Presented at 2012 3rd IEEE PES ISGT Europe, Berlin, Germany, October 14 -17, 2012 Real-Time Hardware-in-the-Loop Validation for WAMPAC: Power System Protection and Communication M. Shoaib Almas and Dr.-Ing. Luigi Vanfretti Docent and Assistant Professor KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden E-mail: Web: Scientific Advisor to Statnett SF Smart Operation R&D Program R&D Department Statnett SF, Oslo Norway 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Real-Time Simulation of Smart Grids Panel Session Berlin, Germany– October 14-17, 2012 Outline •Motivation for RT-HIL Approach •SmarTS Lab: An RT-HIL Lab for WAMPAC Apps Dev. •Model-To-Data Workflow for SIL and RT-HIL Validation •Recent Projects at SmarTS LAB for Power System Protection and Communication •Power System Modeling of Protective Relays •Power System Communication (GOOSE and Sampled Values) Validation using RT-HIL •Interfacing RTS for Station Bus and Process Bus Implementation •Comparison of Conventional and RT-HIL approaches for Power Protection Relay Testing • A software development toolkit for developing and testing PMU based applications for Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control Presented at 2012 3rd IEEE PES ISGT Europe, Berlin, Germany, October 14 -17, 2012 Timeline for M. Shoaib Almas • Almas joined KTH, The Royal Institute of Technology, in 2009 to pursue his Masters in Electric Power Engineering majoring in Power Systems. Previously he has obtained a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering from National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan. • He has two years of experience working as a Design Engineer for designing protection schemes for substations (132kV, 220 kV and 500kV) through microprocessor-based relays. • His professional experience includes substation automation and coordination of protective relays to minimize the effect of faults in power transmission networks. • He performed his master thesis “PMU-Assisted Local Optimization of the Coordination between Protective Systems and VSC-HVDCs” at the Electric Power System (EPS) division of KTH. • Currently PhD. Candidate, Project Title “Real-Time Wide-Area Control of Hybrid AC and DC Grids” Motivation • Each substation has in average 50 IEDs performing protection (differential, busbar, overcurrent, over/under voltage, over/under frequency etc.) and communicating with various protocols/standards (C37.118, GOOSE, SV, MODBUS, DNP 3.0) • In order to accurately model a power system, these IEDs along with their respective communication techniques need to be modeled precisely with the same settings as the real hardware relay . Power System Modeling • With substations adopting IEC-61850 standards, RT HIL approach proves beneficial to exploit interoperability, the use of Station/Process Bus effectiveness, etc. Power System Communication • Digital Real-Time Simulators are compatible with long-established modeling software like MATLAB/SIMULINK (Opal-RT) and are IEC 61850 compliant (GOOSE & Sampled Values) • RT-HIL approach provides freedom to carry on research related with Smart Transmission Grids: - Wide Area Monitoring Protection and Control (WAMPAC) Presented at 2012 3rd IEEE PES ISGT Europe, Berlin, Germany, October 14 -17, 2012 How to develop a controlled environment for developing Smart Transmission Grid Technologies? Smarter Operator Decision Support Sync. Timing Phasor Measurement Data Transmission System Control Center Smarter Operator Control Actions Communication Networks Decision/Control Support System Near Real-Time Security Assessment Monitoring Data Alignment and Concentration Advanced Displays Data Storage and Mining Early Warning System Automatic Determination of Control Actions Smart-Automatic Control Actions Controllable and Protective Device Measurement and Status Data • Smart Grid require Smart Operation, Smart Control and Smart Protection: - The ultimate goal should be to attain an automatic-feedback self-healing control system • Measure – Communicate – Analyze (System Assessment and real limits) – Determine Preventive/Corrective Actions – Communicate – Control and protect • To achieve this vision, new applications need to be developed in a controlled environment, allowing testing and considering the ICT chain The SmarTS Lab Architecture Opal-RT Real-Time Simulator Low-Level Analog I/Os V and I Amplifiers PMUs Amplified analog outputs (current/voltage) Synchrophasor Data PDC(s) WAMS Applications Digital I/Os GOOSE GOOSE Sampled Values GOOSE SEL PMUs /Relays Protective Relays Station Bus GOOSE Process Bus Sampled Values Digital I/Os Physical Devices Low-Power Prototypes WAPS Applications ABB Relays External Controllers V and I Amplifiers Communication Network (WAN /Network Emulator) NI- cRIO 9076 WACS Applications WAMPAC Application Host Platform SmarTS Lab Hardware Implementation Presented at 2012 3rd IEEE PES ISGT Europe, Berlin, Germany, October 14 -17, 2012 SmarTS Lab Comm. and Synchronization Architecture and Implementation Process Bus (IEC 61850-9-2) Station Bus (IEC 61850-8-1) IRIG-B Synchrophasor Bus (IEEE C37.118) GPS - Signal Presented at 2012 3rd IEEE PES ISGT Europe, Berlin, Germany, October 14 -17, 2012 Model-to-Data Workflow Hardware-in-theLoop Validation Software-in-the-Loop Validation Recent Projects at SmarTS LAB 1. Model Validation of an Over-Current Relay Input Input Current Current Comparator Comparator Trip Trip Signal Signal Pickup Pickup Value Value • • • Instantaneous Definite Time Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) Block Diagram Part 1 Three Phase Analog Input of relay Current (Current from CT) Part 2 Analog to Digital Converter Digital Filtering Current Set Point Part 3 Protection Trip Signal Algorithm (Instantaneous, Definite or IDMT) Presented at 2012 3rd IEEE PES ISGT Europe, Berlin, Germany, October 14 -17, 2012 1. Model Validation of an Over-Current Relay (contd.) Modeling and Implementation for RT Simulation Current input from the secondary side of the CT. This is an analog signal Converts an input signal with continuous sample time to an output signal with discrete sample time Dividing fundamental componentent with square root of 2 to get RMS value Comparator to check Fourier analysis of the whether the input input signal to extract current level is greater fundamental out of it than the pickup value or not Low pass digital FIR filter 1 In1 Lowpass Zero-Order Hold Mag Fourier Phase 2 Downsample Lowpass Filter > Is Divide1 Discrete Fourier Output of this block is the time which has elapsed since the input current has exceeded the pickup value S-function running an algorithm. It monitors the input and checks if the input is 1 or not. (i.e. input current greater than pickup). The S-function gives out the time at wchih this input current goes above the pickup value. Down-sampling to avoid anti-aliasing effects This block compares the operation time computed with the time elapsed by the timer. In3 Out1 Compare To Constant > Extracting Time of Fault Add Relational Scope3 Operator Out1 Control Timer sqrt(2) Is Control to find ratio Divide2 Operation Time Converting To R.M.S Scope2 Current Input This block has a switch. The output of switch is zero in case when the current input is lesser than pickup value. The output of the block is the actual simulation time in case the current exceeds the pickup value Implementation in SimPowerSystems (MATLAB/Simulink) C Control 1 Scope1 Calculating Operation Time This block implements the mathematical ~= 0 C ´ TMS to compute a æIö ç ÷ -1 è Is ø the operation time corresponding to the type of characteristic curve chosen by the user equation T = 0 Current Input 2 Fcn Is u(1)^(alpha) Switch 1 TMS Operation Time 1 1. Model Validation of an Over-Current Relay (contd.) Protection Algorithm Implemented in the Overcurrent Relay Model Compare with the preset value (pickup Value) Current Input from Current Transformer Start NO T = YES YES Instantaneous NO Start Timer NO If characteristic =IDMT IDMT Characteristic Curves If Input Current > Pickup Value YES C Timer >Definite Time set by user YES Characterisic Curve = Standard Inverse Calculate Operation Time YES Calculate Operation Time NO Characterisic Curve = Very Inverse YES Calculate Operation Time Operation Time >=Timer TRIP ´ TMS Different Types of Inverse Characteristics Relay Characteristic α C Type Standard Inverse 0.02 0.14 Very Inverse 1 13.5 Extremely Inverse 2 80 Long Inverse 1 120 NO YES a æ I ö ç ÷ -1 è Is ø NO Characterisic Curve = Long Inverse NO Calculate Operation Time Presented at 2012 3rd IEEE PES ISGT Europe, Berlin, Germany, October 14 -17, 2012 1. Model Validation of an Over-Current Relay (contd.) Test Case Model Developed in SimPowerSystems (MATLAB/Simulink) Conceptual Understanding Digital I/O of relay are hardwired Fault Recorder Event Recorder SEL_487E (Set for OverCurrent Protection) Oscillography Bus 1 Bus 2 Thevenin Equivalent (Strong Grid) Digital output of relay connected directly to breaker for Trip Transmission Line L 1-2 ` Circuit Breaker CT Fault Load 1. Model Validation of an Over-Current Relay (contd.) Test Case Model Developed in SimPowerSystems (MATLAB/Simulink) HIL Implementation Dedicated block by Opal-RT which assigns a particular FPGA whose Analog and/or Digital I/Os will be accessed Fault Current Phase B 3 OP5142EX1 Ctrl Error Board index: 1 IDs Mode:Master Analog Outputs of the Simulator which are connected to the Current Amplifiers from Megger whose output is connected to Analog inputs (CT inputs) of SEL-487E Fault Current Phase A Scaling Factor Fault Current Phase C Multimeter Terminator Fault_Currents -K- Volts OpCtrl OP5142EX1 OP5142EX1 AnalogOut Gain Discre te , Ts = 5e -005 s. powe rgui Slot 3 Module A Subsection 2 B B b B B C C c C C Length of Line = 100km Phase Voltage=1kV Frequency = 50Hz Fault Pickup Vals Status I_abc 400 CT OP5142EX1 DigitalIn 'OP5142EX1 Ctrl' Three-Phase V-I Measurement Three-Phase Bus 1 Three-Phase Source PI Section Line A A a A A A Three Phase to Ground Fault Applied at t = 2sec B C Three-Phase Fault 'OP5142EX1 Ctrl' Trip_Signal Digital Input of Simulator which is connected to the Digital Output of SEL-487E relay A RTEMiS Guide Ts=50 us SSN: ON Slot 1 Module A Subsection 1 Operation_Time Current Transformer Three-Phase Series RLC Load A Iabc a B b C c coma A b B C c Three-Phase V-I Measurement Bus 2 Three-Phase Breaker A B C Active Power for Load = 1 MW Frequency = 50Hz Phase Voltage = 1kV Ratio Input/Pickup OverCurrent Relay Relay_Monitoring Status Presented at 2012 3rd IEEE PES ISGT Europe, Berlin, Germany, October 14 -17, 2012 1. Model Validation of an Over-Current Relay (contd.) Validation Results 2. Power System Communication (Station & Process Bus Implementation Comparison of the Real-Time Results with Stand Alone Testing Using Freja300 (Relay Test Set) Stand-Alone Testing Hardwired Stand-Alone Testing GOOSE (IEC 61850-8-1:Station Bus) Workstation with software FREJA Win which is a graphical interface for the FREJA 300 Relay Testing System Relay Test Set Freja 300 2 Digital I/O of the relay under test. The Digital Output is configured to change its contact from normal open to normal close when a protection function operates Three phase current 1 injection to the relay under test CT Input Digital I/O VT Input Three phase voltage injection to the relay under test The only way to validate the RT-HIL results for protection IEDs is to compare results with existing technology (stand-alone tests) Presented at 2012 3rd IEEE PES ISGT Europe, Berlin, Germany, October 14 -17, 2012 2. Power System Communication (Station & Process Bus Implementation (contd.) ABB RED-670 ABB RED-670 Real-Time HIL (Process Bus IEC 61850-9-2 Implementation) [Opal-RT + ABB-RED 670] Process BUS (IEC 61850-9-2) Bus 4 Bus 3 Bus 1 M Transmission Line L 1-3 Thevenin Equivalent Transmission Line L 1-3 a Step Down Transformer 380 kV / 6.3 kV Bus 2 Bus 5 Transmission Line L 3-5 Synchronous Generartor 500MVA , 20kV ` Step Up Transformer 20kV / 380 kV Softwares: · MATLAB / SimPowerSystems · ABB PCM 600: Relat Settings · RT-LAB: Real-Time Execution · WireShark: Network Analyzer · ABB IET 600: Substation Automation Architecture OLTC Controlled Load No Hardwires for CT and VT connections No need of Amplifiers for RT-HIL execution 3. Comparison of Standalone and RT-HIL Testing Approach Comparison of Results from Standalone and RT-HIL Testing Fault Applied at t=2 sec, protection tested=instantaneous overcurrent Testing Methodology Feature Tripping Time (sec) Delay (msec) Standalone Hardwired 2.0083 8.30 GOOSE 2.0060 6.00 Hardwired 2.0085 8.50 GOOSE 2.0062 6.20 RT-HIL Induction Motor 4.9 MVA , 6.3 kV Presented at 2012 3rd IEEE PES ISGT Europe, Berlin, Germany, October 14 -17, 2012 PMU App. SDK A LabView-Based PMU Application SDK SDK Platform Custom Application pp PRL Remote Access Buffer SnapShooter Live Buffer Selector DLL C37.118 Data - Time Stamp - Voltage Phasors - Current Phasors - Frequency PDC PMU Recorder Light (PRL) SnapShooter ap PRL ? ? ? DLL Presented at 2012 3rd IEEE PES ISGT Europe, Berlin, Germany, October 14 -17, 2012 PMU App. SDK Induction Motor 4.9 MVA , 6.3 kV A LabView-Based PMU Application SDK Thevenin Equivalent Bus 1 Transmission Line L 1-3 Transmission Line L 1-3 a Bus 4 Bus 3 Bus 2 a. Model Synchronous Generartor 500MVA , 20kV M Step Down Transformer 380 kV / 6.3 kV Bus 5 Step Up Transformer 20kV / 380 kV OLTC Controlled Load OPAL-RT MATLAB/Simulink MATLAB/Simulink Design Design models models Workstation Workstation running running PRL PRL Application Application in in Labview Labview PRL PRL Workstation Workstation eMEGAsim eMEGAsim (12 (12 Cores) Cores) OP OP 5600 5600 I/O I/O Extension Extension Chasis Chasis OP5949 OP5949 Active Active Monitoring Monitoring Panel Panel SEL EL 5078-2 5078-2 Synchrophasor Synchrophasor data data visulaization visulaization tool tool from from SEL SEL EthernetPort EthernetPort b. Implementation ABB ABBB RES-521 RES-5521 PMUs MUs connected connected to to real real power power system system Real-Time Real-Time Digital Digital simulation simulation isis converted converted to to Analog Analog // Digital Digital Signals Signals through through I/O I/O ss SEL-5073 SEL-5073 PDC PDC The The current current and and voltage voltage from from the the analog analog outputs outputs of of the the simulator simulator are are amplified amplified by by using using Megger Megger SMRT-1 SMRT-1 Amplifier Amplifier and and fed fed into into the the CT/VT CT/VT inputs inputs of of the the PMU PMU SEL SEL 421 421 SEL SEL 487E 487E SEL EL 421 4211 SEL-5073 SEL-5073 isis aa software software PDC PDC which which takes takes synchrophasor synchrophasor data data from from SEL SEL and and NI-cRIO NI-cRIO PMUs, PMUs, time time allign allign them them and and outputs outputs aa single single concentrated concentrated stream stream GPS GPS Antenna Antennna c. Results from PMU based monitoring Application The The amplified amplified current current and and voltages voltages are are connected connected to to the the CT CT and and VT VT inputs inputs of of the the PMUs. PMUs. The The PMUs PMUs acquire acquire these these analog analog quantities, quantities, computes computes the the phasors phasors and and time time tags tags them, them, and and streams streams out out the the synchronized synchronized phasor phasor data data in in C37.118 C37.118 format. format. Prototype Implementation (PMU App. SDK Beta) Connection with PDC Configuration PC Loading Monitor Data Channel Selection Presented at 2012 3rd IEEE PES ISGT Europe, Berlin, Germany, October 14 -17, 2012 Real-Time Data Access Straightforward Development of Monitoring Application Comparison with a commercial monitoring tool a. Results from developed synchrophasor based monitoring application (with Statnett) b. Results from vendor specific (SEL-5073 PDC monitoring) tool Presented at 2012 3rd IEEE PES ISGT Europe, Berlin, Germany, October 14 -17, 2012 PMU Based Application Example Real-Time Mode Meter Estimates frequency of the electromechanical modes of the power system Three different spectral estimators are used ensuring accurate signal spectrum estimation: • Welch’s method, • Auto-Regresive (AR)method • Auto-Regresive Moving Average (ARMA) method Conclusions and Further Work • Smart Transmission Grids will benefit from RT HIL simulation for developing new technologies. • Modeling for real time simulation is necessary: • Developing more models for protection functions like Distance protection, differential protection, over/under voltage, over/under frequency protection etc. to have available a library for protection functions. • Consideration of actual measurement and automation streams is necessary: • Exploiting IEEE C37.118 (Synchrophasors from PMU) and IEC 61850 (Substation Automation) can be useful to develop applications which can serve as online oscillation detection, mode estimation, power oscillation damping, etc. • PMU-Based applications can enable flexibility: • Developing a Real-Time controller which can read data from power system / substation components irrespective of the vendor protocol and can translate it to take either distributed or global control actions. • RT HIL simulation can help us to achieve broader goals: • Power system which is more reliable and more flexible Presented at 2012 3rd IEEE PES ISGT Europe, Berlin, Germany, October 14 -17, 2012 Thank you!