Uzair Wahab Professional Title 8899575618 Highly self-confident and driven Machine Learning professional, adaptable to change and receptive to new ideas. A dedicated and attentive listener, constantly seeking opportunities for growth and improvement. Proficient in applying advanced algorithms to develop innovative ML solutions. Excited to contribute expertise and drive meaningful advancements in the realm of Machine Learning. Study Deep Learning Hapur, India EDUCATION SKILLS Bachelor of Technology Sudeerdeep Engreering Collge 08/2019 - 07/2023, Gaziabad, India Python Computer Vision Machine Learning Object Detection Object tracking Feature Engneering Machine Learning Intern Ineuron Intelligence Private Limited Flask 06/2023 - 08/2023, Exploratory Data Analysis flight fare pridction Neural Network Strimlit Image Classification WORK EXPERIENCE Yolo Tensorflow SQL Keras CNN ANN Pandas Heroku Bootstrap HTML Developed a flight fare prediction model using machine learning algorithms to forecast ticket prices for various routes and travel dates. The objective was to create an accurate pricing model to assist travelers in making informed booking decisions. PERSONAL PROJECTS Working with EDA and HyperPerameter Tuning. Flight Fare Pridction (02/2023 - 03/2023) The accuracy of this model came 85%. AI Vertual Expirence Programm Cognizant Technology Solutions India Private Limited 05/2023 - 06/2023, forage India Pvt. Ltd Made me do this program Thare are % tasks Exploratory Data Analysis Data Modeling Model Building and Interpretation Machine Learning Production Quality Assurance CERTIFICATE 1). DATA SCIENCE MASTERS BY INEURON.AI (02/2023 - Present) THAT A 9 MOUNTHS COURSE IN THIS COURSE WE STUDY DEEP LEARNING, MACHINE LEARNIING, CNN, RNN, AND DATA ANALYTICS AND MANY MORE 2). PYTHON BY INFOSYS SPRINGBOARD 3). MACHINE LEARNING INTRO BY INFOSYS SPRINGBOARD AWS Data Collection and Exploration: Gathered a comprehensive dataset comprising flight attributes, including Many Features, Time, depth tme, table, and other relevant parameters. Using Hyperperameter tuning after using this we increse 5% of accurecy LINK: Model Selection and Training: Explored various regression models, including Linear Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, Celebrity Face Peidicter Image Classification project (05/2023 - 06/2023) Machine Learning Model: Implemented a deep learning model using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and pretrained models (e.g., VGG16, ResNet) for image classification.Fine-tuned the model on a dataset containing thousands of celebrity images for improved accuracy. Accuracy and Evaluation: Evaluated the model's performance using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.Implemented unit tests to ensure the system's reliability. LINK - Student Performance Indicator (04/2023 - 05/2023) Problem Statement:This project understands how the student's performance (test scores) is affected by other variables such as Gender, Ethnicity, Parental level of education, Lunch and Test preparation course Data Collection: Dataset Source The data consists of 8 column and 1000 r.ows Visualainsation and reporting:Created interactive visualizations and dashboards to provide stakeholders with a clear overview of Student Performance. 4). STATSTICS BY GREAT LEARNING INTERESTS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE DEEP LEARNING ADVENTURE TRAVELLING BADMINTEN