111-1 NTU General Physics Laboratory Data Analysis Assignment Answer Sheet Student id:B11502158 Name:黃宥華 2022 1 Abbreviated Notation [ 2 pts for each subheading ] (i)18.8(1.5) × 10−6 (ii) 2.91 (iii) 10.72 (41 ) (iv) 220.10 (30) (v) 4.60 (29 ) (vi) 337.7 (3.0) 2 (07 ) Estimating measure times (i) [6 pts]平均成不確定度 18.41(26) (ii) According to the appendix A in the textbook, What’s the name of the interval from (i) ?[3 pts] and what’s it means? [5 pts] The name for interval from (i) 是使用 A 類不確定度去取數據或測量的誤差,用來求取標準差 (iii) [5 pts] 263 (iv) [6 pts] 0.049 3 Transforming Data for Least Squares No. Constant(s) [pts] ex A,B X (i) L 3 y=ax+b Const. lnR=-BT+lnA 𝐴 = 𝑒 𝑏 ; 𝐵 = −𝑎. lnf = (-1/2 ln Vln(L)^(1/2))/2pi 1 L = ( 2 𝜋 ⁄ 𝑒 𝑏 )2 (ii) k, n 3 lnN = lnk-(1/n)ln C (iii) f 3 1⁄𝜇= −1⁄𝑣+ 1⁄ƒ V = Acos(t) (iv) 4 3 A k = 𝑒𝑏 n=1⁄𝑎 ƒ=1/b A=a Least Squares Methods and Linear Correlation (i) [7 pts] 最小平方法是從很多測出的數據,找一個理論模型曲線,讓所有數據的應變數值和 理論預測之之差平方和最小。 (ii) [7 pts] 最小平方法要成立的條件是,假設測量值得不確性的機率分佈為常態分佈。因為常 態分佈是鐘型曲線,所以當樣本很多時,樣本的平均會是常態分佈中心的好 的估計值。 (iii) [2 pts] -0.86 (iv) Plot a graph of temperature versus volume and indicate the linear line of best fit (plot T on the y axis and V on the x axis). The x title, the y title, the legend, the equation and the R2 need to show properly on the graph.[7 pts] Variation of temperature of the cold surface of TEC with the volume of heat sink 40 35 30 25 溫 20 度 (體積,溫度) 15 Линейная ((體積,溫 度)) 10 y = -0,5854x + 31,794 R² = 0,7458 5 0 0 20 40 60 體積 (v) Do you think that the assumption of linearity between T and V is valid? Why or Why not?[7 pts] 這假設是有效的,因為那些數據點都跟迴歸直線很近且有分布在線的兩端。 2 5 Probability Density Function and Type B Uncertainty (i) Calculate A… 1 ∫ 𝑓(𝑥)𝑑𝑥 = 1 0 A = 3/2 f(x) = 3/2 - x (ii) Plot the graph of f(x) versus x. 3 (iii) 𝑏 ∫𝑎 𝑓(𝑥)𝑑𝑥=(1/2)(a+b) (iv) (上邊+下邊)/2=0 (v) ∫−𝑎 𝑥 + 𝑎⁄𝑎2 d(x) + ∫0 𝑎 − 𝑥⁄𝑎2 d(x) + 0 = 𝑎⁄√6 0 𝑎 [ 5 pts for each subheading above ] (vi) Vernier caliper Delta函數 Regular ruler 常態分布 [3 points for one, up to 6 points] 4