Uploaded by Sameena Mehtab

ICT Exam Paper for Class III

SESSION 2023-2024
Name: _____________________________
Date: ___________
Class: III
Sec: ______Roll No: _____
Max Marks: 40
Invigilator’s sign: ___________________
Duration: 2 hrs.
1. Tick the correct answer.
a) It is a set of instructions that tells computers what to do and how to do it.
(i) Hardware
(ii) Software
(iii) Storage
b) ___________ app does not require the payment before downloading them.
(i) Free
(ii) Paid
(iii) None of these
c) ________________ software identify people based on their unique physical characterstics.
(i) Biometric
(ii) Utility
(iii) General purpose
d) The first ever operating system came into existence in_________________.
(i) 1950s
(ii) 1920s
(iii) 1980s
e) Chrome, Youtube, Gmail are _________________ software.
(i) System
(ii) Application
(iii) Both (i) and (ii)
2. Write T for True or F for False.
a) There are four types of application software.
b) Voice recognition technology allows users to give instructions using voice commands.
c) Microsoft windows and macOS are examples of operating systems.
d) We can change the background of desktop.
e) The first generation computers have operating system.
3. Answer in one word.
a) This is the main screen of computer appears as soon as the computer is turn on.
b) It is the image that the monitor displays when computer is not in use for longer time. ___________
c) The language which help us to talk to computers.
d) It helps us to store files and folders on the internet.
e) These types of softwares are used to protect and maintain computers.
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4. Match the given options in the two columns.
Antivirus Software
Voice Recognition
Siri, Google Assistant
Utility Software
General Motors
Google Docs
General purpose software
5. Identify the devices based on their uses.
a) Device which can open using Face Recognition
b) Helps you to click
c) Helps you to store data
6. Draw the mouse pointers of the following statements.
a) It means that the computer is busy and wants you to wait.
b) This arrow is used to resize windows or pictures.
c) This icon is used to insert text into a document.
d) This arrow is used to move pictures and toolbars.
7. Define the following terms.
a) Specific purpose software
b) GUI
8. Differentiate between the following.
System Software and Application Software
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9. Short answer type questions.
a) What is the use of utility software?
b) What is the use of free apps?
10. Answer the following questions.
a) Write the steps for shutting down a computer.
b) List any three examples of operating system.
11. Abhay wants to apply screensaver, but his computer is running slow and weird symbols are
appearing then which software he will use to protect his computer ?
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