1 3 313 3ora-'J B ł u] ó 8ffiffi risten to dialogue§ 1-4, ln your notebook, match them with descliplion§ a-e. There is one extra des.riPtion. Dialo9ue Dialogue Dialogue Dialogue 4 t$ tEE Li*en to the l.dio pro9l6mme again and comPIete the suńmary in your notebook. Write 2-5 words in each gap, oń Th.t! life this Week We talk to.]enny ańd Frasel abolt friendships, Jenny has {Ve or six ] frieids and or§ of ónl n.. frie..]ś 7 flieid them Wth real frends she saysthele are ]ots of leaSons Why you mi9ht ose touch. Fraser! c ósesi fle.d5.1€ ,].ónr]ol].r.] ir.y !].. i o.!,e icaelllćl t i]óeś r't nr.t.r Whether _Vot are . 1l]. j..t:jit t..q9.bo!t lrendslr p .. 5 (.. :- qd]d { .rd S.liyst]e.e ] ha.g ó!1 (! t. 5b] = 2 .se tóJ.h iW l| sh) = :] liet tó [ióN/ +l a be a VJ.VS lhelć f. łr = 5 j. olliWlnsb)ó let: ó.9 (Vr' th śb)= b They'Ve ostto!.h, c They're a y Wel togethe. Waysthere fol each óthe. d They'Ve fa len out. e They'le gett]n9 to know ea.h other yol].bestłend? so We] together? 4 Wh.tsoń ofp a.es do yo! !s!a y 5 W] you a Ways there fo. yo!l best friend? ó Do you think you' l ever tó!ch W]th each other? 8 5PEAK|NG Think about your be§t {riend, Ask and anśwer the questions in Exercise 7 With a pańner. PRoNUNclATloN FocU5 ln your notebook, write rh€ lisien, check and repeat, Match the definitions in the box with phrases 1 ó from the re.oldin9, Theń listen, check ónd repeai. have a good relationship s óW y f]ńd olt .lrout 5b nop see ńg/he.ring łom sb .19Ue theń noP beln9 f.lend]y a They get along rea copy the questions and complete them with an apProPriate ł tfilll . ., "' 2 3 4 2 Why do de :raser 3:ys 1 1HoWeasyWasittogetto you a ong she admits ihat she ' on iie ł]eńdS, but she fnds it d fficu t lo ś;ń. A notling bettcr than a fricnd, apalt from a fiiend vith chocolare.' 'There is have is an o1d friend.' Discuss how many friends you have, Talk about óńline friend5, c ose friends and friends of the opposite sex, r.e the "r, 'The best nrilltll,1,<lu can 1 2 3 4 5 socialse be le i.b e numbers in łull. Then 5']5 five h!ndred !4d łfteen two hundled fo!ńeen 3,330 thrce thousańd, hundred 90] nine 2]4 7,880 thińy tholsańd, 6 4,416 fóul 'l0 ln your notebook, Write down three Iong number§. Dictate the numbers to your Pańnei check that your pańner ha§ written the §ame number as you. 5 Look ał the §tlategies which can help you guess the meaning of unknown words. Then discuss the meaning o{ the Wolds in blue in the text. Multiple choice I can jdentily in an ext€nded 1 1t 2t 3t key inłormation articre, 4 choose a word {rom each can see in the Photo§, boxto de§cribe the clothes you -l *hite-l* liho,ł_sLeeved a."l. " [l"",n* i".r.* *,.l ó ffi!§ ln y"u. n"t.book, match the words in blue in the text wiłh the de{initions, Then li§ten, check and rePeat, [l,r,i,t . 2 3 ] Why 5. T-5hjt c. ed a Tsh 11? 2 Wh]ch ,l.s tlje f lsl Plofess o. 1o Wear eather]a.kets? 3 HoW ale t|e Wórds 'de. n]' aid 'b !e ]eais' .oine.ted 5 Why are these. othes f.sh'oi 5t pop!.r!:hyolngpeop.? sty e tori b], botF men re.cai Sed by.Veryo.c -rc Nomci = What'sthe o]dest item of cothin9 Youl Wardrobe? Tell your partner its 'history', Focus oN WoRDs I comPound 8 t!!S \ in adjectives ln your notebook, complere ihe lin of comPound adjective§ for describing clothes. Refer to łhe underlined words in rhe ańicle. Then listen, check and repeat, 4 brighty 5 cuttin9 a @ nead the article again. For questions 1 5, choose the ćo(ect answer, A, B, c or D, Write the answere in your notebook, compleie the message with the comPound adjective§ in Exerci§e 8. 1 Jeans, ihe !!hte Tshiń.id ieath.rj..k.t A are re.eiI inventions In B Were created in the ]9705 h.Ve beeń aro!nd 1or.bo!t ]00 ye.E D !r'e,e ń iary !nfonns ]00 yeau.go, c 2 TheTjh]ń.nd e.tlrer]ac(et b.c.m. poP! -r . HiKaren th_- B teera9cE W.rc l.be i9 c fim n.E.nd lo.k n.6,1o e il-eir D tr.y ,iere .Va ab e i .ó.L t 3 r tre 19705, Tjh ltś Wele Wó as !.defue.. A B be.;.]e n]! 1 .o o!ćd, c We e PoP! a,Wt| Pó it. aiś D Vlele ó. y Wcn] b! ńei, A are named aftertwo European cities. B were invented jn Gelmany. c Were łrst Worn by l]ch busińessńeń D Were Worn as schoo unifoln,]. The Wliter's ma ń ińlenlion j§ tó slggestthat Peop e Who weartheśe iconic clóthes today A are coolelthan they th nk they are B jke Weal]n9 old fashioned galments, c Want ro lmitate famols peop e, D are not aware o{the history beh nd them, 8 'm go]ng on d cycling,/r'eekend A5.nexpe,ienced cyclist, Whdt do you think l 5hould l/ear? Hisam, Luckyyou!Take at least two l T 5hjrts and suntan lotion for yo!r anns. YoU need ó pair of shorts - Cycling da mages shorts quickly, 50 jnvest in good ones. Lots of people Wear blackones 5hoń5 and T shińs so that car drivers can see you]A Warm jacket something thatW]llkeepyoUWarm intheevening,Arain jacket that's made from 4 fabrjc. Theret 50me dmazin8 technology out thele in neW fabric5 for sports cLothes, oh, dnd dor't forget your 5 5Ungla5§€5| l0 rfi = 4 . peĄon Who i.k.s.oih.s = . ctl- n9 yo! wc.r ncxt io y.!r skir = 6 nr.teri. th.t c oth.5 .r. m-dc c{ = Guess the answers to questioń§ 1-5 beloW Then read the article ańd check yóul ideas. d d yo!n9 peop e staft We.r n9 ]e.iS .S know nrade up ofword§ understand. The context can g ve me c les 5 FocUs oN WoRDs lclothin9 Do you wear any of the clothes iń the photos? 4 Whe. ooks ike. Word ]ń ńy a.g!age. ooks ike.ńeńtelofawoldfamiy I( Have fUn. HoW do you saythese compound adjectives in your lanquage? How many o{them can you use ło de§cribe cloihe§ in your wardrobe? ICoNS i@ Ts}e ]in i,lninl\c knlk n,(ool, Ń !n]t0l liljUlLili(ltlłX,llntrNi onl ji,r ,.\hł( l^hi !lb|i(l,1( rhtril(LlL,& \l1t lll1.o.iNjnrl,\ \.'hi L\.i/C_lhnl lk Ioc llłlk l(, lllt l9i(l..riglll?\\cll. no. nol t\ri llr -J\ l nrin(rol'h(l.rl[ Q Ui( l\loliLhlci!) l()()\tiNt§r,, Lhe while T_shin and ieańer jackei, Boih smficd [rc in ńc nri]itfu]. Thc T ś]lifl Go ćr]led becdse olr$ shąre [ke .uilom. a T ) Ws in fafi und€neżr, Unril ńe eaŃ 20ń ceniury, producto! produced @non jcscY, 9nors vJrn Tlr T ln fu Alcticd N!vY. it {,śsom undf ws woolćn. but l r evolutión nl r3l fuyiĘ li,l,Ii( wlii.h liL lignl\ 10 Lhc l,ody LexLjle !!d kepl T shirr !N bom, Lć łom lł {ightcr lJilo$ th.ytlcrc]ifutl Weiriirł. wlnn, luT_lin(d lor msimullroiect]on her jickeL9 Were s!o!T sLeevcd inńeFłsiworldwu ton ńe clcDefus, a udcrst hcn. in 192B, fut A]ldićM rrin.oaL com|any. sclDn" designed ńe fus. }ańer nomrq,clc jackfi viń ł żip, ąrrlre ] 950§bolh8itllt ńe Beades ro Nf,rl.n ióni(sisfuswnen lin.,,śłłtnślitr in re 1960§łnd ]970sblidsrTon le.łd,jrckel, md it noved iiom Dororqdc sPor$ io §nad rcachcd B@do md Janrs Dem imlc ńcn ńc RDoncs ado|ted jlr frlnś. Larcr, dle ftnąe rebelion, ln drc i 970s'LśhirLśgd r ćolou.lLl ulJdrre: brigh v{o]oured T shjrB i{erc pdticulfu,ly popllu &ś ve1l eś l slial wi th band logos and poliiical slo8Ms, Havin8 sn.d ouras fuilDde+tnenL lbt nH, Fn ofeltryonct vudrcbe śince dlen, :d T_shins becane mi§hńc t970s & havcbccn !-oumayńiŃvolrfshionlblrdislJeśsćdje s fć cutring,edee faslio! ireN, bur ńcy cm lr. FJced fltn fruńer back nr ]i§orv, ln ]e 1800śdennn, them$erE]jeans emadeotWs r tind ofconon nadc jn Nnneś.llrMće ('de Nnnes'), The fir,t blue delin lroUrrs wcrc łom b\sai]orsinGć!o8'CćneiinFrfich,'BleudeCłneibecue'bbejemś, at knowńen ori8inatd Blue jean§ § :s dU.ing dlc 1849 Cdibmi,n co d Rns]r. Thc], werc dodopcd try C.mfur §lorekcc!* Ifvi sr ss lnd Laiua! tailorJacob Davis, ckly, LevislT e5 a 1at malul $!rke6 ald wf ss sPTead cowbo}s, BUl rhcn lhci. populaLiry afterńe Secondlvortd \.a io. icd. et pairofjealshimcf hcwas fu jcŁNłm o ywmr by never$orea dlń} bus]nf snfu, rhcy wclc assochtd widr ne So eadl W, Yourgpcoplcslfutd lo iU i J , .o,l,g PoUJ{Uo l lcbelio!ś netridou Md rine you wefulour jcfurs, $,iric llshjri lcańcrjackci yo!'rc a.fusly wcfuitĘ l00 lnsm,yl .l , ll,Ą \-, ycfus sc.rd 10 tciL long lilć? t'lrc}'lt furd wer e bltk olś§lc Llt |r hl)le, nu]rj p! tDosć dorlrćśnrlde ol nfiurr] mrcrił]§ órL are 't hc eŁśyro we!r, LeqJ you t Ł,ff!eĄ".,-E@ wrni md give f!rlined PodżytyluiEm eleńeńts iyw]oły 2]P żamek b]yskalvicż.y the a rou,hlle Li de. 4 pre§ent peńed continuous M: ,'l P i\ lol t\v.nl! one r't.r th.lll()nr l.islj lbl l)eir]) le, So. lbl lhc Pt\t l.n }ctń I'\. bćen \llrtchfug peoph's lie.\ $lr.n thc\ iij( \cc thc Nlona Li§l There's solnellljng !cry \t..jtlrhour lhal pail)lil)g. l'\e,rlyj bćc! xDswclilrg lh. srn]c qtre(ion. olel and o\,el aganr, The] .lsk lllc. 'Hos l()ng lrłs lhc bccn hlns t.! jn the Iolrue']' l a]$,ay! sa} ltle \,Io!l.] Li\r lr!\ bccn in th. l ou\ le sjnce ]30.1, Bul it isn'l qu]te lrue, Tl)c ]VftDl Li\! hł\n'L beet han3ing i| ńe LoLllle si|ce ll)cn bccru\c śnncon. st()lc il jn l1,)l l. ForlLlnalely l}e plinlilrg \ls ltlurncd t$o ].rl\ lłlcl, The other que(jms lre i possibl. l() us\cl, Th.y r\k nr.: 'W]ro 1\as shc|'\vhy i! sltc snlil|rs]' $Jlr)'] B.c!!s. sh.'s beer li\lenin! n] people'S sill! !uenious li]r o\.r l\o hLlndlcd yclrsI Stop !śkin3 qlre§iions and ]ook i( (he p iltlillg i( s bcłUlililI 3 Ó n ńe i]P lo |o!!' L]5e'oror§incetosayho!/ ong, }-.|-- t!--lt],.!.i.-l: Present Peńed continuo!s: has/have + beeń + -ińglo(ń t ] Peńec,t simple or continuou§ forń of the velbs in brackets, Then add a time expressioń to make them -, o - " -, ,o,\. o ]-,' (9o)tothe san]e haildleśśelśloi ln youl notebook, wlite questióńs for the sentences in Exercise 5 beginnin9 with How /ong have yo!,..?Then ask your Partnei REMEMBER THIS YóL !śe t|e Present Perfect sińp]e to la Il]ć x,Lrrj_j LJJ (NoT }i5 j:'3] 10 5e,rq ii rh.lolvrc ]lr.e ) tjle 18a4 the abo!t lini5hed Pbrr 1.5 Vlslt..J tlr. Lolvl. 5.!.| i nre5, He /i.s !rsiiall tl,_-!iy 5e!.lr other m!5c!m5 7 Which Plesent Peńect form is the most appropriate? Which sentences ale true fol you? 1 / Ve see! /' ]'Ve been seeing the Moia L sa ilr.e 2 My mlm n.s bolgnl/ ]r.s beei b|yłrga ie\ł.ar 3 ]l! 9ro9ec/ ltśbeen snovr'łrg s n.e yestelday, 4 ]'\,e lenłri./ /'Ve bee! ]e.łrłrgthe p ano ior yea6 5 We h.Ve neveli]een 9o!r9 / ]r.!e neler bee. alrroad ó ir.Ve|'r eaten / h.!e!'t been e.nng !..h yet. 8 lń youl ńótebook, Write questions in the Present Peńect simple ol cońtińuous. Begin the questions With HoW /or9 .--? ol How ńańy ---? Then ask your Pańnei ] messages / re.e !e / today? 2 ,eal,/ lhe same Vr'alch? 3 have/the same bag? 4 tore gi .ou.t es /'! sn? 5 books / read / i ihe past Note: st-ic V.rbslbe, 1rrVe, t!ovr', et. )do ńo1 < a.ióiś]]tńe i]P_loj]o,!' Yo!..nsiy'howmłny' blt.ot Read the GRAMMAR Focus, Then find six more examPle5 of the Present Perfect continuous in the text in Exercise 2. Yo! !S. t.e Present Peńect continuous to taik abólt rnfn sher:] actons th:tstańed ]n the P.st nnd.oni n!e ln your notebook, wlite the sentences using the Present ?d } 4 5 STOP ASKING SILLY QUESTIONS x1},nanle i\ IIcllri Duhois, 1 )e.lrs llnd I'\c l,ccn l(!)linil h '] 'f. l];.i{have) lhe s.me cói]P!t_-l for iliI.,. ,..]:!. Read about the real Mona Li§a. Why doe§ the curator think the Mona Lisa is smiling? r1 ihc LoU\Ie N'IUscUnr n] " {work) here for over iwenty years Thank5. My son, Jack, is Very excited, He 5 ( eam).bo!t Leonardo da Vlnciat s.hoo M: We l, l'ń slle Heif] c.n answer any quesiions. He ó (]ook aftel) the Mona Lisa {orten years, (the N4oia L sa/han9) n J: Er ., HoW ong ? G: 5 |-*l (Wait)? We' (st.nd) in this q!e!e forabolth(enly mlnUtes, M: Right, We , 'l ]ntrodlce you to Henri, our curator He 1 Wh.h Ve6ioi do Vo! ke besl? Why? 2 Wh.t d. yo! kio\,l aboltlhe or! ia pa.:.9? Ńil ll'ł 'm solry, the mu§eum is rea ly busy today, HoW ong ] ]t! oK. Look at the diffeleńt Versioas o{ the Mona Lisa and discuss the q!estions. 2 - u§e the pre§ent peńect continuou§. can u9e tlre pre§ent perfect 'Conżinuóus and Pr€seńt Pełect simple. 1 ln your notebook, <omPlete the dialogue between the Manager (M), a guest (G) and the 9ue5t'5 son Jack (J), three mond]ś? About clothes 8llffil Li.t.n to the rocus Vlog. ls there anythin9 the sPeakers have been planning to buy recently? Write the aDswers in youl notebook, 4 5 l (J). Look at the words in all the options in Exercise 4 again and write them in your notebook under the co.rect word {ormation common suffixes on9 NOUN I can form a range of nouns, verbs and adjectives using conmon ó ADJECT|VE ADVERB VERB Read ihe LANGUAGE Focus. Which Wolds in th€ box comPlete the infolńatioń corectly? j;l],r]Al{ll]l]i Look at the Photos and di§cu§s wh;ch adject]Ves hairstyles you think are accePtable for school. x3 adverbs nouis Velbs Word {ormation - common su{fixe§ . . Many different words are formed by add]ng suffxes to noUns, Verbs and adject]ves. : ahce/ ehce, -ion,,ity, m-ąnt, shiP : able, al, ed, "ful,.jc, tng, ive, dis-to same to get the opposite meaning, acceptable - unacceptable, respectful - disrespectlul You can add prefixes un-, in-, im-, il-, ir., ł Note: Yóu form most by add ng Jy, -y, -ily 5 hanest hóhesny, absolute - absolutely, angry ahglily 7 copythe table and comPlete VERB NoUN it With appropriate forms. ADJECT|VE ADVERB ? ! t[lP Listen to a pnone_in about Mańhat §ituation at school and an§wer the questions. 5 lli'il *;lltlnłi[]1T.. a 1 What! Martha3 problem at : 4 Was l 8 ghi? HoW mańy ca]e6 "g"in "na 1 r|e priarią / abliqatión 3 write the co.rect option in of th e sch oo is to educate 4 / 5 6 ln youl notebool., conPlete 5o successfu/ / he/pful ]§ that it h a5 r! les ańd regu/ation5 / pUn'sn men t, Yolr llles are pathetic/ ćreative. The schoo shou d focus on her acadeńic a ch iev e ments / leade rshi p, Schoolchidren must c/arir,/.ealise that thetr schoo Piercings, (lid cu e) cait a stlc]ent fórshaviig his ol her head. (pUnishment) Fema e student§ Worry more aboutthe r thań ma e students, (appear) Yol] cant 2 The leason itl 3 4 or erucusn ] dL]t,/ o1. s.hoo is :c t5 sL!dei.śi,-.]!..t ci) 2 t'ś 1.r s.h.. § t. h.ń r.tnj.ś nr right or wrong. HoW do yoq rhink your schooIwould li"t.n use the sentences With an approplióte {orm of ihe Word ] T.e li. tho!9htthe schoo Waswlong? :ił§łKlI\ji] Discuss whether you think the s.hool wa§ @lP (p 7 9 .bo!t !rh.t sl!de.tś ..n .n.] Wear, the better (regu ate) for nuc]eits to delberate y sens b e s.hóól rU e5 (...ept) performaice is not inked io stldenis ook (a..dcmy) !.óre hóW ihe Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the statements in Exelcise 8. Give reasons for l hone't]y / absalutely think it's ri.]ic!/ous / unacceptab/e to make such a fuss abolt a shaved head 11 "'Ę yo! think you Discuss Whether would get on WellWith claire, Give leasons for Describing a person Read the WRlTlNG FocUs. Which Words in pulple łorn the ńessź9e in Exercise 3 comPLete the ex.ńples.orect y? ] can write a Per5onal erflail to describe 1 Look at you. partner for ten se<onds. Theń close your eyes and desclibe their apPeźrance and clothiń9 iń as much detail .5 yóu cań, 2 Be ow, Mź99ie describes hel frieńd clźile, Before you read, write a list of thin9s you think she ńi9ht inc]ude in yo!r NoW read Ma99ie'5 me§§age and see Which things on yo!r list in Exercise 2 she ńeńtioned, Ii e irsI llrłrg yo! nofi.e Jbo!i n.l ]ooks oi.le. iliill] śi_.k .illillj |5 . Her name'5 claire, The first ihing you notice about her i5 thatlhq 5 looks a littleoldellhan 5he i5, She's ourage, but she look5like 5het already in her ea rly twe nties. She! Very ea 5y going and think she ha5 a great sen5e of hUrnour get on redlly Wel[, she'5 al5o a Very credtive person and a fantastic singer,She plays the piano dnd Writes her own songs and has even made a Vjdeo to l We 1o goWith one ofthem, she's into alL sorts of music, from l_-n,_.ll that light? lf so, l think nry friend might be perfect. D.Scribe h; l L think she looks ki]]!Lqf]]!!Ły but in a good Way, on the negative 5ide, she isn't exactlv punctual and she can be a litde moodv attimes, she tend5 to get qpset ifyoU criticise her But hey,5he'5 a creative] got. , i]e,i b]c..l IJ.e Ld ĄJ]l casu al ly/ sm a ftly/ |łe ll / ln b ] ack He always \łear5 casla]/smaĄ/ sclL]ffy/iashianable/ ó Which word§ in the WR|T|NG Focus <omPlete ihe d€§criptioó .orectly? Do you know anybody like Mańin? Tellyour pańner My {l eńd Mań Who cań i s , B!t the algle about ' anyth n9. He a W.ys smarty and hel a Very inielesring .c .i]5 ; g:e.t 5 l.es " Hc'5 9ot shcll 12 ' she! sholti'" He! ia'r|, W.11 b!ilt/" 3 Dońini. k nót ónlhe atthe nanęnL well.jelileryaur message next tlme Dońilić lócs in |;ir en.rlr,i!ri|!hlJł krnd/n on he ght,/b! Watch her Video (attached) and Let me know What you think, 20 LoVe Maggie x .rqe eyeś, śli and ta.e He! got..o1, siroli, " slre! 9ót bee|iifu]. iong, 5ne3 think shed make a great 5inger for the band. 15 u5!ally in black, iie ,l!5i./i.5.i.r]r'_.k.,_.i, jl.-]n]a . llleńi classi(alto Shet alsoVery pretty;').5he's about medium hei8htand slim, and sh€! got long,strai8ht, dark hair. she d re55e5 fash iona bLy, though 11l;t t].l3 |.!j !lJIId.r],li!le5 (loJ ó creJl le;.h.r,/o..Iol,/ri leid rap and l thin k 5hel the kind of person Who i5 open to neW ideas, l ] r5 , ae5., t]e p.Eo.. ty .n.] rt.rl-st5 H.]: i Ieł _..ll l_J.i.9,1iirtelesli.g, ei. .e]j.n 5r. /lJ5 J :1l..i 5e!5-- .l l Irt!l sr_.! lhć l.rn!,,p.lki!d olP.E.l] r HiDominic, Zara told n,]eyou are lookingfor a new 5inger foryour band. E E] ... De§cribin9 a per§on t G,e i6i i.rpres9i.i5 He! 1.bo|l] my,/\,c!l/l., 3 7D r he's not alway§ 5eriols. mlsic and dańciń9, and |o!, .cts on_- of hJ a!]e bu: Fe :h]nk he'c ' .id . { eid ]r l 7 Decide Which underlined example§ in the message in Exerci§e 3 complete lhe LANGUAGE Focus corredly. 9 TentatiVe lan9uageI mak;ns language less negative , teńd to be/get + choo§e one oł th€ Photoś. lmagine he or she is your friend. 1n your notebook, Write a descriPtion including physi<al aPPearance, styIe and peBonality. The deścriPtion should be exactly 50 Words long. compare With your Pańner. adiective s|e_3-:+id9se+ = s]le t.!.! ' , cań be/cóuld be + a litt]e/a bit+ adie<tive +]€+nrlrE€]rF3 = r5 ]r;rl .. ]i(r lj_- ; bil ,i..,lel .;]re]3fF§e-!t=sie..--rber . Ne9atile a.i]e.t ve to pos t Ve ad].ctive W tr a]way§, exactly, particular]y Ł@ = n. si'i.ill._ls n.ro llolillg Hei|ć-.F Heb.ólp_.itl.!l:1l] gelle|o!s :;lrć+tłą,irntr si]e jn'l4 ' ouantif iers/softeners sl .-.! śil.łI, sre! j L]l i.. ng. ]ićJ+n!+ = -!.lj il 3iim ]ril]_- śtDr1 :ilĘ1r6+=shel.cls' Rewrite th€ §entences in your notebook to make them le§s negative or extreme. Use the word in brackets. ] Amanda's r!de. Amanda 2 Blyańt mean. Bryan 3 Calolńe'§ laży, Caro ine 4 D.Vid's ol]d, Davjd 5 E eńat ]nse.śjlive, E ena ó Freddieś untidy, Freddie , , , (polte) (alWays) (co!ld) , Gan) w, łing SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT 10 @ oo the writin9 task in youl notebook. U§e the ideas in the WRlTlNG FocUs and the LANGUAGE Focus to helP you, Jeden z twoich kolegów wybiera sję do miasta, w którym mieszka twoja kUzyńka, Kużynka żgodziła się oprowddzl( go po qwoim mieście, Tylp że onisie nie znają i nigdy §ię ńie widzieli, Napisż e-mail do swojej w swoim e mailu: . opisż lyq ąd kc , . prżednaw kika iap sż, jak e 3. e.] , .e.. e.]c eoo chłrlttcru, z.irt.r.sow.n., o -,ood, 1,1o]em! ko edże swoje m.sto, Róz|/ia śwcla r/fpó,.|reaż podo .d 8! do Po " | (.żoVI.7 cżter.'-r:lr ]30 slóV/, 13 Ul\ Describing a photo can describe a photo and speculate about the people in it. ] Look atthe adjective order key. ln your notebook, Put clothes descriPtions 1-5 in the correct order. ls anybody in the cla§§ wearing one ofthese item§? ] ] t,j |eE / N te,' NeVl ż Ai(ntoń /śljń/p.tielned i] ]--.|s / b]!e / Fj$ ó..b e / śkiiry ,1 eatljel / h ,' B ack / booc / big ] |r'oo e. qh heei.d 5 A stl ped / ]!n]p.r " cl§§n Take it in turns to describe clothes iń the class. Use at least two adjectives to de§clibe each item. Guess who your Pańnel is describin9, Look at Photo A, cań you !se ańy ofthe .djectives in Exelcise 1 to describethe ćlothes? HoW Would you describe the situation in photo A? Think oftwo adjectives to describe how the Woman is feeling, Then |isten and check your ideas, Read ihe SPEAKING Focus, ln your notebook, comPlete ih€ de§cription of phoro A with one wold in each gap. Then listen again and check. The photol§Łqa§ t!' together " greyjea.§. 5 a a man and a Woman shopping to Say exacty how o d they are, they'le in the]rtwenties, and theyte couple. The ńant Wearing a red toP and The Woman is sitting on a White cha r and she borcd, on the floor, ó there are śevera shopping bags. 'm not7 What's in them, but lihlnk rhey're probab y clothes, they'Ve been shoppin9 {or a few hours olt exact|y What kind o{shop they to be a menl c othes shoP they're.ear the chan9in9 rcoms iłeginnin9 a descriptil]n be.a!5e ihere! nl poo, o1\4ó li'ayin!i .,!herc (ifi the photd ń óń n the backgrc!nd/in ihe midd e/ The Hc oots n the foreground the eft/ón the l]ghr front oflbeh nd/next to shoWinfł Uu(eft,J;fity t's hard to say/make out ,,., blt,,, " ! 5pecu{ating He/she/lt lóokś as iflas tho!gh/ ke.,, lt seems to be , ,/Perhaps itś,, /Maybe ]tś,,. l maglie they're , ,/They're probab y .., |,dor,,l 14 lPee ]a 15 Pel)o is whitc.!ń.ir a ]n tic]: hod i9 UP.5h ń or. P.]'óftlouść6 ]3 , th il th f ihe ik |e! th rk .9 ibolt rly.9 1 on. lomań ooks lery ńteresi_pd, slre Weits to 90 to a !!omelr! c othes Look at photo B. Theń folow the instruction5 below to Ldll dbout iL, tJś"the ph'aś.śiń the sPEAK|NG Focus to help yóu, 'm not sure ,,,, but ,,. €ivin9 your.,pi ión m.i " /, |- m,oP-ió s.y Wh.t trc Photo ł].Ws Tak. ooo ]t p, ol i. t!r.s to descl b_. tlre Photó io yolr pań.er Ask and anśwelthree more qUe5t'on5 based on Photos A and B. 1 Hov otei do yo! go shoPp i9? 2 Who do yo! Usli y 9o vlith? Why? 3 What are yo!. {.Vo!r te ol e.st:.!oUrt.shop5? Why? ll]@ild@t /lć!t.I bulv bńyz. getalońq ankle boót. (we|l) with /,qet: lD| (wel] być W dobrych stosunkach ż get to know/,gct t. n.U/ poznać hang out With /,hći] aol wió/ śpędzaćżas z have a good relationship with / h@v. .lud kostkę, boiki attitude /'ćl Jt iu:d,/ ńasi.Wien e bae^.,l.]/ Ń.; 6;ndei/i6;3|Z/ b6n,; eiI !clb9 !9,]!!+1!ś!ti9!,l!Łó J (nt.l rv -ilFiFn]]i-iiid/ń,e F€Teleć6-.\ łBć?lotift€lllrlidfirĘrćrj-,Ill n 'kDn.n wió/ mieć dużo wspólnego z have an argument / hćv on'd:§j.nr.ntl 9'len]'Jn/ bya W.ejtrW uwaq be ć bją]ie /'bi:nv -apta blouić,7blri-żrnTlź[' ffit-656nizi;;. have similar ińterests/,hEv n.l.r mtrJsts/ m eć podobne zainieresowan]a iose tou.h with /,l!lż ,l !t,| wIÓ/ stmc Ć lDt . baot/ @refree / ne3lri:/ benróski -}Fii.io-ś'a;n ńi",i.;i.,/ 5p.*i"ć adi!ąfriend stop se6in9 €.ch other/ slop'si]lł i:tj nó./ pże9taĆ się spoiykaĆ suit /sux/ p.Sować (.lo koqóś, cżV]eiśu.odv, down-to.eańh / l]jt,n l,, i:6/ lwir]o spokgly, l@u6B '{a@ąńś-tt@a]]i ĘŁi Fdr"s+ qlhical brand /,eollJl hland/ ety?na mal[a fżshion.ble yjth k. / fi lriiii.Lid sk r/ o'ć b?iĘFiĘ=ohrf,reóI-,lDi li k1l.d/ w asnvch/ żi@Lh-roToE;F dobue f abrisf Łendly /lrendlv życżliwy, pu y]azry lu - 9o for /'0.o i.:/ decydóńać5ię ńa qo whh the nońaqJU u nó; !aa/ phna. -FiidE;i ó6,ć'to, co in. iolout of f99h!on / n/ aUfjŁfej.n/ FżrlT€r belt / tr'ii'lrćlrrś}ćndny p.sel bggings / leglDz/ eqq rsy bok /lok/ stll, stylizaćja; Wyq ądać ńitfdle_aoód / nrld.l ekl?,]/ W śre.].rm Wpl ;fiEża r"rith./---p.u.ti."t.lott es r,p,*(i ";lt,l'ł1.ozl Fń;;M vl-;l.hiń ;in /§1Fll .l/ l, trendy / l.endi/ modny ?a E]ail*e./ *€al ńóśić mak€_Up n c<.j-i lE@@ iąd Ać!d/_aę!g! muv-ny aain€Js/'i.eln.7/ ,J ćlwavsthe.e forl b] l]ltrelz 'eżawne Wsp.r. em.la łn htż liln' WWieku na9to etnim midión halL/średnieqo mi9teriouś /ml st IJri.s/ 1ajeń ńiay neruóo, /'n.rFs/ nefuowy oPen to /'.Upijrla/ oiń;rty na eupże]ń, - hum-in.-_ h ł: piv pl-q@es.rryy ' iu:m./ oo-lcie neln. grelt.,./ ___-, §lraighvdaikrebń/lónq hał /,śl.ell/,do]ł/ jniFD! lhe.l' pió3t6/.ićńie7krótkiel.łu.]i€ T stylish /slalh/ sty owy well_built /,wcl bnv dobue zbldowait IltrEEffilt'rł| jumper/d npa/sweter - look as iflaśthough /'lUk Jz d/Jż ó.u/ Wy9lądaćjakby, żańo5jć się na ja.ket /'.em d3Eklt/ k!ńkć prże.wdesżeowa patterńed /'pćt.nd/ Wżólzy9ty shiń /l3x/ ].oż! ; rękawem top /lDp/iop, b Użka. koszulka try on /,lral 'Dn/ pżymież],ć _ rain ,.-- srriped /nEliii'Wpisy óeJ und€=e;ll;Ńane=./6-|eliaa .ń,;ail'r-n - nlrE]]fucoE3li:6h@łc wąrdrone] ![..l"a,h/,ala, qardeób. ivoolle!l'1vUl€ń/łe+n;Ę: --ZĘź!!LżjL!]9!!!+9y[a!y E@@reł./ @E!@ bUiy sportowe mĘs}§ll,.{t!}(ffi in his reen, .Urator /L.jo kusio9 look aftel /,lol o.Ll J/ opielowac nę qleknd ovel agajn /5ovJrJd Jo!)l .'gen/ cą9 e, W kółko queue /kjU/ ko ejka baśeb.i|cap /'b<l\br.l la-olrjzel a hy1 tr:puP6e/-]uuu li-Ęrs 7ir-.Ęr7-.-inja- /,we. ne ŁĄp/mjećńakj.ż on /n'ól!l nn/ rel,..róW". bł.§9/r \ alzl póMarza. maiera łoń5 /rii/-żóńy Bńni-,sklqll Ądy 'iń fi]śóaiĘrrńad7]at€ 1iiisij§ś7l n i-lz ,a]]l/ nd/ lelt 'tvenl i' W W eku .]Wldzi€siu kilku /okolo dwldziesiu p ęciu / prawie iFó€teń-en6-óttl.m.nts/żywio' kamDe ka EDoń W dobrych stóś!ńkach z hard working /,ho:d'Ńllkrn/ prncowiiv doooalana dntage]Uńglśs€s / vlnl 5 sMg]o§.7/ T]ż§aneókul;ry mrea]W5|oneczne ki5t.o9!1]rve§tJUl/ tlem t! suntań lonón / \ \nltn, JUJJn/ mieczlo v -pó* kcwal lilk tie /,§lk lal/ iedwabny get on well with / get Dn wcl*fó/ być smart /snrd:i/ ;Te,]ćick aanetTłrlnnTrFddayty r<lbaniodilT-clj.n/ blit śhoń_sleeved /,ttrx §li:vd/. kótkim rebelIious /rl'lrcl jJś/bunt.Wn.,V 5[al-Iów7rGEd/irńi, , (o Stylu ubiemń a 5ię) 9armeńt/'!]olńónL/ odzieŹ, !b]ÓI h!Ęl,wearing / hq:d we.rD/ n e do zdarcia WieIozŁd4iow diigin.te /. rtd3nelt/ pójaWić się DoDular/'b.b,. J uh,anv łind /ntit,nd mir;żyćz iwy ca§fiVik-ć3byśWobodny 5he'd ńake a gleat,.. /,Jid ,r]q Jónrrnieńodi'e-- lE[@@ ],!]ul/_!!!te.al, tl anina fEi.d.y,ng / U,.l d] ó7ruy6tGó|rc} iconic /al kDnIk/ kr Lowy imitate /'nnlell/ naśadóWać ]ook like /'Ui lłlk/ bya podóbnym dó r,bh heels/ hal h |.lżl bUty n. Ę}\óllm hoPeleśs / nóópl3s/ beżnadzie]ńy hoPelessly /'h.upl.ni/ beżnadż]ejnie śu..eed /sJk'sild/ odnieść5ukces suc.esś sUkces successfuI ^.lt,seVseslay skute-ny, ód.ożdcv 5!kcesy ^.t sU.cesrf ully /sJk's€si.lil sk!iecznie s.ruffy /'str^lv niech ljny sense of humoul /,sens .v We Vv]asire] skólze fleece /fli:s]b!ża pó alow. 6llow tlends / iDlJo tańż/ podąż.ć z. leidańI- hoPeful/ lr.Upi.|/ pe]en na.]ż]e hopefully / hJopf.lil !{nie, z nadz eią rude/ru:d/n I s e edUcationally / edju ke1,1.n.lil edukacV]nie hoPe /h.Upl ńadżie]a; mieć nadżieję medium heiqht / banned Aćnd/żżlazdiv .nrh.|/ m..]n, a:ią:Fió"-rlo,.1- . -",l" f;]iońłóń;BEńr-Ui; 'klmft.t.l ]nternetowv lóntalĘtowćĘE ez disoiibedieńt /,d rJ hl,d,lnl/ n epo§łUszny €ajls!:E]Ł:,!zl'g.us/ Dnl n frcnd/ oPPosite śel/ op3.Jt ,elV płe.przecWn. j€]iabHrltai5b'.Ii' niezćWodny śo.ialiaćvhh / \aiJ|rźwd/ ltrzymywa. 9u.nriu, ,ą.k r/ kq.tla denim jacket /,de4rm / z.a]or!y_- .otton / kDtn/bawełnianV ałrś-ńr,do;*1;i7ińł wló/ h/ bVć .lośefrieńd /]JnUs ll€td/b]śk Piy].cie i.]lout with /,fJ:!'a!t nló/ potlócić śę ż ind out about /laJn.L .UL i blUl/ a<ePt /Jk'sepi/ ak.eprow.ć a.ceptable /Jk'sept.h.V akcepiowalny a..eptably /.kis€pt.bli/ źadowa.iąco at.ePtan.e /ak śepl.ns/akcepiac]a, zqoda achi€vable /.1,1i]!.bay osią9a ny achi€ve /J'r,|i]v/ 05 ą9nąć achievem€nr A1,1ijvm.nV o9]ą9n ęc e educate / €djokett/ ksźałcić edu.ation /ledjUikelJJn/ edukac]ź educational /,edjU tel]'ón.l/ edUkacyjny 15 ,| @ Wybór WieIokrotny Które ż Podanych §łóW poPrawnie uzupełniają zdania? Dwa słowa nie pasuią do źadnego 2 nich. ] carefree denim faded rebe lious slt.n Van 1 2 V ike to Wear a jacket With ]eans lrecaUse .ńżż ng KeLy folnd some a.harty slrop 3 B.b le.ds to be t|ey llere m.de ithel9óOs rc ..i't lian.] . tt E .Ltrć.l lash ons did |re.,s aiyih !r ]!ł ic b.] .]]lerent 4 iee .omiońró. ;i my oVł, W.try Ioo mlch .b.!t ń]y appear..ce 5 J .ómes a.ro55 .5 r.'..xec ..d kióW that she Wofie§ abolt things .l the 1ime th nk z.5tęP w}.ażeńia W nawid5ach odPoWiednimi 5łoWdmi, Pierws2e liten/ brakujęcych §łów żostav Podane. with) ó!twith Ke 2 l|js g y, blt ńoW §he Won't speak to ('tem of.lożhing) s so pl.ct]ca c ;dvalr_-cn |a$ cns collc o,]l of.]apa. !.ere:h.y nct .fri d -.ó erper lent L! ih ł]. ]! ;nd m.te,:j 9 4 ujh.| t.óń.sto.oth.S,t.c..9ćc!9!a -r. y9.T ti (Women3 5hoe5 Whićh are highel in the backihań the 1 2 X: a new Tsh].t nth]sphotó? Y lt's iot ieW, ll's my dad's old T,shiń fróm the 80s A Do yo! Weal B Are you Wearińg c HaVe you Worn x: Did you ńóke thejacket yo!'re we.rj.9? at m.king . oihes blt Y ] d]dl l'ń uślaly thiS Projecl Was pretty successf! B hope ess A hoPe 3 X:Wh.t have yóL been c]o n9? Yj Noth n9 śp!.]a. .5k her A jbo!t.!l B pro]e.t L c succeśś hop. ł]e lep es soon, c - -, t]!rlj] ]ea.s frcnl- e B ac.epi 5 x] C.i yo! li.Ve; ook.:t.!pct!ft:? Y: W.j ], n] ..t slre e th.r A .:ń 1 m.le .L]r !h.t it ł]ó,A A .ch evab B don llh.t t s Very ntir_eśtńq c i óóls as:holgh yo! cóL d i. p .e. Plżecz}tajtekst. Które ż Podanych odPowiedżi(A c) poPrawnie 90 Uzupełniają? Plżetłumacżwyraźeńia podane W nawiasa.h na ]'ężyk angielski. Użyj czasu Plesent 5imPle lub Plesent Fashion and the Human rorm 1 Why ln every pelod throughout lristory thele have been specfic deas of What th€ peńect hLrman body should look ke, 3 (Patrżysż)at me like that? ls rhere somelhin9 Wlóng With my hail? (51!ch.) cólef! yto her fr e.d, .cvi.e, L]Lt ł]e .e,]cr do.s N/hat lhey s!99.5t (r]yslęi abolt h.V, r_,l; ta k,i:h J..t .i]c!t (oo a h j fu]e ]cn 5t it behaV o.]r a.d (Wyg/ęda)Vely smań !n h s new b a.k eath.r 5hóeś (cy uwiźasż) ihat people Sho!|d Ways be kińd to each other? UżuPełnij żdania odpowiednimi formami cża§owników Podanych w nawia§a<h. Użyj czasu Present Peńect 5imPle lub coniinuous. 1 our Uncle 2 is on holiday and We after his dog s nce Monday, (have)the same schóo Uni{orm for T]m ye.fs óńd t's a b t sma now two (m-kc) her osrń c othes s n.c 5hc Was; Leeiager 4Gi .| 5 1ó Sp ^d- / odP.,\ "dź hJbfun. o ż-_ c -bi- oćrue Jo oon_g|eder popi.,\,,oś,'"żlo, " L/J . i-n- .1UPe|i.,d _-óodn_oed-, / o Ą ó rude comments about people! appearance, (lol]ow What othe.peóp/e do). 5 Jane twiśtedher ank e becalse she ]s not used to runńi.g nhghh WSKAZóWKA 4 X: S.l.h .ókś l.j .! c!S i thoS. Y Yo! kńow, l don't ih nk it! ńe that you cón Wear jt as a top, a dress ol a sklrt, 3 sonc ofthe mosl Przecżyraj Poniź§ze minidialo9i. Która z podanych odpowiedzi (A-c) PoPraWnie uzuPełńia wypowiedź? } ntage they are both bl!e, 5 łł:' irlt He lwolk).5. mode or.e śl]edoesn't Wantto .tro t.l s !e.y blsy .t !n Vers]iy ei ł]ót óse]ioL.h wtr hel fr]..ds ć..,eer blt she or tV/ ce, Dlfierent body types have gone ] of fashion just ke ćLothes and ha]rsty es, and these deals of fashions,Tlre ancie rt Greeks, Who adm red slim. .th et]c bod es, \łent ior a casua ook, and comfońab e sh.pes ln Britain, the El]żabethans preferred Women's ć othes Wh]ch forced the r bod es ntó tota y Unnatural shapes, caus ng a ot of discomfoń Duing the eary ]gth cenlLry, EL]ropeans he eved ih.l lhe Greek Look Was the best, and Women's clothes became much mole ćomfońab e, but th 5 d d not ast Tlrevictol]ans thought that a very sma wa sl.nade Women attractVe, !nd Women Wole slrch tight gaments they 50met mes calsed actua in]Ur es, Nowad€ys, sonre lr1 des giels make clothes lhal fit al shapesandsżes BUtiudgingby€l thedetplans,exercse ploglammes and pLastic slrrgery procedUIes that are ava t seenrs thal thinqs " 1Aon 2 A cre.ted 3 A i.br]cs 4 A5!cce5ś c.t i c .re:l ón .reative c s! ts B sk.s B s!c..cd.]d c 9!..essiu B B 5 A h.!ćĄ't.ha.ged B.l dr't. r.l9_" c h3vei'l beei .l,.n!in!] ab e, l i @l TAN lE - Ste ;!j op iion, ,l..t 9hoL d c.s 9ie6 .o? A cre.te b.łi.r desigis e,re,y y._.r E o!.si ó. ll],- nr.trods .{ Ilre l fodlct:oi C Delecp l|e r.,1.1.5l] o. ph .śtf|y l) M.ie Ihe r. otl]e! r-or. Jl!lol]s T.e . n ol tl.e tex,. s tó 4 śFo,1WhV som. plóa|{1or melhods ;le ,eltcr :hin Wybór wielokrotny 7 Plże.żytaj tekst. Które ż Podanych odPowiedżi(A-D) l€ oA ,lo1e, s -lo V-r-d łó\a,J\ódo, f ólo1 ,FA,ro1]peopó F."o *, c", ^d5 dLA o€,o-]oL. l dT-, l ą ,c|, ó, i , o1p o k" p*"" ", M,(-,,ey, h,, ,,Wąp,,r ,o| ,LA oJ ,,-|a,Ip| ,loo, r"o oplprfu'oąd1d o|m,, F,l€-1 ar5 I}*"", "n' "",, Il99' " Fl gldo, a'n9llo" C-,l,dl\,Md-1@lpgóo|A, a.dDg q|, tó m,,.Tf o,.o.-1o li4, @ćlA Ll,p,,,,wo ho,/fu,,,dlA,d, }a9-6; 6-1lu ,i, ,.€oó,dó |AfóddósqA lsa '" nor nor-e, Ale lo ,hiql J !_L ó .| }óa|\o,a|-op, \e||J }r*",- * ,d5,o,!b- at oW{lA, ,i,oll-,,iolol ,LtlT LB c]€slqns n 2m] , l"" h" ,-,onodl, la, oee1 oońr9 ,eacI.l ,,dl in. ll h, cy to }ęo a Fpo1'óa d J,1lo1 o-lodf,, \ll "onelelLe WnenSlL a dE|n,Ip,poF.l |dq.lh- o,e)pA,o|,,o|s o 'i: rtlno |E,r,o""o,o" o o lde|,aT]jfu ,Jnoloófu nL,,oó ao,o la{"lFo| ą ó,d ąoup, ol5q ]\ oon o edrl dpplo",l %, ,"ddh,], tswil k" ó,a,d,d,dlós1 l*. " " h,o.loł,llic", llrc o,el, - L. o1.]iLon5 .n o .ool, d[ ll-.]_" _ -" , o,o , ,,lo11.I do_ io -. " ", 'ol}""* ""_, q|Aadop,rU Ledl/ a na -a,iel o 5,, fa'ąoft eoAld.d' }o".o. l,dol _.pppló,\r o9d,L o,1a,o - |-.śb--, m lash on aso aims to hep pool \łolkers Fol this reason E lras createc] a €ige orc]oth bags together Wth 1he l]nte.l Nations Enational TEde cent€, lh€ pDgramme prcVdes Work ń]r pool .:nunities in Kenya Where the bags aE ć€ate.l by hand, So 1ar 160 Dp]e jn disadvantaged areas have been jnvo]Ved n ihe podlction, They F Bjd l,/ , Fo,! fłshi.i deśi9|.E..i he p the _.rp . . tl-. phi osophy helj ri st. . s .o e.l oiś i] d_"n l bc lo,1 Ste a becarl-- ; ilsh cn des sner a MÓWlENlE 8 Popźtlz na zdjecie. W każdej z poniżsżych kategorii żapisżw żeszycie po trzy dowa l0b wyrażenia, które p.żydadla śiedo oPi,u żdjecia, N.rtęPnieje oPisz. 9 odpowiedz na P}tania dotyoące Zdjecia ż ćwiczeńia dr'lF rJ d .|Fteslrc !,ebP|iąó o4,,o,Pl. theł clothes and accBsols 3 oh,oŃphv, ask iiremseves how lhey make Ere they make them, anc] What mater a s they Lse, Th nking about thes Eś,ions makes.lesgnn9 mo€.ha engng and more nteresting, but śill fii/s designers to create uxlrious, beadifLr items iirat peope Want lo y. stella ]\,4coańiey s proo' ol that, I . rd otrel .re;t!r_"s Wlry did s:e . lef!śe tó,l. t !]th llre fa.t.ry? A Trc Prod!.t ci ,ńellr..] V1.5 rot et. .a , ! T.c N.ter lsed for th_" l! o!r, i.]5 pó J:ed D Th. Wroig.o.!l ii< 8. the \łl,y?",/r'ry not? !c n s t!.]tcn uh_.ń y.! cr sonrecie yó! iid t. uL,.r'.nn. ..t|eś D_"5( t. .ż;lt. 7 ]"lri. k e Bl|L:.] .i ,.z;s.t];l] _- ]]]..]ż eżcq,m T|,l. : k.()Vr' !.|t..] l],,,l. 9:.: ż.drn eń ]_"śt p,ePr.\ł.dż a !,/," ;d| ż o5cb.,i iteres_]ą.,iń j. ln..q p..h.i]ż:.tń z róir,,.r (.jó, .]ej c.ri]ere..ed df|.1ty{idi-!the,9rt]ob D .rc.ted .e..vł, .omp..y stra ,]hl a:ter co .!r, As . .F .] Ste . \4cC.ń r.y l {ot,rd o!t ".bo!i ethi.. f.5i o., ts _-.ri:. u !e a. .ra ś...] n.tlre c lo"r.t n.s ! ste.] a ialf \.lith n.| P.rc.: n ] oo dJ- tre iil].. she Waś l5..] forthe f.br.ś ycL th E-mail/Li5t prywatny A s!..eeded W lL] t.e r.po]i]!rialler B r.d i l. gh p.st.i.t. re.t]ref VoJ]9.q. y '!VL];] do 10 Wykonajżadanie. lł.Vlo PirilriaPhś, 5t_- . a T,,c fa.:cry.o! d ..1n]|P !ońl.| 5 tc n9 the q r ? ż Do róL p...ns ever..n]ń_.|t on yc!l. othes' ] has lnDroved the r Ves, Ac.ord i.r to:he I i 9q.5i Haśethca E earnino money, Wh]ćh ain, J _Ę 2.pr.pL].! ]e] kd9{]::5F.śrcd sr..h ]ii.^,!.h i |,ż.a5t.! sż żn rtereśo,rIii,d},bl.ne_ o5.b! . ..Psże!ż,].(żqkes e ói. !b _-r., " ..śZelż]e] c5.b.i.ść, " ].p.il :ż, i. P. e..i: .soi]i lqod7 5ię ł.ż!rns|,..i] !,}!.!,l..rź lV każ.im ż ,]:l_-].. r1 Długośćemaila pawinna Wynosić od80 do i. N.pisż 1r. i].l e !dż al /] 1.]0stóW l...,...........,.........................,...,................._,._,_._._._.__.___._._____.__._.___.__._.__._.__.,.......] 17 ] spoń. phrasalverbs . ] can talk collocarions aboń sPorts- SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 2 Which velb: do, 9o or Play, goe§ Wirh each list o{ §pońs/folms of 1 badminton, baśketbal, ]ce hockey, tab e iennis, 2 3 kayaking, cycl]ńg, lowing, sa]]n9, skating, skilng aerobics, ath eti.s, boxing, j!do, kaGte, yoga Think of any othel sPońs you know and could add to li§ts. Then discu§s the questions. the 1 What other spońs do yó! do, 90, p ay (ol Watch)? |)]!i:!,,l,:.l|i,!a 2 Which sports do you do on a colrt, a courśe, a ptch, a I nk, a i.ack 3 Whjch are ńdiv dla sports and Which ale leam sports? 4 What do yol] caL the peop e Who dó these spoits? baskelbal] basketb. i] pla Yel cyclillg - cycljsl at]r]etics atlr/ete 3 Read the blog Post and comments, Then wrjte your own comment your notebook and comPare it With a pańner Fo lowing news this Week thot the toto nUmber 01teenogers toking Up ieom sports hos folen, We're osk]ng Why so mony people prefer individUo] spońs, SUre, there ore odVontoges: ]l you Work oUt ot the gym, you i.)lj|n {r{t colories ond lqęp jlr shope ond do ]t ot o time lhot is convenient for yoU. BUt Whoi oboul the lr]endship ond the jee ing of logetherness you 9et When yoU p oy 10r o teom? Are you o teom ployer ol do YoU prefer to do it olone? Hele's whol our reodels soid. Noi everyone hos the conljdence or lhe obi ity lo porticipote teom sporls,l'm ]ó ond l]ke loking on new cho lenges, but l'm not good enough io get inlo my school foolboLl teom in yW hck, 17 I sheri, l fS,, )oring ngl iyt. Ipęq]! 9]] 9 ] gpt 9I 9lpp9!! ?!lĘ]]: !l, l s,Ll ,e ulr !]!!!!ing ng preler ieom sports, but somel mes fs d lflc! 1 When you )łJ Lost yeor, l hod such o lot oi schoo] Work thot l hod lo d!oi] łt]i łl my boskelbo! |eom ho fwoy lhlough the seoSon, {e 1 teffible, ]rłlli llj]anl dóWil on ]ndividuo] sporl, korate, bLrt iee porl oi o teom ond 'm R,]otivcrted to score points 1or my.l!b. l,Jd i1 |c], competilonS, ] Megon, 17 c]o ondWhen come 1irst recently, mysel Wihlhetroine6, 01helc 1e 1 it Wos 1or the c Ub, not 1or Ub membere ond sUpporleu, t's W 4 Discuss these choices With a do you Prefer and Why? patner Which Focus oN WoRD5 | collocations Z l!l!!! 1,1 y6u. n"l.book, complete the collocaiion§ with the underlined words in rhe blog. Then ligten, check and rePeat. ] ic ,.]!a 3porls .r t:i ]] !tr.] t5? 2 ndoor spońs.r.!idóó, ;P.Ytr? rt.r s..lts .l sL rńćr s.onś'l 9p.ń ]r (.t.l .! s..n? 5 9po,t c: ic s..l1? .] n ł .]o n! j- 5 ,] i)i] breakavlordre.óld \,,|(]llli_]! lose a match/a game/a Po nt ln your notebook, ńatch the base forms of the Phrasal Verbs in red in the blo9 with their definitions, Then ]sten, check and lepeat, : ] get r d of (fat.r .a ol ei) 8 fiPlt ln your notebooĘ put rhe lines o{ one person's views about spoń in the correct oldei Then l;sten and che.k. .- q! i t]eiig P.ńoinh d 5..r.],er 1.rii te.i] t.r. p.rt . sti- = '1 'm not into competltive spoń, l' l never break 2 a goalLl ike belng heathy and keePins 3 {irśt, 'Ve seen men cry When the opPo§iń9 ieanr 4' -i(. sb d s.ppc ]ted = 7 ...ept sth (. .ha enge) Ó lń yoll ńotebook, complete the questions With the Verbs in Exelcise 5, Discuss them With a Parinei ] {.sto.: ]]onł.h. er!e? 2 ^lEr.!śoreb.dy,llro What do you shoutWhen yo! 3 4 Do you th nk a nationalteam clown when it oses? Have you ever had to 5 which s.hoo team is t easiest tó 6 7 ng Up eT )l the 4 5 ó 7 8 a compet tor olt iń for l What is the best Ą/pe of exelcise tó ot a team 1or any mańy nteFschool 9 my opponent 'm happyjust 9 Discu§s which is mo.e imPońant: FocUs oN WoRDs l People tO to lake Pań. to Win or to take pań? tĘ! tn in sport your notebook, complei€ the de{initions with the words in the box. Then listen, check and repeał. ortrainer fan ol suppońer opponent referee spectator teammate coach §\\ ffiiittil 1 fol oW my team everyWhele, ]'nr their biggest 2 have a Whist e, a led and a ye low card, bly a t cket aid Watch the game. |'m a We p ay forthe same leam. Het my \\\ rgińg a prize for spoń. ln fad, i UślaLy come a World record, and 'm slre 'l ńeverwin last in laces and if l'm in a team we a ways lose in shape, Blt ldont need 10 beat the match, don't lndeBtand PeoP e who ńeed to ] 1'| 5 l p ay ó l againsiyou, Wantto beatyou You're organlse training and help you improve, n y l'ń youl ,)|,] Work in Pairs, stu dent AI th ink o{ '|,!'|.: 1:. l.,l,i a spoń, student B: use the Vo<abula.y flom the lesson and a§k twenty yeslro questions to find oui the sPolt youl Pańner is thinkin9 of. B 15 it a tean sPon? A:Yes 8'Do you h.Ve nrol! t]rć! tc! te.mmates? A] Yes 12 f,f,ĘlfiĘ w".k in grcUps. choose a sPońsPerson who had to overcome selious difficulties to succeed, e.9.serena Williams or Robeń kubica. Do some research online and prepale a digital pre§entation about them. Then plesent it to your cla55. 19 l §PEAkll\lc Di§cu.§ Which 1 Tom cou dń't a b can desłibe a past event using the Past sińple, Peńect and Continuous. l is the best ending for ea.h P ay becalse he had foęotten his trainers, he forgot hiśtraine6, Jefi bloke h s jeg When he sk]ed b he Was skling The referee b]ew hiśwhist e and a the game started, b ihe game WaS stańing. a 1 Read BunniĘ9 Md, AńśWer the qLestionś. 1 Had ChrS Stc,i.ń iLn .Alr.i be{o.? 2 Why !!.si'i h_- :!ń. .g Very last? 3 Why d]d ; ó.a rli.er o!ert.<e h]f] at h 9h 1 lj] sue and.]enny Were excited because a th€y h.dń't been to a footba l match before. b they d]dńt go to a fooiba m.tch befóre. spPed? t Wa§ §nowing When a the marathon had begui, b the malathon began PaU a Was lead]n9lhe.ycle.ace When a she{el ofi hel bike. b shehadfaleńofihelbike, 5 ffffil Read tucky ereak, Decide which verb forms comPlete ihe text corlectly- Then listen and check. RUNNlNG §rlLD ch ris ste\łart and ivo other F British athlete§,vere competin8in a20 kilometre race in l(enya.They hadn't competed in Africa beforą but chris believed that it \ł/a5 importantto save ener8y on a lon8,distance race so he wasn't runnin8Very fast, After three kilometres, he vas leadin8vhen suddenly, a local runner overtook him at hi8h speed. He knewhis rivalvould get tired later in the race so he didn't§peed up - butthen he looked round and sav thata large rhinoceros had crashed throu8hthetrees next tothe road and it,vas chasins after them ,.. Look at the Verb Phrase§ iń blUe in the text. ln your notebook, putthem in the cofe.t category beloW. . Pa§t simple: ' i ] l]. . ,: i . P.st continuousi . ] ] ] : . , . , , ,: !] . . ]::] i] n ]956 goalkeepel BerlTraUnnann 1|,L/aspje|r]g/ had for Manchestel cty ]n his f]rst FA cup fina When he'dlved l'yas drvńgtol the ba nthe75th minute Ne3Wask, łnel/,,that he abLrrl/ ha.lhlrlh]nlsef bL]t ]e 5lves..lrylng .ali_.d o/r p ay ng l1e6helpedihadhe]|)e,:ll]sloamtob 3 1 l]el|e|lhad gane l wenito hospiia B rrn ngham city Where the doctors cou dn t be eve he 3had been / W€s st gwas brea(ingl h.dbrokell h s ne.k! a ]Ve He ln your notebook, write questions about u§ing the correci iense. Read the GRAMMAR Focus, Which teń§e names comPlete the rules correctly? 1 Whó /Wn / lu.ky Break the 195ó FA CLrP f nal and What/ be / the whó Wan the 195ó FA Cup final and what was the s.óle? 2 Trautmann / ever play / in ai FA Cup inal befole? 3 What position /Tra!tmanń / play/When he 9ot ińjuled? Narrative tenseś " 4 HoW/Traltmann / h!t You lse the 1Prst Cónlinlous to set the sceńe, ,,"h,-,- ,!F,e ,rJJ-ln( J.,0l,]o.-,,-," -, to describe the main events Hć lr!1 he. hć 5 Tlauimann / stay / on l ó \Ą1/ do o, J.d YoU often lse the Past continuous Wth thc Past simPle !sua y When . 5hort ó.i on (Past simP.) inteii!Fted a on!er !n{ i]łled ..i]oi lPast coit]iUo!' l!l].n s!dde!!, ; lo.:.1nr.lel He to make ]t c earthai one past action happened befole anoiher Past action, He sawthata large ńihacerós h.i.ln:]rĘd i]rlo!9l t|e himsel{? ptch {orthe Who e game? l.L-^ J 1w" l 1he 7 Answer the questions in Exerci§e ó. 8 :rłl[,Ąl{iI!tj You are 9oin9 to tel]your pańnel a slory. choose oPtion A or option B. Think about what to say and how to say it. Then lellthe story. oPtion A: Th]nk of.n exc]tin9 sports event yo!'ve §een or an excitlnq qame you'Ve p ayed in, oPtion B: Choose o.e ofthe tr!e stories in this essón. t'll never {órget the tińe Iscóred the Winning góalfar our schoolteam We were playing in the linalo{ .,. l : : ż.3 Matchin9 I ol atańiliartopic. can understand the key póints on I :jlrr],łl.ii(,](; Di§cu§s What you know about the §pońs peoPle i. Photos A-c. (fiʧ! rist.n t".p."ł.rs 1-3 and decide which spońs §tar A-c is their favourite. What human quality do allthree sPońs siars have in common? Write in (@§ oeciae wni* ttrlee adjectives describe each sports star according to the §peakers' oPinions. Make note§ in your notebook. Then li§ten a9ain and check. k- .ali-9 .o-1a9eo ,s der"rm -ed gere-ous paśsio.d.e Posifv- ooweld stloag 4 Focus oN WoRDs 1 Phrasal verbs 7 (fif,§ ln you. not.book, rewrite lhe §tatements in Exerci§€ ó by rePlacing the underlined words and Phlase§ With the Phrasalverbs in the box, change the 9rammar and word order as necessary. Then li§ten, check and repeat, Dis.uss Which sPolts star you Would choose as a good lole model. Give reasonsforyour give take s tllllt usten to .n interview with Jackie smith, a Windsuńng champion. Answer the questionś, up look up to Pi€l€+htP Put sb ofi talk sb into try sth out after 1 she pickgd Up how to Windslf.s soo" 8 ,yln!] she could ln your noiebook, <omplete the questions with ''?E,!,:L(.rl,.)l.:J the correct pańicle and ihen discus§ them with 1 rspital rs st i a5 2 n terms of sPo.ting abi ity, do you take motheror yó!rfather? you takn9Up Has anybody evertalked sport oljo n]i9 a team? a 3 Whal new sPoń o. e]sule 1 who were 3 Who a.e Which spońs person do yo! Do you find it easy to pick a new game or sport? her ro e ńode|s when she siarred 2 What otherWatel spońs hd5 she activ]ty Wou d yo! ]ike to try !d.- tried? her ro]e mode]s ńoW? oL-,A.9,e- 7 Think o{ a ]ook to? the ru es to i "l" -d.d,Jst sPortyót] doi't like, What plts yo! it'l a @ w PRoNUNclATloN FocUs Li§t€n to the interview again, Who i3 'she'in staiements 1-7, Jackie or Rachel? Write the answ€rs jn your nołebook. 5he ealned howtowindsuńas soon 9 ?6|jA sound a5 she cou d 1 n:/ 2 4 śh-d-id-d |e lo,ocJo o,,r9iolre lm-, śh-bldro^róbol od o o o l"ged,-, 6 she nevel slops trvinq when she has dećided to do 5he ĘL]Lg he. ńother 5 10 l _!a:-o la.l 3br 2 she haś a Ways admired and lespećted her co!s n 3 she pqlldęd her cousin to join the sa l ń9 club, Listen and repeat the words in the table. h,/ ) | srfl ;n ,"u. n"r.book, .opy the tabl€ in Exercise 9 and add the wolds in the box to the table. Then listen, check and repeat. i... -*, dlaw first 9lew r,."n *-] skj speed World _] 21 Gapped text I can identify key information in an extended altlcle. estab jshed in 1877. in southwest With t lń your notebook, ćomPlete UK ToDAY thewolds in the box- Then discuss the questions, PlayeE mUst V/ear . tourńament white 1 !!hai ot.cl ter| ś10!rn.reits do yo! kno(? 2 HoW m.iy te.ń śP ayer9 .-i yo! iame n ó0 :..ónds? 3 What are ihe ] es ci teint ro!! dó yo! s.or.? Guess which lituala-e i5 pe#olmed bywhich spońs ']-5 and match them up in your notebook, Person |:.:: 5 5.r.i. W ams (lSA, ,---ńń ś) st.Pl]i. e R ce (AĘt i ia, sll mm n9) Cr]łi.no Ron..]]o 1Pór|!9?,lootba ) (L.]K, cyc ig) RaI.e Nłda 15p.ji, teii s) h s,/her b slePs oi . !!.t toviel !n .F.i e We.. belole i9 . l] _.a. so.ks tvr].. bcf{rle lhe se.olr.] Read the note about Rafae] Nadaland then read an extract from his autobiography. Answer the qUestions. 2 \ l!e ,\,o o s:cpS IN.de3li. - p- óler the two \ł.eks ;'.: (.:)i) i],i1]l]] ]; n s że rep c. troPhy pleP;la:oistcr ]:lr d ler.il:,.-] Nilrat \ź \o n Lme = : Fr 1l, choose three exPressions in Exel.ise 5 and Write your own sentences in your notebook, Discuss ritu.l§ óńd loutlne5 ale iń youl life. how 'mpońant :r:]i,:l.]:] l:]1,1 , i::)|:.,ł,::): 3 HóW ólten co.s N.d. dr.k lron ril Vl.ier boit.? 4 Hó!, mocrt.ni -re lj śfam y to N-da at . 1óLln]ament ir. \r'/ ńbledoi? 5 WhV doesnt N.d.]3m je d!, iq łl_. mat..? ę !ol rornl ],do .]-., 3 th. i .sti.9t 5i.9. 4 tl,e t rs]' .!. ..: .n .łS,. .:.i.l t.|l 5 n.ke sb f_-e .; f = ó the ironrci. !he. _V.L .; l rc r:,l9e il .tyth]i9 = 7 r.p.nt o.e a.t]on = 8 ao. sjrl_-ś oia.ton9.!.]r - ó 7 tEElt the "_, : : copy tne table and comPlete il with Words in leŃ. Mark the §tregs. Then listen, check and rePeat, NoUN ADJEcTlVE VERB d.ede ł @ Whi.h śenten.e§ A-E corectly? There are two extra comPlete 9aPs 1,3 "gain. n.ad rt e t.*t A We shóok h.nd5, el.haiged thc fa |tesl oi sm] c5, aid tlrei c.clr Preteided th. oiielWaśitthcr. B Some c.l ]t slpect t on, blt t! ńót. f ]t V/ere s!peEtition, Vr'hy o! d l keep .]oiig ihe same th |!i oler Vihether W ń or ose? c is anothcl rnanóewre th.t lc!L ]les.o tho!9ht, t]!t do it śl.!!y, ..red]ly, tyińg ttghty.id!_,ly id the ba.k ófńy head. D At oie .'. ó.k, V] th .n holr tó 9o beiole the łari of p .y, N/e V/e.i back cowi lo rhe o.ker room E t|s Part ófW mb cdo| Proió.o on F]n. D.y t.ióesn't haPp.i .llyvlhere e se de ]b.r-1_-y beh 22 XXX 3 lepg!it]Ve XXX 5 ln your notebook, comp|ete the sentence§ With the corectfo.m ofthe word iń blackets, which sentences are true for you? comPale With a pańner 1 'm noi a 2 ljid idiff.! tto rF 1 ||r. ln youl ńótebook, match the explessions {rom the extract iń the box wiih the definitions, Then isten z ł npot:.t,,,,,l b.fo.. d steps ono łle p t.h W]th h5,/hel lght loot 1Ei e L,cltccs the ba f !e ti n.5 helore tne tirst 5.:uć..d V,/h.t.re lhe mosty' recc ve : ]/l 1 S/ier c a! i95 h]sr'h,- an,se9htiil.!,lPał]e3hs,/r. b.Jy ! ilr W.t.r f.!l tińes and th.i Preśśe3h s"he !.q9 es iló his,'hc- {.._- {o.1t mes ] ó7,1 5 London, 3 the Poińt ól nó retuln rePeat. seqlence the f]lst/last step a dec]s]Ve moment dó the same thin9 over 9ive sb peace o{ mind ó bleak from you róltińe the fkst/l.+ Phase Laur" Keiny a neler st.id, !P fl.ń .le Thcre champ]ons 9rasś d]stricl matches 1 2 3 4 5 the only Glańd s am p ayed oń s PeJson, GlPerstit on) show Vr'heńPeope crt.i§e.re, (resj ieit) 3 k.ow s! mmjn!] 59oódlorme,bltlfnd;lbor.9 slre that eavińg schoo wil be a moment jn my i{e, (decide) jfe l'm donl lead a Very don't like spolts. (action) |'m qlite aży and ctr ! ,lj ,] !.1! . l.i / por§el Ncld§lwos boln n spoin in ]98ó. He begon p|oying lenn s ot|he oge ofihlee ond iulned prolessiono] oi ńlteen, Nodol ho§ won sevenieen Glond slorn iiles ncluding eleven Flench opens ond ]V/o olvmp]c qold medols He beo1 Roger Federer in lhe lonqesl lino in wimbedon hisiory n 2008, He won Wimbedon ogoin 20ll n 20l0, ond he wos nomed Loureus World sporismon of lhe Yeor, in chopler l -, ]. |:| 1, ] -, lve ] |: , \ |, ,, | | , j,|j '"i|,ii] |,,:.,,,'illi. rnlr]Lrtes before the i,.:,:::l, lj sor down. took off mV \,,,hrie trocksu t top. ond iook o s p flom o bofie ofwoter Then trom o Second bofie repeol the seqlence. every t me, belore o motch beg ns, ond at every breok ben"Veen gornes, Lrnt o motcr] rs ovel. A Sjp from one bo]1e, on.]tilen fro,n onolher Anc] then l put ihe two bott]es dov/n ot my feet. in fro|t of my cho r to my efi, one neoty beh nd the othet d ogono y o med ot trre court,3 t's o Woy of p oc ng myse f n c motch. or.]erng.ny sLrrroun.l]ngs to n]oict the or.]er gome Wos Schedu ed to Stort l c cod Sho\i/er Freezng cod Woler do tn s b,efofe : :-, motch t's 1he point b,efole 1he poinl of no renrrn] . "St step I the ;osi phose oi Whot co my pre gome ,] .]nder lhe co]d showet lenlel o rlew spoce n Wh ch -: rny power .Tnd resj ence grow 'rn o .] fferenl mon -- en]erge. l'rn crcl Voled '-,T]n, physicc] ihercpst, hod bondoged any knee, gol dlessec], \Vent to cr Ł]c]s n, onaj ron Woter There'S o -!h rnv hol Then pll on my bondonno r ]., co po nl lo il keeping nry hc r f rcrn fa] l ng over anr' ey,ós :, § clso onolher moanenl n lhe r tuo , onolher dec srve ---ni, l ke ihe co d showe| When om owcre thot Very :: - be enler ng L]artte : 'l , re -' "! j in\y' L]p, :f c c] in o b ozer Wo ked n ond ic d Lrs i Wos i r.e No\ł] ]' supposed To hcnc] over my 5og ic o cou.i oliendonl - - f ] .., - dcn't ke t 1t's o brecrk ' iou|ine, honded over iny L]og LrLrt tcok oul oae ]]ec]the Woy out of the ockel room, c]]ong corlalors to corry l io my cho r n]y L. ]otogrophs of post chornp ons ond troph eS o, -, ,o o,d,ó" j,rr ,i" j, j, ] bel nd |_, ] seek n rny heod The ost poń of lhe riitro, crs n,poltonl os o lhe preporolons thol Weni lrefore, wos lo ook Lrp c]nd seolch fol rny fomiy memŁ,ers o.nong 1he blul of lhe centre Ccurt clowd L don'i el them ]nirude on .ny ihotrghls , dulng crrncllch ]don'lever el myse]f sm edurnq ar molch irui knowng 1hey crle lhere, osi5e\y'oVr'oys hove been, g Ves me lhe peoce of m nd on Whch my success os o pc]yer resls buidc]Woi c]roLrnd riyse]f \łhen pc]y, bL]l rn,l, forn y s the cern enl lhol ho ds the Wo l to!]ethe r €me.ge ll!].n. !. jz].:.raP.!ta Phyś ca]theraP nrrlde on si knee z.!ind.żoilia i. in. tl,].. a.si to b.ndage a 23 3 flffi ln you. not.book, complete the text with the corect verb Pattern usin9 the words in brackets. Then listen and check, What does a sPoń§ p§ychologist do? Read the texr EH (aihletes Belore an mpońant event, ladvise 1 ż (them/Visualise) Visi) ihe staclium, This allow§ (irlragine) the day of the competition. They can 3 the smel]s and the sounds in the siadium, and they imagine 1 (W n)the competition. Then, when the day ofthe competition arlives. they try 5 tecleaie) the succes Positive tłinking (athletes/ia k) to themselves before (them/concentrate) on the a big lace, l force (stay} in the times When theyWon. They need 3 present an.ltel the negative Vo ce in their head to stop (Win), (talk), Good aihleies Want]0 ' ]j positive (Win). That's but top athletes expect thinking! 7 Relaxation |'m a sports psychologist, lWork With top athletes and to l help them for impońani competitions, physicallyI ihey p entv of sleep, lememberto dlink lois oiflu ds and avoicl drinking alcohol. That's the easy part| But after they've spent time Prepa.jngtheir body, l rel§x and preparethe mind. lfocus on three areasi Visualisation, positive thinking and relaxaiion, EVen top athletes canlt help espec;ally When theyfind themselves standing nextto last (rhem/talk)io me about yeaas championI i let]3 iheirWorie§, but on the day oiihe competńjon, negaiive thoughis are not allowedI lt's a simple iaci that if they (control) their nerves, they tend manage i' l5 (do) better. Winning - ii's all in ihe mind| 4 ln your notebook, li§t some spońs that you like Watchin9 or doing. ln your opinion, which sPorts need more mentaI and which ones more physical 5 lń yóul notebook, Write a second sentenće so that it has a similar meaning to the fkst- Use the Words in Read the GRAMMAR FocU5. Which Phlases in blue in the text in Exe.cise 1 comPlete the verb Patterns siRNlѧWffi§[\§ ,tlWidlNft\'\§Nffii verb + brackets. Which sentences ale true for you? 1 to infinitive of.ourse, ihey i.ed'to p€pąq phys'.ó]ł EXamples: aim, alrańge,.tteńPt, can't affad, decide, exped, hope, jntend, ńanage, óffer, plan, refuse, remembe. seem, tend, iry, Want Verb + objed + to infinitive ic in.. ' far impaliant comPeiitiańs ExamP es] advise, a//ow, encourage, {orce, rcmin,l, teach, l ]p j 12 'm lrappy to eid ironey ió njy ll eńds ldon t nr]id) i.r.r'i nri.a i.!a n9 .j!jl..f tl] i]t il !ts. 2 don't haye enoU9h ńońey tó b!y ..W traine6, (cai'i 3 4 5 ó WoU d ike to learn how to skate one day, (hope) My lncle showed m€ how to swim, (teach) dontwanttotake !Pjogg]ng, (not intend) My pareits Wo.'t a low me to stay olt a night Wiih ńy to make ln youl notebook, comPleie the §€ntence§ them true for you. Write four true sentences and one 3lI.t.l iieIi9 ExampLeS: avold, canlhelp, can't śtand, don't mind, enjay, fancy, finish, imagine, keep, miss, stop, Waste time modalverb + infinitive without to Examples: can, .o!/d, J,'ght, shou/d, wol]d Verb + ob]'ect + infinitiv€ without to ań.1 ExamPle§j make, ]et 24 pl-.pal-. the mind- 1 3 4 5 l cań't śtand lcant§tand Watćhing spoft on TV wasted a ot ofiime sPend a ]oi oft me 've reflsed l|lil'li,rj,l(l11]{' Read youl sentences. Gu€ss is fal5e, pańner's §enten.€s which ofyour - ż.6 so, taa, neither/noL not eithel l can respond to news and opinion using so, too, not ... either and neither ,.. nor. rgine) lSĘD risten to dialogues 1-5 about 5poń5. ln your notebook, match them with photos A-E. Then an§werthe magine 1 What WaS the iia Score jn the match? 2 What are the players doin9 dfterthe g.nre? 3 What do the man and Woman fińd s!rprisin9 about this sPort? 4 ln Which sPo.ts do Womeń sti ] get Pa 5 Whai do the two flie.ds bóth decide (ff§Ę d esśthan men? to ioin? ln your notebook. comPlete the exchange§ with łh€ correct auxiliary. Then li§ien again and check. 1 We had so maiy chances, - so 2 l don't aim at yolr head, J Ne]thel 3l dl -dl}bol ,9 -P-"| 4 l can't think of any Women dr]ve6 - | in), 5l'Venevertholghtaboltit,+Nol ó He! one ofthe So be§t p ayer§ in the co!ńtry. they! l] either + Steph Holghtoń Nó, ńe iher ] 8l'dlovetobeabetofunProPery,] 7 il-_] 3 l ćoU dn't dó it, Read the LANGUAGE Focus. l. l, too ln your notebook, match statemenis 1-ó With rePlies a-f. s @ use or erucusH ló youl ńotebook, wlite the corect lespon§e, A, B ol c, J x: T!ł do mo-. cl.r.5c A Ycr n!5t ioo B So c Re. }? do| t 2 X: '!. ielel beei tó. lóótba so, too, neither/nor, not eńer . To saythat something isthe same or agree w]th a positive tit statement, use the fo lowing: 5o + auxiliary/modal verb + subject or subject + auxiliary/modal verb + too, He is one af the best players in the cauntry. + so 6 stePA hoJghton slepĄ HougĄlon ,5 too You serve 50 d) fast]i so do you.Ilou da too. . To say somethin9 is the same or aglee With a negative statement, neińer/nol h.y 4 4 ł 5 Take lt in turns to read statements 1-ó. Give your c Nol ale mine. My ocalsPońs centle hasn't goi e ther B oh, X: We Went swimmlng m ne hasn't, yesterday, B so a sauna, Y We d]d, ln your notebook, complete the sentences to find this real]y bóring- - Really? l don'L l nevel had ńe chance to dó gó-karnhg- ) oh. l did. óV b- ł-,d 9or9loćó,p r l9, so am . c so have l, e Rea y? Wou cln't, .o_|on eitnel d oJ , do roo { No, .. m .e, sPoń,y, X: My Parents are Very Y A Rea ]y? \4ine aren't, B Mine aren't eiiher A Mine hasn't make them true for you, l 1 our neighbouls do a otofsPort, 2 My ń!m can't st.nd Watch]ng footbal oń TV 3 d ó\A-óL",- " 9o " ólm t 01-, " 4'Ve payed fólthe school team sevelal times, 5 My brother cólldn't lde a b ke lnti he Was eight, n]aicll 3 + auxiliary/rnodal verb + subject or §ubject + auxiliary/modal verb + either. l can't ńihk óf any wómeń diverś- Ą Neither an l-/l ah't eitherWe didn't scare a sin9le gaal- Ą Nor did they.lThey didn't eińer. To say something i§ different, or disagree with a statement, Y: do 2 'm 7 nterested n ,,, Take it in turns to listen to your Pańnels senten<es and resPond, How sińilar Aboul spoń ffi! ri.t.n to tt. r".us Vlog. Do the speakers Watching or doing sPoń5?Write the Prefel answers in your notebook, 25 l can write a description personal experience. 1 Look at photo§ A-F .nd decide Which extreme sports in the box they plesent? Then di5c!s5 o,| . nb.9 ,".i 9 u ln9 *"., ,' mo!ntain bikln9 snoWboardln9 9 ] '!"ih.t .xtrcr. 5poń5 h.!. yoJ tl ed? 2 tĄ/h.t ,-xtreT. 5Poń5 Wc! ć yo! i<c to try? ] Wr.t.]ttr.imc 5Port5,!.!.] yoL 2 Re.d Rob s blog eńtly, Did ieler (e to try? !!h!? h. eńjóy lhe erpel ien(e E": 22 December by Rob Last month, my girllriend and l Went to Austńa and tr]ed snowboarding. We'd both skied before, but snowboarding Was a comp]etely new sport icr us. 5 we'd booked some lessons before we arrived, and on the irst morning We hred our hejmets, boots and ł*,_,.ńę boards. We Were both feelng qute neryous, but Very excted as We took the ilt t]p the mountain, The f rst esson Was really cha]lenglng and We fe]overA LoT] By the end of ihe f rst day, We Were exhausted, Read the b]09 a9ain, ln yo!r ńotebook, Put events a-9 in chronolo9ical order (1 7), d di't ,iit:o go home b r.V ioc. the Ę!P:hemoLntan, . 'lh.y booked s.cwt]cłrd]ng essois d Rob lot ic tre botto., l ilroli fi ...r ófer a Th.y T 1oThe following morn ng, our legs Wele aching and tired, but We ddn'i give Llp, Afterthnre days of ]essons, We fe]t more confdent and We Were realy stańing to enjoy ourselves, on lhe fouńh day, We i T.e! tred a more d fficu t siope and l'm prold to say 15 got al the Way lo the boitom Withoui fallng over, Bythe end ofthe Week, We'd both falen in ove ddn'i Want io go home, snowboarding requires determinaton, but 'd With snowboarc]ing and We 20 ilł ... l].alcs Dlś.-ś<yo,, ow- e\Pel en<es o{ a neW sport for the first tińe- 5 ły n9 Read the WRlTlNG FocU5, Which phlaseśol 5eniences in the b o9 illusłate the advice in Points 1, 2 a.d 4? definitely recommend l, We can't Waii lor our next Winier ho]day and the chance lo do it alagain. ,."e- , h..] t.e l i 6: .ssci ,.d 19 mets, booti 9 Tr.y h p 1 2 ń the fi6t paragr.ph, set the s.eie ańd 5iy Whele Wheń the eveńtśtóok p]óće ańd t,ho W.ś]ńVóVed. .id n the raln bocy paragraphs, use naffatve tenses io describe What happened and ho!! yo! fe t, 3 i 4 the fina palagraph say Whal happened n the eńd ańd holv the Peop e i.Vojved feit F n 5h W th a gener. po]it, a .omment re.der Something to th]nk about Wh ch glves the a : E s a-9 ó P.lt S ńp e P.ślPe.ie.t 1_. il ':] ].,].] " n9, ń.y lreids.nd .o nPeted olrii st ]0!._k o,retre Wa k]i9 r.c_- 2Fi..l|,, or n]. ii.r ł]or.iJrg,7Ó.onPet tols met ł: thc 5t.ł begai jAiiel 5r]].!rś, ,.ł ,l A! li.ł, olr !ro!! le;.hed lhe ,]e y { Et aFirćli, ,/ ts_V ti)e..d olthe'i[l.r;f, śtop , .rd:l E. ln your notebook, complete the newspaper repoń with the cored narrative lolm ofihe velbs in brackets. Czech sńowboardel Ester Ledeckó 1499b (m.ke) history in the 2018 W nter olympics ]n both r ó i .t 5 . r! ÓE!el]t!aii_|,,'Beł]l_., (e rea.hed tr. ;]] 9i] aft.r 32 hol s of ,le t rc] we atived/left/gat thee, (at)lirst, on the {ist ńońing, aftel that, oń the thnd day źfter a /ong trme], f'nal]y, in the th e f i rst d ay /l essó ń /jó u rn ey (9 Do the wllting tdsk i- youl -orFbool, Uśe the ideaś ln the WR T]NG FocUs aid the LANGUAGE FocUs to help you, PrzyPomńij sobie moment, kiedy w twoim źyci! wydarżyło się cośzUpełnie nowego, Zamieśćna blo9u swójwpis na ten temat. W swoim Wpisie: Linkers to describe evenls in a sequence i= \łer..ltr_-łle y t red blt !.ry plóLd of SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT 1o Focus correctly? eventla]ł We 7 Which examples in purple in the blog complete the LANGUAGE 1 (. aga snowboarding .nd skjng, Nobody (evel W]n) gold in both spońs beforc (enter) the pless conference after h,.l (siilWear) her 9o9g]es, When somebody (ask) Why, she said that she i], thc:.ce (.d 43 k ón]etres sl/n- łrlidvil]g mol!l!!,./ Iir-- d._V bef.le, W. n.fted \ra t n9 t!e'd to puton hel make UP 8 Which linkers comPlete the story corectly? Lnst Wirieńd, ]Jiiel th.. ihlee m.ntis .1 tiir .:.,- Past contlnuous: Were bót]r lee1]lr9, 7 9 ln youl notebook, ist and identify the example§ of all the narrative ten5e§ Used in Rob's blo9- eid ' i.p sż, q.]u e k gdy to rovJe d.3\,l.d.zcn ń.]o nriejscg, . óp śż,.o sie riy.].rżyl., . .p sz swoje o.]cu !.: ; ! cż.s]e le9o \.lyd;rże. i or.ż ].k.zJly ! oPolv ecz, ]a< to s ę _, {tecy pózóilJe vćzyłto s ę zalcńczvło \! każlrm ż Lżtelech pooPtrrltól!, DiLlgoŚĆ V/piś! p.L!i!n. /yllosić oo 6i] o. ]30 s/lnv RDżllii n,/o]i !,,]f]o!ie.iź 27 trx Asking for and givin9 an . agreein9 and disagreei What do you thiik .bout .,,? give, agrce with ańd disagrce with an oPinion. . ,] I can ask for, nrik / (tśi].].|1trir(,/iyo!askie thii! ! /To b. hor.n Look at thejobs in the box. Number them in your norebook (1) impońant {or §ociety. from most (5)to least an Jdo' a a pol,.F o{ farńe' " foo.bdll pldy"(e- a scie__isl a ;ur9-o1 d -Urśpó o'loL agre. ,Th.t! tl!e iAb5o lte /Tl_" y ]'n not sc sure abolt iha: / 'm |ot co.V nce.l fi!f,§ nead and iisten to a conversation bełw€en a brother and §i§ter and answer th€ qUestions. .. Thai! not irle., 'm soffy, do|1 .gree ,ilh yo!, Nó W.yl (n{orm. ],/Are yo! k d.] .9? (iiform. 'i] .fl. .] comp ete y dćaqree fyo! i]ave |ó łlong opin Pereo.a y, ] dóń't {_-e ons, stro.! y ) yo!.ań s.y cne Way ol the ótlrel ElG§ Read lh€ opinions below. Write in your notebook the approP.iate .esPonses in (a) and (b). Then li§ten and check, 1 b Absolutely / l'm nót cónvinced M.le .thletes attract more speclalorc 1 What do they dśagreeabo!t? 2 Who does the]rfather agree With? 3 Who do yo! a9ree 2 l{yo! askme, runnng isihebe§tspo.tinthe With? (Ę!t a wt ict, ptrrases łrom the sPEAKING Focus complete the conveFation Correctly? Write the anśWers in yo,rr notebook, Then li§ten again and check. Tom: GoalI Messi'ś ]LJst scoled a fantastic aoa L He's definite]y the best footbaler in the woridl Jan: Hm, 'm notlso sure aboui that. Tom: What do yo! know abolt lootba ? Jan: know that some footba l pIayers get mil iois of elros a month lf: , they eań ioo much. Tom: That! 3 , only a {eW p aye6 earn that much and they deseve lt, Jan: No WaylFootba b 3 bL]t j!st ro e mode s. They tlajn lea y hard , , Dad: Hey, What! 9oin9 on in hele? ca nr down you two, Jan: He thińks it! oK to pay |leśśtwo ńi lion euros a monthL Dad: Thats ridic!loL]s lthińk he Should get at leastten m]l]oń! 28 a I dg.Ae la.al oa ," -d, loo los {ól Absalutely. / Nó Way] thin< ]t! great, agrce With yau. / Thatś rrije r! róó Vió enr b l'ń sórry,ldoń't , footbaI p|ayers can only play when they're young so they have to earn a lot in a shoń t me, , lj!st don'tthinkfootba lers are gooc] -theyte great sportS ]s mUch better n my opinion, 90 f is {oI o d peop e, a p]ayers don't save ]VeslFootba]sjusi they do.'t clo anyth n9 impońant. They l'm afraid lcamplete]y disaglee / Thatś it anywhe€ and any t]me, Absalutely. / Thatś nót irUe. Pl.yiń9 team t.!e, YoU can do b Are yóu killdińg? / l agrce, My brothel s twenty and he oves p ayinq qolf, 4 l th nk bóx n9 sholld be banned h5 too ? lts the most poP!lal9ame ]n the JanI Thats true thinkfemale ath etes sho!]d earn the same salary as maie ath etes, a ]aqr,.e. / Nó way!Al ath etes shou]d be jjl-'lr,l/,iiltjłi Practise łh€ dialo9ues in Exercise 4. choose an§wel (a) or (b) according to your own oPinion. 1ilrliAiili],;ł] Discuss the lopic§ beIow. Use the sPEAKlNG Focus io help you. . . We sholld do mole spod at schoo, Anima 5 sholld noi be lsed iń sport, E@M@ /'t6lia/ athler€ athl€tics athJ€tics ekkoai ei. /teo let&s/ lekkoat eryka track /,ćl]'lerIks tmk/ bieźnia badńińton/squash/tennis couń /'bsdmlntJn/ skwD,l'len3s k.n/ kort do badm nlona^quasha/ien sa basketbaluhandball/netball/volleyball couń / borsk.th.ll/'hrndlr.t/ nclb.t/'!Dlib]t kJx/ bosko do koYykó\łk / pitkię.zńej/ an ópponent/the chamPion bix/dr li1... D.onJnt/óJ ljćmpian/ pókonać p2eciwnika/misirza bóxing / lrDkJD/ boks boxing/sumo/Wreśtlióg rin9 / bDk nr su$.U/reshn nn/ ring bokselski / do slmo / b€aVdefeat / break a world re.ord / bre'k. w.]ld 'rek.ld/ pob ć .ekor.] ślviata blm srh offlb3ln sinroln'D17 spa ć coś óallen9e / ('ćl.nd3/ WyżWańje .heersb on /,l,'ió s^mb.di Dn/ dópingować come fnsvsecond/laśt /,ł^m f.:sl/'sck.nd/' 'loIs1/ być p]eM5zyń/dru9 jm/ost.inim .omPete /kjn'pił/ WsPo]znwodn]czyĆ @mPetitive sPoń /kłn .f,el.t iv sp.I/ spórt .ońpetiror /kJm'pctltJ/ W5pólżawodnik qickevfootball/ho.keyługby pitch /'k.l(3t/tolb.,]/hoki/ r^9bi pIlJ/bońko do krykiela / piłk]nóżne]/ hok_- a / ruqby drop out ofldrDp aol Jv/ poEucić kibic fu n/sUpPorter /l€n/s.'pJlla/ get into / geL lnlu/ donać 5 ę do 90 in forl,9óU ln l./ Wzjąć ldza]W 9ólf cour.e /'śDlfktr]\/ pó]e 9ollowe ho.key /'hDki/ hokej (na odz e !b nd tlćWie) individual/teań sport / lnd.vid3u.]/ ti Im 'śli1/ 5porL indywidU.lny/zespolowy indoor/outdoor sPort / Indtr' nUt rl.| 5p.ł/ spóń ha]owy / sPort UPrawiany na śWjeżym keepfivin shaPe / ki]p llt/tn'.lelp/ UirżymywaĆ dobrą formę let sb down /,let,s^n]bodi'd.onlżaw]eśćkogoś lose a ńat.h/a game / lu:z. mst.lJ'!elm/ lose a point/,lu|zJ p]ln/ srrac ć pUnkt missa góal/,nns ó g.Uu sp!d]ówać, n fall oversth/,fi|l'.Uv.,snmoĘ/opadać win a Point/,wtn. p.Int/ zdobyć punk win a game/ńatch/Priz€ / wln a geIrtV 'n€l,1'pri!ż/ WygEć mecz/.ó9lodę work out /,w.:k 'aol/ trenować, ćWicryć e wrestlin9 / restI|/ zapasy, wrestlin9 ,rtl!lll|Ęl,6rn blow a whi5tle /,bl.U . 'WtsJl/ zagwiżdać break youl ńect/brelk j3'nev skręcićkalk chaśe aft6l /'t,|eR ,odl a/ 9onić zć cńsh thloogh / krej oru:/ pźedz]ćraćs]ę .ycl€ div€ la.e /'sa,kJl re6/ Wyśc a kola6k] folthe ball/d.Iv feó. b.l/ rzucićs]ę FA.up / efe,'kĄd plch Ang iiW p]l@ noźnei get injured /,get'lnd3ad/ doziać uaż! hce/(,lD!'dśt3nlrreb/ b]e9 (dlu9ódysianśowy) maHihón /hfi .6)n/ mariioń overtake /,.U!ó'telk/ wyprżedzić position /p. a.l.n/ pozycja be pas5ionate about /bi'pEJ3n3t pa§]onówać s ę czymś caring / keJrl!/ trosk ]v\ry a p erwży/o9iaini etap the fi6vla5t steP /& f3lśl/,lolst'ste/ p eMsży/osintni krok the poińt ofno return /ó. p]lnt.v,n.o fl t3:n/ punkt, ż kórego n]e ma odwlotu trcPhy /'tr.Of i/ troleum, puchar turń profe$ional /,13| n Pr. fcj.n,y pue]ść baul/ ffi@@ courageous /kó're]d3.s/ odWaŻny determined /dil3|m.ndl zdeterminowany enter a .ompetition / cni.. J ,kDnF ll]'ón/ pżystąpiĆ do zawódÓW gen.rcUs d5enańV hojny give (sth) up /,gp (,s^n6,0) '^p/ póddać / s ę jogging rcfuśe / model/ raul ńDdy Wz& do nźśladowźn]a sailing club / sclll! kl^b/ k Ub że9.r5ki u19e /3ld3/ nagliĆ, pópędzać @M@( (hockey) stick motor ra.ing / hDki) st]k/ ki (do hokeja) nóUló relsIO/WyŚcai m@@ boots /burś/ bUry (np, ńarcackie Ub detelminatjon /di,i]:m. nc]J.V deGrminacji eńreme spoń /IkIsldn ]sptrn/ 5port fallover /,i.n óUv./ Upaść motor racing tra.k /m.OL. re]r'! lrak/ tór tał€ aftel/,telk olft./ byćpodobnym do, helmet / helnr.t/ kask P.ess <onference / pres lkDnJ.r.ns/ oPponent /. P.nn.nt/ przeciwnik opposing te.m /.!pJozl0 Li]n/ puecnvna talk5b intd/,tJ]k 9^mbDdi lnt3/ ramóWić (śki) 3lope try out / t.al 'aUt/ }vyplóbowaĆ rcdlyelloWca.d/,led/ j.leU'kd:d/-eŃona/ in9 jo99 n9 odmaw ać / d3Dg]D/ stadiUń^l'fju|z] / steldi.n/ 5tadion insPiration / InspJ'rćd'3n/ inspnac]a insPirin9 /]n'spató ł/ in9p fujący joiń a club /,d3.tn. kl^b/Wsiąp]ćdo klubu podżiwiać look uP to / klk ^pt./ modest /'nod3ś/ skromny Pick uP /,p,L '^p/ .auczyć 5ię Positive /'pDz.!lv/ oplymisty-ny, z poz}łylvńyń na§taw]eniem put ,b off / p.t §^mbDdi 'Df/ zniechęc ć rcl€ póWta rżaĆ śekwencję rePetition /reptlljan/ póvr'óżeń e take a siP /,le'L a'slp/ Miąćrk the firsvlast phase /ó. f35r/ lo]st 'fetzl runner / r^n./ biegacz sPeed /spi:d/ P.ędkośĆ śPeed!p /,śpild'^p/ pżyspie9ać §pońs event/ Sp]łs I venl/ Wydarzenie ,xĘ.EĘ?!r:tll Poweńul /'pdo.fóy potężny, silny, mócny ra.ket / r&k.t/ lakiera repeat a sequence /rlipi:t 3 !śi:Lł3ns/ repetitive /n'pet rtIv/ pó\ł'tarzający 5ię Wyiuymałoś., e aśyeiość rc.ilience resilient /n żii6n1/ W},tuyńał, elasivczny ^l'z,LJns/ śplalh your body with water / splejj3,bDdi wió'w.1./ o.h apać c ało wodą sUPerstition /,su]pó stIJón/ przesąd sUPorśtitious / suIp.'stIJ.s/ przesedny swińmin9 / swtmin/ pływanie swing youl arms/,swtoj.r oIź/ machać goalkeePel /'q.Ul kilp./ bńmkarż hu.t youBelf /'lBx j.: seE/ Zobićsobie (lon9-di5tance) giv€ sb Peace of mind /,qlv s^mbDdi pi:S.v 'nal.d/ zagwala.lóWać komuś spokój UmyłU 9o99les / gDgilz] gogle gold medal/,g.o]d mćdl/ złob/ ńeda hand ovel / hand '.Uv./ pzekażać intrude on /]n'truldD./ Wdz]erać 5]ę lórk.r room /lnlr.fu|ń/ śzatńi. Phyśiól therapiśt / fizik.l eehp.st/ refere€ /,IclJ'n:/ sędżia sailing /'Selll!/ że9 aretwo score a goai/poińts / śk.J.gJol/p.lnts/ skating / s(enl!/ ]yźwńElWo sPectator /slek'tel!./ w]dz 5quash /sklvoJ/ sqUash (table) tennis /( fclbJl) ,1enJV tenis (stołowy) take on (a challenge) / letl oi.(l.|El.nd5)/ teammate / li|mleli/ kolega ż dfułny tournament / tU.n.m.nl/ tUrn e] trainer /'trcln./ ircner trainiń9 /tleInlt/iren]ng volleyball / lDlibil]/ s]atlóWka @E@B etj../ action / akcja, dzialan e activate / sktlvcli/ aktywownć active /'Ełttv/ akt}ryny bandage a kńee /'bćndld3. ni/ zabandaźować kó ańo bandanna ,4En'dćn/ chusta na szyję lub głowę bounc€ th€ ball / baons ó. 'b.l/ ódbrać piłkę br..k frcń youl butine /,brclk fr.n jJ ,ru| tirn/ odejścieód schematu de.ide /dI sa]d/ decydować decision /dl's33i./ deqzja /(! ki' sl.up/ siok (narciarek (.now)boald ł sn.U)bJ:d./ deska ) snowboaldin9 / sneub.]do/ śnowbóard take the lift upthe mountain /,1e*&,l,tl ó. 'maunt.n/ Wjechać na 9óręwyc]ągień ^p Mlking race / wJlkĘ reF/, zawody M@D/dlz:v desNe sth W chodz]e s^moĘ/ żaslugiwać na coś do spoń/,dUI sp.lrl upl.Wićć 5póń ki.ka ball/klk e b.ly kopnąćpiłkę ridi@lols łidlkj.l.V be^ensóWny, absurdalny violent / val.t.nl/ bruta ny decisive /dtśasŃ/ zdecydowany; de.ydUjący decisive ńoment /dI §aisiv'm.Unr.nt/ do the same thing over / du, ó.,seia,Olt] '.{lv./ r.h]ć W kółko io sańó em619e /lń3ld3/ W}łonić s]ę 29 FocUs E ?ary zdań] Paraląza zdań 5 Wybierż poprawńy wylaz, - Tl](] .pp.._..t, l_A|_!l_._. ire i Et -. {.{ ih,- nr.i. .]'m..i{!.|iEi9Ji.]c.r ś.c,l_-.1!O r ..l.d! i]ll,_ć 2 po,1ó a!9. hcl! tl,.y .a. n]pro!. de. aed .ct to ..r]e , qc . f.. tl,e b:śretb. te.nr ilr 5 !ear, blt ' n p ay for i!., S.łr..id BoUt 5 M.l.,1.s excte.] io s.oie .. ó NaPisz pełne zdania, uźywając Podanych Wyrazow ićzaśów: Past sińple, Past continUou§ lub Past ,th. 2 Anr r'gct/ .:r of] moi.l / Wh.n / 5r. ",i'n ti]||5(.n]Pe.to,j? :] Jól] l /bLy/ śqlall] ,..ke: .l .,]ef t ]O.].| ] l,_- lxn " n;y/s9Laśh/belole ó " " 2 t lh n< ry p.rejś!/ rlgby ma:ch on rv cLln et me llo / 90 l. ' t.e 9.:. t|e Tir.j d..1.1l...j ..]! lc. lrt 9n,. rD , ic o,]. !p pfufćśś ó ]. sPórt f r].,] t,l-r]t t.r 9.ł n].] c.].cr.L5 ! ,1 io t]e Ve.y :.t!e 1ó t.eir,] śl,..e ,1 Vć! re; y śl'o!]dn.P ||Jltil]g fuj WJ§r_- yo,]r t nr. .t " t.be,.e.nsp.a.t.e 5 Eleryc.e al the sladi!ń exF,e.L:d :he Lejń L?i,ri i9 lto fr. tl,e ]nnt.l, aJ ..i t he p i.rlliitq,' ic ialgh ,he. see lhat V.e. ol m.:ry i! :o c.rr to 5k ,d 30 1i. e 01h.;.] ]ni!r;ca .!t To.]a Anj_-l..N f{r.tb:j .o |p.t. ! .no!t tF. -óti]_. e.] ói c polnt B mark ':oĄ r]sk !yln śqOód, n]ty.t...b!rr | ].];|..l :qq cup Bofi ), W5KAZóWKA aby całe żdanie zachowało ten sam sens, ]n e ro the 8P Wykorrystując Wyraży PodaDe wieIkimi literami, uzuPełnł każde żdanie tak, aby zachować znaeenie zdania wyjściowego. Nie żmieniaj formy Podanych 1 " Uzr, W Para{rażach żnacżenie wpisanego fla9mentU PoWinno być]'ak najb iżsżeznaczeniu flagmentu wyjściowego, tak Wybierz poprawne odPoWiedzi. i d.n @ (i]ó .e p cup h. h l-, "./ Aout .), !n]p , ito the pó. ó \\'hei i.]! et !]e| h.n]e i Heily , j lći.! ] Lc.rn]n.] G. iq b.c..]s.l t' lamo|]3 ath,etes w]th his o der brothere re.],/thc!t!!ear.!.s'!.<y' l.9 5UPERsTlTloN " I t].s(e!b. {h e p.y i!] recovering from inj!r]es and defeat. REslLlENT th.t he Won't go oń the o.k L s t. 3 Thal funnerhas n.h a s.ems 10 i.ke ofl ] ke a lac ń9 ... PoWER n a game lke basketbaL becalse thele is ńó time 1ó stóp .ńd thiók DEclDE 5 Athletes need io śhow .. E y.! ś]oL] d try t!. .l oi iLl]l i.kbói.q your devjce by to!ch ng th_. screei and eiter n9 the passwórd. AcTlVE 7 D [iee, Bń.l dtprr_"d tle o.!] ]Jmp..ńpei i ó., {i9U€ §katińg, coństańt Way to learn djffcU t ticks, REPEAT -i B c .e 1led ói <.r.le, ń]iybe Alićr h!:t.! . lń " Tl N4arcls Was thl l ed ió gel swimming team after doing ihe tra s three t]me§ We tred tó ta k my dad a lyot Przekształć Podane Wyrazy tak, aby PoPrawnie 5t."t r.Vc s m .r rugby leam, but hejust didn't have time. p ć ] !e ] Thc-r.t.l,"ro./ aftelthen mother - they !.r5o.ć i.5too J.tr].j 5. |r.y5 rcidy to oi . ..e ..!. No( h. 5 tr. n n9 to . nb [łl Ev.r.st ook thc " 1 7a Która ż podanych odpowiedżi (A-c) poprawnie użupełnia luki W obydwu żdańiach każdeJ' pary? t/li' l].it.tr].5i.i!t.].r] |) ij!.l].j |5t tl' ! !e.śor : Sn:t.] r $;i {rr] ł] ].ii lr9 dl.Pi] l]g tF. ot ri]. " p iye,j có!l il,eń he f,śśe.]t.e.ló; 4 .]t e Was so fan l]at 3ie hit bloke t.e ,ó. d :L!l,] t!t]y Dol 2 the end, Joanna didn'tjoin the team, and K m didn'i ther NoR thi.k 9o f s lery bor ig, AsK 1 3 The athletes comp eted the 20,ki ometre r!n and they Wele getting leady forthe swimń]n9 lace, coMPLETED ihe 20-k]ometre r!n, they We.e ,q.tt i9 rc.dy ior tF. 5W mm]i9 r-.e 4 .ijoy P.V 19 b.5.b. .nd my 9'5:cl cn]oys .5,le so elloy p;y l9 b;seba ald 5 Tl]e o.. {.I)1r. te.m t o..h -Vo d5 afier h s team lose§ a maich TRlEs The ocalfootbal team cóach a{terhsteam |osesa maich, 1 t. (ir!]i.trcPr.5. : ,]l , ::s ]:ir. ::!m : -5 tl ]tr Iiii;:: Dobieranie 7 (fillt Uły.,y., a-ukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat uPrawiania sPońu. Na Podstawie informacji 9 Placując W Parach, wykonaj żadanie, UcZEŃ A zawańych w nagraniu dopasuj do każdej wypowiedzi ódpowi3dające jej zdanie (A-E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabe|i. Uwaga!Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej vlypowiedżi, Ta.]a J7kol; chc.7orla ] żowt]ć R.].]ż r ]! Dż,ei s|a)ń! T(.)]. i asi] ]est .rłl)r e(rż a na żl tnż!g.]l.!r'ł],e A B ł.żfilofr'a,ożlocżynaszt]l, c has a ready Won a conrPetitioń ]s d]sappoinred W]th h]s/her coach, has recently improved h]s/her les!Lts, DtLr §Pali,Pl,:ol ," ,Porrd.," E believes thattó]ent ^:r ,,,,] ], ,L //rel ż !./l en- B.praco!!J]e. c o .zyg.t.Wai p]al. t!,.h i9, is necessary for success ]n sport, sPeakel2 Uzupełnianie luk łn9 8 Przeczytaj tekst, Które z Podanych żdań A-E PoPrawnie 90 uzuPełniają? Dwa zdania zo§ta' podane dodarkowo i nie Pasuję do żadnej luki. p.toc7y s,. ro7n].)ra W_lkorżtslą Wsżystke ]!l] uybli]ne 7d.n]: . Ro71n]Wę tr]żpoażyna !.żel] A .9r] iel ln! W/rłi khd ólspcrls ironlpclrl/o/l . /' rio! s!r. /l: ł go.d ]d.ł . / /ilirł l|e reed io o|gar/s a lhe cam)Cn! Tne olynpic apening cerenony is always a high]ight af the games. Read an to find out haw different countries have used . - 2004 the o ymp cs .et!rned to the r birlhp ace, and Greece .€sented a slunn ng picture of ts h story end ach evernenis, Th s Vis on syribo ised Greece as a t ny countryWth laF nq deas 1hatclranqed the Word. u =ach :lina's ceremony in 2008 defnitely scored a goa An awe -sp r ng c]splay by ]5 000 peńolrners Was a rno§t n,] ltary n For sl,eer s że and precis on, trre Bej ng exactness, 3 seems mpossib e 1o beai, ,:remony - r,łol ,Ilol,|-aV lF ol' onclol ,p-no, W.," lod "", llcon a,,,l,eo" óo,, |ó,Aoó,i,|o|\(il| B, lish-,,p, llic\ lano n, mo l r-r "p O ,--i Fl, .opll l pald, lu lnq lo l, o -ame- Bono ,eemed ,nleld eo to _he ",""p,. "."",m ,p, ,ol l ól ol l/mdclpo, .-mFlabou óiai l| lOiv^ A B ti,l']ai ełe.li! do flu llle.l b,i |a silo!/. x,c cn far dlffc|cni agc sn]allDliżc)'l to pramote then cultures. =e opening ceremonyof theSydney games jn 2000 explored .lJsira ia's historyfrom ihe earlesi days of Aborig nalcu lure, - The show ce ebraied the great Austra an andscape, .e cities and the divers iy of the people, Whi e there Werc sevela m stakes during the show on the Who e tWas an amazing disp]ay, t s hald io magine thetra ning that had gone nto keep ng so many peop e n older, t pa nted a pcturcof the energetc, muticutural counlry AUStra]a has become, D some Greek peop e thought hosting lhe oLymplcs Was too expensive bu1olhels saw big advantages, c p* ]ak Olympic Opening Ceremonies *e ceremany ETED UCZEN B i(oa sżkc?a.lr.e żor!]ar,ż.,dac Bodz.ny t]7 erj spoi|] .r t/\/.]a k]35a]est o.]porieoZana 7a pr7ygorotane ża!o.]ó! ,ł c.i.,cln e lqb ane] c,t,scyp] N e spońi Fa7e n ż Lr.żr] en] A Z.]3t!nav/:].e 5Ę j.k to zroba Vllżdeż']os(] oa l_óg. l E A l-," ||po'ó,óo| ,ó,pó t *i ,"1-1 dod oL,goo '. ., , ' ;', .:, .,: ., 10 Prżeczytajżadanie. sPośród Podanych oPcjia Wybierż re, ktola -ailePiei Pasuje do żJda-ia, c ll;ż..;ń .. śii.rn :.9.]ę:rl:żnlm . o_iL _]żes.Jii]3io i:.. ę rn:e,n.tt..i.h (i..rze] ''łiliź . O. Sr prż9b e!] ].|rcd.!, 5..rt.,ai.h z tt]o m !d7 .l.m Pód/ e ! ę " !"i!.i.. ].t i1 9. .]:l j]|l.]tj ll1,|j,,,1 rt,:jNJ irj7 ier] _-l, l,, i":.r!,] ]] ii].]ł l.żi_.rć.l. p.,.Jp!iii.it1 ,r|..§ia.i 8r.'. ]L] sl.|, . PllEil:Li(,ni.]! !pr;| !n ; s..li! p,ż:r mło,]: eż i] Plżei]:t.i ]rró e p aiy .otl.Za.9 !.r.l! nn . :!.riL Dł,9-i]:'i] lć(śllr!.]dil]l]; ] :: Pl:ei]ra\.l3l lie:k_.5u]]ejc ! !b.r.9. Spc"t.Nl.. 11 Wykonaj zódanie w rańce z ćwiczenia ']o, o-,,lhe ,ldd l- foo- |^o aloo_ Scledd(ro..l, 31 Mean5 oftranspoń. noun phrase§ . collocations . synonyms for trł] /:i|, ] can talk about travelling and ,!,\ Wl neans ,l;: 'i,:i: SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW ł#: 1 copy the table in your notebooks. Then list aśm.nV difiel.ńi mt.ńś 'th oftranspoń as you can think of, wl :acU f,..:. Talk about the lan time you travelled by the§e means o{ óE Tl A: when was the last time yóu travelled by tfain? Bj About three month§ aga. l went to ... 3 1 2 3 Read the introductionto Extreńe journeyśto sctool. Which students' comments 1-ó match With photos A-F? 1'L cross 2' 3 4 5 ó ' ' ' ' lake a 7lń riveloń a Wne,' short cut by cycińg across a Va ley,.,' a l€stjoWńq th cross a Va |eV oń a homemade cab e car ,,.' Walk ór rln barefoot to schoo a ong . dilt track ,, ride a donkey a ón9 ńatrow Windińg Paihs ' barely have iime to faśteń mV seatbe t ' [N[n[MI 1 2 ' 3 4 5 J{lUn[l!:Y!i ,r0 lil;H00l 8! ]hc iou'n,-\/ io 5.hoo t ]Ust o Jrc]oroLrnc ]he ccrner jl]o.: 'i!c]enls. dli!. ond lhe bggesl probem5 il]ey face ole geiing ;iLrck n ],irii]4 j1:,i,.]Lrlin9 ,.|i|,Il:,j| a: :r!ri.)\)|,- 1,,|. jJ,ł,].]eo/s,Fo.olher;.9erin9To §.roo ] llo !e: c lo55i|,g d,F5ei5 .Ve 5o conrrero]5 Url]on .e ghbourioocis, For sorne ol i:r Tr]ey r].ie ic ]lo!e ong.]5tor].:e:ol]:oo] c,bfbolri bcrce Nex] iinre ),cLr m]5! The schcc bt]_i rnd ]oLrrney t. s.loo] i,]].k cbo!] i.es. e!en r.o.], click here io iłei io Tr]! repoll t]! c.ce55 r;.k5lra[, faa ikc ccrrp o]n]n9 oboL]t,r'.L.] !.r,óó.,]]drer ,!ho dc.'i hc!€ Tc i]Lrses or oll lro!e :JcL ]c!ll]o §l 8rion Wo ker, ,| 2 3 5 ć j tED Listen to rhe repoń. Then complete in your notebook comments 1-ó in Exercise 3 with reaśons ln a ', , because my school is só remote.' b ', , becaUsethe susPension blidge colapsed, 2 c',., d',., because its s!ch a shoń f i9ht,' because l don'tWantto cvcle Uph e ',., because can't catch .-".l { 5 youl notebook, Wlite tlue §enten.e5 with ]'Vel l'Ve never + an appropliate velb. ] a lvel ii - 5m. bo.t a traffic jań, stlck ji 3 l' 5 downhil al over 50 km/h, a bus as there aren'l any,' ',., because itśso deep,' ir:|,|i:ll.)1:) compare youl own journey to 5choolwith the one§ in the lepo.t. How do you get to §chool and What route do you u§ually take? =ocus oN WoRDs lNoun phlases 1o l:,|r|lfil:i choose one ofthe experience§ you have had and tellyoul Pańner about at. l'Ve mlssed lhe sćhóó/ bus, lt Was a coup/e ofmonilrs FocUs oN WoRDs I synonyms for trlp ó (ffi ln your notebooL complete the doun Phrases with the wolds in red in the text and Exercises 3 and 4. Then li§ten, check and lepeat. 11 @!i ln your notebook, match the words in the box wiih the definitions, Then listen, check and r€peat, a a 2 dn crossing acluise adr]ve af]ghi rlde a tour a Voyage ] . or9 trp olerard 3 . ti p by your notebook, comPlete the §entences to make them t.ue {oryour city or country. 1n 1Morning ]CU' OI\j \^/{]RD! a.j ,].;]1 nn: 3 - ' ' ln your notebook, comPlete : 1 catch 2 cross. ..nt 3 cycle 5 get . 7 ńk5 ]ft/ /. ir.i| n.nt/' I /dournhi (]i tralJ].) ,. tr. n p b lcc of łlcl tc tc,. nolorsi(.,. houe, etc 5 a oi.r ir p b), śej(Ol . śPa._F) = ó a trp.i a pane: 7 a tr p.o see spec ii. th.9s óf ńte,_.9t = 8 a tr p lry sh p to ! 9 t Val ó!ś P;.eś ły P e.s!r. 3 The cheaPest form of 4 The wolst load ol §tleetfol 5A cltia]m TVho!5ctoth.S.r.o S, ó T rc nc.-.Sl.łr to here is ,. with the undellined words in and 4. Then listen, check and rePeai. łon oi. 4 . łlóń tlp o.. b!5,. hour in my city is from .,, to ,,. br]dge ln my country ln , , the.ollocations the texi and Exelcises L]o.t i.]lr.t.! = ] = 12 ln your dotebook, comPlete the blo9 entry With the wolds in Exercise 11. 3 Trauels in America blog We arrived in Seattle on an overnighi lf]i.rlriflom London dnd plcked Up d car at the airpoń, The car hir€ Was just from the termindl, and we were on the lodd ]Lr5t oIe ho! r ,rftcr lnIding. !!e We'e excited alongtheWest coast to San took around 12 hour5, once We got to san Francisco, We Went on a of the city by cable car That Was my favoUrite ihing about this tr p althoL]gh th€ 6c alound 5an FranCisco Bay 9t wasamażingtoo Wesailedaroundthe Bayforthreehours and Vi5ited F'shermdntWhalfand its5ea lion coLony, or a nother d ay We Went to Alcatraz i5land. tt just d short by boat from the ma nL.nd. 13 ]i,].|.j choose five word§ from Exel<i§e 11. your ln notebook, write a question with ea.h word. Then ask a Pańnei .|:i: I: /!L,: Wratśthe /óngest llightyóu've ev-..ńkeń? Wh-.n did you lastga ón a bike ride? 14 fif§Ę!fl Work in 9rouPs, lmdgine you live in a Us city, e.9, seattle or san Francisco, and a.e to §how §ome {riend§ around it, Do some r€s€arch online and prepare a digiial presentation about the city, Then pre§ent jt to yoL]l cla§§. 33 t GRAMMAR Focus. Which verb forms in blue in rhe Exer.ise 3.omplete the sentences corectly? l can use rnodal veńs to §peculate about tl,e present ónd tńe pa§t Preśent and paśtspeculation Yo! can use moda Verb strLJctlles io specu ate aboui th ń9s . 1 Pictlre must be a ]ion becalse ofihe long hair aro!nd the head and neck, Pictlle might be a puma or ii could be 3 Pidlre ]s olw.s true. \.l |ś.ńight, may ó. có!]d,ll]e] !óL tl, li t'ś..śś|r. 3.metli n! s o, !a3 t,!e Plese]]t: ]r . ii.! Pisl ii' : ]r.., Y.! !s. can't i.| couldn't]( ]e. l.! .,e 5!,e somltr r! snt Look at the pictures and comPlete the sentences in your notebook. 2 you use mu§twheń you are sule something Present: h mu§t be a /ioń. PasL ł1 j .]oir.s.i..n ir.] P..scnt ]l can't be a tiger becalse the ŁłbśŃą Modalverb form§ for §peculation PrcseŃ ńust/mi9ht/may/couldlcant + infinitive Pa;t: must/ńight/naylcould/całt + have + past pańiciple 5 (ʧ ln your notebook, rewrite the sentences using the words in bracket§, Theń lisren to the interviews about the incident and check your 5entences, Look at the senlences you have completed in Exer.i§e 1. Which §enl c l 1 l'm slre it! a ion, (must) ]t must be a ]ionlt! poss b e it escaped from the zoo, (might) Peńaps it is Very hungry by iow (cou d) lt! poss]b e it Was somebody! pet, (cou d) 2 3 4 5 Peń.ps ó l'ń slle think it's possible that it is ,,, Read a 5hoń newsPaPer ańicle, A.e statements 1-3 true or {alse? 1 The man is s!rc he saw a lion, 2 The Woman § sure she heard. ion 3 The po|ice are sure a l]on escaped fronr Elm it glewtoo b]9, (may) it isńt a ion. (cant) What do you think really haPpened? Listen to the news rePoń and checkyour ideas. What did the Police conclude? ln your notebook, complełe the sentence§ with an apPropriate modalstlucture and the verb in blackets, 1 Dave .an'i hłVe ]efu Vet, h]s coat ]s 5t] here. 2 The trafi]cl realy bad, 'm Woffjed We 3 They're ńot at home They {not yet eave) oultra]n, away for the Weekeid (9o) lańded overan hourago, Bil baggage rccl.iń, (§til be) B!y a l.PtoP? With my Pocket money?]Yo! 5 The p ane 8 /1,sL-da, ",e1 lqd-8,00p 1 ć lo Od, 1d.ol ,to, \JWa l nq to h s caravan W tll h]s ] ] Vealoldson When he beleved |]e saw a dark, but cou d see a domesi c an n]a lion He to]d l€pońels, ,lt Was a alqe anima t ii Was t00 b]q ] thouqht l a lion So We ran, Very qu ckly|' The seaside l€sod tu Was ol ho idayn]akels and at ieastt€n peop|e saw ]healda oudloarat1000 a ion No othel an rna| can loal the an rnal oneWomansad p m ke |t that' Po]ce lrave told evelybody to stay ins de as they from a neańy zoo beleve a lion choose a sent€nce beloW. ln your notebook, Write a dialo9ue includin9 the sentence, Then aci oui your dialogue to ihe class, 1 l must 4 l cań't have Left it/them at have eft ]t in the shop, 2 Yo! m]ght have h!rt yo!lsef! 3 Yo,] m!§t be jokińgL 5 lhele home ml]st be some m]§take, B: Whatś Wong? A: l cań'! find ńy wallet, l must have /ef il in the shop. B: ah dea. Nevel ńind. Letś go back,nd /ook for il Focus oN WoRD5 | compound nouns 4 tʧ Multip e choice ln your notesook, compIete the list o{ compound nouns with the nouns in the box. Then I cań jdentify key details in an infoftnal Iisten, check and repeat. conversałion on a familiar topic. budget bs busiress compary dorble l lleader package ski J 1 2 a a !!§,lel!.ń ]óUlńey łolidłhe,Vr'or]d trip 3 5 8 5 ln your notebook, .omplete the questions wiih aPproPr]ate comPound nóuńs in Exercise 4, sometimes more than one ańswer i§ Possib|e. ] bcci 9iciboird n9 :t a ,. l.ó0. 1 in a foreigń country? 5 dreamt ofgolng on a ó thought about Wolking fol ) ł Ó ^ Look at the Photos and discus5 which tyPe oi holiday yóu Wou d ike besi or |east, Give reasons for your A: Have yau ever been snowboarding Listen to six lecoldiń9s.bolt ho]idays, Which photo in Exelcise 1 does each recordiń9 refel to? Wh]ch le.olding does not have a photó? Wlite in your noiebook. Listen to the recordings again, For questions lt].ii.,:h n a iG i3,. śte l yólth hostel, B n a ihlee stal hóte f ']ó holday. B a trave company job oftolr eader ó The motherwants to A stop herda!ghielłoń 9oin9 away, B persuade helda!9hterto chai9e her plans c force her da!ghlel to V sii her aUnly. c ńat? Li§ten and rePeat ihe names of place§ in the box. Wlite thes€ names in your notebook and t]]e#es the canalies e}p# the Danube rd^di l-e F'. "ldr'ds \.P ", t-e N |e the Pyrene* the,Thómes Vienna \łai.se . . forlwo breakfasts, Today, sk els in Megeve shoU d A stay indools because it! Iaining, B go ó!t tor. collee or a meal, c plt then §kis on and get ouithere, A My parents and l went to the Frenó ttrE§l c borii9, A f8 for ońe bleakfast, B fló for oie bleakfast, c Was at a well knawn PRoNUNclATloN FocUs The man WanG to spend ihe n ght A Yes, l have. A: When choose the corred answel, A, B or c, Write the answere Tl,.] ? 5PEAKINC] Ask and answer the questions iD Exercise 5. Give as much detail as possible, B: l @ arn ']-ó, a 8 ĘĘlfit copy the rable and list the Places in the correct <olumn according to size, Then ]isten, a beach a Where iń the world are the places ]n Exercjse 8? Disc!ss youl an§wers With a Parinei ił .,-,: FocU5 oN WoRDs 1Ne9ative adjeclives ln your notebook, complete the gap§ wirh negative Plefixes dis, or Un-, u§e the words in blue in the ańicle, Then identily the key intormation in an exteńded ańicle. ] can listen, .heck and repeat. lmagine you are goin9 on . joulney alone to a distant location, Discuss whether the followińg ale advantages ol dlsadvańta9e5 ol navelliń9 with d śńałphone, S"b , Yc! .ói te!1 loJr .areit5 .5 róón as yo! .|c .t !ót 'ce:r i.t o. l Yo! icV.]r 9et ost yo!!c aot Góó9 e |/]ai]s.id GP5 , Y,o! ca r p.śtse f es oi s... ńed a aid mł (c e,_,ryóie ]e..!s . Yo!..i 5h.( photos ofyolrf:t y..d home:c l_,( lrencs . Yon..n 5t.y .1o!.hWth new{le..ison soca neda . Yo! c.| ieeir !p to c.t. ( tlj eleryth.! t].t's 9.].q on al ho n. Below ale some reasons fol tlavel in9. cań you think of any mole? Wite them . 3 ł To clo Vc in youl ńotebook, lit.ly 7 choose the coriect oPtion and w.ite the annouńcements in your notebook. Where would you expect to heal or §ee them? 1 P.,5,-n9eń sho!]d m.kc ihe lamr/j.r łavellin9 in Exercise 2 a.e mentioned? Are any other reasons 9iven? i,]i]1 n*a,r," unia" again. For questions answer, A, B, c or D, Write the answere in 1 5, choose the corect yo!r noteboók. c young peoP e find ]t hard to leave the]r da]ly ive§ behind, D trave Was much easjer in a ple d]gira word, Char ott. ..]ohńno.e A Went on ine same ]oLnrcy .5 r// L i.m sltc ]fi. B lolid t harci io Ve n - fol_.iq. .! tlre c .al.t .eVJ lh]n9s dbout the Wońd thaik5 to lrel śn]ańph.nc D crPel ei.ed a d ffcre|t .! t!re i spiie oi Ch.llótte .]ohnstonc be eves that A W iam sltc if{. i5 ,lrónq abolt the b.iefiiś of trale B the lray V/e tralcl h.§ ch.n!ed the !!ol d lr_"r ,",,p, o D teeńa9e6 i smaipl]ci., rcmote Pi.ces doi'i !9c 5oc a meć 4 Char otte Johinoi," th .ts that |r']i icnni. ś ihai the r p.r.iG' !e.elat oi _ ó]óF]ó, irom those cl th.il Pa,eńis c Wa.t to h.Ve.l fl€reni erper.n._-s j 9.P yćar t. p, fol.n.i pLa.n]ng h.ld tińe sav n! !p D hav. . A ale ess ]ndepcndeńt B ",o- 5 . o 3 Chaloite.]óhnson a19UeS that D bóthvrterstlrnkth.t chan9jn9 expelience, smańphones h.Ve.'1.hanged thc fyóUhaleW Fi, yo! ...'t hale a if. Think about the holidays and triPs you 9o on, Discuss how they Would be diffelent without WiFi. Would that be a Ploblem fol you? m nśćLVes ei9en.y tó Poor Vr'eather .oid t ói3, ce ays may be .Vó'dable / ln.ivoiddb]ć The hotel !!o! d l ke to W 5h g!.sts . Pleżsónl/ !npleas.ntn.y 4 Glesls'd 9ta dev]ces llróU d be / d]s.o.1)e.led d!r]n9 . thU.cerstolm. 5 When drVi.g.broad, yO!.eed io be nribnłed/ !nlilolnre.] abo!t the .ouitryŚ load .W5 8 (Ęffi phrases y"u, n"t.book, completethe tn verb phrases With the wold§ in the box. U§e th€ Underlined Phla§es in the ańicle. Then listen, check and lepeat, chalenge clt yó!6ef off from immerse yo!rse f ]ń W]thdraw money łom take ,l 2 3 4 ,/ 5 ln youl notebook, replace the Underlined Phrases With words or phlźses With a 5imilal ńeónin9 in Exercise 8, Which do yo! agree with? Dis.us§ With 1 2 i yo! r,-!el go abrołd, yo! ._-/el !i!ik op i óńs f5 ]njpośs:bie to siop c.ńm!. .at]!!! .rji.. ! ;bo!!.!roli Q]]!1ęte 3 c . 2 D!e FócUs oN v,/oRDs Velb 1 wi liam sltcliffe be ieves that A backpackers had Worse trave| expellences twenty years ago, B youńg peóPle are concerned about Whetheltheil hostells 5 falłili.r With 1 |n .o.ne.ted $ork Read the ańicle. Which of the leasons for c F ó flffiE Multiple choice y wtir horie l!hei yo! h.,rc rń ń ted n..Fr. t.] llj_. ..ernet. .]ó. t ike t,e]ig r n]t l śllts better lEr!,! .- p9cp e..Ć erperi€i.. ]{ !óL thĘ, ) !lę:ł]9, 4 Nóbody !ęs moF.v łón] a malhlq q!!de a t,aik ol. j!śilse yo!r pho 5 f!a!e !n9 .bro.d 1]o śhóp lhese days Yol ]e nJ f]l. i!l! !]]]!q!Ę p!y 1or lh]i95 Ve.. belo.tą ls ; lraste o1time ald , , <l2,11 Charlotte lohnstone, a Miltennial, argues that her smaftphone did not get in the Way of lif e-alterin9 tf avel experiences, thai smańphones have Changed baCkpacking in Travet Write. Wittiam sut(liffe be[ieves a bad Way. be eve that trava ci,ght lo jre a p.]foLnd e\peren.e By cL]ti n!] |5 o1i forn everyth ng that ha5 !r,.!ot]s! been ia.i1ili.i], 10 Lr5 1lave cha engesoi]rl-.e ef§e lL] njakgs L]s see 1he ,\,ol d . n nĘ,.,r |^,/ays B!t r/i]E ] sa ll]an,r' re ai onsl ps end soc a slipl,]ofi :ei,J.,]orks ale carr ed ot l d !] tal y, and ,,łlh everv ba.kpackel hijsle koi] [,4ach! P.ch| io Dhara-sa a oifer l!] !! F :'s actL]r y , o o lravc ? p ,, " - " L d ,o,ó , i,: A trave ],,o l!] as a ]o!nley ci se i d saovery 25 q] oo; Tcdern ilave el \]v ] plobabv be rnorc .oncerned abo!1 \łhelhe. their room has ,ł F than ,"\,hgLher it ras a bathroom To l]_. i]jj.łłicj]16.j s Ulir:łjiŁa;j4 BU. il s llrerl]5 that tlley llave ole iool l l.,l y p antcc at hcr.,-. at oi !]y sa! Yęą a couple of years ago, and ,o l'm rea ly glad ldid, because l changed my llfe, The time l spent n |nd]a and Zambia Were the | 1,q_9k hardest and most rewarding o,f my ]ife, Desp te the fact that ] had rny smartphone ]n my pocket, l rea ly fe t that l had rnmersed ny9911.]La larc]!0 cu ture, and earned a lot about myself and the wolld around me, so l thlnk Mr sulclffe ]s uninlormed when he be ttles the experience of today's trave ers. of course, 1he Way We traveL has changed; the Wol|d aroL]nd us has changed. lt's unavoidable Thele are ots of p usses: you can ca| home When sorneth ng happens, book p ane t]ckets on yoUr phone, y/lthdlaw ]]nonev from a cash point, even find h dden 1emp|es on Gooq e Maps. And 35 donl th nk that teenagers jn remote Sub-Saharan Afr can V lages don't have Facebook accounts 30 tl e oo Jnd]o, have left, "n -ó, l, 'oU, h long.'. ,o, Staying connected doesn't detract from travel ng independence doesn't necessariy have to be sol1ary and young peope don't need to be cut off from home to exp|ore the Wider Word and apprec ate their p ace in lt JuSt as rnlch as oul parents' generation did, we Mi enn a s want to 45 watch the sun r se, make fr ends with l ke m nded strangers as we dip our feet nto the waters of a deserted beach after an unpleasant overnight ]oL]lney on two dilferent buses. The Values and aspirations ale 1he same 40 th 50 i!Ł ł s5 We also have to address the same cha enges, sav ng up for, p anning and executlng a gap year trip ]s hald Wolk DUrngthetlip evenifyouare on y a text away Jrom your fr ends at home you sti l have to earn how to budget, problem so Ve and develop people ski s in order to survive, lf !furl have chldren, |'Ve made a promjse to rnyse f: i sha never te thern 'it's not like t Was n my dayl *Mil ennial són]eóne bo n between 1980 and 2000 hJvć óńe fóót lnm y P antad at home btć ż!l ąu a rrm z d.iren rodz 1lxf detract froń io.ro 9zkódz]ć dip - ma.zać, zanurz.ć €xecute PuePlóWćdżĆ, zrót, Ć (zgodnie ż P tlm 5łE/Ąi(]i,,lo Whi.h o{ the sentence§ (Ę!!t ln 3. in Exercise 4 do you think are true? Discuss with a Pańnei Then listen and.heck, used to and would l ćan talk about Pa§t śtate§ and repeated act;on§ u5in9 u§od to andwould, y"u. n"t.bo"k, complete the text wiih the verbs in brackets, . . Use WoU]d + Velb (Where poss b e) USe Used to + Verb (Where Wo!/d is not . Use the Past simp]e (where Wo!]dol lsed to Then li§ten and check. ls the UK the only country where people dlive on the Ieft? Left or right? Today, 75% ol cars drive on ihe r]qht lrut t]i] :i] ! . ,l;. .,] l,] (not always be) ike that, |n fact, everybody used to tmve on the left] ln Roman t mes, roads (be) danqerous and trave lers (Carry) swords in theil right hands Trave eTs on holses 4 tide) on the left s de of ihe road so that the r ght hand nlas free to Use (chaIqe)the the sword,Then Napoleon 5 rL]le, Why? Because he Was a revolUtionary Before the (tra French R€Vo ut on the aristocracy 6 7 poor peop on the left and e {stay)on the Iight,Afterthe ReVo Lrton the aristoclacyjoined the peopLe on the righi and driving on the riqht 3 lbecorne)the nelv law What aboLrtthe rest ofihe Ch na PońUga sweden and pafis oJ canada Used to on the left and on y changed the la,,lr dur nq the rnid_ twent eth centUry, [,,Iole than fifty countrieS inclUdjnq the ljK,Austlalia. Japan and ndia st lldriv€ o| the eft ? 3 5P[l\,/ilłt; Discuss whether you think ihe §tatements about road travel in łhe 19óOs are lrue ol fal§e. 1 Roads lsed to be qu]eter 2 PeoP e u§ed io ta'k .bo!t tlaffic pol ution, 3 Cals didń't u§e to have seai belts, 4 Chidren would play Vdeo 9ańes oń oi9jo!meys. 5 GPS didn't exist §o Peop e Would follow ńaps, (!ffi risten to Zoet grandfather talking about road travel when he was young. Check your ideas in Exelcise 1. Read the GRAMMAR Focus and an§wer the que§tions. 1 desłibe past actions? 1 Wh]ch senteńces iń Exercise 2 Wh]ch sentences ii Exercise YóL] c.. 1 describe past states? !5e U§ed to + Verb or would + verb to la k about rc9u ar p.śt.dnrn5 ih.i don'i h.PPei .iy mor. Halry 9ó źó ś.lr.óiby blj H-. Yót .ai .l8 a ń + Velb (NoT wólld + v6i6)ló ta k;b.!t ir.ł !9e Used to are.o onqer ir!e. (Us!a states that Hary be e 9óóo V W ti]e n.!5-" ln your notebook, Write śixśenlence§ about lh sl.t Ve lerbs: be, have, liłe When you Were ten, Use u5ed to or Wouid. Use the §Ugge§tions in the box or your own id sl|oe.l. i c]othes you Doń'i !!e u§ed to ol wo!]dlor 5]i9 e p.st a.i ons lrrś ltrst..l (NoT !5€{+6+!l /n ]9ó3 ł]y gl.n.]d;.] Wol_. mlsicvou ]Eteńed ididntlse io 4 ln your notebook, rewrite the statements using not Possible, use used to. 1 A]r tl.V_- !E cF.-P.l th.n noL! would.lt wó!]d i5 3 The l !|t flóńj Lor{]on to New Y.ł took on!].. 4 Pe.p e smoląd ói the p a.e 3B o ci t h.!e so many se.!r th nqs you read /'ke mushróoms orgreen bećns, compale your sentenćes in Did you use to be similar or different? About holidays 2 A:ltl.Ve !!E nror_-.oml.Ę-bi. ó Airpo.s 8 to {ood you liked/didnt ty.he.ts 6Effi Listen to the rocus Vlog. What soń of things did the speakers use to do on holiday? Wlite the answels in your notebook. ]i .. l can understand and uśe separable and inseparable @ffi root at a ptroto o{ the Zapp family and listen to Jenny James talking about them. What do the numbers in th€ box refer to? Y 2000 100 17 3]ó 80 ó5 (!ffi :lłłr,rttłcDiscuss the questions, Then Iisten again and.heck youl idea§. rody eft use ?Jthe e the !\]orld? ]tod d_ ng rft tod 1 What did the colp 2 3 4 5 ó 7 8 e Walk away from to go traveling? Where did they set off{rcm? Why dld they dec de to cary on traveL ing? What do they do When they run out of money? Who somet meś Put them uP? Why dld they Put a rent uP on ihe .ar loof? what did the carseats turn into? What happened When ihe car broke down? si:[^l(lj\,lai can yoL] jm.gjne your oWń fańily travelling alound the wolld for seventeen years? Would it be a good experien.e for you and your siblin9s? Why?/Why not? Read ihe LANGUAGE Focus. ln your notebook, complete the examples usinq the phrasalVerbs in bold in Exer<ise 2. 5 ln your notebook, mat<h ihe Phrasal verb dictionary entries in the box with definitions 1-7, How do dictionalies show whethel Phrasal Verbs ale separable or inseParabIe or don't iake an objeci? o-op sb 1 2 ś]tela a tent up (- constluci ol elect) ,I idiomatic thefi !p - "p <e.p -p Witj so Uo P-ł+a lJln JP l stop ]n a cal by the side of the lo.d take sońebody iń a c.l ańd eave ihem -9o n the d lect on ofsomewherc de ay somebody = -airiveatapace (ole 1§o- etod, -§La\ naCa = go at the same sPeed as somebody e @ use or encrtsH Which word A, B or c comPletes both sentence5 corectly? drop you atiheiextblsstop. Tel the drivel Vihere yo! Wantto get ',.er yo! .re ealńiń9 phrasó Velbs yó! ńeed tó le6ia.d both the ńean ń9 .ńd the 9lańńa. ]s = 3 4 5 ó 7 particle(s) 'hra§al verbs - verb + somet mes the meaninq holo 5b pa19!ęL 1' !óńet mes the meań ń9 o/ h."d fo 5.h oi.< sb (: et sb stay) Scme phrasal velbs are separat, e, :iey bring ch'ldren !p 1= raiSei Sońe phl.śaL Velbs .re ińsepar.b e - rhe cal5e.t5 nto a bed {= chdnge) ' . sepalab e phlaśa velbs fthe object is 3 ńoun, ]t.ón ćońe beJóle ól ćfter 2 This cal She wa has never ked bloken cin before. the Steps ]ntothe Sunsh]ne, B along tlri ? ]ne at midday, B into C off 3 When do yo! thjikthey' lV]uml pjc.ing 4 cań oh, 5 Lt9 try youl ńew motorb]ke? no| We'Ve rln kńl oi the- Bon ló óf Petrol, plt !ś ćón'l iant tó hó d yo! aiay tj !. A coui k..! !o!'re ń . c h!l,y o,rer Write one false and iwo true sentences about yourself, Use a different phrasalVerb in each sentence. Then read out your three sentences, Your Partner 9ue55es Which one bring childrcn uPd bring uP childrcn f the object is a prono!n it can on|y come before brirg ihem uP but NoT bflĘ4P+h$ 39 Read Bent leply. Did he mention any ofthe adv]ce G;V]ng adVice l can write a Personal email giving advice. 1 subje(t: Re: |or/. _" ,o!] Hey litlle broth€| What advice a-cWould you give in resPonse to Problems 1-3? 1 Sho| d !o lo 2 3 !. Ve6 ty Włnt to ask K;tie i ny hon]elcwi, or oi . dłte, blt 'm too Shy, t\4!nr! Won]ed aborl me.ampin9 olelni9l,: the ,n!s.lesliv. , Hdving a greaŁ t m€ back at !n , YoLr 5hoUld come and i coIgrdLulaLio|5 on Lhe off€15 m r€illy prolrd ofyot], 1l understand What a diff.Ult deci!ion it i§, bLrt ts ii b"L(",L lll l g loop!ol , _, ,ló,ó,ó o,,ó goinB to uni already] 5eenrs Like fiVe . f W.rc yo! ,!oL dr't -5k h.r Sh. might say io b'|c rcl th.r..rc 5 x of (§ W.' ook.ł.r...rothcl . Yo!] sho! d łliy .t V.!r oc. tiVeisty..c ile vJi|r MLrm E,g, if yolr yoUr o\li Read Tinr'§ me§sa9e to hi§ oldel brothel Ben ańd an5Wer the que5tions. )/ot]'ll !or]r more dbout the to!rs€S .ń/i.lr plo5.m ł.n Ex. .5c ] doc5 TiT d.5c ].e? 2 [,h;t .d!.e !r'cl d y.! 9 !e h m? .l! '5 hard ? i h.Ve to do mix pldyed itdtstotty5 D] śeverything WilL be oK. 5oo n, B Hi Ben, Ho §Lrr1] !!!śto see yolr yoU7 Ł palty on Fliday and everyone loved it. Great to have a loI a Little brothel ] ) 'm o\,l yoLrWon a5 Wetl aBy the Way, thdnk5 for th€ ! H )), l Ve y,/]th l \ła§hing, cook ng, et..0n thc other hand ]i yotr go to Ed]lbLrrgh, you'L1 haV. to look aftcl yoUI5clf llf l V/ele you, |'d find out bLrt ]ave fr€€donr. ] 5ubje(t: stldy at home and and Dad (plLr§ or m]nUs?; Discuss how good the advice in Exercise 1 is, Think ofan alternative solution for To: Ben dgo W€ 'Have you thoU8ht about making. lj5t ol the plu5e5 and m nus€s] I mii!tes !Tele playing Lego Łogether] life bdck ar unl? HaViIg fL]n7 Working ) 'm Writing b€caLr§e bacn off.r€d need yoLrr adV ce. 'V€ fuVo pLaces to 5tlrdy T nexŁ year 0ne is here .t the loc.l un]Ve15ity, .ld other is alLthe W.y Up in Ed]nb!rgh] the E :, 5 Wh'ch phra§€s in purple in the email(1_5) have a similar meanin9 to the Phrases (a_e)? b l can see why you are confused c ih ngs Wil Wo* outfine d Why dóń'tyo! ńake ., e kśa good jdea to ,.. ó Read the WR|T|NG wRlTlNG Focus and check your answers s do f |f, ]Ut . ::art{il, 99..r. ie!!5..lj]ói j l:Llel]._"t.j!l]..!.Il 9rd l..f.te r the l ?st.ln; . :|.r.99 9]iirP.th,l 1.r /o!l 1r,-ff] s s t!:t.n _,,r-'.r:l.,r. lNl]Jt..ri+i.!ł.'e.rsió! il ls -! see ńj,],oll 19 !].llieoll!.r;p,!| . ]fi.l..]li.. b! i5( -! a qleloi ].r.y.! l!.!91ri.t,.li. irali,rg a iisi]? To: carla subj€.t: ] ] ,__-i.r Tharks for yo!r emdllI l felt redlly 5ick ldst Week bUt 'rn gertlng better noW thank5 1,1um Was Worried, b!t 5he summer 9 looking forwald lo b€i]rg on holiddy, Read the message flom a frieńd, Decide Which advice is a bad idea, Which idea mjghi Work, and which is a 9ood idea. comPare youl ideas with a pańner HoW r u? ]'rn :-((1 [,4um doesn't Want me to go io the iesi]Va nexl Weekend says she's \łorred aboUt Us camping oVern ghi there, she sa d she cou d corne \\ith us to make sure We are safe|]L| LoL| What can say or |,_-ii lrlilr] :l .]]e,./, ii.nrs tl ,:trj.--l t,j]ll, i.rl.! r...l rh.rf L'm 5 |'tl 5ee yoLr next Weekend, dD do io stop her Wo!-ry ng? ? . ]_..śś]r_",l,.,]r{l.nd.ttr. eid !fti.€ e-. -n ś!le_.|_ArIr]]ł_.g rli]i]. OK ń s!le lr]r9śir' i])ó|i l]!l i].,- 1 2 3 7 HoW are you? Hicdńd ,!r).].r1).!, il.iiI.y.!l!]e.ć1' . l]if.r ..],. .. t,/ młk iq . St.teme.: i |!.]. f.!, li] , ir]io .!I fror.]. :;. 9..a r!'.. t. i,e.d.b.!t il..ilNe/esi. te;.lrel t's Make thi§ email more informal by lemoving §even Wolds or Phrases. always i5 lvorried, l finatly Fni5hed my e55ay, 50 thót good, My tLrtor Vl,as pLeasedl can'tbel]eveitsnearly F 3iVing advice 3 8 Forget aboutthe festjva, YoUr mUm is right, J!st9oforthe day and come home in the evening Plom]§e heryou'l ca be{ore you 9o to bed and Jirstthin9 in the moriin9, Remińd herthat n,]y bi9 brcthel is coming, He'] Look at the underlined phlases iń the eńail. What do you notice about them? ln youl notebóok, cońP]ete the LANGUAGE FocUs With ]t, lt's, l(x2) or ]'ń- 5 Ask yoll ńum to come with us, t'] be 1un. Te l heryou're §taying at my holse, Ellip5is . i ilor-. Eng sl, ),o!.:. ]ea!e lrórris.!t T;]ś 1 .. ].d . iPsl Yo! !sU. y eale olt s!b]ec1 plonóUńś :ic .!! : .ry t.rbs Jt tFe beg in .! ol a . a!śe Vihe. lhe rneaI i9 5 obv]o!5 J!l1,9 J gre.i nnr. = ] iaflng . gre.i time ae.'l beli_.V_. fo!'le 9or.9 to Uln , = ' .a!'| .eiie,e fó!'le 9ołro t. !!i seer]s ]ile iive rninllt.s Jgo . , = r seems like fife Gle.t tó il;Ve d DJ lol. l]ttie t,lorher = " he|e.l DJ ful J 1ttle blotr.| . Hope Io see ],o! sóor : ś hop_" .n ,." .oon "o" YoU can . so e:Ve oli repeated N/criś leeilng . 5il tiEd bLł l .iways am - 1'i] Iee]ł]g , bit t l-.d b|r ]hr ,]Vr'rys tileo. SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT 1O @ Do thewritin9 task in your notebook. Use the ideas in Exercise 9, the WRlTlNG FocU5 and the LANGUAGE FocUs to helP yo!. W odPowiedzina Wiadomośćw ćWicżeniu 9 naPisż w swoim e mailu: ,po , - po,lod r . o . nra:ż] slę tvr'Ó] kc ega, ldże m! k l! ra., żm en tem.t prżekaż m! ]ak eśdob,e ,p óclj po. eSżVć (c ege. _ !:domóś. , Raz|!ń 5vD]ą |!ypd|! edź vl łóźdym u.żt.l.cl Póóp|rktó!, D/!9óść _" m.ii. pot ll!. t/]łrosić oi180 41 sPEAKlNG 4 Askin9 for and giving advice lmagine a friend from Eng and Wants to Visit your country durin9 the Wintel, ln youl notebook, comPlete the advice With one or two Words from the 5PEAK|NG FocU5, ] T.e 2lt l can ask lor, give and accept 3 You 4| 1 ]]] :: ]:./o!S]c!..].3bo.i(!.Lrli9l]13 , 'd pack lois ofWarm clothes, to bring a ot offorma clothes, lńagine yo! ale 9oiń9 tó Eńglóńd to do .ń Eń9 ish .o!rsć and yo! ale goin9 to stay with ań En9lkh family for a month. ln your notebook, Write a list of thin9s you need to take With you, comPare youl list with a pańne. 5 ?Vo^ę 3 When did you last tlave] by bus? cvar9e( tĘsl risten to tvlarkus asking soPhie for advice about what to take to England and answer the ó 1 Which o{the things on your llst do they mention? 2 Why do-"opĘ - w" |V"o,lL o ,ó pn bp, (Ęfill 1jjPl:^ł:l|ł6 Look at the photo and di§cuss the gue§tions, 1 Wh ich fo rnr of tlansport do you plefel {ol o.9 jou rneys? 2 Whattthe o.gestjoulney you'Ve ever made by car, train ,ON'T 7avóE . you shou d bring ors o{ cash, rememberto get some travel ns!rance, to make slle yo! have a Warm Wintel Discuss Which ideas below are good and whi<h are bad {or a very long bus journey, Then coPy ihe table and comp]ete it, a b 9 cóat ealphońes fol smańphońe ól iPód fizzy driikś a good book i9ht, cóń{órtab]e c ótheś a p loW sńacks śnow boots sUng asses tkśueś chocolate Very Warm c othes Water risten again. Which expre§sions in ihe SPEAK|NG Focus can you hear? Which three expre§sions on the list are not Used in the dialogUe? C.I y.L do łl_" . 1b !) f.V..]l? Cań yo! 9 te n]e són]e.dV ce? Dó yO! tlj ik ] ńeed ? Whal dó yó! lh rl 9ho! d ? The l ui th n9 yo! shoL d f Were yó!, d/ !!ol th nk/don I ti] rt rr ben ti).9 N/ó! c 'he t! a góó] de. tó oi], 42 d d. t th n[ s ,. l;PĘAl(ilvci Follow the instructions below to PlePare a dialogue. Use the sPEAK|NG Then act it out to the class, Focus to help you. student A; Yo!te from En9 and, You're 9olng to travel to Stldeńt Bs country by bU§. You'Ve never been on a ongbus jo!lney befole, Ask student B for adv]ce .bolt What to Weal, What to take folthe journey.nd What k]nd of plesents to take dn't ik yo! shou d Yc! ic.c,/doi t r..d Yo! 1ed]y)o!9 do 7 10 be óft'].i] lć student B: student A js Visliin9 you flom Eng]and, He/She is goln9 to travelto yo!r co!ntry by bus, Give hlm/hersome adv]ce about What to wear, Whai to take forthe journey and What k]nd of plesents to brinq fol youlfamiy. Hi Marcel. Can yau da me a big favour? l need yaur help. B: Yes, surc. whatś ńe problem? well, you know l'm travelling tó yóur cóunw by bus. l've nevel been on a lang bus joumey beiole and l'm not sure What to take. Can you ... if, *:. lrFrD overniqht journey / .Ulanan d3]:ni/ |-poń /'e.p.x/ otnisko h mlv/ pżybvć / LUI hajJ/WypożV.zżln a C-.fi a bu5/a vaiń / kłl t. b^sh t.c l dapać aliobus/poc ćq k llapse /kJ!ćps/ zawa ćsię,luńąć .ics a .ontin€nt /,krDs 3 kDntin.nl/ r/ prżem eżyć kontyneni o6sariver/vallev/kIDs.'rlva/'vćti/ L apekroczyć rżekęldolinę bEsing / Lm 0/ pzeprawa Elise /krujż/ rejs V,rycie-kowy bde dówńhilyuphill /,salkól dxDn hll/ np'hlv l Fhać na roweżeżgólki/pod gólkę Ft track / d3ll lr€k/ iłive /dmlV/ i .lroga gruniowa ]e.haL samochodem pzeiażdźkasamochódem Eśten a seótbelt/IU.\Jn J'\i:thc V zap q! p]err/ d a p]ł|emnó\L bet a lilt /,qe1 . 'lfl/ żoslić PodW eżiónym let stu.k in tńfłi. / gel st^k D 1.ćl r/ l.€ łhi<h a<eś to /,tlt\ tk\e\t/me.dośtępdó I.|,copter/'hc rlnnt./ he opter fuEney /'d33:ni/ pódróź łnd /lend Wv|ą]oW!ć a bu5/a train /,ds.'b^V3 spóźnić się na altobus/pociąg -$ EŁhboulbood / nclb.hU.V foot /,Dn full pesżó -| Pbli. 9ąs lreD/ ednwo cDote /rlmóUt/ odległy k,|.:/ r]kża id§haw/ n /mld/ ]echać (konio, lowelem, molorem), pze]ażdźka (korra, row€rowź, ńotoóWó) ch houl /t^,| ao./ godzina Vczy.t! .E lion/si: laIJn/ eW mo6k, uchatka 9il/se/ płnąć statkiem !óool bus /\kul b^V autobUs 9ko iy JFń cut /'l.x k^t/ skrói (króisża droga) *dl AtIo0t/ spaćeĘ pżechadzka $pefuioń blidg€ /sJ spcnj.n b d3l most tarfic jaF f.v.l / 1l&nk d3am/ korek Uliczny by train /lEv.l ba] iraid/ podóżować po. ą9]em t-avel journalist /'1r&v.I d3]lnJhst/ dżjenni!arż pisżący o podróżach toyage /'vnld3/ ąs, ot ftlk barefoot /,wJ:I 'beJfol/ śćbóśó *inding P.th /,wa!ldIO'lo:0/ kręta ś.eżka B@@B reclaiń/bćgId3,Ilklcn/ baggage mieFce óeetah /\Ji:i./ 9epard domestic animal /dJ mcstik'tnśn.1/ zwieźę holidaymaker /'hDl.del nelkJ/ WcżasóW]ćż on the loośe / Dn ó. ]us/ n. Wo]nośc Pet /pel/ zw]erżEiko dómóWe Prcf oUnd /Pr.'laund,/ 9łęboki .ewarding saty9lakcjonUjący 9et offl,let 'Di7 W'siąŚĆ 9o away / góU ó we/ Wyjechać mountain /'maUnlón/ 9Óra ovedand tou. /.Uv.]&nd tUó/dluga podróź temple /'tempel/ śW]ąiyr n businesstrip / bźnes tnd podróżs]!żbowa .ańPsit€ / kćmpsa / keńp ń9 drogą ądową W odleg]e re]ony Pa.kage holiday /'pelłld3 ,hD]ldeI/ Wakacje put up a tent /,pot tcDr/ lózb]ć namiot ^p.d<jni/ poc].ÓŹ retum jouhey /d l3|n rcundłńe_wo.|d trip /,ĘUndó. w3lId fnp/ podróź dookola śWiata si.gl€/doUble/twin tłtn rU:m./ 'rl,z.x/ kuroń rcom /,!!qól,d^bór/ pokój jednoosóbóWy / dwuóSobowy/ z dwoma pojedynczym i skircsoń /'ski: n,z.d onodek ialciaGk skiing holiday / skixł ,hDl.dv Wyjazd na tour guide /'tU. gaid/ prżewodn k tour leadór /'tU. ,li:d./ pilóiWyc]eczek travel agent /'lrćval ,eldsJnt/ biuró podróży, podóźy travel company / ti&vel Ł!n!.ni/ pracownik b ula @ErrnEł,n p.i:Ji€lt/ appre.iate /a docen]ać avoidable /a vJld.by do lniknięc a ba.kpacker /'hek p&t./ turyst. z plecakiem belittle ĄI lltv Umniejśzać book plane ti.ł€tś / buk 'pleIn ,rlklts/ thinkable /|6Ink.b.U Wykonalny travel abroad /,fćval J'b.]]d/ Wyjeźdżźć trav€lle. / t.ćv.I./ pódróżny nieUnikn jóny unavoidable / Uńfamiliar/ ^n3'vtrtd.lrJl,/ nl]i./ obcy, nieżnaiy uninfomed ^nl. /,^nInY.:md/ ń]epoińf offi owany uńPleasant /^n plez3nt/ n epzyjemny unlewalding /dn w]:dlł/ n edający unthinłable /^n'6Iłkeb.|/ ńje do pomyś en withdraw money frcm a cash Point /wlÓ,drJ| 'n^ni f.3m góróWkęzbankom.tu EffioEl J'kćJp.Ini/ 90 rhough sedrity/,o:uOru: y kju.r.til ptej'ć kontro]ę bezp e-eństwa securĘ che.k / ,kjuórśti t.]!ł/ koŃrola traff ic pollution /'1r&ftk p3,lu j,|Jn/ zanieżyszQen e pówietrzn Spowodowane travolon the left/right /,nsval on óa lefl/ ra,l/ jeźc]zić po ewey'plawe] stronie @njrrrl /bleik brcak down head forl'hed ho|d §b up / f' hold dau./ zepsućsę ki€rówać się do ,sambDdi '^p/ ópóźń ać keeP on /ki]p Dn/ końtynuować keeP uP with /,ki]p wIó/ dotżyńywćć ^p Put sb uP /,pol s^mbodj .onn..ted /lr. nektld/ pcłąaony run out oJ /,r^n aul.v/ !Ąy-erpać 5ię, n]ć kwestionować pzekónania dostination / d€§t.'neljen/ cel podóźy detract ion /dllrEkl lr.nv sżkodzić czeńuś dip khpl ma.zać, zanuęać disconnected / drló'nektld/ odlączony execute / ckskju:t/ pżepówadzió zobić familiar /i.'nllia/ żnajomy, znany 90 backpa.king / 9óU 'bek,pćkĘ/ wędrować GPs/,dsi: pi]'cs/sy9teń ńaWgćcji have óńefootfirmly planted at hone /,hćv wnn fui f3]mli plo:nl Id et 'h.Un/ być mocno eiązanym z domem rodżińnyń keep up_to,date with /,kijp apl.de wIó/ imherse you6elfjn a foreign culture ł n3s j.:,self ln . llor.n t^ltj./zanuuyć informed łn'l.jnd/ poiiformowaiy Millennia| /mlleni.y ń enn a]s (o5oba, kóra Urodż]ła s ę m]ędży ]980 Ł a 2m0 r) n Wypłac Ć rezeMowćĆ biIety na 5amolot budget /'b^d3it/ budżetować, p anować fnansowó .halleńg€ beliefs / ijsl.nd3 b.li|fs/ cut yourself off from your family/home /,k^t j.l,self of trah jJ'ićnJli/'h.Unv odciąć się Erminal /'t3]mJn.l/ terńińal m ]y Problem_solve / probl.ń ssl!/ razwiązywać save uP foll,setv npf./ ószeędzćĆ ńa ^.w.ldt!/ solitary /'sDllt.ril samotny suNive /s. vaiv/ pl.eżyć tak€ a gaP year /,iclk .'gsp jial zlob Ć sob e pżedsięb orstwo tUrystyane trekkińg /lrekĘ/ WędróWka youth hostel/ julo hDsty schrón śko ilansPort / p^bl* lrensp.]t/ pasażer budget/three_śtar hotel /,b^d3n/,orij sto: hiD lev tani/trzygwiazdkóWy hote bus jouhey /'b^ś,d33jni/ podróż autób,us€m 5ea5ide re§oń / si:sald Eht /rlalv ot E plearure /,fu pć ndsJ/ Pleas.ńt /'pleż.nl/ przyjemny, adventurc /JdivcnlJ./ pźygoda beach holiday/ bixj bDlJdi/ Waka.je iad <łl€ .ar /'lclhrlro:/ loF]la i.owa ąhne passenger / Eg@6EE -ive Pi.k śbUp / ptk s^ńbDdi ^p/ odbier.ć kogóś puIl over /,pul ,.ov./ żiechać ną bovpobooe setoff(oń ajou ^p/pżeńocow.ć eyj /,sel 'Df (Dn: d!:ni)/ turn into/,i3jn \ni./ żńien ć 5ię W walk away frcm / wjlk J,we,fr.m/ zrezygnowaĆ z, pouuc]Ć Elro@l!r:r!l exPress sympathy/Ik slres slńpaoi-/ WyrażiĆ hometowń /,h.Om'taon/ miasto rodzinne incjdentally /,nsl dentali/ rawiasem móW]ąc reassure youl flieód /,ril.,Jo3ja irend/ !spokoić/pókrzepić prżyjaciela Uni / juhi/ un]wereytei ffi@@ Pillow /'pIleu/ pódU9żka §now boots /lsn.U bultv Śn egowce tj5sue / rt,Ju/ chuste-ka h 9 eni-na travel by bus / tra!.lbal'b^s/ podróżować travel inśUrance / t.sv.l in .|u.r.rs/ ubezp e-enie podróżne Tłumaczenie; Wybór Któle ż Podanych cza5owników poprawnie uzupełniają żdania? DWa cżasowniki nie pa§ują do żadnego ż nich, 5 ooard colclr Uoss cycle di(el qet n;(ś 1 We need to e.Ve right away ol We'le go 2 We had oUl tl.iń] tó ng to wielokrotny .', Pl?etłUmacz flagmenty Podane W ndwias.ch, tdk.bv Poplawnie użuPelnic żddnia, W swoim tłumaczeniu Jżyj w nieżmienionej f ormie WyrazJ angielsl:e9o Podańego Wielkimi litelami, ) Fragme]ty pódane pó po sk! cż-^51o dob,ane śąiak, że ]ch angie śko.jpo!]edn k ]ie ]esr dosłownym bl dge \łas damaged 3 The J]rstthi.g to do afteryo! take yourseat on l ihe bts]Ust o!t3de iry ho!se, We si!.k are; le;dy ale n 9 f.sciń.ting storie§ a§ he showed !s alo!nd oxford, roomś ava ab e, śó they 5 f/l] ch l'm sUIe that snake si't dangerous. There aren't .ńy polsonols snakes in this alea cAN'T clangelous, There arcn't any śó..!s sń:teś n ir s are: ]'m .e.a 2 l do. t [.cv! hóW tl]ey got to Lo.dor, tl,at tl.ey t.a!e ed by m n MAY 3 n ih.t.. n. run MUST Th.t .. mł Let! pr it oli our t, MlGHT 9 . ]-9l].. , '1 tS oot h.Vl ook how {.st pos9ib. i;n l .a. t.ź. rln r.r.ry lt!pośśl]_"ihal,,e']ieed J..t !..] i Clrii. ., a (take) at e.5tiwo 9! deboóls on blt th.sc d;yS L on y .ee.] tr]y llr.:iPhóie (iot ](c)travci;i! bytr-.;s 3.] d \ł.S.ł- d cl th. io 5c th.y m..],- y.!.ger bll ii! (be) lea ly s oW When n]P óved; i!o!/.),. e)tó before yor boL 9llt 44 vllr r::r? V,óri. Ot s..e lhe. ól lake 1he TH|NK A Holidav to Help 0thers Last summer, my friend Kala and l had a un]qL]e oppońunity lnstead of gojno on a package hol day as norma ly do We decided to Vol!nteel n PUeńo R co. We' oul friends and parents sa d ]t could be dangeroL]s as We had 1! the continent and W€ knew lttle about the place HoWeVel We Wele determined to go. We Wentto a tlave Who arranges ho days for volunteers and she olgall sed evet],łhing, ' 3 We ended up in a mountain V lale in Pueto R co Wh ch had be€n seriously damaged n a tefiib e stolm We stayed in a sma to the Vl la§e evely hotel in the Val ey, so We had to cycle morning. The rjde Was hald and the Work Wa§ even harder, bL]t 4 5 ngs a W€ek We a itt into the nearest tolw Whele We could have a del]ciols mealol go danc ng Wth other Volunt€ers, l have to say that Plreńo R can lood m ght be the best l have evel taśed| We Weren't ready to leave after i,vo Weeks, horne Was a sad one,Aftelth s expelience, IWil nevel go on a L]sua l]olday again, oL]l6 Fo ;d.y, Ni.5 "ó"l (Na IWóim nie]s.! żósź.lbynr] ii Frańce fól a few mońths, Yóu Wó.'t eali much i a Week WERE A couple of €Ven ch]d MUsT U2upełnij żdania właś.i\łymiformami cżasoWników Podanych w nawiasach oraż used to lub would. W niektórych żdaniach możliwe §ą dwie odpowiedżi, 2 pżyśzłóńitó dó (Wysadzić mn'e) at the a rpóń, Don'i Wa t around for my f]ght tó e.ve, oFF Was very satisfyin!, Lets pr rt oui olr łiNcr.ry '"Ve m 9!r. blt |1,1j-. PoPrawnie 9o uzuPełniaję? Wykorży§taj podane wylaży i prżekształć zdania tak, aby zachować ich sens, Możesż wstawić maksymalnie Pięć wyrazóW W każdej luce. Po ń? Plzecżytajtekst. Które z Podanych odPowiedzi (A,c) of buying two s]ń9 e lickets. 1 9r-rdParc.c Vlortcd a5ir.Vc .9.it5,5.l] 5 (dost.V/;|r; r eltr. d 5co! ]i ioi 3 X: Why doi'tyo! 90 bytla Y Youle ighi 9,ó ) l -.óó,--ó tóLd !śśome plt m. n - room Nr'itn two . 9e bed9 3 r [.l.xi.. Llc 5i.ycd in . s..5 d. r hid:hr.e p.o 5,.. !b and 5.!... rert.!r;its 4 lt! cheapel to pay fol a r iis the]r ho ]d.y. GET Jakie wyrazy PoP.awnie uzuPełniaję zdania? Pielw§ze litery brakujących wyrazóW zo§tały podane. 1olrt t Vla9 hard {or mc to t|e others on tl-. .y. i|! to!. UP 2A trall. be.a!se i'a]i '-. WsKAZóWKA thelverbyboaibecausethe Wh.. :j ,ea y.o.Ve. ent t. - r c h.d c'! 1 2 3 4 5 B lPhi Bl J,r9 ż retlffiffi 7 : Usłyszysz dwuklotńie sześćwyPowiedzi, Która ż Podanych odpowiedżi (A_c)jest żgodna , treścią 1 Wi.t A The tr.i5!oń do yo! !se most o1tei? lime c]o yc! need to p.ck be{ole yo! 9o on ho d.y? 3T me .bo!t yo!l.]re.m ho d.y !oFa. te j.9 the m.ń abó!t? aci cl plo . tr:.spórt . a snra ! .9e 2H c A Byst.. 3 \rvi.t odpoWiedzcie na nie. ihe |]e. ! s t to G.eat D t ey, Wńe.e her fl eid les The probems sl,e! had ćJr.! her]o!r.ey Hów d d the nr.n !.l tr]!e oi h śho day? B 2 s 10 UżuPełnij P}łania, NastęPnie. Pracując w Para.h, BBy.are is tlre l!.n.. s pro. em? op kajakoWy, Następnie, Placując W palach, odPoWiedż.ie cBy.ar 1 Where does WERE A-c) tlre trip stań? 2 HoB c.n yo! get 3 |oW oi9 i5 it? there? 4 Wh.t is the Weath_.l9oińg to be lke? 5 Whal do yo! ieed tot.ke Wth yo!? Ó Whele are yoJ 90 n9 to 7 Wi the tl p be safe? b § eep? 12 zaPożnaj się ż *artó ucżńia A żamieśzczońa Poriżej, zrób notatkido każdego Punktu, Wykorzystaj Pomysły A h.li'i bó!ohtt.e t.:iets ye' B hól take. a ót.{ _A.]!iPnr--rt c h:s śPeńt tcó ńt.h inre ! deó:ń._] ó Wl]:!!o! di t lhe ńj. dó . the p!sl? A F ńc a good hóte !]:h profe9s óia staff B Get the op. on cf other trave ers, c Ask sonreon€ abo!t cieasio. histrp oFF o{ 11 Wyobraź sobie, że wkrótce Wyjeżdżasżna sPłyW A she h.s been in . ..r.c. dent B shc 5s ].k i.tri11.]dnr c Sh. h.! m sscd r.rfl!]hi 4 Wh .. sentenc. 5 t !. abo!: Bdi,okok? A t5 morc !oP!.rtr.n..yotFcr.ty . th. (ord ts t h.d']ó ir .i ! sitoE nol. tF.n Lordo. c t śnót J5 Pop! .r !s otl,.]r Asi.. .jii eś IHlNK m UCZEŃ A Co roku ur cż.]s]e Vr'ak3cj lrieżesz Udż ał W spłyd _" ka]akowyrn le V]a:Ura.lr, Bożirawrasz ż t czneD B z \łie]kej Brytan .hcesż żaprosĆ go do L]dziatr ! tegolocżnyfi] splywe, HożfnOWę rożpocżynasż 1y ]ity 'ly a- do, 3 had to ) lad a small )r but it town )thel e best Iks, and / L.: ! | i:j l,, !,r łt.l1.i Plzeczytaj zadanie, Do Poszczególny<h jego części (1-4) dobierż pó§uję.e żdania (.-e), Jedńo zda.ie podano dodatkowo i ńie pa§uje do źadńej częścizad.ńia. a l l $ele yo!, d 1.d oll i tl]_"le al_. ..y ()lg;ni5ed tr P5 b ]idan]!sibea glealPacelóVsl . lheś!ńńel . Coigratu atcns on geit n9 .ró !n lels ly d Last s!n]me.. .ó.! n.ed my p.leńis io et fie 9. io a c.ń.er| . Pjr 9 a óne e lcai see Vr'hy yólr paleńi9 d.ń t lva]t y.! tó 9ó łr thinq, t :A|| Lid a on yot r . . . 13 Pracując W Parach, wykonajcie żadanie, zadanie u.żnia A: Użyj kariy z ćwiczenia 12. Zadanie ucznia BI użyj UCZEŃ B ii. ( którlf ' i]o!r;n] ! ., j9J d.n.r ł s:p ra n]d i qr.ż sz iiL:],.], i. b|d,._._ ! | t.- p..oL].lo, 2 iii] jż.5z .ży !.d]!! . .]b. ct]J!!. rcdż .ói 5q loku V",czasE Wakao belze Udz]al]ł splvłe W iym lokL] Zaplos l do L].lZ alLr róWnrez cleb]e. Zaleznośood te!o, ]ak potoczy slę roz]nov,/a Wykorzysta] UcZeń A.o kąakowlm \^,/ ::] <r eZ..i< e Prżygotollan e flż_Vcż.e Poniższej kańy. o!. . : ko:Ża.i! ż /ustr; .. ńl.nn.!!j,; . e, Ż_. d.!].ł. ::.n i/m. ż.ne stld; P,żćd.ózp..:ę. e-.!!t p.,! :l.|.s]mó.]2. ri. .śę.:ną|łp.:Wę P. egró|]i.].fń ,ó.]ż.e Nap:ż .. 1.], .; .o i e .h.i 3 ę żgodżĆ ].] Do].żd ila ll] eisce sp!W! Dot]alkowe atrakcie Wszystk e Lub Wybrane zd3n a Fożmolvę rolpoczyna UcZeń A Whjch pan af Paland |'i! t be h? HóW can 1gel there frófi1 . e . /,/łirl irJiefesn|g p/a._!s arc We goinq ló viśii? . a) yaLlhave la befilIo lake pał? . &n lE nevel slept jn alent!Wl),óu he]p ne pul r up? d r] 9ot ..]!.:.Al ]..9.] l.rz\lJ'iz.r] lF ]]]żr.łi ;!.órĘ ,,r].Vr'i_.lrl ń kJź.l._r 2 .:t.-!l_..! PLr.ł]|.{l.]|, 8 9 Wykonajżadanie w rańce z ćwiczenia 8. 45 - ! VOCABULARY 9elables. descrlDll łhar l like and don't like. SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW Whi.h wold iśthe odd one out in each group? Add olher items each list in your notebook. lo 1 Yo! can bol .,, Potatoesi eggs, cheesel Pasta. 2 Yo! can chop ,,, on ons, catrots, {rU t, sa t. 3 Yo! can {ry ,,, an ome ette, so!p, salmon, bacon. 4 Yo! can m x , , sauce, lngredlenls, spices, meat, 5 YoU can s ice , . honey, bread, ham, cake. sPłi/łI(ll\fi Discuss the question§, 1 Who isthe best cook in yolr{amiy? 2 Wh.t dishes can you cook? 3 Read the blog post and discu§s which celebr;ty diet you ,ihink i5: . themosiappeaii9 . the easiestto do . the east appea ing - WoRDs I Fruit and vegetables ma9ine you are doin9 the co o!r diet, Name the co(óct colour headinq to each list of foods , check meanin9s in your dictionary if necessary. Then listen, Eat, drink and be 1 5 ::: 2 3 9ar ic fi95 b your notebook, mark the items in Exelcise 4 as follows: 'l like this', l = 'l don't like thk' and ? = 'l've never tried this', comPare With your Pańnei What other items can you add to each list? 1n / = Focus oN WoRDs O (EEffi Describing food ln your notebook, mat.h the adjectives in red in the b1o9 in the li§t beloW. Then listen, check and pon to theil antonyms 1 2 3 , r.tte r or s.! 5 6 1 REMEMBER THIS Wheń they.le not frcSh, brcad, biscu]ts aid cakes are §tale bltVegetabes ańd meai are rotten and m lk ]s §our, ł ! , 7 lń youl ńotebook, comPlete the sentences with FocUs oN WoRDs ico]]ocations 8 i,Ęr-j,] lń youl notebook, complete an approPliate adjective. Which sentences ale 1 Thai.ńd ncj]ai cufies ] kńo!! ]t! borinc lv]y fu eńd ikes Paft]cu 4 5 ó 7 ńe are ioo sp cy fól blt l prefer .ń),tring ] 1 cruichy/sia e/ 2 Who]emealr's iced/ 3 b ack/g.ound/ 4 blovln/oi9 gra n/ she a y oves ice crcam and chocolate, The taste ofdark choco ate orstrong coffee is for nre lf we have any old, too ó hońe ńade/iinred/ 7 s!9allchoco]ate/ 8 sPark]ińg/sti l/ l'Ve nevertried sl]sh. l don't l]kethe idea of eating f]sh, jr'i:.\la:i:!) You ale goińg to Write a menu for eithel the most deliciou5 orthe most disgustin9 mealyou can imagine. can't eat salad if the dless]ng has a lot of Vlnega. lts too {or me, donl ike bananasthat ale Łoo preferthem to be white and firm. 8 ony ike . Thińk .boui some de lc ous or disgust ng {ood, . use wolds floni the esson and yoll own ideas . W le a meńu Wilh d łartel, a main cou6e and a desseń, . Who h.s the best or WoEt men! in the c ass? meatso cutoffthe fat and eave it on the side of my Plate. ,l0 a the li§t o{ common adjective,noun ćollocations with ihe underlined exóńples jn the blo9 Post. Then li§ten, check and rePeat. w".k in 9.oups. Do §ome lesealch online into the history of eatin9 habits in Poland §ince the 1950s. Then PrePare a digital Presentation and ple§ent it to your class. ll§ĘĘ M 5 TRANGE CELEBR|TY DlETS Wh€n l n€ad aboUt th€ W€ild and Wacky di€t5 of famou5 c€l€briti€§, l think th.t b€inq in th€ pUb ic €y€ can mak€ p€opl€ a bit cnazy, And it'§ nothing n€W - mof€ than two c€ntuli€s ago, th€ lomant c po€t Lord Bynon , Want€ d io b€ tsnd thin, 50 h€ onlyat€ §tal§, dly biscult§, §oda P.l€ . ]];,. y_(| sorc.L,. \oWondrl wdtclandpotalor(.oV.l.dinVnLgdl it_+ H€n€'s my li§t of todaY'5 toP fiv€ strang€st c€l€brity di€t§. #5!i.. ,,,]:r BćVoncć r ,, ] lL]l. ,! !,.!...śt..t ś'].!.rt..:ilri],l T. . i],,.,i.. , ]! ,]r . ].! l tt] ŃP. :l,r!P.nl ni.. . t i: .:,, 10 i łnir ti.:,.i .l]!]]i, ij,..:t]nt,!.]r. 5!r..i...]:t..rk. #4 Gwyn€th PEltrow, ]Enn f€l Aniston and R€€s€ W th€rspoon . .l]ll | ]L t]]L]. t!.!. r: .,J... ,! |.i.l] ]!r i]!,t.i ]j-5 o hnr,,,i..n..], .]a.n. .! l:n r] L ].. .r fir n:.i.r ]i ]] . il ,].... ]: i.] +3 An€l]can sinq€l.J€nnifer HUdson th ni. tn1 i li!l I L]._" : m!le i_. r!t..i , L]! ],.!L:.-. nl.! i: . ]!j _,. .-.,r9-].i9 L.!i:L..jlL.t, i.]!...t. L]r .]i] Ll ! l !n |,,: .,.. :!l.t:t]E a]... |'_.-]l.:i5...i:.:..t..L].]. ]L,!: .]!!r!.n ,],] !ll.:,. +a Katy P€rry..i].: 20 ii]f if, ,|l. ] r;n.]. ,1tt itĘ i|. t] l,.,. L]] ],.Lr. ]l.]:,"i!. ..,5 .i : I n. +l-MYFAVoURiT€|chlstinaAquil€.a.j.!-ii.;..l l-,i ]l, .],: ..] :r f..l.'..':: . ]' i.] ]L,!,,.,,.]n,, i] . l,E.l l.1 !]: . lt ]. !. rnit l ir . it] :.:rt . ; a..l,ii:L] i! .in "_. jl.i.. !,rt..: ].. t. i qi, .,,l.. i]l r.i .)| :,\:r.]l":i.j.,.]i-.iL. !i:..:].,|i5T ..i l. !,Ę.r.l; l. |) ]., i!.L]]:l! l. i.:F :E.... r.ś , !Ę i..]..ij.,. ] ll 25-! !.i..lri..,"lj lil ,9,,i,i!r ół 47 } 4 Read lhe GRAMMAR Focus. Which examples in Exercise 3 match the rules below? l } '] Yo! !9. tF. Plesent 5imple:o ta k abo.rt i 1xed o. . t n]et.b e,. 5cre.]L. _..l a programme ] - Y._ !5. t!c Present continuous lo t. k .bolt . 1!t!rc .r.r!.-.nt Yo! .{t_.. ń.rt o. a t]me . da:e or . p di:Ę ' Read about the best re§talrant experiences in London. Which ońe WoUld yo! most like to visit and Why? lse be 9oin9 to lo ta Yo.] hjle a.ead!,ce.ded yóJ BEST RESTAURANT EXPEnIENCES .,a lN toNDoN a5c!t.l!t!r. in. n.i k to dc sonrel|.! r fJlLre precction błsed oi !,h.t yo! cań see.r,r'hat yo! !.. Yo! Wi]]/won't to ił . .bo!t . yó! .e:.I tó . rc!nrstafce9 circus restaulant f!t!rc.!ert 5i-,o.i:.eo,], dec s ci lrhei 5 ółsed oi Votr.Pi| oi ' #4 {or cfli,ś ...i s!!9en o.s, r Y.! .]se shall lNoT Note:When yo! t. k jcc!t tFe fft!'e V.! lse ihe preseitletse aiter t.e .on]!..t oi5 { t rel JśśDo. as, l.]ess belore ai.] .l a I!1L]re.red.t.n As you dine, peńormers entertain you, lnamo You place your order Via a 3D rnenu and you choose a v]rtua]tablecloth, yoll can even order a taxi home flom your tab e, pitch black 5 you eat n the dark and the waiters ale bl]nd. They don't tell you What you}e eating. oblix in The shard You get the best VieW in London from the 32nd ln yo!r noteboóks, complete the messages With aPPropliate fut!re folńś óf the velbs in brackets. ń know l'Ve already dec]ded' oh ight, ł l 3 Biglrt, l ó 1 risten ło Charlie and renaurant is charlie 9oin9 to, <orrect in each sentence? 3 something? ga / l'm góinq theleWjrh my mlnr.ńd dad l'm eating / l'm gaingto eatas much as póss b e because my parents are pay]ń9. be able to gó ió a restaurant Without hav n9 an experience] t opens/ Wi/]open.t ó 30. 4 soon yo! cantl Wont 5 ó ,",",,d"1 lgh,ói7 łowded. 48 - gojao,ob, l'l] ńessage / /'m messaging you as soon as //eźVe / l']/leavethe theatre, up yo! n the cafe next to the (cose) ai ]1 o'c ock {go) and Waii for tlr nk t 6 (be)lhere in 20 7 nr |/]y o.. 9hoP '!e d..:d..]thijt ] ó l0 tomorc\ł (stop] e.t nq mc.t (get) home from schoo, 'm rea ly hungry so when L (have) a snack, nry birthday on Sat!rday and fr]ends{ol a pizza, ó l don'ifee 7 Very WelL, lthink (meet L]p) With my (disappe.l)as ńore PeoP e shop l SPEAKING Talk about the things below. 1 YoUrplansorintentionsforihls evening, 2 An arangement you've madeforthe 3 ffi 6 n nltes, i.pe.) ai 5 lthink suPelma*ets ri"t"n again- Whi.h future folm is l organ se (go) next ThUrsday. 4 ltl Lianne 9oin9 to? 2 l'll Jenny ihey' tićkets tomorioW' ln your notebook, complete the sentences With aPproPriate future folms of the velbs in blackets, Then rewrite them to make them tlue fol you, 2 3 2 (!lf!t (l/get) (cal) Max, An}Ąłay, lei's do sonrething now. (l/coire) and meet you? tlreatre, Hurry shall a Bri] ani You must see t and t's se ing olt iast, YoU can go Witlr Max and WiIl / o fi l 1 Are you dó ng anything spec]a? F H], !'m out oi the tlreatre foor ofThe shard, 3 tllB§ :-. Weekend, deas ór p|ans you have for your next ho iday, tĘf,§ risten to the rocus VIog. Where're the speakers going ,to eat thiśevening? Write the an§wer§ in your notebook. o .I t!f,f,fil Answer the questions, 1s it §Peake.1, 2 , 3 or 4? Write it in your notebook. Listen again and che<k. 1 Who cou dń't give Up ńeat? \,4atching ' 1ń9 : 2 3 4 5 ó Look at the photo§ iń the eaflet and decide Whether they show hea]thy ol unheahhy diets. Take rhe Healtńy Diet Test, ln your notebook, tick the points that are true for you, Then comPare your answers With a Pańner Who Who Who Who ńever has hot food? s!PPońs animal rightś? eais eggs nstead offish? s!Nlves on liqht mea s and snacks? who doesn't eat h is/her favou rite food on Iir'|/ł;(ll','fi ln pair§, di§cuss the questions in Exercise 5 about your famjly and FocUs oN WoRDs I collocations 7 l!9Elil ln your norebook, complete the li§t§ of pos§ible collo€ations eoi toc much soi o ledon'i g crsps ond fosi food) with diet, łood, ńeal ańd sna.k. rhen listen, check in eoi too rnUch a (edon't g cnd in Sw-^eis o cm nci cl]ftic|]]i or ,nost ihings, SL]gor fiżży drinks) f|]ssy o D eot fish ot eos1 once o Week . 1. " ldon't eot red meot more lhon three times o week fee We - hove p enty of " we Bca i yo! sentcn.e9 Vr'ith l . , or M),,, .|.] in. !.]. th. co oc.tions ń EXer.is. swaP yo!r 5eitei.eS vl]th i Pdńner Vr'h ch 5.it.ic. ]5 se 7 f.5. PRoNUNclATloN FocUs lllf,[t ri*"n .na ..p.at the words. Nofice that the green vowel§ have the §ame §ound in each group. my sk n ond my ho r ook heollhy, 1 coffee orange ća!]iłower Listen to a nutritionist 9iving advice. Which statement in the Healihy Diet rest does she !q! mention at a1l? 4 banana avocado 5 cabbage spinach 10 \Jt ąEM Listen to foul people talkin9 aboL]t thejr diets. Which statements A-E match speakers 1-4? Thele iśone extra sPeakel2 sPeakel3 lvrte three trle senten.es and one ia oie to des.ribeyour.tttlde to food, . G!e55 -ónelgy, ook co!6e ln your notebook, Write three true sentences and one false to describe youl attitude to food, [..,l r!Ęm n9 cold/hea thy/ ight7quick hea thy/h eavy/ho/th ree know your Pańner's attitude to food. d o 3 4 You are going to find out how Well you fre§h fooc], o fast/fatten ing/hea thy/organlc ke o bo|onced d et eoi o ohove Vorely of fferent kinds of l 1 2 balanced/fattenin9/healthy/Vegetarian The speakeis diet. , A doesn't cause !n.e.essary po liion, B often len]ts in hlm/her eat i9 a one c Usec]to iicl!de lotśofsweet th ngs. D is based on Mecliercnean prod!.e, E has made h m/her nto a beiter.ook tĘf,lt ln your notebook, add the word§ in the box to the correct 9rouP in Exerci§e 9. Then listen, check and rePeat. feci{lew sardines lettuce tomato potatol 49 FocUs oN WoRD5 ] Collocations ó ffiffi Matchin9 ln v"u. not.book, complete the li§i of common adjectiVe-noun collocations with the exańpl in blue in the ańicle. Then listen, check and lepeat. l can idennfy the key informarjon in ań ąxtended ańicle. 'l źPE/\\1,[\j|,! Read UK ToDAY and discuss the 1 Wh 2 ] ]i.!łr ł /ho!9.h. d, ż l .an. a L.ury,' "!o ] t.Jr 3i'ma.!ia.i!. r9, ch fa.ts doyou f nd mostshockjng? Do yo! thinkthe s]tuation is simiar ol differeńt iń 1, safety/ yo!r nten].t ol . L ,, lń yoUr ńotebook, comPlete the questio with ań appropriate noun. Then discussthem with ToDAY 1 HaveyóU everthoughiaboutWorking lnthe Vohntary . . . . conresłoń househo]ds. of househo d fóod Waste co!ld have 71% o{food Waste More than 50% Average UK househo d loses f470 peryeardue to avoidabLe food Waste, 32% ofchidren regu 2 Wólld yó! ? eat anyth ng that Was past its se]l by 3 an],,thing at home Do yo! do 2 4 Would yo! like a job in the catering 5 co!ld you do anything at schoolto reduce energy arly skip breakfast before schoo, ? ,? ó Are you Wofied that food 2 to recyc e househo d 2 Waste has reached record 2 Read the tiile of ihe ańicle, look at the and discuss Whatyou think itt about, Then read Photo the ańi.le and check youl ideas. tĘf,§ rhe article talks about reducing leftover§. Linen to three people talking abour their favourite leftovers .ecipes. Answer the questions: 1 What (9 Redd the d!iicle dgdin, Whi(h headin99 A-F match Paragraphs 1-4 correctly? There are two m ssion ]s to end E Fóód sefued F A in The Real hea thy Alstra ian diet ln y"u. n"t.b""k, complete the in§t.ucti for the first r€ciPe in Exercise 8 wirh the word§ in box. Then put the instluction5 in the corect oldel, Listen again and check. hó]l .hób mir óóUr óUr food Wasle by feedin9 b ifesty e is the best c d e Ai(I^]Ll DiscL]§§ lhe quenions. 1'PfHoW 2 d d Adam Sm th get the dea to set Up The Rea .]uńk Fóod Plojeci? What is ihe poinl ofse lng meals oi a pay as-youjeel 3 What kind ofWoIk can vo]!nteers do forThe RealJ!nk 4 HoW can clstomers be sure that it! safe to eat at The RealJ!nk Food cafós? 5 What does the FUe {or School :jlĘlłfiii\ló Discuss whether you would consider eatin9 or Working in one o{The RealJunk Food ca{ćs, Give rea§ons for your answer. 50 f 10 the 5 ices of bread .ńd W]th some dried fru t. Lp 5ońe l p, b"n".d bltter dl d P ń a diśh n 5, I the §tale bread óńd put blttel on i, ihlee eggs and three lalge spoons o{ ś!galWith the Warm mi]k, the mixiule overthe bread and fru]t a.d cook in the oven for foń,y five minutes, śFi-:./r,l{ll\1{; Discu§§ the que§tions. 1 What happens to eftovers in your home? 2 What co!ld youlfamjy, yo!lschoo oryo!r co!ntry do to cut down on {ood waste? ]n]tiative teach chj dreń śl].e Bread and butter pudding a Heat some ń]lk ]ń a sńa lpan. Don'tbq! t, Junk Food cafes is checked and the ma n lngredient in al thlee? any ofthese d shes? like best? tĘĘ A Everyoie is We come in The Rea J!ńk Food ca{ćs, B Food past its s.3l -by date is coń§Uńed by an]ma s. c Wheń peop e !ńdelśtóńd fóód, they ale ess ikely D o.e man§ s 2 HaVe yo! evel made 3 Wh ch recipe do you I |t, 7 Y llunk Food h ęł! .§ń _ Y, li i,, ]:]m sn.]Tl 5 The founder of . He is pos5 onola obo!T co ecl]ng foci ]- hars iraan di5cordca] by 5!permarrkel], cnd , jform ng lh wcsled food nio .eollhy n!lr l oUs 5 a.; . Wo ked 05 a .eoc chef for tei l/eors olld ,lrht of lhe dec lor The Rec .]Unk Fooc] :roieci : j he wcj i.crve i|! n AU5lro o .] ld w inessed -jcareof |.;]l]: |:,!i: nTi]c trn,],jl, 1, 1j]; ji]]t].rond , : ,, ,, :ó o ],l f one lhilal of food ploouced n The Wor d for ..an cons!mpl on eVery Veor gel5 osl or [,csled . ,80 o, -o -: L-,o j1 peopie on E.]ńh] do not have _-no!gh : ]:] lo eo.j o heo thy. o.t !e l]ie, srn lh founded - ieo ]Jnk Fooc] Projecl lo f lhe gop belween 9e ond excejs food. ond to lo 5e owcrenes5 ].rt hor'/ rnUcl] food goe5 to to5ie, :.n n]n,ą Over 8OO rntl[on people ln the world lthat's one in every nl_ne people on Earth) do not have enough food ...' '3 : -l 5loliad plo]ecl cnć opcaed ihc ll5l Rec hi! hoir._-loWr Leed! ]i 20]3.5]ice ,hc ccncccT 1-o5 bccn erporicd cj f.i .]\!.]V =,, .5 Ange e! on.] Brcż] , Wo15o\,! ond lL]r ch. T'le -r ]! 5lrnp e: ro U.t,-er! go oirt ond co e.t iood :-- !ollcLr5 !o!rce!: :ornl5. reltoUron,!, io.tolle! orC .3rrnarke,5. [1eo 5 ore prooU.ec] onc ;c d ii ccfe5 _] por 05 you fee' IPAYF] bc:5sotho,n.Dody5 . .rded The .ofe5 dre for the .or.mUnit, in genero : .i y for ihe Dc.r, Those ,,ho can offord t p.y .t 1le], th]rk the .nec ! ir'orh, ir'hie th05e Viho : ] t offord to buy i-ea j fron tl]e cofe ccil eci,j : Trea 5 oy !o Lrnleel r]g fcl inslclnce, ll]eI ca]n :. i/ilh ll]e \rosni,]g Up, Tl]e -. Food.cIć ]i , 3 ll]ere i5 5cme conlrcvelsy orcU.d ihe foci ihci 50me of lhe fooc sel\,,ec n Tle Reo ]Lrl{ Food c.rić5 i5 po5i lj , ] l, , ,li]'., 5rn ih c|p o]ra TtoT cnef5 n5pe.T lh,- food cnd !5e ihc l jtrdgenenT lo cec de Whel:lel i i5 5ofe jo ćO]. Thc fcod ]j cookcd h occordonc,- wilh cffc c ,,'. i 1]],,l,, alnd cofe5 cre nspe.Tg.j ) 1. ::] L l legUcry by ihe ,ą rV ronm_-rlo heoTh depCllnaent. They Ve fed over ]0,a00 peop e olrd nobodv : been let Aryth n9 ihoi i5n t it for l:| i.] i]]J ].,]llill lLgoe5 lc feed cf]rno 5 or cr.oll-po5l oll Vegetob e gol.]enj 4 cholge nee.ls To h.rppen mmec oT,- V ond on O ]i]-] ],li;!l Toomonypeope c]le co,np _-Te y rne.jucoled cboU. focd ond this,ro5 ihe ncenlive ior i,-ll;ng Up ci edU.ot]onc b oich of The Reo ]Unk Foc.] Pro]ectco ed FL,e fors.hoo, T]]e n tlc]t Ve ho! t\"/o C nl5 to ge bleokfolt to elery hLrrgrf 5.1roo cIid in ihe coL,r.ll! .rnd 5ecoid y lo ]eoch ch]c]lel] the vc Ue ol food 5() l|cl ]hey con l'.rlu.e ihe c]lnounl oI eilov,Ars ]| 1he r own |ome5 T|e ].]e.r ]5 iho] ]I c|idlen t'lo[ ,łi.]l ihey re eoljn3, ńl]ele i1 5 colie ilom cnd ho,, ]T , plepcred They deve op crn engcgerneal ,ł il focd cnd fe ,ti 5 for srnilh be --Ve5lloi discar.] |r, r.J.' Jss ł ].r] i]!Jl: ńce.tVe żi.h.t3 5,] Look ót tomorlow's schedule at cook camp, Which Future continuous and Future peńect 1 Al ó a,m. they'! By 9 a,m trey'L 2 begetnng!p/hdvcaót!p behaVinq./]rare]r.diher ln the morn ng they Woń't be working / 1 Look at the photo and read the adveń, Then !Ą/óu .] By ] ] p,m they' l be ready for bed, They Wi be having / have hada busy day| yo! ie ió !o to Cóol c-mir? Wh]r?/\Ą/lry iot? t]]ig5 ]sicd i t'ie .d!_,rt.a. yo! n]aie? 2 Hó!, miiy 3 Wh].h d 9hcś !ro! c _Vot] le to c.n] hc{ io n].kś? cookcamp ln a few years, you Will have graduated from school and will be liVin8 in a student house With other people your ag€, a.nr, gcl up. hle|lklan 9 a,ITr, lield N,olk: pl.illtillg, gxllte]llng p.m. lUnfh , lull,|n cle ning: 1i]k b} x gLrcsl important life skill but many young people Will be leaving schooland home without them. b ,]olN oUF WEĘKENo cooK cAMp Nt]W Bythe end oftheWeekend, you'llhave learnthowto make: apasta sauce vegetable soup pizza cakes and biscuits three chicken dishes anapp]epie and much, much more! l 1 :l,|, W|LL YoU KNoW HoW To FEED YoUF5ELF? At cook camp We believe that basic cooking skills are an 2 doy 6 12 p have worked in the kitchen, By 3 P m, they' l be frn'siling / nźVe f'nished lunch 5 n ihe a{ternoon rhey'l be cóóking / have caoked discus§ the que5tions, ] - 6 p,m. dillnel !] p.n, lillll ol !|lnles 1] p,nl, beLl - . lll:, \pcller ,, ,] G E ]_* ln youl notebook, write yoUl §chedu]e for tomorrow. use the Future cońtinuous, GMMMAR Focus and {ind ebmPle§ of the Future continuous and the Fuiure peńect in the adveń in Ask each other about your §ćhedules Read the {o. tomoirow. HoW simi1.1 or differeńt ale they? abolt thiń9s you Wiil by the end of today, Use or Wor't have dońe ln your ńótebook, write You lse the Future continuous to ta k abolt onger uńf]nlshed .ct]ons n plogress at. t]me n the fliure Future continuou5: will+ be + ,lń9 she Ye5 ł]_.! ii].--l /N.] ) ll].l YoU Use the FUtUre Perfect to talk aboL]t an a.t]oń be ó p,--ob.-o,-" _1";, ",LL,rLJ,, Futule Peńect: Y.! wi]/ + have + P.st pańiciple Tń tr,",. ,* ,ł"ł.ll lfwł }e§ ey tull No ihevv t} 52 rhaiwil a the e.d .1too.v 1 c.t"p e.3S oif1 L B_! 4 le.e |./letl ńess.9,s 5 5ce.it./Peoi]. 7 7 sperdłnoiey 8 do/ r(lne'o'< ln your notebook, write the question§ with you, Use the promPts in Exelcis€ 1 Ó. l1aw many pieces of fruit will you have eateh by the eńd ól the day? jjlj'[/llll,]i:' With a Pańner, ask and an.Wer the questions in Exelcise 7. ouestion tags l can use a range of question tags. ffi lńagine you and your friend§ want to '|J|::[,l!,|,i,1l:] order a Pizza delivery. Discuss the qUenion§. 1 HoW do yó! ód_.r? 2 Whó dó yo! orde.f.om? 3 Whattype of P]zzas do yo! older? il lĘf,ll ri.t.n t" . ."nuersation between three l.iendsił Pizza Delivery Pań 1. How do they answer the quesiion§ in Exercise 1? Work with a Pańnei . Add an aPPloPrate lag to staiements llEfll ln you. notebook, complete the example sent€nce§ in LANGUAGE Focus l with the corect . auxiliary Verb. Then listen again and check. . cuestion ta9s , /.! use qlest oń tags tó ch.ń9e afflmative ol negat j:aiements into q!est ons, . '.! form queston ta9s Wth an auxi]iarylmodalvelb Po§itive statemeńt + negative tag You've got tlre Food De]iyefy App,' we can use RegalPizza;,' Negative §tateffeńt l'ń Ąot the a|ly + Unus!.],5 : Yo! djdn't 9o outfor a mea ast l? Jess: we? it? Listeń, : ? Y.L .-.lV] -r.] l,']5 Wrt..r.s!, t!'_- l] j't (1)i i.|ill..(] Ar.] :h 5 is]'t ]t]2 aor. ln 1 3..y.i.y, Str.L-t ? l'ń so hungry. We co!ld.]ust iake the No, thatśj!st Wrong, We can Wait a blt Ma99ie: -tonation and meanin9 in question ta9s -9s Whi.h have r sjn9 nto.atioi T me.n 'P €ase .iswer .y quest on don't knoW ]{ my statement is 1r!e'. , -95 Which h.Ve fa n9 intonat on 1 mean 'P ease a9,ee ,,th Ty statement lthin< nrystatement strue', ,l.J .r..r.].]'ood rł! .]t.]rltl] r]! ? usr or erucusl which qUestion tag, A, B or c Piża Delivery Palt 3 olly: we? s across the road, YoU Won't get lost again Delivery 1: ' ltry not to, ThanksL DeliVery 2: Helio, Thls is 120 All: 1 2 3 4 5 ó cori street, ó Have yo! got oUl P]żżas? Olly: . i] 1 ? Delivery 1: Mrand MBWhitecross Wouldnl be too Read LANGUAGE Focus ll, ln your notebook, complete the exchanges lrcń Pizza DeliveryPai 2Does the intonation rise or fall? Listen again and check, T ? ? complete§ the que§tion§ 1.oń Listen to Pżza Delivery Pań 2. What iśthe ' : r saturday, Your mum can cook rea ly We |, You'd like to have a Snack r 9ht now (p you? we? 5, Yo! don'i have any specia dietary needs, Thereś a restaurant near your house, :|:! ageś,a Let's or.]elsome piżżas, ó -a + positive t.9 one,3 We haven't had Piżza fó. Ihatt 1 2 3 4 5 Ve ] Think about yo!l partnel and decide whethel you think the statement is true oryou have no ldea, use applopriate intonation io practise the questions l We? they? A Wi lthey? A sha l We? A do you? A isnt it? A sha A ale We? c couldn't We? they? c WoU d he? B they? c Won't ihey? B can We? c can't We? B Won't you? c Wl l you? B is this? c is li? B cou d B Wolld Wolld 8 Sffi 9 Wo.k in 9.oups ofthlee. lń youl ńotebook, Write a conversation between three friends decidin9 on a food delivery ordeŁ Your conversation must include the question tags in the box, .]ió risten and check your answers in Exercise 7. sne? hasn'l ne] sn L _? śh-llWe? 53 t-ł 1- l cań to u,,/rite a formal email req u est i nlórrnati o n. . X ,ł4cltcr Dear Miss Read you thatyou We are delighted to iniorm have Won first prize in oLlr'ldeal school you Meals compeiition', The menu combination §Uggested Iepresents an ideal prize Your of healihy and exciting food, cuisine' is a place on one of our 'Teen b Weekend cookery courses for teenagers at the lvlanchester school of cookery For more information, please contact Diane Walsh at d_Wdsh@mokeryschod,con and include details of any cookery We can experience you may have so that place you in the correct group, r l Yours sincerely, ?ią^e Wął+ł il\JlM 1 Read this extract from a lettei ls it {ormal or informal? ln your notebook, write three questions you Would ask about the Prize ńentioned 2 iń the l€ttei Read Mia's rePly, Does she ask any of youl questions in Exelcise 1? pańs of Mia's email are too irformal. Which of the underlined vocabulary in the email could be rePlaced with the more suitable forff.l alternatives 1 eq!iPmeńt i!l] 1HiDiane, Thdnk5 fo,yo!l ż|'m Very happy l letter tding me that haveVr'oitl]econp€tilion. dnd rcan't Wait for the'Teen cLll5ine' expelience, am '8ettin8 in touch to a5k for more lnformation abo!t the [o!l5e, h dve !q!:9| q Lr € 5t]o n5 th d t l W!!]! Ło a5 k, First, Wh.t are the ddtes dnd t me5 of the next .o!rse7 ALso, do l need to brlng anything !,rith me? l do not haV€ my or kit.hen o,,Vn 5pe.ial cloih]ng 4q|f You dsked about cookely experie|ce and in a cookery [olrrse before, However \r'/€ lact, have never done did have some cookery lessoll§ and do qUite a lot of cooking at hoffc, Yo! ml]n!io|cd plac]rg ne in the corlect group, but syou didn't say which leveis are availabLe, ar 5chool Thank yoLr oncc agairl lor choo5iIg rny menL a5 the W]nner, śWrit€ back and answer my qUestions soon. 1,4ld 54 Read Which Phrases in bold in the email can be lePlaced with the more formal alternatives below? a l hope io heal flóń you c col d yo!. alfy e cónt..t { l ań ? ńg yóU oók n9 {ó.iJ.ld 1o 5 Read the WRlTlNG FocU5, Which phrases in Exercise 4 comPlete th€ examples core.dy? 8 ln your notebook, write indirect qUestiońś Usiń9 the question beginnings in blackets. 1 \łh:t t me do i h.ve to \king for intormation . :i;r tl e iónn: enra po t9 y De3r 5nór L]ear M..].m D.al sii'M;d:Jn (f 9e.cer is !iknoNn) D-..l Ml, D-.2l l|1Ą . De.l !ll55 tó. ]r.!ń9 !.al j! _-] . . 1,1s + slr.ame lrc lDć.| !Ł|1|]s;r ii !nir- e.j l!óń.. 3 i h.nr ],.! \ih_! ]rcL .re !]lt nq ft' yó!llefter'emerlrifunni!9ln-- tl ar / to enquirc about/.§k for . :i..r]ś1..9 5 !..e.r, ns(io ._; ii(.L.r j liiri.i l.v,]l..F.v.ll;bi!' :.!ld io! ...nlm flprj r] t i,--l,,1"l]_.i./!h;i,lr.l/|h.Ii.n . .th.{iri !;.:j_.r.|l ir.k ł]r,i j . '].:. t|].- l. lirl ]].j (o! .] ie:j,ei]l jo.n .] ]. l_...i!1.9 /.N1 P € rl 1:],ń]i _. lne.t c. thn: ,lr! r. p. r.L li.i :9 e .]., i l ! t,r. n.m. of lh. t_-l!.j. loL :,e /.,!r5 IJilrri|li! it |.! larted tre .tt.r u ll] D_-.l 5ł'rV:dJir ], D.Ji sil ., |,hdjn] folńól? i,- D.; Ml Ste. /jth .: He o th.r. 2 r Ti].. ( yo! 1or co.:-.:.9 b Tlłlcforyolr r l,; :..ońmodalion or..nrp!5? ie , ) Thank yoU for yo!r1]mail .nd lol5end ng deta ts ol1he different k nd5 ofdc[olnlnodat on on offer 'Ve thought .boLrt dllthE po55lbitit.s,.nd l'Ve de.jded rhdt l!,loL]ld lik! lo stay |,r th a ho5L f.mjly, pledlc l'V. goL a fel. qUe5t]o l5 aboL]t med15, Vr'itl ] hdve bfe.kla5t and d inner ,",]thtre lo§tfJm]lyoronty br€dkfa5t? .mVcgcLnrjan !o .dn t l. ho§t la,nily prov d€ Vegetdr.n n.als? A5 for t lr pay ent to the host f.nrily, in ad!.nce? And ]l so, .an do haV€ to pay do a bank tla r5fcr, or,,,róLrLd 'd like to c_lcle to school ]'lonr the host fam ly bt]t th.t dćpend5 on the disrdn,,e Ho,! t,rr il th! hosr fam 1,ofi the 5.hoo[] Alterndtl!€ly, is lh.r. a bLr5] hope Lo h€.r l! from yoU soon, a Read nle SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT 1o b 'e.Se ( t. b...5.. r i] YoL,ś s.._ale 5 .] A th. !..t, ail óffer co!6.? De.r Ms \łat9h, 1,1 ] ; i..:to (io! -L]c|,. h to! d ke tc.iq!:r. .b.,ł 7 ) ln your notebook, rewrite Miat email request for fuńher information uśiń9 indiled questions where Wh]ch alternative i5 more ' 'i t.j n]e 5 Do śt!.]eits get a.eĘfc.t. -i tiE e]d] ( V/.L c ile io kiow ,..) 9 ;re yo! How m.iy śtldelnsale the.e on the ( ,lolld ke Ló krcw ,,) (CO! d,Vó! tei ór l yo! rre not +HJ = lr;ll iólr infolmal phras€§: łi51,1 j_.!.rJl, a .|mbe.ot ].tźn+nżt-5f-, l <ontractiońs] 1' : r . . tt]e f]r5i p:r;qlaP. Ieier lo tire .t.r/en]. l.cvelt lo! ic.i 4 Do yo! omeń)+:!nr.i]. abbleviations] ,p!Pcnd.9 t. jńl] :ay . !.? ico! d _Vor te m. ] 2 s th€ s.rco n..r tlre st.t ó.? jl Look ót Mia's email and find the dilect q!estióńs Wh]ch cońplete the LANGUAGE FocUs corećtly, (9 Do the writ,ag taśLiń your notebool, tJ5e thF ideas iń the WRlTlNG Focus and the LANGUAGE Focus to helP you. Znana firma Produkujęca czekoladę pżyżnałaci PieMsże miejsce W końkulsie internetowym na Pomysł noWego smakU czekolady, Na9rodą jest Wycieczka dla dWóch osób (ciebie i osoby towarzyszqcej) do należncej do tej firmy fabryki czekolady w szw.jcaii, NaPisz e_ńail do or9aniżatora konkursu. ]i]direct questions ,!! can Use ndirect questioisto be móle po ie: ńd]rect: colid yo! te]l fie What ilre dates and the llme5 ofżhe ndirect: l Wo!]d aiso l]ke to knoW Whetirer l nee.] tó bring \ote:, _/ooó,o-,' .ff]rm.t Ve śiateńeńts, c,-,,q -, 01 Ya| ńe iJ/whetherfu yeslno questioi5. Yo! dó.'l use do, W §wóiń e-mail!: podżiękujflm e ża pżyżnanie twojem! pomys]owi naP sż, iak się czujeszjako a!reat konkurs!, zaP}taj o term]n two]ejWżyty Wfabryce czeko ady olaż o organlżację podróŹy i żakwaterowaiia, PoProśo potwierdzeńie, że W ramach nagrcdy Pue ot ipobył osoby toważysżącej róWnieżzostaną oPłacone pżez or9an]zatora RóżlNiń swóją wypawiedź w każdym z czterech podp0nktóW DłUgośće-ńaila Pówi|na wynasić t I m cań use indired qu$tions in a simple conversałion on a {amillar toPjc. 1 lmagine yóu are in M,r]o's restaurant, Loók atthe lun.h meńu, What would you chóose? What questions WouId you ask? \ M""i"'§ Maja" |n^"ln^",^* "łt^łSo Mario special Pasta Pizza Margherita chee§ebUr9er and chips 50Up of the day Mario speciai salad besęŃ . C.. l o"d.j p e.śe? b Do }o! hale..y !e!ci.,]er d ślres? . a.i h.,re.ripśWtr t.it? d Co! c ha,]L- tl]e b p e.!j? can !!]!te[]]Le chocotate mousse Fruit saLad and ice cleam cheese and biscuits ,h.t:h. 9.!9 ,? ''1!^o y!q!.o]! \.ll].t t|e p.!L: s.!(. ]s? !d ]]jŁlo ]!!q! 1i|]ere .le or ol]s t 9 Qo Listen to the end of the ćonvelsation- Why does (EEŹ waiter change hls attitude to Alex? conuerśation between Alex " and a Waitei What ale the problems? What solufion do rhey find? U.t"n t" ln vou1-oteoook, wlite ińd'red que9llons u9i,9 qUestioń b;9 ńnin99 iĄ b-dckets, Then dśtJ,d answel lhe tLe tn you. n"tet""k, <omplete the conveńation with phrases in the SPEAKlNG tĘS! FocUs. Lisren again and check, Excuse me 1can l order Dleas,ą? Waiter: certainLy, What can L get you? 2 3 Waiter: sUre. lt! a salad With lettuce, red p_,Ppers and chicken, 5 Alex 4 ó Follow the iństructions beloW to prepare a restaurant dialo9ue, Use the 5PEAK|NG FocUs and phrases in the diaIo9ue in EXelcise 3 to helP you. Waiter: Vegetarian? What abo!t pasta? Weiter: Yes, itl a de]ic]oU Alex: . !..]etar.f a.nyc!'.c. er{rcror99saltl ńl+rools oh. ] don't eat{]sh, . Waiter: YoU don't eatfiśh?Can lsUggest a Very good vegetaian restaurańt, just{ive niinltes Ale* oK !!!]y 5 Waiłel: Ah, ]t! VegetabLe soup roday!Wo!ld you AleX Alet Er maybe. BUt f]rst d \.9. "ó ó - \o_P TLe, a e ^r .\ ln il, ls that a plob em? Yeś,l'm sorry, blt 'm allerg]ć to oń]ons, Righr, HoWaboutthe sa ad wthoutch],ken? Yes, sa ad so!ńds good,' Waiter: Yes, of couBe, ls that everythln9? Yes, thanks, Waiter: Alexj Alex Waiter: WoU d Alex: 5ó , . like the soup? WdiLer: }-5, il\ yoLr ]ike to see the No thank§. óp' ,,l"l yo! c..'t eat sońe d ł]es 5t!dent B: Yo! .re ! Vi. iei T.ke St!{]e,t! A ordci AN|rel StL]oe.t A! .!eł óis .b.!t ihe d she, ai,] n]ak, n,99,s1],i! from here? No, ]tt can vóJ tel\ ńe what yaLn lavaLlite lljit is'1 Wheie! an ltalian restaL]€ni nearyo,rr holse? (Do yo! kiow ",) (L'd llke to know ") 5 there anythińg yo! don't eat? ('d know ,") l]ke io good cook? you a Are Where can get the best ]ce cream? (Can yo! te ] me ",) Who! the f!;siest eatel yo! know? (could yo! te I me ",) 3 de§seń men!? p zz;: hln e99s, torl:toes, cheese ir.s|aI pl.,/J. S.LLe " 9..d:ch].kei 7 qreenbeans, et ].e pepPer: Plactise the dialogue and acl it o!rt, Take it in tulnsto be A and B. E@ild@ +ri.oil'clp sliced/White/wholeheal bre.d /slalst/,wail/ ,hau]mit'bred chleb krojóny/b]ałyl k.t/ móleó abelgin€ / aobJ3ijn/ bakłażan łocado / ćVa bacon/'b€lk.i/ ko Id30/ bo-ek /'hiłr n/ h€ei.óór sod .Wokido boilĄ]ly k.)gotować lrown/lonq-qraiń/White ri.e /,bIaUD,lD! qrell' ,§an tar/ ryż brąuowy/długoz ańi5tyĄńły @bba9e / kEbIda/ kap!sta 6ke /kcIV ciasto. ciastko @rot / kćrJl/ m óerry / tJcri/ oeleśnia, Wiśn]a d / chewka koh,llau./ kalalol lli P€PPel /,t,|ii pep3/ papryka chili óocol.telmaple/.u9ar 9yrup / l]'Dklai/ ,nclp:l/,lug. rJp/syróp-ekó]adóWy/ óoP (uP)/,r,|op ( !p]/ posekać @onut /'k.Uk.n^V @k^ok/ kokos kUchaż]goióWać @oł€d /kóLl/ ugoiowany @nóy/dry^tale bi<uits1 kr^n(' dral/ srell 'brk.ts/ chr!p]ące/s!che/ael91we heóatniki aekolada (9ożka/mleczia) d.licious /dI llj:s/ pyszny dsgusiing /dls g^sllł/ obżydliwy spina.h /'stńldl/ szp nak stańe. / *ox./ plżyśtawka se.t.orn /hDt/ ostry, p kantny B@@ animal ProdU.tś/'Dn.m.l prDd^ki5/ prod!kry pochodzenia &ieu ęcego olive oil/ olóv.lll oliwa order / ]]d./ za móWić: zamóWienie proiein / pr3otiln/ b ałko mil/ po9ilek /,miksl §e łll ńie7anka .Ush.oom rushroom souP / majnl]n §U:p/zupa /'nrIJrulm/ 9rżyb; piecżarka 9a|at guybowa, zup. p eoarkown / oml.t/ óńlet balan ced/latte ,f pomarań-a patnćp3y ananas Pótato /p.'t€it.U/ z eń.jak d iet /, bs l: n st/ tucząca/zdrowa d]eta minimUm/record level / mInnn.m/'rck.:d leYJV min]malnyłekordóWy pózióm mixture /'m sl,ial mieyanka ńutritious /ni!ald.i.s/ póżywny, ódżyvczy oven /'av.n/ piekarnik recipe / resód/ przepis heloi/ safety stańd;rd./'selfti,slend.dż l,kłIi'snek/zimna/zdrowa/lekka/ bezpieczeńsiwa snack /,k30ld/ sell_by date / eśr^Jon/ pie. losl 'lu!u 9raP€ /glc,p/ Winó9lóno healthy meal/ heloi ni l/ żdrcWy pós]łek ńolmy Sćlbaldelt/za ecana data thrcw away / 0.$ .'we,/ WyżUcić waśte /welsl/ odPady; marnować l!E!t ZrGHHllHl .pPle Pie /'sp3l Pail szźnó*a chickon /\,|lkón/ kUrczak Paśta sauce / p€sl.s]ls/sos / lóOkal prDdju]V oka ne Utritionist /nj u at nj.n.si/ dietety k organi< food /.: gsntk fu:{Vżywność n Pudding / pudin/ pudd n9 r€d h6at/red mi|t/ czefuore m ęso .ardińe. / sul dnnż/ sardynk three_cour5e meal/,ori: t.§ nilu vegetable soUP / do makaronu ved3t.b.l su]p/ żLpa @fuE!@ @oEl dietary needs /'dalót.ri niiż/ potu .ook€ry /'kUkJń k.:s/ lcs.nżl couB€/lessons kure/lekcje gotowania eby .uisine/kvi2iln/kuchnić, 9po9óbgotowan. @@@ alleĘicto b€ /'vij9Jn/ we9anin vegetariań diet/ !ed3a fea.i3n ddlat/ d]eta v€gan /bi 3't3jd3lk lJ/ miećalergię na .heeseburgel /'t]'i:żbl9./ cheeseb!r9el chocolat€ mousse /,tjDkl.t 'mU ls/ mus lruit$ladl'frult,s€|. sałatkaowocowa green beans/ gri:n bi:nż zelónafaso ka Prawn śauce /prJln \Jś/sos krewetkowy red PePpe./ red peF/ ćżeMó.a papryka st5't ]st&ś/ala rmUjEce/oncjalne dane assilt /. slsl/ pomagać .arering/toUrist induśtry/'ke .nn/ tU.r.§t {m]ęso Ub Wazywa) ,lndJstń/ branźa carer]rgowa/turysn/czna Etten /tDIn/ zgnir, zepsuiy chef /JeV / seman/ ]o9oś Wylła if kowany kuchiE di§.arded /dI9 kq:dId/ WylzUcońe /§,Id ssl.d/ sałatka p aste| krom ka; pokróić {ast bttening/healthy food / fetn in/ heioi'fu|d/ 'ood tUcząceźdrowe jódzenie nżży drińk / t|żi dlłV napój gażowany al.rming/official stariśti.. /.,l!:min/. li.1.1 rłch /tćd'17 uodk]ewka 5t.e /slalv nglhea lthy agricultural s€cror / Eg.Ik^ltj3rcl sekt./ / p^nrpkln/ dynja łle salad ni ćtn,t/,hel0i'dal.t/ zlóWnowaźon./ @@ Ęn9e /'DrJnd' =lńon ,ndJstri,/ pżemysl Wytwórczy ńeat cońsuńption /'ni]l L.n s^npjan/ 4EEffi|oE to€l produce rain @urse /meD k]:V danie glóW|e renu / meni!/ ńeiu, r.d]osp s FmPkin leftoveB /'le11 auv§ż/ revtki lo..l level/ l.Uk.l ,]ev.l/ pożiom okalny m.nufactuńng induśtry/manj{r|faktj.n! I sk]adn k bu_.alori. me6l/ l.U k€l.ri / inceńtave /h senlt!/ z.chęra industrial waśte /ln,d^§tri.l'wers1/ odpady heavy meal / hevi'mi|l/ cięźkosvawny posiłek hot meaI/hDl ni l/ ciep' pos lek kriIm/ lódy hg.edieni /ln §ri:di.nil rineaPPle hUma. .onsumptioń / h.iu]m.n k.n's^m .n/ crisPy / knspi/.hrupiąry b.ream /an 6elette g^v.nnr.n/ lnt.ne,|.D.l stEnd.dż no.ńy healthy lifestyle /,heloi'lxtisl.ty zdrowy tryb / §wink.:n/ kUk!ryd?a unriPe / n edojrza' vitamin /^n!alp/ vliJmJn/wiiam na ,la garlic /'gdlik/ czósnek FPef ruit /'grelpf N1/ 9rejpfr!t gren 9alad /,qriln \ćl.d/ z]eona słilka lome_made piŻa /'pillr./ domowa pjżża lome_made/rinned souP / h.UmmcJd/ tind 'su:p/ domowa zupa / zupa żpusżki salad 9overnmentłnternational standard3 pańsrwowe/m]ędzynarodowe fast food / .ixed food/hou§ehold Waste / iuld/'ha!sb.Uld we]st/ odpady źywnośc]owe/ż gospódarśtw / .old/h€althy/li9hvqui€k figa sector /f aanćn.i.L, 'vDlJnt.ń,sektJ/ sekor fi nansóWy/ f inancial/vóluntary frying pan /'lEn! |ćn/ pate ńia 9lobal statistics / gl.ub.l §t.'tl5tIks/ sour milk / sao. mllk/ skwaśn ałe mlekó osiry, p kartny / k^t 'Dfl odcinać ldark/milk) chocolate /(,d(:IJ mllk)'l,|DklJl/ lot s.Ud./ slo l lrh]/ spi.1/ spalsv on off ź /flsl /l 6 tr:L black/.ayenne/ground PePPer /,blćk/,kelen/ ,§nund 'pep./ piepż c.alnylc.yenne/mie ony culiflower a/sP..klin g/still water 'st,w]:tJWodasodowa/gażóWana/ expiry date /It spitóridelI/ierm nważności W p asty, dUe date / diu: 'dcIt/ iermin Wykonania, energy consuńption / en.d3i kón,s^n!]'.n/ i 57 4 ],l\1i1,1_-, 5 Jakie przymiotńiki opisujące jedzeni€ poPraWnie uzupełniają zdania? Pierwsże litery brakujących wylaźów żo§tały podane. 1E.t].qr mealisnotsafe,AWaysńake 5!re thal !t is coóked .L the Way thro!gh Water more refteshlng th.ń ńólma jn hot weather water blead for 5.nd .he, wh]te bread, be.ause it l t;stierth.ń taste ofcófiee, ] always dl nk YoU don t have to bjńhday aftel al ibake)a.ake fol Kate! (c .eed .ńything yo! shou.l9o 4 (e.t) dinner aithat new reśtaulani 'Ve ]lsl m.de 1l]e ,.5_,rt;l on (r. P) y.Li .ł 1 :t i S tco Neavy ior y.L W.. lL/Pic[ yo! !P) at len? be 1 |rtrńr se A Wl fia t ra!.! the p. fi -y, B do yo! c .a!e y.! Whit... 9e: tor ),.L'l C..lord.r P e:se? a;ń hnv. ł eśvr',ih tr.t? c Co! d ] h.Ve the b l P.]Jle? A B WyLolżystujd. wy,aży Pódóne Wiell lni literdT|, U/Upehij kcrde żdd-ie L-k, óby zd.howac zn.(/eń," żdania WyjścioWe9o. Nie żmieniaj formy Podanych prom 5e to mys. f Go]NG .a!e p .ń] sed m_v5_- n.i ló e.t .nT ś\łe.ts 1th.t .])r 2 Ti s y.!]h!ń hi9 bee. ] ttc f idge for d.ys, ,c .o! d you .: ]e.t 1Wc ..ń si eit l? DATE Th 9 yo!]i]!n l].ś 3ee. n lh. {" d.]e 10, a.ys, so c.! I] yo!.|e.k lhenlt tóLs,Aem..t! J To r.!ea.e.tr!de:wtr. lnlst ióod yor, i. L]le a .itre !rolPl PRoVlDEs n Lrr e.rc froń al ofthc foód ke :c '] Lrf! n]ir|. 5 m.*five yeals rhat Pam _;.l]. ir] l ] bri]i!.\, ]2.'...l ł..]pL]t l it]c.]r.$el 3 TlmotrOW al 3 c'. o. ( !!e . ...]r ń9 .o]nPtł 1o. ls ł 1F. 5 Ihe 58 ei. oi:h. i.l.h./oP.r) y_-jr? thi] lr \ I.. iwi|.h] eP soa_" olln |!tlt ó. cake5 ]i thil bakery.ri] te1/ pop!.l Ge c!t) bV L,]cht mc . n. l'f 3!r. by il].jy |.d 'i ,.nt nale to ieep q!]et ao.t t t yc! ł Er.lse me '.] 'n| s!śhn . a, Jakie formy czasownikóW Pódanych w naw!asach Poprawnie użUpełniaja zdania? Użyj cźas! Future continuous lub Future peńect. n S Wcrk Y: s!le nóW, ihale)5on_,łends.!.]l I.r c ircl .elt \łe_.leid, Vb! d you i. :. .om.? ś inr 9]ad V/e .rc aóiig to tri: .cok t! . .ś!to!i.t5t:I 5 Y: ose)at ive, śoi{yo! lomoro!! eler .9 ł,i A,, h.!e 1 hale n.de j 3We '| c ( hc B si't h. Veg.t.r].. d shes? 5 x: Yo! halen'l i.]u słm -L]óLt t to be a 9!lplis. ó itt betterto bly one |:;, |' a.]r .]:panese ,c5tiUl;nt l ..n l lood i5 i.i ś;ie1o l,.o.ż|.le pl7c2 i ńz ), ó lifrr. 9 slro! di'1 eat t Pi' r(], (b.ónża t.]rysty.zn.) is 9rcw ng in o!r town, mańy new €sta!żnts are oPeń]ng, (t!.żą.e]edze.'e) ke cr pś .nd cakes, but 'ń try n9 to make healhiel choces (dietę Wegeróriański) cai have a pos]tive ]mPa.t on yoUr hea th. (żmreiónypiepz) has a lot of poPrawnie użuPełniają żdaiia? vżyj will/won't, 9oin9 to, cżasów Pleseni contińuous lub Plesent simple. j:.::| ,! ts.r!n.hy c3i.ed A5r.e Whit |łre ! i? 4 X; Y: 7 o'.lo.k Tomólró, at 7 o'I: O.[ (e ih.t .]akie folmy cżasownikóW podanych w nawiasa.h ):} 3 x L-9l] These b 5i:! ts are noi 9oft.nd thi]} t;ste o d] bis.!ils is there? Y: Th_-le! .otri ]9 Worse t.an lse fresh tom.toes to prepale thls {l.vó!r.nd ó!e t isolps, ':|'.i " A J tl..t e!.ryfh n9, M.c.n]? B C.!.lyo! tć me,!lr.t Veqetal]nr ]!? c Hóu łbol]l Pana W th Ve_]ehb e 5.L ie' Przetłumacz Wy.ażeńia Podane w nawiasach na język ,.,re i Przeczytaj Poniż5ze minidialo9i- Która z podanych odPowiedżi (A-c) najlePiej UżUpełnia WypóWiedź? A (on'l l.e xj ? HJve yo! 9ot dsh t!oKlólset ó The ł!p.s 0...]rtr..;le st u h:!eto,1. L..o!p. ó1,leeksi]i]f.le!!e..i c:r,ieir - be '|l ] x] T.i sgoi.gi..ómetoo!'d.ierp.ll!, Y: H.]! roo r! to, blt t!.or§ b e he' h.!_".c 2 L łńd s 5 ,,lt"_i].;L.ł]:.,]'i ł.ol \łh.t iod.y! spe.ir ]! today! śpeciali5, please? Next month Wil o!r lestaunnt, HAVE has Worked at g, Dobieranie 7 ? ) lE z rozsyPanych 5łów ułóż P}.tania z lożmowy wstęPnej. Przecżyraj t€kst żWiązany ż tematyką kuIinarną. Które ż Pod.nych nagłóWkow (A Fj PoPraWnie użuPełniajęakaPity (1-4)? DWa nagłóWkiżostĄ Podane dodatkowo i nie Pasują do żadnej częścitekstu. WsKAZóWKA, o". eta -doL"żdegor,"9 le.tu.el,L- 3 Why1 s/yoll/What/.Usine/aid/favóUrite/? die-J dopasowaćzdan e, któle 9o podsumowlje,. nieiyko odnosis ę do infolmacji ,zcżegółowej W ninr zawartej, one o{the hottesttrends in the Na(tępnie, pra.ują. w para(h, odPoWiedżcie nd nie, 1 knds/ yó! /eat/fóod /Wou d /Wh.t/ńevel/of /? 2 {oód / dó / yóU / Hó$ / fee / away / .bo!t / food indusrry 9 oPisz zdjęcie i odPowiedż na Pytania do niego, ]s de iverin9 boxes of fresh food to PeoPleś homes, The Prob em right now iśthe large n!mber of new companjes offering this tyPe of sefuice, n fact, there óre so many new delvery sefuiceś Łhat t s ]ncreaśii9 y hard to know which tó choóse. one growing trend is de iverng yo- need !o -dte d .h€e-coJlse the cofect amouńt of iń9€dients -,,, .lon, -o |L a lthe {reśh ]ngred]eńts -ed] \oL'l -ec-,e and step_by_step osP Who I d ,- | l l- l 4o hoPp1o Yo! 1h il ihe Woń.n s b!!.q io..l l sreet ]nstead of 9o 19 to a rest.!ra.t? 2 V!'o! d yoL (e to \łor. .s ł .ook or . w. :er? 1 but l]ke to cook, this can be an ideal so ution. Another oPtion ]§ to get a Week! supp y of loca youl dool, This l iS 9reatfolihe envłonment, since no one other aPProach, wh ch has been aró!nd lónger, i "/n9 P. r,góód-,LtL c,4o-.l lóod ddry Plod!ćtśor meat blought to yo!. home, A compańy Which del]Vers lrożen vegetable§ ańd meat has been operating in ihe US for decades, and many househo ds €lyon the service,lt is certain y convenient, and delveries do not happen so often Which iS also a bonuS, F .- .l"lw"v, b, łllL l " B A good choice even jfyou ove shoppin9, c HoW to decide Which seNice is best foryou? D A less{requent and ongeFlastjn9 option, E Bestforthe enthUsiastic cookWho can't get to the F (i.W.ook..].. !n!9L. m.. to chemica s are used, l]tte transport ls needed anclthe food is good {oryou, The downside is thatWhatthey deliver som etimes dePends on What ls availab e, só you don't a Ways get What you Want, EVen the frcshest Brusse s sprouts are nó use ifyourfamlv reflse to eat A A po ,,lv. mo l|. 3 Te me abolt J stlaron When yo! orsomeone yo! , orgańic Vegetab es, eggs ańd even ńeat de iv€led \,Vhy do AN lE !.njili|/]_|9l ]!r]1,1.].]]].1,./ 10 Przecżytaj zadanie. Jakich Wyrażeń użyjesz .a Poczętku, ajakich - na końcu e-maila? o!. :cty.ra.e.lr. ży!.ós., ttó.t, ]_-ś1:.ść t.m] .ed:k.]a ir es ę.:. la i] a nrlódż ćży Jcż!,. . pr.p.ż!.],. Prc,!.ażeiii set. kn i..l.e] Nip:ż : m. d.,],d.(.]/.ż.s.pism. , Po.]ż ! ilj ż..f. t. i p.tlN. .]ź.hić Pr.t,.cz.i . 5. (.] ]:sr_-ś altórem ! pót,! ;l.r" Dż ęt . W5P.]]r:]c t!.j ir].lt.t. T P5ie r.b.q],,lhóIll .]. !7tc], ..-a:.5i:!7 t. m i: 7.:]r.-\N!.h !,.k.!.t . !p:nń ] śę. d. t.!o I ec! ń!3 śll,/sył:a n]aLer dl Z;i,it;], ]!k r.a l},9 nd:a Nilpnt]la.; ż ń es..z. k.n] 1telmi.l ,!.ai:llcdż.ni., itp ]. si,o].r ll,p.!,reoź [ k.żdrm ż Lżi.l..i poo|]L]!(!ó[ Dt!,qosć e nrj ], pori!.J |r],.os..Lr 8| -o ]JOsiiLl for! i 11 Wykonajżadanie w ramce ż ćWicż€nia 10. lt may not be as Jresh as you think, 59 Phrasalverb§ . co]]ocations. Word farnilies ! can talk about geograPhjcal leaturcs and SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 Which is the odd one out in ea.h group? Why? 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 cyprus Mln ch Nap-,s the Himalayas the N]le the Pyrenees Africa ch]ńa Europe the Atl.ntic the pacific the sahara the Meditemnean Niagara theBat]c Cyprus is the ódd one out bećólse it is an ć].nd. Munich and Naples are clties, ln your notebooL list the ten geographical categorie§ you used in Exercise 1, choose five o{ the categories and add one more example to ea.h one, 3 (Ell Do the quiz with a pańnei Write the answers (True or False) in your notebook, Then listen and check your answer§, 4 cońpar€ how many answers you guessed correctly- Whi.h fact Wele you ńost surPrised by? \ percent of the eafth's suńace is coverec! by oceans. But how much doyou know aboutthe mysteries hi.!c!en under the suńace? Around 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 70 The sea is blLre beceuse t refects 1he co]our of the sk_V. Winc]ing Vers \łth strong currents exisi deep Lrnder the oceen. The bllre urha e Ls the argest alirna known to have ever exlsted, Móst Volcanc erLrptons are Underwalel. The Pacifc ocean Was narrred eflel lhe person \,!ho discovered it / Humpback Whaes jvea year lolnd in the calm seas aroL]nd HaWa , ts impossbe to sud huge Waves of over twenty melres high The ongesi mouniain range ]n tlje !1rorld s foL]nd The Gr,]at Barriel Beef js .omposed of 900 lropical islands and can be seen lrorn the n]oon The cjfference jn the depth oi W3ter between low tide and hjeh i de can lre Up to sxteen metres. t l FocUs oN WoRDs l Phrasalverbs 5 (ĘP ln your notebook, replace the Underlined Word§ and phra§e§ in question§ 1-ó with the corect fo.m oł an appropriate phrasal Verb in the box. Theń listen, .heck come in heat sth i: l,:: 7 across die out go out be made uP of s+iFst+EP When the seabe.l i5 stirred up by stórmy WeatheĘ what happens to the ćo/our of the 2 what caused the bhe become extinct? tempg!€gt seawaterto 400 degrees ce sius? 4 What did Ferdinand Magel]an !!!Lb!!&!!e and then name in 'i520? 5 HoW manv indivdua reefs and how many is ancls is the Great Barier Reefformed from? ó Where c]oes the waterdepth on y chan9e by ]0 centimetres When the tlde i§e9 and hL]§? e tEB ,:||: ... . m,/he.!y,/.o!!h hi!h/ c\,1.1r 9iig ';; . 9 ..t'h!!."t.]. 8 choose a collocatioń fol eaćh ńouń and wlite an example śeńteń.e iń yó!r ńótebook that is eithel a Well known fact ol strono current ln ou.loca/.Ne. as ltllaws under the wha e to a most 3 What sometimes increases the :.,. !. :, ]n your noiebook, comPlete the collocaiions wiih the nouns in red in the qUiz. Then listen, check ónd rePeat, 5 'l Wheń the seabed is dist!óed by storńy Weathei Wh.t happens to the co oUl ofthe |")|| \| l,:)r:)l:.:)':: ] .(..)J.ige,.Lśb.eai"ślró.9: ż . dese,r,e-oi.,,troc.a ?. pea[,..r!ełd!ie ,] . iał f o!r' .!,5.!r mo!, n!/w id n. come uP l-::.l.i!. Focus oN WoRDs 9 lED I Word łamilies copythe table and comPlete it with some ofthe Words Uged in rhe quiz, U§e your dictionary if necessary. Then list€n, check and rePeat. łnswe, the questiońs ln Exel(i9e 5 in your notebook. Then li§ten again and che.k. NoUN VERB 1 l,,"",r'h b"."d- 3 4 height heighten 5 ó ADJEcTlVE Length strength W]dth REMEMBER THIS Wjde is lsed to measlre the space between two poinis it! more conclete than bróód, e,g. Hów wide is it? a wide róad, Wide apen .-- aroad s used more to describe the thing rhatfils the space itś more abstlacr, e,9, b.oad minded, broad shou/de6 ,,, NoT ++(# ,l0 ln your notebook, complete the sentences with an aPProPriate form ofihe words in brackets. 1 ] ćań't śWimVery ve the swimm]n9 poo lso stay olt ofthe 9!9p (depth)end of 2 ]coLld neveldo ktesu#in9, jdoi't 3 have enough (stlong)in my arms, ]'m shorterihan my dad bltabo!tlhe same 4 (hlgh) a5 my mum, l .ompLete y aglee With the say]i9: 'Trave 5 ó 11 ,l2 (bleadth)the mind' (loig)ofyolr education is ler§ ]think the impońant than the {broad), ] bel eve the qap between qenelat ons has l] lr;j ] ]'i]] i]l] A§k que§tions a nd find out whether these se.teńce§ are t.ue or false for your Pańnei HoW similar or in g."ups. Look the word ,endemic, up in a dictionary. Then choose an endemic Plant ol a.imal ff§Ę!fl w".k sPecies and do some research online into it, Prepare a digita Presentation about the specie§ and present it to you. class. 61 3 8m Ańicles: no ańicle, a/an or the I Read the text and in your not€book wlite a, the o. o (no ańicle) for each gap. cah usa the de,Iinile, indefinite and Then lisren and check, What ha§ Jack N9 invented and why? Veftical farms in Singapo 1ł9 b ggest 1 §PEAK'łjG Di§cus§ que§tionś 1 3. Then read the and check your idea§- lext ation in 1900? What iśt now? 1 What Was the World popu What Wi l it be in 2050? 2 What s the biggest change 3 Whatale'megaclties'? in Whe.e peop e ive? The world's growing problem A famous scientist §ad lecenty therc's a grcWinq ploblem in Word, and th€ problen] is peop lherc are Ust too rnanv of econo0] c L]s| that 0 m lion inhabitants and by 2030 the United Natons predicts the tota Wil be 41, [,'I€gacities ale more common in As a, part cU ar y ]n ndia than the e Beaause ] ploblern that n]€gacties have is how to Waterlorthe]I food and may have foL]nd a inhabiants, bt]t one sma country so L]ton Singapore s tiny countly Wh ch s has Vely ttle spaae tO gIoW nnovation but Veńcallarm inventeo food. not need much space by Jack Ng famel, does y produces a felł larm on at a ,At the mornent p ans tl]ele differenl k nds ofvegetab e blt production Per|]aps n the fl]tule expand to inclL]de fiore, Word| Jack Ng s invention Wi he p feed 3 provide' fol6 7 l 5 ' Fortlnatey,3 ]0 are11 1' gloMh, food has ,0and Cl]na The blggest megacib/ 5of imploved, l]eatl]care has jmproved s stil Tokyo With a popuation of and people are iVng longel, DL]ring 38 140,000, the twenteth centL]ly, lhe popu aton of the vlolld gleli/ from 1,65 bll on 1o to 6 bi ion. Today t is 7,6 bjllon and by 2050 t s predlcted to reach 9,7 bi oll, FoI the first ijme n 15 Decide whi.h the is ]ncorrect in these genela 5tateńents źbout a country, 1 The Poleń]r doesn': ex]st. 2 Tl]e .h.. pest ior r] c i,!bi.i.-.spod ! by |!s 3 T|e f..,l s n]a . y 5o d n b]9 5!P.rni etś. ! The ed!..t]oi .nd ir_- |r_-. 1|.jle ale free 5 Tl]e ..p t. . ty 5 ..;tćd . lh. .entre cl tFe h story, rnole peope live in cities than in the cou|trysde, Across the 0obe thele are 3] megacites - c tes Wth rnole 2 Read the GRAMMAR Focus. Which Word§ in blue łrom rhe text comPlete the example§ corredly? Discuss whether the statements nl Exerci5e 4 are tlue for youl country, Rewlite them iń youl notebook to make them all t.ue, ln youl notebóok, complete the Yo! don't !5e .ft . eś1ó l: l k questions With a, źń ór the, Then ask each other the qUe§tióńs. abolt Ih r95 r geiel: jśr,r]pl.!.o .llo ]l]] . ] , .] ill_- ] !rl 9^ ].]!.jel 'l 2 Yo!don't!śe.'l.esWtn..ntnents,.oLntr:e9ó,.:es Et..Pt. ]s ll]ć Ur]iteo st.tes, lndefińite ańicle a/an Yo! !1_" ó/an to ta k at,olt sonrct..q fór the ne;.s'oie ol m..y' il]ć.. is 3 Yc! !5e a/an Wth ]obś l 1ll,_-l. ll_. n.ii..ed ft.l.,s j 5 ,-ll1ll],9- il.t,i.". iśp..tj]ć P1.1] sJrd YoJ !5. the Whei lhe th1.9 yo! Jre be.n r]]i! l rst t me vreN it Yó! !s! tńe lrhei the :h i9 yo! ar. t. i |9 ab.!L 62 L]K? moli .9? l-rmcl? snłc( th (a 1 5 l job), 2 haś . re;c]r 3 ia c l,Vl s i. slpcr at t,- ir] _..t !e) . ly i the (or d iJ Plob ei]i s'al_" J . s [no!!r .r is the ćolntlysi.i," Yc! lse the $ ih r5:or.. Peli..]śslpe,:t!ead]e.tVcs.r.] Duljąg the tweńtióih ceńLOry -..7 be de? lń yo!r notebook, complete the śe.tences to le.e!l) i. .]i9 .bo!t in to .ms] ,. !|e ń.lia, :t.] . yo! !c . ]:.olitlys H.V. y.n] ćlel been 3 Did yol hav_" 4 Wot .] yo! ke Io i]fli.d Ki.qd.J]], l1re Do :1 p } oi. l About the €nvironment ffi Listen to ttre rocus Vlo9. Whe.e do the §peakers think;s the least Polluted place iń the UK? Write the answers in you. notebook- I ,-l MUltiple choice \9t §!F*l l can understańd the kev points of a radió intęrview on a famiriar topic. por. 1 Read UK ToDAY ańd discuss the nrr,a s it p lil ),o!r top ihleć eńt lo A 2 yo! re.y. e, tL r .fi.nd .]o V,/h.t do ]fr.nt. l fL]tt]lt UKToDAY 3*:::."x ;,-_,,,;F What l :;"]:.: ,-,1"_ are British teenaqers'top ! rhr.. .nVimnń.ńr^l WóriA<? i ! a G 5 not enough recycling What do Briti§h teenagers §ay they can do? . 2 nJrń off !nnecessary llghts SPEAKING Look at the features in the box. Which would you expect an eco-school to have? Write ihem in your notebook. Use your dictionary if necessary, ó s r trii |,l.hie s prcb:. !,].l. tVP lil t.c..!]! 6 l"4 .h.! s iie e!.Ą .lhe prrsol oi h s age. a l"li.].. ;(es 9am.s ańd ć.d9_- 5 [] [l .h.e .nres ni].!t l.ć e ]! r.r "_-rt.5 i-L.l is Tre r:eĄ e|r'e..cn]eśt.1|]_-.- r. nsio :t i i:.::, i:: ln your i:,'.: l. s frel ds : .1.:j, .:. :| ,. notebook,.omP etethe comPound nouńś 1-7. Then listen, check and repeat, ' b.ś bJl]5 .ha.qe 5 ć j.]; P.ies / enerqy 5:Le! [:l.r n.i comPlete the cońpóund nouns in sentences 1 ó. Use the Words in Exelcise 5, 1 solarp49/§ make bU dińgs look !9 y, 2 EVerybody sho!ld Use low-energy i9ht 3 c|]maie does.'i affect my country, 4 ]5 the only Way to sioP glob.l no tełsool ś,only tab ets Technoloqy essons on renew.t,le enerqv low-ener9y ]i9ht bulbs bićycle rack scien.e lessons on 9lobalWórming a ]arge.ar park recycling bins an orqaniC veqetab e q.lden |iolar panels ą'/ i].!3 o. . 2 :] 4 -,-"*"""l"]"-, D the schoolgalden rlo o9y .sscis !! .śl] . h.r s.c.i.]..,r' s.hoo T_-. n]a:ć Ll;i9.] a s.m:t mes t:<e p... ńlr_"n:lr.o !r.!.ds D..n.entr.te nró.e.n e ]t ronm.rt. 55!es n.]t ii:rl:]l.!, ,\j . c the oca slperma*et ;'. Le tl,ć san]e łl} ""j:-'. :, ", ł} - D on lhe loof ofthe school d nneE W]l inclLcle Veoetab eśfrcń 5. ei.e ai]tl ,-./ "* garden, to p otect the e|\r ronment? als 5, Wlth Michae ls takińg place c With a grolP ofarchitects schoo in the 3 schoo e55 io rhe interview again. For questions 1 B, c or D. Write the answers Friends of the planet iśan afreFschool clubwith membersfrom 2 The nteNiew s fan]l ] Wh-t.re Li§ten the.orect an§weł A, choose 5 Peop ei my count.y .le ńot inte.ested in environmenia ó There.ren't ercUgh recyc in9 7 Disćuss the statements jn Exer<ise ó. Decide whether yoJ .9lee o, oi5d9ree, E^Plain youl oplnioń, PRoNUNc|ATloN FocUs rs§J Listen, ln you. notebook, put łhe words in grouPs A, or c, dePendin9 on ihe stress. interesting located olganic recyclinq ' renewable resPonsible secondary Vegetab e A 3 lllP Listen to the programme your ideaś in Exerci§e 2. ń$ Ill B.ll 9:t, ćnvirDnrneni Lineń, check and rePeat the words. ó3 Focus oN WoRDs tn y"u. n"tebook, complete lhe lists using the Word§ in blue in the texrs. Then li§ten, che.k and l can understand an extrad from a travel book and some suiival advice. lmagine yo! are camPińg in a mountainous or forested legion iń your country- snake5 2 be i prob em? 2 :apath 3apond 4.sp ź eaves i.lent ł prob.--ń]s ó. !seiL i_,-ls .a. The last time l Went ,,. . camp]ńg,.. . Bi I ańd Stephen Weńt]ntotheirtenc picń]c.,, . for a Wa k in the Woods, phrases 9 §lllt ln you. n"t.book, complete łhe gaps w;th aPpropriate verbs, lJ§e the underlined phrases in the text, Then li§ten, check and lePeat. B t ny inśects Were.ńńoy n9 them, c the Weather made them sleepy. D they Wanted to 9et iń their sleeping bags. 1 2 BilWoke UP because A h]S frieid Was snoin9 ó!dly, 2 3 4 5 ó 7 he found a nest ofants in his tent he heard something movln9 in the bushes D he'd le{t hls backPack o!ts]de the tent, srepheń A Were equa B had heald ly a armed aboutthe nojse a Skunk in the]rcańp, c both saw the ań ma śeyes ]n the dark D Were armed .9a]nst animal atlacks, 99@e {ace to face Wth = meet tron - óse your l]fe because of sth ofi= become ronjen for - try to p]ck uP = look {or throlqh around = re aX and do nothing through = notwake up l-. 10 ln your notebook, rePlace the underlined words and phra§e§ with ań approPriate Verb phrase 1 fyou ńeet a bear in the Wid A turn arolnd and Walk away B śhout and scleań oudly, c a;m a gun .tthe bear's head D be readyto Use Pepper spl.y. l continue s eepinc] ]n spite of my alalm go ng off in the 2 The firśt thlng pĘŁlp When l W.ke !P is my phońe, 3 l don't llke strong cheese ihat smel s as if it! too old to 4 ]n the 5 W]Ld. B the differeńi Weapons you cań use a9ainsi bears, c avoiding aid de{endin9 yo!rsefagainst beż6. D teritolies Where beal encounters are freqlent, Listen ło tt. last pań of the book extlact (Text 1), What animal cóUśed the distulb.n.e? §!ffi 1'ili:/ł!ilI,il;) Desclibe a time When you had an UnexPect€d encounterwith an anilnal. What happened? 64 ror a FocUs oN WoRDs I Verb because A they'd f]nlshed.I the]rfood, 5 The text foclses on A Usefu ways of avoiding beals D$cribe one ofthefollowing activities to your Pańner Use word§ from Exerci§e ó. answers in your notebook. 4 3 roots 4atllnk hiker 8 5PEllKlN6 *."o -.^r. l ónd 2 again, Fol questions 1-5, ch;ose the correct anśwer, A, B, c or D, Write ihe 3 BiLańd predator a so we refilled ourwater we were close to a 3 pea(efulbut suddenly there Was very bottles.lt was 4 .l imagined a loL]d noise of breaking ś a big h!ngry bear hunting its , bui then lremembered weWeren't in bea r tetritory! Maybe it Was ],lcl] @ B ] 2 p, dayWe hiked a 1@!through th€ forest. in the trees fora picnic. Duringth€ anoth€r c H!ńting: We had a gteatweekend.We went camping in the forest. Read both texts, According to Text 2, what did the ćampers in Text 1 do wron9? 1 Animals: '] ab 2 alóx !!_-:L. ? ght Wl..t oth.jr Tlees: ln your notebook, complete the emailWith wordśin insect repe lent ó backpack . flaśhl a sharp kni{e ń.i c ppers Pepper spr-y a sleepin9 ba9 s!nscreen -] Places: mosguitoes Wo Ves .lj ól:he 10 .\ł |q ń ght b. Vi|, r the Wood§ ó tElE! MUltip e choice ] W; .i 01th. fD óVl ń! mighant5 bears bee5 blls I ln ó ] 7 11 ę!!, ]n o! r city We have urban {oxes rhat at night. ]99ćor food bins ]n q<: }-_ once encounteled a cowwhen WasWaLking ińrhe l'm frghtened o{th!ndeFtolms. l'm ałaid of kiled bV a li9htńing strike, le ioth]ig btłter thar re]ąĘ 4rlrlo ,j lh fr eids oń a.a.rpste rl!] ĘĘ noJl Find out Whether the sentence§ in Exelcise 10 are true orfalseforyour póńnel, lq [-. ' Text 1 A wolk in the woods J" Ąi]l Bl, l9 ił_. h ._.! l : i V.: ]d ..nrpen b_-. 5O I .]e; tie.S !5t.l; n]e B_-cć!Se : ,,lł5._l'r:l.]:}, h..]l.j. l..1llj l!9lrac t efi! ofioo.] .]|a5.,,, g: , l ]. ]. :.r ra] . ree.q_p . ].] b.!'it] t|jlt ]ad to b_. _..te. De ol c 5lr.\, \ł_Ar1.If L-]] t,,.re sl]i:l.]i t. btS n o! b.clipa.is so,1. at.e .qo oe.].!rs_A,res, : r.I s.t Ij.!.n .|.lr r!i iZ y L].: nL rer.ls rl e [r,]! |.e.t: drove !s .io f .!, 1.] '.rj ]i5 t (.: per:e.i ]e.i] a S ee ri 5,.ep .!] {,.at.]er, .oo _.noL gh r.l lr:9 bL]i (-.r-] e jo.]! ] th.iyo! c.L d 'i5eep |!.!r L-.etr!e.]]..d i|,,.s ook ]arfoW.r.rio. o j!] ]!].it5!.ep .ne_.|] vr.s _.l]]o!i]!] n cra]ni.rhl5 r,.ep !\l'.n at Sonre d. k lrolr ll]ele Vias a solnd ne; b!, l]i1 .r!l. r]e Lp :Ldder,,, l].ni. !, ] sep1 lh ot 9l, eV_-ry1 .!] t ],nJ9 ] tr!nderslonrs lilo!9n ]5 Kat: s Sno r. so sor].1'] |i] b q eno].]h lo ,ł.le me ltrs !.t st.. Tl,ele \".;s a so! ]d.l b e.li iq ', . . ,, :cTetr r9 he.Vy Il]si ,](.] t,] .L,!]i :he t.e_pS, .r. thei; l,nn of cLd bre:llr i!.. se sal stla lht !p EV_. \, .eLrc. ,] ln! .lair ,!a5 a,ł.l_. ,d ó tr..lp!.( !!tolts d_.l]ele.l A:lrl lri]l ! qL et. ons, ,!.i no .|!]!l lro r ed .lr.Lrl ];! n.r to d.l.|d ryse l n the . oht T!. .,!.5:n.l]_p ..] 5e, c! |e |.. 'ste]ren, )r.! .nł.lle? Wr 5pe:ed :j Ytp're-eF _.d ialredLr]t,olN,| !o.e in est. nic. ater 1 Ho,1 !hr]L] ,] . lillllvfffi ,:.,er have one. Th]§ is not too difficu be eft 1 becaL]se a one, :::15 often Want your food, so fyoUt€cdmpn8 ]edl telritoly, rndke §Ure you store yoUr food ,,.fLrly, at l€ast 100 metles fron] yo!rtent -: avoid s!rplis n8 a be.r in the W]d, mdke : -a se as yoll Wa k, §ing oUdly, clap yolr hanĆs '.:!er get between a femdle b€ar and hel c!bs , t9 -oLr do come face to Jąte ri/ith a b€dr, don't your back and lun youte dctin8 lke l:i:rr, ::]V c.lm and Walk backwdfu§ and § owly take :,: your pepp€r splay t's bettef thdn a gUn, ':he bedl nrn§ towards Vo!, a nr the splav jUst .-!V€ the bedls h€ad t almos1 alwavs WorksI 1 : "l ' :ne bear keep§ comin8 towards yot], lie down _. youl ifont With yoUr hand§ over the back of ]:Jl ]rn't neck to protect it, and pletend to be dead. rnove for dt ledsttW€nty minutes, l l :Ub m].de irP 50 l,i].\/cS t,łerl si 'l].r.] !oL got e r,,,tr r.o slr.rt .t !. 1l]!_]:_]t]t 1o a ,nonrent N. r e.]żW..]z al . . 'd _pnl łłl !!l.te!er l \ł!s, dyol pa.l. k. ie)' ? pDers] AllaptedextaclfrÓn A Walk n iheW..ds byail/aryso. A Bliltll --a best Way to sUlVjVe a bear encountel s to Want to .j.,)/ t\ło s,],] ;..] sr.led b..k .i i]. ste!ie., i/h spered.t i]s:..]: Pancake ,i V.Lr€ mole ll€ly to de fronr a r, §tn8 l than VoU afe to be ],illed bV. bea| bt]t ln th€ ke]y event of rneetins a be.r n the W ld, hele " a few tips :,: -:śtbearsj!st -].l".a] !l] n]! kie_As l. t.e for]l il ł]l 11]: c.refL] ! Io!en.a t,.] ert....e ar.] oo<ea oL|, J!: ł,ł.5 i]l.] b;.k As i-' ].:t V as .o!d, b d.gl't . i],r' tj..lpac( a.d !!lli lle !l|.] a !,]]n f.St .alri se:.l_.d t|.o!.,]h 1lor .rt l. i_- !łl],.. i..]fd t |n. cpene. l Wa9 s.oclcd ;t 1,o\l ..]. t oo(ec ]t W.s peńe.:\, s!l.b,.'or sl!, rop]ll.q !L]t'el o] l]6..ales bli lse_.s. 1.1 delei!.!r on_.se l .L]a ns: .100 Do!nd! 01 l]i!r\, bear aa1.1! ! !el!, .;r_.i|] V . lltje!] 1lo n tre tent an.] pL l ol] t,]. 1as! !n (r.h sh... a d s.pp.,jti|!] ], f.eb! ,i]!boJtflleel. 1,1enl}, t,.eLaway ook.c !]h! soie':l, gorge yoursel .b]a.]aa s]ę P tch b ac[ zlFelr e. emno !] k.o!ł @ H0l|l| t0 .L!.l!: ,!] 5oL rd5 ]] q n tle !.oas, ]orls!!..]t.!e a]]..]:] lr...ome|l]..!!1]o! .a.rp .in I |.d s.!1ded l. a .t.!]o.a, r,]s Trere {,3s a|.]il..r ro s.-P.n.] ll]e. ll]e so!nd .1 d .t nq .'n]_p s!r ń.] : was !in,n!] a nr nl, ,łhale!_. i !.3s Annl;K l J _.ł] < 7 Non-defi ning relatiVe clauses oeaa. *hi"h relative clau§es 4 §ffi Ói[ły, rh.n listen "nd check. HoW Whose baby Was st Who Was !nconsc ols Where a fema e 9oll ]a W.śfeeding her baby { glj'lllłil|rG Discu§sthe questions, 1 What ale youl favourite/least favourite 2 What good or bad exPellences have you had R€ad story 1. HoW did the elephant §ave the k l ]n hel arms which was caled BinriJua Who is ńoW nrleniy one years old Where he made a comp ere lecovely a b c d e I can use non-defining ftIatjve clauses tó add a-f comPlete story 2 did the golilla save łhe The gorilla and the toddler goli|,J Jl B.ooI. e,o lou. Whell h. w,r, Lh pr re3r§ old Las t,r]n]ly took hnrr ro rhr zoo, He ,F anled a lrner r,, t ol lhe i ,ill_, .^ (l,-hed " a wlll and fell six metres into tlre gorilla cage, ,Thc gorilh,l Then,the gorilla, .l]irccltlle bor up lcndr rlld carried hnl to the door, Thc boy spclt {our days , in lrospital, Bnl,kfi€ld 5 i . 6 ] tsnltiJLrn is still ar Z.]o n*rl ahi.ago. Read ihe extra infolńaiior 1-ó frorn story 3, What do you thińk hapPened? Read the story ańd check youl ideas, Tocd E.dr]s !ed .eil t. l,e b.;cl] 2 T.€ 9h.rt !.9 f te metr.. Lo.g i] T.d.]5 fl]..d !6s s!ń n!] .: ćse b! 4 Todd! l ght e9 wrs roNr' ii ti. s|jarks in] , , 5 Do]Pl] ns h..] beei P.yj.g . t|e W.!.! .e:rby i The elephant and the rancher A rencher. F,| ,lll , 11_1, |1..1, ó s! 9eo.s łon] rhe T]le lrrdcL oi rhc herL]. . łtr,-tł]hilll rnd ht ie]l oii his horc, lh. sJn]. hjm ivLth hcr tunk rlLI ,, J" ,l,,, 3 tś[,y3 .lrcl clcph.rnt §Js §lrnJllr, olcr ll]m, ro rl his rescrlcrs thlt dic tlephenr llrc r.lnclict liitt.l ] p1,lcc.l l. ,,., l, l,,,ll, llld lrul lnrlcr . ,, theń? ,,, ,J-- sJ>l, d-- across a smal]herd,. Note: start and eid a non-def]njn9 relatlve .lause With a comma Use relatVe Plono!ńs Who, Which, Where and Whose but don't !śe ó6 l The surter, the shark and the dolphins dlr t,l ,ul,iing,,ti eliion]r, lit]d lilllris ] fi\o!1 .,,.] rrrs r perictt 1r t]le rrlrst oi ( orl hs suriborrJ, §i]thrlur 1.1tnjtls. soInethhg h]t hnrr from turder rv.lrer'lbdd knc§,1nmccliate]v that iru,as t shark, He gor back on boald but the sliark bir hnn on the blck.Toddt iriend saiv the huge sha* and at ńrst thought it was a lvlrale. Todd was kicking ńe lltll h . tLce e!,. rnd dldll1see rhc Jolphins, SldLlcull, rhc ,lr,rrl ]cr edrhcul1L,r ,uterrrlJlłc his 1cg, TIle .lrl\.ll1ns hrl sL lru protectilig him from tlre shlrk. Tlrree lrientls helpcdTodd get back toard and readr the bcach. A hclicopter rranspored him to 1Tospitl weeks 1ater Todd was back in thc waier. .l ,li h]on,def inin9 relaliV9 ctauses Yo! use ńon defn ng re ative.lauses to gjve exrla jnfolmat]on about the pe6oń orthin9 you are talk]ńg abo!r. The seńtence makes sen5e Ą," , h-, v,,o n § , ol,,jrq te mdń.led t. ś:!e h 5 ćq, dri l- Read the GRAMMAR Focus- Look at the toul ńon-oefln in9 l e lative (lauśes'nb'Up n the text in Exerci5e 2, Does the story make 5eńse Witho!t ho5P o (ĘĘ! ln p.i.s, re-rite the story in your notebook§ including the extla information in Exelcise 5. . -10żpp|op,alApd,F9 . Rewriie t.e e^,r" . ildb e l"l o^"01 l, dl , P cldJ\, Llsteń to the comp eted srory ańd checkyo!r answers, lili{iAl(llJ[i Discu§§the que§tions. 1 Which of the storiesclo you ike best? 2 Whi.h Wi d animals are VoU mosr .fla d o{? ló tr ), 1 can use PrePositions ał the end Slr{i/łKl1,1{j Look at the pholos and discuss the . . . . hink lń your notebook, complete the sentences with your owńideasandthe Phrases in the boxto makethem true foryou. Then <omPare with a pańńer. what iatura disaslers dó the photos l ustrate? What other natural disasteA c.n you name? agree wh]ch natura disasteB are cómmoń in your country? HaVe yo! ever experienced a nat!ral disaster? What tʧfil ' ) , (Ęffi 4 ] ó . risten to a radio programme called viol€nt Eańń. Where are the two repońers and what natural disasters are they repońin9 on? ln y"u. n"t.b""k, put the words in the 9enteń(es and questions from the plogramme in the corect order. Then Iisien again and check. What tyPe of Wold comes at the eDd of each §entence or '] the crops /AVopic.]Sto.m 2 are / being critic]sed / / Which / on /fatteńed / What/forlthe plblc ,',rho a.e . - has sńebódy those peop]e getting i{]nii]Ve Struct!res -..ere siiuations are very difficulttó dealwith s Vr'ho l focus oń g:L . !.y5 r-!e to som.body lvho rir.n9. t|i.!s. !!ays B: GlobalWarm n9 What sań af thńgs do yau wórry abaut? A: (l]sten)? (spend moiey)? Work)? B: B: (bórow mońey)? B: (have B: lwańt to l!nch)? c otheś, A techno]ogy cómPańy My sister My classmaies, Pan in Polish, Beińg . fnełghter is someth n9 ę czega mażna być dumnym). Forestłre5 are |niezrykle t udne do op.nowan,a; use: deał, 3 Vo cańoeS 4 lwho) they can stiy With, helPłlom?' oLq ercabolt ura o.."o.,rn ,n your norebook, complete @ the §entence§ by translating the / gett ng /Who / frcm / are / help / ? )lepositions at the end of clauses \ot esybody some.o.]y 5A| Read the LANGUAGE Focus and dedde Which two fuńher examples from Exercise 3 complete the LANGUAGE Focus <orectIy. iTJI i5 li o a -a o -L,9 3A: is and / headńg / it/ is / 1 e / anybody/ With / don't/ Some / can / stay / 7 those people 1ł: be ]eve Wait Jól ln your notebook, Wlite questions for these ańswers usin9 ihe Verb in brackets and an aPplopliate PrePosition. Then ask each other the questions and 9ive your o 2 5 forl Which :k to (worry)? 3 Wlth / These situaiions / Very di#ic!h / to deal / are 4 lhe firef ghtels / Which / don't know / on / ońes / to ó peop w]th happen ? are someth n9 bardzo intercs!re). eańhq!ake żone, ts!namis are someth n9 Ida czego trzeba się pżyz\Ńyaaią some tloP cal diseases |bardzó trudńó n an do wylecżyć, !§e, rccoveĄ. Natu6 disastels are not someth]n9 Iżyń się Pżejmuję). ó7 4 Read the WRITiNG Focus and check your an§wers in Exercise 3. A '{or and aclainst'essay can presehż and supPort arguments in a simPle diścursive essay. I 1 Discuss Which of these things it Would be most difficult to live without, electric]ty medic]ne schoo shop5 l!ńńing water Read the essay on contactin9 lainforest iribes and answer 1 i]oV! rnańVarq!ment9fcr..J.9al.nthetopcd.eś lhe 2 Wh.t śyólr pelson. op n on o. the top. i tre eśśay? A'fol and aga]n5t' essay . Fć .i]l.p. ] .tl.d ].t.]l E.! 1,1lh a].,.rr .cmm. ]tlł . P:r:ol:ph 2 [;.:3 :b.Ltth.t.|).: Ar!L, |_-l]lj io, nlj . jr. !dr :.m. .li]i]p e! i. 3!pccrt ],!rL n]_.l ]ś . Peragr.i]..j Al_q!n]_rnr3 ag. .5: y,łte. 5]r .r i]ila9rźph tl!;.ntn! - ](]ś!i]p.rti9 Pre3ert tr,,o o. tl]r_"e ;19!nre.t3lor il].i . alg!nerti.9-.it lhe t.P., P.r.a]r.p r.} aór.!5 c. N/].(.. 5|i]n].l 5,!] s:.:e-.nt 1 No,,rEoays, nrnyofL]S Ve n a \"",ola] of i] gh teahno O!]y :rrd rstan] (](ln]n]Lrn cat on, to rNlsl peop e. t s hi].(j la ba cl.,c iha] i a aaes ka the Arrlażol al ra.forest Thele Add !.]!: p_.lś.ia.p 5 St tr bes 2 on the one hand thcre contad First of ai] lha are se!_ora ar!]lrnents lol mak n! peop -. n lhese tr bcs aot] a] e|]!y a bett.r Staldarc cf ! V t! For examp _. they cou d qel aacess :o c ect|c ]y a]nd rL]nn n9 Nr'ate, Furthermore. ihe r _!oL]ng pcr]p e carL]d !o to Schoo a:na] l]eneft frorn il rraa]ern edL,ca: on Tl._.],, \r'",oLr d p.oi]ijb y ae anazcd io earn abir!: modcrn .ech,]{r l]a]! end fc n oiher pans ol tl.e \,,,/or d . . . . . oN, Read the LANGUAGE Focus, ln your notebook, complete the examPles With the linkers in PurPle ,łho ha'.]e ngvcr had conlai]L \łith .hc o.łS de !l1,ol d, son]e peop ]:] lh nk Lhat we ShcL] rl nliike aant:]ct n,ih SUiJ] 9rijL]l]s oL]t otnels l]e ],.Ve lhey shoL]jd l]e elL a one are l L st ' arguments 1 : -: , Filstly, secandly, Finally addiżió|, ,ln c]Ve exampe5 Fal exańPle,3 show contraśi HoWeVe|' . Peuońa oplnion] ln my ópinióń, itlodU.e a coń.i!sion lr conćl!sion. ó G]Ve , o. the 5 tha othe t!|a], theae arc a 50 lnara,i a.gL]rncn:s irqa -sl mak nq acntect F l!L ],, aiter conta0] nlany tr ba peop e sL.ile ana] d a łir rl d seases tnat co no: eX st 1 thc foresls 3 on !,c Nex] llslcry Shc!,,/S tl.l1 Lhey alle1]o .llqer scc ety at the oLl/esi elle For instance, n]any bcaorl]e be,;q:rrS or toUl s ajlract cnS f,,ljel_! the), 4 n To slrm Up, tle e arc c ear y sllong al!L]n,cnis ir], and ag! ns: mak nq aontact ,/ th r! nlorest :r rcs Personally ] think ihay 5lo! d be eft i] onc to conlnLre ihe r trad l(]na oi fe .rnt ]hey choose lc.ne{e (]an]acl th tl,e flay oL]ls "Ą,/ ce t]oT c] Look at the essay a9ain. ln Whi.h paragraphs does a ! Ve . Pe śóńa op i o.? b prcrj|t.19!me.ts ig.lrł llre top.? c ntló.iJ.e both sidc5 oftire śnLe? d Plesć.i a19!]neits lol.|e lór.? e nale sóme 9ener., hist.l..lorfa.tu. .ommentś Jbo!t i st.tcmc|t 5!n]lnarsing the g n]Ppoń .rglireńtŚ !! ih ex.mp eii n]ake a Wlite the answers óB ma n -'9!meits? in your notebook, '],§i,-, ,Ą* { Readthis shońessay discussing tourism. Which linkeE Which linke.s comPletethe social media po§t below appropriately? Write ihem id your notebook. Tourist trap parents booked a holiday io a caribbean island Which has been bad y damaged by a l\/]y As lravel lo rcmote and cxotic locations becomcs more affordab]e, lherc is a giowing dcmand lbr lnps have cance ed their ho iday ' , lihink itt wrong to relax on a beach While local people are lebu ding the r homes 3 a shońage of Water and food, and tourisis Will make to developin8 countries tlrat haveD't lreen considered a5 holiday destinations unti1 now This can have borlr positivc and negative eft'ects on the countries, 1Tar , ,o|,,pl. l |,N .J effects, Touri§m caD b "1/. |cl'. |ook dl ,n lle no.il;. some peop P thos€ 5 ng wedlth !o dcvclopirrg co]untries.)l nJ opi ion / For ir,§ldr.e.jobs are crealcd ,re.on./l}, tou.isln encoulaBes traditiona] customs, f'eslivals and ]ocal handjcrafLs. aoll lhe olhe!, ha d disagfee,' hotels, restaurants and taxi drivels will §tluqgle to surV Ve,6 l peop e wantto go backto normalas soon as possible rao ,cyerl and tourists use locai shops aDd lrusinesses, € clestinations may rely on tourism income. some tourists may Wantto help,7 , it's impońant ihat they do it through an o19anisat]on l Fullhermore. cor.nn$licalion belween ]oca] people and 3 tourists pronote§ bettel, cuitufal undelslanding. before they go and find out What the loca peoplethink, 5In co}lclusion / on ńe olłcl łdłl.lhe jobs tourism i]e often seasonal l ,1,1l,, ,1F.,,, . |Ą| | .l a crcatcd by , coMMENTs badly paid, 6For i]tJldr.ć / 1agree witll you!You parcnts sha|.l]d cance] then ho]iday and send the maneybthe peop]e wha have last everything dr\e.up \e.o.,olL,..ic products and loca] peop]e cannot affold to do theil shopping in supermarkets and loca] shops7o łła.ld o,{ my parents should do some research / Jllrż l/p. it can damrge the nalura] ei]vironment and 3ln ćoncluśionl lbr instał.e, tourism nust You are 9oin9 to write ań eśśóyon the topic of keePin9 ańińak iń źoos, Which arguments below are for ańd which ale a9ainst? be marraged catefu]ly in deve]oping co.lnlńes.'Pelśandlb, 1 ] T ]e . .re .Ppllt. ż The ai f,! s s!lier think / Furthermore, to]uńSts neecl to be morc respectful of the : loca] cullrrle and environmenl, L ś!e I d t e! lol l.se.l.h, from 3aess...] d9prlss o r. li.! i tó.e.leale ihe łn:m. s'nntlrł ,] E.i]ańq.lei] spe. es .ai be Plote.te.] ln your notebook, match the arguments in Exelci§e 8 With suPPońin9 examPles be]ow . For nł.i.e, b,ds (ep1 iZoosc.rnc,]. {yłc.]y i.. h |r F.r ex.ic e, We h.!e 9.r]9dmcr..i].!tq.:rct.s flom stL.]y i9 7o. .iiir.9 . For in.... rT. lP_-.i_-s (h .l] L]J.d t. b. !, .1 :le ** |o,i oi ! {otid iN zc.! . For .r.Ti.. some n rirlł l belule sressed ....!5. of.oIt..jt W tl,żt]. ,.l t.]l! 'l0 i l sHoW WllAT YoU,VE LEARNT * t T lń your notebook, Write two more arguments for or against keepin9 animals in zoos, Write suPPońin9 t@ oo tt e *.itlng task in youl notebook, Use the ide.s iń Exe.cises 8,9 and 10, the WRlTlNG FocUs ańd the LANGUAGE Focus to helP you, NdP 5/ Wyplacowa-;", W krorym Plzedłdw'sż a19!ńenty ża tlżymaniem zwierząt W o9rodach zoolo9icżnych i Prżeciw takiej Praktyce. .o ..imriei 2i]! p ., s/oL{ 69 sPEAK|NG E Expressing and ju§ii{yin9 The Lhle. c.t!res show,'fo.!s o./'j Lśtl:te P.i!ie X sl'ooks i.terestirg,/.itra( t Ve, b!r Pi.n le X s more th.n tl.. otr,-: P.t!res Pł:i le X s.'t:s slrE/\l(ll,i6 Look at the logo§ and di§cuss Which one you would choose and Why. logo l think ' 1 is the best lógó because itśclevel Th"--i in our hands 3) 2 Ec* Sff{-ł@sL Ecm :he best opi o. , o! c] be X i]e.a!se ,. prefer,/'d :.o 1or/ '.] iiel]i]te y] choo3e p .tL]re x b...!s. ]ke th. (fiEt/5,-..ia) p.t!re best ior two r..son5 F lśty, becalse and letond y, llecaL.se olt 01t..9. thr.e Pi.t!rśś,'d .hoo3e o.tL]r. X cc..!5.] ilr il -lr. plob _"J1,1lh pl.ilre X s th.t ,. PcE.n- V, ] W.! d.'t qc 1or X be..!5. Wo! i. t.hóóse the p.lL]re sho,lin9 b,-.alse Th. rc.nrń dó.'t ke X s be.i!rc below using the word§ in brackeis. Which sentences do you t!l!!! Listen t" tt. t.adteacher and two §tudents discUssing the three logo§, Which lo9o do they choose and why? Focus. nead the sPEAKlNG the oth.r i] (1!leś ln your notebook, rewrite the §enlences about the Po§ters SCHOFOL tĘs! , a9 your notebook, complete ihe dialo9ue with one word in each gaP. Then listen again In 1 PosteE ],2 aid 3 illstlate lhe effeds o{9 oba Walm]ng GhoW) , . -- !p- pa-.^._.l o^ 1^ -J- . ó|glabąva.._-ą 2 Poster 2 is more shocking than Poste6 1 and 3 (not.5 .., .s) 3 Poster 2 is effective blt ike Poster ] better (plefed 4 The meaning of Poster 2 is .ot c ear (prob em) 5 l don't ]ke Poster 2 beca!se t's frightening, (rea5oń) DON,T TURI{ THE WORtD ltlTo A DESERT l HT: so, What do yo! rhjnk o{these three s1| PeEona y, thińktheyte a lgleat, the The three o9o5 focls 1 env]ronment, Logoś 2 and 3 are attract]Ve and an']usjng. BUt lrh nkthe best oPtion wou d be ogo nlmber 1' ]t has a sel]ous message about earn]n9 s2: a9lee, bltthe 3 numbel ] ]§ that it doesnt mention 'Eco Schoo' Lógo n!mber 2 ooks attraclive, n!mber 3 becóUse ltścleverand simp e s1: Pelsońa ly, woudn'tó Gl.roBAI W.ĄRMING .D-9T{ry fól ń!mber 3, l'd definitely' logo nUmber'] becaUse its 3 the messa!e is c..r The Wóldś suggesi thai We are r95poi5ib.j łrl tl]_" iL t!re ol the Hłrc ofthe9e thlee logos, 'd choose logo number 3. 1r choose the ogo shóWing Vegetables because t doesn't Lóók sel ous, l llke o9o numbel3 for two reasons, 1' beca!§e the g asses suggest earni.9 ańd ]3 , because rhjnk We need the Words'Eco school'in the iogo, So ei's go for n!mber 3, 'L caL tha designer .., 70 You are organisin9 a stop 9lobalWarmingl camPai9n at school and need to choose a pośter to adveńise it. Use the sPEAKlNG FocUs to help you, Choose the poncr ]i Exelcise 4 Wh .h, ii yo|r opin on, is moł yo!r.ho.e Wth some reasoi5 44 -d, -olr-,oo,o appropr]ale and 5Uppoń , p o,, a E@Ed@ be climat. ńóde up oflbi,me,d'^, óvl br€adrh sk]adać 5ię z /brcde/ szeró[óść dan9ero!s.Urr€nt /,dcnjd3.Fs'k^r.ni/ iiebćzpieczny prąd (móreki) ńountajn range/'mauni.n rend3/pasńo nountain ridge /lnaoni.n !d5/ gżbiat gÓreki G€an cuneńt /i3U t.n k^!3nr/ prdc] moFki rive. bańk/ nvó ba!k/ bueg uek] 9abed / s]lbed/dńó móGkie po.Uszyć *n uP /,si3jr ^p/Mb!żyć, strengthen /'§trenl].n/ Wzńćcn óĆ strcng current /,stlDł 'k^.Jnt/ siny prąd tidal WaVe /\aidl welv/ ta a pżypływ! nopical island/,tropIk3l'aIlend/Wyspa volcanic €ruption wid€n/w! /vDl,Lćn& l r^p |Jn/ in th€ school grclnds /ln óa 'sku J ,gńUndż/ width /w,do/ szerokość winding river / *udI! nv:/ kęia żeka E@@ recycling bin /ri:\alklĘ bln/ poj€mn]kdo eańhquake /'lokł,eIk/ irzęs enie ziem renewable enelgy h,n ju|.b.l'en.d3i/ solal pa.els/,s.ol. pćnlzl paiee 9loiecżne @m@ pópllation / popj.leij../ licżba ldnóści wtó/ sianąć tlva rżą W iwarz ż cub /rlb/ mloł]e{np niedźwiedzia) defend /dl'fend/ broiić 9ię dje fiom /'dal fr.nv Umżećżpowodu flaśhlight / fl. naIt/ latarka 9o oif /,9.0 DI/ żepsuć 5]ę (ojedzen u) 9ol9e youBelf/ q.:d3j.: śelv óbjadaĆsię hedgehog / bcd3hDg/ jeż in the bush€s/lnóa boIlżl W kzakdch in.ect repellent / lósekl rl,pelent/ środek leaflleav€s /li:flti:v/ iść/liśc]e ńail clipPeB /'netl kilp.2/obcinacz do pan.ake /'p&nkelł/ na eŚń k P€PPer sPray / pep.sp.e,/ 9az P eprżowy Pitch black / p]lj'bL!ł-/ zupełnie c]emno reó.h forl ri]l,i f./ sięgać po sl.eP th.ough /,sli]p'Oru/ przespać coś bag /sli:p{ bćg/ śpWór squnrel /'skłlr.l/ Wiewiólka śtorcfood /,si]: puechowywać]edzen e sunścreeń / s^nslriln/f tr pueciwsłoneczny fu:d,/ @tlFEa E§ffi@ .oast /ł.Us1/ Wybżeże pióńóWy dolphin / dDll:n/ dell n afied /.'lckt/ dóiyczyć, dótykać ail qualiry / eJ ,LwDl.Li,/ ]akośćpowietrza bią.le ra.k/'balslk.l rćk/ hapPen to / bep.ni3/ przydarżyćsę huricane /'h^rakeln/ hUra9an @@ .fiordable /. f]:d.b.l/ Poveńy / pDv.til ubósiwó Pr€di<t /pI dtkt/ pżepow adać, prżewidy}Vać Ploduction /pró d^k,|ói./ produkcja plovide /pl.'vaId/ do9iacaĆ veńicl /iv3i,lr.l/ €ruPt /l r^ptl Wybuchnąć (o Wu kdn e) evacuate /T vakjUeit/ eWakUóWać eva.Uatioń /I,vćkju'eIJJ./ ewakUacja focus on /'1.ok3s Dn/ skupić s ę na 9ót help froń /,gel 'help h.fi/ otżyńaĆ branch / bro]ntj/ galąź clearin9 / kltórI!]/ polańa .om€ fa(. to face with / k^m,fc6t. feIS sl€€Ping exPańd /lk slćdd/ powięGzyć, rozbudować inhabitant /D heb.t.nt/ ńieszkań jec inóovation / in. vei |.n/ inóWźcja lo€re /lJo kcIt/ UśyłUóWać megacity /'meqaśn i,/ me9amiasio deal with /'di:lw,ó/ ladzćsóbie z bear encouńter /'beór n,taun1./ 5potkan]e economi.growth ckJnnnnli gEUo/ Wzrost criticised forl'kntlsażd f3/ kMykowany za rcly on /rllal Dn/ Po e9ać na tsunami /tsU no jni/ ts!nami vol@no /vDl k€in.U/ WUlkan wait fol /'welt f./ -ek.ć ra backpa.k / baknsk/ p ecak @Pital dty /,kćpJtl 'Slti/ stoli.a / agreewith /J'gril wtó/ zgadzaćsię z believe in Ą.'li:v tnl Wierzyć W c.re about / ke.r.,baut/ pżejmowaĆ się search thrcugh /,s3|i,l oruj/ prżetżąsać shalP kniro /,Jo:p'nall7 ostry nóź §it aóund / ślferaund/siedz]eć bezczynńie continent / kDnt.n. r/ kontyne|t @rE!@ b^lb/ źaróW|a energoośzdędna organic /):'gsntk/ ekolo9 czny recycle / lij'salk.V Pżellvluac, ponown e Predator / pred.t./ drap]eźnik n/ poszerz!ć ^ su€eon /'$ld3Jn/ ch r!€ śunound /s. raond/ otaoać Unconsciouś /Ąn konj.V i epż}.lońńy save elect.icity / selv e,lek'trlsJlV oszczędzaĆ energ ę e ektryczną low tide / 1.o tald/ ódpbe nountain Peak /'maont3n pi]k/ Wieżcholek kam plirl eńvnonmental isśUes/] n,valr.n,mćntl IJu]z/ za9adn enia eiązane że środowiskiem 9ad9et /'ged3ól/ 9adźet global warming /,gleub.l w.|ni!/globa ne gianvhuge wave /,da.lJnt/ hiu]d3 {,clv/ g]ganty.znalo bżym a fala lengthen /'le!OJ.,/ Wydlużać a .es.uel /teskj!tal raiowi k loweńeĘy light bllb/ l.u en.d3i'lalt height /halt/ Wysokość hei9hteń /'hann/ podwyżSzać hiqh/ri5ińq tide /,h.!'rai7in rań/ ptzypŃw leader / li]d./ prłwódca nake a cońPlete rccovery / meik ii k vóri/ cćlkowic ie W}żdlowieć envnonment /n vafJnn3nt/ łodowisko deePeń /'di]lan/ po9]ębinć dePth /depo/ gtębókóść de§ervremote iśland /,dćz.t łi,nr.Ut'!ll.n.V beżl!dna/ód]egła Wyspa die out / dal 'aof/ Wyginąć fast_f lowin9/slow_movin9 river / f olsl fl3uin/,slJu mu]vlD 5tvJ/ Wańko/Wo no 90 out/,§J0 aor/ Ustępować (o pżyp]lvie) heat up / bi:l '^p/ podguać heavrcuqh 5ea / lrevi/ r^f silWzbużone ,9n klźunJt/ k imat /'klaln3r l,Jend' zmiana electriciiy /c,lek'fn\.ti/ el_"kryczność brcaden /'brJtln/ poVeuać @lm śea / kojn si:/ śpókójne ńóże @me acrors/,knm J kIDs/ natknąĆsę na @me in /,L^n !n/ docerać, PoFW]ćsę W) / .lińate.han9€ f emale elePhanr/gorilla/bear be99ar/'be93/żebrak W prżyslępne] cer e beńefit froń / benól lrem/ czelpóć kóżyścz developinq.ountrie5 /d, vel.pln'k^ntrizl endangered sPecies /In dclnd3.d'spii,|ijżl za9roŻony 9at!nek / ża9roŻone 9atunki get acceśsto/,gć1 ełses1./ uzyskaĆ dostęp instant communication /,nst3nt k. mju:m,kelj.n/ komUi kacja lo.al handi.rafts / l.Uk.l hćndikrd:fi§/ ókalne 2€miósłó ańyslyczie loc.tioó /bD'keljan/ położenie make contact with / melk konteki WIó/ outśide world /,auśald w3td/ śWiat Pollution /'p3,lu],|3n/ zan]eczyszaen]e raińforegt / reńtnns1/ las deszczowy recreate /,ri:kri eill odtwó2yĆ running wate. / r^nl! wJj l./ bieźąca woda 3hortage of wótel ańd food /J.nId3.v |w.:t..nd fu:d./ brak Wódy i ]edżenia tourism income / toJrlzJm ,lDk^nr./ puychód tribal people /,lrarb.l 'pijp.l/ człońkow e way of life / we] 3v la @@I@ de.eń dez.l/ plsrnia / obyaaje, zwyczaje / effective /IYektiv/ ef ektywny fri9htenin9 / frałnĘ/ prżeraża]ąry rcject d3ekt/ odĘUcać shó.kiń9 ^, /'.lokiD/ 9ókUją.y / f ilnetl 'el3lant/ga'rlla,"be./ 5łonicd/golylica/ sto]ak nć lówery 71 Uzupełnianie zdań; słowotwórstwo 5 ż Podanych Wy.azów PoPlawnie uzupełniają zdania? Dwa wyrazy nie pasują do żadnego ż ni<h, Któr€ ló-9 06 1 li]sdai9erclsto 2 -,r l"n o.e 5w]m here because of cutrentwhich ćou d Go]n9 kayak]ng oń slch a s e\. tfjg .!t i .e..js . ot .1sk ś--or9 the p! lyo! oultó sea. {IoW].9 rivel ]i9 5 5!ch . ljjVe .!.r .ee. tr.e peop c l,ioń. l;nd tl,:r KEe 2 |1 9 in]p!ń.n: to d.]Ve oP ci!l.;b]e 1 lijr)-'Vr'.l]], , si.a,s.i Am. (:. d;i!eqj 9pe..5 Ur] r r l ir.t.injle on.jel or t--, st.1 p.rk 5.ys .9 | n].!t t doln n l]g l:.n]"],w ] abclt.]ań.get. tle Przeczytaj tekst. Przekształć Podane wyrazy tak, aby uzupełniały poplaWni€ tekst, , WsKAZoWKA Po przecżytaniu c€łego tekst! Prżyjrżyj§ię słowoń ,-}f sq anos J e 'aL j. "_ ei' mowy należy UtWorzyć od kaźdego z tych łóW, tak by Dór ,.a p " , i "PoPżW - u, ,pel _ oó,]" |L e -.(s,,two-,.Jońoóo,ż,.;I1)l żnd(ż,li, do Podanegó, nP. rjPe - unrlp€, poo ł,"W'aq""h'ż", \-,.cpn:e -dec/dL,, 1 (BBoAD)the mind, may be true thattlavelcan (DEEP) can go an ecolog]caliour ng on blt ' your know]edge in Ways that s nrpetouism can't do, For example, lWent on aiour ofiheAmażon R]Vel which iaught me a oi aboui ihe danrage We are doing tothe panet, 3 lalso realsed Why some peop e have such (STRENGTH) argumenis lor env ronmenta proiect]ón 1Was an amaż ng ho day and alihough We d dn'ttlave the (LONG)ofrhe Amazon, we saw trees of an (HIGH)that may one day disappearfronr amazinq 5 6 (WIDE) of the rVer it is our planet, Because oiihe sometimes ca ed a sea and it s home to hlndreds of planis, animas and lsh,lćan i magine one day Waking up and f nding that a]]ol ths life is gone, ]t 93!e: (He,notre s a S...1!|] : Tl]:.oipany bt ]ds ho!!{js. oT.rtl]e..!.t'y it 72 .o: (be/nat ona /bird) the ECOLOG|CAL TOUR 1 Tok!. sthe.;P]ii of.]ap.r (l s.]ircg..ty) 2 M! frero ]ćn.y k. śaot.b.Lt.nf lól].,.nt. er]] 3E ]! have beeń afesied by the po jce. Do podanych zdań dodaj informacje W n.wiasach, Uźyj żdań PlzydaWkowych ni€def iniujEcych (noń_def'nin9 relatiVe .lau5e5). ... W.lk,]! io 1.r.!. -l]e fu.me.i l.]a.e: op_-.ć.] h. r ]ó. tlrc.e ] tree jn t ]e s s th]nk they envnonment, the ssues .re preseN ńg nat!re ańd lsing le.ewable e.ergy. 5 Severa meńbe6 ofth]s gro!p, (purPose/be) to siop cutling down tlees ]i the alea, hłei Wc 5.!J th.t il; tree |r.d f:. ei ..loss 20tl] ...t!ly, a m.ł I ]ty Pc . ć.t c{ d,e d ob. 2. c]t es poP! Ji óń !.c] i ]]a]ore.ńh!L.ke lo sceńlsts.iPe.| l] i.ci, Anle es 5oo| Lo9 h t V] age Whcre rUrn |9l!.ter ]r Tnciij,las nc .h d q !e.].S Jicdid my i,r d i:rqest .ont .ent I _1 Elrcp. ]! ] t Li!crI1.o ll]e;9!.!i i lnejJ o1]!!i.o.p. .boL l lo St.ń .L l h kc ti ba e.d_-l lants i(] tća.h h . i]eoi]. .t]o!.: oLt5ice io.d (He stLdi.d . ?.r]5 ) ted ],h.ń il]ey Pnrn UzuPełnij luki p.żedimkańi: a, an ]ub the. Jeśli Przedimek nie jest Potrzebny, WPiśź : P.cF r . p l ó'żodio /,{,,o", j, [l .",roWJe sóż\d_ -J język! ang]elsk ń żawieraji iakieś 1 sonje Peope cLaimth.tWatershońage (We/shoU d/Wory), ańd )/ !.5 J..i ,1 r. :.,r,n fra9ńęnty zdan !! face to {..:e !! tlr a l]ej n th.lólest 5 Be.a!S. o{g]ob. r]_..rtltq1.1rJ.a] l.,9 / "1.1'ir!! !lórm9 -r_- 5e.orl |.] ńore fr_-9lent lrd d:n9crols l !łc !!ere ' ,,podPowiedz ", np. odnies]enia do PrżeszłośćlUb tLllr,/ _'r.l.ng.] ' .l].,r9. l].ppen r!:], l]Ll io: eteryon..9le.s oi tl]_A.a!S. s .b!]cL]l WSKAZóWKA i.e / :lióf]g r_Els.bi..]nergyirłejd 01d.Peić i:r o. . l i } lP\! 4 The bc;].h s so |]t.l] b gq_,l :l l t.(.5..]es to !J. k co!r. io ihe ]!.n:l 9ea t].t DL l bo.t lrald 5 t !!.5 s!.h n molcd !p and i]o!,..t.l Wybielź PoPlawny wyraz. ] ..n't b. i,-ve yc! j e.t.!!.l,/ tioLlg| ire sto,]] The Y/.d !!.s re. ly óJ3 Użupełnii żdania Wyrażami z nawia§óW w odpowiedniej form,e. Nie zmleniaj kolejnosci podanych wylóżoW i dodaj wszystkie niezbędne elem€nty, aby ot.żymać lo9ień€ i PoPrawne gramatycznie żdania. W kaźdą lukę ńożesż wpisać mak§ymalnie sźeść5łów. r.5 trc Wybór Wielokrotny lniej 7 f!Ęt! U sty§.rr, 6*L]krotnie wywiad radiowy na temat motyla monarchy. Króra z podanych odpowiedzi (A-D) jest zgodna ż treścią nagrania? lć ) WSKAZóWKA Wtym zadaniu jedne9o, dłużsże9odialogu, Pytania !łożono zgodnie z (o ejnoścjąpleżentowanja ńfolńacji W iekście,osiainie pytanie dotyczy zwy<le całego tekstu, np,głóWnejjego myśilLb intencjjóUtora, 1 what A B is Wy5]! chasz true about mona.ch butteń ies? óftheff ]ive in the Un ted st.tes tv.la|y ofthem śtay ]ń Mex ćo.ftel the lv t\,.lost c|2 11 PoPatrż na Plakaiy z ćWicżenia']2 iopkz, co Przed5tówiaja, 12 Pla<ują. W palach, wykonajcie zadanie. '.]T].tr7I]i: p.tii! ] 2 :] T!.. jż[.]. ( iI.- l)Frea lłc]n;: l,c:h l;n-ra. ;.l).:l.].!l h ż,l __lż,J] B e z.!7 !.]zij],l ;n (i...,.: tro,i .;d;. en] et, .f _.l]a trż__(:5 lJ.]P..,r P.iia] , !'l]lb e ż p Jk.t, który tlin n :..r e,: ]st i: l]!ld] " .]!p.,l..] ], i Jż.!.dii] nló] |,,/b.l 'ł,/ ił, d _E] i.:_"a. .]d,7l.i57.].]:ośti;]e p ]pcit.]. nier P-, -\,o o1o- e ,1,i \o.1 ^,,_l " D They migrate from the US io Mexico n Wirter HoW ale the monalch bliteńy ańd the ńj kweed P.nt A Ihe monarch caUses dama9e to the nrikweed. loJ e B]ó |nóAd óód ió,oóc Ihe m lkvieed s ne.essary fol young monalch D The monarch eats mi]kweed When there 3 nóthjń9 Dr C arke says that peop e in l,4exico A c.ń't B shou c 4 ]s he p ih€ mon.rch in any Way, d siop destroy n9 the forests, shou dn't !se chemicals in a9ric!lt!le, D must P ant milkweed in theil garc]eis DrClalke mainlyta ks abolt A Why ńóńarch bltteń]es m]gr.te over ion9 disian.e5, B the efiects of famjńg oń the jfe of moiarch c Why mónac] bltteńieS fly to Walme. c imates. D I A p,ob -n n ol " b, ,,_Jl., ,_ t" rs |':, ::j ,,: 8 * * s= § = § s = = = _§ ,: r : a, Pracując W palźch, odPowiedzcie na pytania, l ] 9 i,. a i,, [/h.! aE the ld!.itage§ of ].V.9 . oct-/ W|?t ale ihe disad!.|t;!res .{ lr.V n9 . ..t? Pżeczyraj zadanie. zaPla n uj swoją wypowiedź i ońów §wój Pomysł z kole9ą lub koleżanką, a(] nl i::.ll !j(/fij..5. iij,/ cs..,/ (!iE.l.i J..l,t.!!ii ż,l _.,]e ]__ ll,] l),],.t;,,]i.],r..].ly, ż. r.]...].., edr e ,.ll,rlt :z,:l l)\ 5.: rir7.].a |.].Pi!: .Zp Jn..i.te. l"l!P.-rj 9łźp.r!,i.: ż.!,i..;a D. 2a1] jL] 25a śbtr, .jl,.'-ł]lJ.' l15ż!.lir. llljn.i!r.:!.., ....t,.ż;ce Ilnll llsl:;:;rl_.ill 1.1lier:r lll 1o Wykonajżadanie w ramce z ćwi.zeńia 13 Placujac W Palach, odpowiedzcie na Pytania, ] !Vn-:..n peopecoio9rcie.tł.iI. li.]hts bettel ] sorn. P.!p . 5.y trłi .i b- m. s łro! d nile tre n sal re y.! .9re.? \Ą/ny?"!Vh} io:? i:ni-. 9. . tl,. inost pop!].r p.t9 .id whrr'? 1 !!hy ćO !.L th .k n,|. P..]D]c ł.cp .iot., . ]l-. oien J:,l9e'rLs ;l nla s as p--ts? Do :, \i/F.t 9. 73 T} Parts of the body I can talk . injuries . body idioms about Palts of the body ańd injuries. gi D 1 2 SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 3 ln your notebook, draw a man or a womań! body and label it With the word§ in th€ box. comPare yoL]l drawing with a Pańner, bottom chest eyeblow finqern.i forehead hip iPs ńećk shoulder big toe tóngue 2 knee Label as many other pańs oł the body on your drawing as you can in sixty §econds. comPare again, How many Words do you ą s 7 8 Look at the cańóón and read the excuses {ol ńissińg school, Disc!ss the questióńs, V,/h].h ei.!!.s.ro_-5 tlj_. p .t!re lstraie? 2 Wh .h ei.!S. i5 th.] iroł be e!;lr e? 3 u/h .l. et.!S. ]5 th. ..l; be ev.b e? ] /. (. j-\ o 2 ,f --n., ,,_| , >r §ś ,§ł) 9 These are allgenuine excusesthat students have given lormissing school. Focus oN WoRDs I Pań§ ofthe body ł (Ęl§ łaa tl. p..ts of the body in the box to your drawing in Exercise 1. U5e a dictionary ił necessary. Then li§ten, check and repeat, Dear §ir ".. ,ith 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 ls ipped on a co n and ]V]y l parrot has llu and ] need to take care of it, lell oUt of bed and cisioćated my 5ho lder, 5 My toe got stuck in the bath tap and t s broken iihe toe not the tap) [/]y nose s l bu|n,: nl), b ocked and comb ng my hail and l brcke jny al nl try ng to Catch a fal ing sandwich, l gotdizzyfrom read ng too much, l'Ve been !]jlT,en h,y' 5 ó rib spine 7 i:i ó l!ą\ rhumb 9 Waist 10 Wrisr l and 4 and find out What your l lnjuries been bitten by a dog/a ravffi+ an ,rsect/a snake? broken your eglthumb/toe/tongue? burnł your fngels/ha SPine/tongue? dislocated your bottom/hip/knee/thumb? had a black eye/a bruise/a cuva sore eyebrow? sprained yoU r foot/o.ehead/knee/W.ist? SPEAK{NG Ask each other at least six questions about difi€rent injuries in Exe.cise ó. Who has had the most What _"|:l thigh 5PEAKiNG Test your pańner! phy§ical abilities! U§e injuries? Have you evelbeen bixen by a ,lil 7 8 HaVe you ever ,,. an ]n§ecl, W I eLbow the Words in Exercise§ pańner can do, 1 2 3 4 5 ó 12 lWasthereal thetme-you justdidnlnoticeme, ,, chin neaa *e list ofdifferent injuries.ln each Iine onealternative isimPośsible orVeryunlikely. Find a word in red in Exercise 3 to rePlace it. Then listen, checkand repeai. ł §łle fił!0l. 11 3 4 o |Ętll got blu ses and a b ack eye, l'Ve got cheek Focus oN WoRDs had.j on the toasiel, 10 ankle Can yau tauch your lelt ank]e with your chin? Can you touch you riqht cheek With vaur le{t shaulder? can't breathe, l poked myse f in the eye Whll€ |'Ve 8 9 1 2 9plailed n]y;inkb, haPpen€d? Focus oN WoRD5 lwa; | dog? Yes,lhave. ... Body idiorns 8 lĘfP risłen to six dialogues. ln your notebook, comPlete the typical English idioms with the <orect 1 2 3 4 5 ó 'm pu l]ng yourl99, she broke h s aughed my can you give me a có!ldn't believe my t's on the tip of my off, ? 9 llEaFl Whjch idiom§ in Exerci§e 8 march dełinition§ 1-ó, Write in your nolebook. Then listen, check and repeat. 1 'I lalghed very loud y. = 2 ] know ]t but can't remember t now 3 Can you he p m_.? = 4 j'm joking. = 5 She rea ly UPset him, = ó lwas extreńely sl]lPrised, = ś| = 10 SPEAK|Ą]G Work in Pairs. ln your notebook, write a §hoń dialogue including an idiom. Act out your dialogue to rhe clas§ and decide which one r t Ę@!fl i§ the be§t. Wo.k in groups. Choose a Polish charity (olleding donationsforthe sick or runnin9 campaigns to promote a healthy Iifestyle. Do some reśearch online and PrePare a digital Presentation about it. Then present it to your class. 75 , (!ffi ri"t"n t" non t"Iking to a friend. What problems does he have with łhe followin9? athe ,}is 1 ln your notebook, write what Ron says abour hi§ problem§. Make sentence§ by matching the §entence halves. Then listen again 1 3 D lf lburnt rny hand, l'd hoLd my ,., a hold jt Under the cold Watel tap. L} put o t pUt ice on it, ll a bee stun8 me, |'d Li nose and ook down, ,., lW sh rhey Wolldn't c the doctór's phone number on it, put d plastel on the §tn8 wish/if only ... !5_- Wisńlf on' + Pa§t simp e n] say ł,;tyi! .j3 _!,]r.nt i: p,eser1 s LJ:t.n 10 De Yl)! ,,. i i]i l r.| + wouid + Ve.b to !.! óńly \.l) l \e wish/if 1 ples..t h.l].,.,!!l L. i.n]e5c.]" yoL i,nnt ti.t ] Listen to Dr Maxwell's podcasi and check your an§wers 5_. ]l]a Focus land an§werth€ !5e the second conditionalto la k.bo!t the o{.. n.9.ary 5 t!.t of ima9ińalysitu.tion lesuli if + Past simple, wóuld('d)/wóuldn't +velb Es! 8 mr l;.d, ,:. .i] th. l 5r l,.] ii i l !n,]_,,tlr..cii] jl]! 2 ,ló.'t ll.Iefjl] I.-i]]].iś 9 3 4If 5l óLf showerifL (have)flu, (have)a cat if l (take)a cod 76 r_, be..F g]Ves L]§ a test every Week don't have a motorbike. can't play the 9!itar Then write a second conditional sentence to explain yoUrwishes. Wish my Parents/s]§tel/brothel Wó! dn't Wou d/ Wisi my sj§ier Wou/d get her own laPtoP lf śhe l1ad her own laPtóP, s]re Wolldnt |se (hear) a mosquito jn my rooń, (not be able)to s e,.p n]_-..nrt 1 (have) sl]ńburn (not come)to school, (ńot be)a|Lergicto 2 lWlSh lhad/didń't have 3 lfon]y ]Was/Wasn't 4 wish knew 5 I E o!rteacher ln your notebook, comPlete the sentences. 1 ll to nli:9 6 My fl]end won't et me coPy h s homework .].r;'i ;.](ńótle.)!!e at5c]óo, 2l+ a.t hlsiam ńe tab ets strońgerth.n Msh ln youl notebook, Wlite a second senten.e to shów that you Wou d like the situatioń or behaviour to be diffelent, which wi5hes are 3 ln vour notebook, write the second conditional sentences and co;plete ihem With rhe corect {orm o{ihe vprb§ in brackets, Which sentences are true for you? ] 1 3 | 'I a er9 t pft:le,tcrf!i!re t ]i] ] orly lf ł ł t r.i.y']i].!Is question§, 1 Are the example sentences about rea ol imagln.ry stuatiońś? 2 Are they about the ple§ent]futule orthe Past? 3 Do yo! have to be9iń a conditióna] senten,e With 'lf'? Y.! had d come ]ńto rhe holse, e p ay lold music at n]ght a Wash and dry it and then put a p]asler on, b t]e som€thing around my Wli§tto stop the blood flowing, 3 catwou d.'t Read GRAMMAR Focus Il and find another examPle of each u§e of Wishlf onł in Exercise ó. lf l cut my fin8er and it Was bleeding, l'd Read GRAMMAR 1 put sonre ey€ dlops n take some antihistamine tablets, 2 &EE!l Wish the 5 {ony lf ltłvisted my ankle. l'd ,.. it put it jn a bowlof hot Wdtel, lf l got a black eye, |'d,,. l (ftffi What do you know about fkst aid? Do the qUiz, Write the answere in youl norebook, Then .ońp"le yo_r an,welś lf lhad a nosebleed, |'d ,., . hold mV nose and look up cat the Window the neighbours foot the doctór's phone number {onLyLcouId l a # t Gap fill Listen to the three recordings again and comPlete i§l W the 5ummary in your notebook. Wrjte 1-3 words in each gap. l can understand a nevls repolt and an informal conversation on a common topic. Rob ]s P€pariń9 l]K.|.,t 1 Ho,l r]L :] ni: ry |rc.P H.,l .h .]() e§ r;._. _4!e,}, (:.]o|.t. mo|.y? ] [/lr.t.]. Pc.P. d. to l.]s. m..ey? !e.l? ln your notebook, pqt the text line§ in an applopriate ordel to de§cribe how Rob i§ going to .ai§e money for charity. Then li§t€n / . overhalfthe adu]t popu ation. . The avelage amóUnt js fl8, . over25% o{ peop e donate onllne, What §oń of event§ raise the most money? 40,000 pańiclpants rUn a marathon around London, FocUs oN WoRDs I charity fund ln your notebook, complete the verb phrase§ wilh the preposition§ or pańicles in the box. Theń listen, check f890 milion h.5 been raised forvar]ous 1j", . Th€ event has ra sed over 7 fó5 milion for the Bl]tish Heart Foundation. . . . l", i. * ,"'l 1 donate money 2 laise money 3 §et or sha€ London to Brighton cycle 25,000 pailic]p.nts ride about 87 kiometres raising ó (Ęl§ . over . and check, 1 Rob ]5 takińg pa.t 2 .nd asks h]s friends to sPonsór 3 the page W]th Peop]e Who Wildońare money 4 ńońeyfol charity. He sets UP a WebPage 5 ońl]ńe. The money goes stra ghtto the chalĄ/, ó ]n a cyc e lace and he Wants to raise 7 memory of h s grandfaiherWho died from a heart 8 ai.ack, He's {]oinq to share 9 him, He exp ains that he's doing it in Who donare§ money? . 5 5 lĘf!| ,ilp. Dlclyou know ihat people donate almost f]0 b,lion to UK charities everyyear? ó. Last year po!nds forCancer Resealch sed] The cyc e ride stansjlst after t W l take approx male y Ó Discusswhich of the chalities listed you Would give money to. UI(ToDAY fórihe Lóidóń tó Bd9htóń cyce lc]e. ra Rob ,,a.ts to ra se nro.g_! f.l the Br t sh Heart Folnd.t o., A..: s!ggests sett ng up ' shesays it! a 9ood idea to ask adu ts {ol sponsorshlp because they have ' than people Rob and Annaś a9e, Robl mothel doesn't th]nk enough, she Wants to buy hjm a new one Read UK ToDAY ańd ańswel the questioń§. ]ain Anna h śfl]eńd ;PEAKINo 4 5 a W,.bpage ó sPonsol take pa.t tlain ln your notebook, complete the questions with an appropriate verb phrase in Exer.ise ó. Then aśk and answer HaVe yo! ever , 1 , n a fund ra sing event? 7.5 millon Viewers Watch a TV 'te ethon'or9an]sed by Brltish comedians, 2 3 over f1 bilioi has beei 5 Money goes to h,.lp Think of chality events that take place in your countly ol local area. HoW do they raise money and What do 4 fr]end or a famiy membel? a Webpage to s!ppo.t a crarity? a fol a charity spońing eveńt? V!lielab e peop e ]n the UK and Afrjca 3 lnEE§ Listen to rwo dialogues and a news rePoń. Answer the questions, saythe words. Which Word is pronounced with 1 Wh]ch event 3 ls Rob taking part in? What did Rob's grandfatherdie o{? HoW s Rob tra ning forthe cycle? 5 ó HoW o d is the London to Bllghlon cycle? HoW o d do yo! have to be io do the London 2 1 he;l hee kiee he.1 2 (. ł ray ..1 spr:]i 3 i.ć ,ib lrrsl si.! 4 What does Robś motherWant to buy him? to Brighton cyc e? i 10 a different 4 blrn thlmb \łor( r!5 !]eW .ood bl!se f! Listen, check and rePeat. 77 Matchin9 3 @ Read the texts again. Which.entences 1-4 maich text§ A-c correctly? Write in yoi]r notebook. one text ha§ two maiching l§lroó simple text§ on th€ in,f orńatjon. same toPic to find| 'pecjflc l can scan several ] This 1 Discuss the qUestions, Ho,l |;,!.]11e.ert].l]ś ill]rm.d.. P,ofess oi ..n ,!ót 2 2 W']:l k ic oi d- l! 1a9k3 co yo! ih |k e.].i ]ob rvo ]]es? j Do yo! (io,ł lnneoie !!h. (. kśi medi...j? ić yolr p.nner aco!t med.a practitionel , , Was anxlous that he/she Wo!ld be !nable to save h s/h€r Pat ent's ]ife. Wolld like to have more say ń chóoslig Who 3 fee 5 trat it is hiłhel duty tó deal W]th a l sońs of d]fferenr siruat]on5, 4 knóWs that f he/she oveiieacts. it doesn't he p anybody, t|]_.n] Read about three medical plźctitioners. What examples do they gjve of things that 9ive them job satisfźctión? - Three Snapshots § - Dr Richard younq told us about the more unusual and un."p."ted ioc"tions Where he's used his l§ some nurses choose medicalskiIls. '|'m a doctot and Work n a doctor'ś surgery Where l 1rea1 Dat ents, !/!te r]rescription§ and generajy help peop e recover frcm i nesses and njuries, BLrl thats only part of the slory a d n pub ic places several tirnes l,]elped a rnan Who co lapsed Ln a park, Anolher t me, a teenagerwas suiiedng from a nut ailergy 'Ve g]!ę! peop e flrst onće to Work in extreme conditions, like Warzones. senior nurse sonia costa spent two months in Yemen as pań of a Doctors without Borderc* emeagency team, ' c]ecjded to Work in Yemen because, as a reSU t of Wa[ 1here Was a cholera epidemic anc] over 620,000 peop e Were suffelng flom the d sease, n places Where thereS no c ean fooc] ol Watet people latcfuEęq§ę§ easily l Worked on the childrenś Ward and one of my patlents Was a s x-rr]onth o d baby boy Who Was so ll ihat he looked ike a two Week o d. Each morning, arrived atthe hospita. afraid that may noi see lhe ch ld in his bed, But f naly he sialtec] gą]!]Ę]ryę]gE! and When he Was We enough to go ho-.l6 ^.,,,p,app6l \,ó, on fights, nervous passengers often have pan c.qttacks and doctors are asked to calm them down, when hear 's there a doctor on board?" L aWays offer my heLp. once, on a l ght from London to Los Ange es helped a Woman Who Was seT]ous y i L, l 78 ) |ó|o,o., N spent the twelve-hoLrr fightcadng fol her siayed Wth her after We anded !n]ilThe ambu ance all Ved Which meanl lhat l m ssed mV connecl ng fl]ght, but Was happy to heLp. ln my job, sav nq jve§ must come frs1, even When L'm off duijl' E 'r)ó.lórś wilhoLl BDrdels- also knawn as lńćdećins sans Fronżićres is an jnłemal1na] óraanisanan helpihg peóp]e in war zońes and a Focus oN WoRDs 4 lĘlll l Health issue§ Use aPploPriate collocations in Exercise 4 to answer the comPrehension questions. Then check your anśwers in the text, 1 ln your notebook, complete the collocations with a noun or adjective from the words in blue in the l a foodh 1 Wrere .joes Dr Yo!iq !s!. y le.t pntients? ? Wrii d d he oice tle.t ! kiil (:; s does s.L !,].ir_-5 9_-t. . lest.!r.nt 3 W]y .] d So.i. Con. d.c.,. to ,lo i . Y.m.n-| ,l Vnr. r W.l.]. {]5 rE,io.(.r i rh. h.5nt. ? !]la|lergy V/l].t o{ a reena!er :n ó Wlr;t sori óf 5 t!;l on! il s ]_- 10r? ri.yf:d,lit r? tr.nr_-d t.] (]_-.] ,ł tl]? Think of three questions to ask your Partner usin9 different collocations in Exercise 4, Ask and answer the questions, i]..]_]] j,l.!] ].il : .,.,] ].i.--, l j r]] r ]i].,.--] .] ,1.,]]] i],. ]- lil,. Discuss the Pros and cons ofworkin9 as one of the medica Professionals described in the iext, What Would be the best or Worst thin9? Think about the {ollowin9: Wóuld yóu ćońsider a caleel in ńedićińe? Focus oN WoRDs ' Unpredictability is a daily reallty for paramedics, sally James says there is no such thing as a typicalday, r tĘf,l| tn your notebook, complete the 9ap9 u§ing the underlined phra§es in ihe text. Then listen, check ft 'l Wolk a twe Ve hour sh never know When I rnlght have to try and save someone's Je, but stay calm because f l pan c, everyl]ody e se gets anxious too ]l, 1 2 3 4 p a pańic attack 5 ó 7 8 ta, lo go l Health issues 2 10 lveś a diśease We ght a baby tfil§ ln y"u. n"t.booL put the text lines in an dPPloPriate order to des<ribe tWo {unny exPelien<es that Doctor Robeń§ has had, Then lisren and check, 1 l'm Doctor Robeńs and l'm proud to say l'Ve saved 2 attack, she recovered qu]c<ywhen lqave her 3 had some funny experiences, once, l WaS on 4 Jil§t aid. Then she told ńe l ooked Ljke helth]rd 5 ó some days noth n9 dlamatic happens, The most comrnon ca l is stomach pain, and We get a ot of non ernergency cals lke toothaches or shaving cut§ or peop e Who say they'Ve burned themseVeS on the r hair stra ghteners, Wh ch s annoy n9, but We have io take thern serioUs V Whie Wete dea ina With these time waslers, We may get a cal from someone Who realy needs us, but ihere's noth ng We can do ab,out t, We're nol doctors, b,utWe're h glr y lra ned to dea Wth se ous conditions ike heart attacks, But my favoulte rh]ng s dgl!ęl!g3 ]]ąt]y can start my day by getting someone's heart beating aga n, and end ]i With ch ldb rth, 'rn happy' 7 8 9 10 11 12 leP ied| Last Week, Wa§ treat ng ives ańd helPed many PeoP e, l'Ve eveń del]Vered bettel, bltthe med cine tasted awfu], 'd Wrtten a baby ón a fight tó NeW Yo*, But l'Ve a so a bus When an elderly ady had a Pónic |d Lód Ló, 5oW ^. ) l_, b_rd l_.dL"d a patient forearache, Today she tó d me she fe t mlch 'TWo' she a Prescr pt ón fórealdróPs| 11 5PEAK|NG Di§cuss what personality and what qualities a doctor needs, Do you think a sen§e of humour is one of them? f choke ón sth d]awić sę.zymś ?9 7 ł l .an talk about hyPothetical past results oł a past action U5in9 the Third codditional, , ffiffi Read and listen to an incredible suruival story. wń;t two decision§ did simon yate§ have to make? Do you think he made the.ight decisions? DECISION TIME l,,, \, , ,,,| ,,| (| , ,| \, ", r j. l ,, ,,,_, l ,| \,l l,. ,, ,. ,,,,, , ,, , , 'l l l, ajlxnc]c llu ]tri rJ] l]r. \llde§ l]ul rs llre\,$clc.onringdo\n .lrl.\ hid (,r irr[c r lerjhLc Jeclśi.nihouu hć lel\c hi! tlj.nJ i| shNld hc ll) n) g.1 h]n do§n th..![lrlrjn. Ile cho\c tlle !e.ond o|lion ll hc h,d ].]'t his llj.iLl, sln]|nlr §ouL,l lrr\c L]ie.], \rt.. ll.d hi.rscll n) s|l]|nr| silh l nlpc ind lhc\ ,lo$l\ cllnrc Cioun thc l|roLtnlxin Ń9.1h.l, Th.n Llisa\lćl lhe nroUlllain sitlpson l( llUrd b].kc hir le! hiLilr, ll3!ii. sil]r|!nr lil1 1nd \.Li hrngill! o\Pl .l)uldn'l holllhilr]. H. jnulrd hi\ }rclrkIili x d de.i|.d to,ut lhc r(l|e, Sinrp\ll lelL (§elrl) ll\c tllen,.\, Yr(e\ 1.1rlr ed n] baśe.rn\p il.n.. Ilc \ix. sure :j]|rpson $,|ś,].td t] l h. llso klle§ ll]!1 il ]re hfulD'l c 1 lh. rrl|e. h. $oLlld h!\c llll!,t dnd l5 |ied tr!), \1il|! ]oUsl!. Sinrp\on d]d| ( die, H. IUlled hinrsCli \Lo§ll !L(!l! llre gloUlrd §ith i] b]ok.D l.g ful ihr.. dl)\ rn| niglrlś,H. ł[i\'ed hr.]. ilt bN. .rl|rpju\t il] (il]r, 'l'llr\ §r[]!i hl\c llreid) L.Ll il Si.rploll hxd rlri\ed r l.§ houN lllcI' lo \t|!.k Read about three more incredible survival stories. uśe your imagin.tion and in your notebook Write Third conditionaI śentences to describe alternative outcomes AńsWer the questiońs about the story. ' !!hJ,.](]l] l Y.t.5 _-i|e5ml]i].!h..l]_"t,rc<. ż \ł.], .]!] Y:t.S..ł ln! rri].? :l Why d (] S ńP!ol]."!,..t r;>...mP']tn ]5 eg'l r tin],'r Read the GRAMMAR FocUs. Find the three Third conditional sentence5 iń the story, Do you a]Ways begiń a Third conditional senteńce With l' ? A ln 2003, Aron Ralsion Wenl hik ng a]one in a canyon in tJtah, He trappe.] his arm Under a rock and couldn't move, He had a penknife, He cut off hjs own arm, Ralston sUrViVed, 'ń' Yó! !S. tlje Third conditionźl to t. pasi rc5! i mó9 l];ry cl.n ..n eve.t i lle k ń.q n.ry Paj elcńt .bo!t the ra9 n,ry ]nr.g]ńary P-n le,L] t wóuld/wólldn'ł have + c in.,fr]]j!, ir. lea pa5t lćs! t r.c didi i la]larc ole] 4 ln your notebook, complete more Third conditional §entence§ about the nory. 1 ]f simpson 2 Lf simpson ł4!t]b!ę! (not fa]), he (not break) hiśe9, the (come down) the mo!ntajn Without a Prob e... 3 Lf Yates 4 Yates be ab e)to hoLd S]mpsoń, he (not have to) cutthe rope, (not be ab e)to cut the roPe il he (ńótnnd) a penknife, (not leave)s]mpson on th_, (know) he Was st ] alive. B0 ł'1 r,ljtl Yllcs n l 996, Petć GosS lvaśleadins a ro|nd thc \\,orld yac]tt lł.c, Duling a terriblc sto n. hc got an emcĘej]cy call Anothel conrpetitol Raphaćl Dinel]i was in rrouble and GoSa§ boat wa§ thc o ]y onc in the arca, Go§s iur]ed bacl. He saved Dinelli's lif'e but lośithe racc, l 1972, the pilot of a p]ane carlying a Urltguayan rug ln t€am miscalculated his position and crashed 3,600 Jo n,|"- Ąnop, Il P p|.1A $d, \Ą| F ,nd |'F Ę,.L," "dl .oLdnt eL I 'np e W"\ o lood d'ld,1" ,Urn,ol, "d eat th€ir dead t€ammates, only sixteen p€ople survived Ralślon hadbeen hjkińą with a fiend, hiśf.iend wóu]d have helpe.l him. A ll ó §l'|i/\1(l§t6 comPare youl sentenceś in Exercise 5 with a pańnei Whi.h story do you ljke besr? 7 Use vour imagination and in your notebóoks write three Third condiiional sentences usin9 ihree otthe endin95 provided. ]WoL d'!e be_-n ń!.h h.pper \łoU d'Ve h.d a gleat Weekerd 1 2 3 ,lo! di't h.Ve fet so t red th lVJo!]dn't ra!ć enjoy.d t, 4 5 lf l Wou]cln't 1 had 9 móln n9. have bought one, got abike{af ńy last błthday, l waD]d've been a 4 6.6 Read the LANGUAGE Focus. ln your notebook, compl€te the example §entences. HoW do you say the sentence§ in your language? Clauses of purpose . you can use a to in{initive to say why somebody does someth]ng, You can also use in order (nót) to in a more {ormalsty e, Yau caó use an aPP to track1 d só as (not) to prcfessol Tuńel car.ie, out esea.ch in order to understand Yau shauld ga ta bed at the same time every night so as to Upset 3 . Yo! can a śó Use so that + subject + not verb. Your body temperalure needs tó dróp by óńe degrce Centiqrade so that s @ of use a or encusH ln your notebook, write the clau§e§ that complete the enract łrom an ańicle by Pu.Pose ]\cll Profeso. Turner corectly. nlld W€ nc€d to SL€€p €ht hours €very night in l feel alelt and we]l drring the dan nght? We]] no, not nećessań]y, Different peop]e need different amounts ofs]eep so ' lo be at theirbest duńng the day, Everyone is diff€rent, some peop]e can drink co]'leebelore goĘtobed and sLeep Like a baby, łvhile othels avoid drinking coffee jn the afternoon So |l]e caifeine Won't keep them aMlałe. But therc ale certain facts about sleep that arc tlue for everyon€] in onler get to sleep you need a re]axed body and a quiet mind. The Way you get there depends on lYhat works for you Some people listen lo music 5 Such as trai]c and other city sounds, otlrers read untj] they fa]l asLeep, and you can always counl sheep so d a]low your brain to ł\,orly about Lhe stlesses of the day, 3 ' DiscUss the que§tions. 1 Whats your ideal time for 9oiń9 to bed? 2 HoW qlicky do yo! fa] as]eep? 3 What things PreveniyoL] from falin9 as eep? 4 What do you do jfyo! can't s eep? ugb] ln your notebook, comPlete the sentences about yourself and the thing§ you do. Then compare with a pańner tĘf;§ ri.t"n t" l.aure on sleep. Which o{ the professor's tips do"you think are the most usełul? (llf,§ ln your notes""k, match the sentence haIveś łrom rhe Iectule. Then listen again aDd 1 plofessol 2 YoU need i ith 4 a b c d e f g n]ght ho!6 and q!al]ty of §leep orderto !nclerstand insomnia. in order not to Wake Up When the sun rises. so as notto Upset your body clock. ]n orderto {a aseep, yoll metabo ism cóń stań s óWińg dowń to fal asleep Within ten m]nUles? so that .oI to ove6 eeP so th.t .an get it, to '] Pe.p e 90 on d .t5 2 Got. nm.nts co e.ttares 3 P.op. c iml] mo!rtańs deglee cent 9€de in 5l as in not order so that YoUr bodytemperatule ńeeds to drop by one to track the n!mber of 4 n order to keep \,larm, so as nót tó be ;ie . order to i]are lr e.ds Discuss why people do these things, comPlete the sentences in youl notebook. Use all the words in the Tt]li e l ca rie§ oui rcsearch to be re axed in body and m]nd 5 Make sureyou have 9ood cuńa]ns orbinds ó You can Use an ćPP 7 You shou d go to bed at ihe sańe time evely :]r:]] ]. ii: l]l il] _]]].].: 1 2 3 4 PeóP e qet tattoos ó Peop]e Leari 5 TeeiageE !sć so. a med]; ..9!.ges About health and sleeP f,ffiffi risten to the rocus Vlog. What do the speakers do in order to stay fit and heólthy? Write the ańswers in 2 Read Harry's email. Which of your sugge§tjons in Exercise 1 doe§ he mention? E,pressinq ! cań write a formal letter af opinion giving supporting details, 1 Read rhe announc€ment 2 town or c]ty? d ihe cou what othel sefu ces, facj ]ties ol co!rees ffiffi t Was iń your 10G[l"llEws r.lews ffi{#§ffiffitrSBłłfrhĘ gyri, envilonment,The plans ]nclude a cafó, a qames room and a jn subjecis and the cenbe Wi]loffel evening and Weekend courses yo! aged yoga ale and dance,lf a]d, cookery, §lch as filst beh/Veen fouńeen and eighteen and have any comments please send ih€m to u§ at b_y c lbelieve it Would be poptllarWith young people like me and m §ł fliends- ]!tele§!!!g!y year5 ago, but unfortunately itdid not go ahead. Naturallv We ale hopingthatthis tirne, it WillreaLly happen. the councilbrought out a 5imilar ptan ,iH];T:?§"::",,"J:*[il",:,-"fi ilT:""ftT::*:i"l,| The c'Lty cowcil is plannin! to build a youth cenire t0 encounge jn a safe yoUng peopje to keepfit,learn new skills and socialise sugg€sllons, : lam Writingto express my supportforthe plan§ to bUild no §U,h a youth centre in ourtown, surprisinqlv there are and so the moment, people town at in our facilities foryoUng belowand discussihe questions, 1 Wolld you lse the centre il I Dear 5irll4adam. ol @citycouncil,con illness amongstyoung peop[e.As Wella5 the gym and the pLanned classes, perhap5 the centre could al5o offerclas§es in aelobics and mańialads, Fortunatelv, these activities do not reqUire expensive eqUipment and should be easy to set up. Young people areVery busy at school,A5 a result, We don't have time to learn practicalskill5 such a5 first aid and cookery We can study at school,50 5qe|ly, these are not subjectsthat lam totally in favourof havinBthem at theyouth centre, and lwould liketo suggest ofieringciasses in other useful5kills 5uch as bike mechan]c5 dnd road safety. HopefuLlv the counci Willkeepfee5lowsothatyoungpeoptecanaffordthesecour{ lirally,l.uppoll ll,eDld,lstoinLludea(al"anda games l loom be(dusethi. WoU d mean thd|, nstedd ol hónB'ng i ,ela { ai dlound on lhe 5llpels, we would qave a safe place ro (oc,ali5e, our palenls are VelV leen on the ideJ !oo, ] To .um up, l lhlnk thF youth entre i5 dn excellFnl ,dea, l hol the (oUncilWill Bo aheJd wlth ils plan, dno will consider mll ( addilionalsuR8estlon5, yours fail hlullv, Halry lulnel l l l "ł!6, ,pl; .r" ę ! : 3 ln your notebook, complete the WR|T|NG With the Words !n purple in Harry'§ email. Focus Read the ]etter opposing the Plans for the .eW youth centre. Which adverbs are the most aPProPriate? Dear 5ir/Madam, :xpressln9 an op,nlon . G;!e !o!l lej{n] fol .ti!.ndyc!..pi.oń.i ld rch lam writingon behalfoftheGreen Park Hou5ing Estate to exple55 my disapprovalof plan5 fol a neWyouth centre, and 50 idndl tt plan Ą, we ny].!.r.lt t l.inr Wliiiiq t. erpl_-ss , 1surprisingly / Fortunately, the council have not consulted the people Who live in the area- We feeIthat there are severalreasons why thi5 project 5hould not go ahead. |,/dis:ppróV3] !e.id slpoort llrthel T r on5 l id. .ot] s|Ppór! lbe.i!5e ] G zPrabably / NaturaLly,we are not opposed to plan5 for building a youth centre in oW tavłn.3Unfortunately / U nderstandably, thę Cou|cil need to provide a safe place foryoung people to meet, However, they have chosen ](da rct) fee|think/z l('trcngly) aglee/disagree ihat/With , . (because ,,,) le . t] p. n'i , a location thdt i5 in the middle of a housing estate Where .óii_.t!eIc.]5 n]ćrefur_.,rAs . a Tlis |]ilL,ll.!i.] nre.i iir..i D s.!ss local residents Will be di5turbed by the noise, V].ke s!99e:1:oń1 second[y, We feel that a youth centre shorrld have some alnterestingLy / ClearLy, the 8reen 5paces around it. sug8ested location doesn't have any green space foryoung people lo relax or play sports, Pell.p5 |o!l n.!śpńp_.r'Web!i.,ł]re .o!i.i/ lill5 .:;!łl,.tf.|.!!o!. ! 19.il]) ,!l_,.l i l].a]a -]5 .o 4 f.,]'il L _- ke t. h;9p.ń ,: ] jr]]l.. t]'r!--.]_-!i.l]5 l| 2 t n! to Your5 faithflrlly, eip.es! lr y p:.'. !|iłf.+$ lpots.e.t.e ng€e that youi9 people get enó!9h sport at school, 1he cou.ci! Su99estion tlre stroig With the location. still suggesting the sdme site.9Understandably / Hopefully you Willagle",o (on\id"l o 'lol oc.tion5 thls tln-e ri Which Phrases froń the WRlTlNG FocU5 ale the oPPosite a ternatives of the crossed oui Phrases? l -- ,l counciit plans to build ayouth centre, butwe disagre€ We Were against simi[ar p[dns two years ago, but you are il!, l:. .]!l To sum up, We agree With the l4aVis DaVie5 7 t !!n.i r. y 4 iam tota] y ]ftŁ€dr rlre ir_.eil .5 5 . r.S! t s te ofthe spons centre that {ewel ca15 Wi par< on Read the LANGUAGE Focus. ln youl notebook, comPlete it With the exańPle adverbs underlined l !y€ Ę !!l!-!]!!!!!i1-9 haye a !re:t .ity ", ,-,p, 1o !e ] 5 We'.e s!lili5,-.] th.t there .re on y hlo ..ćn]aj ó l! ]ke V l r.t !oL] r9 P.op 9 preiel to !at.h l n]l:t lromc b!idlng €{ aiother cal park oń the yournotebook, rewritetheunderlinedpań§ofthe 3 Ql4]]l!r 1here.r. crc.pe| cies bLt theyte iót Vćly doo.] 4 We're hoó nLr t r.t 5om. che.]pe. he. thy reśtaL l:nt! f,,i thatjo99]n9 in the park iśihe best Way for young Peop e to stayfit ancl he.]thy, R ln sentences with aPproPriate adverbs, 8 Discuss What you th]ńk your city needs more ol SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT r @ comment and oPinion adverb§ . Yo! cań Uśe.dve.bs to show youl opińión ofthe subject you ale Wlitincr aboUt, You usua ly sia.t ihe sentence With the op nion adverb {ol]owed bV .e rta i n ]y, c!:::!!,' 1 f probably,óś u n de lsta ńd ab ly, u ń{a rtu n ate l oo tl,. -,iting task in youl notebook, Use the ideas iń Exelcise 4. ihe WRIT|NG Focus and the LANGUAGE Focus to helP you. Jedńa z lokalnych gazet ujawniła, że Władże sańorządowe żamlFP.jó /anknęc orodek sPońowy W twoiń ńieq.i. iWybudować na jego ńiejscu duźy parkin9. NaPisż list do redaktora nacże]negó 9azety. . . y c s e pln ok. iy.F \ł]adż, żłpropon!] pożostai e. e ółlrl]k. 5porto\ł.!c wy]iśii], d..ze!o. e podoha i b!do(ę p.lk iq! , ..ri] n] e]nj! R.?Nnń 3flo)ą \!ypa||1-.dź ież.Jy,r ż P.{lP!llitóL| DiL]q.ś.' i,or'.oo lisll] porin!. L,r'yrósić.ó najrr.ie.l2c0 5łi! l sPEAKING At the doctor! sUrgery tiij)ii1l11:ll\1i]] Look at the Picture§ and discuss the way§ in Which you might get these injuries. . a b!l. ón your hand . . clt ón your chln . a pain in yourforehead (Ęf[! risten to four palients in a doctort śurgery describing how th€y got the injurie§ in Exercise 1. What haPpened? Did they mention any of youl ideas? tlltl| wt i"t ."mPlete§ ihe ext.act "pti"n from lhe dialogues correctly? Wlile in your notebook, Then listen again and che.k. DjaLogue'] A: Dó yo!lhave/ feela tempelature? B: Yeś, itśrhlity nine deglees. A: Wel, l'm afraid your hańd js infected, 'm going to glve you a prescl Pt on, YoU need to take'stjtches / antibiotics, you a so need to put a fresh "jce / b.ndóge on it every clay, Dial09ue 2 A: okay, er me see, Hm ]tŚ a nasty cl]t, l th nk few abrurses / stitcile§ B: st]tches?] oh no, lthink l'm go]ńg tó you ńeed A: okay, ca a 4 m down, Take some deep b€aths. ]t! not goińg tó Óhuitl źWst, Which verbs in the box.ońplete the 5PEAK|NG bring check give plt put take FocUs tak€ Dialo9Ue 3 A: okay, l need to check your pUlse and youl lblaod pressure / ińjec:Łión Can you ro l up your s eeve please? B: Do youthiik 'ń goińgto be okay? A: No, your b gjnfectjon X.ay? ood pleśś!res fine and your Do l need an / 'pulse / pa'n is nolmal, Dia ogue 4 A: NoW ale you a lerqic to anyth]ń9? B: Yeś,'m a elgicto ieed es P _.ase getthat needle away from me! A: 'm nor 9oin9 to give you an lojnjectjon / opeEtron Bui We do need lo bring the 11bleeding / swelling dóvłn, YoU need to take 1zpainki]les / anlibióticś tó ease the pain ańd then yoU'L need tó put some 13jce / plaśter on yo!lańkLeWheń you get home, You need io ltake .ńt]b ot]cs You i..c] .eec to' ; i-fl ll t.h.s dol]'t |h ik yoJ i,.ed 'm nct 9o n! to 't \ł_" ieed to 5 óo ' Yo! n.c.]t. 5 . fre§h bandage/a p astel on it yóLl b óod press!r./p] łi X .yr'.Pćr.t ó. ei. yo! an n]c.t the sv/e] p 5.], en: on .g covłr i..,/. ntm.rt ct.: ońyólranke Foliow the insłuctions belów to PrePare a dialogue- Use the sPEAK|NG FocUs to help you, St!denr A: Yo!'re . ł!.].it Y.! re do]i! . ai!!.!. .oL]6_4 r the L-rK, Yo! h.c . n ior.!r d_..t aid h!r yolrse 1, .id h.V_- 1r syn]Ptoń: ;e and łnsw.r..y l]!cł o.ś studeńt B: Yo! re a doctor vo! p.i (|n s: iore qn stlcent F ld ó!: abolt t.e r ]i]!ry a::c] ask 9L es: orls G ve adv cr Ó J," Plactise the dialogue and act it out. Take it iń turns EEEM@l pó9ryz ony plzez psa/śzcznfa bif.en by an insecva snake / bltnbal r.t/ an Uk.sżonY pEez ówada/ blocked nóse /,blokr n.UŻl zaikany nos bottom / botinr/ pupa, sedzen e break /brclk/ zlama. e break sb! heań /brelk s^n]hDdiz'holl/ brcak your arm/'eg/thUmb/toe / brelk j ó 'olm/'le!/6^nr't.o/żlamać rękę / nogę / burn yourfin9ere/hand/ton9ue/b3:ni. fil]o.ż/'hłnd/'1^0/ oPaźyć 5obje pa cel bU.ń your Ghest han/ /tjesl/ k b3ar jJ he./ puypa ii 5obie nrka piersiow. /'!ibIaU/ brew pa ec (! rę[ ) ffngernail / Ilł9.ne paznó[ieć(! ręki) foovfe et /iUl /f i1l stopa/sto py forehead / nT.d/ -oło get diżży /,gci 'dlzil mieć zawroiy głóWy give sb a hand /gl! s^ńbDdió h@nd/ have a black eye / hćy J,blćk'a/ mieć h.ve a bruise /,h&v. bru]7/ m eć siłU-er e have a cut/,hEv.'kat/ mieć ska]e.zenie have a śole{inger/hć! J,str] tĘga/ 5b has a sórć fnger kogoś bo ip.lec l couldn't believe ńy eyes/al,kUd.nt b.li]v mal 'alzl ńje mógłem lwieEyĆWhs.ym laugh your head ofil !o:lj.'hcd D ofyourtongue/on on the riP t^!/ na koń.U języ]<ć poke /p.Uk/ szrurchnąć, irąc ć Pullsb! l€9 / pol /pot'aśDn/ Pżylożyćlód dó śtop the btood{lowing /,slDp &'bl!d ,flą,ł/ zairżymać kfuawien e sunburn / ś^nb3h,/ oparzenie ś]oneone take (antihistamine) tablets / tclk (,ć.l lhnt.miln) 1.blJl V brać tablerk (pżec Wh staminowe) rEffi@ cy.lo /\.*.yjechać na rcWeże; ra]d rowercwy die of (a disease) /,d.] 3v (3 d| zirz)/ Uńaeć dońate money to /d.U n.It,nr^ni zrylvać i]a p.vj. ,slnbbdiż 'le.J/ nźLrjerać shoulder /'.l.uld./ bark spine /§patn/ kręgos]Up śPlain youl ankle/foovknee/Wist / splcn j J'te!k.l/ lot/'nir'rIst/ skręcić kostkę/stopę/ menoryof/ln meńerióv/ /po j / palec (! noqi) §t/ nadgarstek ffiffi@a Wrist eye drop§/ al ó.ps/ klóp]e do ocz! feel well/,lit'wcv czuć śę dobEe fevel / fi:vJ/ golączka hd ii]v./ kaiarsienny look uPldown /luk !p/daon/ odchy ićl haY fev,.r / ku pamięc tls.peni/ Uoeśtn!k 'nr^ni fal zbie6ć raile money for /,rclz sfety /\ctfti/ beżp]eczeństwo webpetd' set up a webpaqe/,sei ^p. znloźyć 9tlońę i.ternetową shale a webPag€ /.|$r 3 webpeld3/ Udósrępnić stronę interńetową sPon9or /'Ęons./ 5pónsórowaĆ take pań i. / tclk'pux tn/ brać udz train for /'treln f3l lrenowćć do ć] W vulnorablepeople/v^ln.r.b.l pilp3yosoby Wymagające żcżegÓ nej trosk @E@ cat h (a disea.e) / kćtj (3 dl źrz)l .alaż]ć się sidor /kón'stdó/ lozważać deep clt/,dijp'k^t/ głęboka mri deliver a baby /dt,llv. a belbi/ plzJjąć Póród doctor's !u19ery / doklóz 's3:d3J.i/ 9abiret cof, emergenry team /lm3:d3Jnsi tnnt/ ze9pcn m€dyony, zespó] rcrlnkowy flu/cholera epidemi. / llu/kDl... cpl,dem*/ epideń ć 9rypylchólery foodhlt allergy /'lu:.V nnl ćl.d3i/ alergia pókamóWź /na ożechy g.in weight/geh welt/ plżybieraćna Wadze giv€ a snaPśhot ofl giv. snspjDt.v/ dać give śbfirst3id /gIY s^mbadi l3|s1 eid./ Udz]e ać komuś pieMszej pońocy han ltraightener / he.,śtrcltl./ prostownica have a Panic attack/hsv. pćnik.'tćĘ/ heart attack /'hox . tćk/ żawa] serca hospital /'hDspltl/ szpital illness /\hś/chorobi local 9ur9ery / toe/lJo/ laldać foundation /faUn'de,]'ai./ l!idacja get on (you. bake)/ qet Dnlj. ba&]/wsiąść PańiciPańt dislocate your hip/knee/shoUlde./th!ńb / drl.keJt i.'hIp/ ni],"iJoldJ/ O^n/ zWi.hnąć b]odro/ko anolba.k/kcj!k fnger/'fl!gy PUt ice on in .omb your han / k.Om jJ'he3/.zesać Włosy .ut your finger / k^l jJ 'tl!gó/ ska eczyćsię €yebrcW /n,,blikl/ kMótók ż nóśa /,pot. plo]st.rDn/ puykleić Put a ptaster on bitten by a dog/ratlbnnbal. dog/ lnscklh !ne,V nóspblfud l.uk.l s3:d5.ri/ pobliski materniry/childrent ward /,nó't3l n.t i/ 'i,|Ildl Jnz w]:d/ oddziółpo]óźń czyl medi.ine /'mcds.n/ lekaretwo; medycyna muscle/stomach Pain /'m^s.l/ śi^m.k peln/ ofl duty / ot'd]U:til po łlzbie paramedrc / pdrJ nrel]lV ratowń,l ńedy-ny patient / pelj.nt/ pa.jent recove. noń / ŁĄv. fóm/ Wyzdrowi_-ć, .escue team /tcskjU] tirnr-/ ek p..atunkowź 5ave lives /,sclv lalv/ ratowććżyćie *riously ill/,śl3riósIi \l/ poważnie chory shavińg cut/'JeNl!] k^t/ ża.ięc]e pŻy stable/serious condition /,steIbóV sl.ri.s k.n dl,|3n/ stab nylpoważny stan śtomach / sldnek/ Żółądek tooth^eerh /tu:0/li:0/ z.b/żęby treat Patients/ 1.ilt 'peljónti/ eźyć write a Pres.riPtion /,ralt EE@oB a pi sknp.J.n/ get out of /,get aut .v/ Wyjść z mis.alculate /mN'kalkj3letl/ źle obliQyć penknife /'pen_nafl scyzolyk sufuivol /s.'valv./ óśóba ocalała z kata$ro' @tr!@ feel aleń /,fill .'l3:t/ oUć się u eśko btinds /blamd/ źalUżje body .lo.k /'bDdi eff€in. kLDk / zegal biológi-ny /'keli!n-l ko{ejnź collect taxes /k.,lekr 'rsksIz/ pob]erać .ount sheeP /,kżUnt 'Jirp/ cżyĆ óWce cUńains /'k3xónZ/ zaslońy /,f.rl.'sli]p/ zasrEć insomnia /in 3Dnni3/ be^erność Prevent sb fron /pd vent,s^mb.di frlm/ uniemoż W]ć coś koń!ś 3etthe alarm oń your Phon€ / śel Ó..,lo|n on j. iJón/ Usiawić budzik Wte efonie falI asleep @@@ .itycouncil/, ti kaun$l/ rada miasia diipp@ve ofl,dl9'pru:v 3v/ n e Pochwalać cleady / kli.lil Wyraźnie, forldi§pproval of j3 s3'p.n l./,dB.'pru:v.l .v/ express you. suppoń łk spres io oczywjste Wy.ażać popalcie/brak póparcia d a facilities /f. $l.tizl !dogodnienia, obieĘ f ortunately /'l]nJ.nalv szaęśliwie hoPefully /'hóUpfóli,/ ńiejmy nadz eję iń favour of łn 'leNJ .v/ ża interestingly / InrraslqIV co cieknwe naturally/'!&t.|.r.lil oeyw śc]e,z pewnością oPPosed to /ilp.Uzd t./ pżec Wko surprisin9ly /śp.aIzIIli/ zaskakująco, weight Problems / Weit,pr.bl.mzl prób emy @o@ banda96 / bendkl3/ bandaż feel diżżylsick /,fil 'dIzi/tIV m]eć zawrcty give an inje<tion /,glv .n n d3etJ.n/ łobić have a pain in yourforehead /haYJ petnD .j. iDr.d/ skarżyćsię na bó glowy have a temPe.ature / hćv. tenpr.lj./ m eć podwy-zoią teńperaturę infection /ln'fekj.n/ infekc]a operation /,opJtel,|3n/ operacF see a doctor / sil e dokt./ pójśćdo l€ka2a śymPtoms /\lnptanz/ objawy swoll€n /'sw3Ula.-/ opuchń jęty i] sŁoWNlcT Parafraza zdań; Wybór Wielokrotny 5 Wybierż PoPrawny Wylaż, ] t i5 .]! te .olnnron {of a l]!n l.e r 9ho! der dL] 9poi5pe6oi Ic dislo..t,j ..r. na ne, 5!t t! qL ] b..k .to p..:ć 2 r !i.śso ;!.iv rha: Vle ].!qhcd .!r he.ts 1 .e.ds.] ) WSKAZóWKA łze.z\Jlaj ?aly żdań, zailanóW się, kióle łagńeniy p órh9żó9o żodn|J .a Al\ sodatóżóW.c W d-_o - I tt i! hel la.e o. t\e n.c: |q lr'h.. 4 L!.k y, Hei.]/ onLy spJ. i.d / blok. h ś.nk., !] ..i. .'the bon_.s Wel. !];ma!ed 5 Wnei .]itr, 1ó d m. ,1.o !!.5 9ó n9 lo,.,]9 t !s kne!! he -d"-:u 1 lt's r.i she..d . sh. ('it a..oyir9 |óod a 3 s!l.n ..l .!.!mberśor mc óńs, airon9 oJrer tr icś 4 l',]e iee. fce i9 re. y l red, 9o '!e mrd!- a. .pl)ó inneitfora.rcck !p !tthe o.. l 9ave |he p . ó!l efoń of 9 1 l tri.d not ca ] !!.ńi 4 to l sPońsor nót et to ru r tl]ć m.r.tl].. jt My śchoo ]5 Very sma l and old Vr'ish . śpońs ceńtre With . śWmmiig Pool. to schoo . f on y dlVlng ]ceńce atthe age o{5iteen, 5 l h.ie .y.l]ng a ,ł s ] get Połą.ż{ragmenty zdań Waluńkowych trzeciego stoPnia i użOPełnijjeodPowiednimi formami podanych (.ot he;p) so n.l]y Iaml ic! 2 Ll yo! 5S.y (iói.]o)ci n].h . str.:t d]et, (he p)lhe p.uói (]th . .!t .e on h]s head, (VJ .] lhe s n9ii9 .omPeLit on F!t] (.]o)a Som_. i]Et. ał Weck io,lhe njo.ey 5ó m!.h l.]5c] iń.t y 4 ó You sho! d 5ho.te| yóul r!n 50 as lv]y brothe .e!er t. s me Wh.i |e 9 iilrry Ni t]] m. when he's aigry W]th me, Plżecż}łajtekst. Któle ż Podany.h odpowiedzi (A-D) poPrawnie 9o uzupełniaję? asr., d rl,"llll '.r ] łrtirlil nl neJt .\j]drt r, ] śjjIIl!,:] d|'I hle !.3.1.lJl* ! i| tlt \.gclai]l§' .nd t!tiLl..ś qlnk l l nltlLl łiL.'.lttel !.n lfutP l ó. n\ l_]bl. L] tht\ h. d s r]l]\ .1isit|.c!!..L . s r! !]..r. n, tłt le L ]L l ]n\ P],r ] rrlca!],1 r.li t() 9t.t AL |hit tin. L]iLl 't [n.l, t]r.i nrr nnl!] (,intcl] |l. () .łt ]lInJs.|alh(rl,r1 !j!\ e,]]. L L r.S.iJL]lci ln ntke sLL!. lhłt l n,ij glttIni_l.tll the \ liirL!r} lj''l ) t]r,]t,.!.!\ ]rl:li anJtlj.n. łt t],rl]. an.||ni] m.nt .t tlrt ...lnr ! d|i] .ś[.Jllj|] i. L1(, J L, ..J t!ł. ] ir., l]lt!{i t!'rl.l,cr! e\. n 1Llfse r ].n trn,r]}jj, i! ] \. t]... in,] ,l .onL.IL]ld .b!ut nr. ,\it.r | , L'ir i |elń.tlY heljr ]\ .!]ult r 19. ) d żZy yeslelday, ,i l f()rn] . ih.}_.te] .\|]inr]rq L]Lrt Ur. L(]i] 1.łrs,]:o p!op].,1i.ln t k lN in\tlr; rg.'D!!t \]Linrnr!| Lt nas l lr.Lljlr bon ś.icnti:ł,Ka7nlr, l!nk, \ l. .lnnl],]t.] | .!uld]] r l l.i thc.! n.It ł)i !iii n]in. ]r] ]'] l 2 ] l kcrlr rhiilng t ].t ri f|rl[ lrł\r niLic nie.it.ll c lt l|li, i]l.!t.] i.nlcn. LI]L \it,] nrn!, ntr llL ml"llldr tlllrn, \t]g.t.lb.r ń]! ry c g],c nre a h.nd c \a.]r't 8ó .al d .o!F_- (ńot o5.)helvo]ci- l..I can t take Pań in the first aid tl.inin9, pań n thef6r a d tGiń n9 the lrosP te on t]m. o. Jr i]...usF he elt ]rotr]e !,Ary lL]on'ttr t.xf d!r !o t. N€WY{),k ;, ait Paid.S? n9 r|e esson,l'msurcnyteacre, ńe ke.D ńy phon.j W ti m. ż l',1y n]!r a VJ.yś,ants t. knotr Vr' r.l 'm doi|g 'ory to /"że . ro:ps- JĄ 1ó Jakie folmy Podanych W lam.e czasowńików poPrawnie użupełniają zdańia? can have ,1 V]..k nłd. l eft honle very e;r y, he tne hospit. óntm. 3 Yo! sl.o!k] śhońen yo!,iL]r 50 Jr.lyo! do|'t getsc has a r to t.ke ,,,U| - { team atr]Ved three ń]nltes after yo! ile yo! a pliy 2 M.rk .e..hą] .fl.ido.osedsp...-s .] o,aź; ie _b I by żachoW.ć lo samo żlacżen e, Jakie Wyrazy Poplawnie uzuPełniają żdania? PieMsze litery brakuiących Wyrazów żostały podanel Thcf6ltmc JU e,cii ór the lndelgroJi.] 7 Przeksżtałć zdania tak, aby zachować ich §ens, Nie żmieniaj podanych fragmentów W kaźdą lukę możeśżWPi5dć maksymalńie Pieć WyrazóW te..l,V to plL iI 5 Wó! 1 d sco!.jl_.d D .!9h my hc.d cj1 D l].Vei't d lcóterecI Uzupełnianie luk 7 Plzecz}tajtek§tdotyczącyoperacji pla§tyc2nej- NastęPnie na jego Podstawie użuPełnij e mail od Amy do Emmy. W kaźdą lukę możesz wPisać maksymalnie ) W5KAZóWKA Podcżas Wy <ońyw.ńia iego lyP! żadan]a P.m]ętaj, że W tekści-., któly ma§z !z!pełnić, cżesto będą Użytć synońiny WylażóW ub Wyrażeń wystęPującyćl W głóWnym dł!ższymiekśc e ł[t łBOIRD TIl[ Sum I[AIlil HiEńńa, HoPe yo!'re fińe ańd not stldy ng toó m!chI l'Ve fo!ńd a lea]Ly nterest ng artcethat mightbe lsefu foryo!rPaPer lt's about Sm eTlaln, a chartyWhich helps children With faca defeds, These defeds (a#ecting thetop iPo ,oJl o.\-lop- -, o-fo-o"o,5 hd. h".pob. Ą"-L, r Nót on]y that, in some P aces, thelr parents are Very poor orfee ashamed, and often de.]de' And that! Where the Sm]e Trai..harty.omeS ]r tfinds.nd b. i9s in medic. Vol!iteer5 to perfofm oper.tiońś Wh ch for The ś!r9e,yjśq!iie śhorland -i. blt ]i 9 Vc5 t re dl d . l:_-W s e a.d .ómp e.e y .h.n!].9 th. r ;:. oneBltshdo(1olłióN/ó'kśWthSn] e s li. r b. Sm le Train is a char ty that s decl caiec] to he ping the nj ] ons of children around the \"/odd, nc U.]ing ż c!ij9 ih.t air; adt.|t.9_.5 ior cot| j folnd t]r 5 .ń. |- t łotr] t,je .h d, |he n lg.ry has 5 e. y nl_Fl_-si n! l yol w:r:L, c:n in nda Who suffer Iron] facal deTects, Trre c]efects lp ol molrlh .]oesn't form propery beior€ blth, Eatng and drn(ng are Very dilTc! 1lol ihese bab es an.] the r fam l es are often Unable 1() cope W lh the problem, The charty provides flee sUrgery Which g Ves lhese ch ldren a new smile and, Vr']th t, new hope and a neW beg nning, Chi dren Wth ilre c]€l€cts celta n y need a ilreheplheycan geL. A]tlrolrgh Jn?ny slrlrelers ale accepted by the r lami es, sac]iy, otirers are not, ]n nc]ia chiclren Wth occur Wh,ón a baby's lop D) /|ENIE 8 1he clelects are olten aba.donec] at b lth because tire r parents feel ashamed of them or cannot affod the surgery thai Wl ra ses money to buy medica suppl]es an.] finds ihe r]ght me.]ica Vo Unteers to peńorm the sUrg€ry, A smi e Train doctor rlom the UK sa c], 'Each Tire chariiy chi]d Who has sLrrgery s given a seconc] chance al lle, Aftel ye?rs of lV ng ihe r lVes n solat on, the chi]c]len can fnaly go io schoo and be happy, Evely year go to ]ncla, Where ] have peńormed hundreds of operatonsfree of costihrough sm LeTrain, lcannot ld i'i Pracując w Parach, odPowiedzcie na Pytańia, 1 Whatdo yo! doto let betterWhen you h.Ve. cold? 2 What do yo! do to relax.fter a stressf! d.y? 3 Do you eV€rWorry abo!t yo!r he. th? Why?łVhy óót? improve their ives, The good news is ihat the sUrgery Wh]ch can change a ch lc]'s lfe forever s not comp calecl, takes only 45 minutes and costs the farniy noth ng thanks to Smie Tra n ]t, @ .]escllre ihe satislaction and ]oy fee When help a chld, I know ihai am makng a rea difference in ihe Wol.] and ihai s more mportant than making money a ihe time.' The doctor continuecl, 'Thele are many benefis, and not just for the chid Thefamiy no onger lee]s shame anc] t's good for ihe mec]icai commun ty too, Expel enced doclols ike me share oursklsWth loca doctors, n ihis Way We make sure ihat th s surgery W l aWays be avaiab e', PlsANlE E-mail/Li5t forrnalny 9 odPowiedż na Pytania. 1 Why is lt mPóńant io know someihlng aboltfirst ó A, bó,',o l.' 2 ,dql, a cl? ^l",do,o 1o Wykonaj zadańie. W tło]m m eś.e .dbyty 9ię \ł.użt.t} .]oty.j7.rce !.]7]e . ]i. p.]fu[7.] P.]-..jl \.|].]: !t (]!,.r.iż_-ti iżttr l_-] r t-.jllf] .l;ż i]i]:57.!r, (. .].'. rji .]i::_-5-1] .1,1(] ( l,/.l] !r.,l]l.ti.l ,..F..: lz ]r,l( i] !t:ż ] Ijlr t]., |t]ż ;]L i l:i .l l. ę. !.h iĄ'(].],l_-l].: !!!1.1]j lJL1_.l!. rd 20ir.jó 25Ll3ló!" spelt.. a7 talk abóuł people in SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 ln your ńotebook, put the Words in the box Under an aPProPriate heading. Then add at least one moreword to ea<h category and compare with a pańner ofiice costume episode 9i9 ]andseape letin orchestra p oi pońrait Post soap opera socja media video games voca ist box news bU .lL l,,,d*"p. l t'lnflea A l nLśi! scu pture oigit"l 2 How much time do yo! devote to e.ch a.ea of enteńainment? Di5cU55 With a p-rtner 3 Guess Which numbels ]n the box comPlete the facts about the stars. 1 2 411 12 1ó ańi lon halabi lon EdShcelan!hts]n.: Th]nking o!t Lo!. on Spot fy, Ed staried doing gigs when he was Ed had tr hjt 5ilr9 = wh ch reached nus]gned a lecordi.] tV] ]e Bobby B : n st.J-_r! ftin9s siran9e. Tlrl";i The cast of school : i.l"fi,", """*,#,:,j:l I l tEll Focus oN WoRDs Listen to an interuiew With Laura and check your answers. 6 9 (ʧ ln your notebook, match rhe Word§ in the box with the dełinitions. Then lisren, check and repeal. t!Ęl Answerthe questions. rhen 1 Who 2 Who has a leady appeared in a ry selies? has had gleat leviewsforan album he/she a 1 a person Who plays drums in a band 2 a person Who pays the main guitar part = 3 a pe6on who isthe ma]n singer= 4 1he peop e Who Watch or isten to peop e peńormlng 5 a] the peńormers Read ToP TiPs for Young Performers. What do you think are the best three Pieces of advice? l qo for 8 a peBon who plays a musical instrument, usua ly for a ivlng - = ,';hen you make a m]stak€, 3 4 5 calry on, don't beat yoL]lse f Up 11 you feelyou are stuck, keep practis ng and W l Wear off, ]:,,l.i ;||:il;"] i ,lt,;,],,r lll ln your notebook, match the ba§e form§ o{ the undenined phragalverbg in Exerci§es 3 and 5 and in Top Tips for Young Peóormers With th€ir 9ynonyms. 1 1g : h iaTvselies r the.l].fs - ]V.!]! , ;htsr!. .]l..i r.|.?is i p th. a b L) f ils 9ic;mL:a 7 8 p:ń.l .i. blm 4 My 5l down oaded or ó 13 cou d playthe ó What syour{avourite 7 Th]ik ofthe mlsic you ]slen s]ngleofa time? to from the lniernet. ? ly disappear a course = łh new: = 1 ou- s hool a w", pJ,, o "how d, 1- -| d oJ |A, " 2 l!5!a ly !P late When meet my fr]ends 3 A new ep]sode of my favourite TV sel es Does yourfavourite band do many gigs? Does yourfavourite band usua y play arge or smal fyou Łeply9!§9{!p discu§§ wherher the sentence§ are true or {alse {or you. 1 What is the Wor§t sińg e iń the 9l!E at the moment? 2 When d d yo!l favoulte bańd last lelease.n character, who wou cl it be? = 12 sPEAKlNG ln your notebook, complete the §entence§ Wirh the corred łolm o{ the Verb§ in Exerci§e 11. Then ł re.ord n! 5|rj\K\1,1G ln youl notebook, complete the questions With an aPPlopriate Word in Exelci.e 7. Then ask and answer the questions with a pańner 5 l begin your career = start learning ordoing 10 9ladua contract 3 4 b ame yourse 3 be re eased or publlshed = 4dosthbady= 5 organise a show = ó begin organised essons orjoin ln your notebook, complete the list of phrases with the base forms of the verbs in red in Exel.ises 3 and 5, Then listen, check and repeat, a ] b d ,] h My favol]lte §inge.§ongMter is Lthink the cast in are Very good, A musiclan adm re s tB timeI -:i.:i,l5 a 'Ve ever beeń Part ofWas Then linen, check and repeat. 3. nice be lelabe, don't be moody and aWays tum up .i bańd, 'd be Focus oN WoRDs I Phrasalverbs t/e lealn from Our m stakes, ",,]en :,entualy the feehng lf ] Wele iń a 2 The bi99est al]d]eńce t, f yOU me§§ L]p 0n §tage, don't Worly. JUst er it a persoń Who Watches TV a perśó. Whó wlteś sońgs ónd s ngś them 1 every day, and When you th nk yOL]'le ready Practis€ had - ó 7 to make them true for yoq. Then compare with you can, take Up a mL]sical instrument When yol]'l€ realy yOUng and sig],l Up fol les§ons, 8 in a P ay, film, musica , etc, = 10 5PEAKING ln your notebook, <omplete the sentences lf 7 audience the cast a drummer a lead guitar;st musician a singer,songwriter a viewer a Vocalist the released a§t mońth? Whose a b!ms are a Ways in the chańs? Who stańed out by Playing smallvenues iń Lo.dor? Who has a k nd oftaleńt some actols oń y dreań of? Who Wants the ead g!itarstand lead singelofschoo/ ófRóćkto p ay oń his/hel ńext a b!m? 3 4 5 ó l People in enteńainment Ls it , parents W.nt me to up for s nging essons uP P]aio when Was youiger blt l d]dn't neverWanttó act.'m.fńdof W".t in groups. Choose an arts ol cultule mobile aPP and do some lesearch online into it. Then PrePare a digital Presentation aboui ihe aPP and Present it to youl cjass. ffiffi B9 l Repońed speech - statements l can talk about what other people have said using RePóńed speech. Discu55 Whether you like the Paintiń9, ls it possible for a thlee-yea1-old child to paint sońething like thi5? Read the text and find out, They said she was a genius hef palents ihat the r daUghter Was a qen us, Her palntinqs began to sel] fol thousands ol dolals, But not al ofthe atiention was WiiTł1l1,,jil:Til,.ffi ."one of her paintings in a coffee shop and asked how mlch tcost, posjtiVe, Ań critics thata ch $250, The \ryornan bouqht After that a ga]ery owner stańed shov/ing IV]ala's pa nt ngs, He told those paintinqs one crit c that her father had painted ihem, 2 she i ld A]v channe|conhcted co! d not pfoduce Wanted 3 l dalqhterthe over the next lew days, parents thattheirdalqhter woud be uncornfońable in font ofthe camelas but lhe Tv d leclor to d them not to Wofiy He da!9hter ńextWeek" said aid eselnshed caIe Who had 5 ó ł r thattheydidn't donethern they I anyway liked th€m I Look at the repońing Verbs in b|ue in the text ańd lead the note in the GRAMMAR FocU5, Then decide which verbs in the seńteńces below are corect. ln n] me yo!r notebook, rewrite the sentences in Exercise 4 as RePońed sPeech. ] r "] l]i.] i. ii].i .. ].,ł] .]!]l,.]l i Fińd the RePońed sPee.h in the rexr that matches ih€ Direct sPeech in Exerci§e 2. Then complete the rules in the 6RAMMAR FocUs in your notebook. d her pantings.The custoTneTs ó ' dóń't car., 'nr keep.! t ' re l--Pli_-d 1 t.]d 7 't' óck great ]n i_V olf]cc" h_- ..r.Je.J i t]]d ,"|d ,"ld l\/]arla d blt itWas iotas good '] ' '!e bolght. !]a.l.q" J m told,l expini.i trE ' r! (.ń r l .dl..]r .l .]. ].rs ' h. .].nr..] / futrJ ']] 'A th eij ye..ó d g r p.]ited t" rc iol] / i{l;ćd 4 'A ch .] t:a|'t P. ńi ike that ' po]ni..] olt / t.id h 5 't'5 Pt]bdbiv; fake" tol.]/ nr99e5u] "d 5 olo. q L-lsilló- ronol"b. ó - 9o1, 9 lo FA " h do-r " .|" 7 \ł-do. .,psl.ó d don- -m the a hidden as hel othel paintings Hercrtcs ' thai th s ploved sorneone 'Youl daU9hter ls a gei]!s,' sajd a qź/]ery owner 'A chiid ca.'t ploduce these pa]itings,' sa d 'We Want to f]lm tofim lse calnela, that they Wanted to plove that ) 4 that he Was oo ng to a painting, some ań crltics the ry director Mar a's parents the cUstomers 3 , ",1",1-,p"1-o ryo!r a's lollowing Week,They 4 Who in the nory §aid §entences 1-7? 1 2 [,4ar parents and to d then] tlraithey l,'larla \ryas not a lake, l!,larla'§ mothelWanted to keep the paintng So hef that it cost N,4arla's I _" i],. l]: ] ]i Read REtvlEMBER THl5, Then, in your notebook, comPlete the Repońed sPeech senteńces. Use time exples§iońs flom the box and make other changes as REMEMBER THlS Ęepó,ted 5Fieeclr - si.ten|enl§ ń rePońed statements, Verb forms change depend]n9 on n repońed Stat.łr_-.iślher. may be otrcr crón9e! depe|d i9 oi ilre .óńlert, For ex.mP c: t mc: yesterday - the day before p.ce: here - there prclclns: l/me - he p.55_-9s]Ve the ńońth then or she/him o her hi§ or hel - ;d]e.t !es: my before the the fó lowing 3 day befole that day the {o lowing Week day l ńr_-t her here astmorth' He. a n]ed i. r[.1]n,]i::, ,]; , l, i], ",. ']i|,]i:,: 2'She gale !sthspa nt]r9 yeł_-ld;y They repled te// say sb sth sh. sth slr. other lePoft ńg J.]L,], 90 lerbs ] l Llas Vf.|g .s Wrorg (NoT ke say J^", 4 Hśi .laim, expla]n, porIi o!i, rcPł, ś!99est ' h] n]eet .9 my ó'Wete 90|9 7 łjeids .t.l to {yto t.I]Jy ' She exp a dL, P.lc ńertWeek.' The_V ied poiilcd olt Discuss your own attitudes toward§ ań, do you like/dislike? What Pictures do you have in your Discuss the questions and compale your ideas 7.3 Matching 1 What are the three jn9rec]lents of a successful V rul Videó? 2 What do you see in the video ofihe teenage schoolboy? 3 What happens in the three Vjdeos that speaker 3 ta ks l can fo ow an inlomal interview on a common topic. 4 1 Read UK ToDAY DiścUśś how similar or different you think the śituation is in your couńtry, Why dó PeoP e algh at V]deos Whele PeoP e have 5]ly 5 Why dóes Nige Brown spend 5 ![!t so much time watching risten to the {our speakers again and check your den FocUs oN WoRDs lWord families did ó @l| )od :ics atte']tio1 erern€fl ]0ne e [video dnt 1 2 3 4 3y ich ln your notebook, comPlete the collocations with the words in the box. Then lisien, check and rePeat, . . over 77% ofthe PopU ation shop online, clothes or spońs soods are the ńost popu ar on jne . over40% ofa ladveńising is onlne, . 5 ó 7 8 stiruP tóke sb by Lp oad a VeWa deoś ]99 Vra, and \łh cl oles Wi be to social rletwo,k ng sites and sharcd m lons oflmes. often, not anUc] happens in these cips, bLrt they're short enough to appea to the d gital 3 shoń attention śpans, and !]elerat cn urho our emotons one ofthe firśtand mosi farnous ViralVdeos Was the sneezng panda, ft shows a rnother panda eatng banrboo With her baby aseep at her feet, suddenly, tlre baby sneezes and the Wl,]y on ne V 2 experieiced cybeńUlyin9, uses theirsmartphońe everywhere (inc|udin9 in the toiet!), 5 spEAKlNG Discuss the questions. Then rr]other by surprise, t's the moiherś reactjon Wh]ch lisien and check your ideas. u 1 What ls a 'Vira Video'? 2 Where can you Watch it? 3 What k]nd ofvideos'9o Vjral'? 3 you augh, The Video has been l over 22] milontmeś,Why s tso popuar? Probaby because the baby panda is cute and the s r.pe story an eernent of sunJrise, sPłl\Kli\J0 Think about an online video yo'l have uploaded, shóred or VieWed recently. Dis<uśs the que9tionś. s @ usten io four people, which stateńents A-E '.itł ń.tch śpeakel§ 1-4? There i5 one A ia sPeaker sPan Nobody knows exactly at least ó di+ferent Ą/pes o{ screen, 2 tĘl have a shon make sb rPise An early viral video uk home§ have sUpe.fast broadband conn_.ctions, at least3 different devices connected tó the lnternet cl-V, laptop, tablet, smanphone, etc,), ha§ go ,] sLlolise ln your notebook, write rhe form§ o{rhe verb§ in Exerci§e ó that complete rhe text correct|y, Then Iigten and 1 in 3 UK teenagers . spends at least ó houls a day onl]ne, . . contain an e/ement of s! on5 .u9\ 7 tĘl lMost . . vldeo v," emot 3 ks about a V deo that helped somebody's career B produces vralvideos for a jVing, 1 When, Whele and how d]d yó! see ]t? 2 What Was it abo!t? What haPPened? 3 PRoNUNclATloN FocUs 9 c s!99ests that ong V deos doi'l 9o V]ral D thlik5 the career advice he got frcm hisfamily is no onger E PrefeE Videos Where som,.th n9 unpredictab e happens, HoW Would you describe t? (funny? amażing? nsPiring? ..) ln your notebook, comPlete the g.ouPs with nouns formed from the Verbs. Then plactise saying the words and malk 1 adapradapianon conneci/ 2 exp a n/ inform/ 3 slggest/ inspire/ 1o |!Et Which noun in each group has fewer syllable§? Li§ren, repeat and check your answer§, 91 5 Gapped text l can identify key ińformation in an exteńded newĘaPer ańicle. 'l 3 what e;s!le .nl] Wh s the connection beiween the American launch of the app and sherock Hojmes? 4 Why Were sońe Peop e clit caL ofihe aPP? 5 How d d the p€ss reactto the new app? ó HóW does the Wrter descibe the technoLogy beh]nd Discusś the questiońs With a partnei Ho!r' ń!.h t m.] Jo yo! ,p_.lt re.d .9 iór P Use approPriaie phrases in Exercise 4 to answer the comprehension questions. 1 Whatisrh€ am of thenewapp? 2 Whar does the Wllter describe as'se.śUous'? 7 8 .h !!he r stldy n!: . oń . bcokś, Pl ńi boo{s, _4 bóo<s o .!d ó boot!? :] Dó yo! pl.:e,]nei]ig to n!3. !l] ereadn9.n How are books wth a sóuńdtrack bettel rhan 5ieńt books, accordin9 io lesearch? HoW m]ghi the new techno o9y he p n schoo s? Focus oN WoRDs IWord ó ffiffi leadi! rśei.e? v"ny noun. buildin9 ar€ {ormed by adding the suffixes ln your notebook, comPlete the table wirh nouns made flom the verbs in the article, use a dictionary i,f necessary. Then listen, ch6ck and repeat, -mentor -ion to Verbs, Read the online ańi.le and the comments, Decide whai yo! think about the new app and Write your own cońment, compare with a pańnei VERB NoUN <cl!rp!4l!!d nead the text again. Which fragments A-E Complete q.pś1 4 co(ectly? Thele iśone exlra @ 5 en!].ge A There! no informatioń abo!tthen backgrouńds, ages, readi.9 expel]ence, etc,, blt it seemS reasońab e lo a55Uńe ihat they were people Who don't Spe.d a gleat dea oftjme. ibraries. B But re.d]nq is a djffelent Way o{ consum]n9 content, l'm not §ure a so!ndtlack can do anyth ng blt d]st6ctflom the leading experence, l 1 l 7 c ln comparisoi With this tradjiióna Way of read]n9, D downloaded rext can seem d,rl , n othelWords, c.n an aldio sólndilack hejP peop]e to understand a book and memol]śe r? e onethal en9.ges al the seńses, the di9italLy Thińk of other pźńs of speech and write in youl ńotebook any other words that belon9 to these word families, You have sixty second5. 8 ln youl ńotebook, comP ete these fuńher comment§ about the Booktrack aPp With the corlect form o{ the Wold in brackets, Wh]ch ores do you a9lee with? 1 'Mlsic and sou.d efiects Wolld be a .]istr.ct'ón, l don't like the ldea,'(distlact) 2 'Adding so!nd e#ects is a gleat lradjliona way of readjńg a pr]nted book'(]mplóVe) doesi't make yo! use yo!r ] 4 1l]1! Vf(.]rliD],; l]i..jl,"l -;j:,i..] |li l|,i]d 1 be b.5_-d, ; ] bc d_"ep y eNr].g ń9 the r..d r9 exper 5 iee t ]9 a.te.] ł eiir.i.e ślnd łh easy ci.e 1o ow jmPróVe itern.y laies '9 e.Ve sih yolr mJg iat 9 ]0 92 read lev e!! som_-i oi the o d 1.+] ó.ed Vl.y 1 .9 Pos]tne]y ima9inat oń,' (enterta].) 4 'An},thing s goocl ,a] ln your notebook, cońplete the phrases with .ń aPProPriate two]ettel Word, How do you say the phrases iń your lan9ua9e? Then Listen, check and rePeót. l l The resu tswere interestinq s"-. p.opl. *.," crit]ca :1hey felt d]stracted by things thatrhey Wou d Preferto eaveiórhe IC]cL]i l 5 9 'L if it ńorivates schoo chi]dlei to can't See how an audio soundtrack can help you of th ings.' (memorise) Most śtldies suggest that teenagers are readinq less {iction than they used to, Discuss the questions and 9ive reasons for youl answers. 'l ś:hs. p..bem.rd, ]fśó Vr'l].t lj.. be doi..l]ó!t t? ź Are tl.er..l! :d!ait..]es 01re.d n9 mo|e idi.i? 3 Do yo! rc.d ńore or e5śii.l oi t]Jl] !o!r p.l|el? E lr li łł ex perience? iiŃjo] B""d g a boo - [F o|d a,hion-d ^dy /hold: 9 l\"noo. t-'lao-o PaP- i,",e .,o,--,peli- .e Books speak, Pages rustle, They sme sornetirnes .-,.,h, tno.! .9 de]ic]ous, 50metimes of prevlous owners. Spines creak. ltl tt t ! Pe6ona ly, l pleferleading l dor' ^ il dĄ ]n sience oI 10 lhn, Wh" ro, With some "advantages, pl- ,- -|, dool -| ,o-dd g L , i." e;oo,; . p,ol,, J ,.., ) ,o ool , to - ń lr9, j,p eas er to lemember ,l People Who took Pań in the research a] came from New York and represented Various eve s of ncome and education. a , Th 5 cou d slggest that the greatest benef]t of the neW technology WilI be to help improve teracy rates and enco!ra9e schoo children to read. o!r cU tUre is becom]ng lncreasingly Vi§ual, but the success so far of Booktrack a]so shows that we're keen to lve in an acoustic worId, whie it i5 cornmon to 5. cornp ain that computers cut u5 off{rom rea]]ty, you cou d a so argue that in some Ways computers rem nd Lls how much we re v on our senses, backgro!nd mUsic, sPińe ? " JJ"";;; ;"b-i, "nd ,.ry ir il any, to readlng accompanied by audio , The research found that when readers ele.ńents', 3 read books With a soUndtrack, they not on y {ound them rJ easier to fo ow than 'si ent' books, bui a so found them ike listening to books on the radio and Wheń 'm dliving, so lth]nk this new experience. " o t\-[ lo l la*,,r,,".".]" q But its not iust abo!t havinq f!n. Booktrack hired the end of the garden. The Arnerlcan LaUnch Was based on sher/ock Ho/mes: The Adventure ofthe Speckled Band.' , But it had a ot of fans too, n its firsi ten weeks on §a e, lhe Speck/ed Band was down oaded more than 100,000 times, Since then, it has been down]oaded ]n ninety-n]ne difiereni countr]e5 and has been reviewed positive y ]n the press: 'Phenomenal', 'ReVoL,rt]onary', 'books Without soundtracks cou d some day seem as o djash oned as silent movies'. ó,..r"l deeply en9a9ing experience, And l be ieve ^") that for every reader who pre{ers to use their ima9inat]on, there W] be a reader Who ]s grćtefu forthe extra {!n. conVenient but does not enga9e Not Unt now ln Anrerica ast yeat a c]roup of ]nvestors aunched an app called Bookirack, a'revo utionary neW technology' that dramat]ca y improves the e,readin9 experience, HoW? By creat]ng a soundtrack for e book5 nc udin9 mus]c and sound effects. A character knocks on the door: ban{], bang, banq, Another puts a slice of bacon n the fryjng pan: sssssss. Someone kisses , no, Perhaps not, And ]n between aI] ihese bursts of act]V]ty: sympathetic music, or Weather noises, or (]f ]t! a scene outdoors) a b rd s nging at the o|o9l | How on eanh does the page know Which ]ne of texi oL]r eyes are read]ng, and therefore When to do the j * 'l t!] grżb]et Giąźk cognitive P.znnv].zy enjoy 5en5uou5 9tryjenlny d a znyllóW śyńPathetic iU: tljnraiy.zny N 7 §\\ł ri"t"n t" tl,. .onversation again and .heck your sentences in Exercise 4. ffi§ Reported Speech que§tions and imperatives ln your notebook, write more question§ and about sońeone's orders and questionś Using PePorted speech. imPerative§ from Darinat interview. Begin with They asked her.-- 1 'Did yourfance end yo!l reLatlonship?' ] can talk Ihey asked her Name some poPulal magażines iń youl country, Discuss which ńagażines you read and What toPics you like 4.* s 7 o.!łnra1' , l0hdLar.llo1l goln! r lied, t, t|@o Ll)h,. are lJąt latiną? LLU ta lrłL.spLiŁ u| l{tłĘlJovf.uu? ŁldL.e q . ow |Jut. 0Ł 2 Read the repolt of another interuiew Darina gave. Which question did §he refuse to 3 Eeillt7 Arc L1olłol a dtł.t? Photc illrtłuóinró - Dol| t lt ń tłrr seriow. . B|olu a k[ss ał ńe canurą 1 ó 'Why are you eav ng so eary?' 7 'Can We inteNiew you agaln next month?' 8 'Don'r leave befole We'Ve taken . photo,' fashion designer a her liancć had ended then 2 'Have yo! seen your ex lecently?' 3 'Whele djd yo! bly yol]r dress?' 4 'HelP yourse]fto teź or cofiee.' 5 'Who s 9oin9 with you to the oscars ne\t Darińa Pańitt did ań ińtervieW fol a lifestyle n.9óżine, Read the ińteNieW questiońs and 9uess what she does for a livin9, a if 1rś xb.* rft (!ffi u.t.n to oa,in. talking to a friend about her intewi€w. check your an§wer in Exercise 2. Why is she so Upset? Focus. Then, in your notebook, Write que§tions and rePońed imPeratives from the Darina's repońed Read ihe GRAMMAR 1 2 What /Wear/ going to /to the oscars / Was / What /Waś goi.g io Wear to ihe oscars, /datińg/Who/Was 3 had / Why/ sp]it !p Wjlh /l 4 ifl / Wi"ki :li i::i:!lxT she thou nom]nated for an oscar, and wheiher """J[;,i" she could Win, She told Lls that she Was proud of her film and ihought she had a good chance of W nning, Bt]t she added ihat she hadn'i seen the otlrer J m5 yet, We asked her When she had staded nrak rlg filrns and she iold t]s i had only ,o o ,ó , l| ó /ód oó.olP D , ,, 5p L od bP- ir the rnovie buslness lor ten years, We asked ]rer Whai her next pro]ect Was 8o ng io be and sl,]e / ny liańcć b.i.]le ti'e Verb Yo.] !se ask aS lhe lep.rr n.] !.rb Yó! d.i't ,]sc L]ó,.res,'.]l.i Yó! tse if cr whetherior ye5,/!, qL esl on9 \łhe. yo. EPo 1 ].r per.tŃ_-s, yó! !3e ask.r te/l5b (not) tó do sth. V/h.r yo! report qu.śt]olrs,the 9!o]€ri.onres |o! if-- .eil Iere?' 15 8 ęĄ d.",.."" ln youl notebook, lewrite the repoŃ in Exercise 7 a§ a dialogue. wa§ heppy, Darina: inteNiew. Yo!'reWe/ćóme, lasked him What his narD€ Was, /askedhim wfio had w/itten those Dalina: Ye§, t They asked me to say'cheese', , d, d|: |8d .róóloorbISi. lnteNiewer: Thanks fo. a)ree'ng to do tńe 9 ,P;,.* / hoped she Would eet the chance to direct anot fjlm, We asked her Who she Was dating, bt]t §he asked us not to ask her abolt her prvate Ife, He asked ne if l l'ved near thereHe asked me Wh€ther tlh.t śyórr..m.?' u* 5 Iolo |, \lF 'Do n:i** We asked her if she Was excited about be ng l /We]9hr/had 5 Was / L/ Whethel / on a diet ó sel ó!s / to ook / ióo / not 7 a kisś/ at / to b ow / lhe .amela pL]t on J she told me not to moye. e, o_ - ,, -d dbóJ,b,Fc " nońińated fal an ascar? it! WotdeHu] ,,, §P!;/Ąi(l|!(; Act oL]l your dialogue. Vore for the best dialogUe in the cla55. ! : cn uśevarious types of nouns with the co|rect artjcleś, ] in fu r ltlilrl1Jivc Rate the ry series genres in the box from 1 = 'l can't §tand them' to 5 = 'l love them'. What othel series genreś can you think o{? Di§cuss the series you like l".l"śysciAl.ef'ftioń ,l} Lumo,1 Coolvd-ole! h 5 .oolerV pro9-drreś * .*.". exPeń and -*ersat;on leł-ee. ..ai. i"a"lt.y is too " more youn9 " a Tvjournalist. Why are mole ańd People watchin9 cookery Pro9ramme§? 1 The latest news 2 ó 1 2 opti"n. the sentence§ correctly? "omplele Which one ofthe sentences i5 false? Listen again and 3 i5 / are lhat {ood has / have become the most popu arsubjectfor rea ity TV programmes, Re§earch te]/s / tei/us that we spencl more tlme Watch ng food oń ry than cook]n9 it, series slch as The Great 8ritish 8ake_o#and Master.hef isl areVery PoPU ar With yo!ńg peop e, 4 s!fuey information suggesr/ slggests that People ó t news on the TV pol]tics in the news, T\ ,el e "bol . lme Women d]rectors, Thele uSe Or eruCusH ln your noiebook, complete jnro.mac]ł Uesi mnóstwo 2 There .bolt Masterchef on the Webste, Li{e is / aretoo shoft to stu#a ńUshloom] 0est tylko leden amerykeńsłi sefuD l like Watching, 4 Read the LANGUAGE Focus, What tyPe of noun are the 5 nouns in bold in Exercise 3? can't rcad thś,Where ó Today L]cI a s ngu ar and a p Ulalform .nd you choose an approprjate Velb folń. Add ,§ (or somet]mes -e5, Nouns W]th ]rcg!lal p ural{orms: e,9, childlćńi]dren, łaot/leet, Woman/women, person/peóple . uncountable nouńs on y have a singu ar form, you can't put a/ań ol a ńuńbe. in front ofthem and you on y use a singU al Velb foim. Progress iśs/ów. (NoT P€9€59ee5lef) i need {sóńe) advice. {NoT +ne€dffidvie) l bóughl |two pieces a' {urniture, (NoT lbótstffiiffi) sa b.d d.y The.e iednej dóbrcj Nouns . countable nouns have Nouns With the same sln9u ar and p Ural forms: e,9, fish, series, iśnt enouoh the sentences by transIating ihe Pań in Polish. 1 Myfavoul]te rypresenterl to ies or,Ves)to form pl!ra]s: plogżmme - Pragrammes. ń"nv are too adv]ce {o. young people ab,out ]ńterńet safety ful.iture in my bedroom, O @ bake .akes to shale on sóc al ńed a. ńot to eat. 5 The interests óf yo!ńg PeoP e isnt / a.enl very d fficu ly m_ch There There 3 lle e 4 There 5 Thele §Ę§[t wti.t j ln your notebook, comPlete the sentences with the phrases in łhe box to reJlect your oPinions, Then compare With a pańner. 8 7 wi adóńościJ \istńieje Ponad dwa i pół milióna gótlnkóW) of insects ń the Amazon jungle. (Je.ńq, to) my{avourite c|othes. l!?|-n.j/",^v,7 ln your notebook, complete ihese common sayings With the correct Verb form. Then di.cuss whether you a9ree with the sayings and whether you have §imilal ones in your language. 1 Lau9hterĘ (be) ihe best medicine. (be) on y sk]n deep, 2 Bealty (ńot grow) on trees. 3 Móńey (be)§trangelthan ficiion. 4 Tllth (be) P enty o{fish in the sea, 5 There (be) power ó KnoW edge (make) the mai. 7 Manne6 (be) good news. 8 No news common unco!ntable ńóUńś: adviće, {urniture, han, intomatian, knówledge, lu1gage, hews, palitics, re'ea.ch, . Plural nouns only have a pllra folm, YoU cai't put a/an ol a number in {ront ofthem and yo! on y lse. plula|Veófoffi. These jeans are nice, (NoT +AĘ€D-'s,u,t+) l have fur'a paia of black trausers, (NoT +ha€i/6jr/a.ł+ro9§er9) @lB risten to the rocu§Vlog, What are the sPeakers' favourite TV śerieś?Write the answers common P ural nouns: c/othes, g/asses, headquarters, inrerests, iea"s, manne6, scissors, trousers 95 Read the winnin9 ałicle and decide Whi.h is ih€ intere§ting and aPProp.iate title. 1Bl ", ó"1o +|"oLo, bod L 2 oue!ing, not sin9]ń9, in the ra]ńL 3 4 5 apPealing desclipżion of a Paśl I can write an '1 Read the annouńcement below and answer r !łl.t.r. yó! 2 tnhai.oi i]rted:o (].] d yót \.!]i'| HaVe yolr been to a iaoL]lol]S fesi Va th s olq WoL] d ove l]ear a 'esll/e/V/elch aboLrL t] Send ,Js an a i c e slmrner? t() yo! alLended thLs 5eason and SL]ggesi nq ]mprolements for naxt yeal The besl alt]cle \,,/j []e pL bi shed on oLrr Vr'ebs te ;lnc tT]e !łinner \i,, ] lea,o,/e tv/o lr,-e l ckets to nexi yeais rev|e].! ng a fesl Val that G eStonbUry FeSt]Vil db|Fe,p" , Smel ś,Smi es, aid Sounds at SUńny SlVeńest What l d d and didn't enjoy aboli S lveńest What a load ofrubb]§hL l eni-]ś :rn.] and ih. .ther L]ck,", fest]la goers ai ,|, 5 ]"e:]is S lel i-"ś1'cst!: d|alk 2!r ttO L.olt cs .: lLlate : a(-.],e.l iear ! tro t.nn_os of rLrl]lr s! i]n. |:r s_.d f2i],Noc f.r.ha t,i Vy'. a d ti s /",h e st.n ll!] to some of it,. nll,]sl ta enlec |ands ;ro!r]d and en]c]r r]!] oe ]. oLrs looaj fr.]m al o\/er the ,,(ol o, tihal an amaZ n!] aro_cr ena_'] My ]r We alr\,ed aarV. bllt as !..c qL]etred tc qc]t n ,",.,_e coL d a re3oy he.]l 1ll. TNs l a|.] sme the l,Jo.] T|e sl]n j,1as Sh n n! Lrn th,A co .t]ńLr n tie cro\ła Th s }ear, tłn s anc] a DJ hed a eady be!]L]n 10 "lll€ ] rta Th_, Chenj ca Brothe,s frorn t|e belts of th_. mL]!. to t'ne Ll]as ex.e pLrllk...k.' _Alli: Vamp le'!łc_,keld, nc\r?r forget th,A s !lhl and s.Und of ]i],a00 happ} peope !",ih the l arms n th_, a r, As a l:est !a gcers kn.\r'n dan. n!] rnakes yo.r e{rcm_e]l huIgr! esp!.e y\łhen ilr,oar s i ed,lh tht ial]L]lJL]c cnr, ]c,l T], ,d" fulei can:rnd nlan), o]rrer 1.!ol d clrS nes To be 'o.cst lras expcatl-. ter,l]P:cst,/il flji]a] t]Ul l\ras ,lroi!] t \^ras a]bsolltey de c 0Lrs The oi,] th ł o9,1 mo§t nq d slqqcsl |q nert year s tic nL]mber ol d be lW cc :ls man! b_! lh. end ol ihe da chana] rUbD sr] t ns Thele shoLr thele ,,,/as tie efery!",ie e, !c! łre ..k ng iol a rca y f le|d ! fest tasty lood iani f yoL] .lon i rn nd a l] i oi ne\t yeaL YoLr ',r.f t !e d sapDoiFted Lf !a |L ,"r tl lanlast. ljl|ds a[ bb sh ] ,h"n ]ry s ! lerfcs: \ I t 1 fi d[ W Which phrase§ in the LANGUAGE Focus would yo! rePlace with the underlined phla§e§ to make the descriPtions more interesting? Look at the ańicle in Exercise 2 agaiń. Which item§ 1-ó have been included? 1 .ń ntrodudion which hóld§ the reader's attent 2 a fe.son forWrit]n9 3 langu.9eWh]ch descrbesWhatthe Wl]tersaw smeled.ńd t.ned 4 a Vól ety of.djectives and modifierś 5 Personalop]ń]ons ó s!ggest ońs and recommendations on 1 heard, 2 i the compeiition that Was 1he best bit| 4 The exhibition of o d Photographs Was Gl[er 5 ó r.,.r.].r9.:tent.. . H.].:h. ...ers:itć.tó.|rl].] . .r.-i i .]!.31ion o] q ,.e5 nL.l.,-l] !i] j..jl! t ].t .n \!. .i 8 ]siś ]t n! day 5 b ir |rlr;r ,r.! Find al the adjectives in ihe ańic e and decide Whethel they cón comPlete sentence A or B, 9 l !a;"Tlj_"y,l.r. .b9o ltP ), .-] Ó coPy the table in the LANGUAGE Focus and complete it with some of the adjectives you found and ćst Modifiers with base and extreme adjectiv€s . you !5e difielent adverbs tó mod]fy base or extleme adject]ves. Base adjectlves óle 9lad.b e e.9, Verybad ]s Wolse than guite bad, Extleńe adject]ves are non gradab e e,9. impossib/e meańs ińpossib/e yo! cań't be 'mole' impossibie o r 'leśs'imposs'b/e. BA5E ADJEcTlVEs jntelest]ncl/ 'd rccommend the rathertastv/ homemade ice cream, lfyo!'le ook]ng Jora VerV qood/ come to ńextyear/s charliy F!n Day Think about a time when you had eithel ón ab§olute yfantastic or an ab§ólutely terible'day out', Use ót least six extreme adjećtiveś-consider the question5 beloW and then tell your pańnei EXTREME ADJECTlVES Was i? i e ; frLE c fest]la ] s.roo trP?a.l]altyeV.rt? ; hi]i y p..i.? . da,t ai the b_.aclr?, ct. ) . \łij_"| d.] yo! h.!e tlis day óLt? a sPoftś d.y?. , \Ąho d d yo! qo Wth? , \łh.l hippe|ed d!riN.r Ihe da!? . \Ą/h.t śó 1.]j trir9S did yo! có? , \!hai lele tij_. ij 91'ou points? . \!hai s yó! , Ł]e śt,'Wor5t ]nemory? 5HoW WHAT YoU,VE LEARNT l @ oo rt in youl notebook, Use the Twold szkołd zorganiżowala nieodwno dżie. pod hasłem ,,Bawiąc się razeń, Pomagamy innym"- zapró!/ono Wsżysrkich okoli./ńyLL mie5żk"ncoW. W lamach tej imPreży odbył śiękońkurs talentóW oraż 9lało kilka zesPołów st!deńckich, Można było również skosztować różnych potraw- NaPisz ańykuł, W którym ocenisz organiżację tego dnia. W swoim atykule; . op . ood sż oceń {rżi. VJyd.rże. a, kI.€ pro!ram! pódób.e.j i..];tyvly R.7Win D,oo 2c0 7 ]0 very, Gthel, really, qu]te, Note: .-";1ł cai .]so be !sed Ę ..i.ing task ideas in the" WRlTlNG FocUs and the LANGUAGE FocUs to helP you, 3 h dayo!t, . Wr.t k id of.j.y olt i-) ! lll..e l.Lr.es.l L]1.]n! ,n..n ia b,l.]:5.1 r.:il j.ir.]l:m: e. aid t:j!,t:.] . ]. ].. P...ia ói] l].,]:j:j.].] s.!..5:bns . F. !n I tr: e..ńm.rili:l]|{l]r.h....er ,lg_, 3 hP,_n-- An arti.le reviewing an event ' B.!:r|rithii rtel.:tnq iL,!|lr.] !.!9!i: iitet.]l";.] ]9 Ęą!r 9s9d/ Focus and check your answe.s Read the WRlTlNG Thi5 year's Chality Fun Day Was VerV oood/abso/UteŁ iant sti. and We laised |ois of money. The birds Were s i9ińg .nd the Weather Was l oJbyły 5]c pru_vszłym rckL sl|oii WypowieJź W |.żcynr ż podpuktóW 51óV/ sPEAKlNG 4 ffi tn you, not"book, comPlete the conver§ation§ with words and phrases in the 5PEAK|NG Focus, Then listen ógain Asking for permission 1 EXcLr§e me tviss Roberts slĄxif Wefilńyoulcass today? l'sfolthe schoo Facebook page. 'm qc.!]to !]n]L- !.L R: Er, We l, 'm ' Patty: l can give and refuse permksion and make N4iss ) today, ańd that Won'r be Very interest]n9 on fi m, HoW .bo!1tońorrow? We oń y h.Ve the camela to.Iay 3 a te5t Paity: Look at the li5t of thin9§ you may Wantto do at schoo, Which thiń9s would need permission for? Who would you ask? We l oK, la Thanks Mlss Robe.ts thatl gleat 2 \46 Baker; Mrs Ba(ell Yes, hel o, Patty, What We e.t or dlink iń Mrs B: l,) 3 IVlr Read the €mail and answer the question§, 2 What is she goińg to use it for? 3 What does she have io do next? Ml Exc!śe me, Ml osborne We're mak ń9 o: oh Patty: To| Patty cia55 9 a We colld li m yo!r ..5, to.].y fim {orthe school Facebook pa9e see,We],l'd ]ike3 got meetińgs al day and Ms Marks ls taking my c.55es oh oK, śórry to botheryo! sir cla55 Facebook page Dear Pa!ty, YoL] o: Mr o: 1 What has Patty 9ót permlssion to use? subje(tl do fol yó!? a ,9o.head, lśth s for a projed? No, tśforthe school Facebook page, Mrs B: oh right, ' l 9o and tidy !p the c aśyóóm then, the.lassroom cha|ge yóUl śeatdur]ng a esson !5e a dict]óńaly in an En9 i5h test e.ve the c.sśroomdurn9. ]esson 2 cań f]m o!l Ań cl.śśtóday p ease? can use the 5choolVideo camera on Thursday 4th April to film yoLr l cla55 for the school Facebook page. You must ask your teache15 PoL|TELY for permission to film their cla55e5 during lhe day. Al[students must sign a copy of the document attached. 3 tffiĘ r:sten to three conversations. Which teacher doe§n't give Patty Permission to {ilm the cla§§ and Why? A9king for permission Giving Permi§§ion a.i (] ił_- ? |re oK n]pP.S.:c r 1a(:.(t: ' Yeśihal3lie N. [ób e, C.. or ,. . ,l.!.]elil].] l !..ol a ? Dcy.L, i ]l i .!. . ? \!e 5 5L le, dcit nól Nó, n,]t .Ie.d i:. See Refusing permission '.] ]lie t. h_-. blt 'm Ihy 9. ln your notebook, rewrite the following exchanges uśingthe language in the 5PEAK|NG Focus. Begiń With the Words in italics. 1 A: Lend me your ca cu ator 2 A: Let me lse yolr phone, 3 A: lWant to open the Window. 4 A: We Want to eave eal]y. B: Right, B: We/1 B: No, the banery is flat B: l'm B|oK, Bi No B: sure, ó EFEffi risten your ideas in Exercise 5. Pra.rise the your"heck exch.nges with "na Pańne. 7 l;ilillłt(IiJ/J ln youl notebook, Wrile a dialogue asking Permission {o. something. U§e the 5PEAK|NG FocUs to help . . . Decide oń the s]tuatión, Why yo! need permlssion and who łom, use ihe i.formation n rhe box in Exerclse 1 or youl owń ideas. Plact]se youl dialogue Then ad out your d]a 09ue to the c ass. 'i:|, E@El@ ryberbullying /'SaIb.,bU]nn/ admne /.dlnai./ podziwiać /a pI3.In.lilvil aPPear in aTV s€ri€s ,s3ńż/ Wysrąpić W seria]u te ewiry]nym obw niźć ^p/ blame youBelf/'ble,n box ofii<e /'bDks ,DIJV kasa biletow. @rry oń /,keti 'Dn-/ kontyńuować jtr],selfl obw]n !ć s ę .ome olt / ł^m'aoi/ Wychódzić, być Wydanym do a liv€ gig /,du] J latv'glg/9.ać konceń druńmer /'drĄm./ perku5jś!a fciional character /,llkjJnJl L€rJklJ/ gradually di§appear /,gred3u.li,dls.'pI./ hitsingl€/,hćv J,hlI 's]|93V m eĆ sin9]e, kóryjest hiiem have great revie$ /,h&v,grelt tr'vju:z/ have a ńieć żnakómite recenżje lead 9Uita.ist / li]d glto:rJst/ 9iiauysia l€arń ńua]ne engage emotiońs /D 9etd3 i mauja!ż/ audience / .:di.nv pub .żnóść be in the chańs /bi ]nóJ Uorls/ na lisiach b6atyouBelf up /,bix jJ: self W frcm mistakes /,l3ln fr.m m.'steIks/ elplanation /,cksp|.1nctJ.n/ Wy]aśn]enie 90 vnal /,gJo'vatJr.l/ stać s ę wna em, ża?ąĆ krąłĆW nrernecie have a śhoń attention sPan / lrav. JJ:t .'ten,l.n spćn/ mieć kótk] czas skUp]enia inform /In'f .an/ iiIomóWać info.mation /,lnf.'mclJJn/ nlormacja insPnation /, tłsp''reljon / inSpiracF ińśpire /ln'spżla/ n5pnować make sb laUgh /,mclk slmb.di lo:l/ online puróase /,oolaln p3ltjdzakup ónline posr /p.osl/ Wysyłać, żmiev%ć (W lnteriec e) Pres€nt /prl'zćnt/ puedstaw]aĆ presentation /,prez.n te,J.n/ pż€dsiaWienie, Prcduce /pr.'djU s/ prodUkować Prcdu<tion /prJ'd^nJ3n/ Produkcia §ocial networking .ite /,s.oj.l nctwtrrt]| sait/ póńa spó]ecznoŚciowy stir UP enotions / ś3:r ,^p i ń.UJónz/ mess uP /,mes'Ip/ zrobićcośźe,nielachowo §u99estion /s.'d3est]'.n/ sU9estia take byśurprise /tcIk bal sJ'pĘuż/ Wżiąć Peńomel /p: f5:m./ tella story / rel.'st.rjl opow husician /mjUr Zt,i3n/ mUzyk Pe.form /pa'f .lm/ Wlstępować Wykonawca Play a venue/,plel a'!enju:/ 9Eć konceft Play the pań of /,pler óe pu|r .,/ gać ro ę put on /,pot 'on/ rĄystawiĆ (śźUkę) release an album /.I lilsJn ćlbmv Vrydać sigń ó re.ording .ontrad / saln ai! kJ|dIĘ konlrekt/ podpi9ać konirakt na9raniowy 5i9n uP forl,sa r sin9eFsongwrit€r piszdca 5tań out teGty na ^pf./zapisaćsię / !ła'sDł,raltó/ o50ba ńUzykę oraż śpewa]ąca /,stdt 'aUt/ zacząĆ stn eĆ, up/,telk żaeąć {np leyć s ę ^p/lUb Up.awiać sport) na ]nstrumence gry turn UP / L3:n'^p/ po]awć 5ię vo.ali§t / v.Ulr.l]st/ Woka lista Wear off /iw..r DV lstępowaĆ mlafr@@ crhi./oł knrIV ań krytyk .laiń /uelnl/ tw]edzić sżUki gallely owńer/ gtla.i,óUn./ Vrłaściciega elii geniu. /'d3ini.s/ geni!sż hidden camera /,h ldD 'ksm.lJl Ukryta kamera Point out /,ptrInt noi/zauwałć, &ócić!w.9ę rePly/ upload a video /^p I.Ud . 'vldiJo/ Wgrać, WrżU.]Ć (do niernel!) view /vj Url odłona, odtwozeńie viewa video /vjuj a'vldi.u/ obejrżeć fimik viral / vatere]/ wnalowy / val.r.l vldi.o/ Wna, f lmikw]d_-o 09 ądary pżez dUźą i-bę inrernautów viralvideo @@ a..ompanimeńr /3 k^nrpanim.nt/ accońPany /a tŁtnponi/ iowauyszyĆ, st.6ań6d /stri:nd/ od5hchany take adać h]stórę p]d/oł]powiedzeć 3u99eśt /s.'d3est/ 5!gelowóĆ w.h.nnel /,iil 'vir ,llEnl/ kanałte óWżyjny ry dnedor/ ti: 'vi] dJ,lekt./ reźyser Esffi@ /.'dćlv ódapt ćdaPtowćć adaptation /,ćd€pleIFn/ adapiacja adv€ńisin9 / ćdvatdlzl!/ rek ama broadband connectjon / b1.1dbend k.'iekJ.n/ łącżeśzerókópasmowe .ompete /kem piI/ wspóhawodnioyĆ connect /kJ'nekt/ lEcąĆ connected toĄ.'nekl3d 1./ podłączony do cońnectioó /k.'nekJ.n/ połącźeńie contain ań eiement ofsurprise /k.n,tctn .n,el:Dr.nt Jv sJ'p.aźl zawierać elemeni based on / bend.n/opańy na cognitive / kDgn]ilvl pożnawcry create /kri'elt/ twożyĆ creation /kri ei,l.n/ dz]610 critical of /'knitk.I.\,/ kDłyczny Wobec cut śbofi frcm r€ality / klr s^nbadi Df 1ran n'ćlalv odciąć kogoś od deePiy en9a9in9 /dilpli ]n,geld3l!/ 9łęboko distract /di strekl/ lożprasżać disł.ctioń /dI str.ltJ.n/ coś, co rozpE9a encoulage łn'lnudy zachę..Ć on.ouragement /h ł^rld3n.nll zachęta, engage żainteresóWaĆ za.ngaŻowaĆ leave sth to yourimagination /,Ii]v,s^mOIB t3 j3r l,mćd3a neIJ../ pozostaw ć coś memoligtion /'mcm.ralzcIJ.n/ ńeńorise /'nenórllzl uczyć5ię nó panięć re.d in the old_fashioned way /,ild n ói ,.Uld 'lćJJnd we/ ży,tać w tradyą ny 5po5ób revieW Positively /r!,!jul'pDz.llvlj/ rUstle /t^s.U 9€leśc]ć sc€ne /si:n/ scer! (fra9meni progEmU) 5eńluous / sen.|u.s/ przyjemny dla żmysłÓW sPin. /spatn/ 92biet (książki) symPath€tic / ślnpa oellł/ klimatyczny @oB agreeto do sth/. gri: t3 du,s^nrolł/ żgodzić się cośzrob ć be nominated for ań oścar^inomnreitid fer3n'osk./ być nóm]nowanym do oscara blow a kiss / bl.o J'rls/ pueslaćbuziaka dat€ /'de,t/ spoiykac/!maw]ać 5]ę z direct /dó'rekl/ €żyselowaĆ end a lelationshiP /,cnd . lcIFnJ,p/ exlckv by' pańner/mąź, bń pańńelkć/ fashion designel /'fE,|.n dl,żan./ fiancó /li Dnsel/ naue-ony have a good.hance ofwinning /,hav gud ,l,Jd:n9 3v 'wnĘ/ m eć d!że yanse . intervieW /'ht.vju/ pżeplowadżić }vYW]ad; model / nDdl/ model/mode ka movie buśineśs/ muvi ,blznJs/ przemFl oń a diei/,Dn a drtal/ n. diecie put on Weight/,pŁn on'weit/ pżybrać scr€.nPlay / skriInplet/ scenariuy filmu) §plit up with/,sp]l!'^pwió/ rożstać się / @E!(@ h€adquań€E / hed,kw.nóżl g]ówna 5]edziba manne6 / mnóż/ ńan]ely populalwith / Popj.l.wló/ póp! arnyWślód Presentel /pnizcnl./ prezenier rcalĘ Tv /ń,ćl.ti ,tit vi/ rea ty show ffiźlrltar attend /a tend/ Uąest.]czyć W brilliant /'bnlj3nt/ żnakom ty d€vastated /'devJsieltId/ załamany e.static /lk'sr€t*/ zachwycony fabuloU5 /'teb.iul.ś/ ba]eżny fascinating /'f Eś.neliĘ/fascynUjący festivalgoer /'fust3Ęłg36/ bylva ec fe9i]wa hilarious /hiIe.ń.s/ WesoĘ, końi-ńy impor.ible ni€móżiiwy en9a9ement /In 9cld3n3nt/ żaan9aŻowanie ^nlgeIdy' onhanc€ /lnhonś/ popraW]ć enhance the reading exPerien.e/in lrd:ns ó. !i:di! tk śPi.li.n*/Upżyjemn ć czy,tanie enhancement /In'horNm.nt/ popmWa enteńain /,ent3'lem/ zabawiaĆ, zapewniaĆ óp!b ikować ^m'pos.b.l/ P!blkh /'p^bIIJ/ staruin9 /'sto:vl!/ Umie.ający z glodU śuggest amProvement. /só d3est im pru]v enterrainment /,cnt.'telnmJnl/ rozDĄVka feel dktra<ted by /,fit dl \trćkt.d bal/ auć §ę rozproszonym przez find sth easyto follow/falnd s^men] i:zi i. fnl.u/ uznać cóś za łatvve dó zrozumier a imProve lireracy rates /ln'prulv tlt.r.si .ctts/ podn]eść w5kaźnik umiejętności llEE@l?lrari for /,osk l. mónl s/ 5u9erowaĆ !splaWnjeniź taleńt.omPetition /'tsl.ni kD,np.,t]J.n/ winne. / Wha/ zwycięzca ask Pelmiśion popros Ć o po&olen]e !o'nl,|3n/ video cańera /'vldi.U ,k€m.r./ kam€ra W deó improvemenr /Im pr!:vmlnt/ pópraW. in silen.e /In sallJns/ W.]szy 99 UzUpełnianie zdań; test Iuk Któle z pódanych WyrażóW iwylażeń poprawnie u/Jpelńió-a żddnia' Dw. wyra/y/Wyrażenia nie Pdsujd cally oń cast charts 5 Jakie formy wyrażów Podanych w nawiasach poprawnie uzuPełniają żdania? Nie zmieniaj kolejnoś.i podanych elementow, W kdżdd luke ńore9/ Wpiśac maksymalnie sżeśćwyrazów } j O!r..t i.r .](],]p .i y p:ys .m. .-i' .fi.r.] tó ć.: n .rge t.c.tl. ,l My {.V.!,t_. s rqe. sabolt.. . blm n) 'i leiy .x. tedl WSKAZóWKA Zan m zdcżn]e§z lzupełiiać zdan]a, ZastanóW Się,]a(ie str!ktury §ą W n]cr iestowane, spr.WdŹ, czy łigńeńty zd.ń WjężykU ang]e sk m zawjelaji] ia (ieś,,podpowiedżi", nP,óó- ó,;,, 1 When asked Ań9 blt t r.:.'t.ś óVe t ofthe atest slperhe.o fim ńcUdes (exp .i|/she/insta two of my favoullte actoE. tlrc !! d fe.t was M tten by ourteacher deciding Wh ch 5 oul dlama class s going to ole .!!r.g.nrclt in_!rź.! / Jtlenliot r.t.9 .mc.9 d, drE,] " l_";.] .q !1.o h.,.. rcL]5. T]P e..o!1.9e th. r.].l i9 ćrPerć..., ] That,i.].o c{ - .].9 ,l.tLl] .. TV lent olslE.i.i,/ .|t..], V l-]t_-'y lźst .ń.slimi o.p.cP.t_4,_,d t r . ..l]9.] .]i d.yś 4 Dcn't b..l /' nr--5i l!rl] yoJue 1 !p .ocLt {orqdt.! yo!r ..r or] ł.!e " EVeryc.e mik€9 -]n.t.s ó Plzeks2tźłćzdania tak, aby zachować i.h sens, Użyj ńowy żależnej oraz odpowiedńiego cżasownika 'olń wProwódżające9o mowę zależną. ] H;l]k .:. !r n ar os..r rcit ye.r" !. .i K m iż.-,5!9.6,.r:) ? '5omeore !p o..]]..]t ]_-,] deó yesierday" Jo.5.]d Ti]e 5 Jc.i t. d iE i].t ł'ć fthc d r..t.l.. śleria.k ł i5 ih.j ić) bił siić 'Ve /can/pe ńo rm) W]th hel |Oślńrp.la.ttoo 1ori.cn!m.T.k.l iirei qóoJ.lp. r.i s. ss.r3) Ycll r.o | !j śnj: Tie.e !. Vr ł,.! d se tre b q 3.f. Wsl<AZÓWl(A a /e-., 5ei5. Zasiajólr o, ż,o_ ,e_ ?googon] s]e, jakiej cżęścitr]o\ły braku]-" W każd6j 1de.)d,, ..e - /Jllż) ,i ",!,o,n,,l," ,^.lb"c. cży Użyć pod.iego (np,lżeczow.ik od cuasown](.), słowa !r zmieI oiej folnl]R tlP cźaśóWi1a (l|5ł;u.4 'Pa,G d. (thele/not be/pro9res' on lt's seems no one cai playto Peńorm, Jakie folmy WylazóW Podanych W ramce poprawnie Użupełniają tekst? DWa wylazy zo§tały podane dodatkowo i nie Pasują do żadnej lUki. deó le? _V i.Lir.],' took il..]e n]e bV l Vr':s Jo m!.l] L]ett.r t]]. "] 'lr _-tPćcted i. ].]hl ] ć, ,] (|l,|iJ e yeslerday she in her galden to obseNe l). camera ( ] .,r t!Ln.e-|9W tl : !].ó!Pthi:l,. D9l. a H.r n!s.: 5!T]:5e UbP ?,,,,lo5,, a9ree oń aiythińgL Wybierż popraWny wyraź, ł ooól?A /,,, I W odpoW]ednim cz.s]e). imp-o\p -lil', eler ]e.ro, 5.. Al]]y er.ou dge en9"9e fsgi-e i.l||]-.1.12i.) 5 'We're 9o n9 t. Plj.l śe. here,'Si d.]o.i l.dfjó ]-Dd,ieć) Plzekształć źdania tak, aby zachować ich sens, Użyj folń mowy żależnej, by PrzytoczyĆ pytania i polecenia. ] 'P ea3. br i! n.trcDVDs(i .'i i ,.fi on the .].st" to h 5 śe{:lelary Frai<.9<c.] :: 'Do yc! |r'.it io |re.óme ; p.ofession. ..tr.95?' Fran< 5.i.] :he jo!rr- 5t .!t(r] He eń The ]o!rn. 5t .sk_.d ' ,\ a Jc.5k..] ]-h.: Lóo pnótó9lapl,er.sked o] p, .] Fol many peop ly to cV s on seems to be a iaily modE. Fol many years they have been th,A most pmglammesWlh m ions of peop e Walclr ng legLr aly, g Lred to theil screens, n fact theVerylrsi ploglamrnes show ng ord nary peop e in unsclpte.]sitLratonś ' oppóo óo | ,, ó lo40 d,o l,ó one oi the most nf]L]ental ploglammes of th s type Was An Arnercan Famiy a doclrmenlaly-siy e programme showl.] the life of an oftjinalyiarnily ntheearLy]970s ltmanaged to stir Up the emot ons of many peop e When the pare.ts on lló,on o-oo p p-o fasc naL.:d by tire show ]116 Tam "d,od,and expressed thejr' y to be together aga]n by send ", ., for nq etters dur ng and More than folty ye6rc ago, it Was a groLrnclbleak ng proglam t set such a h gh slanc]alc]lol lea ty TV that few othersl: managed 1o me€l sLlch a high mark, ThatS probably Why mani of reality TV shows d v ewers nowadays are h grry4 different k nds, and 100 e rea 1 2 Placując W Parach, v"ykonajcie zadanie, Flł)ł 7 r. :j -k.t| - 2 7 Usłyszysz dwukrotńie cztely wypowiedzi na temat karnawału Nottin9 HillW Londynie, DoPasli żdania (A E) do WyPowiedz; (1 4). Jedno zdanie żostało Podane dodatkowo i nie Pasuje do żadnejWyPowiedzi. T|r lpl;kr:l ' ''t]r:i.,!' ':,|.. .!' a ::,nii.ii,:| d . :|,.:, ,.1 ty zf' h.s !:iJi.j P.tei łpelr;rnle E 5.!! P.o! c l.r:. a f-.i] l|_-. <e oithe.an] 8 t. .!ó !. e] |?l d the .ro!.s an. e no 9e d.r l eijo| Brain Ghallenge Placując w Parach, odPowiedżcie na Pytania. i 1] 'o s ]t ],.J .V.r .e.d b c9i7 !vry?/\łry not;' ł 9oo.] ..- to:. 1e.n.9.r to,1,t. : wol d you i. 9 P1.1].:i , ktLn! tr. nr żdai _..- ]en l..]L..-]ż icP.l! ..li !ż.9.d. ] :,!.] !,!bar !!!].:. d..że!. o.],z-..:7 i:].]z..l.].: P.|jt,]r.]e ] ' n) irl)t,-.t l|]el]5e V_-! i: exD.]iS,hy 3.i-e peo. :;s m!.n as ot!.ls 1) " ,trt:l: t.]e.:alniu Jćdj>ór]e|l]l]ct. 1y d L "b .]L rn.5 |]e _-!e9 |j Wo! 3 B.lle3l !.] e] ( Jjk... ]. t_Flr.L 1..lr_Faf] plq.l t. .,(.i..l].] .] . i]1..]7 ..y -li. - r..];r .r] ]L-.t :o !J t. cnc yoir5. d F] o9? !i'hy7,/ f? W ry?/[/|ry |ot? Wykonaj zadańie, 20 qeneml knowledge questions in 20 minutes L,.Z.9tn.z,isż ( ż !....r.r.!!,cr!;] 7!l;.]in] ! tl.] ]] .],:.. N;! .ń]rk ]] l .] _ir:z,-ti !]kl) ]_-] ,l t'il!tr] :; ; lz__l ll r;q; ,l; l _-[:l|u__] p.]lLi. p.l,];l .] i. ż.. e .l-r: Win El00,000 .]7 :Jll]!i;a..J :!t].'. "il,i].f"ie.]ź ź.f.ł]._, 25Lr 5r.n, s!..rrl;ć 10 Połącżfragmenty Pytań, Jedno żakończenie nie Pasuje do żadnego fra9meniu, 1 ir',/ha: progr.mmes d d yo! !9. tc ] '1y.! .o! d l].!e .] r_ F] e.9 of iń j Te me .bcli tie Tn Prcgr. nm.s a Dc yoL eler ł,.|c . thjt. n.mb.rof}c!r1.-] ! ik.s i] (.t.!,li.. y.!,1.1...l] ].j? y/lry? . are !.ry poPL ir ll tlr t....9cE ,]clJ .] ,]i.].o! \.l:h Vol l ł.n.]9? ].łh),?/Ąłhy r.,t? ] 1 P.scując W Pa.ach, odPowiedżcie na Pytonid ,__-_-,--,] 13 PracujEc w Palach, odpowiedzcie ńa pytania. 1.+, (1] Do y.! ió,e_-? !r/|y'r/,'hy .o|? 2 |,,l,.t \ł.yś.:..,lee..clr.ge ] 1yoL] t. _-! r,.Vcd ilrr..l i]eo. e tó |r';l.h es: irl,d .oL] dń 1 Vr'.tch iaL oia jn,e uo! o yo! nr:śmcst? !. ],,lh.:lj lldq,d 4 Wił.h .q t te er' ś:on 9 ófte. co.s dered a \,laste of n]e Do !ót. !qr.e? Why?]Why n.t? l01 crime and crimin6]s . people involved jn a crime case . the justice system I can talk about uime and punishment. 5HOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 ln your notebook, comPlete the UK ToDAY fact łile with the words 1.apil"l .-m- .-c iols poP_ldton mo1".c / Feao L|]'ik . Mnste, The 1U.ite./ Kirgdom: Eng]and, Wa eś, Scot ańd źnd Nóńhelń : ó5 miiióń. city:Lońdon Po itical system: constitutionaI a of state: The oueen (ofcouEe|), Head ofgovernment The Prime ó 5 iterełii9 f.ct: Nobody 5f!ńh_"lthań 120 knr flóm the sea ó Surpl]si.g {act: t ra ns morc i Mi.ń th.i ń Lońc]oń e 5 Won es:youth Uiemployment, the enVironment, 3 Yo!n9 peop Work together to prepare a simila.'fact lile'ło.your own country. 2 Read the text and answer the questions- 'l Wh].h .r mes .re 9rowi.!], {. ir9orł.yirqihcs.m.]r.!nrb.r? 2 Wh]ch .l m.5 ćr. - plob .m in yo!l (lntry? r* o*, o",+"^ *""g^o,1ś :::j:':ł::;:": are so LU,"P players. But electroli, become]ess common, , ; " ;",",",",, " ];l',:;j::,"* * "1,: : -9,i,_]Jl,", *, ;, ililTij,; illl:iiij:1 ::njl;:;l,,i;nt_ ^,j;;,ł ;l, "ł ", "* r,"n l,il ]l,i,lli ;::*,"ll, ", *:. nł:;: r* an<l orrline ;.,"* płacy, ..".." *"e* ,*i :ll"']f1_1:: i,jj:,'],:::i, -" :,, nu,e":o,ł, r ",;me i:,i,il];;':,i1,:;,"::: " illil, -,,i. aEon hdve taLren, ,";;;.;,: .. *"ch a. v"ndaus,n ana lhe br€ po !!]] FocUs oN WoRD5 l crime ł fffi§§ Focus oN WoRDs I People involved and crimina15 ln yo,,, no,tebook, comPlete the table with the base form ofthe words in red in the text, Then list€n, cRlMlNAL cRlIv]E check and lepeat. 9 (Ęil the crime storie§. Then list6n, check and t. blrg.. z sth hot9. 1 4 p late 9o1]l.r|- ,ó5 sb'. i].,:. Listen to six dialogues and name the crimeś.wlite them n = 5b Ur.1l.e i]o .e ty in Exelcise 9 to i( n]e yo!r p.ńńel in a different iń the notebook. check hoW many correct answere your Pańńer has, lmagine you are lePo.ting a crime. Decide which Verb completes the §entences coreśtly, Helo, Po ice? l'd ike to rcport a clime, ,::ii,::] i.],] ], 1'] ln your ńotebook, comPlete the Phrases desćribing the stage5 iń the justice §y§teń With the coffect forń of ihe undeljińed words in the stories, Theń listen, check ańd lepeat, My apanment has beei 'taleń Some youths have set lire to / ńUgged a shop ] .5.]sP.{l l ] ]].:::] a.d Wth sster has beei V.ndalised / mugged Thele's a man in ńy stole. think heś shop]lii'ngl bu.g/ińg, This Website s pnatińg / dealing ti ms, T\/ plogranrme§ and mus . 7 "iPl:/r'il.\l,)!:j Di§cuss Which three crime§ in Exercise 4 are the most ! rhe ei.]r ij s .o e.t..] . tljć...ts,.d s 1.!.d 8 Read two crime stories, Why are ihe crimes described a5 crazy? 7 robbinga jewellery store on saturday afternoon. Ie totd pot]ce that he [/as innocent, He said that he couLdn't be 8qilty of robbin8 the jeWeLtery stole becaus€ Was on SatLrlday afternoon he into a school and he breaking haclaWitness to prove ]t, The ooLice Lmmecliately liąr€ęd b]Il ]obb]nĘthe school The ;;6oes to rgllt next month, WLth th - sbwic h.55cei..] :rl,,li.,.,l ,_]]l ą!e!_ted for Ń wro fv_-lti]:tes ordeI Youl Pańner Wlites down the Word ] ,ó -bod) " ,obb-d ,oer-, p or-, / bulgl,-d- 7 = 9b 10 Test each othe. Read the seven definitions 135 24ó l"4y sb Who commits cińes sb Who decides on n.c!ń /ć + a 2 3 4 5 ó 9! = l.,. = i re p. ,oń vr'l ó ]5 .. tr. |....ń (; a = ślrvlho hes s!fier..] { .n] Person or a placeż He robbed me.They rcbbed a bank. steal+ a thing: He sto/e my phone. They stole f1 ńillióń. ó De = -q REMEMBER THlS rob a ńa! 9 (Ęl§ crimina/ ;e.len.e3 _j 10 a a 2a 3 5 6 7 8 in ln y"u, not"book, complete ih6 definitiónś with the words in red in VERB set i re a crime case ln your notebook, put the stages in Exercise 1'] in a §uitable ordei 13 'il'|:l"l,|.i,ł,t:), name on a Wal[!He Wós sentenced to three months in pi§a!, lmagine the sentences in Exercise ó ale the first line§ in some clime słories, YoU ale goin9 to tel| one oł the . . . . a evidence, The criminal wrote his ) 12 wa§ arested for campsite. During the tid, thejUdge heard how the police cau8ht the accu§ed, lt wós the easiest case we have ever solved, the detective said, There was no victim, we didn't haveto intefuiew anyWitnesses or collect any ( Vi.lim§/Wirne§§es are ]ntefu iewed (e g io 8 the aćcused is three months jn prison) or released An ei8hteen- vandó[isin8 glity . 14 choose an opeijig l]ne 1 ó. maglne What happened d!ring the .ase. Make notes based on your deas, ńc ude at least twelve wolds ór ph€ses the esson. lyourstoryto the from Te c ass, lf,§$Ę wo,k in g.ouPs, Do §ome research online to create a fact file about Au§tralia, canada, keland or NeW zealand like the one on Page 102. Then prepale a digital presentation about łhe country and present it io your cla§§. l03 , 3 §fiffi nead abouł another famous ,island prison,. ln your notebook, write the passive forms of the Verb§ in brackets. Then listen and check, The Passive l can use 1 ńe ( Passive in a va.ieły Read a lexl about Robben l§land. How many diffe.ent thing5 has the island been u§ed for? Alcatraz 'is ióćate.J (o.ate Present simp e) n san Fra B.,/ tL,/.s.l-|53n ro-] l933to ]!6].n..]L]l n!] ],l.tln,_!l-. ner,. J.: oL]rieet es..c. rt .mpls il.] .11.1]i]L:]l es ]rIP (probab]y remember - Wil/J as 1he most | 1962 ż t.n].Js.le F!rl 1,1.r s...ll.A]!] lIl.]:]e'!..!| l.". .l]t ol he |,4 . ... tf.ji i]s.pp(-.a1l T e l|]|-!,! lnts , i]]il, have drowned but the r bod]es 3 łesent Peńect). over theyearS, Severa postcards n 1he men's (send - Present Perfect)to the r handWr]t]ng' famil es After the escape, a stolen car 5 l I s]mple) and polce bel]eve t could have been used by the three (keep - !łllłopen Unli] rnen to escape,The case 6 the ']0Oth bińhday of the lhlee men, Today, A catraz island ? (Use - łesen1 Cont nlous) as a recreation park fiohhełl lsland i" siluated n ne kiometles from CapeToWn Frorn the seventeenth to the twentieih centlrythe s and Was used as a pr son, DUr ngWolld War l prisoners Were sent to Robbe| ]s]a|d, but at that 4 1 The prjsoners are iocked ni9ht, b|.Lp6|dó,o oIL^[ 2 ", 5 A§ 'm Writińg this, three suspects Robben ]sland isn't used as a prison any more lt has l]een rnade nto a m!se!m and at the mom,ont 5 toUr]st attractio n, The re sa arge AJr can peng!ln colony thele noW, UK and UsA is bein!j p]olioled as a populal but Robbcn siand Wil always be remembeled as the place Where Mandea Was imprjsoned 2 GMMMAR Focus. ln your notebook, complete the lab|e with the pa§§ive form§ in blue in lhe text in Exercise 1. Read rhe ó 'l 2 3 4 5 Ó Yo! lse Pass Ve Iol.rśNihen 19n't n].órt.r]i o: yol doi't <.ou ,ll,. perfu..ed the :.t o. j Yó! Ge by + Person iol tl] ń9) y.! !.|t il) ment ci \.lhó (o,lrhai) .eń.nned 1l]e a.: ói - Robben sland lis sitłated (lock) in their ce] s at 9 P,m. every (fó low), John looked back, Hethought he 3 Lasi t]me Tina Went c ubblng, her phone Po ice are ]nvestigating the robbery blt nobody bejIg !sgr,] as a hospita , Later, Ne]son Mande]a Was mprisoned thele foreqhteenvears, Aflel a total of twenty,seven years jn prison, L/ a lde a Wns t me ]t Was also ,, l",l ei ln your noiebook, write the aPProPriate Pa§sive folm§ of the verbs in brackets. Read these fact§ about clime. ln which sentences is by + perśon ól thiń9 ńot nece§sary? CRIME FACT9 500,000 climes n ll]e UK nre comrnittea by ex pl sonels Eachy€a ntheUsA,aroL]nd 100pr!oner!3resentencedtoaeath ]Lrdge5 n the UK, the d€ath penaltyWas aboli§hed bythe 8overnmeni in 1 in the USAare commltted by Women AloUnd 10% ofmUrdels o n averase, muld ere ls are reLeased frorn L] K pl]son s by the autho rl after 16yea6, ln your notebook, rewrite the senten.es below in the pa§§ive, stań each sentence With l and use by + agent if 1 The headteacherhas neverto d me ofi. l've nevel been told o# by the head ieaćher 2 People often invite me to partjes, 3 An old chi|dhood friend has contacted me on Facelrook 4 People gave me ńoiey{ol my last bi.thday, 5 \,1yldlte-,. 9L r.hou lolld-"b,y, ó My mother s Pick]ńg me !p {rom schooltoday, Which sentences in Exel.ise ó ale tlue fol you? comPale With a partnei 104 I Multiple choice , @ ZSlFa Li§ten to the interview a9",.. .o, ."."r,".. .,-u, choose the coriećt answel, A, 8, c or D, Write the answe15 can fóllów an in,lormal intelyiew on a .ommon lopic. I ] li-. !olenr,nent:le 1 A B Read UK ToDAY and discuss factsyo! find ńośt 5ulPrisin9. Do you think ihe situation is sińilal ol different in c Which p an l .9 t.] Write a spe.ia lePoft about Pl]sons fo. youn9 oflenders, ma <e an examp e ofteenagers Who brea. the aW. educate youn9 offendeB ńore effective|y pr sons harder D make youn9 offenders' When they behave badly, young offenders A are not a lowed to watch televis on, B are locked in their.e Ls a evening. t c have to alteid essois. D cańnot ńake Phone cals. Daniel thlnks thal Prisó.els A get ltte choice in Whatthey cań study, B shou c]n't 9et money folgoińg to |essons, c weren't a l as keen as him io attend essois D Wi l clo any,thin9 to mPlove iheil sit!atioi. one of Daniels {rlends damaged a few c.ls A a few days after he Was re eased. B becalse he wanted to stea theń c in a supermar<et car palk D in odelto 9o bac< to plson, jevesth.tthe Dańiel be bestWaytomakeyo!n9óffeńders into better cit]żeń5 is to óckthem i. ce ls ańd Plnish them, B give them hope forthe fut!rc, c shóW them that l]fe śsimp e, D make pljsoń ike a hoiday camp, A . A'young ofiendei can be anybody from 10 to 7l)2lo 17 1s o ldld)who Co-- ., d L lm-, . . . . r t]e: Each yeai almost ],ó00 youn9 offenders are sent to youn9 offenders'Prisons, fl 4 tflf,§ ln y"u. n"t.book. rran§late the phra§e§ in the box. Then listen and rePeat. 1 have a crim]na record 4 ocksb!pińace The avelage sentence is 1ó months, 3 puni§h §b sevelely ó lt costs over f] 40,000 a year to keeP a young ofiendel in Prison. 54% ofyoung offendeB are ased 17. . 88% ofyoun9 offenders have been 5 r*en t".n interview With Daniel, an ex_offender, and answer the questions. Ó cofect form Discuss the questions in Exercise 5, i PRoNUNclATloN Focus z lĘ!! r;,t.n .na put the words inlo group§ A, B or dependin9 on the stress in your noiebook. 1 Why is the góVernńeńt Wońed about young offenders' prisons? 2 What happens 1o youi9 offenders at n]qht? 3 HoW do yolng ofienders e.rn moneyto buy sweets and phone ca ls? 4 Why do sóme ofieńdels Want to stay in prson? 5 Who thinks yo!ńg offendes shou d be pUnished móle? in your notebook, comPleie the questions With the of a wold iń Exercise 4. l . Vl.],s 9c to Prso. lll,ey th..w? 2 9.ive their Vlho e . Pl5ó.? ji theilce s al n ght? 3be from prison ifiheydon't h.Ve a hometo go backto? excllded ó8,1'l" o{youn9 ofienders commit anóther cl]me Withii ]2 months of eav n9 Pl śóń re]ease sb from pri§on sl]o! c y.!nq ófieicerś 97% ofyoun9 offendeB are boys, 2 §ffi )? l Pri§on The most common crimes are theii, v]oleńce and cimina damage, . . . Focus oN WoRDs applć.]al]oń determined ińvenigatjon sympathet]c !nexpected A c o+fender rlr ar,prećiatiah 8 tĘt| listen, ct.ct .nd repeai the words. 105 I Multiple choice l ćan distinguish §Uppońing details from the ńain points in a text. Look at some acts of kindness. Discuss Whether you have done theń, might do them or wo!ld ńevel do them, Give reasońś fol yo!r answers, . , " , , . . Pay Iol soireoie! .!p cl.:ofi_-_" G t_. śoneone łi !i]trc . .| . l; i]r d:y Bly a home ess peEo.. r.td:Ii.,!ń.h Stop aia:a k ic i Fo]-..5r p_-B.ij oliel1o h. p sorreoi. c.fy - ]_. , 5a!rs G'!e sóne.ie yolr9..ton tr_- trJ. ó: bLs G !. s.irecie . .onp |_-ll n today s cyn ca] Wor Text 1 is entitled'Payin9 ii foMald'- Diścuss the questions, Theń read Text l and check youl ide.s, ] Wh.i d.ći p:y i!] l fonł..d' ..t!. y f]_-.n? ż Vr'h.:;,e s.-e olthe benelt! ci'p.yi]9 t f.].la.c 3 Wl];t śtl]e iaii d 1t cr ty cl 'p.y |. ndness The smallesl acts of kindness are often mst,l, s{§picion, and yet there is p enly of eVdence to sugges: k that being k nd can make yolr health er and happ er, ? t fóń.iald ? 5 Read TeXt 2, How did the restaulańt owner'pay ii forward'? 10 ł @ a""a r.^r l and Text 2 again. Fol questions 1-5, choo§e the corect answerś, A, B, c or D. Write the answers in your T..!] I ] 1 AWoman Who losrherphone on thetrain A .ccepted money lhe boy offercd he. B asked the bóy to do an a.t o{kindness c Wanted to seid the boy some money, D qave back the phone to the twe Ve_yea.o d boy. 2 Michae Norton be ieves that A peoPle spend more on othels thań themselves, B " _lq- p opon ol o P-op -.le "ppJ, c lóig telm happ]iess depends on yolr ncome, D ^iiońe _ ndr_l"l hlaar (h" " -- i,l 3 Thejoulnalst Was sU.pl]sed A when peop e reflsed her ofier óf free cofiee, deli9hted With hel ofie. that someone fin.ly accepted the flee coffee. B thar peop e c a d itsoftendfficuttogVeanda W,Are so What soń of acts of kindness am l ta krng about? They can be big gestures, of]ust sma l everyday thill_c. that Wil make peop|e sm le. At one end oithe scale, a- JnonyT ]oU , pe,5on ^ i9hl oży 'ol 'omponp , e, pon, ,, operation Without expectlng a thank-you, Al the oth€l there are ihe sma||gesturea which m]ghi seenr triv]!] are oiten exirerne]y Welcome, one examp|e ofthis isthe story oIa twelve year,old bo. Who found a stranqerś phone on a ira n When he co ]s the owner, she Was so impressed by his honesty, that s-ć offercd a §mallreward. He didn't acceptthe money, bd Wroie a note and sent i With the returned phone ln lhe he sad thai he d dn'l Want the money, hejustWanted Woman io do something n ce foT someone e se, gesture sknownas'paying tfoMard' 'oThis kind of idea is that ifyou do a qood deed for someone butaq fot nothing in retutn, they Will then do a good deed ń sorneone else, and kindness Wil mu]tiply and create a huge WaVe of good fee]ing across the g obe There ar€ many benefts to be n9 k nd GVng to othg. cln rnake you iee mor€ connected to other peop e a,: , ,FJ,ó ]o . ,] ,/p .oU loó ,oL D by the 9eneros]ty of Stlańgel§. 4 The reśtaUrant owner lnviied the hońe eśs pelson ]nto the resia!rant because A she Wanted to qive the pelson sóme leftovel sandwiches, B she Wanted to qive the pel5oń śome h!man di9njty. c she Was !psetthat the pelsoń had knocked over her bins D she Wanted to ask the pe6oń §óme questlons 5 The texts nc Ude examples of acts o{ k]ndness A expecr something in retuln, B Wish to remain anonynious , 10ó c Want ro he p hońe ess people. |.l ó-óó|A lAD,*:ll ,:,T:l_" " bAIA|, tl. No questions asked 5 l:]l!i)), ]l",|,,il.:j Dis<uss how much you agree or disagree with the th.ee highIighted statements in Text'l. change the statements 5o that they represenr your Focus oN WoRDs ó (ffiffi ] Verb phrases ln your notebook, complete the verb phrases with an applopriate noun. Then check your answers again§t the exańples in blue in Texts 1 and 2, Listen : Tade a dilference and theres a reason to get out of bed n ahe mornlng. Takin§ tinrg to heiF others may even protect you iom d sease A thirty-year study has shown that Women Who /olL]nteered fol a charty Were srxteen percent ess lkely to Suffer r ..iaioj i ]ness d!ring thal period - perhaps because it lowers d ]ges1 L]t? le., I believe that people are natura ly kind, Th]s Was a so the i t..e t.ke ] ] ł bL: the d l lh. stares, Then r 4 off ldid find someonetotake my.offee rnd When saw how pleased she was it made my day, We need rd fo- łea :ofighi against the 'me-frrst' society We li!€ ]n and start a k]ndness novement. ]t sounds cheesy bul lthinkWe need it, ln What c . i]ć P l]9 .| h;-d? tlr_-,l.y | advantage ofpeóple? that Wolld yoll synonyms 9 lĘ!! ln your notebook, match the underlined adject'veg in T€xt 1 With their synonym§. Then listen, check and repeat. 1 Jr l owl cheesy {adj)- n]Jn, lcumstances m ght yo! Focus oN WoRD5 ther: ? alla y.! y.! 5 ls it a Ways Wrong to ó can you think ofone thing real sed Why th s Was happen ng: We don't expect ]!rt don't let lhat put y€u ..! d yot] l]_]y tiet VlóJ d te,en.e lo yo!r t.? !^/h.t o ow o1tei d. yót ] iĄ/ha1.].ód dee. ..L J ; łndness from strangers on the contrary, we expectthem to trick Js ortakć advanlaqo of U§ j', Tl: piig lń your ńoteboók, cońPlete the questions with the core.t Verb in Exerćisć ó, Then aśk ańd ansWer the q!estions, l'Ve tred out acls of k]ndness ]n slrangers, they often seem L]nsure how to react to rne, ln my ocalcoffee shop, laied io give away a clp of coffee, llhought ceop e Wou|d be de| ghted, but nstead l Was met W th suspic ous si: (sb] a l.e 8 ihatsthe th€ory anylvay, BUtWhen onta at D ofter o13b ln your notebook, translate the Phrases in Exercise ó, Which one§ ale Positive and which are negative? school:he did research n rnorethan']30 countriesand foundthat ceop]e Who spend a bigger proport on ofthe r income on others łere more fu filled ihan thoseWho spend it on themselves He :h nks the desire to give and share could be a basic h!man irail. bo! tc.]. stl 7 ronclusion oi a study by l\,4lchael Norton al Harvard Bus]ness ther Vlal sb: s.iśecf 8 stress ]eve s, ng: h 9 Ve = 2 ,.p , "l- "roavn 3 lmpoF"1 - b.n;liy iaidet.y ou. 4 d n-,sflL , 5 U. -pó.".1ó "PPl- i---d - 10 ln your notebook, comPlete the <ommon collocations A fl łor a, Who,L1...d,dłi.h bdrF l,q pea ,-ll , With adjective§ jn Exerci§e 9 to de§cribe these bul'el 1 (omFooo\, nlo le-oveo a, d am ,anow u, "" -oli, eo some food from her rubbish b ns, when she rea ised that a aomeless person Was taking eftover food from her bins she . lvas Upset she Was sad to think that sorneone Was so poor ihai they had to eat other people's eftovers, she typed a noie ?nd pinned tto her restaLlrani Window The note Was addressed to the person go ng _ ' ] 3 . |eeds he p at one t m€ or another. and in th s case she Was happyto offerthe homeless person a helping hand, =^h,"- Uńless they W.nt somethin9 ]n ]-óPóoPó oói oo,_ó 4, stares, 4 ' hope yo!'re .om]ng to my i gEd!ation .eremony,' 5 'Hey, thls is my seatl' = A ó "d rather not give my name,'= An fortheir next mea], She to]d th s person that they Were a hL]man ce ng and Worth rnore than a mea łom a dustbjn. she offered them a free peanut butt€r and ianr sandwich fresh Vegetab es The restaUrant owner said she understands that evervone 1 - A We/come gesture 2 'Nobody does anything thro!gh the rubb sh and a cup ofWater and prom sed not lo aśk any ql]e§tions 'Thank yo! so much fol he pjn9 me Wjth my §hopp]n9,' 11 T6lk about the last iime you helPed §omebody or §omebody helped you. Last weekend, my lriend helped me ta tidy 107 4 Have something done 7 Read the GRAMMAR Focus. Did Judy and Mike nake the change§lo their house or did they arrange fo. §omebody else to do ił? l can use have to rcfer to having things doha by other people. 1 Read Blrqlary: The Fact§ and guess the corect They BURGLABY: THE FACTS Accordingto statistics, the highest number of burglaries happen to lierraced / deta ched / semi-detached hauses, Żhalfway dou/n a street/ atthe end of a ,treet in the / countryside vlith a.3 purple / bra\yn l green dool and the rumbela88/ ó6/ vo! Lll_. tie sir!.t!re haVe 5ońethiDg done wh.r yo! .rl.n.re {.]l sómebocy io do lrneth i9 io, yo! iYc! do. t Li"t"n t" l,ay and Miket stoly and check your answers in Exe.cise 1, Are JUdy and Mike goin9 ió móve hóuśe? i..ł5 (scmelcdy dn] - They.harged iie loc{s (1hey d d it th.irse f.l ti.n]] Ves) haye + obje<t + past ParticiPle Ihey djd.1 13. 2 @f,ll lhe h.ve; górege Llr;lt )e\ theJ 3,ć /No t]rFyJlant trL .:.. lsla y lse get .j:e.d ó'liJle !!th.o .:l,..ge . ńeai i! Note: 3 §!§!t t-isłen again and, in your notebook, nLrmber the change§ made to Judy and Mike's house in the 5 Judy is explaining some o{ the changes to a new nei9hbour lń your notebook, rewrite the sentences usiń9 we and the structure have śóńeth'ng done, L]se the same ten5e5, a l the jocks, We had all Lhe lócks changed. A carpenterf]tted a ńeW door A buiidel h.s beeń blid n9 a b 99el W.l A decoratol ha5jUst palntecllhe łont door An e ectric an § Pltt n9 in new security ]ghts. A seclrity flm is going to jnstal anewburglalaarm 1 A calpenlel chan9ed 2 3 4 5 ó ln your notebook, wlite seDtence. łrom the PromPts using th€ §tructure have something done. Which §eńtences are true {or you? / house / astyeal We had ó!r house redecoBte.l laślyea. 1 We / redecorate 2llnever/p]erce/ears 3 1,4y mother/ sefuice / hel car/ every yeal 4 l'd ike/.o]ou./ my hair 5 j/ take out/ a tooth / the nexi iime 90tothedentst They'Ve had the door Have it done or do it yourself? ln youl notebook, Wrire irue sentence§ about yoursel{ {rofi the plomPts. Theyle 9.r ń9 tó heve the l tidy house ń!mbel.han9ed. ny bedrcóm. 2 rePa r/ aptop orphone 7 8 3 chalge / phone B ]r]l,[]/.ti'.II,(] ln take / passpoń Photó update / Facebook Prof e your notebook, write question§ based on the Prońpt§ in Eiercise 7. Begin the queśtions with HoW ofteń do you ...?Then a§k your panner A: llaw alten do yaL tidy yóur bedraam? 8: lvot Very o*e. . , źboul once a Week . , , They had a sign abouttheir dog Put on rhe gate, 108 it 8.6 Reflexive pronouns l ćan śorrect/yUse each other and rellexive pronouns. The words and Phrases in the box are from a podcast. Djscuss what you think the Podcast is about. Then listen and check you. ideas. ant vlrus śottwżredlgtal lootpnnt rh'e,.ś oarswordr a weal p"ssword d Pdsswo,d -J-Jger videośó-d Pl.ó oś vilLles dAl rilv 2 ffi§Ę ln ln your notebook, comPlete the sentence§ With a leflexive Pronoun. Which sentences ale tlue for you? i L]y . ].r].] 9l]:ch.S :.] o11 1 i .oi't ]se l 'ór; !] .: 2 My f.ther bolght a new apióp lecenty 3 When lgo oltWih my friends, We always enjoy y"u. not.book, replac€ the underlined Pronouns With aPProPriate Words and phlases in Exercise 1. Then listen again and check. 1 yo! Useoneof these,yó! can oilyb]ameyoutse]f youracco!nt, po, h 1o ,}oL, ,, o, ,) 2 YoU can lse one oftheseto save yolreelfsome trouble, 3 KeeP ó9]]] to yo!rself. EVen With yo!rfr]eńd§, don't 4 5 ó lf if a hacker gets jnto te lal5 ^hp p-op|- oo Ii|.|oo P one another Use thi9 to plotectyourse f from V ruses. fb9y Update themse Ves a l lhe time, so you need to !pdate yo!r softw.re too, Ó fyóU seńd each other t|9§9, theyle like y to stay oń ińe fol a long time, ln youl notebook, comPlete the questions with each other/one anóther ol themse/Ves, Then ask and answer the questions With a partńer. ] 2 Discuss how safe you think you are online, What could you do to protect yourself more? 3 Read the LANGUAGE Focus and find allthe examp]es of reflexive pronouns and each othełone anotheriń 4 5 ó l.flexive pronoUns, ea.h otńer and one aflother . ,:_ -3e leferive plońoun5 myselt, yourcelf, himself, 2 3 4 5 Wilhoui he/p ó , Each ólh., o one dnother Yo! Use ihem When the s!b]ect.nd ob]ect.r. dlfferent, 's aboUt? HoW do yolrfrends Plotect frcm spam? HoW long have yo! and yóUl bestfiend know. ? What do youl c assmares do to plepare the first. Use reflexive Pronouns. 1 'm afra d Matt is ]ńjuled and Woi't be p aying roday. introduce, compale the tó ow;ń9 śentei.es: llnr an.l T]na are lóo|ing ateach other/óne anórher = llnr is looking al Tina aid Tińa iś]óókińg atTim Tiń a|d Tjńa arc lóókińg at theń§e/ves = iinr i5 iookrng at himseirand T'na lóółing athelśelf. .,]E? z @ use or elcusH ln your notebook, complete the §econd sentence so that it has a similar meaning .Ęrself , itśelf, ourselves, yolr§e]ve' them§elves a-:- tre s!biect aid rhe dłect ól indirect object o{ : --:e.ce are the same pe6on or thiń9, anly blane yourse]f!pdate themselves al]the tjme : :: .:.. -.n y lsed With rellex]Ve pro.o!ńs :. ... . .-e,.1)t, enjoy, express, |Urt, in]!le, : ..:,. .,cieci, feac]r \,1-: B) yóu9elr mrlelł HoW often d. yo! and yó!lr: _-nis r.9s.9e ..,..:]: How We] can your paleńts expless Eng jsh? What do you and yó!.fieńds normalytalk to to 'm afra d lv]att ha§ Did yo! have fln at the P.ńy L.st night, Tom? Diclyou ? spent the Weekend comp ete y alone, spent the weekend al Mary took lhe b ame forthe m stake, Mary b amed Tom learnt howto program compltere on h]§ oWń, Tom tau9ht 9ota cuiWhie lWas chopping onions. cut About social media ffi risten to tte rocu§ Vlog, How do the speakers stay in touch with their friend§ online? Write the answers in your notebook. 109 I ll J l can write an essay to express ńy óPinion and suppolt it with relevanł examples. 5PĘAl(iF]ll Read ihe news repoń and di§cuss rhe 1 What ls your oPinion of the Po itic an's comments? 2 HoWfreq!enty do you L]sua y check your phoie? 3 What do you think it me.ńs to be addicted to your po iic I an has upset Younq peopLe With the commenis he made during a le evsion intenr'iew th]s Week, He said, 'Today's ieenagels have forgotien the s rnp e pleasllres of ife such as conversation W th fliends and famiy, and iime speni oLrtdoors in oUr beautfu country, ]f someth ng isn'i avai ab e in a three minute YoUTUbe Video, or can't be 'l ked' on Facebook. then t is of no interest to anyone under the age of eghteen, We lVe in a nation of lazy, phone-add cted young people Who have no dea how to rea ly en 2 oy ife,' After a class dis<ussion on thig new§ item, oliver wrote an oPinion e§§ay. What do you think about the point§ he makes? ol]\el Glec\on, (lLtss óC tlntlstlil till oldel gencll1jon\ t() friliclsc }otlngcl peo| !,'s lile\t_\,]e\. !:irl il].\1!]ll(!, l po]i(ician said rcccnl|! lhxi ihe !oLlng pe()p]c lll llli\ .oLrnlD Wclc l17}, .Lnd djd noL kno\t ho§ fu ći]o}, liie, ]n In! \ i!:\, thc\c comnl!,nt\ i]le inco e.l .lnd tlnl.,il, It is l1o1 'I(}hcgill$ith.]§oulLllike()polntotLLthlllrol el \ulllspćoplc.LleLidcliftedl()lhfirPholrc\. \1ln), .oDrlrltlr]icatc an(l shłlc intelesi\ online, Lrrll rrrcsl ol tls do nol §p!,n(l lll ()Ul 1lee tinle ihele, Eo|€]!tlltplc. ll]}, lricnd\ llld I legu]lr]},lneel lLn!] sp.l)Ll linrc dolng ilrl(l t.llking Ltboul the ihing\ se enjo}. h).rlhcr volds, lfe hxve lelLl li\es, \C\l, ll\ t'|ll .l)! 4]]]pn.,ŁT!!!, lnosl \oLlng pcople .Lrc n()1 l.L/1, I]ol in5t.tUcc. likc lllilll}'ol lll! liicllds. l am \tud!ing li]l n]} 1inll c\tlnts rlld lcilning n] (llj\e .Ll the m()nlen1, !]] !,!!!!]!i\ll!. 1 Pli], the gUitlr L1lld glr lrroLlnllin hikjns nnJst ueekenlls, !1l1 alrothcl \łi\,, l\c llle l(nr bu\\ l-astll,. it \eens ll]liorit) olynung pćople do enj(J\ lile, N,l.tn", ol Us ha\c (ociil] ol5|orl\. hobbics lLnd inleresi\, NI(L|lq!ę]. plent} o1 LIlcsc a. Lir itie. t() li\ es § hich incluLle t() be ]|tl\, nle thllt thc l r.iDge iIN,ol!c \pcnding 1inle \ł ith ]liend\ lllld lllilkil]g 1lr. 1llLr\l of oLrl belLltt]tLll c()UnU !, '. ]n sumnltll\, l do n(l1 thillk the polit;.ilLn § ho Inllde lhes. .0lnlrr.lll\ Ul)dcr\tilnd\ ndlL) \ l ll n!l peoplf, lllllnk hc shoLrld visit ,onle ]oc.L] \.h(n)ls, t.Llk t() \on]e t.lnlgcls iu]d lllrd oU1 \\ hill lh.il 1i\e\.rIc rcall] likc. 11o 7 Read the LANGUAGE Focus. ln your norebook, complete each phrase with one word. checkihe uńderlined phrase§ in the letter if nece§§ary. Giving your opinion and empha§isin9 a point . 3 . . ' 4 / Ho! sim łl .r. łereit are y.! l. o ileraid l] s frendś? Hoł |r'o! d yoL resp.id f s.mebody.: iec yo! ' :ż!' ór phoie :i]c] .ted'? yih.t .re the nra i . fferei.es betvr'eei Ilre !l.y !o!l n9n.rnt.n yo! Pir9fis' !enerat oi iid yc!r .]r.rd!.r9nls' q.rer.t.r'en oV iie -| Focus, Decide Which words iń . (] do not think ,,,)//t śeems to me that ,,,/ view .--/ln my apinian ---/ EmPha§ising a Point by givin9 an examPle or makjn9 an additional Point: 3 a . ińsńńce ,--/Fol example .,-/ additjóh -- -/Morcovel ,--/What is ńórc W]rót slmmary 8 --- Emphasising a point by repeating in another way Wor.ls the box and linkers in purple in the essay comp ete the WRlTlNG FocU5 corect|y, in<ers poiit ofView reader thiłk ,,. ln' Discuśs the qlestions, Read the WRlTlNG GiVing yoUr opin]on: / mean is th.t /PUr 6 wav /' , ln youl notebook, comPlete the second senience 50 that it means the same as the first, beginnin9 with the t ] itihe.c.blty'5..rntrr.rt5 !.rc.lrcm. !ihc Pf! y ,].]9.t,rl: ii ro t rtl..]!.e th. top r1). ].. iri,]i.l! c ;..r 9,r. . c e.r st.t.ment cl yc!r m. n l'/]y F.li..b,-r t. !:! l n]j..eled ń,/ ópń ó. there.le n]i.yś_"f ł] PeoP]e . t]e !!old a.d ról: .I:,en];l. yó! ]9 tó help the.e.derfo l'se..nd], 5 oW i _l For e:an p e, ót:clyot.!!eo.edo!c!ńt:ly,1.1k or l. se iroieV:or.hart_! ! i.Iherw.rds,,]onyo!i! peop]eale.iFre inpoń.....1 b.ń!]. !ood.tże. o{],oUr n.]i Po ni cl!ie\,l, Use ffereit wolds to the siatement n the ]ntrodud olr, lnc ude a ii.a comment which eaves the 9 d With Someth ng to think about, óf the SHOW WHAT YOU,VE LEARNT 9 g iil'lr1|:rii;i Discuss what you think about thlee mole comments made by o]der PeoPle criticising teenage ljfestyles. How many arguments can you think of 1 Teeńagelsdo ńot !ńderrtandthe pa.entś ta_]!hi n]e tó be V/e ń 'r . ńc ude two orthree P.lagraph5 With 2 !_-,sl] ]a i]l L],]. :il : I ź Nly p.lentś |:J!hl.re ló be N/e ll.,]releć -,p-, d ób-po " Va ueo{thi.95, They al]the latestf.shio.s, the most expensive phones ańd laptoPs, and trey W.nt them.l iowTheydon't Want seem to lea isethatthese th]ngS cost moneyl 2 Teenagels do not respectthe opinions of ad! ,h te,Iao^b " ddol ,a, They seem tó fórgetthat we Were ońce t9, They teeńagerstoo 3 Teenagers don't read anymole, They doń't Va !e the impońance of books. As a €s!lt, the]l aiglage ski]s suffer and they can't explesśth_;mse VeśVery We L Do the Writing task iń your ńotebook. Uśe the ideas in Exercise 8, the WRlTlNG FocU5 and the LANGUAGE FocUs to helP you. W wywiadzie radiowym bardżo znana osoba wy,dzild ostdtn:o swoję opirię o nłodzieży,nowi"c, W d/l! ej5/ych t/c5"ch młodżi lud2ie 5ę nieuPrzejmi, (lńólUbnl , nl. /ndJc /"5dd doble90 wy(howdn c, Wyg ada ńd lo, /P a- lodllle,onl!/.oł"nle wy.howa i.h nó dob,y.l obyw-Lell", NaP,5/ rozplawke, W której Wyrażiśżswoj. opinię na teń tFńó1, odńor/a. ślędo PloblFrU wyl howanll w domu iw sżkole. fio.llń sr.]r. a..aPa .. nJ]nri.] l1,r,po!! e.]ź W k.żq!)/ln ż Podpl!kióLn 200 nÓ,| choose one ofthe <omments in Exercise 5 and PrePare three detailed arguments in resPonse. . . . Decide on a 09.a orderforyourthree arglments wrile lhe argumeits up as three paragraphs, Use ]in<ers lo str!.tUre yo!r Work 111 sPEAKlNG Discuss Which Voluńtary Work in Exerciśe 2 you Would choo§e to do and Why. ExPlaiń why you are lejectiń9 the other opinions talking about ad /anta9es Look at the motion for a school debate, Think of three reasons for and three reósons against doiń9 vo]untary Work, ln your notebook, complete the lollowin9 sentence in .§ ńany Ways as you cań think of. Discuss your ideas, NlAN$$str I\ Ą(§,{,W\|l \!Ąs,'l home § teaciers l scHOOt DEBATE A good person is someóne who A good Person iśsomeone Who studenl§ Everybady shau]d da vo]Llntary Wark. Read the schoolWebpage and listen to a conversation which activities do Robeń and 5ońia decide to do? §§fffi usten to two peoPle talkin9 about reasons {or and agalnst doing voluntary work. Do they meńtion any oJ the po;nts you thought o{ in Exerciśe 5? PRlNcE JAMEs scHOOL THREE EASY WAYS T0 BE A GOOD c lTlzEN l ili]1I ffffi ! nead sectlons B and c in the 5PEAK|NG Focus- cómplete the texts FoR and AGA|NsT in your noiebook, Listen again and .heck your an§wers, FoR iń my op n o. thele óle a ot of 1edąlą99§ benefit ot do ń9 Vo lntary Wód ' is that it makes PeoP e think abolt othel PeóP e Who are less fońUnate than they are What s that l{ you do vo]!ntary Work, yo! Willuńderstand the prob ems that exist C Help yolnger pupils With schoolsUbjecls partic! al sLrb]ect? Are yoLr patieni? YoLrnger plpis need yoLrr he p, Raise money fol chality olganise a sa €: second hand clothes, Help the elderly in youl comnunity E]delly peop e ale often one y, Plomise io call on an e d€l y person two or thlee t mes a We€k, ]sn ] at ilvlaths/SI nrf ]]iq) ii s: ai (! B n nry o|] ń dc|y !dn].) itig_" . othes] e on ,./'Whal mc.ń iś r'ń fa.t th ik/donl thińk ł]'ie hó.est, c . ot of.rivjńtages/d s.dV.nta9es ore/AnothtT 5e|el t s tha:,. ]h. ir. I adVaiiage oi!o !n:ar,VWolk s that There are There are draiba.ks too ońe ófthe ]n.ii 112 d s.clv.|iaqes oiVo lpeoon woll le* se thar VoU be.ome a better fsh and more generous 5 think therc ale 6 5 too o.eofihe disadvantages ofvollntary wolk ]s that it ćan take up a lot oftińe. What l mean ]s, Vo unt.ryWork co!|d stoP yó! helping yo!l oWń fam]Ly orfriends, oltake t me away{rom Vohntary Wo* is th.t yo! donl earn money, so yóU are st]l dePendent on your parents for every,thing To be 3 , th].k We shou d e.ln to be independent from o!r Parents as soon as possibte at. i my]]]].! untary F 6t ofa]1,1aglee thót there are a oto{ advantagesto do ńg Vo untary Work, blt ln your notebook, complete section A ofthe sPEAK|NG FocUs with the words in the box. Then listen again lTEj.lr.!] "o AGAlNsT 3 f,§lEB qood into not rather thłńg ] !nt.ry,ork 5 t.;i 5?lr./Ąl(ll\ir,i choose a topic. sludent A: make noteś on the advantages. student B: make noteśabout ihe di§advantaqes. Dis<u§§ your ideas. Use the 5PEAK|NG Focus ro help you, takin9 part ]n sPońś cómpetitions Wearin9 a school Uniform bein9 a mań/Wóman E I I y I B@El@ arson / o]ś.n/ podpalenie arsonist / o]s.tlsl/ podpa abe arrested /bi.?e\lld/ zosiać aresztóWanvm be cha.ged with a.rime /bi,l,|o:d3d Ńo a klalD/ żó5tćć osknżonym ó popeln enie be found guilry/bi lahd'gllli/ zostać lznćnym za nls W nnegó be found not guilty/bi laund ,nDl '9llli/ zosiaĆ !żnanyń za n ewinnegó be released /bi.lli6l/ zosiać WyplsżaońYm be senten.ed Ąi 'senl.nst/ żóśtaćśki7:nvm bu19lar /'b3,ol./ włamywa.z burglary / b|9Jóril kradżjeźz V/łamańiem bu.gle a holse /,h}ael. hJU./ Vv].mać nę .]..lńm ] olr.s... /kcts/śplawa, do.hodzenie w 5prdwie .harge ł,rolds/ óskalżyć colle.t evideńce /kJilcki ev.d.nv cas€ commit a .rime /kó,nn J'krann/ popelnić c.imihal /']innm.l/ prżesiępca dealdrugś / dijl d.^gzl hand ować R detective /d, tckiJv/ derekivw druq dealer/'d.^o,.tit./ ha;d arż iarkóivkóW drug dealinq /'d.^q ditu/hande narkoŃkami electiońs /i lek.|.nzl Wybory evidence /'evId.nV dowód 90 to.ouń /,9.o tJ'kl:i/ trafi ć do sąd! government / 9^y.mall/ Pąd head of gove.nment /,hed 3v'g^v.m.nt/ inno.eót /\nósanl/ n]eW nny interview vidim9/wit.esses /,int.vj!: 'vftl lnz/ wIt n6rżl pueśhchaćófićlyl investigate /ń'vest.oclt/ orowadzić śedztwo pal.r.l sonweJ/ rePońa crime /rI rcb §b/a place / rDb,s^mbadi/a plc]s/ p]:t. kmm/zglosiĆ óklćść p,t eó'wl' the accused /óió k.jużdl !neńploymenr/ av€ra9e /'Evedd3/ średni, p2eciętny behave badly /bt,helv 'b&dli/ źle s]ę llJmJnV be'óboc /isn.|l d5eŃJ.z/ drcbie gesty stare /sle./ spojrzenie suspicious /s.'sp{Js/ póde]rżliwy §mall gestures takeadvantageof /,le (3dvojntld3óv/ t ke time tol,lelk tatm t./ poświęcićczas na type a not€ /talpe n.UtlsporżEdżĆ nólatkę want something in return /,wont s^mol| In l,r3]n/ chcieć cośW zam ian welcome /'welk.nv ńile W dziary E@(B bu€lar alarm /'b3lqlar .,lolnr/ a łń security firm /g,tj DaFli l3:m/ *.urity lights /slkjU.r.ti lalls/ zewnętzne have a criminai rc.ord /,hćv.,klm.n.l tekJ)d/ być nóióWańym lock 5b (up) /,lDt,s^mbDdi( make ań €EmPle )v,i\mboJ/ ^p)/ ofsb/,nć]k U|a aL lóqos d a zamkrąć Jn Ig zd:mp.l prłlladu make (Pli5oń5) hald€l /,merk,nnzjn2 'no:d./ żaostą,ć rygor (W Więżienjóch) pri9on gua.d /'fi|żaó qU:t]/śirażnll Węzenny puni9h 9b severely / n^nl|',l \mbndi §. v1.|il s!rowo kogoś UkaraĆ release from priso./ liślr.n'pdbn/ nothi.g in return /,osklJ'n;oln in i i3:n/ nie chcieć nicw żam]an be met with surpi.ion /,bi,met wii] \.\p] tJn/ bUdż c i,eutnos./oode rżen,e h.n.łr /'h"".n,/ l^-"." qood d€.d !żyńek /,dU: l ood'dld/żrob. daiek, d owiżić Wiekóduszność give a sense of purpośe/glv J,scns.v p3:l.s/ dawać pó.zUcie celu homeleśs /'haunbs/ bezdóm.y honeśy /'Dn.sti/ !czc Wość trait/hju]m.n 1rell/ cecha Udżka imPresśed bylm'prcsi ba/ pod WEżeni_-m human kindness / kal ddn os/ źyczliwość,dob@ć łnock ove. / nDk .u!a/ puewrócić coś óajo. /'neId3./ Wćżiy, zna-ny make a difielen.e /nleJk. dd.rJnv make sb's day / melt ,sanrbodiż carpenter / kojptnt./ 9toIau łma śtatisti.s /st.'tri&ś/statysq,ka @EE@ anti_virus software / enri'val..aś isoftwca/ opró9lćńowanie an§e r!sówe blańe youreelf/'blejnjJj,ser/ obw niać 5ię / did3.tl lut,prnt/ ślad digital footP.int enjoy youi9ef /tn d5]] j.: seLt/ dobue się baw ć .xpress yo!rsell /lk'sp.cś Jl,sell/ j WypowiedżieĆ 9ię (nP, identity th€ft W /aldenleli obcym jężyku) oefl/ kradżież intloduce youBelf / tntrJ djus pa§sword / j.l 9elf/ pdsw3ld/ hćS]o Prepale youelf /p protect youreelf /p€lekl j]] selfl chlonić pe.j.: self/ m@|o@ d$r.til majority /na W ęGżość Phone_addicted PeoPle /,f.u. ó d*r.d 'pip3l/ Udżie uzaleźn]eniod te efonóW pleasureś of life /,ple3.2 .v 'la 7 point polite dońótion /d.u nelJ.i/ dustbin /'d^stbtn/ kosz na śm]ec e Put offl|put 'DI/ żn €chęććć !.śPtical / §keptlk3y scepn/czny exclude from s.hool /lł,st]ud irón sku:l/ popełn]enie fullilled łUl't d/ spelniony, zadowoonv generosiry/d,enJ'T.Jlillo,o9, ^dlm vandal/ vćndl/ Wanda vandaliśe /'vtEnd.lalzl demólować vand.jism /vEidallZJm/ Wanda izm, a n wtr]d/'d3ob/ zaproponowaĆ na9rodę/p6cę peanut butter /Ltilfut blt./ ma9lo ou echowe pin /pb/ Przypiąć (np szp]]ką) break the law /,b.e,k ó. |./ zlamać prawó citizen /'s lt.zódl obywate criminal damage / kflń3nJl 'dćmid3/ .]obry oskarźóny witneśś/'w,tnls/ śWiidPL E@oB do. kraśćwsklepie shoplift.r / Jnn lńl./ zlodz e] ślepowy shopliftinq /'lnp ll fuln/ ] Edz eż W \| eo]e śusPecr /'s^spćk t/ pódć]rżańy (o queśion / łsestj../ prżesllch Wać tgllsb óffl,te] is^mbDdi |nfl Upómińać, cheesy /tJizil b.na ny]tandeiny cynical /\ln kJl/ ąnlżnv disrrur§ful /dlśtrśtf.U; eUfnV lobbery /tDbJri/ rźb!nek fie to /,set 'fal:i3l podpa ć helpińg hand /'Df.r.,helplł'hEnd/ promote /pr.|m.Ut/ plomownĆ, rek amóWaĆ ask for ser 1/ prisone./p z.n./węzień anonymous /3]nDnIn3ś/ anonimowy appreciated /. Dri j iielild,/ docenianV lobb€l /,rDb./ ż]odz ej, rabuś shoPlift/'Jópl death penalty / deo ,pcnlti/ karć śmier. dig a tunn€l / d19. l^ny Wylopac rlnel drown /dfuUn/ Utónąc elect ł lekr/Wybrać (w Wy.iku wyboróW) eścaPe ł skelp/ Uc]e. e@pe attemPvattemptod escaPe ł steip :,tenpl/.,lempnd I'ikeIp/ próba Ucieczki ińPriśo./m'prlżJn/ Uwięz ć oń average /Dn ćvand3/ Śr€dn o @!d@ p rackie a podać pómocną dłoń ofiel a reward/job /,nt. violeń.e / va1.1.!s/ puemoc young off€nd€r / j^! .'fend./ młodoc]any pnacy /'paI...si/ pnndło / ofi€l abolish /l,bo]lJl żakazać, zn]eść autho.ities ń]'0nr.liżl władże senten.e /isent.ns/ Wyok serue a sentenc€ /,s3:v3 §ent.ns/ mug /m^g/ ńapaść na kóqóś ńu99er / m^9./ rdbuś mug9in9 /'m^oI0/ lozbój, napad murder /'ń3|d3/ mórderśtwo; zamordować ńU.derer / ń3:de.a/ morderca Pirate soltwar€ E@@ ofview/,p.hr.v viu]/ /F lair/ Uprże]ńy pUnkt Widzenia Poliri.ian /,lDl3't tj.n/ poiityk s€llish /śeltl,|/ simo ubny Volunt ry work / volónl óń w3:k/ wolońrnriai Wellmańn€led / wel neóód/ dobue M@@ be fortunate/less fońuńate / bi f.lj.n.r,]es fJrl,lan.l/ miećżczęśce / mniej 9częśc]a l€ l on / k.n Dn/ odwie<]żić elderlypeople/eldali,pi:p.l/5tarsil!dzie honest / Dn.st/ U-ćiW lonely /'laUnli/ samotni organise a sale /,]:gJnalz. se żor9anizowaćWypżedaŻ pati€nt /'pc,J.ntl c]elP ]!ły 5econd_hand clothes / sekand,hćnd kl.Uózl Uniform / juhaf Jn/ mund!rek de/ l13 Uzupełnianie zdań; te5t luk 5 Jakie Wyrazy Poprawnie uzupełniają zdania? Piefusze litely brakujących wyrazów zo§tały Podańe. 1 The bank robber wi l have to s {shop/lob) last year so he decided to nsta l a burg ar a]arń ał.id to show helfa.e ]n .o!rt,sóshe!r'-s a .Wedto.e9.1.e!h.i lre had jeei ]i. pr !.te room ] There.r. !]ie.rm.. 5uhót .O. ., !ettii.] tl,_, r b.r< i9 ]n! n]cney s|9a tF.]il rlcr-.t].n .n.] Wll 90 to c 4 donl think this ś,des 5e.- :o br W iig be.alr. boil] . tó lorge: ;bo!1 rl..t..Ppe.e.] Was 2 .] hard to be a Victim o{ a r.:!ćl le: MUG y l.c s;;e . tlre (mei/iilód!ce).s Pol.:e .]ete.tVes, b!t dói'tthiri they rer |y!r.re r.. |1 |:(en t the slspect based on Witness! des..jpt]ons (Jóhn/re ease)from hosp]ial yesterday? 5 n .ouń that she folnd jt d ffic! t l Was so nefuoUs ó J (expless/c eal y). ó } r. .i_a ś;t..rc BURGLAR 1,]ć9et lhó.< 19 ro e;,.th.ttrc l;le f .]i:er ARsoN d]e ś.ho.or i rc,las a.a]ł y . in oUr area by having the óffendeE rep.irthe damage. vANDAL t L.lis \-,l, o, 1-po|"lPl 2A o1.1 pr]son guald iook Johń to h s new ce 4 , n]y 2We 3 o\ł n]y dei: tc.llj) Weeks, l tr!.e. n, .d! .e iid one of the most interesting canrpa gns 3 Christmas Jlrmp€r Day, Which on the second Friday of December, l 1redecoraie/h o! 5e) lo r severa .. l.ilessei l!]y m!. ipd i|r'Vo!r t].t) ol ć c yo! do ir yólce (cut/lhe glass ń the l 5 galden) r]ght ńóW that's Why it's so noisy 4 114 Tll :. -| :?pi -!dn ice n llre UK js usual y held The Ldea is that specia chr simas junrpers shoLrld be Worn on th s day and tlrat people shoLrld donat€ at east l1 to save the ch]ldren, the chariiy Which organ ses the 4 Used to eV€nt, Every year the donations he p chi dren n 120 coLrntlles by prov ding th€nr W th hea thcare and food Wlr ch they cannot afford to purchase y.:li' (never/cut/hel hał) by. . \!nys doc! t jn li1 1]l mt ma spent aamE k :1l1,| lh? EVe sa btalll allp] hope it! over soon] My sistel .f ]!l At th s t me of the y€ar, most charities la se money co lectec by VolLnteers so that they can help the home ess or the a d fference io these p€opL€: Jakie formy wyrazów Pod.ńych W nawi.sach poprawnie uzupełniaję zdańia? Użyj koństrukcji have ] o ul, ao'eśż ^ "żd" Chr stmas i§ tradit]ona ly a iime of g Ving, Apań from looking for perfect giftS fol fi ends and fanr ]y fi€mt,ers. or buyllg th€m5elVe5 nćW ciothe5 50 they can .., good, a ot of peop e a]sn t l !]k abolrt those Who are ess he ped jn Various \łay! foń!nat€ and need io] in thi5 S_Vst.n]s -e JUMPER DAY s ct ó: śe.!,ty P"n;.l" cHRlSTMAs 5y. pl VaIe de:cct!F Tlc rcllbery J A oiofPeoPe.,. ls|; .9S.c|r]system9.r|r A "lże.l)(", ś-)ooLdl,te śl,db,-o -nip;',oo WPisać ty kojedńo śłowo, speech has mpressed rhej!ry, by the awyels speech ,1 A gjt n9 t|j. ról]b.r,i 9 nlest dete.t,]c Pr,].-ć 3 The l.Wyer WSKAZóWKA np n.\e " po,nt, Next mońth the govelnment wi l release live po it c.l ]-] Prżecżytaj tekst. Jakie wyra2y PoPrawnie 9o uzuPełnióją? WPisz W każdą lUkę tylko jeden wy.az. ogólny senś, ZasianóW s]ę, c,y poszczegóLne Uk] Jeł, r,, p"rn r yosć-' -yooso 9lafór/-- ,V l i , P plled 1l -r ub o -y r.ie r sianowącymi częśćsrarych Wylaźeń frażeo]o9icznych TH1EF Przekształc 2dania idk, aby żachować i(h seńs. Nie zmieniaj podanych fragmentów W każdą lUkę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrażów. 1 ,; 4 Yesteday, the pó ice łl.{ł5;f:er t h.Pir_,.s He was accused ofthe .J .l ..a, blt h. .. fe. he G (.al,/sefu c.) by Przek5ztałć podane Wylaźy tak, aby PoPraWnie 1 t! Jakie formy WyraźóW Podanych W nawiasach poprawnie uzupełniają zdania? Nie zmieniaj kolejności fl 5 WhV do peoD e S!ppod th S .amp.] gn] VieW, they do so because h€ ping oihels makes them gen!in happy, An.] Chlistmas JUmper Day ]s a f!n and easy Way of 6 e good deed| A n].si Ereryone n the UK h.: got a Chr stlllźr5 ]L mp€r N]aI peop e don't bLr! ihem t|"źle a popl] er chr stmas preseit ]Ljnq 0 ]unte€ 1 2 3 /tóWlENlE Wybór wielokrotny 7 Prżeczytaj tekst, Która z Podanych odpowiedzi (A D) can a dog change your life? ivP-"l"lW".qIi" .'oL, /b,el o,odooW,el l,Ął ollq fid, l i"d b.e, e|, od o| 1-o,q d], d , W| o |, a!\ o, "ool o łJ t lq d ooo, IWo- d 1^]oodP]]lLs |o||!o,1e| o!or .,Te, łi.l ol,r"d ol,i l",1] ,jfia)sl doe Il|ed-,1o IoJoog, ;dd io be o,1o coń el" dl.ilo n , \ ,|, ,d0,ooT el łalll1p, /ie" iJ b,ll\iTp, o o]'l ol o ,.l_\ell l"1" l:la,l "!", ,qol , o,P o"doq ,, l0, Oidl' ,o"ł]oń,o l"ol ,ę IHoW p aka|! ],7 : B.:,.7 !.]: .] [ !żh]:ii]], ł.]r!.j. .. el. _-!,t l].]i.ż.. . ]:l: l] ] .Ji,/a i,żrk. j;lrż.7y Pr.w.dż;.y ..t.:;łN,.m t,] " ]ż;ś.l]|] 1,]r. \.",ib.l . lłL Jśl, l] ..7.!.] .drż!..il li7.5iJ1. pr.p..r! ł.,]olpdd l'e,d",Io ",|Llp , |. o, dl 1eW pJpel ooo| żl?s |e,lo o t" -pd"dVo,r,PeĄ ordooj^a|,'lgo1oo,.r"r"o ,, , r i10, l sldo" l / ,e" ,.o rulip,,,,d lń" " aliq .a Idd odo,Ą" fucPr/I.,, i.I,.l],d|"|/,"||pO,e,,e|.. "l _ Let us protect your house from €29 a month ;nd madP Jn appointnent |o Visrt the neil day, lalrVed, intrcdUced mys€ Jto slsan, the pelson Who Was goinq to tra I me, a|d then ] exp ained my ssu€S With dogs, she said Tat IWasn't the flst person to come ri With that prcb em, ar]d she Ie t sure WoU d fee differenty as soon as lhad met a few of lhe animals, ł€ll she ed m€ to a ken|elWhere a arge broM dog, Buddy, WaS sleep Ig, He ]mm€d ately stood !p and ooked at me, then Walk€d over 3nd put his nose c ose to tny ha|d, Atf§t, We ook€d al€ach other łilh sL]spic on, and ]SLdden yfelt lea y Scared, BUt as soon as saw 1€ look of hope in BLddy's eyes, Was conv Iced, susa| expla ned lhat BUddy had been brou0htto the sheter bV1l]e , p icP .J lle, l"d ed l l ovu e, , pir o oI ollg Ó"a q "l ".Ie shop]ift r]9 a|d othei crimes, BUddy's ownelWas like y10 spend a hno tirne in ]a, and susan Was certa ! that Blddy WoU d need a iew home, And look,'she sa d,'He airsady kes yo!]Youte actla ythe filsl rnan he's llot been afmid of,' close all windows and doors before you g0 out o, spe|t many ho!rs With Buddy, Wa king a|d feeding him, a|d We lecame closefu ends, After s€V€lalWesks, ]annoUnced tl,]at Was 3adyto taks Buddy home, Some of rny rnore cyn ca f|iends c]a rn€d jlat had bee| pretending to be afra d of dogs all a ong, a|d others rav€ sa d theyW€re arnaż€d to h€ar lWas adopti]lg a p€t of any k lld, Blt all can say sthat Buddy has intloduced me to ma|y ofth€ sma pleasures of lifu, and We are so c ose that llowW€ ale he ping corne backto life outs de of priso| by getting them to roung ofJ€rd€rs ,,oluIt€eral an ma shPllers ld l n]l[.by 7.be:p,-.:eń . .om ] prż.d (iin]!..'-|] (:ćl]rtl.i]:.j.r.-].ł ]j]e$li, i|rf:] el: juó!, ",|"d -om my lear '|vhen Placując W Palach, wykonajcie żadańie. P.r.trz..] Garing for the community y? 8 VJ.9 the nalralól|5 le .t oił. p \,L tl ćo_q5 b.lore \i.j]t to tFe she l_.r? ł H.] ,l.! .sl].red oi t rr] ,ł.y he 1.: abo!: t'rcm a l. . i glerytl, i.r he ci]! d :c ilo c lh_"i 9 Pra.Ując W Parach, odpowiedzcie na Pytania, i . Vot, op i oi, \ł.:t s ilre r]!hi tlr n9 t. .o ,ll]el yo! ś:lP_E(t yc!r ho!se .as |]..-i b!19 ed? Wi]y? : Wl];t .:.. pe.P e d. to ll]Jl.] tF9ir ie ghboljhó ]5 .] D. yo|. th i< lrat a . ty ,to ] tor r! sys:em tłó! d i]rke / y.t r -o,Jr ol.ty: ś.ie.P -.. to i!.? Wl,r?/Wry ioi? 5!n]. leo r. siy tl..t there V/e.e {.W.r.| mes p.n D. yo! .qr..? \,!hy?.,Why iot? r: llje Wlit |_. (-_ H. T.e ly h.i eated i; .ior'! i rst to lo er.t. ei.]!' łoqS h s fr ..reśs.n.f E!ddv !as tij:t Et .|{:] .. s. .c e D L];t]py io tre i d]e she V,/h.t doc5 the ialratól! r]ell d.. i!o !e? ]ne ! A Adlpt.! mole pe:. o p,ól C Cćtt.9 .]o!]S.W.y iló l ł;irii! dcls to Wc ,l hey I ( r t ] |i]ira 10 Wykonajżadanie_ Wedł!9 dutora ańyk!ł! pżecz}łanego prżeżciebie t|. młodżieżża baldżo intereslje się życiem sławnych osób tr ustosunkujesż §ię do teży Prżedstawiońej przeż altora aĄkulu oraz opiszesz osobę będacą d . cieb]e Molem ,óLóloo,,AnJ,o^ -]_ ądJq ę udżie wólc ń.śladowaiia Napisż .ózplawkę, W której ooonia |''Ąilli .dź p.!"ilnlł ż.lV, .lać .d 2aa dó 25a jia,.\ r 5e.łi :a i!3żlslil_. LlilI i9.| . rrFolle di; Llrl_V !r5rrż:!E] 5 y.Ji9 Rozprawka .r m |. 9 1l5 l ' 3 i]żiilril] k d|];tr].li,-,:ii t, jI d. ll.r{ !,i.r,.i] i! ą .z]] ]l]t]ar- ..!:]. i,ń::pp!l.. i .ż.!:l:l i:]l.:t,.i.l ł,L] Preseńt sirrplei ..]!]l._ ] i.p Present continuous] /isten i..].,.i..rr ,il]: l Cżęn. ł!t:h:r. m!:]l< l.s!.r.. r .t.r l'ń listenin9 rr] i/.:.,I..,1 5]L ]..nt.,-r] l,']oż; -; i ;-il!.żie !,i,.]i:l m au.jói. St..l ,]ń!!]!, n.] : ].].-,ie,., i]]l In..r.i;l]..], rJl]i, .p: t._-] |.Jl .lo7i.i: ll ń..o ]-,i].-!ńt].l /.l underśtand,n.? 2 3 She 4 Today, ]l] 4 inl]. ti]rrl;]? cżt.i. .i.e |,]ly.r.!? ii. .ó]:.1r.. N cktal_. .Z.s.$] k ńo!. !r,;5l_-p.i.Ć 7:j:.],Ji stJt]]..l]y:. ].k i]lllam lurl,,,l !r ]a.żi.i. .]. te!,o .!] ]i...]. (llaż. r! - ,, " lhinl 1 a.e, choose the ] co ti, ! eci oPtion. ) 9] ?A: N.,!.! ia,.i,.e/:. i] i]1l:tln:F.| ]] He Fr.r]i ]] (ńot speak) ańy fore 9i (you/ ike) read]ng fashlon magażines? (b!y) . lew eve.r' monih, (he/Want) to bL]ythat expensive (bel]eve) ]t Wilmake him B: 116 ó What 7 SUe a ot, (sądżjsż)about th § fleece? (Wyględ.) gorgeous ń ihis new Translate the sent€nce§ 2 3 4 5 ó 7 !, .]|r or the pre5eńt continuous. .: (nje rczlmiem) any,thing hes l Ihave a grcat time) cóńPlete the dialo9ues With the córrect forń of the Words in bracketś, Use the Plesent sińPle ]r,]; NoW pańiętaią) Si k t,]] ł Dl]:sIl.: i,jla'is i]., lrJ!i.9 br.,jil;l|l :]F1,1]|r] 5 i|l,.1 .-'.e. s;]ii i..]i ,' . 5;i]/ ].oi l,:r i.' S :l,e ; ! |ni-- bra) Video games a9a]ń. (Me9 n'enaWjdżi Weari.g 1' /ióloó,ęódW, o,r ńy (Węćńa)hel new pedume, again, ź .]..'lii],(,']]].rl1] lii.!t].!l,.ll..i::,:]...:: ] D.l.]! ]i;l r /,'i. fr ],..r].9. {;|,],]l |_, 1.! i i], l A they She mlst ]ike it 5 .(iti .b.L t .]. ]. ii] . i!]l ]ktie fol sayin9. \ 'ooilńg li.i.l ' 'ir i.ż]]r,]!it:i: 5.rreśs-lcż]/.]i]i']e r|aj Ęl :- y, egg]n9s? 4 have r]] a s Tran§late the words in bra.kets into English. : Do look !-lj!d i! (see)Whal yo! ńean, (thi.k) ofblying a newdeńim 3 Why ; Ien l faded jeańs, (Ben/have)a bath now? (ńot/think) |' l buy rhose boots, 1 Uń{ońUiate i looł ,!y! ąa.a Flai]: P;' le. (LoVe) (ńeed)to buy ó 7 n,_, Does 5 c Want 1. !r. i.]; l blother 5 Atthe mońent he ii] rj|. C:.!.rl k 3t.t],.zre !r],,stcpL i pr:er.il] e Nr.ż.5..l] iro!r!.h j i]. .ieql!.h .:NJ.1 .s .].]i .!:a s :p cc:.a Zeń :l...j|r m]]i.]].l ńe]5..r].|]( , !!it.)l. o..1ri].!,]! Do 1 lvy ] I complete the senlences with the <orrect form of the words in b.ackets. Use the Present simPle or the present continuous, ( ook) m]serab e, What5 Wrcńg? (not usua lylweal)high heeIs ańd (Wear)today are Very ],"j U§ing the promPts in brackets ^B",,lo1, DLacżeqo W tyń budyiku jesrtakzimio? (feeł NicW lejchwiiń]e pamlętań (remembed Czy rożpożiajeszto mie]Sce? (recognise) Dzisiai moia mama nlejeźdz samochodem. (drive) Czy s]ysżysżten dźWięk? (he./) Myśińy o kupieńi! nowego aptopa, (thińł) :ie. r N\l\\\\\\\\\\\\,]ll\\\jl]lNl\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\,t\,ł\\\\N\ 2 1've looked/been /ookiłgforyouforan C1.1! Present Pe#ect continUou5 !:),nł: -]r mólr ą. o ]have been waitihg i., hel.ji (]_- choo§e the correct oPtion. 2 8.j'ljio|( aż.]<.n] i. i 1 hour ń.ny paiitin95 ha\eya| sald / been selling1 3 We have tlavei]edlbeen travel/iłg fol a couple of HoW a h p,o_ o,o a_ -,-d b--ra-v-,,r9 o- d : !e.j|3. .h 3tL tt ]ą, i:]..:re i i]l](i .t]_-i lm tn9o i'ye been Painting J]i!3, Jest.m żm_..Z..}, 5. m: .!!ź lerir m; | ]ę ..ł! l]l _-i j.3ż.żet,!a]a) i|,'.żas e Pre5.it Ferle.: Cón:.!o|]! zdanialwierdzące (Afinmarive) ,Y.!1 iijel Th.! p.d..r E :t thai ]00 questio.s about the Louvre, re]: 5 ol ,l" /-oył b--.LĄoa.Ą9. NJ.żj1_- fór zdaniaprzeczace (Negaliv€) ,/ Y.-' ó 7 8 9 \,e seen /been seeing mosi o1his pa ntings, HoW loig HoW maiy ari 9a eres has Dan been Visiting / Visited 10 HoW oi9 \,nc, Th.]r have you Waited / been waiting? Have you Written /been W.iting yo!r essay a l morn]n9? Van have you hadl been having thls paintin9 by G09h? comPlete the s€ntences aboui you. Use the Present Perfect sirnPle or continuous. Króikie odPowiedż 1 {shoń answeG) 2 Y.s,,ly.!/(e/tireJ, tio l.,srel sik 'on9 ł,.. ['"',i,l"u he/śh_"/ t o.." cry|ng? for mole than a yeaL 5 L 7 Since 8 who Was a 5ma child, comPlete the dialogUes with rhe correct form o{rhe Verbs in brackets. U§e the Pre§ent Peńect simple or Pleseńt Pedect cońtinuoU5 a Present Perfect simPle al,j!,,] Pleseńt Pedect continuous L:)!!rm\, !.]! .l...lil l._ llL,ll l ,; r:ir ll,:l !b .r...]! . lt !r.]i., . !l] ]:k.i.].iIn] Cl.!1tj :..1,j .iir] NJ ] -,p,/l; r.7;.7!r.]n--. !;.J how ]ong] How lang has śN.been writińg ..jols? a],] ].< ,:].!rii ..j c]i!., Present Perfect sińple !]]]l.ir,r' _- a]ż:]l. ];.-j]!l1i binhday pańy 4 Pytańia o Podmiol (5ubjeci quest]óń' lo* fure s nce my last 3 NJ, i|o!"|./,ljey !,]]r .h.ei]! ! i|.]!i bit has t. wrnten? _E iśi:.'-k ]it) :;ł' ./.r.ii-r | .ż:s: Present Peńect simp e, ;l !i Pleśeńt Peńect contin!ous .. ż:ca en1,1 p,lL;: :lr:1ll;1;r:1ll1, l._ ] ,i.!,.:!:rj il! t_-) r; .]-| (|l"/,Ii)? ł]i] ]! [. B: 3A: ltri)t. .] !.! Ho\ł Haw many !l 2A: oh so ll I J] l],l:jr] ; :;,::f]; ii: r l .a how Il B: 5 i.e i].n] .9 y, loi9 t doesn't looktoo goocl. B: Nol |oig, think but he a7.!.l!i i 9t.tl.Zr::rłt e Lr,"łęp.,]a ..ll .11.:i!. Plesent Pedect simPle Write senteńceś froń the promPts, Use the Present Peńect continuous. Add siń.e ol for whele necessary, ] ]:!dl ;lt : ,,,, ] ,'. " ,,.. "",,,: t|.] r.]_; r.-l] ,,i. -.: |..::F m.:.l, ":l-r S] i.:::al! lllf t].r. r:: ::L:]]lt]! l].l]..! .]]..la !.l< l i-:t.rl:] |i. 1l r2i]-ii: .,. :f 117 l\i\!|l$]lN\]i'i\\\l\\\r§\i\!n']\\il\\tii\\l\\\\l\\\l ]lli\\ \lll\\i\ill]\]\\\Il \\\,]\]'lli\,\\\\\\\l \[li\$\i \|NN\i\\\NNtN\i]iii\\ilitN\i!\\'t E !! lo lz l rr, |* Io !U l] E r @ .ł.. że.żo,li t.N, .ż.3.\!i i.]|, pl4ln.Ii kóu .]i] p,:Vłó!!..T ].;.:,-n .S]oN. pód3t.rolt.r() n].remy tl.n7y.: .ri. ! ż! Jlk i!.,i]l:e rzeczowniki -ańce/ en<e l|r.ra..,l..ż.r/] i .! pll/- .tl !.l p.|],].: ż.n.]p.i]-- k.n.ii.l -a.y-ent iip.rr3nt łrpl]llańce Póp! .l,![ _. ti.lZ.].y zr:cu rln l cd rzr:oll |ól lec Przllostl twn,.. e.żasowniki: _aae: ].a]Ji i..ate fi _-]l..i.i,i ż.<l n .il en, d.o.l.|r ż,n],k e a. p 7,/f' .]1. łói rz.l7l)lit.r r]z.../! ą._!.h f - .-: .]eep oeepe' i!:]ł.bot p.!'.:l) i), ]e.elh i_-!.^tren 1.]]!q.aa I|.r|ż!.] _ify siin]e 5 ]n!liry (łatrL! !l.n,Jia) _ise l.!.d] i_..]jiise i clj l]y ża e9. ]ż!(.ć] Pni]!.n]. P,ln!tt tli żi.. pźymiotniki: l;rliolt .ci]łrtable (!!,,]9o.. ,ly.t]d.l) ed ir.rzi.! n ełó, .rZ}m on]ik.d! b ern! t.t.] ].ló.,i 1j .ośtrń.. c.,,,, .lr; .!9i peri:j.\ ill!nt 1!nt!e plż|m .tn k. ,jrl ;że .ir.żed (:.j!f ea ż!!n] l]ńi) -i"9 |,] p.5kn ]- nl! E.i i..],r]_-]]1.!!Jż.]Jn.n,t.]ę _able l fu], ing ], ir.żyilNi. . żi..tr_.,] e ó r.kże T.| l t,;nl, ż_. d;ra rzclzles, r:l..l.śp.1..: l]ijlD.rl ..]ruf!] ikó.r kn.ro(!, i]e]ei k. o !] _1e5s, !ti;'!.:]ę:t. i.dD]fj ]n:.żen 9..!.ttitr]ć, ; t.lż. |ill () lj],,, że,:].ic] re.]yb.tr(!]e.kre,].ie ..i.LlI ..]li!lless ik. o. i]eliili!.v] j|i,Lr.,T n4r!.ltiveLi3P.l,:l p.mo.i]i) _ou5 ..!l;9. .o!,.9l]ó!s ló.][i!. .l]|,;żi!] ere1!,j .]r,'--r!]_.i'c 1Ę.ir.]]ł _-l].l! .żiri 'c r:l lt:tl1 e...orr]i]al i.r.s..d.rk. ek.]l,.i, -al: .żi]J] Pllytiotńiki o żad./eniu Przeciwnym lub negatywnym do znaczenia łowa i.lńllljr un|.n ]J'(ż.: omy .i]l:!] d.d.(.i]r.]o ! llln otn kó!.,7;l lyr! ą.!.l- im, r.].ża:.].] im- ińn,.jiLt'e 1lojrż.1} i _.d.],ż.],/], P.irt_- imp.it. l!t]rze]n]! l e!p[.]nri] ł ..].,.!l _"] !ói];\,i.il.]c ll:,/]' . kó!] 7.r:i ]. ą.,/.h l ę rla l_.,ę r re:,:orsii:ie ł|esPo!5 l]i. i.dn.li edr il , ! .3odPo| EJż; l yi ,ii,];].żęś.e],:].a.|r;l]!.]. P ż]/-.i, tl]"r le.ż!ni]i].lIl] 1i .. t.le 1 ić!.] i/1.9.i(.'- 'ql ]|, . e .!- i!] dis reslP.fl ł disres!..liri 1p.1_- ] 5ż;.!ik! ct.:.,l;żą,:!] _ir: ...srti,e iD5.i.iii|e i!l;2 i,] n].,l,::u ,J!] l 1,]B on c sońe makeup every engthen day to make B beautify c bealrtfU 3W" ll-b- "oo,V" -,ol-,|,|Lel B simp]cily c s]mpe A sińp ify people Whe. it comes yóUng ale rea ly 4 Sońe A coulageóls to B encour.gj.g c djscoulaged hel With the h]stor] A lnfam]l]ar B famiiar]se c lam larity ó What appea s to me aboltthe compańy ]s hoWthey A d]Versity B diveBe c dUel§i{y comPlete the §eńtences with the corre.t {orm oJ the i leqal colour respecifu] sensitive i L responsib]e familiar ' c".n look 'o u" "*. '" " seań e W l 2 Yo! shou d.'t have spent so ńlch 3 4 clefin tely n].ke yo! on ih s b]ouse t Was sue doesn't wanl lo be the ceńtle ófattenlion 5o śhe Sweaish].ls, main y be 9e My sistel! Sqle is cómp ete y b!tshe {eels conrfortabLe in hel oW. §kin. of k.te to criticlse her ó Pop! .l ]e pl]!r.:i( rrn]lząljĘ Przysłówki _ly:.ti"ng. 5ilin,!-ć]yidż!i]/ .]:,nić] -y j.ż. it]lżlń óti ( <.'.:! ś Je l.,jrllj/e r.55 by =".: ,li_-) i l .ż rr! m.. _ily J.zeirl:!ń.t.il k.i].,,i s ę .. -y: rn,.!y n9.Vi' i eżróĘ.o!.7ói!) m:lL,le ofth]s{.blic? B length .e.lrl _ive: _!ń the 5 Although Tińa stldjes fashion, of desigi i5lathel imltecl. P.pL, nrn. k:ór]l.zĘ!l. i;.]J;€ S option, A, B or C. -...ct r]r, Jioł ide.,,,.]oN-i] .]e.!r .) "'--.: ity siw rJ ,l!L] oity iltl P ałL.ot.) _ńent je1.1o1r .r_-l_.].pment i,o7,i ].a'.}i]) shiP !-l-n.]l Je]atr.i5hip liiei.y ż(:Ę/.t] " 1 What 2 she plts :..of o.::.],l_.dl.n(i! -ion, Cr,oo"" tr," frjendi:.eWfeece, P ..]L (: l,] .hej!] .o|]i.ji lIde: 3rer c oł es . complete the sertences With the cofect form of the wolds in brackets, sometimes more than one answer atlend hls {l eid§ Wedd n9 receptioń iń fadedje.n5 (energy) people iend to go 3 Buying Vintage c othes is nót a Ways (económy) as they can be pretty expensive (behave) stra ngely today, 4 They 5 Do in ,oU 111l Cld e thjstulq!olse dless? (. Wćys/be) seisjtive .bo!i I lI choose the corect oPtion, A, B or c. ajż:s_] 1 Sa Past continuous:ż,f,:" ! .P sL]i].:ł] ]. .ri.l,lłd:,ż:r a. li]. .1.-.l l-.i.|. ,..i.ir, li Was ra'ning:ti lh. i.i|3 Were getting t !.r l'n . r ! n!.ż! !-r:].1. . r t] .e no< nr.-:l] ;. . lji]]ni.]i.i.. r rl]. i.r.F !] !]r:.!ż].]a., li tr.k.. l -r ]i th. P.*Whe.5re mei he ie 2I n .t7.30, h.d break{.st and Weil to the pool B h.d 9ot up c W.s getting !p 3 We Weie cycln9 ii theforestWh leTom inthe ake B was swimmino 4 Adam didit 90 horse lid l Was ridiń9 l]:f i:] r. !.i .r, .j r.]]..li].. §topped ]l]. .]..ri1,: T r; .,],.-r. !d! zi]7\i].] i]r . p. .]iit ri]!]l];l i] l.!|] ].]i.i::.. |t.']r.,r].r7!'! .:!-. ( ttłn 5; -!1 '|'|i, i-- A, r] was dóińg !,.L| j.. !.rljslr.nre.ls e15.e,,lie.\, T.l,! ..i.l _-!t]. ll .l ij. k]]l waśtakińg prż.pl.,,r;:j]ala ]r]Jr;ł P.., ar.!r Ai Past 5imPle !ż]lr.ńr, ].s!_-P!].].!.l. P. 3.b : ajż.5_] -t]ii. got up a.::5 ] .i.. Put m.li i.. llld.,ż!i r.h i.I il. n.: oD A .]_] r A Was r].]r.. !-. zd::,..]i :l ] ]i-| .'\ |].]n.ll::.:ł] i,] l7 | ]_; |] zllr. ! ei | ! ., :e żL]!t.il l.m i. brackets, U9e the Past simPie c had swum he h s riding c atthe colrt,the maich had akeady c Were atrVing helśka|.9 bóolś ańdslepped óntóthe ce.inl oń B pli óń in]lred Whie he WaS oveńakińg h s lV.l5 9etting B had 9ot c aot complete the .onver§ations with the correct form of U§e the Past simPle, the Paśt continuous or the past peńect. lhe Verbs in bra.ket§. :L]^,_] (yoU/do) When they (annóUnce) the les!lts? (jUst/take) a showel and B: compleie the sertences With the correct form of the Words had forgotten B h.d afved Km 8 Ma* Past Perfect ].!il:l-,!, la[:a(.e :or.it.,J.^] We A W.§ pltt]ńg ,\t],iji]i. r [ri']-. il!(]::.:._l; l/L,:jr)r_-,l l::.i. P;n : n]t) _-) ]. !1: !;liile;ii.ća ll];i ihad /eft:l]. |l.(.I.]I i!i !l, ó When 7 |s:i]i żiłor!,r 1orgetting B n9 because forgot 5 she didnl be ieve ihat vo] eyba l before, A had never played B Was never playing Was _- G.],, lhboli B hadjogged c !!aSjogging A jo99ed orihe Past (you/rea Ee)you (Wa a towards the stacll!m When (hear)a old exp osioi, (eid) and eveD,one 2 The play 3 (s!e/Work) at the resta!rant When she Gee) a bank lobbely. (Watch)ienn]s i1l 9o .]] : ,r.].,] 9.r,i, oi ry oflhe my sisters as eave) yo!r 9099 es at home? (l/stand) al the top s ope, With my skis on, (N ck]notWork o!t) yestelclay? (prom se)his daughtel to B: He p ay With her, lthink. 4 A: What B: Evely day (cross) H]gh Stleet When We 5 Whie B: Wel , just ( We (you/dó) atthe spólts camp? (get !p) ealy, then (9o) to the gym and then We (P ay) basketba l, comPlete the second sentence śothat it has the same meanin9 as the first, Use the Words in capita]s and the Past simPle or the Past Peńect. ' :.i]L]]e l"]i]l rn.!:1le.: l']:...]!b: e.e:] i THAT 2 The match stańed Theń goi ba.k hom. WHEN 3 J.ck!te.m di.]i'ttr.in eno!9h,They ostthe m.t.h , BECAUsE 4 Anń looked at her Wćtch. She re. ]sed she W.5 late fo the AND 5 Andlew did.'l lock his.ar somebody stole it, somebody BEcAU5E ó Thefi mnnished Then Markswjtchedtheryon, ALREADY ,l19 2 aż;s.ir kiNiyn!pJ]ij.i er.a i]r],,,b r.:]. {irm} <..]h :l,n.]1;1 ' :iln, ..ijlr.rr!]. ,il.i;r]l P..żJlolt (nie żno§żę .żeka4 for exam 1 .rr.ii k..h !!l l)lr l i)r.l |zdecydowałsię zakońcżyó his §pórts careery_.t? ,irj'] 3 My mothel UpraW,ad motorlacińg. (not) to + bezokoli.żnik - de(lded nol lo WorA ljl;.:]|r.i ] pl.h.].!.nr ,,r.l ] "ll l:.;,sll,n t:ch: an,l:; Ji]oL,ł ,]l;l.]L]1.9__. l,i.p lp-".l l...1], irrq-_- |!.r. tll/l,_4l]!.10rm. dopełńienie + (łot) to P.i-. ].fi l byśm], nie]ed/' .ńyth ń9 ]Usl befole the match, 5 15plóbUl się n]e mańWić) _- Wyglania) a r: i,].,li], l:.i] l 1 lip .:n t ,-.! l.ikl] l.J ,'o];.,,.i] ..Llii 1 They óiia.ged 2 D. | ótł.-d mr.r]rt, ,,i,.,!i.r l] l].i,,lr.rL.]_- beżoko liczn ik 3 4 5hóuld ańśwer n.ii,.hr i:!i .i]t]tł.l]ż.. P..i.! i ąl., i ]-r,e) /et me ll_- .: ć!]. ]_!t.i . l llfi!r:..!]: 1.rri V'sit lire sl.io i]ln Pożl. tr] dopełńienie .l + i ]lid ór _-J] {ol a swim oi Satlld.y fró a! apęJlól.I {anc], l cannot jmagiie badm nlón this afte.ioon? Do you 5 kate ó has never avoided y We l, blt box]n9 'Ve never ided snowboardin9, afiold buy) a newtennis racket, tt too expensive, Thjs pool is oK, bt]i l m 5 My ss GWim) ó The 1ootbaler reflsed has Warned 1() |1ó .o,,oj-.\- , o oll- u, " "o-d o Md,.-,P-, h_ tohja 7 Mymum ntends tak'ng (noi go) ,oFo,]_a!t the Whole distance, DoeS yo!l cóach ever let you eat./to eatj!nk food? aI+ań buying / ta buy a neŃ y the nexl competition. TV lUńń]n9 fol a month, 3 o\l ŃeF ó 7 Yo! śhó!ldnlWasteso mUch time 8 The doctor c.ń't he p tó Wat.h /Watciring sPoft on ry evely day. 2 Pleo5e,em 4 5 lJifońunatey,she cann.i PE teachel at schoolencouraged (Wótch) {roń t]ńe yoga. h Wilhelp her re ax 1 pjano When yol] Were a chid? 4 oi ry choo§e the correct opiion. 2 Did youl palenls make 3 lcan't hś§kiińg my dad attempted Hes śighty bettel now verbs in brackers. Add me oryouwhere necessary. lee W]nler t's too ó L.styear comPlete the sentence§ with the.orect form ofthe (§ki) take Up mprove Piay 9o ,,L ..,]. thiS Season, do show Watch clmb imaEne 6i.ńlńg '!!r.i. P..7.tiI lthe matches comPlete the sentence§ with the corect form of the i sljn.] i,r]ilrd, ..]ry, lr.,: , lli 5r, ffr;llrrc, k.!!., li]33 Jiii-., |!jsIe iiine ilsi:pp!]. 1. m; z końcÓWką irg :r.l abolt + lóught me to believe P..];3.r. k..h :|.tii. |, Tranślate łhe words in bra.ket§ into English. up ,.njag " /to iake m-d"l d" , ,o Up cyc ing this 8 We can't 90 /9oin9 horsejiding today, complete the §entences with so/too ol neither/either and the corect auxi]iary. wYaży so/too óftz neitherlnorleińer stos ljemy W krótkich o ,p_,d,d l o_ .-nJ.-Jo] oL_- Lb.]" -_Ą-Konstrukc]itych !żywamy leagljąc na.żyjąśs]pow edź dajemyWtedy żnaćWżWięzłySposób, że ktoś{np. my sam])jest w tej samej §yluacji co a!tór Wypow edżi. Konstrukc]iz §o i too używamyWżdaniach twierdżących, Foma cżasown ka posiłkowego Ub modalnego W królkim komentarżu mUs być zgodna z {ormE czasownika głóWnego o pod o ." I _d" t do |o ego , e od.ó, ", śl 'L. ol i-go l om- , "|, , V\l g'qd" "-ęp ]q §o + cżasownik posiłkowy/modalny + (rzeeownik/zaimek): 4 They shouldn't 9ive 5 As Wa a Up chess, chlld, olga wasn'tvery compett]ve, ly, Pele Wil talk his parents jnto Tina Tran§late the re§ponses in brackets into English. 1 They have ńevelletthe]lcoach down, IMy też nie,'J y amb tious. (Nasi róWnież ) Unfońunatey, P.t lost a ńatch yesterday. Michaelbrcke his perśónai re.ord yeste.day M chae pobil swójlekord życiowy. you did too, Ty t.kże. 3 ż neitńerlnororaż either Uźylvamy W odniesienlU neitńerlnor + cżasownik po§iłko\łylmodalny w formie twierdżącej - podmiot (lzeczownik/zaimekI My caach isn't goinl tó be pleased with ńy scole Mó]tlenel nie będżie żadowo ony ż mojego WynlkU, Neither/Nor i5 mtne, Mójteż nie, Jerry will never give up running marathans Jeny nigcly nle zrezyguje ż biegańja W malatonach Nełher/Nor Wi// /, Ja teź nie, podmiot (rzecżownik/żaimek) + czasownik posiłkowy/ czasownik modalny w formie Pżeczącej + e;tńeć she didń't play fol the schaa]leań lastyear a.a.ię gJała W sżko neidrużynie W żesżVm roku. /di.]nt either Ja teź nle, W cza§ie Presenr simple cżasownikiem posiłkowym jen Rob iakes pań in tennls co mPetitian; fuvice a yeal. Rob bieże !dż ałWżawodach ten sowych dwa lazyW loku, so does Jodn,.]oan róWnież. W cżasie Past simPle easownikiem po§iłkowym je§t did: Last week we qualified fol the linals W że§żłym tygodn iL] ^",llońdi n iędo'1J ,Sodid"-,v ,-, |żyvla)ąc Really? aGz oh, le.glrjemy ńa cżyjąśWypowiedź, by póWiedżieć, że W prżypadku kogoś innego syłuacjajest , l " oIi-9o on-1 .," Ąo9d", -olc,o: Really?/oh + podmio1 kzecżowniklzaimek) + czasownik Posiłkowy/modalny w {ormie Przeciwnej do Wy.tępującej w komenrarzu, do którego się odno§imy: lbelieve that same childrcn shou/dstań tla'nrng at a Very earł age, sądżę, źe niektóre dzieci powinny zacząć tleńoW.ć W baldzó ńłodym w eku Rea/iy?ldont, Napr.Wdę?Aia iie, Mast al our lans cauldn't get tickets to WatcA the match, Więksżościnaszych kibicóW nie uda]o się kt]pić biletóWna mecż. ołl. olrs ćould, Naprawdę?A nasżym się !dalo, doing Nord]c kin9, 2 The lteańńates ale rea l l" ol1.9o o ,ól,d,o ,9,d" - ęplę,o: ! they, Sam is 9oin9lo try oul ihe new gym, Her5ister da zdań Przeczącyc|. 1 every Friday has never p ayed squash, podmiot (rżecżowniVżaimek)+ czasownik Posiłkowy/ Ko.§tl!kcj . 3 a sW m Pam, ó Hopefu Podmiot Do,;1i-|A, Pos|j , l .I.a_ld gó ;ó99:Ąg "\-, d-) !plawiaćjog9]n9 każdego dn]a, so shou/d l. Ja także . 2 Mańln o aur fóótballt am has let us down re.entł Nasża drużyna piłkarska ostatn]o nas zawiodła. 5o has ouls Nasża także . 1 To keep fit, Dan goes for 4 We alenl goin9 to ńwńież) LJa 9c, iń folthat cómpetition. INaławdę? A ńy 5 My sistel doesn'tWatch anyspoń ón TV ó My dad Wilneveltake IMoja też nie) up yoga, .INaławdę? A a @ tak.) ńójńk) sentence, A, B, or c to choo"" tr,. ""*ect complete the conVersation. 1 X: can you magine? They have never osi A 2 X: Neithel have l th ńk We, B a match, We too. they shou d be more decisjve A c Rea y? lsho!]dn't. B Rea ly? ldon't, oh, so sho!]d l, 3 X: she is go]ig to Watch a rlgby match tonight, A Neither am . B lamtoo. 4 X: You ook sacl Whatś the matle.? A c can't he p helping 5 X: What A B c afiord to he p me, d d you do When you sawthat accldent? lca led an ambu ance lWas ca n9 an ambllance, l had caled an ambu ance ó X: Ale you go Y A c me, B .ait doesn't m n.Ihe ping me ng to enterlhls competllion? tey ]ove t.king on Defn blrń ń9 ofi new cha]enges, B 9 V ng up 121 l choose the corect oPtion, A, B or c. 1 5Pekula<je dotyćżące teraźńiejsżości ],/,rIl;::]i. !lżJ,i]!t.l].., ;.]f ]t,"l:zri.t] n]!.] !b . e ń: :l : l.: l, .:l]r 2 czasownik modalny + beżokolicżnik bez to Must l]n i:; ! n! i]lżei.]n; ].'-, :_. L:i]!', ].lt t ;|r.].: .! ;] ]l . ]i]i] .].:] ] |]L,!, |]!. ..rr..z.żę1 ,l, :i .li.!]9 !! ].]. Might, ńay could||ł.7.]n n].ż !.:. ż3..ś .:1Pr:l.]:1 Tl:ć ]r.\.: ńighŁlńay/could 5. lery h!illl| ,i.l" l,].: '. ]. Ii 1.1.:i:l,lj,j..]7. !,!!.. can't ł,i,.!.. |_- lrl,t.]i.r, ., ;.] ..! r e ]esi i],.llda .an i l .].n].lr! t.l .]Ęśt],],i- i] ,żl _loirI must i-.e Ieą 1r:,jr]| l|.r( sPekulacje dotyczęce prżesżłości Might. rav i.r5i ii] ]l Ę.i-.r]e .]i iir.:oo l: p.,ll :] ] We met on a tr p to liii YoU 5'm f.ied the exam, not slre i{ so __ ch na 1 l yolr aiswers must/..nt have you are r]ghl. YoU.o!/d,/ cźnt have m.de complete the §€ntences mighl with the corect form of the (le.Ve) my mobile at the hotel but ldon't reńeńber 2 Slsań h.s been trave ling forthe asi two Weeks 3 Weidyś accent 5 a bit strange. she cóU d (be) Northeli lrish, but 'm not s!le, (see)Jóe n town .l ńóóń 4 You c.nt he was at home with me 5 Thomas was rea ly upset ast \!eek, He must {have)prob ems at home. kiowthis p a.e,They'Ve been here maiy can't d be here by now. she have m ssed the bus, be Diańa3teńt. She never goes camPing A m!st, Gleg B may c can'l have reached his destlnatlon yet, tśon y paint]n9, Definitely, have stld]ed aft hlstory, A colldnl B might c must tśimpossible to keep a puma as lied, A must B can't c a pet She have might (na pewnojest) Very expenśive 3 What, you forgot yourticket and passpoń? Yo! mightl 4 ó mustn't 1 A crlise down the N le 1 The key car'i / ńust be somewhele here bul l can't f]nd it me 5lt cant Translate the Words in brackets into English. choose the corect option. 2 Yo! .en'tlm.y lemeńbel B: We l, c muselm lt!.Losecl. noi B co!]dn't c B r!,iIsi,!leś :.r!bl. P_.L.-.l m]ght They B mght have Vsited that 4 A: Fat shou 8 Llir' ńight/ńay/colld I l!_- l| ]tt.ir iir.] ir.j l_. 1,1o] !., :. L|r, sp.źl h: ę n; llrlr :-.1 can,t ]cou/dn't !!i.;]; śi_-p,:_-k)].|.: iL_..i.. -ili l]ó,]]. A he could Płt, can't/couldn't .., -. -1.t! r].:ż..]ł.].l.mL 3 They A coud B can't 7 Ben <new eve.ythin9 abo!t Gothlc "!,ł.ż.]i..rr,]p.]32.:_..; ..t!.lą._E L..]() .() - ;]i] |]i.j]!.. L h r . r .,. .. ,.]5.i ,l .lżeszł..ś. !:li;n,,/ k.], l1 L kl .żasowńik ńodalny + have + trżecia folma cżasownika MU.r \'.! ń!śt i,:v.] 90 ió Greece lh s śummel, blt We haveń't A m!§t ie] !.,/|,; .]! i-]nrui.] .l]_"( We 2 Kate 4 We 5 They pewno ńiej.dła) that loca specialty sheśa lergicto seafood. (ńa pewno n]e 5ą) at 3 They the ofice Pam ca led me f.om the aiPort an hoUr ago, a few (na (być może spędżlmy) days nearthe Sea, (na pewno prżywieźli) a lot of souven]15 ó Let! ask .n, He łom the r trip (być może był) We'd bettertake a map, lt (może nie być)the r 9htWay, ldon't know WhyJanet is st]l not hele, she (moźl]We, że ltknęła) iń tr.fi]c. t łlł.ż.l', used tó/would(+ bezokolicznik) ]i],N].f]]r .i] !t i. plż,/.ż!!śedto ś1.5!]em]/ |/ nd. e! .]. l] (].] lr. róN] (i. ] !9, ]]J!., l]ei_-f_., iikć, io!9, ]l.) ]b.:.!r]r.]il: i didn't Use to like ir--1.1il]:r I pi_]!e K.d!! i]: !b l.i] l-_-fuZ ló śę żm.i ło ] iu],iż.iai.5.m..:.jl]-. used to write ljle] 9 ,r.r_-r P 3i]a p|że(cdiir iTćl;ż L] t99. ni9 r.b]] WoU]ds:ost]e.,y uż.].n..: ] t!.J _;,dż:.V.l] |]/łi.żr. iJ..]r 33 9n ! d.] .f,jl,|()Ś. iłire. ] ti:; ; '_-_-l]:lq.l i Would Visit nr/ 9l;ftł|j .tćlr' 5!.d:\ K e{]), |]!łem ias:. n ( e. .].],l e.]l.].n] .aL]. | (.Zdi , ..]Z _, e n i]]!i n choose the correct option, A, B or c. sometime§ more than one an§wer i§ Possible. 1 ti.e.n. lUsed to 90 backP.c&ing everysumme. lwould go ba.kPackńg every su.nmel I didń'r Didhe use lo bly flighi tickets onlinE, Use to 90 on ho]iday rn whatdid h,p A!g!st? 3 4 Kledy móWimy o czyn.ościach LUb stanach, któle żdaźy]ysię Ą?lko raż ub zdarżałysię niereg!larni_., bądźjeżelin e chcemy Jdo,|d1, o,/W(lo,U 5 ó o,i,,-',s", Usedto/Wou/d, tylko cżasu Past s mp e. Two years aga they went ón iro/idayto France, DWa lata tem! pojechal na Wakacje do Fróncji, l o{ten uavelled tó China. cżęsto podróźowałem do chin. A wanted B A dldn't B l,, ,1o"r A tlrned up HoW My 1 .]]l /get home/al7 p.m, everyd.y We / not have / a lot ofmoney / nthosedays Myfamiy/ ive / nexito a llx!ry hote] Damien / not dlink/ coffee / n the past 2 // ike / Dad, / be / veryshy Theyl90 oi / s!mmel cańps / ai primary schoo choose the corred option. 1 Last year we Went/ used to 9ó on a trip With a 2 As a student, my mlm W tr.Vel auld love t.avelling / used to lovetlavelling 3 My glóndpa WoU]d rcadlrerdme a sloly abouithe Aztecs that day, 4 Ihey didń'tusetó be /wouidnl be keeń on flyln9, 5 o!l uncle hadlWouid have abolt 100 gU debóoks, ó As a child, didyou u§e to s/eep /wouldyou sleep n tenl dUrin9 5ummer? My dad dldnt Use to like /Wouldn't liłe going to a 7 didntlseto c wou d wani C wouldn't h- L,"i B lsed to lurn up to C wou d you me tothe śeasde every summer B Used totake c Woudt.ke a happy chi|d? B did yo! lse to be c Wolld you be ollfi{rht backto Alstralia, c m ssed A used to miss B wou d mśs Were complele the sentence§ with the €orlect form ofthe 1Kim (il.vel) to 4śiatwice now she cannot afford th]s 2 When We ]ived in London, We a ye.r b!t (9o) jogg ng in Hyde Park every day, (Mark/Vśit) his fańily 3 i. Scotland (not/enjoy) spend]ńg time in the co!ntryside NóW We love lt Ben Was a child, he (p ay) (L!ke/]ike) slghiseeing Wheń he W.s ln kiiderga.ten, they h]de and seek evely day. readińg adventure novels / want used to you 7 Yestelday We A 7 Back My glandParenc / not ilavel/ by car When lWas a ch]d piotwheń grew lee when your parents sent you io sumnrer parenls pos§ib|e. lf not, use Used to. As a .h ld to be a cćmps every s!mmel? A did you B d]d you Use Write seńtences ł.om the PromPts. Use wouid if 2 3 4 5 ó 7 8 l smoke when was arschoo, 5 When 1 m.ńy boys, verbs in brackets. sometime§ more than one answer use to ,pat? W|o usedto 9o to theseaside an haliday? podll- a, ]<e 2l : _p Jln (p .y) ,§i,i a |,ń lol |żl lJI complete the §entences with the correct form ofthe phla§alVerbs in the box. l luJl |,. l Iol E I Czasowniki frazowe to glupa Wylażeń składających się z czasownika oraz plzy]mka ub p?ysłóWka, dżięki któlemL] czasownik zyskuje noWe znaczenje: look-Wyg ądać, p.tlzeć; /ook up- sprawdz]ć CzasownikóW flazowych używa się Wjęzyku potoczńym. W]ększość z ńich ..a §Wo]e od powiedn]ki w jężyku iterackim: put dP a żenŁ - cónstjclercct a tent . doslowne: why don t yo u łake ofl youl caat? l./laże żdejm]esz plaszcz? 3 we have Kate - set o#pJl) l lh- 1o!Ą.Ąg. ^d -ob,"dł 9"podro ,",.mr^lru,,lI m/w ,ó,ó olo, .zaśownik + Przyimek/przy§łówek PrzysłóWek + doPełńienie + Przyimek/ Po cżasowniku frażowym żawsżeWystępuje dopełnieiie, lt was very hat ańd we ran out of watel vely quickly Było baldżo goląco iwoda sżybko się ńam skońcżyła 9lup - ,dW- Ąs Dan 4 -pU - doo-łn|-| |- Vo,-o opod,, czasownik + Przyimek/Przysłowek + doPelnienie Can yau please Pick uP Laula from the airPart? Czy możesz odebrać Laulę z otniska? 1::nf.y€tt)]€€9.pi.:łe.'P#fefi+h€-żięeP+ We can't Puł off boóking ti.kets fórever Nie możemy odkładać reżeMacil b]LetóWW n eskoń.żoność, . @Hffi czasownik + dopełnienie + przyimek/pźysłówek Can yau please pick Lau.a up {rom the atrPań? Czy moźesz odeblać LauIę ż otniska? Cań ya| please pick hel up frcm the anpaft? Cży możesz odebraćją ż lotn]ska? Gn't puł it óff farcyer. \l. "o:-Tl od "d" 124 -9o W r to lid cani WALK/LooK a, her career as a manager and she - }o /ono,, atlhe sl.t ón pl.t{om the He We.t to Wolk ańd We Pat stoppec] by the śde ófthe ló.d .ńd tl]ed ró łńd the hoiel!.dd.ess iń hel9uidebook PULULooK 5 met my old {r end unexpected yWhen We y/ere delayed atthe airpoń, BUMP/HoLD ] (9 1 my o d frlend When We WeIe choore ońe Word, A, B or c to conplete both D;ń goi.g to pick !s łoń the stat oń? Malk ]5 a 9re.t cyc ist and ]tś rea ly hald io keep 15 With h]m. Aon 2 Boff The taxldrlver dropped cup Us atthe Wrong term]nal, Pat had a ong Way to 90 so she A down B ofi 3 Theyte 9oin9 to c thjs o d bu]lding Whattimed]dtheyłnaly A iurn B make c plt 4 We Wele held set atdawn. out iito a hostel, up? in a traficjam and We missed the The hole WaśfU ]but, foń!naley, sue pl]l them We can't Puł bóóking tickeś off folever Nie możemy odkładać reżerwacj b!etóWW n eskońcżoność, We contin!ed to the hotel!.ddle55 in he slę na samym końcu żdania (pod Warunk em, że n ejest zaimklem, tylko żeoownlkiem)lub mjęd47 .żasown ikiem a pżyimkiem, . We to lnd a, l look forward to travelling around Amelica Wycżeklję z niecierp iwością podróźy po Ameryce, Wl- W.s boalding 1ó lhe slalion iń h]s car He Weńt to Wólt and We Wenttowards the platfórm, DRoP/MADE Fonuńate]y, a lot a{ peaple turned lP ta the exhibilioń Na sźcźęście,na MĄ]stawie poiawiło śięmnóstwo osób. . e 3 Dan tóo[ !s Po cża§owniku frażowym nie ma dopełnieńia |r-) o Wh] nevefthe ess we Kate h.5 quit hel c.reer as a mana9er and she ] cżasownik + prżyimek/pży§łóWek -laĄg ja flieńd o d we Wajt to 90 we drcpped aul bags and nade for the PassPan contral. l_ ńy 1 We bad no food le{t, neveńhe ess Wa k. RUN/CARRY 2 Kiedy biegałam, wpadłam na mojego Wychowawcę, . so much workth.t we have to Complete Lhe se<ond seńtence 90 lhat t h69 a simildl ńeańing tothe fĘt. Use the prompt9, when l wa; running, l bumped into my farm teacher. kierunku kontro Pe. flom the st.iion? the addleśś]ń óUr (! Po cżasoWiik! fiażoWym żaWsze WystępUje dopełnienje. W Uo y a few peop e good bye to heryesterday cżaśownik + prżyimek/przyśłówek+ dopełnienie N.da]iśmy ba9aź i skielowaliśmy się off bJmo'nro Di.l 5 on idiomab/ane:lhe p]ane take§ o#at ]0a,m, Samo ot Cża§ownik]łażowe możemy podżiel]ć ńa dW]e grupy] . DJr 1 Are yo! golng to 2 We 9ót lóśt śó We 4 cżasown iki fiażowe mają żna.żenie: . loo ,o -JrnUD Aup Bofi cdown gave his job to tr.Velthe Wor d, HaVe you evel plt . tent iń the laiń? A over Bofi crp 5 Pall , t_ :RENcE zes, choo§e the cołect oPtion, A, B ol c. sometimes more than one answer is po§§ible. :::S. :1]7i.7.!,i Plesent simPle, -::: -: :.-tj.uous Futule simPle {Wi]//Won't].r.: ] 3 Donl Worry :|] 4 A the t]ń5 for yo!. Wilopen am openlng B 've checked the r offet The cookery A stańs ] l 5 Tońótow B l i.\ nE l'l]helP you D,-,-i iilc .;lloi3. P..ż.i;] r]. i]. e P,].r.!_-. ..lJć m. .r.,,k f l .,., :n a..l ż l. -7 |,. .]i]! óI.1L]e.iy Por..,.],.J]rl.:;rr! ś!_o.:le pr!P.ż!.j., |ży,r.ń), sha]]] .-l]ć.e i.;!3 ]coi i..|i sha]l l carry!h.n fa| .f.)1k nf.l li],! il:]i... ?.i.'.,].]]_-]; _. P.i.:e? shJll se hdve ż..q.i z.]]. 9l . .l ś| e.ż.r.m'] .]. ilzĘ! d!r:ń .ot!.żq.t.h pr7y1l.i. op;,:l.h .. \.\'. i r! r.L:l pr:_4.1!.a.h !b.].śri:..]cu--, ;.| l.Jt ierl..r'.| l.]3..ot.l b).k]\t l'll Probably need li re|i d!e( !].]€ . .]cż],.7!i'lę k. ążkę l!.h.E.i] . .: |)l:i;i].p..obiie bę.ę ].] tn]tlż.b.iał( prżyszłin] be goinq to + be/okoliczĄ;k śtaltc shal next staft c am goińg ó We Wil ńót mana9e to prep.re the food forthe party A 2 Woń't h!ry !p B h!tryup Write sentences from the Promprs. 1 Wh.t time / the party / slart? 2 YoU /fee beiter/ as Sooi as /you / start.Irlnk]ng / more ń]ńela water 3 / hope / the soup / iot be / too b ańd fol Pele 4 Kate / e.l / a lthose chetries? They are sti Uil]pe| 5 Th S desse is.l sweei eiough. /add/somes!9.1? ó Those apl cots ookfresh,They/be/ta§ty comPlete łhe sentences with the correct folm forms. velbs in brackeis. uśe 'uture (meet) 1They 2 o{ the for l!ńch ón Monday Ben Wi l not gel fit !n ess he (stań) eat n9 hea thy food (novbuy) it, 3 Thls brcad i5 st.Le 4 The cookery show (make)some crunchy ,, ó \)/t.i are you goiĄg tó prepare ful di.,]..'a-i] żi el.asż prż]/!.:oil:i: l]: l)l)..]? P ż.n].]!ii.. J.lj.ż?.,r'.li prZr5J.i.], d(rll].,łó!!:.y.h f l h.Ve iime n the morn]ng {prepare)some snacks at home, (you/decólate) th]s b trhday c. (€? Translate the Words iń brackets into En9 ish, U§e future folms, sometimes ńore than one answer is po§sible, 1 (ói't l]. i.] . :c lr. ].l_E !:]]]/lj pl])s:].3., ii z.]. ] ..F ułjż..!.h Jż!d.],n]J .żil:! p. i:st_-P!!].!.i] !!r;żei:., ll ,|lle., j], irl rćss. :ite1 oIjZ 5eiol_-: -iJ 5!1]! ]ł yóu drink cale. |i ih.: ,-l!l i ń.r, r.]| ,|!,i'l t]. J5]ć l.) jr_A_-9 t. ! l_-55ert j:_. (!!risż] .ni] . !,/r ,.] 2 Thele! galiclnthis dish, Pa!l :j,: l] Preseńt simple .]eż_-,l!i] ]e3ż k.n ll. l]r:::i !,!..ż.,a,.i L. ń e b:p.]ż.:ż! łi:I e 5.]rl! ,!il]g_.l ,]r/ !.iesj /.,] pl]t lh_.ł] l r C ink. i}!. ]|lż, c]!bi ż. ilożysż ]..]i].l]].ll,] (; 8_-.;r!i!] i]... J c open .ou6e B Wilgó 1 al;]L Future sińple L,żrNJ:f ],] .]n |],..ż.l . r.]..t:. .z ]y\:,n ..:.-,i7 : .żęśl. Po..]ir!]1.1 ]1.1 r,].ńE... T.']ll] _4. ; b_,dc.]J.F...r.ji ls 9o]n9 to c Wil leady. to the fruit market outslde the towń _; l1 |r]ai he p you prepale : :... stańs aL 2 ja ard fiłi§hes.t 1j :0 : :. i..n.; r.żp..ż!r: s _p o 12 30 koń.ży s]? o ]3 3! Plesent continuous !ż]l(.n! !] .. . .ś.. ! d. 5/L!a. .żis.n t,E,]źr] e śż!ń T ć!' rc giv i n g P,. |:. t. l _.,i..e5 .1 Ir. ij.r)k_,l_! i]i] I]i]_!li!r.. i.Frll.|] l! n]e ]T.|]. llaii ]L 1,1] n l:i!sr! rżdąir ];!,l.dl ]i,r'. ęż.cn z.!.jdo! ti:i icated, A Am goingto B shal l 2 l'l ]etyou kio\łWheńthe d nner Poa .1.],!] plżlr.].t.Ni.,] ., . ].h :żt:ż_-!al/ (.żas,ni.i.. ! oo€ comp . .. 90ing to + beżokolicżnik :-eseit sińple L.żjrNJ:n,J, !dy mó! m!.] lózl];a..F 1 . Thls recipe i] 3 (cży rdżiesz) to rhe s!permarket n 4 (A może byśńyUpiekił catrot cak€ 5 our loca open ó a]r market HoW much black pepper 7We|,1thlnk (otwieialę) |zańie.,asz (ża.żnę)e.tii9 ńóle fish 125 ll t] choose the corect oPtion. Cl:j!,,] F!ture continuous !żr/!ran],] ll l']!! a.l] l1, Iol:. iLl'j _- |).i]. t,N,]]!, o(9!.iim ń.rń.r. _E lJ p z]r,::]!]a.i: ,)1"'. will be ńakinq .,:.1e ai 5 p n] Bęlż etr],l |] .]. t.] j. zdania przecżące (NegaliVe) She/]V'll{Will) We/ she/ 2 A: Dó you ńeed a B: Wi]] she/ be Worki|g ivwe/they at 10..m.? ",'o"'nn No, /youlhe^he/ Vwe/they *no t by 3 A: What iS John so Wo ied about? B: Gett]n9 a newjob, l{ he doesn1 find one, he '//be spending /'llhave spenta lhis money by the end (wili Yes, l/you/he^he/ivwe^hey otoftimelo{inishthsbńhday 'llbe decalating /'l1have de.ólated 4 A: Tom, l rea ]/you/he/ With my ], i zdania tvvieldzące (Afi irńarive) Woll(iig .r 10 a.m. 1 A: can We meet ai ] p m oń satlrday? B| sofiy,l'l1be having /'llA,Ve /rad Unch B| No plob will, letlrn that library book y need to em 'llbe 'ńi;hing 5 A: Willyou be seeing / Wi//you ó hóVe śee,youl bóy{lieńd ton 9ht? B: Yes, he! tak ńg ńe out io a restalrant, A: What Wi/]you be do'ng / Willyau have dońe at 7 *u, /'llhave finiśhed 1by p,ń tomotro\ł? B: l dont have any p ans, Shal We 90 io the cinema? complete the sentences With the correct form o{ the verb§ iń brackets, use the Future contińuou§ or the Cz.:! Future Peńect Jżrlijn],i, naLli.. . .:,]i,].ś.;.l !|j s[!....i ttal_- l.[li]l ]] ,,ię pr.d.li eś..,/--.a ei .n] l Will haVe cooked,i] ilre .isl].s by,-r !!,,/!jtt . ..i . .]. tlż.. e] l,'.li].i l,!otL]ę zdania prżecżące (Negarive) ' i'1.1 ur.| 2l t]! she/lr/ !r.hL]v2!r] n 1 Dońt phoie me before 2 ofthe moith By the end heltrain n9 'd iketo 9 a,m, she (fiiEh) as a Waitress. (YóU/use) the oventh]s even i9? make p żża, 4 'm go ng to dó . cookery colEe n september so iow 'm he p ń9 at ńy mum! restalrant, hope (learn) somethii9 lsefu by lhe end ofthe s!mmer 5 HoW many exams (take) by the end 01the acadeńi. ye.r? ó Yes, /youhe^he/ivwe/lhey Wil. No, l/you/he/she/ivwelth€y won't, h. ....,' 126 (Sam/do)this t me tomotrow? Translate the senten.es ińto English. Use the Future continuous or the FUlUle Perfect and the Phrases in brackets in the correct form, 1 Dó końca lok! ń.!czę l/VoU/ What *ill What 5 ę gotować dż es ęć ńowych żecży, (.óók ren new tĄ,n95) 2 W n]edz e ę o qodzińie 20 sa ly iJake będą ed ] ko acię W domu (]rave hJV: lil .he/ti l n']"a We/ ihey byżPń/ Whó 2 p,m,? 3 cży do lóku 4l ob-d dnied 2020 skońcżysż Si!d a? (rnisn dnivelśity) ó 9lano? {t./k to the restalranto(ńed 5 l e posił.óWżiesż do qodz ń\ł 21? |harc meaĄ ó Kto k!PiWsżystkie skladn kidó godżiny 13? (buy a// 2 Ft:- r':: :]:]i. ].. i1,-lć5li.. L]!rJ] :. t !]] l _- p!t:. a ccd:l!.i. ,]. o].t ]d:,] i P,., e l]r].i..r. ! ęl,,,i] ń.! ].in] l]:!i. r]/ '-l ib] !r]iri;a |]L]tNi_-li].:n e..] r.]n].il.'ll ]] 7.L]].',,L i|:ii: l. .l].]l]!j[ e.dp.re..l] -o; ll l r:-t Jt] .]..l:el l;llc;) , i.P..|aii7' i r.żł..:.!:ics,]!|ll]. (._. ! L:15<.. . ..]rii ts.l /ó,]: nnli:l r-....];]i.n: .],] lo]fórl.]/ ... lr.ll :].l \.,Jl !i9o..r9j, doń't yo!i ł e3ż ].:i t].! łi.,r ir . r :jl.,ld:? (J.:rt.!trr! :] .,.r. pćl. , .(, t)l:ii.t.|]:a ].]e.ż ;-] z_- l]ir. ..żi]ó,!.i ]l. ]i:( |. :,Jb J.:e .-..mi7.(]iil',.]]'.,._!p\ł....: l.]n]J.q q!!:icl r.i!,r\,i.]l, ;i:]. n! _" . .a]...] n !]7 r !-i!zni:ir , i,Ę t ,he i .jPr;!]iż] 1^ N . !r.i],/, ( r : osLl : r]ż.]!i]i.]l ]L-5t słll; P,,,L:,] ] u !,ii:n,j'.żłi.:.,- ti,. 7,,-r :. l]i]lnó.;].żns.]an]k.]iJ pl.:rt1,1l,:l (le rjl., o. |rii] Lb fo.. i!.r rt . j,, ]i].]rJ .liż 2a,n.i .S! l)r.9! i]p l].-.|] 5N.] P.]:!.l]t tl!.l.]]i]:/- -._i 1.nrĘ t] ż_E.]ą.a, r P. ż|].. ! p,..,-i2i.In] ish) n9? , elo1 _ał,.cF ńJ!e you T|],: .] llle. ] j,e.n .! t.n,l.!- ]i::\, !i:l 6 |j!! .i)-,e : @ cr,""." tr," 1 X: Lels have Y:\-,o", 2 x: Y d ""..ect option, A, B or c to complete bllgei B ? sha l ,o do m,d we c doit ]cio!s, ? tre Th s soup is abso utely de My mlm is a great cook WoU d you ]ikethe recipe? B i9n't that? c snt lh s? 5ó whai shal l get you? Maybe some app es, But don't blythe greei ones, ? They are souI A shalyóU B W]l yo! c dóyou 9uy§, What sha lWe order? Steak for everyoie? No, a salad fol me, please, L'm not the on y Vegan, 4 X: so Y \ 5 lnne formy pytań rozłącznych: \łl z.]. r ..:l. ] ]']] p!lai;:,n l.z,...-ii - |.\l aren't l? lnr . ]i..I] (r]:]l, areł't l?.]łł..n-lllll,rl l::har:e- x Y A aren't Y B ale Kate jstak n9 part Yeah, she! a yóU a c aml thi§.eW cook n9 fant.siic coók ]n A isn'tshe B cshe ó X: We had /::]. :. ] r.ż(::.]:].!.: ] t)]i j,] er ..Ji.żi]]f] ]*t will you? Gl; t. s-] . f ._rl nr.!il] l ]_!e l e, w ill you? Z-ą:l.! ) -.. n: | !i]L.'l. rót.l a .] er 5 'n .L] L. 9...] :t na:( n! I ,1 Pytańie rożłacżneW folmie b:lln.:,r r t::;llt]::l T,] Y Y.! . r.l]_] L!.rl! sl.]e i-. ..,1 arcn't yóu) Zlń .!ż... i]]ri.]1.1:,i. .ż.4t]jrl.. .r, p ir.li]i: + s.!ll! 5.'i !:r]r :P.|, 3 sn]i .l i]l,-" s..! .j ] t.:ł {łr_-l] i!] l..d 2 3 X: oK, Zd"nie twield/ą.. - p}tJnie rożłd(/ńew formie zdanie Plzeczące cońPlete the sentences with the coriect question ta9. 1 \'.)L .i r t l]e lt n:F. rt.-t r! ]_-:j1|ll!.d, iantast c d]nner show, ] c isnl it last .ight, '! Yeś,it Was rea ly 9reat. A hadn't We B had,,e "r |]:rn.żait d.b ].] D,],i ! .rie, loo 1 ] r!.. i].,.i willyou? N e :l -;,l ::l ;;: r]l:o ł:.]j r i.h : i.ii plli r .^r lor..: r; - !]ł śha/]We? r.:5 |i;l|.-- j i]Li.ł s...l shaliwe?Z,--l].n/ ;i.].:żl..i ł zl ;];.l :]żłnil,tll łor],.h P..]m.r:-,..,.t ]; ^,.k L:!ij|.! i. n]i.: ;t i],.]i ś!!ir!i i j.!l--, i§n't it?T. :L ii:i ,,l p.it.,] 1, !a ],/i J,r. ! i,ld,j? choo§e the coreci option. 1 Yo! h.Ve nevel l ked glapefru]t juice, h.Veyó! /haven'i 2 Li (indergarten elery We had day , hadń't we / a ot of{.esh fl!]t and vegetab e5 didn't we? 3 Thais lhe best de§§e.l she has ever prepaled, 4 Lels lry out thal new resta!lant round the cornel, 5 Doń't add too maiy chi l Peppes, willyou / da yau] 127 l comPlete the sentences With a/an, the or o (ńo alticle). famols ańi5l P żĘ] ft: (i .]:r ,rre !ż]/|;l]]],: a.h o .1-1;ł!:|le stt.riżeń .qó |y( p. .ż;n!ni, l] 5 ..Ll!ll! Ed!(..]. Farmer§ ir],j..l ...!nlrie5 llrl lerl itlie Ro n cy , b]cdil.: ] kl.:.. ż. Jb i]i] bjn]ż. m!]. lż..] .łn. k.it_/!..ta,!, ,l et.ż.ś.< .]c( n ;il: i E!n4jć, n] Poi:lo rn ,,1żś:ł,NJ E!r.p e iJ Po iie, Prż.J mk. a/a, !§P.il..ń]r. t.] l.h nsob../ _'j ]]r: .liy The .ily l!;s p.li!i.o tv !slk.l .,eś.. l-.) - isl. brj.] skjż.]. 9.]i ];.ż r.żńó(.. or. ]t!]ć. ę . ]rk.] rż.., .],).]śob. c'lrldz, p,.ued rr.l.n ż_4.]]r lb lsob ]e:ln.lr1l ,l sro nl DHAKA 40% ofpeop e nr Bai9.de§h, ive iłlL] is the Flr,n.l,rll.j'_.l .iPoijln? Kio .-łl]'.ner.m [.rlt ń. ..rLn 5Z]r p,el .].bl k.f;] Po 7ij(]k.d)]n comPlete the §entences With a/an o. the, se.ondary school teacher 1 2 3 What do you Wónl fol un.h: 4 biggesl.ity ]i A!Stla ia? t3 {ilst time l'Ve been 6 Leonardo d. Vjńci ived dUrin9 \\\\\\,\\\\\\\i\t\\ to USA. 5l!ms Where maiy peoPle góVernmenl are tlyińg Ło mprove the iving stand.rds ofs Um dwe ers ' Workiig W]th 5 Uń dwe ]ers and ofierthem 3 MUMBAl i.hab tants ive n try]ng olt14 Lh!s. L]eo!] caP]t. ol lnd]a, ó2Ól of Plesldent is sllms, 13 ]' e 1. | ]' d]ffelent solltion] she W..iśto move sl!ms into ńeW hómes, MEXlco clTY Mex co cityWasl? Po lted place in the wolld Traffic congestjon ]a biggesi.a!se of po lliion. 19 goverńme.t has lnvested ii 20 most W.§ bike sh.r]n9 Próglamme, nstead o{ Us ń9 bus cars, people are now lsing '3 '' network to getto Wor<, The nextstep is to rep.ce } the in Dh.ka,' 3 ó iJ d!:!n] /J!zsz,|,m: qlestión complete the texts With a/ań, the or o (no ańicle), ] H_- ]i,reJ ln a bi!] i]-..] r.n].ar] :p.k h 5t.ry.żiych the ii.l];i5silrr._. r.ies..5 P ż.d rru,!n] ot. k:.] ! Sicp ] L .. me about natura dlsasteE, d dn't know secondaly schoo st!deits .rr..] r,e.:ż.,il, kań pn .ż- i.!miNl .lb e po]e.]!|.7. !d]l VĄpón] i:ń! o k mi !b .j .ż,/lrśp. raż. eN,,i !t, 9.]], l .l -! c iedig ż N]., L] ([aL] !b lże.ż| L.ido| ]! a i,i]] .ii! L.rdfi ].:i d!żyll łr ;Sigln l].cn),|i] ż \,ll. ! d.]żlLr ń a3t i. a(:...] .i.d! .hi.in! :]óli e,:]ż ea ].t z.,lór] <tośł,koi!]. l !n iśa d..Ioi L!.} ]cn _"k:.ti Pt_-d nrka the]żfN- |y L_..z.ri]k.m] i]_-p. .l: l yln, 9.} .3cb.].r !b r7elz]iłre.ża.hp.1.7 World c t]es s.ientist haS s.id re.enijythai 19th ceńiury, h.Venl changed mlch §ińće 5 Yesterday my blothel asked 1,1.n]! !u see hel priv.te he.lth care ]s goii9 to pop!lar soon become more Nether ands 5n1 .apiia of pĘel Wyjątki i.l.e Utli.o si.l_.l, ir ł]. U!il.d Kir9t]:]l. l lh_. N9!heiJ!cs, r! i!_41i:3!e w sti i..,] Z]-'l]ió.zo n y,/ e k ć] Bl]ł.n i, N/ H. .n.] , n |.dż. i. 2 ]th nkthat :c7!_-n]ro,]e] Primary educatióh ]ś.óąlp|lsclr/ r! ir 5 Yo!.ai best muselms petlo cars With '5 l choose the corect option- Zl; llto,1e lerleill11r:_.ó5t:r.żi n dni;tló!!!.| .lćl,.;. ri tei];t ,Z..]l L5 .3.b!/.s.5, . k:.le,/k:ćl,r'.l, -].l m". Zd.i e i:Jlżę.].e l ; p u,ll a];lrl p..d:3, Which Jle a| ..d:tgel.j s!..r.s. ]]l. i| m.!.iJr.s 1. ._arrl.]airi!.r. aia..P.n.]js iile r. iire ]x.!iler.5 ]. .!t.Ei Ciit.r. iire 1 My fi end, Whóśe,/wh'ch plojecl abóUt eńV]lońńeńtó] p.oteciión won lhe.ompetjton,goes tó an ecó schoo 2 Car exhaust f!mes, Who /Which calse a lot of polUtion, are dangelols to hUman hea]th. 3 DV ng 4 b Where Whośe(. q.]! lir:li L_]sl Ve_.J ie !isi!e..] DLll łre|!'s ii Ar.n ]slr.tr, Where |.L] ..t s,._. i.Is .l5ird spe.ies W ż,-s:i!m l.k! .d\,r.cż śmr.as:/.l] prZ}]...łi. \,Lr,:[..F Ąrar lrJż e m.żi. ż.b..ż,,,.,. e 9nl!.(.\,l Pt.kól żi.. ;.h l].ż]ia,lk.!rl.h . e.]el i ! i.!.n iiga,i i ip!sż.żJm:.]m(a( [! 9d.y.l '!/' 5 l -,o l p- i- tĄĄ/r'Ę Whi.h i§ P..cy !! e ( e ż_!]i ili Ll lro r.r Vl środior,l,.h al, i..F ( 9óri.h ( śr.dko|i!.. Cl.i,.l z.|rsż. 5i .odż . ..]. p,.]r:'lllnl od;r]ll:; nrd :r:dnclo, rllrcyn:1; s e ol z:; nttj,l,1z9 iJ.|.| who whicń in a t!lquoise ocean, Where /Whj.h "1- /whóse miss on _ ]s sinhabted "o,d to conserve nat!re] known wor dwide Last Week l ińtelviewed Malk, Who / Which is ń chalge ofourschoo ! eco tean, ó TheAmazon, WhlcnlWĄereyou cań see.ńazińgfa!ńa andf or., h.5 become. Pop!lartrave destińatioń 7 l ,p" d" n],n h]-o el dd t9el,d ,p,. ,, " h.5 beeń \ĄĄĄ/F5 ogo since ]9ó'] 8 The an]ma rescuers in.ly cdught W]ri./r / Who Was seen ie.lthe an injuled dolph]ń coast. Tran§late the wold§ in brackers into English, U§e the |. 1 Egypt, m'e/scem Wypoczynku), att.acts ]oads of dive,s, complele the sentences with who, whi<h, where ol HoLlDAY DEsTlNATloN 2 remember at ihe moment, is a famous ecologist, Weńt oń ań exped]iion to the Amażoń, of us had evel been befole can't have been olderthan thirty, 2 We 4 L5.! is Use rhe in{ormation in brackets to add a non-de{ining relative clause to each sentence. The company p ans lo bui d a skysclapel here (The compaiy's owier iS Taiia H]| mai 2 Th]sTjhift (This Tsh 3 sandra ) s a priże in the competit on, rt ls made olorganl. cotton,) saw giant pandas asl year n china, (sandra studies żoo ogy,) 4 !'ń mov ng to Belfasl (l' Work at a trave age..y there ) 5 Pad!. attr.cts ń.ny toulists n the 5umńer (Pad!. ó i5 Very close io Veiice Flank 5t!dies sc eńce (H]s brother ]s a b olog]st.) $\]i,ii\\\iNi\i\\\ii,\\Nt\ lNTo 4 The sahala deseri, ) 5 ńaplawde Wy§ołie reńeplatud, can be lathelcod atni9ht DURlNG Last yeal We speót a few day, in ajUń9]e, magą być dośćnlebezp,eczni, lN HABlTANTs, oU lTE {którc] mieszkań.,y ó Eivilonmenia ists, l,któlzy starająsię Pamóc nasżej p/anecie), have a rea mission rVel, suclden y became very anxlous l jnteresu]ą się eło/og'ę), ale obsesseclWth recyc ing w ciągu dńia pańują people don't recogn 5e her London, 5 one ot my tr end,, Wile runs a big business, has m.de a bi9 donat]onto an enviroimeitalchalb/, Were drinkin9 Water {Iom the 2 3 My friends, e9 carefu ly. McGlegoć f.Voulite holday destińatioń Mrs J.ńet (którego siostra /est Weierynarzem), doesn't care about nature, VET 1 Thatyoun9 man overthere, exam]ned ram, r9 J o zuJ u. o ul f 2 @ \ł, ],.ż!.l .( :j1,]. 7d.,] .l:h ]t15 r5 il]_. lt m P żV |.t r i t.l' M9 ę!ny.,] ].] ś.ie!!i3i lir.f_- L]_.ć. i,.il ż.]il i śl;l]ir]]i i! 1 for 2 oic r;LlIrl ec ii (ićr.:!.] .ż_p<3t.,n l.!ii].i:żi. ir( e r.]. ] . ]; ę2,/l p. !<], t]l]! ,r.k: 3 a;.pl!!, b], i h{_- ! s.].ert 1,9 l,_-']. !l]iir!]3 .jll.: about E |rr(n!]r e ]i j _.ż.r!m ].5..:żi,,s. .o r]5.ka !L J e l]L-j.Z]]n]!,; ]_,ryk:.,:( o,:u J.aa].r.i r. reIkl.,r', ł!ór: kicl.] !r odP., edi .] ;,r,ll, ć Ih.,e .( 5.!_.j;l 9.!i,rill]ijIli] iss!es i.i] ir.f_- ]. !]l.p.-Ł, . I]l.ś!.t:tic. abolt, Jen i( k. t),Oj].ńći ar.d.]! !ió,!.l], . lti]ry.l] n]!9 :2 [ ż,i!!]ti]t!.i preże.I..]i . ! p!t.n.i]] ló:po.ż_!re].l!|. l] ! ę..] Wh_ ]rraząi: pr13. e 9r.7.qi']łj,re ] .Zi3.\,ln .i.:ń Jt ,ek rze::c,lr t |] :! .ln < 9,n łó . l,! L.[.,ży9zn ir.! ,p ilster tc ,-,_.l:: ;ł.ri..lsP o.c '|, r e pr:en!: "]y i]l]!.,<j n. P..7:jl.k pltnn ł i];| r1llll ęł(Ji:].lk,,]. : lósirL! .n,i q.] i !jż. się ii.]dL ,_-, .ż'i i .. .:ża..L.ł, k! !b Fr:ln .1. <J What łi!d.l:Iif];iś;le V.-.| .lłJ ir ór? _ó .].I eg. r.dż.]! 7ti _"r]it What.]l. ].ll 5 _. b. SZ? ,.,Ll 9l].jó at'] .łnr ]cł,-i L]..ll'] H.]l. is second sentence §o thai it has dad s realy proud of climb n9 Moit Blanc, N4y C imb]ng Mónt Blanc t3 raiher d ff]cu tio dealWth polUt on in bi9 ct]eś, Pó lutioi in big cit es Lt! rea Ly inleresti.g to istento his ectlres on the Amażon ra nfo.ests, H s ledures aboutthe Amażon r.infórests 4 The oovem m e.t shou eco łiend y solUtioń5 d spend more Ecołiend y so utions 5ll'o",9-,ol A t,l or':19 ó schook l lloł! o moL- "i ,i ,, must fócls on educat ń9 chidren pr;ll]rl!..]... e il |-,.r.]1 _, . ts|.-lt]..ż.e i..]9.e Jt].i]]y. e.. !,:n lre lre s:ierv prr,l _-rn,l_.s rol rccl to be : @ r,anł"t. tt *ord5 " pżyNyczaią. i5 aware (kró/ćgó kampanie) c.ń be q!ite cońtlóVeuial, of e, (któlegó ópowiej.J Wtaśnre WysŁ].halrśDy) is a keen put the words in the corect order to make seńlences, one 1 are / people ]n 2 re y / eielgy /..e Cż na którci zawsze ńógę pajegaó My Unc / (M iń brackets into Eńglish. Which Pa.t óf the project (]esieśzainteresowln ? The new ecological po]icy Uest Qymś,a czyń wsżyscy razńawiają) now. My olcIer Sistel Pr:l, adeI Ho,n to /fól /those /W.itińg abolt Educatii9 chi dlen about the eńVironment |żeby się da ńich PlbJ5i,r]].-- ll .s! i.r:.lio!5 pi].. to sail t\| ńo.eyon Reryc jn9 bins mighr be d]ff]c!lt . , k.i9tl](ij:j.l] beż.ko .żi]i.iJ!.h: aór]|, co.pl"t" tr,. a §imilar meaning to lhe first. vhat ? / renewab e / o. / a / sollces / góod people /]ams / abo!t/ many / comPla]ń / somethii9 / of lr.,reler (na]Więł5ży.n) problen: d.VeLopi.9 coLit e5 ]ś jej b {b,ed.) Póór acceSS to / (ed![..lii ópiaki żdrowot.ąl s (rcsną.y problem)loo Wy, 1c 1 4 so]uton/on / ightbllbs/ might/low e.elgy/be/ speńd / good / a /to / money 5 cale / ]s / yo! /that / eco ogy / about / someth ng ? ó śsUe5/you / particu arly / about /What eco 09ical/Woried ? / ale / 2 3 4 5 6 130 2 choose the correct oPtion. 1 Myne]ghbouEareve[,annoyng, :cii]iar| ri<.|,!.h c ].,l..]() !,tij|I]. |.i!inr/ mcii. o.t]:..,/.. !!i!a]:;.l lL ł;r;l l, [lórlcl, zl łrllest l en.ou ,l: lb m:]l pr;,ld.p.lr,]l.i. . |--o o.żi l ..i te.letr.rn e f.!,.t]! l]nl]ni] .1l .,1:zlo5. . . j9ł 3 4 lr! had .. .l..i E!! L|l.. Wo!/d l.! .ź/] i.rJi Gdlb,r'i m:]] !!pi.].., .. !.!]. b]ri i; p er! ż.ażloi ]] ;..r5. e i.]< !i ż.].l ..F !!:,!r i.,)'.,] . :ll^ż.!(] n.!. i, żd.n.:kł.c.r,- m.n3 W:ti]p,: ,.r..!.l __i l. -- r.i. ..,j 7i].r . i_].:] Zęd re ini[.e< ż li !Ll3::.p! . : i. i] el(!ż-ii.iri:r! ir] : m p 7..in.i ilh. .. l,..l.tcly J.r he would l{ ón y she paii goes /Would go away Wantto 9o to schoo today, Wishldidnthave/ Wo!/dn'i have a temperai!re 5 lf on y l.an /co!]d go to school by molólcyc el ó lWish my leg .]idn'tldóesn'i hurt so nruch, ]l Cllr|!.!..l. e] ]: ].]dl łao o.|ythey§top/ lf 'dstopthe]r dog chasing after my cat! 2 My S]ster lsua y makes Wrong decsions. fol/ows / Wouid fo]/ow my adv.eL 3 Wish th s Translate the words in brackets into English, 1 |GllJ,by nie był ucżulon)Ą la (spędżatby) mole 2 (Chciałbym, żeby mójbrat) ]ei {ZałLję, źe nie ńam) n'cre tińe, leel healthiel. Wo!ld take UP yoga (Chciałabyn, zeby maja babcia 4 nie łepźl.)ińfectiońs 5o often, (aulńy 5 They ł6 h..iri]i.r wó* every daygr]ybt co.]ziei r e ]eźdżl if he cycled to comp aińin9 .bout h]s hea th, + Past simple |:i,.ri r],/ l]j.iil.i .. :i]..! -. nr.]!.. |.i.ll;ńe]ś.;l,.l]i, .]_-i ].:] 1 wiśh/ll ónly rc..r,. ..|.i .]i].-.l]i .]]e l.tr. h._,]ll] al . iłLlr] ._"b,i lu _-l]l; . !.].]!. z.].|r.] l.]!:- że L.]]e._"aL:]. i.c..3 ]e] L1 . , if ó"], , dould - (/d5ownik . el ^śh J.. pl:rl].lll N,l.:j7.j.. żi.]ż... t), rb...: ..]l .3 el ! .]. i7.,i.ilonri|l.]:::: Cl. ..a|l1 ..bi ń.:. ś.. , ż./i!j.],.j, i wi§h comP]ete the sentences, Use the secońd conditiona 1 ciiy ó te. lhele 3 Wi.i 4 Peop e f my 9 he 5 fyou ń ńy lg,lyby nie cieęiałaJ wrił€ a §econd senten<e so ihat it has a similar medning to the {ilst, Use the Words in caPitals. 1 l often fee d żżyand rhat ls Why l cannot do much jog9jn9, lF oNLY y, Kate often has headaches. lfeel50lry , (iót take uP)jog9]n9 if (have) b e-th]i9 prob ems (do)spoń more (be) more spońs centres (yo!/do) fyourte.chel (ask)you to pia,l,in 1he schoo aidfather (have) a (9o) iol lva]ks ńole dog, óft_"ń (see)!ń..cjdeńt, (not aPP y)forthi5job as a n!rse n (not kioW) the language. NNNN\NNNNN\N\\N 3 'm not yot] BL]t my suggest]on ]s:take uP a sport lF 4 Pa!l doesńt plactśe enou9h. (you/be).b e to 9ive 5omeone 6l (byiaby) a professional s _.lj e l wish/lf anly i, śi.|., wólld hufty uPi .:t . 9 a o.1i] .:ż| n 2 ]\4arlh. swimmer 2 Unfońunate s .''!! |gdyby ćwiŻylĄ a bit ma fe. |Chci ałabym, zeby p żestał) 6 7 (.n.1 l)..) wish/if only s'ę) better That iS Why he has poor f Pau 5 My blother doesn't Wantto see §ad oNLY a dodor h makes me lf ó Uifo.tuiate y, don't have manyłiends, WlsH I 7 stop comp]a n n9 and get dóWn to Wo*] WlsH 3 l.].l |:,!.!.|,il | :l]e:- e!. ł.!n ; !żr!r. -]r n .l ą. l] iit.];.]..h ti.ie f].gr! |i !-rj f] ć 5.e |] .]"7.1ż'l]!. . e i],7.]:.ż},i. ] 1 They didń'1 rea.h the North Po e bec.Use lhey lan 2 l]l.]-,_-: 3 li ] had Worń J l]ćliiet ] WóU/dn't have got l lrll s. t,.].Jlr .]!l n] .r!, i.ii aj.]!b! - |],j] i; s.b : (;:]k l]. ż.3:iłb,f-t :i tin!;7 r e !il ,l l]...r.l !p:d[! wóuld,l have reached ,b li].l.P _..]Jilel + ]i|.L] had chose, would/wouldn\ have Was t ttook rcd yesterday, so l didńl go out With ńy frlends. Us a9es tó gettothe a lpóń be.a!5e thele Was 5 problem5 With the equlpment. He had an acc dent ln the mouńtains and had io 90 ó G]ńa didn't use a and §he be.ame ńosq!ito nei, so Wthńa]ara, i 7 Joedidń'lNearWarm clothes trżeciej formy cżasownika (Pźst PańiciPle) P..].b| . ];t |, l.a. ..h ,!il !,]k.ll.!.h P . ,i,:ż_-T ! d.!! ea.] stoni., ż.. ] l- si];.]oNi. ni]lr iis:;. i I a.ll. ńe .[ó p 9rr:7,-, ło,p]n.rl .]eś rd]i. irl]l:rdl e '!St.P.]]e Si.|r.f]!, p. . m P,7.1j _-i I i. 4 N Ę ]"f.]lj,m .i n/.F (9dybyśmy ńie żjedli) (nje rii !.]]b_r, Ę.l!.:]i.l]i]l Lłli .]]..r.]|i o].ć,/e ] ljile n.! l e,r,- ojt.]L , n]r 2 : i.L] l,j.] eii. .]r 3 h.]l "l),] d ]'t h.,.. !]l]l rL. J +..]t.! 4 1sr.l,:l(] t]ólJi hi! .i: .l;,..ier 5 1 iii.] ile.;l_-.] i.,r t|_- Ll p .ett9t :t], ł a snei].]l1,1al:n; .] b 1:Fr l.t:L::e:n hrd lri,_-d "ar .,/n! io] (] l];"..a_].]i: tl. 1l:. d :le h.a. , |,.i] .!r GP: ,l t ] !ś € ii.!,:] ].,. _-.]ó]r:.] t.,!.: ] n].le 4lS|e n.,-et 19 (czy N\$\\"l\\ yo! 4|i ! ti\\N 5 Wh.t i hst (take) (W]edżi.ła) aboUt the s..n.n.n]qh żgodżilaby się) tó 9ó there? Rob (nje miałby) tempe.ature yesterday ji he (żałozył). coat and a cap. (czy powiedzle ibyśc]e) rhem j{ M. (była)there be{ole, (nie zgUbiłaby s]ę). bettel eql,j pment? (not Warn) me, (ńake) a selious ńi§take, ( eave) an ho!l eal ier, (you/m ss)the Plańe? (ńottake)a iorch Wth me, (noiłnd)my Way o!t (yo!/do) (sPóźnilby s!ę)ilthey a 7 (the explorels/ś!fuive) if they t cz!łbym slę) (żapyral]) complete the sentences, Use the Thild conditional. 3 (n e l 3 They Match the sentence begińńings 1 5 With theil endings a-e, 2ILl| nd !en]oń yeśterday, f mielbyśmy) (pośzed]bym) 5 1 ast wee<erd, so he Translate the words in brackets into English. Uśethe Thjrd conditional. 2 if+ Past Perfect wóuld/wóu]dn't have + trżecia fo.ńa cżasownika llll!l P(] ] ńośq!ito b]t her cond tiońs were Very bad, + d -l.i!]r], a caU9ht a cold. 8 We d]dń't leach o!r destjń.tjón be.alse the Weather trzecia forńa cżasownika rl] olt a ot oftl.ffic 4 Ańń didnt Phońe ńe, so L didi't kńów aboul her iJiD,] iIl i 1r:5ęl !1 i:. .] p.d 7,-dl !li r.ż.o.7!l]; ;.rl. 3. !. lll.p :!]a.,/ iii[ iei] u:]ril.ii]]r t]l:s_ Past Pe#ect '"l ż... ! 1.1lżrdiym (.p :! ą.!- i.1]5_-k,!e.. ęr !rl!J.n]! wouldlwouldr't + have .r.]!l))iŚ.9 For each situation, rewrite the sentence in the Third i{ (not et)you take youl parents a gaP year? d 2 @Co-plete th...ćońd Zdań celowych (clauses okreś]onej -ynności. ofp!Pose) Używańy, abywskażać cel Zdania celowe twouymyża pomocą konstrukcjl to + bezokoli.żnik (,, aby", ,,żeby")oraż notio + bezokolicznik (,,óby nie", ,,żeby nie"), ||. śamFaśthe'irst, - ]!t]t Mia Worked at a loclsulgery as money for her medicalstudies- 'źeby a receptionisito e€rn some ii.1 l :o !el bettel i- caP:ta|5, t;k!l,ó,eilańn! 2 Dań put on protedVe 9 oves be.alse to b!ń his ha.ds 50 A5 oRDER he d dn'tWanl Dan put oń plotectVe 9 oves Więżyku formalnym możeńy rakże ńyć wYażeń: in ordel to/ so a5 to + bezokolicznik (,,aby", ,,zeby") araz in ordel ńót to,/so a5 not to + beżokolicznik (,,aby nie", nie"), śeńte^ce so thźt it means lJśe t|e Words 3 They d dn'tWantto gel b tten by mósquitoes so they stayed ]n in the everin9. so THAT Theystayed in in the eveniig pracowała W oka lnej pźychodni ja ko rccepcjonistka, aby zalobić na st!dia medycżne. t\4ia 4 Want Wants to do sońe tó catch. cold. oRDER Ihe docló. lóld me not to cńew the tźb/ets. Lekaź pow edżiałm, źebym nle rożgryżałtabetek, paamedic gave PhiliP an injedion in order to ąse the Pain. Ratownik medyany zlobil Phlipow żastżyk,aby Uśmiel47ć bó, did.l She put on a Warm co.t beca!se she She put on a W.rm coat The We s]ept Under a mosgu'ta net in ordel noł to be bitten spallśmypod moskltierą, żeby nie Pogr],żły nas owady. The childrcnś ward was PaJnted Jn brightco/ours §o a§ to cńeer uP the /itt/e patlents, oddżiałdziecięcy został pom.lowaiy ia]asne ko o.y, aby popEwić ńast.ój małym pacjentom you sho!/dslop eatingsweeas so as Dot to gain Weight Pow]ń]eńeś prże§taćjeśćsłodycże, aby nie pżybrać na Wadże, Zdan a celowe twożymy róWnieź ża pomocą konslrukcji 50 ihat+ zdanie z ąasownikiem modalnym] . can w cżasie teraźn ejsżym ga jagging --ve.r day so that l can run a malathań ańe day Bieganr codz]ennie, abyn, któregoś dn]a ńogła prżebiec 1 . could/wou]d w czasle plżeśżł\/ń: Ihe hospitź/ Was .lósed for visitórs so wouldn't atch ńe :żpn" -dm i-lo żaGżi i się glypą d flu- " odw -d ," 9cy 5 Meg geG !p ató because she stretchln9, so THAT Meg gets !p ató ó Hi§ łńgelwas l, db) od,jAr, n- Mark put a plóster on his (!/ 1 My dodorto d me to nótlnot to dlink coffee. 2 Wheń you go tlekk ng, put oń góod boots in órderlsó ti.tńot io splaiń youl ankle 3 Pau took up sw]n,]ming so aś./so thai io §tay ńgood 4 They're ol9anisin9 a conce.t5othatthey c.n/cou]d raise money forcharity, 5 Kate atten.Is yoga c asses so as /so thatshe can feel ó They iraiied every day so lhatthey ca. an emergencyteam /cou/dbe on9 to a pjaster on it lnger Complete ea<h 9ap with one word, oUr busy lifestyles can plt press!re on both adu ts' and teeiagers'We l be ng, EXperts claim that ifteenageE ] fve póltións offruit and Vegetables a day, they dn'tfee tired so often, They should a so choose Wate..5 a dr nk l.iherthan sofi dllnks so' WoU s!gar fteeń.gec3 howto choo§e he.lthy foods, they Wou d a deve oped good eatińg habits in ch ldhood Anothelvita th]n9 eno!9h s eep 50 thatthe]r rest Propeiy. Youi9 PeoP e shou d do physica adivity on a regu ar basis ]n ó io keep lhe rightWeight, choose the corect option. plt WoULD avo]d extla ńat ńe PatienB b eedlng so Mark is gett ńg E l @ - comPlete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the firet, m.ż.m)l ż].!to]r:a j. Fru 1łlcz;].:c :Jor,; ], ć .5..i i,"P.(.j.]ź łn(]l,] l e]: .ż..] !b p,...:;l.: - _-i(: LĘ l,!r].(.d, |]i)ale.. ó lń].ii.2i eż.ii 'l've never heatc]olth s art3t" sai.lslsai. Slsan sa d 'Dad, |'m meet n9 Ann tomo(oW' sa d He en iPl Heentod 'Yeslelday someone pa]nted some gr.]1i] n my streel" łl]is |,ei] lh.f 3.]]i w. ,] ;lj| .r],.[j ićli ' F.,,l..]7 _- ,T.I] ..!,].:].L]r:: i/:_,.' 5!l,.].!l]e i",sL e, ,T,li] \til -., e żr.:r.] lR.r].n.:lr 5i]_-..l]r.żę3:o Prż!t:.r.m! ll]Ji].|J edż r. P.io.;.z...]r. iÓNi t:<.l] .iti:].].]i (.ód;.] .]jlr l:i !r.]. ć] eli]r; l i|,".:ś. a] pJ].! ol]l iżNl,.. .] !N;:!ę .r l1,1ik.j.], t i-.rl (.i]tiĘ..]] _",:], sl) (p.' edż.i], ślr!-.]esl(2ai]!.er.!ii] r_-iiii])Nl Ęl:..l .r:ż ż. m<.] l]1.1r 17.:] liióry 1r.żem]l p.m ]..] a7]1o|n k !ei]\..;ń..]a a.P.l].i : (r.. !s t.] ] 'i se/IPJ,]t]!:is' sl]a told me/śaid (that) 3}1. soldl]i l]i l.J! P.N, _.]ż !,: li] ], że s.rr,..i]. ri .:l sprże,]i]: ..r.,/ 'ł 7i:].f ..l] iJ n].|! ! l: .żie] żm . r . ] .:].]:l ,:ln,! iedłL.a .r5t?F- n..r.:.:l]. -.t.]: '.V.i]...l] o sajd 9a. o]ga sed ' c.n se lVoU some ofmy p]ctules" P.u sa ii; l:.: d to me, PaU to]d 'My !!ife doesn't col e.t paintings,' sa d Geolge George 5.id The oo -|- |-o"do|d, 9!ard,aid '|'m not go ng to po nt A cesad o!t.ńybody,' ś.idA ice. 'My sistel slgned. reco din9 contlaci .śiWeek" Rob Rob told me (RćPońed 5Peech) Repoń What John and Amanda gaid. choose the .orrect verb and complete the §enten.es. A ]!;.] :ritr;l.t,j, r Ę. p.t!i:s 1.1!: J Ann] ' have pa nied two Ain l:i]a| j'],- l.,r;.] said (lhai) she had , painted JJ l: Aii i,] ł]..ąr :]n't.a J wa5/were goinq ta i . ókó cżn k .żasu i m e]sca (w l] !. l iflJt]l].:,tn.]. n! t. zależńóśc od konteksi!): -ł at that timelthen now tóday + that day - the dey befóre two hóUrs ago + two hours eaniel/befórc yesterday tofrórcw - the fallawińg day -, the fó|lowińg + the previóus next last pźym olnlki " ż.imk Wskażujące, osobowe or.ż z. mki dżieżaW.że (Wzależnośc]od kontekst!): this/tiese * thatlthose l/we - ńe/us 134 he/she/they - hjn/her/th-"n ter] il\n];h. ..!.] P. it i!]]t] yoUI opiiion, Who "dd"d 2 Teacher: Ale you nterested Amanda: Ann si]d (ihat)she hadn't painted .ł ]n ]5 the ńost ta|ented John: cxco!ree,l'm the mosttalented pajntel nthe UK )o\ń ld.ńed / p.i.ted Ar..].]łh.i]. re ri.]iipd Ani:'L hadn'l 1 Journalist: ]:- Amańda sa 1 ike opera, And d l ln arts? jke modern art too and she addedl replied 3 lUl Nancy: You've ived hele fól abo!t a year now, haven't John: No, We moved he.e in 20]0. al -Jgg. -pd ,,Pldl,d 4 Wendy: Wi lyoul pareńts et yóU 9ó to the c]ub? Amanda: No, my parenis W] ńevel let me go to the cjub ^ń-lad.APl.-o .Ug9-._-d 5 John: someone has made a nristake Tina: Let me check it, |otr pó,.lpoo,,,-p,,pd ,D complete the second senteńce §o that it ha§ the śańe meanin9 as the {il§t, Use RePońed speech. 1ż.|,/l.ć or.ż zm. r...,i t.,.tr],- e _Ań_..t]i ió !1l']'żyp:diL :!t..z.]il( t]"t.|] " l]j('] le, śt]3!.n]! if _]b 'D. _l.Li cte! l1.1.]] 2 'HoW often doeś yóUl boss Update his Facebook _-lt_-l] 3 'Arc you going to J]m Whetńer1.:!r it/whethel Dtł! a l .| ai.lLel e.J ;i] Iir. q!esl oiJ a.! Di l]i n.p... e.] :]a ia ,sżrnk e p|t.i .'] żi.]]l,.ł n : .ż| D]l ii .dp.,!].d:.li i.,!7]ńtt. !fu:,r.]L] ]t. iI irr?'ll]e L__i.lel ;śt.d J!.k proł e?'Jen asked me ,n.5..] P:tr1:].]e ]r].| _- |] ż,t]n]!]. śż![ż:]a. ] .ż...ir ]]...!. 1!..]ii].t.Iu_-!] ljle.]_.ń ef,] P ] 4 'Wl asked see this łlm again?' J you glve uS an autoglaph?'the boys a§ked ]- ] .i1.|; l v?' r..k.1 l].l ił/wherńer.lić ]il.,i 5 'When did you oseyour mob]e Phońe?'N ckaśked EVe ó 'Has ,.aż!5to.! iJłsżt!.,liż]e?" l.PltJ.:ii] ]. {żl ( ]ęl,.] PaU a paintecl a lthese pictures herself?' :. n.]i i]].i]..]/ i]|] : lli]]l, ,ll]l], ltl1 11l]ei. i.e.]] 'H.-.rl,-.li l, c _ł:,l?' ll _- |,l]ri._-rl];l] ;sie..] Il]. i]oi, /iolL . i. , . r]jsu:t' F.,::,lspllal.1.].P.. em..t ',"/ij!], .l.] ].l]. :.-.' l!,];l] s!lr1 !pr' s.--ri .5i..j a |!]rł -i.l]!;la li]".Jl iri ji]]t |]i] s.f] z;.]j,iJ ..1 t e.], , < _..]! ].h. lr].r]r j ę .żsrr '? J.h. l"]al!3ęi]żst] P 7,,t....]... t. ....:l] i. t! l].,l .- ż:: :]: . ]żn,:n , rż:5.r. a5k ltolr...lr lll tel/illr, el::ć t:l-ri], rzecżownika lub żaimka osobowego:]l;ż konstrukcji (not) + to + .sked herse]f, compIete the second sentence §o that ii ha§ the same meaning as the {irst. Use Repońed speech. 1'P ease, c ose the W ncjow' the ieacher Said to S.l. The teacher asked 2 'Don't interupt me]' she to d John, She to d 3 'Don't be are for l!nch agaln, Helen'said Dad, Dad asked 4'stop Watchińg tj rg]' ih. .i]l..ior asked Us to stop ta/kińg r.żi,.li ić R.ż,,€.]r P..r.]. ] i.: ..jb]iai]! p,/.:li r.żln:f] i. '!... i l.rk. ...!!, i]]ioi.s .t nr. ]' D.l ir.'old the reporter not to take :r],i:]h.l.s .I ie| ' t). n. Po| ..]. -]il , Pl.!/ę i ć lL]t . m :i. ]!.. ż. .ć, ']]] _".l t.,.e ż.bl i e r.l] Lr .] żJ.]]!.r ż.]].:. 'f]_.;s.-.sl.p L oga lasked UK. m asked Ann, agaiń, l_.ikl ,P,ós]ę ,:]lres:a. ryand do yó! hómework]' my m!m MymUm told 5 'Please, come in and Wa]ifol ńe in 1he livjng room" Gary asked ó 'Don'i ask me about my ex,husband a9a]ń,'the star told łm ihejournalst Thełmstartod comPleie the sentences wiłh the correct pronouns. 1 'Has your colsln d]rected asked 2 'switch a ł m befo.e?' Wh_"ther sUe .sked Toń cous]n had on your iabLets" M ss smith as(ed hel st!dents, 3 'Wh.t.re .sked to swtch on tablets you doińg Wjth my DVDS?'.]ake asked Mary, What W3śdo ng With as<ed DVDs. 4 'Don't useyo!rmob le phońes ńc]assl'theieacheltod not to 5 'Jo n L]s!'Jake and Ron toLd to d use móbi e !s, to ]oin 135 trl\\\\\\\l\\,\\ N\\i\\\\rN\\ NN E o zul E o lJJ f Rże.żowniki występujące tylko w licżbie mnogiej . Rzeczowniki policzalne ł_!!r.p-_a.lr. ( .]b. p!].:]li.z.] -].!.]: :j ].r].l1 I.Ir.,1. Lr..ciż]. "e...łe] 7L:...!!r r.l, . ,,l(Jżi] ]. ]_-sl llłrl:_-u d..rl. _- (]{] l:_-( ln]]_-(]!|.ż. ].5.Ę|]!];(\.l, ł)] ji]r].l .7L]: . ,i..! r]].r!s ipl]_-d3::,, ei . n,.t;:n; ,.[; ś.] ,ies śŻe,żć.:.li. < z;k.i.:.i! ! Where exactly are the Police headquańers? Gdzle dokladnle żnajduje slę komenda głóWna polcj? .Nól o,ó i , Łd"jd 9 d,o m..!i 11.1 ] k: r] (żl) t] pl].d!|a, el o ies :], ; !..:]ill .: l:].]!,.5tę + choose the corect oPtion. iko-e. . <.ńed e] ::e :E.:oi. < rik.ń ]tr]i,/ ]eł .. L ..ire..1ie5 -e5 i.t.5pół.rłL.5< ]aI ire!].re( re!irk ) .] skei.]i siet:hes ] |".--i.i] 11.t.!e5 ,Veś,]_-ż. :_;l:lll|t[i]l]lj.!;e rit fu,{ . r].]e .). t:i; ij n- ];t ll.i.rl],_-l]!l]lz; spć.i_." .e .] li _-], Jl] J ,p_-.i_-r i]i,L , __| ,r;lL i.]i, |!l i.!l,:j ]l4li i,'eż.]r|ż, ; .r!,/] , t ), . 5.'"] . r--.;l] .n] l. rll! __j l _-i::!żl ) .j i|].]lr] j_-l]_-. ilĘ ,j i] t.'-ał l7:h ].]99a9e hasn't arriyed _l.r n] l1a ó . K.i.ż.] 9 ę i. ! ż p..![ ,]]i! qdj i r. ,:e.ż.li. ( , i,::.i; m.o9 e],.l,.j 5E i 9p. .ż... i]rlę.!]i, 1 A: HoW pl..:s.i...tJ;iri.i.,, i.|.ira!].. ii'drfarffi ]-ń:[ p,:.tiż.łń ć, e splre.żl : she l perśon much are yo! a lowed oń a p]ane? B: JUst one piece, lih nk, 2 There WeIe qU te a fewfamols 3 We need. few more p ece§ of atthatgig aboutthe ven!e before we book it 4 Apparenty, more than 5,000 eńdangeled WoldW de 5 Thele Wele .ot many nre.dow, ó HoW Jlst many glaz ń9 oń the a {eW, do We stil need {ol olr books? Wilthree be enough? Translate the Words in bró<kets into English. ród), Wh]ch 3 They told |"ówe ókula.y) me l,kilka .żt . us into dilferent aspects of 5 Thejo!r.a dablych helped me a ot (źebyśmynie szlĄ to (je5t W,e/e badań ó !|.. on u99a9e 1 l need a 2 My fi end gave p.je.]]r:.re] i.1,5 (!.d.m.j.",1 ].]!m.:.i] i] ]5r.] LJ7rL.], l-..irin:; l.]i r!i.] 5r;rr;l[5 5iił!5ili.] l-.. !,J|. I9 nlorm.t sheep hand (9 9iil there Was nu.h traff,c ]" lh. . i} .e.tle i.]3l li]rliI sli.tr iłr.ż.la] [ e.].reln b!ł.]!ż! e a -l ".ż,9. My neW patr ofjeans,5/a@ rea ytrendy, a-,\ spec es ,irl'i .]ciI i]..;!s!.i: :il.nn..]. . k.i.er. dJ-ob ńg My ńeW fulń]iule hasn'i / haven't bee. de iveled yet The latest neWS Wa5/Were lealy shocklng, 5 , .]. .ł ];L_-n] r __ n].ż_;,,\ ll]]pl]..:a pl.].] !ł]]:1ę.t]i ż t:i ń .treśei:1 .j. 2l sońe,much. Ljs! 3 e\ l leP-dJeć 4 nt words in the box. ' łrstęl l]n:]; <.l! i.]. e ..] śL]!i:żć (nowledge i5lr. (.,,r.Iie.j..l .]i r.ri..p i.55 lłr.]:j.ł i !.7..n ao !..ż.:l:. Di]l'i fi]i] i.r.r .i:ji /,]i]r hair i§ - 1]. L-.. ji.li' N . i;.]ii!. :lj 1\,].].] "J].]!! 5ij t ..h.],. irati !? . ł ,.]: r ..]F l]l5t!r]]]. i]!!5ż. z .ż;!.!!i k.n !! .7b . _- 1 The po jce islóre looking lorlhe stoleń pa 2 Stat]stics is /are qujte a d fi]cllt slbject comPlete the sentence§ with the corect form ofthe RżecżownikiniePolicżalne Il garderoby) Wyslępljąz ó póirót l baught a Pair of trousers and a iacket yesteday, Wcżoraj k!piłem parę spodni i marynarkę, !._.lr3ls ]en N e staw]amy prżed nim] a/an ańl c\óry/l|cżby: ialkoul/cir) pop.!]iule, ist Wanted to know (kledy oła podp6ze)a lecordin9 contra.t He asked me |ey mam żamiar żap,saćsj?) !p for mus]c c a55es 5t.o.Ę l] Ei. Ijżr| ]oŚa . ł]i3 i.eil sI.s!]em,/, !d! b;::l]: e] itere3! e Ż t., complete the śenteńces Wiih the conect form of the Verbs iń brackets, Use the active ol the passive forms, i.s:.n; 1 a We d!dń't know anythiig kto ł ]f,)l!. r!]_has been /obbed t]ll!e l mes lei b.Ik abolt the leś!ls oithe new pró]ed because we (not ińfólm)abo!t ii, otla..!i... trży ;7! oul bo§s d]dn't know anyłhjn9 aboLJtthe lesults b o{ the neW plojecl be.ause We |.e E.rkwas róbbed bylllee mcl B,:lk:1,1;] cbra:orl:rv .lż.żir7.. ] tr],-:.:lf]n T]!-i.żi. n].| r Ni st1.i .bei...n,.].śte.].i.p]s( ii.k ed,/ ,.i(.nl! śt'.1 y b e,.e], . r ek.lr! I.1ll l beż.n]b.!!.] .-re lr]l-.Le.s have bee' arre§ted Zló.]ż. .r.97to,1. 2a bl 3alregllary hiń behiid me (donate) ńoney to lhls (do.ate)io complete the sentence5 with the corect folm of the Velbs iń the box, Use the Pas§ive formś. ]ńven ńany crimes źr9 .onrfiiiigd everyyear zb}twiele pżeslępslwjen popełn anych co gate oliel raise 1A 2 bythe Poljce, Tony]est pżełlchiwańy pźez po cję Tony i3 b6i]r9 qUe:jiiónec ńeW exc ude e ect emp oy or9anise fińd pres]deit atthe ńomeńt tre c.9e st l by the po lce off]ceE two d.ys ago? !td€|? 3 Kiedy pieniądże zonały skadżone? Amy jLst .ślhe maia9erofthe ]oca a.ima sheter Ihepo]ice starion w.s sti]lbei|ą buili Końisal at po] cj nada bldowińo W 2005 the charlly bake sale in 2oa5. w th s charity e!ely ye:l? Tóó A hońelessshe].erhds/!st 'm l ght behind hlm b HoW mUch móńey l] 5r..ę .iefri | !.]lż.ż_-9. r,i.h .ż]S..h !t|]::l1.1.,i.h l!.2lm) Z. P.f..::j (!]i].N, ea. 3 fori. lj:;jlllr k; !.. !9 l],;] il::. e] ]. n]i.7łj.(|] ki !,.rie!. iP;5t Pi L ...] When h,.s the mońey (ioloW) (fo LoW) Theyte l]ghl . b8e]] .pened in my mo m mieścje właśńe otwańo schronisko someone toldme lnJ.] bćeh 5e9Jl atlhe.rjme Kiośńipow]edział, że by]em w]dz]any.ó m eFc! He !Vi/lbe 3enie,.erlto at]easi ten years psycho 09isttwo day before, ó when 7 ldon'tth]nkthe 8 peter łom school? was t ast week? §to en paintin9 HoW much money Jn Zósta.ie skazany pEyiajmn]ejna dż es]ęć lat Rewrite the sentences active to Passive forms. Use by where aPProPriate. 'rom 1 somebody has sto ei my bicyc e 2 Somebody Wi] . eai the off]ce later 3 The polce ale Us ng a iew cońputersystem to jnVest]9.te climes, 4 People deslroyed 5 Jo!rna ó 7 8 i5t5 twenty books at ihe Wele.skinq a Lot ciy Lblaly last of c]!estions We have 5o d ień siVer l ngs today somebody fo!ńd a Wa Let f! o{ money yestelday siuc]eits at oulschoól Wi l remember M]ss Jenk ns, the 137 I 2 KońśłLt.]]have dopełnienie + tlżecia forma cżaso (Past PariiciP]e) !ży,ralny r]ó( ą. o.1!l]l]ói:i:.i] lla ż.sl;]!:]:'<o9.j iJyt.r.re pr]e! r ];.s.be il]i].]ęś. spe.]a s:_A !b l;.ho,i.::i Present simple Present wil 2 J!.rl Frl.].! Splżąl.ln dom .ó riatel (ld[!d] dl:.. ]. cuy sifPle asz zJmk ? lPrzv \ P.n..V. Past pcm..! 3 laż Eit, Present Peńect lhey i| lPrży Ponl..y L.]ov,ja) to Wir_.n yo! ] | b'm .gdlage i.lii.aI < il;tl d c.]ioW my |,9e<end .o! dn't ao i., . b (: l .le A: cl9.: !.d B: Y.:, When I Was a Lit]e kid, b l need l (sr],lel ónce (take/a to (take/a photo) a'm (take/phoios) inside the mUseUm. uS ng publ. transpoń this Week becaUse my car the me.han .5, ]lo.]r 9 is ii]i m.re. si. at óUr 9ara9e Hele óle / \leai i! d. t.n .]ur.,ln }.irs. d i..sl]e d].3.ti] hel ń:a s J. !_",e,] \'\". . t!.] bJ:r,t. !i!ht.! {repair/ lrtr nll .itE l3p: l9J 3. ]/.] |c|i/ {ol my ńeW passpolt 5 at ] |. ir. 3 A!r: S.ph she b Tomśa me.han., Ne comPlete the 5entences with the corect form of 2 rdlesser 2 a Exclse me, cóU d yó! photo) ol !s, please? 3 get ./e had .eW Wii|.otls lltf.L. - E got !9W WnŁ].l!s Z.i.st. ora śnynor. okn. .9t afraid yo!.an't see Joan yet. She3 in her róóm c Yo! have to payten euros ifyou Waitto ,!5ił!n lok! (żrob]n]r to 9.mii \|||ć ||il] have ólr łlat redecorźtćd n.ril.ól oanoVr' m n esżk;Ii_- vl Plżyśl]ri:tk! (z.tl!di 1]!:ji]_-.l. łóVJ] 1 (cut/ fol money. my ha r) mysel{ m e5: p ka his ch ldren she hairdresser ha]r) Wlth her ha ]L .żasnln p anted Some app e trees, is a ever]/ l.. The,..]c!5 ..k l.a ! 5..]' ]r.! llr.ln . e:..d r.,:Enl i'] 5 A: \łhe,e .] .] |.! blr i.f, l ie! ,!..|e r lL]l,] t! _-] B: i des !].cd :l].] n];t]e lr!: .i l] ó | 5.i.]rr s.rly,.ai .? l]L]t b;.: ;t.:? ..jl Pórtr; i.a i:ed:t the ,.ol.e ] t 4 N ] ó!l plices ]i E l fol his ch ldreń a slsan jc ]) comPlete łhe sentences With the correct form ofthe Word§ in brackets, U§e h€ve someihing done where | śVo:rnrie,k z to|ł !<.]ą have something done.zęsta tł].n.czinv n. jezyt po sk t.k 5imc ].k ż.].i e op S!]i. ( ofbllg.rjes a.m. Bil Was painting his galden Wa wil 3 i|. Za.|;,. |!ót lJ- l ^ee[ ró change hiś^]óckś because ó Bi śbul ding a tree house fol 1 f..hoW.óVl) .U t o!ro.]z e edy ż.m eżac. żb!c.t!ać 9a,!ż? \!e will rcdeco1te l- J z becalse of bur9Jaries peop e! la1? K 90.9 5 Bilhasjlst n Kecy He e..óre5:!bńzy be 9oin9 k m 9 iJJ h s roo{ AtlOam Wil l..].[.) ]!5i ,1] l 4 At ]0 !.]a.i Frzelr.!;dżJ] r_pl W]ał]. k i!_ o,ł" bdle ż. !,]n: sPec]a !t:.] wil] B rhe ro a week repailed Wi lPży Pomo.y gllddl]. Bi sp,4c]. Lasr[e_.kJ..k W z.su ]yn iyqódn twice Wl ? inrv i,].rne (żatfudi i,r!f.ci continuous his grass twice a Week A{ter the storm lastWeek Afuel i continuous P"\l '] Bil clts + yO| zn.. Will and Bill are neighbours. Rewrite the sentences for Will u§ing have §ornethiDg done. choose the corect oPtion. ] 9 |lJ l! 0 l]l z!rctne myśelf, yourseff, herself, hi'r'selt, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves stosuje my, 9dy podń ót ibeżpośledńieLJb pośredn e dopeln]enie dotycżątejsamej osoby |!b żecży W jężyk! po skim żaimkami zwlotnymi są 1 They Wele lriends butthey Zaimk] takie okleśleń]a ]ak: ,,się", ,,s]ebie", ,,sob]e", ,,sobą", Angelainjured herself when s]re Was trying tó mug an eldelł Womań Ange a żraniła s]ę,9dy plóbóWała okraśćstarsżą 2 b amed tneńselves / each ożherfor What hacl happened P.U a, slop talk n9 about you6e/f/ yó lrse/Ves, Letthe othels say somethln9 aboUt theń /themseives a 3 The po iceman .o] ecled / the ev]dence by h]m Were a ]lnvolved ii that róbbery but n co!ńthey thought oily abóli themselves / each óthef, 4 They 5 The po ice {ound a ńeW Wltness olthat clińe and ntefuiewed he6elllher ó Fóń!nately, they didń't PUnish Us/ourse]Ves comPlete the śentences With the corect reflexiVe Pronou. or o (no Pronoun). Add the PrePosition by 1 Afiel a hald day, 2 The door Zi .ii,r|l] ]]fl-rliI . r r .l.ri ]łr] :];i.,,r, lam ]i]l..l]t).! e.: k.li p. !(.:!l] l made aclpoitea, opened , the Woman enieled anclintlod!.ed 3 When hewas re e.sed llom prison, PaU decided ńeW skils and t.u9ht Za n]|Ll(r Behave yourself .tile\,.,i3,. 'l ] ir ].]i,.!lD._.,ćnt 5 The susped pltthe Whole blame on and §aid he had committed the clime al a.i,]le, bij.rr . ]i -.]].| _-r|rćśśl.!ri ].]!l., rnirl]ilLli., i,r_-i]_]rć pr.I. j] ]...]: . !! s]ł!.],]] i:.d! ., ] ..jś.c.t!.ż! o!..,r, k,.],. ; |łk.i.]]. ś;!e looked at he.self i f]re m]'.1 !];_-. riśl]ć.:!' reli.!e _-i]i.] ,] ;ł.-_ !!] ]:/ Zm!l. K.:e 9P.],.,r: ,]:: 1 ćb e l, lstż.,:.:l]]l.p';r.Za . i !y ;..l i. {or many years and ;, że.ż/.rosćZ.St.]; by J ; p.,l(ci.i l .]l]]. n e p,:.ż .]].i,J t]!t]tę, beż plll U1-] ] _ !]]i(.]n.r. !l że St.]l r ]]/l ],l:,n.i..: .-ne b.,. lei]J lć:] ll]. ,e,r.]].5 /łrr. i til!l !jndjilże.] by theńśó/Ves ..]b.]!.l lii.]i].. ii_-ll a|l)n.! 5?.r .ip ,,,l l.,it:, iLólp ?n sż.ż! lr f] , , 5_1]e.]], .:]. rr]l]n: L,i] ... :- i:.].n] ]il,lrt., !liaii llle. t]rr: lt rl ...] l]!i]l] !Ż!N]r_]r 0/r.7.i each ather \a óne another ł.] .: n!:ne.:r.,! .. j.7y[ |].] si ]jló |r].!i_-lnIie, 5o|. r:j,17.j]_-r]], .i.br9 r."lż.Jr.]m .-n! .el.,]/]b.!I. aććUśedeach other/one anóther o| lhc i 3n.ei liIe l. r]].,-.l.].-. slić!' siś_.dż .!k.rż. :.lj e r.nż; en] r t. kfr/ l..l] p!dp. l ,]:ż_. .-.. śi]:.]ż. .,!r..].!.,,/ ó We Wentto seethe newJames Bońd and r @ C"-pl.t. tt. the §ame a5 the fir§t.""cond rea ly eijoy §entence 5o that it means 1 Whenthe blrg]arytook place,sheWas at home completey alone, When rhe burg arytook pIace, she Was at home a 2 A qood a alń I §ystem can give you plotection against You can Prctect 3 she enteredlhe couńroom and sa]dwhat hernamewas, s.e en e eo Lle ó l ooa _rd 4 Yeslelday at9 a m the po]ice Were tran§pońin9 the suspeci to the couń. ó,ódo)ą 5 Tómofow oom IA lpA a man ]s comińg to change a| the locks in Tomo(ow, We ó They have just ]nstaled ai a am in our f al. W_A 139 ł le6ańeńbłolibelo.aliennF.]ub. PREPoslTloNs lN PHRAsE5 memb€rol1] at a 1ho6e) pańy/wedding 0 ł: lmetnn" atapan/ i.oup/e ofmonfhs a9o at lhe be&h/a śkiresot 1] ]) rl/e łay.d at a W.ll h.Wn 5,vtr5 5l' rcsoż pańs olthe body(ó]l rvórehearislóstlhóUgńtieheadthJn /] ńe ho6e5 (r.]): Dad! -,l Worł attheśtań(,oń theltańjnglineolańe)(2 at Wórk/home^choo/universiiy FoR fol.haityl] ]) {ol insianc Ih e Were ł/ln.dup -łdr.st-,ft .il'/dćn ..l]e cr.d .!el lifty b|5 lal .h,l|ł ón fut d.Wn .n food Wóte, lor n5ianG by shai"g Iood 4) W. 14 lN ii a boat He!.rossi,g the rivel 'nc.,i)i)1],]] in a o ." po b.al i. common 'he (2,3): in .ońclusjon llou|.llhida (5 7)j /n 1ol co,.l6]o,, / in iact (] ż): l]inow the may.r rea/lfwel] ln say nólr kd,l lad m!.h l hav_o '] en]ór,.d dnnel Ńiń hel hn Ńeel se,iol mi|6iel5 lpo(e i, laloUróitićprópósal in ove With (2 7] ltn'n( l'm E//in9 r,love Wiih lom in other Wólds 17 4) 50 he 6 a fraud ; .omm.n lhief in olhff Words ])] B r): le in the centle (5.2] in 5pi1. ó, ęe ny lie ńpł-r.itl i5lo.łed ń ihe.enre óllho.óUnrr Ala, Was5i din9iińem'dd/eollheró.m ł9! one.Ith.59 dodo6 tło MyFOre i.trerly§i.land,t! all in rhe hiddle ol(ó in mind B ńe ofi /): ': ]i lhe photo/picture/poster(] ]]: ]n ńe PhabFU.an śeea gbOP ól reenag.r 06t) in time 1ó 5) They W.r9i't late, t]rel łi€d ]!ł i, iime for dinntr :n you e lylmid/late rwentieś 1] she Wd n h.r.ał n!9,1i$ When ] młh4 ''): When h.5tart d playńg ń9 Vioii| in yourre€ns 1] 7) le Waś h6 ieens oF 'n olcoutse 125l ol.ó!6e, lhffe of a]l oN ime ie er.epioĄ io e€ry . on a Plane (:] ] ) 1 b[ l. t]m now He! on a pJane ov.r ihe Ań,t on a camPsite 15 4)] We'll nal ón , .Jnpsjte .ń5'de the yjl/aqe c onani9htoui('] -) /ńethrnó.Jnigl]1.Ul onav€rege182) oi ayeDge, me n łj]l €an ńóE on and (].]]: ł]e.l..odi/e lays ón land on 9ta9e (7 ])j ]i!ou me$ !p.i 'ts.99§ ltage,dón'twón! on on Lhań wóń,Ąń abótl l the ooge132) lhep./'.eh ensu.dó Warni,g3bódl JdJiEeó!śłjńna/on on $e óie h and, ńele aE seveń] aalń,ąrL, ld ńakńg .nĄtad hand (5 7) o, the oilrel hand the€ are a/§ó nJny a/g!ńel a Jgalnn lhe on€ hand on the oths 15,7l v id thercad (=iftve ń9l(3 ])] lle e ór lhe ńad óre 6ói łlel hndńE on the road^n€€t 1ó,7) łrere Were ].ads óf.as pa{edói ńe łleer on the way (to) (81] she łró!].1be ón the Wal tó 8łEhton by n.W ontime17])A/Walshtr up .n lime, 8e'n9 lat dóe§.1nólea9.óó'np/gnlón óń top (1.1): lh9 .ake Ws ; bł bfni on tcp on on yóu own (8 ó] lve been /'vń9 on my own f.r iwo l.aE, PREPoslTloN5 AFTER NoUNs a.oupeol(]1l lheremó.o!ple advaniags/di§adwŃageś of yort (3 4): ól gi.jś wan ńg n, o,ć órthe nalrr ró! .an eat óUl al almósl jny l'ńe .I cay amount ol (4 4]: IheyspendćqualanóU.ls.It'ńe ca]f.rnla and łey] yorL !rfhoutńe appr.€l o, oi 'deal.ońbn]at cóntact With 15 7) Aninrai5 be.ome sressed ]ro.aUso óI.ónlJ.l Witl] żoo y 5'io6 i|ighr llom 1] ]) Tlrere łe ńv. |.n 5iop łights łom Lóndó,Ió l€hlan dalł b.eak from (2 4]: / wait d e bre.k łom Unłffs]ty /,le lał of (ó i]: Lr|.1dxet5_..an l-dfo Weightpr.blem aid ą€n illDss hadel of(5 5): He s the /eadł.Ińe l..ai.omm!nł! ńeans o{transPoń(] ]] FórmóJpeóplą r]e.alsłi/lńełm;in nrea,s oiiran poż conbińation 01147) Th. menuyóu lugg.sted rep€se.Iś,n heaĄandex.,tin9 i.od 14a lź5 Wi.]splead supp.rt sn for the Wal dr!rer€nt backgrołnds lnńh dillele lfuń.us E"r|,'nt lollm6i. 4}] Ii nJde,óń @od Papel n Tnn 5n n],lathtr śWh"ł l lored abod rtó mad. oili/k ń.€ he W6 ńd 'd 'Warś blam€ sb fol (8 ó) r\ł/ie stll/ b]ińe5 he6e1l lor Patii.k! -,..idenL ńarg€ 5b with sth (B ] ]: 6,bb.,s hó been .1żl9ed Włh nłdet .om€li6r/hślii p r) ń..hor.amełłi,a]lse.iionscf trie.ompetiio, feei about (a 7]: HoW Would )ol l9./ ab.trt 'n Wońing W'tri Nr../e Iór get rid ol (2 ]): lóU shó!/d9oiłdóIa]] the§,. o]d l.rs ełnllon 17,]] |V. a Wh le? /eł, nom olr misiils ]o§etoĘhWiih(] 3) /'ń nóVlng Jb/óJd, bOi ld.n lWanrto lo59lo!.h With you make contact with 15 ł r,Ą/.'d like Io mle .onf t ,!M ólhtr rhó.is ń t le ła nominaie śblol sth 17 5) Fełifuv*nółnrJredfurlhe]oboly].9pr.sióni pay (3 3]: Ąłłnpaid iol nl drn i,9 /.ssonl lól 'or |2 lJ: |"1ó,ón PkFd lól Edg]Jnd rd ien mł.n.s Play (ó,3]: ŁJre or9-ł'5in9 a .o,.ed Io r.ke fió,ey {ór.haĄ rake money (ó 1) |e! recover from 'ol hósp'tJ| ru.óylr'ng a n.dń aft .( 'otr Ele6e froń (8 3): [ł'ke '.,vd l eleijed łom hospita//esield"y ńe iloods pi§ón to repod on yeare 'n shłeWith(ó3) /hay.anoficeń.tl5har.Włh5omeoth9rt9acher (2. ): Abólł 4rr] n!d.m§ toó! part D fhe pr.teł łain fór (Ó 3): Er.nda 5pend5 nvo ho|6 a da| nańrrglol th. m ahon travel by air/cłlłain (] 5l] Emma and _l. óWlhdlry Łań Jnón Eellrn EUoFe vote for(;/5): ]VoFdlorfhe Lab.uGndidłe r ńe ióI9ie-!'on tak€ Pań in ] workfor 1],] n9Worklola Worry about 1] Ó) l lr.i} lavim about my brother PREPoslTloNs AFTER ADJEcTlVEs addicted to allelgi. to aW e (B.7): F]fil mi]/ión (4 8): Amelić,s are l'm allergr.lo o,ions of(87l ilDslsńót.6łeów e ól addrdedló nl.ói'ne ń. da^gć6 ól jnóking dependeit oi (88] Y.u do"'team monef,50lou ar.stili.'.peid.nt oi lańoc fol (5 ful i6 o/iye 2) l'ćly tr '€mo6 good/bad lor12 4): War.i n9 śó nu.h (2 8]] h (8 rnu del p/9!d.it i..oni'n!. h§ ynł l ihi,l We slrolidl*m lo /r9 ]ic.pei.l.nt łóm ou d3lmpónó.tfullhe 8) o]1 TVśń'i good loryo! guillyof18 ]) lhe| W.re i.Ui.'9l'1tr ol ]mPońam for yoll ]nrelestedin1] ])'].!irrlef.nedi,.ompOt9r9.nre5 ya| adyantages ollfurnq in NeW 'i made łr. dacillón.,,iót b," be inio łh (].7]: l'm be made ovfrom (] be thele 1ol sb (l 3] lndepeńdentllom iś triat aPProva/disaPPrcval of (ó7l lhft (ć /): lePoń on 1] 2) The T ńs śenLićl tó B,"ngladełi seńteńceto (8,]] sa,.hez Was le,Ien.ec to thlee rule, 17 ]) lĄ/hal! yódlaV.uiłe h(!nq/e olalliime-1 y.! ńlłlres ln ten ]' efiten@dfołV9ye.6inpriso,. in śpite ol13 4) r,Ą! We,i ńa/.s 6bóUtti]/el .ompete n(2,]):ne'dlitet ..mpele ii ihe ],00]m.llćs .oversrh in(4 ]] ałń9 Jp'żżJandlWanrfo..yerłin.h.ese die łoń (5 4): The .'rUg Wi]/ nol he/p Fiients ń. are .lylng łóm .an.et donate money to (Ó 3): L.,ł yeł he donaled $],off fu .-,,..r r€f .lr e9€pe J.om 13 2l] H. Bftped li.m płson o.tóbćr sh9! bo!9hta, eier.is. brk9Io keep in sfupe oiihe żin ii tbe backglouńd/ffiddleńoGgrcund 1] 8) ]n theba.tgrcUidyóJ in shape łEr.! a progr.mme youig PREPOSlTlONS AFTER VERBS in favour ol(ó /): ń piśon€ (] 3]: a With (] ]): l nay. ó 9.odre/atronshlp Wth ml Parenrs seNe o{ humom 1],7) ]f! ia€ 6 seNo óIiUmóU/f] lh'ś].6 s i.e ol ł7 4): cJi y.U pJś'ta/tó me i 5/i.. ol br,.ad' Wayof ile157) lhć 8r'tsh Wal ól ljfe in..mnó, Włh,/ó ,ló!ld l'łe tó pńgEńme about W.n bl r€larionship vłiety of(43) Tie 9/5 .ome łom a larią/.I i6 ń of(25) Nó neeó l. hulil yóU'Ve90]ple,ry óltłne p zelol12]) lhe pże ful bsi oigi,alfreenp/ay hal been Jnyóńe/panol p enty suppoń for in a queue (l 5l: VL/e sló.d a qJ ele fU hall ar hór in add ition (5,7l lhe rh oo]'n ts/elve ció ślóóJns /n addl tló ń, tlr gre n a ],r_.9 o,"i.e ..Uld be 6ed lór ńeł'n99 p/ane /andćd óVer a, hóOlJ9ó R']]dU!tnl/lb9 in baga99e re. aim (3 2): dalł number ol (2 ] ) Ihe ,lmbfl .lpeople 0sin9 th's lechno/ógy js jn.reó'ng pain in 1ó B) ] lrad a n-,jiy pajn in fiy ieg involved ń (8 ] ) N.W niny pól !.lans Jre rny.lved ln ń_! s.andJ? open to new ]deas (] 7) leE łe lisi.n .Urenp/ó|.os lĄ/ć'r. aiPł pa9sjonate about(4 4) n about128)Arey.uqUre unu a lol(8 oTHER beóBe ol1] 7]: J a),l lmpa$'on eaboOti.ólbłl Very łrolr].l her Floud oll] ]) lel p,ł_e.śare rc9poŃible for (5.8]: He! ihe re t 9l Espomib]e lol th. ollahóńJ bóńbńg re ab.utńi5? ł! Un6m/forDłći. bć laić ł ]]e lEdt. rłne be.iu$ olheil,ń pD/r/.ms, by the eńd ol(2 7] całs ńlldauble by ńć enc ól2a25 ńankś to (3 4}] she ],!,it ńeWthln_.5 ab.utihe W.rld ńankl lo h.rsma,tphónć 9( 9 9 bseŚthonsth(]'2)opi€ 6ćnajHeha5bas€dhi§goaheadr(ó7)odbyć5ię,dojśćdos[utfu:lhePutsbup(3ólpż€ no.owaćkÓgoś]Wóhopń! --ii*,y - ..",ł. r,i,. "" beatyou6eltuP(7 ]) -'-ńl", łg._, _,l ob^ , .ł" , ..,"", a"" l.ain nom our . łates ,., e6 y""^_i,lr ,p - bL ,ę, b r , ę d p .e br€akdown(3ó),zep , l,*, prc,ę b dżo] KeDny c.U d pur me up {ór a few day5 l]ópenthe PŃłhup(3ć) Dżkiadać, s[ładać The kid5 WeE sa]e Went ahead as P/6nned 2 (7 8) (Wvmżenje zgod' 'Dolo! mlnd ł lndow?' 'No, 9ó 90 away (3 3) ah*d' - Wyjeóać: We E 9.in9 away lór ć5ię Whathappenedwhen Wee[ond goinfolrth12]),WziąćudżałW lh,"cłb@kedawn1 ihe 19oinfor Ca1Ę?nr|n\ bleakinto(8,]) wlamaćsędo lń thepast, blr9lars Used lo breaj< lnió hólses t 5re,l rys and DVD 9oofi ] 154)żep ć5ięb]edren0 fuecheese ńd brea d had to be eźfon before thćy Wenl ófl playeE, a n,nirr.tnp.ll spaićcóś(np,kaole):]lyó!Wor( 215a) óut d rhe gym, you bun aff alaliel ""o .",;..,," ", , @p plinng !p ó) jn ihe h'ni,help runoutofśh(3ó) garden polelać m: \,yczerpać E Fring on We 9 ę, nie mieć iuź Jve |Uńauofnllk sellout(42) !9,prcdać] ]'m5orł blirne n.k€ts lleepjng ęt aE all ofl sol.j out (on a jowrey) ó) (3 uryruvać pódóź) móIn)ng W€ d beter set ofl nory belore 9e1śdźł 't od Ą-^"oo,naó, oro'ox śeręnLpJdJo ,,"o, "" mo,",",,. 9oou-l,j,J,ł ' ó d, -, , '"óó^, o oPlo|V},ó Wn,ż,Joó _" .-i:",". l",o-b, + ł,n-,-, .qrupfor ,l ,Jp," in G]lon!b€& óo,"o, ,oqó ,Ą,,do,,,o ., *, on , -,.","q onlv.,, zdd&on l 10 budż'h), / '@hiue 5płe ól ny alam 9ólń9 olt ln lhe a tent rely on 9b^th § lW r podói,do ]]"oo,]ld ł 90ovel lośbsrt 5,ta|ound, l "j,ó ó" l,,Fnóóo,oL,o ",","""^. ";, r".o'u'.''.-'.rtÓ'ób''o''J ' golh6u9hłhlU,4) pże?Ul- DłewtrińrcUgh sleep thrcugh sth (5,4) 2€s pać .oś: lodd,{]you i, .ó ", Jool 'ó'o ,h"'". cóńeacrc*as ]] o,.^h łl.,_,," 8" "-,,, -".aa" i -".p .,ó_qt .,". ..,J--,o-" tnostl^ove., J,_o,""," ]hdt-do,e,n, o.,ajo.o,", .oeedLp,l., F,p-,r T1" o"-)ó,p 'o.,o'."""_",ł ,J ,,ó,,4 o q ę,d b"ob, ,,o] ó, o',"Le' rcme"!rc$śb^ma lhe}hang ."*,.b* p J.amea.róśfhi§photographamong5omeóld newspapeu comeiioT óo,oo, się ,o- b,i d"," ]^.", l Want ió.on.€inaie cutsthoif(4]) 5) stón.enirować5ęńa: a;h'le onł i'Le Jaan meat 5o oń ny odcńać: ] splirUpwith175) loćtaćsę,zefuaćż Eveśpaleit3 h.atn\Lp - oodoo,]ts%Edm] ?fd,1 comein(oft]de){5r) dot2eć, p ojówić 1ó pąp\vie): rhe l'de .om6 ń conceńtlate on śth(2 hangdtw]ń5bI]]) śpędza,aóż cłeer lor 1.!tofltheĘ(and/eave'to;ń.sjdeofmy ó L ],,o,] ,Jópł hoLdśbup1]6l opoł e l dol t hjnt l. hold hu,ryuPJ óo, yo ] Enłm\łel ógoi spłt dp When 5he Was tiree .uńoJr/l-,o"o,lo]. . q lĄf. 1" b"T"._ d "d a., . "] p "r-d d .1 J) db pżebJĄvać poża.]omem:5he leb hel hurry stayoutiż5) il ta", sty _t ,'ntit ,,ł,9ł 'n ,,,,,1 ,D,LĄ,łf, §rrstlup ,,_"/ Up i l n,W lou E d kofu: keep up With 5b (3,ó) dóitrym}ĄvaĆ komuŚ Daye 6nt keeping up Wńh the resf oIthe dass rcadińg letśbdown(2]) że eśćkogoś: sćńetjms 'n it! ftese.l'pś śnrcd !p oul emótjons, 5wikh $h ofi (8,ó) R}łą.4,ć Myphóie swir.hes ,ts,"]l ófl jf ],jaal us; it f;l a ńi]e rakeafter5b(23)_byćpodobnymdo,WdaćsięW: yóv te am dó*n sue te, aliel hel Dad, l) zdmlną.loqós ńa l U.ż ihe iaG sth away (88) zabierać VoJunlaryW.r( could gua]d,1o4Pdlhepfi,onłUpln|he.Pll t (e lme a.ay tromyourłutJ;es .ómmon lo.omplaln thar.ompure^.Ut lbn L"ali1! look ah€l sb^th (1 5) ópiekować 5 ę: We look aiiel tak€ śihoff (2,4] żde]mować: He loól. óflhjs shos hL,h )dftn n |h? dń n9 dealWhhsih(5,ó] 6dżić sobiez: Ihele l'ndsof takeon(aóa]enge]{2]) ptry]ąć (W}zWań e) 1/,te freśa very difiEull tó dealwń. ]ookatśb/nh1] )_pal2e.nJ łśnmeto9"!Jd i"ł^ **;ł_9", ", dieout(5]) Wyg nąć: lhe WildpaP|laIianólkóalas Palrj.l l@łng,'n]5bth ża]ąćsię(np zaaąććóśDprawiac): or".,nuPp5) , is ]n dangel af dying óul look Ńo sth 0 4) żb"dd. We re /ool lng rnio the rW b_i łi""a . g.,g t" ul" ,p ,_,,g. yóJ GBe ólthef:re dles§uP(],1) v,ryst.ić się lt! only a smallPaft] tale up lth € 8) , ża]mowóć (cżas, m eF.e): Voluntary ,, do,t need tó dre§s lp, lookuptorb1ll) podżiw..!óqóJHeioo/5!ptó ,_|oni,l",pJtototti," droplbofi{3.ó) podżU.]ć [o9oś nmóchodem, hjs oldg brożher talk śb into 9th 3) namóW]ako!óśna Has w|sadzćka9aś: l'lldlóp you afI óń ńy way mkełhiŃośrh(82) pżelabiaćna: kharbeen ,"yl"ay *_ nrr"a y* ,. lp a sport o, hól^e "ł,n9 mad€ into a muś.!n, pi.o"""-' drcPout(ólsth){2]) paę!.ć:Bil]dr.ppedótrof ńake$hout1],8) ó.łowa. l @Ń nake lhe Wyżucć: Dorou needthese th;o*; j*ayl "*"yg.a) .al]eEe altel his fiEt year ś€n out newspaperc, ot can l tilrow them jllsto lry lalLintonh(55l,Wpadać:JrjPpedandiellintóthe m€ś5up1?]) spań.a).1ó, lt.aU m"$uP ón pnymjeżyć: Wou/dyou trynhon(]8) 'ńeśe)eansaa? hole. łaqąJonttrorĄ abouał ]U{ Lar'] on fallofisth,,, .. ,J" "J'o" , ó 'd,o p,cknlLP ', ,a., trysthou( , ,9pooo^", o,ól. ,,, r .p.ór .o i a .- d lalóŃ(w hsbl(]1] pól]oL .ę,N,nJ,rjllenolt picksbup(3ó) odebnć kog.ś lsamońodem) iurninto(3ó] umjenćsęW ihe.ompany ha5 'Wlrh hol b othPr MUn\ pickińl ńe UP at ńilda! i,."i ,. , 9l"oł _,p_"." ln falLovel B,i) upaść:olrb'g apple tree felló"eI point oui (7 2), żauwał. żWlo l.UĘgPlndio F], tumupl]ó)-po]awaćśę]DannyrlrnedUplatea5 ,h" ,o,J -,::, Af ...| po.nóa.l .1ó ó ..n a ó a find$hout(] 3) dow ad,Ąvać 5Ę: We never lauaI1 produ.€ thóśepJlntng, wakeup(5.4) obudzćsę: lwóke uPat7 ań tóday Ó,l Who fnt ńe leltł pullovell]ó) a,.h&ńdbo /napóbózP,HP Wak away {roń,ih ó)_ łeżygnować z poEu.. "-|."'*|^,ri",r*ai 9et alóng/on iwell) with śb1 ]l bYrW,dóbryLh pullćd rhe.af oyer t,.iit *, y""* a ^,y łóśUnlahż ńPygeld/óngrealłWeJitogPther ."""s", Putsthin(89-ainsiaować lhey'fe hayng a new etowórk ba+roompulrn 9etintosthp1l,dostać5iędó:You']1h wełoff0.]] 6Ępówać Whenyo! feelyou łe harde/ ifyou Wantiogei l.tó Un'yersily pńśbofisth(23) zniechęcćtogóśdo:Do,tbe ł*ł L"p p"j;,,q _a **i,łty tl" t""l,g get ofl (3,ó) urysadać:Let!gero{łńenełnóp put óliby the i,tle it!a realłgóodbookl ||illwear.lt get oŃ ol sth 18,4) w{ać, $rydosnć 5Ę: Ihere! a W te ba.k (4 7] - odp 9ć l sent them a 6ld on.ą Put sth on (2 4) żkładać, Wkładać: Put yod hat an jt!.o]d ou6'de bui iheJ, never Wrcte ba.! €asontogero olbedi,theńornjng Wlstawć(5nU[ę): one nmerthe work out r B ])irenowaa, @ oyć sheWołśóm oive sih awav 18,4) ddwnŁdamo inńy]oil Puton0]l ' .aflee .l óp, ] nl.d l. ąŃe dŃł a .uF ó] ,óne? ch'ldren pul on a play at lhe 9ym lw'ce a Wee( 2 (3 7l rczW ązai 5ię plate .!t sb of{frcm łh (34] .dciąćkogoiod ]f! d§ ofl dilf)dlt when yau lel ta Lo.k sb {up)lB 12 1:] give(sth)up(23)podda.5ę'trU.ićcośj^,lałhaspuron(weightlL75)p2ybE.n.s"dFMar]pd''l'.Do^,lvorry!'nsueeveŃing||illwÓ given lptryjng to t€ach ńe tó słj on We,ghłWh,n,h€ qu '5mol n9 aln ae 141 PRZEDROSTKl często uźywane przedrostki Prźedrostki zmieniające znaczenie wyrazÓW na przeciwne ani hlstam ne, ónli de_ V rUś d sappear, d 1=.ctii9 .9ó]nst) srespecif!] imPatieit, impossib e ex- (=former, be{óle) inseńś tiVe, ńdependent mis- (=!!rong y) me9a_ (=ht9e) m! t plrpose, mU !na..eptab i cololred e, Unripe overs eep, ove eacl pre 9ame, Pre di9ita PRzYRosTKl Przyrostki tworzące rzeczowniki Prryro§tek l Przyro§tki tWolzące przymiotniki Przykłaay en9a9emenri reatńent t produ.tioi, dec slon def]n tioi, delelm nat on determiiatioi, deiinit on ki.dńess, a,ł.reness coulageou5, cle ic ous detelm nec], taleited ińspnin9, f.5c]iaiin9 ne 9hbo!rhood, ch ldhóód Przyro§tki tworżące przysłóWki comed an, Vegeiari.n Przylostki tworzące czasowniki Przykłady -ify ffi łffi§M zAlMKI osoBoWE l DzlERŻAwczE zaimek dzierźawczy Przymiotnik dzierżawcży W fuńkcji Podmiotu w fu nk<ji dopełnienia (+ rzeczownik) his, shes been to Plnq!e oxford (: it)]s famous for its University, zAlMKl WsKAZUJĄCE, PYrAJĄCE l l \łrżGLĘDNE Pytaiące Wh ch? 'why1 (Hó\ł o{te|? HoW lóńg? HoW iar? Ho\ł much? HoW many?) LlcZEBNlKl Li.żebniki: 1 - 100 Ljcżebnik Porzędkowy i\łent]eth (2Oth) Liczebnik Porządkovvy 2 łlst (1st) fi st (2']śt) id (22nd) two th]ld {3ld) trjld fo!ń] 5,fve -l 8 fueity f fth lweią e]qht iw_.lve tve lth (] 2th) e]9hleeith ('l8tr) l l ) ] (50th) eiqhl elh (80th) 'l00 one/a hundled ]01 one/a h!ndred and niń_.l eth (90th) one Przykładowe liczebniki główne powyźej 100 1,000 one/a tho!S.nd l seventh (27lh) łft eth ffteenth (15th) l (24rh) (25th) twenty ń]ńrh (29th) thjd]elh (30th) tenth (1Oth) ]2 (23rd) 3,555 thrce thoLsand, {lVe hUndled and iwo h!ndred and twenty th.ee 725,000 seVen huńdled and tWentyjiVe tho!said ],000,000 o.e/a mil]oń ,000,000000 oP/dbllo1 hUidledth (']00ih) huidled ańd J Et (]01st) mt lay ]. ] lLtl Lt d§ . ! Iy|, 144 LjL