Channel Mapping for LTE Downlink PCCH BCCH MIB PCH BCH Uplink DTCH DCCH CCCH DTCH CCCH DCCH “type of information” (traffic/control) SIB UL-SCH DL-SCH RACH Transport Channels “how and with what characteristics” (common/shared/mc/bc) -Sched TF DL -Paging indicator -Sched grant UL -Pwr Ctrl cmd PDCCH -HARQ info info PBCH PDSCH PCFICH PDCCH -meas for DL sched -meas for mobility -coherent demod RS -half frame sync -cell id P-SS Logical Channels ACK/NACK PHICH -frame sync -cell id group S-SS -CQI -ACK/NACK -Sched req. PUCCH PUSCH PRACH -coherent demod RS Physical Channels -measurements for UL scheduling SRS “bits, symbols, modulation, radio frames etc” Physical Signals “only L1 info”