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Lab Report Format Guide: Chemistry

Lab Report Formats
Each heading, subheading, kind of calculation, equation, reaction etc. must be clearly identified and
placed on separate lines. Your report format must follow the same order as given below. It is your
responsibility to look at your lab schedule and determine whether you have a “smiley face (J) report”
or a “formal report” to submit.
Smiley Face (J) Report
• Cover page
➢ Title of experiment
➢ Student Name
➢ Partners Name
➢ Date Performed
➢ Date Submitted
• Data and Results
➢ Place experimental conditions here
➢ Give ONE EXAMPLE of each kind of calculation showing units and significant figures. When
there are several of the same kind of calculations to be carried out create a table and enter the
final values
➢ Put tables and graphs here
• Conclusion
➢ In about 3 to 4 lines state your results from the experiment {i.e., give your values) and give the
conditions. No generalities please
• Pre and Post lab questions
➢ Give detailed answers to pre and post lab questions
• Signed Data sheet
➢ Make sure your data sheet is written in ink, signed and attached at the end of the lab report
Formal Report
• Cover page
➢ Title of experiment
➢ Student Name
➢ Partners Name
➢ Date Performed
➢ Date Submitted
• Introduction
➢ Give the theory behind the experiment (equation and defined variables, reactions, etc.) in
paragraph format (no bullet format please)
➢ At the end of the introduction briefly state what you will be doing in the lab
• Procedure
➢ Just state where the lab was taken from, i.e., just write “See Ref. (1)” under procedure. Under
the Reference heading put your lab manual as reference (1)
• Data and Results
➢ Place experimental conditions here
➢ Give ONE EXAMPLE of each kind of calculation showing units and significant figures. When
there are several of the same kind of calculations to be carried out create a table and enter the
final values there
➢ Put tables and graphs here
• Discussion
➢ In about half of a page to one page
➢ From your results under “Data and Results” discuss whether your results is in agreement with
the theory in the Introduction (you have to compare your actual values, equations, reactions,
etc., with the theory)
➢ Give % error between your values and known values
➢ Indicate possible sources of errors that would explain (reinforce) your good/poor results (look at
poorly prepared graphs for deviations in your results, look at variability in values to explain
poor data, pay attention to non-reproducibility of experimental conditions to explain poor
results, etc.). When you compare theory with experimental data quote actual experimental
values not general explanations
• Conclusion
➢ In about 3 to 4 lines state your results from the experiment i.e., give your values and the
experimental conditions (No generalities please)
• References
➢ List your references you used to carry out and write out your lab report. Start with your lab
manual i.e.,
(1) Dawson College “Chemistry of Solutions” 202NYA-05 Laboratory Experiments, Winter 2008.
(2) Zumdahl, et. al., “General Chemistry”, 8 Edition, Brooks/Cole, New York, 2010, p,194
• Pre and Post lab questions
➢ Give detailed answers to pre and post lab questions
• Signed Data sheet
➢ Make sure your data sheet is written in ink, signed and attached at the end of the lab report
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