Lab Report Resistance 31/8/23 Background Research : According to Ohms law Voltage in a circuit is directly proportional to the current in that circuit Aim of Experiment : to prove that ohms Law is true Precautions taken : We used low voltages to prevent electric shocks, used insulated wires and only touched the insulated parts of the apparatus Apparatus : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Multimeter Variable resistor Battery eliminator Wires Voltmeter Procedures : 1. Connected a battery substitute to replace the battery in the circuit. 2. Arranged a tool called a voltmeter to check how much electrical push (voltage) is across the adjustable knob in the circuit. 3. Set up multimeter, to act as a current-measuring device. 4. Checked the current at speci c levels of voltage by changing the knob's resistance gradually. 5. Did this current measurement process twice for accuracy 6. Found the average of the two sets of current measurements to get a reliable value. 7. Made a graph with voltage on one side and current on the other, using the data collected. fi fi 8. Used the formula (Resistance = Voltage / Current) to nd resistance 9. Found gradient of graph to calculate average resistance Readings and Graph fi Conclusion : The graph clearly shows that as voltage goes up, current also increases, con rming Ohm's Law and our correct resistance calculations.