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7-Figure Facebook Ad Copy Structures - SWIPEFILE

7-Figure Facebook Ad Copy Structures - SWIPE FILE
Copy #1
Headline: Who wants [desired outcome]? / [Niche name] - How to get [desired outcome]
[Call out your market]
[Call out desired outcome]
[Let them know they can achieve desired outcome]
[How can they achieve their desired outcome]
[intro to your offer]
[Call to action]
Copy #1 - Draft
Êtes-vous fatigué de devoir acheter à chaque fois des nouveaux écouteurs ?
avec le besoin constant de rester connecté, il peut être épuisant de devoir recharger
constamment vos appareils. Non seulement cela, mais avoir plusieurs appareils avec vous peut
être un problème et occuper un espace précieux dans votre sac ou votre poche.
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other
Copy #2
Headline: How to get [outcome/result] WITHOUT [Pain Point] / Get [outcome] without [pain]
[Call Out Market]
Does this sound familiar?
[3-5 Pain points]
The simple truth is: [Relatable]
[False belief & common misconceptions in the market and how something simple or of common
knowledge won’t get them their outcome]
[Introduce offer & how it will change your markets life]
[2-4 Outcome/benefits]
[Summary of offer/promotion]
[Call to action]
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other
Copy #2 - Draft
Copy #3
Headline: How we/I achieved [outcome] / how clients achieved [outcome]
If you’ve ever wondered how to achieve [outcome]
Then listen to this incredible story
[Talk about how outcome is possible]
[Tell a story on how you get outcome every single day without trouble consistently]
[Demonstrate what you are doing & how are you doing it]
So how do you achieve [outcome]
How do you [another outcome]
How do you [another outcome]
Here’s how
[Intro to offer]
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other
Copy #3 - Draft
Copy #4 Headline: New way of getting [outcome] / the old way of getting [outcome] is over
[How you’re different from your competitors or common offers. This can be a general statement
or question]
[Reason #1]
[Explanation of reason]
[Reason #2]
[Explanation of reason]
[Reason #3]
[Explanation of reason]
Now if you’re interested in getting [outcome]
Without [pain]
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other
[Call to action]
Copy #4 - draft
Copy #5
Headline: This new [offer] is taking the [market] by storm!
[People/market can’t get enough of [offer] - [proof, case studies, etc]
This amazing [general term of offer] has helped thousands of people [paint picture of outcome]
It's designed to [general outcome]
It includes…
[Something BIG about your offer] that almost nobody including your competition can match]
[state bad alternatives]
[explain how they dont produce the outcome]
[Summary of offer]
[urgency & scarcity]
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other
[Call to action]
Copy #6
Headline: Can this [offer] really help with [pain points]
[State negative statistic about market]
[State a fact of outcome from statistic]
[Expand on the fear]
[Intro solution]
[Intro offer and how it solves the fear & pain]
[Features & benefits]
[Summary offer]
[Scarcity & urgency]
[Call to action]
Copy #6 - Draft
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other
Copy #7
Headline: Can this [general offer] really help with [pain]
[call out market]
[State most common pain faced in the market]
[Expand further on pain through a story. Let them really feel it]
But thats not the worst part
The worst part is [big consequence]
[intro solution]
[intro offer and how to it can solve pain & fear]
[Summary offer & promotion]
[Call to action]
Copy #7 - draft
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other
Copy #8
Headline: This new [offer] is going viral!
[offer] sold out 5 times last year & is finally back in stock!
Grab your [offer] before they’re gone again
With over [number of clients] satisfied clients, this is the last [offer] you’ll ever need
[Introduce offer]
[explain how offer gets outcome]
[what makes you different from your competitors]
It’s no wonder why this [offer] took the [market] storm]
Never worry about [fear/pain] again
[scarcity & urgency
[call to action]
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other
Copy #8 - draft
Copy #9
Headline: hundreds/thousand of [market] are now achieving [result/outcome] with [offer]
[Introduce with testimonials]
Getting [outcome] has never been more affordable for [market]
For less than [price] this [offer] has helped thousands of customers achieve [results/outcome]
Save over [price] by getting this [offer]
[mention how expensive alternatives are]
And get same quality as [alternative]
The best part?
[promotion] starts today
Now you can easily achieve [outcome] for fraction of the price
What you waiting for?
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other
Copy #9 - draft
Copy #10
Headline: Based on customer reviews this is the best [promo] on the market right now
Get benefit with this [offer/feature]
[Explain how your offer helps them achieve their goals/outcome & emphasize what make you
unique & special]
[promotion & scarcity]
[Call to action]
Copy #10 - draft
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other
Components of good offers, hooks &
1. Stories
2. Guarantees
3. Bonuses
4. Urgency
5. Scarcity
6. Outcomes
7. Results
8. Competitive Pricing
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other
9. Strong CTA
10. Value (free, etc)
11. Benefits
© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other