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Lao Electric Power Technical Standards

Lao Electric Power
Technical Standards
December, 2018
Energy is a key input and important factor for economic development of any country or people. Investing
in infrastructure creation including for energy production leads to human socio-economic development
which is the key goal for any country. A well developed and efficient power sector is a basic requirement and
an important mechanism for advancement and to achieve national objectives of improving the living
standards of the people, and contribute to sustainable socio-economic development. Lao PDR is a country
with abundant natural resources, particularly water resources that provide an excellent basis for the energy
sector to generate hydro power. Government of Lao PDR has rightly taken this route and given high priority
to development of the hydro power sector.
Based on international practices and standards and with cooperation and assistance from Government of
Japan, electrical technical standards were developed under the Electric Power Technical Standards Project.
These technical standards were adopted in the year 2004 by Lao Government through its Ministry of Energy
and Mines as the Lao PDR Electric Power Technical Standards (LEPTS). The LEPTS cover the main
principles governing the management of electricity activities such as planning, design, construction,
operation, generation, transmission, distribution and electricity services. The LEPTS, by specifying uniform,
consistent and technically correct practices, aimed to encourage greater efficiency in the industry.
Over the years, it was observed that many provisions of LEPTS needed updating as they were seen to be too
general, required to be more precise and be able to address the detailed design procedures. In view of this,
World Bank stepped forward to provide necessary support and assistance under the World Bank aided
“Technical Assistance for Capacity Building in the Hydropower and Mining Sectors” project.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt Ltd, India (PwC India) and Entura, had been appointed as the consultants to
support Government of Lao PDR to put in place a framework for proper development of the power sector
including the review and subsequent modification of LEPTS documents.
Entura carried out a detailed review and subsequently modification to the LEPTS documents keeping in
mind the current scenario of the power sector development in Lao PDR as well as the recent advances in
technology, newly adopted international standards and changing requirements of Lao PDR’s hydropower
development program. The adequacy and compatibility of new international standards for design,
construction and operation of hydropower was analyzed and studied to ensure a coherent technical
framework for the sector. The guidelines have been revised ensuring that they are consistent with the
Electricity Law and other guidelines in force.
The Ministry of Energy and Mines, Government of Lao PDR takes this opportunity to thank the World Bank
and their consultant PwC and Entura for the valuable assistance they have provided in reviewing and
updating of the LEPTS. The Ministry would also like to thank all participating organizations and staff for
their cooperation in successfully establishing these Technical Standards.
The Ministry recognizes that any standards should not be considered rigid and inflexible and should change
with new developments and technical advances in the field. It would therefore welcome comments and
suggestions from the users and would oversee appropriate amendments to these Technical Standards in
response to industry experience to ensure that they remain relevant and effective in the long term.
List of Project Members for Initial Document
Project Director
Mr. Houmphone BULYAPHOL
(Chapter 1‐3)
Director General of DOE, MIH
Chief Advisor
Dr. Shigenori KURODA
(Chapter 1‐3)
JICA Expert
Hydropower Civil Engineering Group
Mr. Takashi TADA, JICA Expert
(Chapter 2)
Mr. Voradeth PHONEKEO, DOE Staff
Mr. Phonesavanh PHIMMASONE , DOE Staff
Mr. Phoukhong SENGVILAY, DOE Staff
Mr. Vantheva BOUKHASITH, EDL Staff
Hydropower Plant/Substation Group
(Chapter 3: 3‐1, 3‐2, 3‐3 and 3‐4)
Mr. Hiroaki NISHIGAMI , JICA Expert
Mr. Sisoukan SAYARATH, DOE Staff Mr. Viengsay
Transmission Group
Mr. Takahiro ISHIMARU, JICA Expert
(Chapter 3: 3‐1, 3‐2, 3‐3 and 3‐5)
Mr. Phethsavanh RATTANATHONGXAY, DOE Staff Mr.
Vithounlabandid THOMMABOUT, DOE Staff Mr. Sengkham
Distribution Group
Mr. Munenori OTA, JICA Expert
(Chapter 3: 3‐1, 3‐2, 3‐3, 3‐6 and 3‐7)
Mr. Houmphan VONGPHACHAN, DOE Staff
Mr. Vanhdy VILAYSANE, EDL Staff
Mr. Thammanoune NAKHAVITH, DOE Staff
Mr. Maypheth PHONPHILA, EDL Staff
Project Manager
Dr. Somboune MANOLOM
Director of Cabinet, MIH
Mr. Masaaki DOI, JICA Expert
List of Project Members for 2018 Document
Government of Lao PDR
Mr. Sychath BOUTSAKITTIRATH, Director General, Department of Energy Management
Mr. Bouathep MALAYKHAM, Deputy Director General, Department of Energy Management
Mr. Houmphanh VONGPHACHANH, Deputy Director General , Department of Energy Management
Dr. Phoukhong SENGVILAY, Director of Division, Department of Energy Management
Mr. Viengsay CHANHTHA, Director of Division, Department of Energy Management
Mr. Phouxay VIENGVIXAY, Director of Division, Department of Energy Management
Mr. Lair PHIMPHISANE, Deputy Director of Division, Department of Energy Management
Mr. Bounthavee CHANHTANGEUN, Deputy Director of Division, Department of Energy Management
World Bank
Mr. Satoru Ueda, Lead Dam Specialist
Mr. Takafumi Kadono, Senior Energy Specialist
Entura/ PwC India
Sonam Tshering, Team Leader, PwC India
Dr. P.C. Jose, Hydropower Expert, Entura
Mr. Zafarul Hasan, Dam Specialist, Entura
Mr. Narendra Arora, Electrical Expert, Entura
Dr. Tapanjyoti Mukhopadhyay, Geological and Geotechnical Expert, Entura
Mr. Ajit Garg, Project Manager, Entura
Mr. Praveen Thakur, Hydropower Expert, Entura
Mr. Subhrajit Datta Ray, Director, PwC India
Multiconsult UK
Christopher Grant, Technical Director
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1
Purpose of Technical Standards............................................................................................1-175
Article 2
Scope of Technical Standards................................................................................................1-175
Article 3
Conformity to the Technical Standards................................................................................2-175
Article 4
Nomination of Chief Engineers ..............................................................................................2-175
Article 5
Examination and Inspection ...................................................................................................3-175
Article 6
Order of Remedy for Conformance to Technical Standards..............................................4-175
Article 7
Obligation for Reporting........................................................................................................5-175
Chapter 2 Hydropower Civil Engineering Facilities
2-1 General
Article 8
2-2 Fundamental Requirements
Article 9
Prevention of Overtopping from Non-overflow Sections of Dams .................................... 9-175
Article 10 Dam Stability ......................................................................................................................... 9-175
Article 11 Prevention of Seepage Failure of Dams ............................................................................... 9-175
Article 12 Prevention of Serious Deformation and Cracking of Dams............................................... 9-175
Article 13 Prevention of Failure of Waterways and Other Facilities.................................................. 9-175
Article 14 Prevention of Failure of Powerhouses and Other Facilities............................................... 9-175
Article 15 Prevention of Seepage Failure of Ground around a Reservoir .........................................10-175
Article 16 Prevention of Damage to Upstream and Downstream Areas ............................................ 10-175
2-3 Dams
2-3-1 Common Rules
Article 17 Inflow Design Flood............................................................................................................... 10-175
Article 18 Basic Water Levels ................................................................................................................ 12-175
Article 19 Freeboard ............................................................................................................................... 13-175
Article 20 Loads......................................................................................................................................14-175
Article 21 Dam Foundations................................................................................................................. 15-175
Article 22 Prevention of Serious Water Leakage from Dams ........................................................... 15-175
Article 23 Monitoring and Inspections ................................................................................................ 16-175
2-3-2 Concrete Dams
Article 24 Concrete Materials .............................................................................................................. 16-175
Article 25 Foundations for Concrete Dams......................................................................................... 16-175
Article 26 Stability of Concrete Gravity Dams ................................................................................... 17-175
Article 27 Stability of Arch Dams ........................................................................................................ 19-175
Article 28 Structural Details of Concrete Dam Body ......................................................................... 20-175
Article 29 Temperature Regulation for Concrete Dam Body ........................................................... 20-175
2-3-3 Fill Dams
Article 30 Embankment Materials ...................................................................................................... 21-175
Article 31 Foundations for Fill Dams .................................................................................................. 22-175
Article 32 Stability of Fill Dams ........................................................................................................... 22-175
Article 33 Restrictions on Facilities such as Discharge Facilities ...................................................... 23-175
Article 34 Design for Homogeneous Type Fill Dams.......................................................................... 23-175
Article 35 Design for Zoned Type Fill Dams....................................................................................... 23-175
Article 36 Design for Surface Diaphragm Type Fill Dams ................................................................ 23-175
2-3-4 Other Types of Dams
Article 37 Other Types of Dams........................................................................................................... 23-175
2-3-5 Spillways and Other Discharge Facilities
Article 38 Spillways............................................................................................................................... 24-175
Article 39 Spillway Gates and Auxiliaries........................................................................................... 24-175
Article 40 Other Discharge Facilities................................................................................................... 25-175
2-4 Waterways
Article 41 Common Rules..................................................................................................................... 25-175
Article 42 Intakes .................................................................................................................................. 26-175
Article 43 Settling Basins ...................................................................................................................... 26-175
Article 44 Headraces ............................................................................................................................. 26-175
Article 45 Surge Tanks and Head Tanks ............................................................................................ 27-175
Article 46 Penstocks .............................................................................................................................. 28-175
Article 47 Tailraces ............................................................................................................................... 29-175
Article 48 Gates, Valves, and Auxiliaries ............................................................................................ 29-175
2-5 Powerhouses and Other Facilities
Article 49 Powerhouses ......................................................................................................................... 29-175
Article 50 Other Facilities..................................................................................................................... 30-175
2-6 Reservoirs
Article 51 Prevention of Landslide ...................................................................................................... 30-175
Article 52 Sedimentation and Water Quality ..................................................................................... 30-175
2-7 Downstream
Article 53 Regulation of Discharge to Downstream Areas ................................................................ 30-175
Article 54 Facilities to Discharge to Downstream Areas.................................................................... 30-175
Chapter 3 Electrical Facilities
3-1 General
Article 55 Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 32-175
Article 56 Standard Frequency, Standard Voltages and Standard Test Voltages .......................... 33-175
Article 57 Classification ........................................................................................................................ 35-175
3-2 Fundamental Requirements
Article 58 Prevention of Electric Shock and Fire Caused by Electrical Facilities ........................... 38-175
Article 59 Insulation of Electrical Circuits against Grounds ............................................................ 38-175
Article 60 Provision of Earthing on Necessary Points in Electrical Facilities .................................. 39-175
Article 61 Protection against Overcurrent and Earth Faults ............................................................ 39-175
Article 62 Isolation from High-voltage and Medium-voltage Electrical Facilities .......................... 39-175
Article 63 Prevention of Danger Due to Breakage of Electrical Conductors ................................... 39-175
Article 64 Prevention of Damage to Other Facilities.......................................................................... 39-175
Article 65 Prevention of Danger Due to Collapse of Supporting Structures.................................... 39-175
Article 66 Prevention of Electrical and Magnetic Interference......................................................... 39-175
Article 67 Prevention of Serious Obstacles to Power Generation and Power Supply, and
Prevention of Damage to Other Electrical Facilities Caused by Damage and
Destruction of Electrical Facilities ..................................................................................... 39-175
Article 68 Prevention of Pollution........................................................................................................ 40-175
3-3 Common Rules for Electrical Facilities
3-3-1 Protective Safety Installations
Article 69 Prevention of Entry of Any Person Other than Operators to Closed
Electrical Operating Areas where High-voltage and Medium-voltage
Electrical Facilities are Installed....................................................................................... 40-175
Article 70 Protection of Operators against Dangers of High-voltage and
Medium-voltage Electrical Facilities in a Closed Electrical Operating Area ................. 41-175
Article 71 Prevention of Danger of Low-voltage Hydropower Electrical Plants ............................. 43-175
Article 72 Prevention of Climbing onto Supporting Structures........................................................ 43-175
Article 73 Prevention of Damage by Small Animals to Electrical Facilities .................................. 43-175
Article 74 Prevention of Damage by Rainwater to Electrical Facilities ........................................... 43-175
Article 75 Prevention of Fire Caused by Electrical Equipment ........................................................ 44-175
3-3-2 Prevention of Electrical and Magnetic Interference
Article 76 Prevention of Electrical Inductive Interference and Electrical Wave Interference ... 45-175
3-3-3 Prevention of Pollution
Article 77 Prevention of Pollution by Insulating Oil .......................................................................... 45-175
Article 78 Prevention of Emission of SF6 Gas .................................................................................... 46-175
3-4 Hydropower Electrical Plants, Substations and Switching Stations
3-4-1 Electrical Equipment
3-4-1-1 Insulation
Article 79 Insulation Co-ordination..................................................................................................... 46-175
Article 80 Restriction against Overvoltage ......................................................................................... 47-175
Article 81 Insulation Strength of Electric Circuits in Electrical Equipment ................................... 48-175
Article 82 Insulating Clearance for Bus Bars ..................................................................................... 52-175
3-4-1-2 Thermal Strength and Mechanical Strength
Article 83 Thermal Strength of Electrical Equipment ....................................................................... 52-175
Article 84 Mechanical Strength of Electrical Equipment against Short-circuit Current ............... 53-175
Article 85 Mechanical Strength of Hydraulic Turbines and Generators ......................................... 54-175
3-4-1-3 Particularities of Equipment
Article 86 Prevention of Damage to Hydraulic Turbines .................................................................. 54-175
Article 87 Prevention of Damage to Pressure Tanks.......................................................................... 55-175
Article 88 Prevention of Damage to Bus Bars..................................................................................... 55-175
3-4-2 Protection, Monitoring and Control Systems
Article 89 Monitoring and Control Systems ....................................................................................... 56-175
Article 90 Monitoring and Control Devices ........................................................................................ 57-175
Article 91 Protection Systems............................................................................................................... 60-175
Article 92 Protective Devices for Electrical Equipment..................................................................... 61-175
Article 93 Protective Devices for Electrical Lines .............................................................................. 63-175
Article 94 Emergency Water Interception Devices ............................................................................ 63-175
3-4-3 Earthing Arrangement
Article 95 Earthing Arrangement of Electrical Facilities .................................................................. 63-175
Article 96 Particularities of Earthing Arrangement .......................................................................... 65-175
3-5 Transmission Lines
3-5-1 Overhead Transmission Conductors
Article 97 Properties of Electrical Conductors ................................................................................... 66-175
Article 98 Load on Overhead Transmission Conductors and Safety Factor ................................... 67-175
Article 99 Jointing and Branching of Electrical Conductors ............................................................ 68-175
3-5-2 Insulator for Overhead Transmission Lines
Article 100 Mechanical Strength of Insulators for Overhead Transmission Lines ........................... 68-175
3-5-3 Dielectric Strength of Overhead Transmission Lines
Article 101 Clearance between Supporting Structures and Electrical Conductors .......................... 70-175
Article 102 Dielectric Strength of Overhead Transmission Lines....................................................... 70-175
3-5-4 Supporting Structures
Article 103 Steel Structural Members of Supporting Structures........................................................ 70-175
Article 104 Loads on Supporting Structures and Safety Factor ......................................................... 77-175
Article 105 Loads on Foundations of Supporting Structures and Safety Factor............................... 78-175
Article 106 Reinforcement of Overhead Transmission Lines.............................................................. 78-175
Article 107 Reinforcement by Guys....................................................................................................... 79-175
3-5-5 Regulations for Installation
Article 108 Clearance between Overhead Ground Wires and Electrical conductors ....................... 79-175
Article 109 Height of Overhead Transmission Conductors and Limitation of Span ........................ 80-175
Article 110 Clearance between Plants and Overhead Transmission Conductors ............................. 81-175
Article 111 Restrictions in Urban Areas ............................................................................................... 81-175
Article 112 Regulations for Side-by-side Installation and at Adjacency to and Crossing
With other Objects ........................................................................................................... 83-175
Particulars of Installation for Side-by-side Use and at Adjacency to and
Crossing with Other Objects
3-5-6-1 Side-by-side Use Installation with Other Objects
Article 113 Installation with Distribution Conductors ........................................................................ 85-175
Article 114 Installation with Telecommunication Conductors............................................................ 86-175
Article 115 Low-voltage Appliances on Towers ................................................................................... 87-175
3-5-6-2 Installations at Adjacency to and Crossing with Other Objects
Article 116 Adjacency to and Crossing with Buildings ........................................................................ 88-175
Article 117 Adjacency to and Crossing with the Roads ....................................................................... 89-175
Article 118 Adjacency to and Crossing with Distribution Conductors and
Telecommunication Conductors ..................................................................................... 91-175
Article 119 Adjacency to and Crossing with Transmission Conductors ............................................ 94-175
Article 120 Adjacency to and Crossing with Other Facilities.............................................................. 95-175
3-5-7 Protection against Lightning and Falling Trees
Article 121 Protection against Lightning .............................................................................................. 97-175
Article 122 Protection against Falling Trees ......................................................................................... 97-175
3-5-8 Underground Transmission Lines
3-5-8-1 Dielectric Strength of Underground Transmission Lines
Article 123 Dielectric Strength of Underground Transmission Lines ................................................ 97-175
3-5-8-2 Cables of Underground Transmission Lines
Article 124 Properties of Underground Cables .................................................................................... 98-175
Article 125 Jointing of Underground Cables ........................................................................................ 99-175
Article 126 Earthing of Underground Cables and Joint Boxes ........................................................... 99-175
Article 127 Prevention of Over-voltage for Underground Cables ...................................................... 99-175
3-5-8-3 Underground Installation of Cables
Article 128 Underground Installation of Cables...................................................................................100-175
Article 129 Indication of Buried Cables ................................................................................................ 100-175
Article 130 Structure of Conduits, Culverts and Manholes ................................................................ 101-175
3-5-8-4 Particulars of Prevention against Underground Electrical
Inductive Interference
Article 131 Protection of Underground Telecommunication Lines from Electrical
Inductive Interference .....................................................................................................102-175
3-5-8-5 Underground Installations at Adjacency to and Crossing with Other Objects
Article 132 Adjacency to and Crossing with Underground Telecommunication Lines ....................102-175
Article 133 Adjacency to and Crossing with Underground Distribution Lines.................................103-175
Article 134 Adjacency to and Crossing with Other Underground Objects........................................103-175
3-5-9 Special Transmission Lines
Article 135 Underwater Transmission Lines ....................................................................................... 104-175
Article 136 Transmission Lines Over Bridges ..................................................................................... 104-175
3-6 Distribution lines
3-6-1 Common Rules for Distribution Lines
Article 137 Allowable Voltages for Distribution Lines .......................................................................105-175
Article 138 Insulation of Distribution Lines and User's Sites............................................................ 105-175
Article 139 Earthing of Distribution Lines and User's Sites............................................................... 106-175
Article 140 Equipment and Device Installations for Distribution Lines ........................................... 109-175
Article 141 Overcurrent Breakers ....................................................................................................... 110-175
Article 142 Earth Fault Breakers ........................................................................................................ 112-175
Article 143 Surge Arresters .................................................................................................................. 113-175
3-6-2 Overhead Distribution Lines
3-6-2-1 Overhead Distribution Conductors
Article 144 Properties of Distribution Conductors ........................................................................... 114-175
Article 145 Load for an Overhead Distribution Lines and Safety Factor ....................................... 117-175
Article 146 Jointing of Overhead Distribution Conductors ..............................................................119-175
Article 147 Dielectric Strength of Overhead Distribution Lines.......................................................120-175
Article 148 Guard lines, Guard Nets and Protection Devices .........................................................121-175
3-6-2-2 Supporting Structures of Distribution Lines
Article 149 Supporting Structures of Distribution Lines.................................................................. 122-175
Article 150 Load for Supporting Structures of Distribution Lines and Safety Factor .................. 124-175
Article 151 Load for Foundation of Supporting Structures of Distribution Lines and
Safety Factor................................................................................................................... 129-175
Article 152 Reinforcement for Supporting Structures of Distribution Lines by Guys and so on ..130-175
3-6-2-3 Regulation for Installation on Distribution Lines
Article 153 Height of Overhead Distribution Conductors ................................................................. 133-175
Article 154 Regulation of Distribution Lines at Adjacency to and Crossing with Other Objects.. 134-175
3-6-2-4 Particularities of Distribution Lines for Joint Use and Side by Side Use with
Other Objects
Article 155 Joint Use and Side-by-side Use of Distribution Lines with Other Objects ................... 141-175
3-6-3 Service Drop Lines
Article 156 Overhead Service Drop Lines........................................................................................... 143-175
Article 157 Exterior Wall Lines at Consumer Facilities .................................................................... 144-175
Article 158 Party Service Drop Lines .................................................................................................. 147-175
3-6-4 Power Metering
Article 159 Power Metering ................................................................................................................ 147-175
3-6-5 Underground Distribution Lines
Article 160 Properties of Underground Distribution Cables and Jointing ..................................... 150-175
Article 161 Installation of Underground Distribution Cables .......................................................... 152-175
Article 162 Indication of Buried Distribution Cables ........................................................................ 153-175
Article 163 Underground Distribution Lines at Adjacency and Crossing with Other Objects...... 153-175
3-6-6 Special Distribution Lines
Article 164 Over water and Under water Distribution Lines............................................................ 154-175
Article 165 Distribution Line over Bridge and Others ..................................................................... 155-175
3-7 User’s Sites Electrical Installations
3-7-1 Indoor Installations
Article 166 Restriction of Indoor Lines Voltage ................................................................................. 157-175
Article 167 Restriction of Bare Conductors ....................................................................................... 157-175
Article 168 Electrical conductors used for indoor wirings ................................................................ 157-175
Article 169 Switching Devices at the Indoor Main Lines................................................................... 158-175
Article 170 Indoor Wiring Utensils...................................................................................................... 158-175
Article 171 Indoor Electrical equipments and Appliances ................................................................ 158-175
Article 172 Prevention of Obstacles caused by high frequency Current.......................................... 159-175
Article 173 Over Current Circuit Breakers for Electric Motors ...................................................... 159-175
Article 174 Installation of Mains for Electrical Circuits.................................................................... 160-175
Article 175 Installation of Branch Circuits ........................................................................................ 161-175
Article 176 Allowable Current of Indoor Wirings .............................................................................163-175
Article 177 Indoor Wiring Works........................................................................................................ 164-175
Article 178 Indoor Wirings for Adjacency and Crossing .................................................................. 168-175
Article 179 Indoor Installations for Electric Lamps .......................................................................... 169-175
Article 180 Mobile Electrical Wirings ................................................................................................. 169-175
3-7-2 Outdoor Installations
Article 181 Outdoor Installations ....................................................................................................... 170-175
3-7-3 Special Installations
Article 182 Traffic Signals ....................................................................................................................172-175
Article 183 Public Streetlamps ............................................................................................................. 172-175
Article 184 Submarine Lamps ............................................................................................................. 173-175
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity
Ministry of Energy and Mines
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1
Purpose of Technical Standards
The purpose of the Lao Electric Power Technical Standards (hereinafter referred
to as the “Technical Standards”) founded on Article 33 of the Law on Electricity 2018, is to
prescribe the fundamental requirements for power facilities and technical contents that should
satisfy the fundamental requirements. The Technical Standards also include the Lao Dam Safety
Guidelines and the power facilities involving dams should also comply with the Lao Dam Safety
The Technical Standards are contemplated to meet the four (4) principles as follows:
 Power facilities shall not harm the human body and damage any object;
The power facilities shall be installed so as not to
magnetic interference that may affect other electrical facilities;
There shall be of no significant effect on power supply despite of the power facilities being
broken down or damaged, and
Installation of the power facilities shall comply with the applicable Lao environmental
laws and regulations and should have no or minimal
surrounding environment.
“The power facilities” are defined as to include, amongst others, hydropower stations, dams,
substations, switching stations, transmission lines, distribution lines and
users’ sites and be
composed of hydropower civil engineering facilities (as prescribed in Chapter 2) and electrical
facilities (as prescribed in Chapter 3).
“The hydropower civil engineering facilities” are defined as civil engineering facilities, such as
dams, waterways, and powerhouses, of the hydropower station.
“The electrical facilities” are defined as to include electrical conductors, machines, apparatuses
and devices, equipment, and supporting structures (except for the hydropower civil engineering
facilities), which are to be installed or erected for generation, transformation, transmission or
distribution or for use of electricity.
Article 2
Scope of Technical Standards
The Technical Standards shall apply to the power facilities to be newly constructed and
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Lao Electric Power Technical Standard. First Edition in the year 2004/ Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts/ Department of Electricity
Supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA)
rehabilitated /upgraded in course of design, under construction and in operation in the country of
Article 3
Conformity to the Technical Standards
An owner intending to newly install, rehabilitate, and operate a power facility shall design,
construct, operate, and maintain/administer such facility so as to conform to the requirements as
prescribed in the Technical Standards.
The Technical Standards provide for the fundamental requirements concerning the power facilities
and such technical contents that should satisfy the fundamental requirements. The technical
contents contained in Section 2-3 to Section 2-7 and Section 3-3 to Section 3-7 may not cover all
the technical contents that should satisfy the fundamental requirements set forth in Section 2-2
and Section 3-2, and if proposed alternative should have sufficient technical basis
to fulfil the fundamental requirements, such alternative shall be judged to conform to the
fundamental requirements.
The “owner” used in this Article shall mean any organization, the Government and provincial
administrative organs, state owned enterprises, private enterprises or persons that are authorized
to engage in the electricity business in accordance with Article 36, Article 38, Article 42 and Article
78 of the Law on Electricity 2018.
With respect to any power facility that is already being operated, power facility under construction
and power facility of which design has been completed at the time of enforcement of the 2018
amended Technical Standards, the owner shall try to do his utmost so that such power facilities
conform to the fundamental requirements within the limits of possibility.
Article 4
Appointment of Chief Engineers
The owner shall nominate chief engineers responsible for the technical matters in the fields of
design, construction and operation concerning the power facilities respectively, and submit a
notice of such nomination to the Ministry of Energy and Mines for its approval under its
responsibility in compliance with article 65, 67, 90, 104 and 105 of Law on Electricity 2018.
Registered hydropower civil engineers who are nominated, hereinafter referred to as
"registered hydropower civil engineers", shall be responsible for technical matters on design,
construction, and operation of hydropower civil engineering facilities shall assume duties as
prescribed items below:
Handover between the registered hydropower civil engineer
design and the registered hydropower civil engineer in charge of construction;
The registered hydropower civil engineer responsible for the technical matters in design and
the registered hydropower civil engineer responsible for the technical matters in construction
shall conduct taking-over of their duties based on the documents with respect to matters to be
attended to for design and construction of the hydropower civil engineering facilities concerned.
Also, the owner shall report the contents of the taking-over to the Ministry of Energy and Mines;
Handover between the registered hydropower civil engineer in charge of construction and the
registered hydropower civil engineer in charge of operation;
The registered hydropower civil engineer responsible for the technical matters in construction
and the registered hydropower civil engineer responsible for the technical matters in operation
shall conduct taking-over of their duties based on the documents with respect to matters to be
attended to for design, construction and operation of the hydropower civil engineering facilities
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Lao Electric Power Technical Standard. First Edition in the year 2004/ Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts/ Department of Electricity
Supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA)
Further, the owner shall report the contents of the taking-over to the Ministry of Energy and
Preparation and updation of Emergency Action Plan
The registered hydropower civil engineer responsible for the technical matters shall be
responsible for preparation of emergency action plan prior to start of construction, reservoir
impoundment and operation in compliance with the Lao Dam Safety Guidelines. The registered
hydropower civil engineer responsible for operation shall regularly review the emergency action
plan during operation and keep it updated.
Investigation of accidents during construction and operation.
The registered hydropower civil engineer responsible for the technical matters in construction
and operation shall, if there arises any accident of the hydropower civil engineering facilities
concerned, investigate damage, cause, etc. of such accidents.
Registered electrical engineers who are nominated, hereinafter referred to as "registered
electrical engineers", shall be responsible for technical matters on design, construction, and
operation of electrical facilities shall assume duties as prescribed items below:
Handover between the registered electrical engineer in charge of design and the registered
electrical engineer in charge of construction.
The registered electrical engineer responsible for the technical matters in design and the
registered electrical engineer responsible for the technical matters in construction shall conduct
taking-over of their duties based on the documents with respect to matters to be attended to for
design and construction of the electrical facilities concerned.
Also, the owner shall report the contents of the taking-over to the Ministry of Energy and Mines.
Handover between the registered electrical engineer
and the registered electrical engineer in charge of operation.
The registered electrical engineer responsible for the technical matters in construction and the
registered electrical engineer responsible for the technical matters in operation shall conduct
taking-over of their duties based on the documents with respect to matters to be attended to for
design and operation of the electrical facilities concerned.
Further, the owner shall report the contents of the taking-over to the Ministry of Energy and
Investigation of accidents during construction and operation.
The registered electrical engineer responsible for the technical matters in construction and
operation shall, if there arises any accident of the electrical facilities concerned, investigate
damage, cause, etc. of such accidents.
Article 5
Examination and Inspection
The owner shall, in conducting design, construction and operation of any power
facility, undertake examination and inspection to comply with requirements laid out in Article 110 of
Law on Electricity 2018 and also in compliance with the Lao Dam safety Guidelines.
The owner shall cooperate with the Ministry of Energy and Mines in conducting the examination
and inspection.
The owner will provide a detailed examination and inspection schedule and inspection reports
including inspection reports during operational period, depending on the classification of the
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Lao Electric Power Technical Standard. First Edition in the year 2004/ Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts/ Department of Electricity
Supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA)
project as per Article 17. The following minimum examination and inspection will be conducted by
the Ministry of Energy and Mines:
Examination and inspection concerning the hydropower civil engineering facilities shall
be prescribed items below:
Examination before commencement of construction
Examination shall be conducted as to whether the hydropower civil engineering
facilities concerned conform to the Technical Standards prior to commencement of the
Inspection of foundation
In principle, in the case that the dam body height is 15 metres or more, or in the case that the
type of the dam is special, or in the case that the permeability of the dam foundation before
taking countermeasures is high, or in the case that there is a possibility that there is a large
weak stratum, of the foundation, with insufficient strength before taking countermeasures; then
on-site inspection of the foundation on which the dam is to be constructed shall be conducted
to check whether the foundation is appropriate as a base of the dam.
This shall be
conducted after completion of excavation for the dam foundation and before construction of the
dam body.
Also, a spillway foundation categorized as “Extreme” and “High” in the dam classification in
Article 17 shall be conducted to inspect as well as a dam case.
Inspection prior to first impounding
The hydropower civil engineering facilities shall be inspected for its conformance with the
Technical Standards prior to the start of first impounding.
Examination and inspection concerning the electrical facilities shall be prescribed items below:
Examination before commencement of construction
Examination shall be conducted as to whether the electrical facilities concerned conform to the
Technical Standards prior to commencement of the construction.
Examination before commencement of operation and inspection before commencement of
Examination shall be conducted as to whether the electrical facilities concerned conform to the
technical standards before commencement of operation of such electrical facilities.
commencement of operation and also during operation of such civil and electrical
Article 6
Order of Remedy for Conformance to Technical Standards
In case any design, construction, operation, electrical installation, expansion, repair and
maintenance of equipment and Civil engineering and Electrical Facilities do not meet the technical
standards or quality, the Ministry of Energy and Mines may issue a notice to the owner to improve,
repair or fix such non-compliance to make it consistent with Technical Standards.
In the event of high risk, the Ministry of Energy and Mines may temporarily or permanently
suspend the construction and operation and the owner shall not be compensated for any claim
whatsoever due to such notice of suspension of activities.
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Article 7
Obligation for Reporting
The owner shall, in designing, constructing and operating the power facilities, report those matters
to comply with the technical requirements of Chapter XI of Law on electricity 2018 and any other
applicable laws, regulations and agreements including Lao Dam Safety Guidelines and
requirements of Article 5. The reports shall include but not limited to pre-feasibility reports,
feasibility reports, basic design reports, environmental and social reports, periodic progress and
commencement reports, operations and monitoring reports, quality assurance and quality control
reports, emergency action plans, inspection report, accident report etc, as applicable to power
Reports concerning the hydropower civil engineering facilities shall be prescribed items below:
Pre-feasibility Report/Feasibility Report
The owner shall prepare Pre-feasibility and Feasibility reports and submit for approval.
Basic Design Report
After approval of Pre-feasibility report/Feasibility report, the owner shall prepare Basic design
report and submit for approval.
Emergency Action Plan for construction
In accordance with Article 4, emergency action plan should be prepared and approved inline
with the Lao Dam Safety Guidelines for Emergency Action Plan prior to start of construction.
Construction commencement report
Commencement of construction shall be reported after obtaining approval for construction
commencement examination as prescribed in Article 5-1-(1) and before commencement of
Report on quality control and assurance for/ during construction of dam
Report on quality control and assurance plan before commencement of dam construction and
regularly report of the same during course of dam construction shall be regularly reported.
Emergency Action Plan for reservoir impoundment
In accordance with Article 4, emergency action plan should be prepared and approved inline
with the Lao Dam Safety Guidelines for Emergency Action Plan prior to impoundment.
Rules of flood management
For dams categorized as "High" in Article 17-2, a dam management system, discharge
procedure, and measures to mitigate danger to downstream areas in case of flood situations
shall be reported prior to the start of first impounding.
Report on Reservoir Impoundment
Prior to first impounding, inspection of the concerned hydropower civil engineering facilities
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shall be carried out in accordance with Article 5.1.3 of LEPTS and Lao Dam Safety Guideline
for Reservoir Impoundment.
The details of the inspection shall be reported before
commencement of impounding.
Emergency Action Plan for operation
In accordance with Article 4, emergency action plan should be prepared and approved inline
with the Lao Dam Safety Guidelines for Emergency Action Plan prior to operation.
Report for commencement of operation
After passing the examination before first impounding as prescribed in Article 5-1-(3) and
before starting operation, operation commencement shall be reported before operation
Report for Instrumentation and monitoring results
The results of regular monitoring as prescribed in Article 23-1 shall be quarterly reported.
Report for emergency inspection results
The results of emergency inspection as prescribed in Article 23-2 shall be reported.
Update and approval of Emergency Action Plan during operation
In accordance with Article 4, emergency action plan should be regularly updated and approved
inline with the Lao Dam Safety Guidelines for Emergency Action Plan throughout the life of
Accident report
If there arises any serious accident where the principles of the technical standards as shown in
Article 1 concerning the hydropower civil engineering facilities are violated, such accident shall
be promptly reported.
Reports concerning the electrical facilities shall be prescribed items below:
Construction commencement report
Commencement of construction shall be reported after obtaining approval for construction
commencement examination as prescribed in Article 5-2-(1) and before commencement of
Report for commencement of operation
the commencement of operation shall be reported before commencement of
Report on commissioning
The owner shall report the details of the tests conducted on completion of the construction
works that shall comprise the following:
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Pre-commissioning tests.
Commissioning tests including operational and performance guarantee tests.
Trial operation tests including reliability tests for each turbine Generating Unit
Accident report
If there arises any serious accident where the principles of the technical standards as shown in
Article 1 concerning the electrical facilities are violated, such accident shall be
promptly reported.
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Chapter 2
Article 8
Hydropower Civil Engineering Facilities
2-1 General
The following terms are defined as specified by their relevant paragraph.
"Dam" means a barrier, including its foundation and affiliated electric and mechanical
facilities, installed to store flowing water or divert it to intakes.
Dam body height
“Dam body height" means the difference in elevation between the lowest part of the dam
body foundation and the crest of the non-overflow section of the dam body.
"Waterway" means channels, tunnels and auxiliaries which convey water from reservoirs
to powerhouses for generating, and convey water from power houses to downstream river
for water return. Generally, “Waterway” includes intakes, settling basins, headraces, head
tanks, surge tanks, penstocks, and tailraces.
"Reservoir" means flowing water impounded by one or more dams, dike, training dam, or
surrounding ground; it also means land on which water is impounded to the highest level.
Inflow Design Flood (IDF)
“Inflow design flood (IDF)” means the flood that a dam body is capable of safely passing
through spillway and withstanding loading condition under normal operation without any
damage to the dam.
Check Flood
“Check Flood” means the flood that a dam body must be capable of withstanding under
extreme condition while continuing to operate safely with allowance for some damage and
reduction in safety factor without causing breaching of dam.
Population at Risk (PAR)
“Population at risk “means all those persons directly exposed to floodwaters within dam
break affected zone in case no action could be taken to evacuate them.
Incremental PLL
“Incremental Potential Loss of Life” means difference in estimated potential loss of life for a
flood event with dam failure and estimated potential loss of life for the same flood event without
dam failure.
In the case that a dam or waterway is established as a “low-voltage hydropower electric plant”
defined in Article 55, Paragraph 11, and in the case that establishing dam or waterway,
operating dam or waterway, and collapsing of dam or waterway may conform
with the principles mentioned in Article 1, and in the case that damage by these is limited
within the hydropower civil engineering facilities even if it collapses; then the
dam or waterway is excluded from these definitions (i.e. it is possible for the dam or
waterway not to conform with these technical standards).
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Article 9
Fundamental Requirements
Prevention of Overtopping from Non-overflow Sections of Dams
All dams shall be designed such that under all operating conditions and in the event of extreme
flood conditions, there shall be no overtopping of the non-over flow sections of the dam.
Passage of extreme floods shall be via spillways and emergency spillways. The magnitude of
extreme flood shall be determined by the hazard rating and failure consequences of the dam.
Article 10
Dam Stability
All dams shall be designed to be stable under all circumstances including all normal and
abnormal operating conditions, including the circumstances of extreme flood and earthquake
events such that there shall be no uncontrolled release of water.
Article 11
Prevention of Seepage Failure of Dams
A dam and its foundations will be subjected to seepage flow from upstream to downstream.
The design of the dam shall be such as to limit seepage flows such as to prevent failure modes
associated with high seepage rates. Measures shall be introduced into foundations, such as a
form of cut-off by grouting or other means, to limit seepage flow and prevent instability of the
foundation particularly at the dam toe.
Article 12
Prevention of Serious Deformation and Cracking of Dams
A dam foundation shall have the required bearing capacity. A fault or weak stratum shall be
given appropriate treatment to prevent serious settlement from occurring.
Cracking in dams affects the water tightness, internal stresses, durability and appearance and
is caused either by imposed loads or by volumetric changes or by both and shall be reduced to
acceptable limits by the use of appropriate design and construction procedures.
A fill dam body shall be embanked with the materials selected so as to prevent serious
settlement or cracking.
Article 13
Prevention of Failure of Waterways and Other Facilities
A waterway shall be stable against expected loads and shall not be damaged by a landslide or
A waterway shall be able to convey and control designed discharge safely and securely and be
stable against hydraulic phenomena which are foreseeable.
A waterway shall include arrangements to remove sediment particles larger than the
permissible size, as specified by turbine manufacturers, from getting carried in the flowing
water to the turbine. Arrangement like sediment trap/ desilting basin may be provided to
prevent damaging materials reaching the turbine.
Article 14
Prevention of Failure of Powerhouses and Other Facilities
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Any structure related to hydropower civil engineering facilities, including powerhouses,
switchyard, transmission lines, maintenance roads, and temporary facilities for
construction etc. shall be stable against the imposition of expected loads and be protected
against damage by landslide or flood. The powerhouse shall also be protected against tail
water conditions under design floods. Access roads shall remain usable upto the 100
year flood and be undamaged by the design flood.
Article 15
Prevention of Seepage Failure of Ground around a Reservoir
Establishing a reservoir shall not cause serious water leakage to surrounding ground,
seepage failure, or large-scale landslide. Potential large-scale landslide areas should be
checked and if required, appropriate protection and monitoring measures be provided.
Article 16
Prevention of Damage to Upstream and Downstream Areas
Discharge from a dam during a flood shall be ensured so as not to aggravate damage to the
downstream area.
Appropriate measures shall be taken when there is a possibility that an inundation of properties
such as houses at upper reach areas will occur because of the rising water level due to
Appropriate measures taken when there is a possibility that damage of the
downstream area will occur by rapid change of water level due to the discharge from the
tailrace of the hydropower station.
Appropriate measures shall be taken so that necessary discharge may be implemented for
water utilization and river environment prevention of the affected zone between a dam and a
Requirements for environmental mitigation shall be established in an approved environmental
and social impact assessment and recommendations shall be incorporated in the project
2-3 Dams
Article 17
Common Rules
Inflow Design Flood (IDF) Selection
Two stage approach for inflow design flood (IDF) selection is set considering project scale and
severity of downstream damages along with population at risk. Initial stage selection shall be
based on assessment of total risk and its type in accordance to project scale and judgement on
foreseen socio-economic environment. Final stage selection shall be based on comprehensive
assessment for downstream consequences criteria associated with the flood-induced dam
failure and non-failure of dam especially for high and extreme risk category.
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Initial stage selection
Selection of Inflow Design flood (IDF) and Check flood for a dam shall be set as follows,
according to dam classification set in Paragraph 2:
Risk Type
100 year
500 year
1000 year
Check Flood
200 to 500 year
1000 to 5000 year
5000 to 10000 year
Dam Classification
The criteria for classification of the dams (hazard rating) will be based on the below risk
considerations. Hence, for classification of the dams foregoing considerations for risk
assessment shall be followed as given in table:
Risk Factor
Storage Capacity (Mm3)
Weighting points
Height (m)
Weighting points
Population at Risk
(No. of persons)
Weighting points
Damage (in terms of impact
on economy, society and
Weighting points
< 0.1
< 15
> 100
> 45
> 100
Risk Type
Total Risk factor
31 -38
Total risk factor can be calculated by following formula as
Total Risk Factor = Risk Factor (Capacity) + Risk Factor (Height) + Risk Factor (Evacuation
Requirements) + Risk Factor (potential downstream damage)
Final stage selection
The criteria for final selection of IDF shall be based on comprehensive assessment of
downstream consequences under both normal and flood flow conditions. Evaluation of
incremental downstream consequences can be initiated with initial stage IDF and extended to
check flood in the event of dam failure and non-failure of dam. Detailed studies including dam
break analysis shall be required to evaluate river reach and areas affected by a dam failure for
downstream consequence assessment. Special considerations for selection of dam breach
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parameters shall be required for realistic assumption depending on the type of dam and factors
affecting the failure mechanism like size and shape of the breach, time of breach formation,
hydraulic head, storage in the reservoir and reservoir inflow.
Downstream consequences shall be determined by estimation of incremental losses either in
terms of Population at risk (PAR) or incremental potential loss of life (PLL).Potential
incremental losses shall also be assessed with respect to property downstream or other areas
influenced by the dam. Engineering judgement and sensitivity analysis are needed to make
final selection of acceptability of consequences and according selection of appropriate IDF.
After consequence based assessment, suitable measures should be adopted to keep the
hazard potential within acceptable limits.
For evaluation of consequences, reservoir operating conditions shall be followed subjected to
the condition that reservoir is at normal maximum pool elevation at the time of impingement of
flood hydrographs to the reservoir. Possible future development in downstream shall also be
kept under consideration while evaluating incremental consequences.
Cascade Development
In cascade development, if two or more dams are located on the same river, new dam shall be
designed for peak obtained by considering the floods passing through upstream dam spillway
coupled with local inflow flood of sub catchment in between the dams.
In case, dams are located on two rivers upstream of its confluence, new dam downstream of
confluence shall be designed for resulting flood peak obtained at the confluence due to routed
flood peak from dams on both tributaries of river coupled with local inflow flood of sub
catchment between the downstream dam and the confluence of two tributaries.
Appropriate IDF for new dam shall be selected after assessment of incremental consequences
downstream in case of failure and non-failure of upstream dam.
Construction Diversion Flood
Adoption of diversion flood return period shall be governed by acceptable risk during the period
of construction. Incomplete concrete dams can pass floods without appreciable damage. Lower
return period varying from 1 in 10 to 1 in 25 year may be adopted based on frequency analysis
of yearly maximum non-monsoon peak. In case of fill dams, passage of flood on incomplete
fill dam is unacceptable and passage may be left in river course for passing the monsoon
floods. Alternatively, diversion flood of higher return period should be adopted for fill dams from
annual and seasonal flood peaks based on provision of adequate flood diversion arrangement
with acceptable risk. For projects on small rivers lacking historical flood records, diversion
discharge of return period equivalent to 5 to 10 times of construction period may be adopted as
diversion flood at construction stage.
Article 18
Basic Water Levels
Basic water level, on which the specifications of a dam are to be determined, shall be set as
Normal water level shall be the highest level of water stored in the reservoir of a dam during a
non-flood period.
Flood water level shall be the highest water level when the inflow design flood passes over the
spillway particularly for run-off-river schemes with minor/negligible storage capacity In case ,
storage effect of the reservoir is significant, flood water level shall be the highest water level
attained during reservoir routing of inflow design flood (IDF) hydrograph through ungated or
gated spillway with a gate jammed shut subjected to condition that IDF impinges the reservoir
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at normal maximum pool elevation.
Low water level shall be the lowest level of water stored in the reservoir of a dam under normal
reservoir operation.
Dead storage level shall be the level of reservoir occupied either by progressive deposition of
incoming sediment loads or remains unutilized for any useful purpose throughout service life of
the reservoir.
Article 19
The non-overflow portion of the dam body shall satisfy the following:
The non-overflow portion of the dam body shall be higher than both the normal water level plus
the freeboard and the flood water level plus the freeboard. Freeboard shall be set separately
for flood water level and normal water level by considering the type of dam, wind-induced
waves, earthquake-induced waves, and presence or non-presence of a spillway gate.
Freeboard for normal water level (normal freeboard)
hw + he + ha + hi and yet 2 m or higher
Freeboard for flood water level (minimum freeboard)
hw + ha + hi and yet 1 m or higher
freeboard for flood water level (Check flood)
hw + ha + hi and yet 0.5 m or higher
hw :
the wave height caused by wind
he :
the wave height caused by earthquake.
ha :
0.5 m if the dam has a spillway gate and 0 m if it does not
hi :
1 m for a fill dam and 0 m for a concrete dam (Inflow Design Flood)
0.5 m for a fill dam and 0 m for a concrete dam (Check flood)
In case of reservoirs with significant storage effect, the reservoir water levels shall be
determined by conducting flood routing studies for inflow design flood and check flood. For a
high degree of protection, during routing of applicable flood, sensitivity of the stipulation with a
gate assumed jammed, be studied. In the case of reservoirs with large surface areas, the
change in water level might be small, whereas for reservoirs with small surface areas, loosing
outflow capacity can lead to overtopping of the dam. As, this factor is site specific and therefore,
effect of loss of spillway capacity, if any shall be based on the sensitivity of the results of the
flood routing studies.
Wave conditions due to severe reasonable wind conditions shall be used. In the case of a
fill dam, both the normal water level and the flood water level shall be equal to or lower
than the crest of the impervious core. Additional freeboard or provision for overtopping
may be required for dams on reservoirs subject to landslide induced waves.
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Article 20 Loads
The loads which shall be considered in the case of design of dam body shall be defined in the
table below.
Table 20-1: Loads imposed on dam bodies
Type of dam
Gravity dam
hydrostatic pressure,
temperature load
Arch dam
Self-weight, hydrostatic
temperature load
Fill dam
pressure, seismic forces
and pore pressure
Pore pressure and uplift
Pore pressure for a fill dam and its foundation shall be determined by considering the
permeability of the materials used for the dam body drainage, and based on calculations, tests
and experience through actual measurements of seepage flow.
Uplift on a concrete gravity dam shall be determined assuming a linear pressure distribution
based on head pond level, tail water level and drainage curtain efficiency.
Seismic force
There are few earthquakes in Lao and, therefore, there are no seismometers and seismic
records. Severe earthquake zone exists in the northern part, whereas the central part and
southern parts have small danger of earthquakes. Lao has been divided into four seismic
zones and these are shown in the below figure. The estimated seismic coefficients for different
zones are presented in Table 20-1, for different types of dams.
Seismic force acting on the dam body shall be deemed as acting horizontally and
vertically-vertical to be taken as two-third of horizontal. Seismic force need not be considered in
the structural analysis in the case of extreme flood conditions.
In the case of severe and middle seismic zones as shown in the Lao country seismic zone map,
site specific seismic assessment shall be conducted.
Site-dependent earthquake assessment study shall be carried out through a specialized
institute for the purpose. The study shall include dynamic analysis of dam and associated
structures depending on the hazard category and type of the dam.
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Table 20-2: Estimated Seismic coefficients (PGA for MCE condition)
Article 21
Gravity Dam
Arch Dam
Fill Dam
Dam (Earth-fill
Rock-fill dam
Dam Foundations
A dam foundation shall satisfy the following:
A dam foundation including abutments shall be put to appropriate geologic investigation,
permeability tests and strength tests depending on the dam size.
A dam foundation shall have required bearing capacity/ uniaxial compressive strength and
shearing strength, and shall not have serious settlement, serious cracks, sliding failure and
serious erosion.
Appropriate countermeasures such as grouting or drainage shall be taken at the dam
foundation and at the abutments, when warranted in order to limit excessive uplift, serious
water leakage or seepage failure.
Any fault or other weak stratum in the foundation shall be given appropriate treatment as
necessary so that the foundation possesses the required strength and water-tightness.
Article 22
Prevention of Serious Water Leakage from Dams
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The dam body and the contact areas between the dam body and its foundation shall be
such that serious water leakage does not occur, as water leakage can affect stability of the
dam or result in progressive deterioration. In a concrete dam, grout curtains and drainage
holes shall be provided through a foundation gallery in the dam near the upstream face. In
earth and rockfill dams depending on the foundation strata, either grout curtain or a cut off
upto rock foundation shall be provided below the clay core.
Article 23
Monitoring and Inspections
In principle, in the case that the dam body height is 15 metres or more, or in the case that the
type of the dam is special, or in the case that the permeability of the dam foundation before
taking countermeasures is high, or in the case that there is a large weak stratum, of the
foundation, with insufficient strength before taking countermeasures, in order to confirm the
safety and proper functioning of a dam body, and proper functioning of a reservoir, monitoring
equipment shall be established and regular monitoring shall be implemented depending on
the conditions of the safety of the dam body , the progress of sedimentation
of the reservoir and in line with the Lao Dam Safety Guidelines.
deformation, displacement between dam blocks and sedimentation shall be monitored
In the case of a fill dam, volume of water leakage, deformation, permeation line of a
homogeneous fill dam, and sedimentation shall be monitored
In the case that abnormal loads such as earthquake or flood occur, an
emergency inspection shall be implemented as per Guidelines for Dam Safety immediately in
order to confirm the safety and proper functioning of the dam. The inspection items shall be
volume of water leakage from the dam and around the reservoir, uplift of the concrete dam,
deformation, permeation line of the homogeneous fill dam, the proper functioning of the
spillway gates, and so on.
In principle, in the case that the dam body height is 15 metres or more, or in the case that the
type of the dam is special, or in the case that the permeability of the dam foundation before
taking countermeasures is high, or in the case that there is a large weak stratum, of the
foundation, with insufficient strength before taking countermeasures, it is desirable to have an
established gallery in accordance with necessity for inspections and repairs.
Article 24
Concrete Dams
Concrete Materials
Concrete materials used for a dam shall be in accordance to standards published by
Article 25
Foundations for Concrete Dams
The foundation for a concrete dam shall satisfy the following:
The shear strength, internal friction coefficient and modulus of deformation shall be determined
by the results of in-situ tests in principle, as per the procedures laid down in Lao Dam Safety
Guidelines- Geological and Geotechnical and taking into consideration the geology of the
foundation. In principle, in the case that the dam body height is less than 15 metres, site
specific geological mapping followed by geophysical survey may give adequate information’s of
sub surface configuration below the dam foundation. Additionally, dam foundation must be
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investigated through at least three exploratory drill holes upto a minimum depth of 30 m if
bedrock is not encountered or 10 m into the acceptable foundation grade bedrock.
conducting an in-situ test, representative points hat are appropriate for determining the
foundation properties of the dam shall be selected based on careful consideration of the
geology of the dam foundation.
Consolidation grouting involves area grouting for a shallow depth and shall be done in the
foundation to improve existing defects, and mechanical properties of rock mass such as to
improve the deformation characteristics and bearing capacity of the rock strata, utilizing holes
arranged in a pattern or grid. Consolidation grouting is generally done before concrete
It is possible to achieve post grouting permeability even less than 1 lugeon, depending on the
sophistication of grouting programme. The efficacy of the grouting operation shall be tested by
pre and post grouting permeability of the foundation measured with percolation tests.
Acceptable permeability depends on the height of the dam limiting to maximum lugeon value
upto 5 for medium dams and limiting to a value of around 3 lugeons for high dams. Lugeon
value represents hydraulic conductivity as well as the rock joint pattern. A value less than 5
represents low conductivity and tight rock discontinuity condition, whereas less than 1 denotes
very low conductivity and very tight rock discontinuity condition.
Curtain grouting shall be performed near the upstream face of the dam, to reduce permeability
by constructing a curtain or barrier of grout. Therefore, it acts as a seepage cut-off under a dam.
Curtain grouting is commonly done after concrete has been placed to a considerable height or
even after the structure has been completed.
Depth, spacing and orientation of grout holes should be related to the geological feature and
water head.
Target Lugeon values need to be based on the requirements of design and can vary throughout
the depth of a grout curtain.
Depth of grout curtain shall be determined based on comprehensive considerations of seepage
analysis, geological conditions, uplift pressure etc. and is selected on the basis of reservoir
water depth.
A line of drainage holes is drilled at a distance downstream from the grout curtain, to collect
seepage water and reduce uplift pressures under the dam and its base, to permissible design
Article 26
Stability of Concrete Gravity Dams
A concrete gravity dam shall satisfy the following:
The dam body shall be stable with respect to overturning due to cracking.
Under usual operation, the application centre of resulting force of the expected external force
and the self-weight shall be within the centre one-third (i.e. the middle third) of the horizontal
section of the dam body. In the case of earthquake or flood, it shall be within the centre
one-second (i.e. the middle half) of the horizontal section of the dam body.
The dam body, the contact area between the dam body and the foundation, and any weak
stratum of the foundation shall be stable with respect to sliding. Sliding stability shall be
checked along any plane or combination of planes within the dam, at the contact plane with
foundation or along joints within the foundation.
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The factor of safety against sliding calculated by the following formula shall be three or more
under usual conditions (the water level of the reservoir is between the normal water level and
the low water level. It shall be two or more in the case of an earthquake or flood.
n = (f  v + c  l)/H
Factor of safety against sliding
Internal friction coefficient
cohesion (N/m2)
Total vertical force acting on the shear plane per unit width (N)
Total horizontal force acting on the shear plane per unit width (N)
Area resisting with respect to the shear force per unit width(m2)
For final designs, values of internal friction coefficient and cohesion used in the equation, shall
be determined by actual laboratory and field tests and taking into account the strength of
discontinuities in the foundation.
Dams with irregular geometries or complex foundations or spillway sections with long aprons,
shall be analyzed with advanced methods like Finite Element Method (FEM), taking into
account the uplift pressures as body forces and the foundation interaction also.
If the dam body height is less than 15 metres and cohesion of the foundation is not taken into
account, the factor of safety against sliding shall be maintained at 1.5 or more under normal
conditions and 1.2 or more in the case of an earthquake or flood.
Stress Analysis
The magnitude and distribution of stresses throughout the dam structure shall be determined
for static and dynamic load conditions. The stresses on the upstream and downstream faces of
a concrete gravity dam are calculated by the equations using gravity method of analysis. For
high dams or medium dams on complicated foundations or dams with large openings, finite
element method (FEM) of stress analysis shall be conducted. Two-dimensional FEM analysis is
generally appropriate for gravity dams.
Stress inside the dam body shall not exceed the allowable stress as described below.
The allowable compressive stress of concrete shall be one third of the compressive strength. It
shall be one half of the compressive strength in the case of an earthquake or flood.
The allowable tensile stress of concrete shall be one fortieth of the compressive strength
except for usual loading condition. No tensile stress shall be permitted at the upstream face
under usual loading condition. Local areas of tension on the downstream face may be
The specific age of the concrete that should be used for the strength test shall be 91 days in
principle. It shall be determined by considering the time lapse from the time point of concrete
placing to that of loading.
The proportioning strength of concrete shall be decided with the additional rate which shall be
considered in terms of variance of compressive strength to the required compressive strength
as follows:
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(The proportioning strength) = (The required compressive strength) ×
(The additional rate of variance of compressive strength)
However, statistical distribution of concrete strength based on laboratory test results of
samples shall be used for the design.
In the case of earthquake, static analyses using the appropriate design seismic coefficient
shall be implemented in principle. In the case of severe to moderate seismic zones as shown
in the Lao country seismic zone map, site specific seismic parameter study shall be
conducted. Dynamic analysis using site-specific earthquake ground motions shall be
considered necessary in accordance with relevant guidelines stipulated in ICOLD or
equivalent international acceptable guidelines.
Article 27
Stability of Arch Dams
Arch dams shall satisfy the following:
The contact area between the dam body and the foundation and any part of the foundation
shall be stable with respect to sliding.
The factor of safety against sliding calculated by the following formula shall be four or more
under usual conditions (the water level of the reservoir is between the normal water level and
the low water level). It shall be 2.7 or more in the case of an earthquake or flood.
n = (f  v + c  l)/H
Factor of safety against sliding
Internal friction coefficient
Total vertical force acting on the shear plane per unit width (N)
Total horizontal force acting on the shear plane per unit width (N)
Area resisting with respect to the shear force per unit width(m2)
For Final designs, values of internal friction coefficient and cohesion used in the formula, shall
be determined by actual laboratory and field tests using standard procedures in Lao Dam
Safety Guidelines and taking into account the strength of the discontinuities in the foundation.
Stress inside the dam body shall not exceed the allowable stress as described below.
The allowable compressive stress of concrete shall be one third of the compressive strength. It
shall be one half of the compressive strength in the case of an earthquake or flood.
The allowable tensile stress of concrete shall be one fortieth of the compressive strength,
except for usual loading condition. No tensile stress shall be permitted at the upstream face
under usual loading condition. Tensile stresses shall be avoided by re-design. Local areas of
tension on the downstream face may be accepted.
The specific age of the concrete that should be used for the strength test shall be 91 days in
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principle. It shall be determined by considering the time lapse from the time point of concrete
placing to that of loading.
The proportioning strength of concrete shall be decided with the additional rate which shall be
considered in terms of variance of compressive strength to the required compressive strength
as follows:
(The proportioning strength)= (The required compressive strength) × (The additional rate of
variance of compressive strength)
However, statistical distribution of concrete strength based on laboratory test results of samples
shall be used for the design.
In the case of earthquake, static analyses using the appropriate design seismic coefficient shall
be implemented In the case of severe and moderate seismic zones as shown in the Lao
country seismic zone map, site specific seismic parameter study shall be conducted. Dynamic
analysis using site-specific earthquake ground motions shall be considered necessary in
accordance with relevant guidelines stipulated in ICOLD or equivalent international acceptable
Article 28
Structural Details of Concrete Dam Body
A concrete dam body shall satisfy the following:
Appropriate contraction joints in gravity dam shall be constructed to prevent detrimental cracks.
Drainage holes shall be installed as necessary at the gallery to reduce uplift that acts on the
dam body, acts on the contact area between the dam body and the foundation, and/or acts on
the inside of the foundation.
The area surrounding the openings, such as galleries, water discharge equipment or penstocks
installed inside the dam body, shall be structurally safe with respect to stress concentration and
stress caused by temperature change.
Water stops shall have water-tightness and durability, and shall be able to follow stretching of
the joints. They shall be installed near and upstream of transverse joints.
Galleries shall be provided in the dam as described below:
Foundation gallery: used for drainage, drilling drainage holes and grouting and also used for
Downstream drainage gallery at about 2/3 of base width, in the case of high dam, if required
Intermediate inspection gallery/s: provided above foundation gallery in the case of high dams.
Other galleries such as gate gallery, instrumentation gallery, elevator tower etc. shall be
provided as required
Article 29
Temperature Regulation for Concrete Dam Body
The concrete placement temperature shall be controlled so as to minimize and/or control
the size and spacing of cracks in the concrete. The measures and degree of temperature
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control shall be determined by conducting thermal studies of the structure taking into
account method of construction and its temperature environment.
Article 30
Fill Dams
Embankment Materials
Any embankment material shall satisfy the following:
Materials possessing properties conforming to the respective purposes shall be used as dam
body materials.
Of impervious materials, soil materials shall comply with the following:
Soil materials shall have adequate strength and water-tightness for dam stability.
Soil materials shall be easily compacted and subject to little deformation.
Soil materials shall be free of expandability or shrinkage that may cause problems to
dam stability.
Soil materials shall not be prone to softening.
Soil materials shall contain no organic matter and shall not be water-solvent.
The coefficient of permeability, strength, and compaction characteristics shall be
identified from the actual materials to be used.
Of impervious materials, those other than soil ones shall be identified to have the required
water-tightness, strength and durability from the actual materials to be used.
Semi-pervious materials shall comply with the following:
Semi-pervious materials shall have adequate strength and drainage properties for dam
Semi-pervious materials shall have the required grain size distribution.
Semi-pervious materials shall be easily compacted and subject to little deformation.
The coefficient of permeability, strength, and unit weight shall be identified from the
actual materials to be used.
Pervious materials shall comply with the following:
Pervious materials
for dam stability;
Pervious materials shall be hard and durable;
Pervious materials shall be easily compacted and subject to little deformation, and
The coefficient of permeability, strength, unit weight, and durability shall be identified
from the actual materials to be used.
Materials used for the surface of the dam body shall not be seriously eroded by waves or
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When materials are selected, they shall be given appropriate tests to identify
their characteristics before actual use. When the strength of any selected material is
determined as part of the process of stability calculation, its consolidation and drainage
conditions shall be considered in setting the strength.
Article 31
Foundations for Fill Dams
Dam foundations of a fill dam shall satisfy the following:
Foundations of impervious zones require hard rock foundations and shall have adequate
water-tightness and strength;
In the case of foundations other than rock, the water-tightness, strength and deformation shall be
investigated through in-situ and laboratory tests. Safety against liquefaction in case of an
earthquake shall also be ensured;
Sand-gravel foundations shall require countermeasures to be taken as necessary in order to
secure adequate stability against seepage and deformation;
Soil foundations shall require countermeasures to be taken as necessary in order to secure
adequate stability against sliding and deformation;
Curtain grouting is recommended for control of seepage. The grout curtain shall be of adequate
depth and spacing to achieve the required permeability within the grouted zone. Acceptable limit
of permeability may be less than 5 lugeons, as higher values may correspond to rock with few
partly open discontinuities. Spacing and orientation of grout holes shall be based on the
geological conditions such as spacing of joints in the foundation. The location of the curtain shall
be at/ or upstream of the dam centreline. The design depth depends on the geology, regional
groundwater conditions, permeability and generally shall extend 0.5 to 1.0 times the reservoir
head. For various other considerations, reference may also be made to Guidelines for Dam
Safety- Geological and Geotechnical. Blanket grouting is recommended for permeable
foundations. Large zones of fractured and jointed rocks shall be treated by blanket grouting up to
sufficient depth beneath the clay core at the contact of the core and foundation.
Article 32
Stability of Fill Dams
A fill dam shall satisfy the following:
A dam body and its foundation shall be stable with respect to sliding. The analyses against
sliding shall be reliable circular arc methods (in principle Spencer’s method). In the case that
sliding lines, which include the foundation, and so on are expected, the calculations along the
sliding lines, not only circular, shall be implemented. Required safety factors shall be the
Safety factor shall be 1.5 or more under usual conditions (the water level of the reservoir is
between the normal water level and the low water level, and the seepage flow in the dam is in
steady state);
Safety factor shall be 1.4 or more in the case of flood;
Safety factor shall be 1.3 or more in the case of being just after completion and before filling;
Safety factor shall be 1.3 or more in the case of rapid draw down if frequent draw down of the
reservoir is implemented, and
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Safety factor shall be 1.1 or more in the case of earthquake.
In the case of earthquake, static analyses shall be implemented using the appropriate design
seismic coefficient in principle.
For embankment located in high seismic areas, dynamic analysis shall be performed for
assessment of liquefaction potential of susceptible materials in the dam and foundation,
determination of permanent deformations that will affect the freeboard of the dam. Dynamic
analysis using site-specific earthquake ground motions shall be considered necessary in
accordance with relevant guidelines stipulated in ICOLD or equivalent international acceptable
Article 33
Restrictions on Facilities such as Discharge Facilities
Discharge facilities or waterways which have a possibility of cracks occurring inside the
dam body shall not be constructed inside the dam body. For embankment dams, pipes or
conduits shall not pass through the dam body.
Article 34
Design for Homogeneous Type Fill Dams
For homogenous type dams constructed with impervious materials, the seepage line shall
not appear on the slope of the downstream part of the dam. Appropriate drainage shall be
installed as necessary to promote control of pore pressure. Homogeneous fill dams shall
only be adopted for dams of low hazard rating and less than 15m high.
Article 35
Design for Zoned Type Fill Dams
For zoned type dams, zones shall be appropriately allocated. Materials of these zones in
contact with each other shall not be too much different in order that movement of material
particles in each zone does not occur. Materials for these zones shall comply with
appropriate filter relationship.
Article 36
Design for Surface Diaphragm Type Fill Dams
A surface diaphragm type fill dam shall satisfy the following:
An upstream membrane or concrete faced fill dam shall be designed so that if leakage through
the upstream face occurs the internal design of the fill zones shall safely manage the seepage
Appropriate water sealing countermeasures shall be taken, depending on the permeability of
the foundation, to prevent seepage failure at the foundation.
Article 37
Other Types of Dams
Other Types of Dams
Other dams such as rubber dams and gabion dams (those other than a fill dam, a
concrete dam or a concrete arch dam) shall be installed in accordance with the following:
Safety against expected events, such as overturning, sliding, occurrence of excessive stress on
materials used, cracking, or seepage failure, shall be sufficiently considered in designing dams.
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In case materials other than soil, rock, or concrete are used, the materials shall be tested to
fully identify their durability, water-tightness and strength. Concrete materials shall satisfy
Article 24. Soil and rock materials shall satisfy Article 30.
For other types of dams, such as concrete faced rock fill dam, roller compacted concrete dam,
cemented materials dam etc., recommendations in relevant ICOLD Bulletins shall be adopted.
Article 38
Spillways and Other Discharge Facilities
A spillway shall satisfy the following:
The spillway should be sized to safely pass inflow design flood (IDF) without placing the safety
of the dam at risk.
For a fill dam, no spillways shall be constructed on/in the dam body.
The bottoms of structures such as bridges or hoisted gate leafs shall be sufficiently apart from
the overflowing water surface of the water discharged from the spillway at the flood water level
in order that the overflowing water which is discharged from the spillway at the flood water level
flows safely.
The force of water flowing through/down the spillway shall be buffered by providing suitable
energy dissipation arrangement to prevent negative impacts on the dam body and the
downstream areas. Plunge pools and other areas near the dam toe shall be designed such that
no significant damage occurs under design flood conditions.
A spillway shall have the stability prescribed in Article 26 or 27 with respect to loads as
provided for by the applicable specifications for concrete gravity dams and the loads to be
generated during the down-flow of water discharged from the spillway at the flood water level.
Reliable calculation methods shall be used in designing spillways or discharge facilities.
Hydraulic design using standard method shall be done for spillway and energy dissipation
arrangement. In case calculations alone are not sufficient to produce satisfactory results,
hydraulic model tests shall be conducted to verify spillway discharge capacity, spillway
geometric profile, and energy dissipation pattern and risk to critical infrastructure.
Article 39
Spillway Gates and Auxiliaries
A spillway gate and any auxiliaries shall satisfy the following:
A spillway gate, as defined herein including a valve and any auxiliaries, shall be water-tight and
A spillway gate and any auxiliaries shall be designed to be opened and closed easily and their
operation shall not generate any dangerous vibration;
A spillway gate and any auxiliaries shall be stable and there shall be no occurrence of buckling
against self-weight, hydrostatic pressure, hydrodynamic pressure, mud pressure, seismic force,
buoyancy and forces caused by opening and closing. A spillway gate shall be the structure
which conveys the imposed loads to the dam body and so on safely;
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Materials used for a spillway gate and any auxiliaries shall be confirmed to have necessary
strength by the tests which are specified in international standard, or they shall be materials as
specified in an international standard which specify necessary strength,
In the case that a power-drive device is used to operate the spillway gate an alternative manual
arrangement may be considered. Along with the power-drive device, aback-up device shall be
installed to ensure gate operation. A 100% independent back-up power supply shall also be
provided. The back-up power supply shall be a facility located at the dam that does not rely on
grid connectivity or any other form of external power supply.
The spillway gates and hoist systems shall be designed by including appropriate seismic load
Article 40
Other Discharge Facilities
Other discharge facilities shall satisfy the following:
A discharge facility shall be installed in order to decrease the water level of the reservoir at
emergency times or to discharge to the affected zone between the dam and the powerhouse. If
a water use outlet or a spillway already has this function, such a discharge facility is not
In case discharge facilities are not usually used, periodic operation checks shall be conducted
to ensure proper gate operation.
Bottom/Low level Outlets: Opening/s at a low level and at a suitable location vis-à-vis the
hydropower intake on the dam, may be used for scouring of sediment, after confirmation of its
performance on mathematical and physical model. Bottom outlets can also be used for Lao
dam safety considerations. Such provision in dam facilitates to (i) reduce reservoir loads in an
emergency situation (ii) inspect and repair dam components following a natural disaster,(iii)
inspect and repair deficiencies resulting from aging and deterioration. Low level outlets may
be decided in such a way that it is placed as low level as possible and with adequate capacity
to allow controlled drawdown during emergency. Assessment of downstream impact of outflow
needs to be evaluated during its operation.
Dams shall be capable of lowering the reservoir water level with required drawdown rates
within a reasonable time period considering the type of dams and the downstream hazards.
Article 41
Common Rules
A waterway shall satisfy the following:
A waterway shall not be damaged by a flood, land sliding and so on;
Construction of a waterway shall not cause serious water leakage, landslides, or any other
detrimental consequences;
A waterway shall not be significantly damaged by driftwood, floating debris, or sediments which
flow into the waterway;
A waterway shall be able to safely by-pass the excess volume of water if water in excess of
the designed discharge flows into the waterway;
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A waterway shall be provided with appropriate access for inspection and maintenance works.
Safe double isolation from the reservoir end also shall be provided.
The concrete to be used for a waterway shall satisfy Article 24. Steel materials to be used for a
waterway shall be confirmed to have necessary strength by the tests which are specified in a
standard such as ASTM, or they shall be materials as specified in a standard such as ASTM
which specify necessary strength. Other materials to be used for a waterway shall be
confirmed that they shall have required strength and durability.
The waterway shall safely withstand worst transient pressures, and also de-watering condition.
Transient pressures shall be estimated by conducting mathematical model hydraulic transient
studies of the complete water conveyance system between reservoir and tailrace.
Article 42
An intake shall satisfy the following:
An intake shall be stable with respect to self-weight, hydrostatic pressure,
hydrodynamic pressure, mud pressure, seismic force, external water pressure and earth
A downstream sealing stop log and upstream sealing service gate shall be provided to permit
double isolation for maintenance works.
The service gate shall be designed for partial gate operation and throttling to regulate the
A location and structure of an intake shall be designed to prevent inflowing sediment, debris,
garbage and so on and the design of the intake shall be selected such that trash or air
entraining vortices (Vortex Types 4 & 5) do not form under any service conditions.
In the case that an intake is connected to pressure conduits of a headrace or penstock, the
location and structure of the intake shall be designed to prevent air intrusion to the pressure
conduits, the penstocks or the turbines.
Article 43
Settling Basins
A settling basin shall satisfy the following:
A settling basin shall be stable with respect to self-weight, hydrostatic pressure, hydrodynamic
pressure, seismic force, external water pressure and earth pressure;
A settling basin shall have the capacity
damage a downstream waterway or a turbine,
A settling basin shall have the structure in which accumulated sediment can be flushed easily.
If standard design and calculations are not sufficient, the performance of settling basin may be
verified by conducting physical model studies, to confirm the theoretical calculations.
Article 44
to settle sediments which
A headrace shall satisfy the following:
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A headrace shall be stable with respect to self-weight, hydrostatic pressure, internal water
pressure, external water pressure, seismic force, earth pressure and surcharge;
Any leakage from
or other structures;
A headrace shall not significantly cause damage to the downstream waterway or a turbine due to
silting of the waterway;
In the case of a pressure and non-pressure conduit, countermeasures such as lining, ground
support shall be taken to prevent cave-in of surrounding ground The alignment shall be
selected in such a way that minimum ground stress in any direction along the alignment shall be
at least 1.3 times greater than the static internal water pressure. Steel lining to withstand the
maximum internal transient water pressure shall be provided wherever this criteria is not
A headrace shall be designed such that air entrainment into the headrace tunnel shall not occur
under any service conditions.
Article 45
Surge Tanks and Head Tanks
A surge tank shall satisfy the following:
A surge tank shall be stable with respect to self-weight, internal water pressure, seismic force,
external water pressure, earth pressure and force caused by wind, if applicable;
The fluctuation of the water level in the surge tank shall not accelerate and return to equilibrium
in a short period. The minimum area of surge tank shall satisfy Thoma criteria and;
The upper and lower levels of the surge chamber shall be designed to accommodate the most
adverse combination of load acceptance and rejection by the generating plant and reservoir
levels, whilst preserving adequate freeboard. The sizing criteria are: adequate freeboard at the
top of the tank to prevent overtopping on upsurge; and adequate freeboard at the base of the
tank to prevent vortex formation on down surge.
A head tank shall satisfy the following:
A head tank shall be stable with respect to self-weight, internal water pressure, seismic force,
external water pressure and earth pressure and force caused by wind, if applicable
When a head tank is operating normally or even if loads increase rapidly, a head tank shall
have an adequate water capacity to be able to operate safely so that penstock does not inhale
A head tank shall have a spillway so that it can control maximum designed discharge safely
when the full load is shut off. Notwithstanding the preceding, if facilities other than the spillway
have functions to safely control spillage, this may not apply;
The increase of water level, when the spillage overflows, shall not cause damage to the
A spillway or a spillway channel shall be designed so that discharge from the spillway or the
spillway channel does not cause damage to surrounding facilities or the river utilization;
The structures of a head tank shall be designed in order that garbage or sand does not flow
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into a penstock or a turbine, and the accumulated sediment can be flushed easily, and;
Mathematical model hydraulic transient studies for the complete water conveyance system
shall be conducted for specified loading conditions, to verify the adequacy of tank capacity, with
reference to maximum and minimum water levels.
Article 46
A penstock shall satisfy the following:
A penstock shall be stable with respect to loads in accordance with the following types of
Exposed type
Table 46-1: Loads imposed on penstocks
Earth-embedded type
water pressure of hydrostatic
pressure, water hammer
pressure and pressure
self-weight of pipe,
temperature loads, external
pressure, water weight in pipe,
seismic force and forces of
flowing water inside the pipe
Composite maximum
water pressure of
hydrostatic pressure,
water hammer pressure
and pressure rise by
surging; temperature loads
and external pressure
Composite maximum water
pressure of hydrostatic
pressure and pressure
rise by surging; earth
pressure, surcharge loads,
temperature loads, external
loads and water weight in pipe
Water hammer pressure shall be calculated on the basis of hydraulic transient studies for
extreme load condition. For the rock embedded type, sharing of internal load with the
surrounding rock may only be permitted if the CECT Recommendations are satisfied.
The crown of a penstock shall be placed below the lowest hydraulic gradient line when the
water level of the head tank or the surge tank is at its lowest point.
The vertical alignment of a penstock shall be selected to avoid negative pressures and risk of
water column separation under all conditions.
A pipe shell shall be stable with respect to vibration, buckling and erosion.
A penstock shall be designed and constructed to be entirely without any water leakage.
In the case of exposed type penstocks, anchor blocks or saddles shall be installed in order to
support the penstock pipe shells. An anchor block or saddle shall be stable with respect to the
possible anticipated loads of self-weight, self-weight of pipe, water weight in pipe, seismic force,
forces of flowing water inside the pipe, surcharge loads and temperature
The supporting part of a saddle shall be structured so that the pipe shell can move
smoothly as the pipe shell contracts and expands.
Resonant water hammer shall considered when assessing extreme internal loading.
Alternatively a resonance suppression device may be considered.
Article 47
A tailrace shall satisfy the following in case it acts like a pressure conduit:
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A tailrace shall be stable with respect to self-weight, hydrostatic pressure, internal water pressure,
external water pressure, seismic force, earth pressure and surcharge;
Any leakage from inside the tailrace shall not damage the surrounding ground or other structures;
A tailrace shall not significantly cause damage to the downstream waterway due to
the waterway;
In the case of a pressure and non-pressure conduit, countermeasures such as lining, ground
support shall be taken to prevent cave-in of surrounding ground. The alignment shall be selected
in such a way that minimum ground stress in any direction along the alignment shall be at least
1.3 times greater than the static internal water pressure. Steel lining to withstand the maximum
internal transient water pressure shall be provided wherever this criteria is not achieved.
In the case that a surge tank is installed at the pressure tailrace, it shall be installed as provided
for in Article 45, Paragraph 1.
Article 48
silting of
Gates, Valves, and Auxiliaries
A gate, valve and any auxiliaries shall satisfy the following:
A gate, valve and any auxiliaries shall be stable with respect to self-weight,
hydrostatic pressure, hydrodynamic pressure, seismic force and buoyancy which are anticipated
to impose on them;
A gate, valve and any auxiliaries shall be water tight;
A gate, valve and any auxiliaries shall be able to open and close easily;
A gate, valve and any auxiliaries shall have no dangerous vibration upon opening or closing of
the gate and the valve;
The structural member of gate shall be subjected to structural bending under various loading
condition. The deflection of member and stresses within structural element should remain under
permissible limit;
An operation panel installed outdoors shall be sufficiently durable and weather-resistant. All
outdoor equipment shall conform to specified electrical safety standards.
Article 49
Power houses and Other Facilities
A powerhouse shall satisfy the following:
A powerhouse building shall be stable with respect to self-weight, water pressure, seismic force,
earth pressure, forces caused by wind, crane-weight and lifting loads of crane;
Structures around a turbine shall be stable with respect to vibration, and torsion induced by
generator short circuit loads.
A powerhouse building shall not be inundated by flood, and shall not be damaged by landslide.
The powerhouse shall be secure against flooding from the tailrace water level at the peak
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spillway design flood + a minimum freeboard of 2m.
The de-watering system shall be closed pipework system so that there are no discharge points
within the powerhouse. The drainage pump shall have sufficient capacity to manage the
discharge from the fracture of the largest pressurized drainage pipe in the powerhouse.
Powerhouse design and construction shall comply with national fire protection requirements. A
minimum of two independent egress routes shall be provided from any location in the
Article 50
Other Facilities
Other hydropower civil engineering facilities such as maintenance roads or temporary facilities
for construction (those other than dam, waterway, powerhouse or reservoir) shall satisfy the
Permanent facilities such as a maintenance road shall be designed to be structurally stable and,
as much as possible, shall not cause serious turbid water. Access to critical locations of the
project shall be available upto the 100 year flood.
Temporary facilities for construction works shall be stable considering time span availability
during construction, and it is desired that they do not cause serious turbid water flow out of the
construction areas.
Article 51
Prevention of Landslide
Establishing a reservoir shall not cause serious water leakage to surrounding ground, seepage
failure, or large-scale landslide. Potential large-scale landslide areas should be checked and if
required, appropriate protection and monitoring measures be provided.
Article 52
Sedimentation and Water Quality
Appropriate countermeasures such as dredging, flushing or establishing check dams shall be
taken as necessary so that damage due to serious water rise of a river bed at upper reach
areas or serious reduction of reservoir capacity does not occur because of excessive
sedimentation due to the establishing of the reservoir.
If a deterioration of water quality in a reservoir or downstream such as cool water damage or
turbid water resident is expected because of the establishing of the reservoir, appropriate
countermeasures shall be taken as much as possible and shall conform to environmental study
2-7 Down stream
Article 53
Regulation of Discharge to Downstream Areas
Discharge to downstream areas shall take place in accordance with the following:
Power Discharge: If a serious environment impact or damage to humans is expected because
of the rapid water level change by the discharge from a hydropower station, appropriate
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countermeasures to mitigate possible impact or damage shall be taken. These include
establishing a re-regulation pond to be able to relieve water level change and warning by sirens
to downstream areas, and
Flood Discharge: The discharge of flood water shall be implemented so that flood damage to
the downstream is not increased compared with expected flood damage before the dam was
established, such that the volume of outflow from the reservoir does not increase compared
with the volume of inflow to the reservoir. Appropriate countermeasures such as warning by
sirens and sending notice to populations downstream shall be taken so that damage
downstream is minimized.
Article 54
Facilities to Discharge to Downstream Areas
Facilities which may discharge a necessary amount of water for water
utilization or environment prevention to the affected zone between a dam and a powerhouse
shall be able to discharge small amounts of water, and shall be stable with respect to vibrations
during small openings of the facilities.
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Chapter 3
Electrical Facilities
Article 55
Definitions of the terms used in Chapter 3 shall be as provided for in the following paragraphs:
Hydropower station
“Hydropower station” means a place to generate electricity using generators with hydraulic
turbines as the prime mover and other power facilities.
“Substation” means a closed electrical operating area to transform and control electricity
transmitted from the outside using transformers installed inside the compound and to further
transmit the transformed electricity outside the compound.
User’s site
“User’s site” means a place at which machines, apparatuses and devices for using electricity
are installed.
Switching station
“Switching station,” means a place other than those where power stations, substations and
user’s sites are located, which is a closed electrical operating area to switch electrical circuits
using switches and other machines, apparatuses and devices installed inside the compound.
Electrical equipment
“Electrical equipment” means such electrical facilities that are installed in power stations,
substations, switching stations and user’s sites comprising machines, apparatuses and devices,
and electrical conductors connecting such equipment, and structures to support and hold the
said equipment.
Hydropower electrical plant
“Hydropower electrical plant” means electrical equipment comprising machines, apparatuses
and devices for generating electricity, such as hydraulic turbines and generators.
Electrical line
“Electrical line” means electrical conductors that are connected between power stations,
substations, switching stations and user’s sites, and structures that support and hold such
Transmission line
“Transmission line” means high-voltage electrical lines that are connected between power
stations, substations and switching stations, and user’s sites; and medium-voltage electrical
lines that are connected between hydropower stations, substations and switching stations.
Distribution line
“Distribution line” means medium-voltage electrical lines that are connected between power
stations, substations, switching stations and user’s sites; and medium and low-voltage
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electrical lines that are connected between user’s sites.
Electrical circuit
“Electrical circuit” means a place that is charged with electricity under the normal operating
Low-voltage hydropower electrical plant
“Low-voltage hydropower electrical plant” means systems that generate low-voltage electricity,
which is used as it is as low-voltage electricity, and comprise machines, apparatuses and
devices that generate low-voltage electricity, such as generators with hydraulic turbines as
prime movers.
Single Wire Earth Return System
“Single Wire Earth Return System” means a transmission system that uses the ground as an
electrical circuit and distribution line.
Hereinafter, it is referred to as “SWER.”
Supporting structure
“Supporting structure” means those structures of which main purpose is to support electric
conductors, such as wooden poles, iron poles, reinforced concrete poles and steel towers.
Primary proximity
“Primary proximity” means the state in cases where an overhead electrical conductor comes
close to any other structure (including cases of going side by side, and excluding cases where
they cross and cases where they are installed on the same supporting structure; hereinafter the
same shall apply) and there is a risk that such electrical conductor may come in contact with
such other structure if an electric conductor of the electrical line is cut off and the supporting
structure collapses in the case where such overhead electrical conductors are installed within
the distance corresponding to the height above the ground of the supporting structure of the
overhead electrical line at a horizontal distance above or to the side of the other structure
(excluding cases where such overhead electrical line is installed less than 3 meters away in a
horizontal distance).
Secondary proximity
“Secondary proximity” means the state in cases where an overhead electrical conductor comes
close to any other structure, and such overhead electrical conductor is installed less than 3
meters away in a horizontal distance above or to the side of such other structure.
Article 56
Standard Frequency, Standard Voltages and Standard Test Voltages
Standard Frequency
Standard frequency shall be 50 Hz.
Standard voltages
Standard voltage for AC three-phase system
The nominal system voltage to be applied to the electrical lines of AC three-phase system and
the highest voltage for equipment corresponding to the nominal system voltage shall conform
to IEC60038: Standard voltages, and the standard voltages are listed in Table 56-1.
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And the standard voltages for AC single-phase system may be applied to Table 56-1.Electrical
Users may select the voltages arbitrarily, if necessary.
Table 56-1 Standard voltages for AC three-phase system
Nominal system voltage
Highest voltage for equipment
230/400 V
--220/380 V (*1)
22 kV
24 kV
35 kV
40.5 kV
115 kV
123 kV
230 kV
245 kV
500 kV
525 kV or 550 kV (*2)
The nominal voltage of existing 220/380 V systems shall be evolved towards the recommended
value of 230/400 V. (IEC)
One of either voltage shall be employed for every electrical line.
Standard voltages for SWER
The nominal system voltage to be applied to the electrical lines of SWER and the highest
voltage for equipment corresponding to the nominal system voltage are listed in Table 56-2.
Table 56-2 Standard voltages for SWER
Nominal system voltage
Highest voltage for equipment
12.7 kV
14 kV
25 kV
30 kV
Standard test voltages
Decision on insulation strength of low-voltage electrical circuits.
The insulation strength of low-voltage electrical circuits shall be decided by the insulation
resistance measurement.
However, if it is difficult to measure the insulation resistance, the decision may be made by
leakage current measurement.
Decision on insulation strength of high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical circuits.
The insulation strength of a high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical circuit shall be decided
by an appropriate combination of the withstand voltage test, the dielectric strength test and the
operation voltage test according to the kind of the electrical circuit.
With respect to application of these tests and test methods according to the kind of electrical
circuit, the provisions of Article 81, Article 123 and Article 147 shall be applied in addition to this
Withstand voltage tests
When a withstand voltage test according to the kind of electrical circuits listed in Table 56-3 is
carried out in order to decide the insulation strength of the electrical circuit of a machine,
apparatus and device, the circuit shall withstand these tests.
The test method of the withstand voltage test shall conform to IEC60071-1: Insulation
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co-operation and other relevant IEC.
However, in cases where the application of a test and test method are provided for in IEC
relevant to the machines, apparatuses, and devices having such electrical circuits concerned,
such provision may apply.
Table 56-3 Application standard withstand voltage test for every kind of electrical circuit
Kind of Electrical
35 kV or lower
Over 35 kV, but
not higher than
245 kV
Power-frequency test
Over 245 kV
Switching impulse
impulse test
Applies (*1)
Applies (*1)
Applies if
Either the short-duration power-frequency test or the long-duration power frequency test shall be applied
taking the time characteristics of insulation capability into consideration.
Dielectric strength test
In cases where the insulation strengths of electrical circuits of machines, apparatuses and
devices are decided on site such as cases where such machines, apparatuses and devices are
assembled on site, such electrical circuits shall withstand the dielectric strength test in which
the test voltage corresponding to the kind of the electrical circuit is applied between the
electrical circuit and the ground continuously for ten (10) minutes.
However, in cases where the application of a test and test method are provided for in IEC
relevant to the machines, apparatuses and devices having such electrical circuits concerned,
that provision may apply.
Operation voltage test
In cases where the insulation strength of electrical circuits is decided on site before
commencement of operation of electrical facilities, such electrical circuits shall withstand the
operation voltage test in which the operation voltage under the normal operation conditions is
Article 57
The classifications used in Chapter 3 shall be as prescribed in the following paragraph.
Classification of voltage
AC voltages shall be classified into low-voltage, medium-voltage and high-voltage, and the
range of each nominal system voltage is shown in Table 57-1.
Table 57-1 Classification of voltages for AC
Classification of voltage
Range of nominal system voltage
100V or higher, but not exceeding 1 kV
Over 1 kV but not exceeding 35 kV
Over 35 kV
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Classification of earthing work
Earthing work shall be classified into Class A, Class B, Class C and Class D, and each
resistance value to earth is listed in Table 57-2.
Table 57-2 Classification of earthing work
Classification of Resistance
earthing work
Class A
10 or less
Class B
 or less
I* 1
Class C
10 or less
Class D
100 or less
Conditions for easement of resistance value
In cases where voltage to earth of a low-voltage electrical
circuit exceeds 230V due to power contact between the
medium-voltage electrical circuit and the low-voltage
electrical circuit of the transformer, when an earth leakage
breaker that cuts off the electrical circuit within 1 second is
installed, *1  or less.
However, if a calculated value becomes less than 5, it shall
not be necessary to obtain resistance less than 5, and if a
calculated value becomes more than 10, it shall not be
necessary to obtain resistance more than 10.
In the case where earthing arises in a low-voltage electrical
circuit, when an earth leakage breaker that acts within 0.5
seconds is installed, the resistance value shall be 500 or
In the case where earthing arises in a low-voltage electrical
circuit, when an earth leakage breaker that acts within 0.5
seconds is installed, the resistance value shall be 500 or
Single-line earth fault current (I) of an electrical circuit in the medium-voltage side in Class B
earthing may conform to an actual value or either of the following values.
Medium-voltage electrical circuit of isolated neutral system (excluding those that are provided
for in the next item)
Electrical circuits using an electric conductor other than a cable
L  100
 1 3
(As for the value of the second term on the right side, any fraction less than its decimal point
shall be rounded up. If I1 becomes less than 2, it shall be 2.)
Electrical circuits using a cable for an electrical conductor
I1  1 
(As for the value of the second term on the right side, any fraction less than its decimal point
shall be rounded up. If I1 becomes less than 2, it shall be 2.)
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Electrical circuits using an electrical conductor other than a cable and electrical circuits using a
cable for the electrical conductor
L  100
L  1
I1  1  3
 3
(As for values of the second and third terms on the right side, if the respective values become
negative, they shall be 0. As for the value of I1, its fraction less than its decimal point shall be
rounded up. If I1 becomes less than 2, it shall be 2.)
Single-line earth fault current (A shall be used as the unit.)
Voltage obtained from dividing the nominal system voltage of the electrical circuit by 1.1
(kV shall be used as the unit.)
Extension of the electrical line of the medium-voltage electrical circuit (excluding that
using a cable for an electrical conductor) to be connected to the same bus bar (km shall
be used as the unit.)
Extension of the electrical line of the medium-voltage electrical circuit (limited to that
using a cable for an electrical conductor) to be connected to the same bus bar (km shall
be used as the unit.)
Medium-voltage electrical circuits of solidly earthed neutral systems and medium-voltage
electrical circuits of isolated neutral systems that directly connect with electric boilers, electric
furnaces, etc. to be used without insulation against the ground (excluding those which are
provided for in the next item)
I2 
I 12
V2 2
 10 6
(Any fraction less than the decimal point shall be rounded up.)
Single-line earth fault current (A shall be used as the unit.)
Single-line earth fault current calculated in the preceding item
Nominal system voltage of the electrical circuit (kV shall be used as the unit.)
Electric resistance value of the resistance used in the neutral point (including the
resistance to earth value of the neutral point.  shall be used as the unit.)
Medium-voltage electrical circuits of earthed neutral point reactor systems
 V2
 10    I 1  2
 10 
I3   2
R X2
R X2
(Any fraction less than the decimal point shall be rounded up. If I3 becomes less than 2, it
shall be 2.)
Single-line earth fault current (A shall be used as the unit.)
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Single-line earth fault current calculated in Item 1.
Nominal system voltage of the electrical circuit (kV shall be used as the unit.)
Electric resistant value of the reactor used on the neutral point (including the resistance
to earth value for the neutral point)
Inductive reactance value of the reactor used on the neutral point ( shall be used as
the unit.)
Classification of Structure for Transmission and Distribution Lines
The electric transmission towers can be broadly classified as;Lattice Structure
A lattice tower is a framework construction made of galvanized steel sections. Lattice towers are
used for power lines of all voltages and are the most common type for high-voltage transmission
Tubular Pole Structure
Steeped Poles- Stepped poles shall be made from one length of tube, seamless or welded, the
diameter being reduced in parallel steps by passing the tubes through series of dies. Where
welded tubes are used they shall have one longitudinal weld seam only.
Swaged Poles- Swaged poles shall be made of seamless or welded tubes of suitable lengths
swaged and joined together. No circumferential joints shall be permitted in the individual tube
lengths of the poles. If welded tubes are used they shall one longitudinal weld seam only; and
the longitudinal welds shall be staggered at each swaged joint.
RCC Poles-Reinforced Concrete Poles
In practice reinforced concrete poles are used for distribution purposes at low voltages. However,
for long distance transmission at higher voltage, steel towers are invariably employed. Steel
towers have greater mechanical strength, longer life, can withstand most severe climatic
conditions and permit the use of longer spans.
Article 58
Fundamental Requirements
Prevention of Electric Shock and Fire Caused by Electrical Facilities
The electrical facilities shall be installed in such a manner so as not to cause electric shock, fire
and other accidents that may endanger the human body and damage objects.
Article 59
Insulation of Electrical Circuits against Grounds
Electrical circuits shall be insulated from the ground.
However, the same shall not apply to such cases where it is structurally inexecutable and it is presumed
not likely to be dangerous taking into consideration the forms of use which are normally foreseeable, or
where a circuit is secured by earthing to prevent danger in case of emergency, such as over voltage
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invasion due to power contact, or other necessary measures for safety and security have been taken.
Article 60
Provision of Earthing on Necessary Points in Electrical Facilities
On necessary points in electrical facilities, earthing shall be provided so as to prevent electric
shock, fire and other accidents that may harm the human body and damage objects caused by
abnormal increases in electric potential, over voltage invasion, etc.
However, for the portions pertaining to electrical circuits, earthing shall be provided for as prescribed in
the provisions of Article 59.
Article 61
Protection against Over current and Earth Faults
On necessary points in electrical circuits, an over current overcurrent relay and circuit breaker
to trip circuit breaker shall be installed so as to protect electrical conductors, machines,
apparatuses and devices from overheating burnout due to over current, and to prevent
occurrence of fire.
Appropriate measures, such as the provision of an earth fault relay , shall be taken to the
electrical circuits so as not to damage electrical conductors and machines, apparatuses and
devices and not to cause electric shock and fire even if an earth fault occurs.
However, the same shall not apply to such a case where there is no risk of earth fault because
the machines, apparatuses and devices are installed in a dry place.
Article 62
Isolation from High-voltage and Medium-voltage Electrical Facilities
Electrical facilities to be installed on high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical circuits shall be
installed in such a manner so as not to allow anybody to contact them easily.
However, the same shall not apply to such a case where there is no risk of danger due to contacting the
Article 63
Prevention of Danger Due to Breakage of Electrical Conductors
Conductors, guys, overhead ground wires and other wires to be used for electrical facilities shall
be installed in such a manner so as to cause no wire breaking under normal operating conditions.
Article 64
Prevention of Damage to Other Facilities
Electrical facilities, if they are close to or cross over other facilities and plants, shall be installed
in such a manner so as not to damage other facilities and plants.
Article 65
Prevention of Danger Due to Collapse of Supporting Structures
Supporting structures of overhead electrical lines shall be installed in such a manner so that
they will not fall down due to changes in weather conditions, impacts and other external environmental
influences, which are normally foreseeable.
Article 66
Prevention of Electrical and Magnetic Interference
Electrical facilities shall be installed in such a manner so as not to cause electrical and
magnetic interference to the human body and/or to the functions of other facilities.
Article 67
Prevention of Serious Obstacles to Power Generation and Power
Supply, and Prevention of Damage to Other Electrical Facilities Caused by
Damage and Destruction of Electrical Facilities
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Electrical facilities shall be installed in such a manner so as not to cause any serious obstacle
to power generation and power supply that may be caused by damage and/or destruction of
such electrical facilities.
Electrical facilities shall be installed in such a manner so as not to cause any damage to any
other electrical facilities that may be caused by damage and/or destruction of such electrical
Article 68
Prevention of Pollution
Electrical facilities shall be installed in such a manner so as to cause no pollutions, air, water,
noise, vibration, discharge of insulating oil, and otherwise which may endanger the human body and
damage other objects.
3-2 Common Rules for Electrical Facilities
3-3-1 Protective Safety Installations
Article 69
Prevention of Entry of Any Person Other than Operators to Closed Electrical
Operating Areas Where High-voltage and Medium-voltage Electrical Facilities Are
Scope of application
For any place where high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical facilities are installed, signs
warning that the electrical facilities are dangerous to any person other than operators shall be
provided and appropriate measures shall be taken so that no person other than operators can
easily enter into the closed electrical operating area.
However, the same shall not apply to any place where there is no danger of entry of any
person due to conditions of the land.
This Article shall apply to the following places:
Hydropower stations, substations and switching stations (hereinafter referred to as the
"Stations") where high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical facilities are installed,
User’s sites where high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical facilities are installed
(hereinafter referred to as the "HV and MV user’s sites"), and
Places where electrical facilities to which any high-voltage and medium-voltage overhead and
underground electrical line is connected are installed.
Installations for preventing entry
Appropriate measures listed below shall be taken so as to prevent any person other than
operators from entering into the Stations:
Provision of installing external fences or wall, or strong walls and roofs
Provision of signs to prohibit entry at the entrances/exits
Provision of a locking device or another appropriate device at the entrances/exits
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Particularities of external fences or wall
The height of external fences or wall shall not be lower than 1,800 mm.
Where the external fence or wall and live parts are located closely each other, the sum of the
height of the external fence or wall and vertical clearance from the external fence or wall to the
live part shall not be smaller than the value provided for each kind of the nominal system
voltage indicated in Table 69-1.
In addition, the boundary clearance from the external fence or wall to the live part shall not be
smaller than the value provided for each kind of structure of the external fence or wall indicated
in Table 69-1.
“N” represents the minimum insulating clearance of line-to-earth here, and it shall conform to
the provisions in Article 82.
Table 69-1 Clearance from external fence or wall to live parts
Kind of nominal system
35 kV or less
Over 35 kV, but not
higher than 160 kV
Over 160 kV
Article 70
Sum of the height of external fence or wall and the
vertical clearance from the external fence or wall to
the live part [mm]
Value obtained by adding 60 mm for every 10 kV
and its fraction exceeding 160 kV to 6 m
clearance [mm]
Wall: N+1,000
Fence: N+1,500
Protection of Operators against Dangers of High-voltage and Medium-Voltage
Electrical Facilities in a Closed Electrical Operating Area
Scope of application
This Article shall apply to the following places:
The Stations;
The HV and MV user’s sites; and
Places where electrical facilities to which any high-voltage and mediumvoltage overhead and underground electrical line is connected are installed.
Securing maintenance space
At such places where high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical facilities are needed, patrol
aisles and other maintenance spaces shall be provided so as to enable operators to operate
and carry out maintenance safely.
Prevention of contact with live parts
For live parts of high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical facilities, appropriate measures
listed below shall be taken so as to prevent operators from contacting such facilities easily.
Installation for prevention of contacting
Where the height of live parts of electrical equipment is N+2,250 mm or less (the minimum
height shall be 2,500 mm), appropriate measures listed below shall be taken.
“N” represents the minimum insulating clearance of line-to-earth here, and it shall conform to
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the provisions of Article 82.
Provision of installing protective fences or wall
Provision of signs to prohibit entry at the entrances/exits
Provision of a locking device or another appropriate device at the entrances/exits
Particularities of protective fences or wall
The height of external fences or wall shall be 1,800 mm or higher.
The protective barrier clearance from the protective fence or wall to live parts shall be, at least,
the value provided for every kind of structure of the protective fence or wall indicated in Table
In this connection, “N” means the minimum insulating clearance of line-to-earth, and it shall
conform to the provision in Article 82.
Table 70-1 Distance/clearance from protective fence or wall to live parts
Structure of protective fence or wall
Protective barrier clearance [mm]
Wall without opening
Fence (The highest voltages for equipment
is over 52 kV)
Fence (The highest voltages for equipment
is 52 kV or lower)
Prevention of misoperation
For high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical facilities, appropriate measures listed below
shall be taken so as not to allow operators to carry out faulty maintenance and operation.
Provision of clear phase-signs and equipment-number-signs
At such places where considered necessary, clear phase-signs and equipment-number-signs
are to be furnished.
Provision of installing indicators showing switching status
Switching devices, such as circuit breakers, power fuses, load switches and disconnecting
switches shall have an indicator that indicates switching status of the device.
However, the same shall not apply to devices for which the switching status can be confirmed
Provision of interlock
Disconnecting switches shall be provided with an interlock so that the disconnecting switch
cannot be opened when loaded with load current.
Installation of transformers that transform high-voltage directly into low-voltage
No transformer that transforms high-voltage directly into low-voltage shall be installed.
Article 71
Prevention of Danger of Low-voltage Hydropower Electrical Plants
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For live parts of low-voltage hydropower electrical plants and connecting electrical conductors,
appropriate measures shall be taken so as to prevent any person other than operators from
contacting them easily.
Article 72
Prevention of Climbing onto Supporting Structures
No metal step for operators’ use to climb onto supporting structures for overhead transmission
lines shall be provided at the height below 1.8 m from the ground surface.
However, the same shall not apply to such cases as mentioned below:
Where any supporting structures inside of which metal steps can be stored are installed.
Where the supporting structures are equipped with any device to prevent climbing.
Where any fence, wall, etc. is installed surrounding the supporting structures so as to prevent
any person other than operators from entering.
Where the supporting structures are installed in the mountainside into which no person can
enter easily.
Article 73
Prevention of Damage by Small Animals to Electrical Facilities
Prevention of contact with live parts
Appropriate measures shall be taken so as not to allow small animals to contact live parts of
high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical facilities easily.
Prevention of intrusion into the inside of electrical facilities
Appropriate measures shall be taken so as not to allow small animals to intrude into the inside
of high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical facilities.
Article 74
Prevention of Damage by Rainwater to Electrical Facilities
Prevention of damage by flood
The Stations shall be installed in such a manner so as not to suffer damage from submersion
due to flood, which is normally foreseeable.
Prevention of damage by rainwater
Appropriate measures listed below shall be taken so as not to suffer damage to the
high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical facilities from rainwater under the normal
Installation of drainage facilities
Appropriate measures shall be taken so as to drain off the rainwater, the rainfall of which is
normally foreseeable.
In the areas where the drainage facilities are installed, the openings of drainage ditches and
drainage channels shall be properly covered so as to avoid danger of operators and any other
persons’ falling into such ditches and channels.
Waterproofing of buildings in which electrical equipment is installed
Buildings in which high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical equipment is installed shall be
constructed in such a manner so as to have no leakage of water into the buildings.
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Article 75
Prevention of Fire Caused by Electrical Equipment
Clearance between electrical equipment that generates an arc and inflammables
Electrical equipment that generates an arc during operation, such as high-voltage and
medium-voltage switching devices, circuit breakers and surge arresters, to be installed in
Stations and HV and MV user’s sites shall be installed with at least the clearance prescribed in
Table 75-1 from wooden walls, ceilings and other inflammables so that there is no risk of fire.
However, the same shall not apply to cases where they are separated with a fireproof object.
Table 75-1 Clearance between electrical equipment that generates an arc
and inflammables
Clearance between electrical equipment that
Classification of voltage
generates an arc and inflammables
Clearance between transformers, etc. and buildings
Appropriate measures listed below shall be taken so as to avoid risks of fire spreading to other
transformers and buildings should a fire start in an oil-insulated transformer and reactor
(hereinafter in this article the "Transformers") to be connected to electrical circuits of effectively
earthed systems installed in Stations and HV and MV user’s sites.
High-voltage and medium-voltage transformers shall be installed so that the clearance between
the transformer and other transformers or buildings is at least the value shown in Table 75-2.
However, the same shall not apply where they are separated with a firewall.
Table 75-2 Clearance between high-voltage and medium-voltage transformers
and other transformers or buildings
Amount of
With other
With fireproof
With non-fireproof
insulating oil
transformers [m]
buildings [m]
buildings [m]
Over 1,000 L, but not
exceeding 2,000 L
Over 2,000 L, but not
exceeding 20,000 L
Over 20,000 L, but not
exceeding 45,000 L
Over 45,000 L
Particularities of firewalls
When a firewall is installed, it shall conform to the following:
The firewall shall be self-supporting with poles and a wall and shall withstand a fire for
one hour.
Height: top of the expansion chamber, otherwise the top of the transformer tank.
Length: width or length of the.
Installation of extinguishers
Appropriate extinguishers shall be installed in Stations and HV and MV user’s sites.
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3-3-2 Prevention of Electrical and Magnetic Interference
Article 76
Prevention of Electrical Inductive Interference and Electrical Wave Interference
Prevention of electrostatic inductive interference with overhead telecommunication lines
Overhead electrical lines shall be installed in such a manner so as not to cause interference
with communication through overhead telecommunication lines due to electrostatic inductive
However, the same shall not apply to the case where consent of the controller of the overhead
telecommunication line is obtained.
Prevention of electrostatic inductive interference with persons
In addition to installing the overhead electrical lines in such a manner that the electrical field
strength at 1 m above the ground surface does not exceed 3 kV/m, the same shall be installed
so that there is no risk of danger to persons due to electrostatic inductive action.
The above shall not apply to cases where the overhead electrical line is installed in a place
where the traffic volume is not significant such as rice fields, cultivated fields and mountains in
a way so that there is no risk of danger to persons.
Prevention of electromagnetic interference with overhead telecommunication lines
Overhead electrical lines shall be installed in such a manner so as not to cause interference
with communication through overhead telecommunication lines due to electromagnetic
inductive action.
However, the same shall not apply to the case where consent of the controller of the overhead
telecommunication line is obtained.
Prevention of electromagnetic interference with persons
Overhead electrical lines shall be installed in such a manner so as to avoid risks of danger to
persons due to electromagnetic inductive action.
Prevention of electrical wave interference
Overhead electrical lines shall be installed in such a manner so as not to cause continuous and
serious interference with functions of radio equipment such as radio, TV broadcasting and
microwave communication.
3-3-3 Prevention of Pollution
Article 77
Prevention of Pollution by Insulating Oil
Prevention of outflow and seepage of insulating oil
Appropriate measures shall be taken so as to prevent outflow of insulating oil to the outside of
the compound and seepage into the ground for Stations and HV and MV user’s sites where
high-voltage and medium-voltage oil-insulated transformers to be connected to electrical circuits
of effectively earthed systems and oil tanks are installed.
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Prohibition of installation of equipment containing polychlorinated biphenyl
Electrical equipment, for which insulating oil containing polychlorinated biphenyl is used, must
not be installed.
Article 78
Prevention of Emissions of SF6 Gas
For electrical equipment that uses SF6 gas, appropriate measures shall be taken so that SF6
gas is not emitted into the atmosphere.
Hydropower Electrical Plants, Substations and Switching Stations
Electrical Equipment
Article 79
Insulation Co-ordination
Insulation of electrical circuits
Electrical circuits in hydropower stations, substations and switching stations (hereinafter the
"Stations"), and user’s sites where high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical facilities are
installed (hereinafter the "HV and MV user’s sites") shall be insulated from the ground
excluding the following portions:
Connection points between earthing conductors to be installed in accordance with the
provisions of Article 95-1-(3), Article 95-2 and Article 95-4 and electrical circuits.
For part of the following items where it is unavoidable insulation not be provided:
SWER to be installed in accordance with the provision of Article 95-3.
Electrical equipment for which it is necessary to use a part of electrical circuits without
insulating from the ground.
Insulation co-ordination
The concept of insulation co-ordination for Stations and HV and MV user’s sites shall conform to
IEC60071-1 and other relevant IEC.
The insulation strength of electrical equipment shall be chosen taking into consideration the
service environment and the characteristics of protective devices that can be used with relation
to various kinds of overvoltage that are generated in the system in which the electrical
equipment is used, and electrical circuits of the electrical equipment shall be installed to have
the insulation strength listed below.
Insulation strength of electrical circuits
The insulation strength of electrical circuits shall be such that there is no risk of danger due to
breakdown with consideration given to the highest voltage for equipment to be impressed to the
circuit during its lifetime, a temporary over voltage under abnormal conditions, switching over
voltage conceivable when the switching device is operated and lightning over voltage.
Insulation strength of windings in transformers
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The insulation strength of windings in transformers shall be such that there is no risk of danger
due to breakdown with consideration given to the highest voltage for equipment to be impressed
to the circuit during its lifetime, a temporary over voltage under abnormal conditions, switching
over voltage conceivable when the switching device is operated and lightning over voltage.
Article 80
Protection against Lightning and Switching Overvoltage
Protection of electrical equipment from direct stroke of lighting
Stations and HV and MV user’s sites shall be appropriately equipped with lightning guards,
such as overhead ground wires and lightning rods, in order to protect the electrical circuits in
Stations and HV and MV user’s sites from direct stroke of lighting.
However, the same shall not apply to low-voltage hydropower electrical plants.
Installation of surge arresters
Surge arresters to be installed in electrical circuits in the Stations and HV and MV user’s sites
shall be installed as shown below.
Surge arresters, here, mean devices that protect insulation of electrical equipment by
restricting over voltage through discharge when the crest value of over voltage caused by
lightning and switching of the circuit exceeds a certain value, and have an ability to restore the
normal conditions without disturbing the normal status of the power system.
Devices with low self-restoring ability, such as devices with air-gaps, are not suitable as surge
Installation points for surge arresters
Surge arresters shall be installed at points listed below in high-voltage and medium-voltage
electrical circuits or at locations close to such points so as not to damage electrical equipment
to be installed in electrical circuits in the Stations and HV and MV user’s sites by over voltage.
However, the same shall not apply to cases where there is no risk of damage to such electrical
a. Receiving and outgoing points on overhead electrical lines in the Stations
Receiving points on the HV and MV user’s sites to which power is supplied from
high-voltage and medium voltage overhead electrical lines
Locations where there is a risk that protective effects of surge arresters installed in
accordance with the above provisions may not be achieved.
Performances of surge arresters
The performances of surge arresters to be installed in the Stations and HV and MV user’s sites
shall conform to the following provisions, IEC60099 and other relevant IEC.
Rated voltage
The rated voltage of surge arresters shall be chosen based on the principle that the
surge arrester can perform the prescribed operating duties under the condition of
temporary overvoltage to occur in the Stations and HV and MV user’s sites due to a
single-line earth fault and load rejection.
Nominal discharge current
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For the nominal discharge current of surge arresters, a value not smaller than the
nominal discharge current listed in Table 80-1 shall be chosen.
Table 80-1 Nominal discharge current of surge arresters
Nominal discharge
Installation point of the surge arrester
Surge arresters to be installed in high-voltage electrical circuits
10 kA
Surge arresters to be installed It is unnecessary to treat switching
5 kA
in medium-voltage electrical surge.
10 kA
Surge arresters to be installed in medium voltage electrical circuits to
be connected with an overhead distribution line to be installed on the
10 kA
top of an overhead transmission electrical line
Article 81
Insulation Strength of Electrical Circuits in Electrical Equipment
Scope of application
According to Article 56-3-(2), insulation of electrical circuits in Stations and HV and MV user’s
sites shall withstand the following tests.
Electrical circuits in generators
Withstand voltage test
According to Article 56-3-(2)-a, electrical circuits in generators shall withstand the withstand
voltage test based on Article 56-3-(2)-a and the relevant IEC.
However, the insulation strength of electrical circuits in generators of low-voltage hydropower
electrical plants may be confirmed by the insulation resistance measurement.
Dielectric strength test
According to Article 56-3-(2)-b, after installation on site, electrical circuits in generators shall
withstand the dielectric strength test in which the test voltage provided for each class of
electrical circuit listed in Table 81-1 is applied between the electrical circuit and the ground for
ten (10) minutes continuously.
However, the same shall not apply to cases that fall under any one of the following items.
In cases where the electrical circuit in the generator withstands the dielectric strength
test in which DC voltage 1.7 times of the test voltage corresponding to the class of the
electrical circuit listed in Table 81-1 between the electrical circuit and the ground for ten
(10) minutes continuously.
In cases where it is confirmed by the insulation resistance measurement that the
electrical circuit in the generator of a low-voltage hydropower electrical plant has the
required insulation strength.
In cases where the insulation strength confirmed by the withstand voltage test is
maintained after installation on site.
Table 81-1 Dielectric strength test for electrical circuits in generators
Class of the electrical circuit
Generators with the highest voltage
equipment not higher than 7 kV
Test voltage
for The voltage 1.5 times of the highest voltage for
equipment (500 V when it is lower than 500 V) is
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Generators of which the highest voltage for
equipment exceeds 7 kV
The voltage 1.25 times of the highest voltage for
equipment (10.5 kV when it is lower than 10.5
kV) is impressed
Operation voltage test
According to Article 56-3-(2)-c, at the first excitation, the electrical circuits in generators shall
withstand the operation voltage test in which the operation voltage is applied between the
electrical circuit and the ground.
Electrical circuits in transformers
This paragraph shall not apply to transformers for testing purposes, instrument transformers and those
used for special uses.
Withstand voltage test
According to Article 56-3-(2)-a, electrical circuits in transformers shall withstand the withstand
voltage test based on Article 56-3-(2)-a and the relevant IEC.
Dielectric strength test
According to Article 56-3-(2)-b, after installation on site, electrical circuits in transformers shall
withstand the dielectric strength test in which the test voltage provided for each class of
electrical circuit listed in Table 81-2 is applied for ten (10) minutes continuously.
However, the same shall not apply to cases where it is judged that the insulation strength
confirmed by the withstand voltage test is maintained after installation on site.
Table 81-2
Dielectric strength test for electrical circuits in transformers
Class of electrical circuit
Windings with the highest
voltage for equipment not higher
than 7 kV
Winding with the highest voltage
for equipment over 7 kV but not
higher than 35 kV
Windings with the highest
voltage for equipment over 35
kV to be connected to the
electrical circuit of the isolated
windings that are earthed using
a potential transformer)
Windings with the highest
voltage for equipment over 35
kV (limited to star connections)
to be connected to the electrical
circuit of the solidly earthed
windings that are earthed using
a potential transformer and
those listed under the class E),
and, in the case of winding of a
star connection, equipped with a
surge arrester at the neutral
Test voltage
The voltage 1.5 times of the highest voltage for equipment
(500 V when it is lower than 500 V) is impressed between
the winding being tested and other windings, the core and
the case.
The voltage 1.25 times of the highest voltage for equipment
(10.5 kV when it is lower than 10.5 kV) is impressed
between the winding being tested and other windings, the
core and the case.
The voltage 1.25 times of the highest voltage for equipment
is impressed between the winding being tested and other
windings, the core and the case.
After earthing a randomly chosen terminal other than
the neutral terminal of the winding to be tested, a
randomly chosen terminal of another winding (if there
are two (2) or more other windings, each of the
windings), the core and the case, three-phase
alternating current of the voltage 1.1 times of the
highest voltage for equipment (75 kV when it is lower
than 75 kV) is impressed to each terminal other than
the neutral terminal of the winding to be tested.
If it is difficult to test with three-phase alternating
Single-phase alternating current of the voltage
1.1 times of the highest voltage for equipment (75 kV
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when it is lower than 75 kV) is impressed between the
ground and the neutral terminal of the winding being
tested and a randomly chosen terminal other than the
terminal that is earthed.
Windings with the highest
voltage for equipment not lower
than 100 kV (limited to those of
connected to the electrical circuit
of the solidly earthed neutral
system and equipped with a
surge arrester at the neutral
Windings with the highest
voltage for equipment over 100
kV (limited to those of star
connections) to be connected to
the electrical circuit of the solidly
earthed neutral system, where
the neutral point is directly
Other windings
Further, the single-phase alternating current of the
voltage 0.64 times of the highest voltage for
equipment is impressed between the ground and the
neutral terminal of the winding.
After earthing the neutral terminal of the winding being
tested, a randomly chosen terminal of another winding (if
there are two (2) or more other windings, each of the
windings), the core and the case, the voltage 0.72 times of
the highest voltage for equipment is impressed between a
randomly chosen terminal other than the neutral terminal of
the winding being tested and the ground.
Further, the voltage 0.3 times of the highest voltage for
equipment is impressed between the ground and neutral
After earthing the neutral terminal of the winding being
tested, a randomly chosen terminal of another winding
(when there are two (2) or more other windings, each of the
windings), the core and the case, the voltage 0.64 times of
the highest voltage for equipment is impressed between a
randomly chosen terminal other than the neutral terminal of
the winding being tested and the ground.
The voltage 1.1 times of the highest voltage for equipment
(75 kV when it is below 75 kV) is impressed between the
winding being tested and other windings, the core and the
Operation voltage test
According to Article 56-3-(2)-c, before commencement of operation, the electrical circuits in
transformers shall withstand the operation voltage test in which the operation voltage is applied
between the electrical circuit and the ground for ten (10) minutes continuously.
Electrical circuits in machines apparatuses and devices
This Paragraph shall apply to electrical circuits in switching devices, circuit breakers, reactors,
power capacitors, instrument transformers, surge arresters, other machines, apparatuses and
devices, connection conductors and bus bars (hereinafter referred to as the "Machines"),
excluding electrical circuits in generators in Article 81-2 and electrical circuits in transformers in
Article 81-3.
Withstand voltage test
According to Article 56-3-(2)-a, electrical circuits in the Machines shall withstand the withstand
voltage test based on the relevant IEC.
Dielectric strength test
According to Article 56-3-(2)-b, after installation of the Machines on site, electrical circuits in the
Machines shall withstand the dielectric strength test in which the test voltage provided for each
class of electrical circuit listed in Table 81-3 is applied between the electrical circuit and the
ground for ten (10) minutes continuously.
However, the same shall not apply to cases that fall under any one of the following items.
In cases where the electrical circuit in the connection conductor for the Machines and the bus
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bar, in which cables are used as electrical conductors, withstand the dielectric strength test in
which the DC voltage two (2) times of the test voltage corresponding to the class of the
electrical circuit listed in Table 81-3 is applied between the electrical circuit and the ground for
ten (10) minutes continuously.
In cases where electrical circuits in earthing potential transformers, coupling capacitors for
power line carriers, coupling reactors for power line carriers and surge arresters, of which
electrical equipment conform to the relevant IEC, are installed.
In cases where electrical circuits in the Machines for the neutral point of resistances, reactors,
etc. to be connected to earthing conductors as a part of an earthing arrangement, of which
electrical equipment conform to the relevant IEC, are installed.
In cases where the insulation strength confirmed by the withstand voltage test is maintained
after installation on site.
Table 81-3 Dielectric strength test for electrical circuits in Machines
Class of electrical circuit
Test voltage
Machines with the highest voltage for The voltage 1.5 times of the highest voltage
equipment not higher than 7 kV
for equipment (500 V when it is lower than
500V) is impressed
Machines with the highest voltage for The voltage 1.25 times of the highest voltage
equipment over 7 kV but not higher for equipment (10.5 kV when it is lower than
than 35 kV
10.5 kV) is impressed
Machines with the highest voltage for The voltage 1.25 times of the highest voltage
equipment over 35 kV to be for equipment is impressed
connected to the electrical circuit of
the isolated neutral system (including
Machines that are earthed using a
potential transformer)
Machines with the highest voltage for The voltage 1.1 times of the highest voltage
equipment over 35 kV to be for equipment (75 kV when it is lower than 75
connected to the electrical circuit of kV) is impressed
the solidly earthed neutral system
(excluding Machines that are earthed
(excluding those listed under Classes
E and F)
Machines with the highest voltage for The voltage 0.72 times of the highest voltage
equipment over 100 kV to be for equipment is impressed.
connected to the electrical circuit of
the solidly earthed neutral system
(excluding those listed under Class F)
Machines with the highest voltage for The voltage 0.64 times of the highest voltage
equipment over 100 kV to be for equipment is impressed.
connected to the electrical circuit in
the Stations and HV and MV user’s
sites where the neutral point is
directly earthed
Operation voltage test
According to Article 56-3-(2)-c, before commencement of operation, electrical circuits in the
Machines shall withstand the operation voltage test in which the operation voltage is applied
between the electrical circuit and the ground for ten (10) minutes continuously.
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Article 82
Insulating Clearance of Bus Bars
Insulation strength of bus bars
Bus bars shall be chosen from those of which insulation strength is stronger than that of the
insulation strength of electrical equipment to be installed in the Stations and HV and MV user’s
sites under any operating conditions taking into consideration abnormal voltage likely to have at
an accident.
Insulating clearance of bus bars
This Paragraph shall apply to the line-to-earth and line-to-line insulating clearance for outdoor
and indoor bare electrical conductors in the Stations and HV and MV user’s sites.
Minimum insulating clearance
The minimum insulating clearance shall be not smaller than the minimum line-to-earth and
line-to-line insulating clearance listed in Table 82-1.
Table 82-1 Minimum insulating clearance
Highest voltage for equipment Minimum line-to-earth insulating Minimum line-to-line insulating
clearance [mm]
clearance [mm]
Standard clearance for bus bars
As a general rule, the standard values for insulating clearance for bus bars shall be the
standard values for line-to-earth and line-to-line insulating clearance listed in Table 82-2.
Highest voltage
for equipment
Table 82-2 Standard clearance for bus bars
Standard value for Standard value for Standard value for
Standard value
for line-to-line
clearance [mm]
clearance [mm]
Article 83
Thermal Strength and Mechanical Strength
Thermal Strength of Electrical Equipment
Thermal strength of electrical equipment
Electrical equipment to be installed in the Stations and HV and MV user’s sites shall withstand
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the heat generated by electrical equipment in normal operations.
Confirmation of thermal strength of electrical equipment
It shall be confirmed that the temperature rise of the electrical equipment does not exceed the
allowable maximum temperature of the electrical equipment or the maximum temperature
under which there is no risk of damage to the electrical equipment, when the temperature rise
test based on the following items and the standard concerning the electrical equipment is
carried out.
The temperature rise of generators when operated with the rated load shall not exceed the
allowable maximum temperature corresponding to its thermal strength class, and the thermal
strength of generators shall be such that there is no risk of damage within the range of the
allowable maximum temperature. Temperature rise of generator winding insulation and other
components shall be as per IEC 60034-1 table 7.
Bearings of hydraulic turbines and generators
The thermal strength of bearings of hydraulic turbines and generators shall be such that there
is no risk of damage due to the maximum temperature to be generated in the bearing with the
rated load.
This Item shall not apply to testing transformers, instrument transformers and transformers for
special use.
The temperature rise of transformers when operated with the rated load shall not exceed the
allowable maximum temperature corresponding to its thermal strength class, and the thermal
strength of transformers shall be such that there is no risk of damage within the range of the
allowable maximum temperature. Temperature rise of transformer shall be as per IEC 60076-2
clause 4.
MV and HV Switchgear
This Item shall apply to electrical circuits in switching devices, circuit breakers, reactors, power
capacitors, instrument transformers, surge arresters, other Machines, bus bars, and connection
conductors for Machines, excluding generators in Item 2-(1), bearings of hydraulic turbines in
Item 2-(2) and transformers in Item 2-(3).
The temperature rise of switchgear when operated with the rated load shall not exceed the
allowable maximum temperature corresponding to its thermal strength class, and the thermal
strength of Machines shall be such that there is no risk of damage within the range of the
allowable maximum temperature. Temperature rise shall be as limited to the values given in
IEC 62271-1 table 3.
Article 84
Mechanical Strength of Electrical Equipment against Short-circuit Current
Mechanical strength of electrical equipment against short-circuit current
Generators, transformers, reactive power compensator, switching devices, bus bars and
insulators for supporting bus bars to be installed in the Stations and HV and MV user’s sites
shall withstand the mechanical shock caused by short-circuit current.
Confirmation of mechanical strength of electrical equipment against short-circuit current
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The mechanical strength of generators, transformers, reactive power compensator, switching
devices, bus bars and insulators supporting bus bars in Stations and HV and MV user’s sites
shall be designed and installed based on the standards concerning the electrical equipment
taking into consideration the electromagnetic force due to short-circuit current ( IEC 60034-1,
60076 and IEC 60865-1 and 2)
Article 85
Mechanical Strength of Hydraulic Turbines and Generators
Mechanical strength of hydraulic turbines and generators
Hydraulic turbines and generators to be installed in hydropower stations shall withstand the
mechanical shock with the maximum speed in the rotating parts of the hydraulic turbine and the
generator connected to the hydraulic turbine and with the maximum water pressure in the parts
of the hydraulic turbine receiving the water pressure.
Confirmation of the mechanical strength of hydraulic turbines and generators
The mechanical strength of hydraulic turbines and generators shall be designed, installed and
tested based on the following items and the standards concerning hydraulic turbines and
Design and installation of mechanical strength
The mechanical strength of rotating parts of hydraulic turbines and generators
connected to the hydraulic turbines shall be designed and installed so that there is no
risk of damage at the maximum runaway speed.
The mechanical strength of parts of hydraulic turbines receiving water pressure shall be
designed and installed according to the standards concerning hydraulic turbines and
Test of mechanical strength
Rotating parts of hydraulic turbines and generators connected to the hydraulic turbines
shall be such that there is no risk of damage at the maximum speed when the load is
Parts of hydraulic turbines receiving water pressure shall be such that there is no risk of
damage at the maximum water pressure when the load is rejected.
Article 86
Particularities of Equipment
Prevention of Damage to Hydraulic Turbines
Prevention of damages to hydraulic turbines
Hydraulic turbines shall be installed so that there is no risk of serious damages when driftwood,
floating debris and sediment flows in.
Prevention of vibration of hydraulic turbines and waterways
Hydraulic turbines and waterways shall be installed in such a manner so as to cause no
damage to the hydraulic turbines in operation due to the vibration thereof. Generator and
turbines shall be provided with adequate GD2 to limit the maximum speed rise on full load
rejection within permissible limits.(For details may refer to guidelines on Electro-mechanical
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Article 87
Prevention of Damage to Pressure Tanks
Prevention of damage to oil-pressure supply systems and compressed-air supply systems
Oil-pressure supply systems and compressed-air supply systems to be installed in the Stations
and HV and MV user’s sites shall be installed so as to avoid risks of damages as mentioned
Materials and the structure of the parts receiving pressure shall sufficiently withstand the
maximum operation pressure and also shall be safe.
Parts receiving pressure shall be corrosion-resistant.
In the case where the pressure rises, the oil-pressure supply system and the compressed-air
supply system shall have the function to reduce the pressure before the pressure reaches the
maximum operation pressure.
The oil-pressure supply system and the compressed-air supply system shall have the function to
detect any abnormal pressure in the early stage.
The oil-pressure supply system and the compressed-air supply system shall have the function to
automatically restore the pressure when the pressure of the pressure tank drops.
Prevention of damage to gas-insulated equipment
Gas insulated-equipment installed in the Stations and HV and MV user’s sites shall be installed
as follows so as to avoid any risks of damage:
Materials and the structure of the parts receiving pressure shall sufficiently withstand the
maximum operating pressure and also shall be safe.
Parts receiving pressure shall be corrosion-resistant.
Insulation gas shall not be inflammable, corrosive and hazardous.
Article 88
Prevention of Damage to Bus Bars
High-voltage and medium-voltage bus bars and connection conductors, and overhead ground
wires to be installed in the Stations and HV and MV user’s sites shall be installed in accordance with the
provisions of the following paragraphs and the provisions relevant to Section 3-5 and Section 3-6 so
that there is no risk of damage.
Prevention of breaking of electrical conductors
Electrical conductors, guys, overhead ground wires and other conductors to be installed for
maintenance of electrical facilities shall be installed so that there is no risk of wires breaking
under normal operations.
Prevention of damage to connecting parts in electrical conductors
Connecting an electrical conductor to an electrical conductor and a power cable shall be
carried out in such a manner so as not to increase the resistance of the electrical conductor,
and to avoid risks of degradation of insulation performance (excluding bare conductors) and
wire breakage under normal operations.
Prevention of collapse of supporting structures
Materials and the structure of supporting structures for bus bars shall be installed in such a
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manner so as to avoid risks of collapse taking into consideration the lifting load due to electrical
conductors supported by the supporting structure, wind pressure load by 35-50 m/s wind
(depending upon the wind zone where equipment is installed) and the influences of the
external environment such as change in climate, vibration and shocks, which is normally
foreseeable at the place of installation.
Article 89
Protection, Monitoring and Control Systems
Monitoring and Control Systems
Monitoring and control
Stations and control centers to remotely control and monitor them shall be installed in such a
manner so as to continuously grasp and immediately control the status of the power system
and electrical equipment in response to the change in the status and to stop the same safely
and securely when any abnormality occurs.
However, the same shall not apply to low-voltage hydropower electrical plants.
Classification of monitoring and control systems
Monitoring and control systems to be applied to hydropower stations, substations and switching
stations are classified into the following four (4) classes.
Continuous monitoring and control systems
"Continuous monitoring and control system" means a system in which operators are stationed
permanently in the Stations or their premises, and carry out monitoring and control of the
electrical equipment of the Stations in the Stations or their premises.
Remote continuous monitoring and control systems
"Remote continuous monitoring and control system" means a system in which operators are
stationed permanently in a control center, and remotely carry out monitoring and control of the
electrical equipment in the Stations from the control center.
Remote continuous monitoring and periodic control systems
"Remote continuous monitoring and periodic control system" means a system in which
operators are stationed permanently in a control center and remotely carry out monitoring of
the electrical equipment in the Stations and, when it is necessary to operate the electrical
equipment in the Stations, go to the Stations from the control center and operate the electrical
equipment on site.
Periodic monitoring and control systems
"Periodic monitoring and control system" means a system in which operators are stationed
permanently in an office, and when it is necessary to monitor and operate the electrical
equipment in the Station, go to the Station from the office and monitor and operate the electrical
equipment on site.
Application of monitoring and control systems
Monitoring and control systems provided for each kind of the Station stipulated in Table 89-1
shall be applied to the Stations.
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Table 89-1 Application of monitoring and control systems
Monitoring and control system
monitoring, and
monitoring and
monitoring and
periodic control
control system
control system
Kind of Station
Switching station
Switching station
without circuit
Article 90
monitoring and
control system
Monitoring and Control Devices
Measurement devices
Stations and control centers shall be equipped with measurement devices provided for each
kind of electrical facility and the installation points listed in Table 90-1 in order to continuously
grasp the status of the power system at all times.
However, the same shall not apply to low-voltage hydropower electrical plants.
Table 90-1 Measurement devices
Kind of
supply system
Compressedair supply
Kind of Station
Pressure gauge
Pressure gauge
Pressure gauge
meter or
Ampere meter
or wattmeter
Stator winding
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Kind of
Kind of Station
Ampere meter
or wattmeter
Ampere meter
Bus bar
Ampere meter
or wattmeter
Lubricating oil
Sump tank
DC control
Voltmeter with
a maximum
and minimum
indicator or
Ampere meter
or wattmeter
Ampere meter
or wattmeter
Oil gauge
Ampere meter
or wattmeter
Excluding cases where the
voltage can be measured
with measurement devices
of the bus bar
*2 In cases where the
voltage can be measured
devices of the generator,
installation is not required.
*2 In cases where the
voltage can be measured
devices of the generator,
installation is not required.
Limited to high-voltage
Excluding cases where the
voltage can be measured
devices of the transformer
or distribution line
Excluding cases where
monitoring can be carried
out with the ampere meter
or wattmeter of the
*3Incases where monitoring
is carried out from the
control center, installation is
not required.
Excluding cases where the
synchronized parallel is not
Excluding cases where
monitoring can be carried
out with the ampere meter
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Kind of
Oil insulated
Kind of Station
Oil gauge
meter, power
factor meter or
watt-hour meter
[Notes] ○: Equips
Control systems
Stations and control centers shall be equipped with control systems listed below in order to
continuously control, quickly responding to a change in the status, and safely and securely
stopping operation when any abnormality occurs.
However, the same shall not apply to low-voltage hydropower electrical plants.
Monitoring and control systems for starting and stopping operation of hydraulic turbines and
Hydropower stations and control centers shall be equipped with devices to operate and monitor
the starting and stopping operation of hydraulic turbines and generators.
Load adjusting devices
Hydropower stations and control centers shall be equipped with devices to adjust the load.
However, the same shall not apply to cases where the inflow to the hydraulic turbine is fixed and
the output is automatically limited.
Auto voltage regulators
Devices to automatically regulate the voltage shall be installed in main transformers in the
Monitoring and control systems of circuit breakers for controlling operations
The Stations shall be equipped with devices to monitor the operation and switching of circuit
breakers permanently necessary for operating generators, transformers, transmission lines,
distribution lines and reactive power compensator.
Indication of alarms in control centers
Hydropower stations, substations and switching stations to which continuous monitoring and
control systems are not applied shall be equipped with devices that indicate the abnormality in
the control center in accordance with Table 90-2, when any abnormality listed in Table 90-2
However, the same shall not apply to the Stations with periodic monitoring and control systems
and low-voltage hydropower electrical plants.
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Table 90-2 Indication of alarm in control centers
Kind of Station
When a hydraulic turbine stops automatically
When a circuit breaker necessary for operation
automatically breaks
When the temperature of the main transformer
rises remarkably or the cooling device fails
When the main transformer has trouble inside
When the electrical circuit on the power source
side in the main transformer has no voltage
When the pressure of insulation gas in the
gas-insulated equipment falls remarkably
When the voltage of the control circuit falls
When a fire breaks out in the Stations
When the temperature of a shunt reactor rises
remarkably or the cooling device fails
[Notes] ○: Equips
Power supply devices for monitoring and control systems
The Stations and control centers shall be appropriately equipped with power supply devices for
station service transformers, storage batteries and rectifiers so that monitoring, control and
communication can be carried out without trouble permanently.
However, the same shall not apply to low-voltage hydropower electrical plants.
Article 91
Protection Systems
Installation of protection systems
On necessary points in electrical circuits, protective devices such as power fuses, circuit
breakers and protective relays that detect abnormalities and automatically break the electrical
circuit shall be installed in order to stop operation safely, securely and quickly when any
abnormality occurs.
For the break-time of circuit breakers and protective relays in electrical lines, a value equal to
or smaller than the break-time in Table 91-1 shall be chosen so that there is no risk of breaking
of electrical conductors, etc., safety of human bodies and other objects can be secured and the
power system can be kept in stable status.
Table 91-1 Break-time
SWER and single-phase system
1 sec or less
2 sec or less
1 sec or less
Rated value for switching devices
Switching devices to be installed in the Stations and HV and MV user’s sites shall have the rated
value corresponding to each duty listed below.
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Circuit breakers
Circuit breakers to be installed in high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical circuits shall have
the ability to switch the load current, exciting current and charging current that flows at the point
where the circuit breaker is installed and shall have the ability to break a short-circuit current that
flows at the point where the circuit breaker is installed.
Power fuses
Power fuses to be installed in high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical circuits shall have the
ability to break a short circuit current that flows at the point where the power fuse is installed.
Load switches
Load switches to be installed in high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical circuits shall have
the ability to switch the load current, exciting current and charging current that flows at the point
where the load switch is installed.
Disconnecting switches
Disconnecting switches to be installed in high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical circuits for
switching the exciting current and charging current that flows at the point where the
disconnecting switch is installed shall have the ability to switch these currents.
Article 92
Protective Devices for Electrical Equipment
Protective devices for hydraulic turbines and generators
Hydraulic turbines and generators to be installed in hydropower stations shall be equipped with
devices to break the generator from the electrical circuit and to stop the hydraulic turbine
automatically as shown in Table 92-1, when any abnormality listed in Table 92-1 that causes
significant damage and gives serious trouble to the supply of electricity occurs.
Table 92-1 Protective devices for hydraulic turbines and generators
Automatic stop
shutdown device
Low-voltage hydropower
Over current
electrical plant
Over current
High-voltage and mediumvoltage hydropower electrical
Over speed
rise at bearings
Generator internal fault
Remarkable drop of oil
pressure in pressure oil
supply system and voltage
of power supply to electric
guide vane, electric needle,
and electric deflector
○: Equips
In the case of hydraulic turbines for which the flow rate is not regulated, if the flowing water can
be intercepted within a time not to cause damage at the maximum runaway speed, it is not
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required to stop automatically.
Protection and alarm devices for transformers and reactive power compensator
Transformers and reactive power compensator to be installed in Stations and HV and MV
user’s sites shall be equipped with devices to automatically cut off the transformer and the
reactive power compensator from the electrical circuit when any abnormality listed in Table
92-2 that might cause significant damage and serious trouble to the supply of electric power
occurs, and other appropriate protection systems as shown in Table 92-2.
Table 92-2 Protection systems for transformers and reactive power compensator
Protection and alarm
shutdown device device
Over current
Over current or internal
Over voltage or over
Internal fault
Over current
Internal fault
temperature rise
Internal fault
temperature rise
Transformer with cooling
system (A cooling system
in which the coolant is
cooling the windings and
transformer and is forcibly
Less than 15 MVA
15 MVA or more
Shunt reactor with cooling
system (A cooling system
in which the coolant is
cooling the winding and
iron core of the shunt
reactor and is forcibly
system fails or when
the temperature of the
system fails or when
the temperature of a
shunt reactor rises
[Notes] ○: Equips
Alarm device for gas-insulated devices
Gas-insulated devices in which a drop in the pressure of the insulation gas might cause
breakdown shall be equipped with devices that give alarm for drop in the pressure of the
insulation gas.
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Article 93
Protective Devices for Electrical Lines
Protective devices for electrical lines
At necessary points in electrical circuits, protective devices that detect earth faults and short
circuit faults and automatically cut them off from the electrical circuit shall be installed.
Installation points on electrical circuits for circuit breakers
On the points listed below or points close to such points, devices to automatically break the
electrical circuit when an earth fault and short-circuit fault occurs in the electrical circuit shall be
Outgoing points in the Stations
Receiving points in the Stations
However, the same shall not apply to the Stations receiving electricity with one circuit and
having no risk of reverse power flow.
Receiving points in the HV and MV user’s sites
However, the same shall not apply when used in user’s sites receiving electricity with one
circuit that are not connected to another user’s site and which consume all electricity received
within the user's site.
Article 94
Emergency Water Interception Devices
Hydraulic turbines or waterways shall be equipped with devices that can intercept the inflow to
the turbine cooperating with the hydropower civil engineering facilities.
Article 95
Earthing Arrangement
Earthing Arrangement of Electrical Facilities
Protective earthing
Electrical facilities to be installed in the Stations and HV and MV user’s sites and low-voltage
hydropower electrical plants shall be equipped with the protective earthings listed below so that
there is no risk of rise of potential under abnormal conditions, harm to human bodies and
damage to other objects due to electric shocks and fires caused by high-voltage invasion.
Earthing for exposed-conductive parts in electrical equipment
Earthing work listed in Table 95-1 shall be provided for steel stands and metal cases of
electrical equipment to be installed in electrical circuits according to the kind of the electrical
equipment listed in Table 95-1.
Table 95-1 Earthing of exposed-conductive parts in electrical equipment
Kind of electrical equipment
Kind of earthing work
High-voltage electrical equipment
Class A
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Medium-voltage electrical equipment
Low-voltage electrical equipment (Over 300V)
Low-voltage electrical equipment (300V or lower)
Class A
Class C
Class D
Earthing for facilities
Facilities such as outdoor metal structures, external metal fences, protective metal fences and
metal stands for operation shall be provided for earthing work in accordance with Item (1)
depending on the kind of the electrical equipment to which such facility is installed.
Earthing for conductive parts in electrical equipment
At necessary points in electrical circuits, the earthing listed below shall be provided.
Earthing of instrument transformers
Earthing work of Class A shall be provided at an arbitrarily chosen point in the electrical
circuit on the secondary side of the high-voltage and medium-voltage instrument
In cases where earthing work is provided for the electrical circuit on the primary side of
a high-voltage and medium-voltage instrument transformer, earthing work of Class A
shall be provided for.
Earthing for station service transformers
In cases where earthing is provided for in the electrical circuit on the secondary side of
transformers connecting a medium-voltage electrical circuit and a low-voltage electrical
circuit, earthing work of Class B shall be provided for.
A "low-voltage electrical circuit" means an electrical circuit that supplies electricity to
automatic control circuits, remote control circuits, signal circuits for remote monitoring
devices, and the like.
Earthing for stabilizing windings and idle windings in transformers
In cases where earthing is provided for stabilizing windings and idle windings in
high-voltage and medium-voltage transformers, earthing work of Class A shall be
provided for.
Earthing for neutral points in high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical circuits
In cases where earthing is provided for on the neutral point of high-voltage and medium-voltage
electrical circuits in the Stations and HV and MV user’s sites in order to secure reliable
operation, to suppress abnormal voltage and to reduce the voltage to ground for protective
devices of electrical circuits, the earthing electrode shall be installed so as to avoid risks of
danger to the human bodies, domestic animals and other facilities due to potential difference
generated between the pole and the nearby ground when any failure occurs.
Earthing on earth-return side of SWER
In cases where electrical equipment for SWER are installed in hydropower stations and
substations, earthing for electrical equipment for SWER shall be provided for so as to avoid
risks of danger to the human bodies, domestic animals and other facilities due to the potential
difference between the electrical equipment and the nearby ground caused by load current and
when any failure occurs.
Earthing for surge arresters
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The resistance to earth of earthing provided for surge arresters for high-voltage and
medium-voltage electrical circuits in Stations and HV and MV user’s sites shall be lower than
ten (10) ohms as much as possible so as not to hinder the functions of the surge arrester.
Earthing for lightning guards
The resistance to earth of the earthing provided for lightning guards such as overhead ground
wires and lightning rods to be installed in Stations and HV and MV user’s sites shall be not
greater than ten (10) ohms.
However, in cases where overhead ground wires are used as SWER, Paragraph 3 shall apply
to earthing work of the overhead ground wire.
Article 96
Particularities of Earthing Arrangement
Earthing conductors
For earthing conductors to be installed in electrical circuits in Stations and HV and MV user’s
sites, metal wires that do not corrode easily and can safely conduct the electric current when
any failure occurs shall be used and installed so as to avoid risks of damage.
Mechanical strength of earthing conductors
In order to secure necessary mechanical strength, earthing conductors listed in Table 96-1 shall
be used depending on the kind of earthing work for which the earthing conductor is used.
Table 96-1
Earthing conductors for earthing work
Kind of earthing conductor
Metal wire
copper wire
copper twisted
Sectional area
Earthing conductors for neutral points
of high-voltage and medium-voltage
electrical circuits in generators and
3 kN or more
4 mm or
14 mm2 or
2 kN or more
3 mm or
6 mm2 or more
Low-voltage side neutral points of
transformers transforming mediumvoltage into low voltage
2 kN or more
3 mm or
6 mm2 or more
1 kN or more
2 mm or
4 mm2 or more
Kind of earthing work
Class C and Class D
Thermal strength of earthing conductors
Earthing conductors in which earthing current flows when any abnormality occurs such as
those for earthing for neutral points of electrical equipment and high-voltage and
medium-voltage electrical circuits shall be installed taking into consideration earthing current
during the occurrence of such abnormality and the duration of failures in addition to mechanical
strength in Item (1).
Installation of earthing conductors
Earthing conductors for instrument transformers, neutral points, surge arresters and SWER to
be installed in the Stations and HV and MV user’s sites shall be earthed directly to the ground
without connecting to stands of equipment.
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Bare live parts of earthing conductors shall be installed so that there is no risk of operators
contacting them easily.
Neutral earthing devices
Resistances and reactors to be connected to earthing conductors in the Stations and HV and
MV user’s sites shall be such that the electric current that flows when any failure occurs can be
safely applied.
Bare live parts of resistors, reactors and other neutral earthing devices shall be installed so that
there is no risk of operators contacting them easily.
Prohibition against installation of switching devices on earthing conductors for neutral
No switching device and power fuse, excluding circuit breakers to be installed to switch neutral
resistances and neutral reactors, shall be installed on earthing conductors for neutral in
Stations and HV and MV user’s sites.
Connection between earthing conductors
In cases where earthing conductors to be installed in the Stations and HV and MV user’s sites
fall under any of the following items, they shall not be connected to earthing conductors of
other electrical equipment.
Earthing conductors to be installed on earth-return side earthing of SWER
Earthing conductors to be installed on external fences in accordance with the provisions of
Article 69
Clear indication of the points to measure resistance to earth
On appropriate places in Station and HV and MV user’s sites, points to measure resistance to
earth shall be provided for and clearly indicated.
Transmission Lines
3-5-1 Overhead Transmission Conductors
Article 97
Properties of Electrical Conductors
Minimum Tensile Strength
Overhead transmission conductors, including overhead ground wires but excluding the case
where they are cables, shall be stranded wires with a tensile strength no less than 10 kN.
Bare Conductors
Bare conductors and overhead ground wires (including overhead ground wires containing
optical fiber cable) that are used for transmission lines shall conform to the following
Properties of Solid Wires
Solid wires (hard-drawn copper wire, hard-drawn aluminum wire, galvanized steel wire,
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aluminum-clad steel wire, aluminum alloy wire, etc.) which compose an electrical conductor
shall have the conductivity and tensile strength not lower than the values specified in the IEC
standards (e.g., IEC60028, IEC60889, IEC60888, IEC61232 and IEC60104).
The tensile strength of hard-drawn copper wires shall conform to Table 97-1.
Diameter of solid wire (mm)
No less than 0.4 but no more than 12.0
Table 97-1
Tensile strength (N/mm2)
No less than (462-10.8d)
d: Diameter of solid wire (mm)
Tensile Strength of Stranded Wire
Single stranded wire (Electrical conductor composed of solid wires of the same kind)
The tensile strength of a single stranded wire shall be the sum of the tensile strength of the
solid wires.
Composed stranded wire with steel solid wire and other solid wires
The tensile strength of a stranded wire composed of steel solid wires and other kinds of solid
wires shall be the sum of the total tensile strength of non-steel solid wires and the total tensile
strength of steel wires at 1% elongation.
Insulated Conductors
Insulated conductors shall be used for transmission conductors with a voltage of up to 35 kV
and have the properties that conform to Paragraph 3 of Article 144.
Properties of cables shall conform to the provisions of Article 124.
Article 98
Load on Overhead Transmission Conductors and Safety Factor
Assumed Load and Safety Factor
Overhead transmission conductors and overhead ground wires (excluding cables, the same
applies hereafter in this article) shall be installed with the tension to allow a safety factor
specified in the following Item (2) when they are subject to the assumed load specified in the
following Item (1) below at the average temperature in the area.
Assumed Load
The assumed load for the calculation of tension of overhead transmission conductors and
overhead ground wires shall be the composite load of the vertical loads specified in the
following item a. and the horizontal loads specified in the following item b.
The vertical load shall be the weight of the electrical conductor.
The horizontal load shall be the horizontal wind pressure load of 790 N per 1 m2 of
vertical projected area of the electrical conductor.
Safety Factor
A safety factor of no less than 2.5 shall be applied to the tensile strength (ultimate tensile
strength; breaking strength) of overhead transmission conductors and overhead ground wires.
Prevention of Damage due to Slight Wind Oscillation
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Overhead transmission conductors and overhead ground wires shall be installed so as not to
suffer damage from a slight wind oscillation.
Installation of Overhead Cables
Installation of overhead cables shall be based on Item 2 of Paragraph 3 of Article 145.
Article 99
Jointing and Branching of Electrical Conductors
Jointing of Bare Conductors
Where bare conductors for overhead transmission lines are jointed with each other or with
insulated conductors or cables, they shall conform to the following requirements:
The electric resistance of a joint shall not exceed that of a length of the used electrical
conductor equal to that of the joint.
The tensile strength of the electrical conductors shall not be reduced by 5% or more.
However, this requirement shall not apply to cases where jumper conductors are connected
and the tension applied to other electrical conductors is substantially smaller than the strength
of the electrical conductors.
The electrical conductors shall be jointed using jointing sleeves and other tools.
Where copper conductors are jointed with aluminum conductors, care shall be exercised not to
generate electrochemical corrosion in the joint.
Jointing of Insulated Conductors
Where insulated conductors for overhead transmission conductors are jointed with each other
or with cables, they shall conform to the provisions of the preceding Paragraph 1. The joint
shall be fully covered with material that has the same insulating effect as the insulated
conductor or with a greater effect, except where the electrical conductors are jointed using a
jointing tool that has the same insulating effect as the insulator of the electrical conductors or
with a greater effect.
Jointing of Overhead Cables
Where cables for overhead transmission conductors are jointed with each other, they shall
conform to Items (1) and (4) of Paragraph 1 and a junction box and other tools shall be used.
Jointing of Overhead Ground Wires
Overhead ground wires (including the distribution conductors of SWER systems installed at the
top of a steel tower) shall be jointed according to the Items (1), (2) and (3) of Paragraph 1.
Branching of Overhead Conductors
Overhead transmission conductors shall be branched at a supporting point of the electrical
conductors except for such cases where the electrical conductors are installed so that no
tension is applied to the electrical conductors at the branch point.
3-5-2 Insulator for Overhead Transmission Lines
Article 100
Mechanical Strength of Insulators for Overhead Transmission Lines
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Assumed Load
The assumed loads to be used for calculating the strength of insulator devices for overhead
transmission lines shall conform to the following requirements:
Vertical Load
The vertical load shall be the sum of the weight of electrical conductors, the weight of insulator
devices and the vertical component of force generated by the assumed maximum tension of
the electrical conductors.
Horizontal Transverse Load
The horizontal transverse load shall be the sum of the wind pressure loads of electrical
conductors and insulator devices and the horizontal component of load generated by the
assumed maximum tension of the electrical conductors. The wind pressure loads shall be
calculated based on the values listed in Table 100-1.
Table 100-1
Subject to wind pressure
Multiple conductors *1
Single conductors
Insulator device
Electrical conductor
Wind pressure per 1 m2 of
vertical projected area (N)
This applies only to cases where two compositional conductors are arranged horizontally and
the distance between such electrical conductors is no more than twenty times their outer
Assumed Maximum Tension of Transmission Conductors
The assumed maximum tension of transmission conductors shall be the tension of the
transmission conductor under the composite load of the vertical load generated by the weight of
the electrical conductor and the horizontal load generated by the horizontal wind pressure
stipulated in Table 100-1 at the average temperature in the area.
Safety Factor
A safety factor of no less than 2.5 shall be applied to the insulator devices for overhead
transmission lines.
The safety factor mentioned above shall be obtained as follows:
Tension insulator device (Insulator device that anchors electrical conductors)
[Safety factor] = [Tensile break strength] / [Assumed maximum tension at a support point]
Suspension insulator device (Insulator device that electrical conductors are hung from)
[Safety factor] = [Tensile break strength] / [Composite load of vertical load and horizontal
transverse load]
Supporting insulator device
[Safety factor] = [Bending break strength] / [Horizontal transverse load or vertical load applied
perpendicular to the axis of the insulator device]
Dielectric Strength of Overhead Transmission Lines
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Article 101
Clearance between Supporting Structures and Electrical Conductors
The clearance between overhead transmission conductors (excluding cables) and their
supporting structures, cross arms or guys (pole braces) shall not be smaller than the values shown in
Table 101-1 even when the electrical conductor sways by a wind velocity of about 20m/s.
Table 101-1
Nominal voltage
No higher than 35 kV
115 kV
230 kV
500 kV
No less than 70 cm
No less than 145 cm
No less than 270 cm
(*1) As per Item (1) of Paragraph 3 in Article 149
Article 102
Dielectric Strength of Overhead Transmission Lines
Dielectric Strength of Insulators
The insulators to be used for overhead transmission lines shall have the dielectric strength that
has been verified in the wet power-frequency voltage test specified in IEC60383-1 or other
tests equivalent to IEC.
Dielectric Strength Test
Where the operational voltage to ground is applied between the overhead transmission line and
the ground continuously for ten (10) minutes to test the dielectric strength (the normal
voltage-to-ground test in Paragraph 3 of Article 56) before the commencement of operation, the
transmission line shall withstand such a test.
In case where cables are used for overhead transmission lines, the test shall conform to Article
Article 103
Supporting Structures
Steel Structural Members of Supporting Structures
Fundamental Properties
Flat steel, shaped steel, steel pipes, steel plates, steel bars and bolts which compose a steel
tower or iron pole used for overhead transmission lines shall be appropriate ones as specified
in ISO (International Organization for Standardization), ASTM (American Society for Testing
and Material) and JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) or other standards equivalent to these
Thickness of Steel Members and so on
Shaped steel, steel pipes and steel plates to be used for a steel tower or iron pole for overhead
transmission lines shall have the thickness and other dimensions specified below:
Minimum thickness of shaped steel
Those to be used as a main post member of an iron pole (in which a main member of a
cross arm is included; The same shall apply hereafter in this article) shall have the
thickness of 4 mm.
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Those to be used as a main post member of a steel tower shall have the thickness of 5
Those to be used as other structural members shall have the thickness of 3 mm.
Minimum thickness of steel pipes
Those to be used as a main post member of an iron pole shall have the thickness of 2
Those to be used as a main post member of a steel tower shall have the thickness of
2.4 mm.
Those to be used as other structural members shall have the thickness of 1.6 mm.
Slenderness ratio of steel members
The slenderness ratio of a compression member shall be no more than 200 for those to be
used as a main post member and no more than 220 for compression members other than main
post members (excluding those used as auxiliary members) and no more than 250 for those
used as auxiliary members.
Minimum thickness of steel plates
The thickness shall be no less than 1 mm.
Strength of Steel Members and Bolts
Steel members and bolts to be used for a steel tower or an iron pole of overhead transmission
lines shall have the strength as specified in Table 103-1.
Table 103-1
Classification of strength
When Y 0.7B
When Y > 0.7B
Compression strength
Flexural strength
When Y  0.7B
When Y > 0.7B
Bearing strength
0 < k < 
  k
Y / 3
 
Y  K 0  K1  k
0.7B / 3
  
 E Y 
 K2  k
 
 E Y 
1.52E / 2.2k2
 k:
Yield point strength of steel members and bolts
Tensile strength of steel members and bolts
Effective slenderness ratio ( = Lk / r )
Effective buckling length of steel members
Turning radius of a steel member cross section
Elastic modulus (20.6  102 N/m2)
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 15
. E 2.2 KY
K, K0, K1, K2: Refer to Table 103-2.
Table 103-2
Structural members with little decentering (steel pipe,
cruciform section plate, etc.)
Structural members with a little decentering (angle
steel used for a main post member, etc.)
Structural members with significant decentering
(angle steel used for a web member with one side
flange joint, etc.) (*)
Note that the buckling strength shall be no more than 0.6Y for structural members with
significant decentering.
Strength of Reinforced Concrete Pole Components
Components of a reinforced concrete pole for overhead transmission lines shall have the
strength as specified below:
Strength of concrete
The strength of concrete at yield point shall be based on the design standard strength (4-week
strength; Fc) of concrete and conform to Table 103-3.
Table 103-3
Compression strength
Tensile strength
Shearing strength
Fc/20 and 0.74+1.5Fc/100
Bond strength of concrete
The bond strength of concrete at yield point shall be based on the design standard strength
(4-week strength; Fc) and conform to Table 103-4.
Table 103-4
Bending member
Upper edge round bar
Round bar
round bar
Shaped steel
6Fc/100 and no more
than 1.32
Fc/10 and no more than
Normal round bar
Fixative joint
9Fc/100 and no more 6Fc/100 and no more than
than 1.99
3Fc/20 and no more Fc/10 and no more than
than 99+3Fc/50
3Fc/100 and no more than
Strength of shaped steel, flat steel and steel bars
The strength of shaped steel, flat steel and steel bars at yield point shall conform to Table
Table 103-5
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Y and no more than 234
Y and no more than 294
Yield compression
Y and no more than 234
Y and no more than 294
Y and no more than 322
Y and no more than 322
Y and no more than 0.7B
Yield tensile strength
Round bar
Diameter ≥ 29 mm
29 mm > Diameter > 25
25 mm ≥ Diameter
round bar
Strength of material at yield point
Tensile strength of material
Strength of bolts
The strength of bolts shall conform to Table 103-1.
Article 104
Loads on Supporting Structures and Safety Factor
Types and Combinations of Assumed Loads
Types and combinations of assumed loads to be used for calculating the strength of supporting
structures for overhead transmission lines shall conform to the following provisions:
The loads specified in Table 104-1 shall be used in the combinations shown in Table 104-2
depending on the classification and type of supporting structure.
Table 104-1
The load applied by the weight of the supporting structure (including cross
The load applied by the weight of strung wires and insulator devices
If the electrical line has a remarkable vertical angle, the vertical load from
the line shall be added.
If guys are used (in case of a steel tower, this shall be limited to a
temporary electrical line specified in Paragraph 2 in Article 107), the load
by a vertical component of force generated by tension of the guys shall be
Wind pressure load applied to the supporting structure (including cross
Wind pressure load applied to strung wires and insulator devices
The load by a horizontal transverse component of force generated by the
assumed maximum tension of strung wires when the electrical line has a
horizontal angle
The load by a torsional force stress generated by cutting strung wires
Wind pressure load applied to the supporting structure (including cross
The load by a horizontal longitudinal component of unbalanced tension of
strung wires
The load by a horizontal longitudinal component of unbalanced tension
generated by cutting strung wires
The load by a torsional force stress generated by cutting strung wires
H 't
Where, strung wires mean electrical conductors and overhead ground wires. (The same applies
hereafter in this standard.)
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Table 104-2
Type of
of supporting supporting
Class A
concrete pole
All types
All types
load and
Class A iron
Class B
concrete pole
Strain type
Class B iron
Steel tower
Strain type
Wind direction
Perpendicular to
the electrical line
Parallel to the
electrical line
Perpendicular to
the electrical
Parallel to the
electrical line
Perpendicular to
the electrical line
Parallel to the
electrical line
Perpendicular to
the electrical line
Parallel to the
electrical line
Perpendicular to
the electrical line
Parallel to the
electrical line
Perpendicular or
electrical line
Parallel to the
electrical line
Perpendicular to
the electrical line
Parallel to the
electrical line
Perpendicular to
the electrical line
Parallel to the
electrical line
Perpendicular to
the electrical line
Parallel to the
electrical line
Perpendicular to
the electrical line
Parallel to the
electrical line
Perpendicular to
the electrical line
Parallel to the
electrical line
Combination of assumed loads
Vertical load
transverse load longitudinal load
Wt Wc Ws Ht Hc Ha q H’t P1 P2 q1
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Circles  indicate the assumed loads to be considered at the same time. The wind direction
that brings the bigger assumed load should be selected.
The supporting structures in Table 104-2 shall have the following types:
Anchor type
Supporting structure for use of anchoring all strung wires
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Strain type
Supporting structure for use of reinforcing the linear parts of electrical lines or use in a place
where there is a large difference in the span at both sides of the supporting structure
Common type
Supporting structures, excluding above a and b, with tension type or suspension type insulator
Where strung wires are arranged asymmetrically on the supporting structure, the assumed
vertical eccentric load shall be added to the load in Table 104-2, and the load by normal
torsional load shall also be added for anchor or strain type.
Wind Pressure Load
Wind Pressure Values
The wind pressure load used for Paragraph 1 of this Article 104 shall be the value obtained by
calculation based on the wind pressure specified in the following Table 104-3.
This shall not apply when calculation is made based on values obtained by a wind pressure
(wind duct) test using a wind at a velocity of not less than 35 m/s.
The wind receiving area shall be the vertical projected area of the structural member. For
cross arms of a concrete pole, an iron pole except a columnar pole, and a steel tower, the wind
receiving area shall be the vertical projected area of the front structures that receive the wind.
Table 104-3
Subject to the wind pressure
Iron pole
Columnar pole
Triangle or rhombic pole
Square pole consisting of
steel pipes
concrete pole
Columnar pole
Shaped steel tower
Steel pipe tower
Steel tower
Columnar pole
Hexagonal or
octagonal pole
Electrical wires forming multiple conductors
(Limited to those in which two compositional
conductors are arranged horizontally and the
distance between such electrical conductors is
and other
no more than 20 times their outer diameter)
strung wires
Insulator device
Cross arms for an iron pole (limited to a columnar pole) and a
Wind pressure to 1 m2 of the vertical
projected area of the structural member (N)
1,740 when the web members overlap in the
front and the back
1,890 in other cases
1,260 when it is used as a single member
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reinforced concrete pole
1,740 in other cases
Wind pressure load at an oblique wind
When the wind blows to the electrical line at an angle of 60, the wind pressure load in an
assumed normal load of a common type steel tower shall be that calculated by the wind
pressure load multiplier (in case of a square tower) in Table 104-4.
Table 104-4
The multiplier to the wind pressure load
when the wind blows perpendicular to the
electrical line
(in case of a square tower)
Classification of wind pressure load
pressure load
to steel tower
pressure load
to body
Shaped steel
Steel pipe tower
0.5 (for the wind pressure in the direction of the
electrical line)
Wind pressure load to cross arm
Wind pressure load to strung wire
Augmentation of wind pressure by the height
Steel tower
The wind pressure of a shaped steel tower or steel pipe tower that is higher than 40 m shall
conform to Table 104-5.
Table 104-5
No higher than 50 m
No higher than 60 m
No higher than 70 m
No higher than 80 m
Shaped steel tower
No less than
Steel pipe tower
Below 230kV
No less than 230kV
Wires and insulators
When a steel tower is higher than 80 m, the wind pressure shall be calculated by increasing the
wind velocity appropriately.
Unbalanced Tension and so on
Unbalanced tension and so on used in Paragraph 1 of this Article 104 shall conform to the
following requirements:
The unbalanced tension and the torsional force shall conform to Table 104-6.
Table 104-6
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of supporting
Type of
Common type
Anchor type
Steel tower
Strain type
Common type
Class B iron
concrete pole
and Class B
iron pole
Anchor type
Strain type
Unbalanced tension and torsional force
Assumed normal load
No specification
Horizontal longitudinal component of
force of the unbalanced tension equal to
the assumed maximum tension for each
strung wire
Horizontal longitudinal component of
force of the unbalanced tension equal to
1/3 of the assumed maximum tension for
each strung wire
Horizontal longitudinal
component of force of
the unbalanced
tension generated by
cutting strung wires
and torsional force
No specification
Horizontal longitudinal component of
force of the unbalanced tension equal to
the assumed maximum tension for each No specification
strung wire
Horizontal longitudinal component of
force of the unbalanced tension equal to
1/3 of the assumed maximum tension for
each strung wire
For steel towers, the strung wires shall be cut according to the following requirements
depending on the total number of phases of electrical conductors (which means phases for
each circuit; The same shall apply hereafter).
The overhead ground wire shall not be cut at the same time as the electrical conductors
and only one wire shall be cut.
Where the total number of phases of electrical conductors is no more than twelve (12),
one phase that maximizes the stress generated in each structural member (Two
electrical conductors from one phase in case of multiple conductors for steel towers
other than anchor type)
Where the total number of phases of electrical conductors is over twelve (12) (excluding
the case specified in the following Item d.), two phases in different circuits that maximize
the stress generated in each structural member (Two electrical conductors from one
phase in case of multiple conductors for steel towers other than anchor type)
Where electrical conductors are arranged so that nine or more phases are in a
longitudinal row and two phases are in a transverse row, one of the top six phases in the
longitudinal row (two electrical conductors from one phase in case of multiple
conductors for steel towers other than anchor type) and one phase from the other
phases (two electrical conductors from one phase in case of multiple conductors for
steel towers other than anchor type) that maximize the stress generated in each
structural member.
The unbalanced tension generated by cutting the strung wire shall be equal to the assumed
maximum tension.
Provided, however, that the unbalanced tension may be 0.6 times the assumed maximum
tension if, depending on the mounting method of the strung wire, the supporting point of the
strung wire shifts when the wire is cut or the strung wire slides at the supporting point.
Safety Factor of Supporting Structure
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The yield strength of the structural members of reinforced concrete poles, iron poles and steel
towers used for overhead transmission lines shall satisfy the safety factor listed in Table 104-7
for the assumed loads specified in Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 3.
Classification of supporting structure
Class A reinforced concrete pole
Class A iron pole
Class B reinforced concrete pole
Class B iron pole
Steel tower
Table 104-7
Load condition
Wind pressure load
Wind pressure load
Vertical load
Assumed normal load
Assumed normal load
(1.65 for cross arms)
Assumed abnormal load
Article 105
Safety factor
Loads on Foundations of Supporting Structures and Safety Factor
Loads on the Foundation of a Supporting Structure
The loads applied to the foundation of a supporting structure for overhead transmission lines
shall be calculated from combinations of the assumed loads of the supporting structure
specified in Article 104 and the resultant maximum values shall be the assumed normal and
abnormal loads for the foundation.
Safety Factor of the Foundation
The safety factor of the foundation of a supporting structure for overhead transmission lines
shall satisfy the value listed in Table 105-1 for its yield strength. This shall not apply when the
installation is carried out according to Items (2) or (3) of Paragraph 1 in Article 151.
Table 105-1
Classification of supporting structure
Safety factor
Assumed normal load
Assumed abnormal load
Reinforced concrete pole and iron pole
Steel tower
Treatment of the Weight of the Foundation
The weight of the foundation used for calculating the safety factor shall be treated in
accordance with the following provisions:
For the foundation subject to a lifting load, two-thirds or less of the weight of the foundation (or
the weight of the foundation of a steel tower to an abnormal load) may be included in the lift
bearing power.
For the foundation subject to a compressive load, the weight of the foundation shall be included
in the compressive load.
Article 106
Reinforcement of Overhead Transmission Lines
Class A Reinforced Concrete Poles and Class A Iron poles
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Where five or more Class A reinforced concrete poles or Class A iron poles used for overhead
transmission lines are installed successively in a straight portion (including portions with a
horizontal angle of five degrees or less), such poles shall be installed according to the following
For every five poles or less frequently, guys shall be installed on both sides of wires in the
direction perpendicular to the electrical line. The same shall not apply when voltage of 35 kV or
below is used.
Where 15 or more of such poles are used successively, guys shall be installed on both sides of
wires in the direction of the electrical line for every 15 poles or less.
The guys installed according to Item (1) and Item (2) can be used in common with the guys
installed according to the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 107.
Class B Reinforced Concrete Poles or Class B Iron poles
Where ten or more Class B reinforced concrete poles and Class B iron poles with suspension
insulator devices are used successively, one iron reinforced concrete pole or iron pole of strain
type shall be installed for every ten poles or less frequently.
Steel Tower
Where ten or more steel towers with suspension insulator devices are used successively, one
steel tower with a strain-type suspension insulator or one steel tower with a suspension
insulator device shall be used for every ten towers or less frequently. Such a suspension
insulator device shall be designed assuming that the magnitude of unbalanced tension
generated by cutting a strung wire is the value equal to the assumed maximum tension of the
strung wire when the assumed abnormal load is determined.
Article 107
Reinforcement by Guys
Installation of Guys for Class A Reinforced Concrete Poles, Class A Iron poles, Class B
Reinforced Concrete Poles and Class B Iron poles
Guys for Class A reinforced concrete poles, Class A iron poles, Class B reinforced concrete
poles and Class B iron poles used for overhead transmission lines shall be installed according
to Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article 152.
Installation of Guys for Steel Towers
Steel towers used for overhead transmission lines shall have no guys that share the strength of
the towers. However, steel towers to be used temporarily within six months may be equipped
with guys. In this case, the guys shall be installed according to Item (1) of Paragraph 1 of
Article 152.
Safety Factor and Specification of Guys
Guys used for reinforced concrete poles, iron poles and steel towers shall conform to
Paragraph 2 in Article 152.
3-5-5 Regulations for Installation
Article 108
Clearance between Overhead Ground Wires and Electrical Conductors
The clearance between any overhead ground wire (including the distribution conductors of
SWER systems installed at the top of a steel tower) and any transmission conductor in a place
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other than supporting points shall be larger than the clearance at supporting points.
Article 109
Height of Overhead Transmission Conductors and Limitation of Span
Height of Overhead Transmission Conductors
The height of overhead transmission conductors shall conform to the following provisions, and
the height shall be secured in case of the electrical conductor dip at the maximum design
operating temperature.
Height of overhead transmission conductor above the ground surface
The height of an overhead transmission conductor above the ground surface (above the road
when the overhead transmission conductor crosses a pedestrian crossing bridge) shall be no
less than the value specified in Table 109-1.
Table 109-1
Height above the ground surface
Common place
No higher
than 35
than 35
Crossing a road
5.5 m
Value obtained by
adding 6 cm for each
10 kV over 35 kV
and fraction thereof
to 5.5 m
Value obtained by
adding 6 cm for each
10 kV over 35 kV
and fraction thereof
to 6 m
Crossing a
crossing bridge
5.5 m
(4 m in case of an
conductor or
Value obtained by
adding 6 cm for
each 10 kV over
35 kV
and fraction
thereof to 5.5 m
An area such as
a mountainous
district where
persons do not
have easy access
Value obtained by
adding 6 cm for
each 10 kV over
35 kV and
fraction thereof to
Height of overhead transmission conductor above a water surface
Where overhead transmission conductors are installed above a water surface, the height of the
electrical conductors above the water surface shall be no less than the values specified in
Table 109-2.
Table 109-2
No craft passage
Having craft passage
From the craft's mast on the
From the highest water level
highest water level
Value obtained by adding 6 cm Value obtained by adding 6 cm
for each 10 kV over 35 kV and for each 10 kV over 35 kV and
fraction thereof to 5 m
fraction thereof to 2 m
Nominal voltage
No higher than 35 kV
Higher than 35 kV
Limitation of Span
The span length of overhead transmission lines shall be no longer than the values specified in
Table 109-3.
Table 109-3
Classification of supporting structure
Class A iron pole or class A reinforced concrete pole
Class B iron pole or class B reinforced concrete pole
150 m
250 m
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Steel tower
600 m
Where stranded wires with a tensile strength no less than 30 kN are used for electrical
conductors, the provisions of the preceding paragraph are not necessarily adhered to if the
supporting structures are installed in accordance with the following provisions. In this case,
the span length of such electrical conductors shall be no longer than 300 m when class A iron
poles or class A reinforced concrete poles are used, and no longer than 500 m when class B
iron poles or class B reinforced concrete poles are used.
Class A iron poles or class A reinforced concrete poles shall be equipped with guys on
both sides of each strung wire in the direction of the electrical line. Such guys shall
withstand the horizontal force caused by the unbalanced tension equivalent to 1/3 the
assumed maximum tension of the strung wire. The same shall not apply where the
guy is installed on the supporting structure in a place adjacent to the span of the
electrical line depending on terrain conditions.
Strain type iron poles or reinforced concrete poles shall be used as class B iron poles or
class B reinforced concrete poles or such poles shall be equipped with the guys in
accordance with the provisions of item a) above. The same shall not apply where such
iron poles or reinforced concrete poles are used or such guys are installed for the
supporting structure in a place adjacent to the span of the electrical line depending on
terrain conditions.
Strain type steel towers shall be used as steel towers. The same shall not apply where
strain type steel towers are used for the supporting structure at a place adjacent to the
span of the electrical line depending on terrain conditions.
Article 110
Clearance between Plants and Overhead Transmission Conductors
The clearance between any overhead transmission conductor and any plant shall be no less
than the value specified in Table 110-1. The clearance shall be secured to provide for the
occurrence of such case that the electrical conductor dips at the maximum design operating
temperature or sways in the wind.
Table 110-1
Nominal voltage
No higher than 35 kV
Higher than 35 kV
The value obtained by adding 6 cm for every 10 kV
and fraction thereof over 35 kV to 2 m
This shall not apply when overhead transmission lines are installed according to the following
Overhead transmission conductors with a voltage no higher than 35 kV, for which insulated
conductors are used, shall be installed so as not to contact plants.
Overhead transmission conductors with a voltage no higher than 130 kV, for which cables are
used, shall be installed so as not to contact plants.
Article 111
Restrictions in Urban Areas
Prohibition of Installation in Urban Areas
No overhead transmission line shall be installed in urban areas or other densely built-up areas.
Relaxation of Restrictions
Paragraph 1 shall not apply where the nominal voltage of the overhead transmission line is no
more than 130 kV and the electrical conductors are cables or the installation is carried out
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according to the following requirements:
Strength of electrical conductor
The strength of electrical conductor shall conform to Table 111-1.
Table 111-1
Nominal voltage
Strength of electrical conductor
No higher than 35 kV
Stranded wire with a tensile strength no less than 30
Higher than 35 kV but no higher than Stranded wire with a tensile strength no less than 40
130 kV
Limitation of span
The length of span of overhead transmission lines shall conform to Table 111-2.
Table 111-2
Classification of supporting
Class A reinforced concrete pole
or class A iron pole
Class B reinforced concrete pole
or class B iron pole
No longer than 75 m
No longer than 150 m
No longer than 400 m (or no longer than 250 m when two or
more electrical conductors are arranged horizontally and the
distance between the electrical conductors is less than 4 m)
Steel tower
Length of span
Shutoff time
Overhead transmission lines with a nominal voltage higher than 35 kV shall be equipped with
devices that automatically shut off the electrical circuit within one second after an earth fault or
short circuit occurs in the electrical circuit.
Height of electrical conductor above the ground
The height of overhead transmission conductors above the ground shall be no less than the
value specified in Table 111-3. The height shall be secured to provide for the occurrence of
such case that the electrical conductor dips at the maximum design operating temperature.
This shall not apply to overhead transmission lines for a span connecting the yard of a power
plant, substation or similar place to the outside.
Nominal voltage
No higher than 35 kV
Higher than 35 kV
Table 111-3
Height of electrical conductor above the ground
10 m (8 m when insulated conductors are used)
Value obtained by adding 6 cm for each 10 kV over 35
kV and fraction thereof to 10 m
Indication of danger
Supporting structures shall be provided with an indication of danger in a location where it is
easily read. This shall not apply when insulated conductors are used for overhead
transmission lines with a nominal voltage no higher than 35 kV.
Definition of an Urban Area or Other Densely Built-up Area
An urban area or other densely built-up area shall be defined according to the building-to-land
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ratio specified in Table 111-4.
Where, the building-to-land ratio means the ratio of [the area covered with buildings / 50,000
m2 – the area of roads] in the zone (excluding roads) that is the rectangular area of 50,000 m2
extending for 50 m on both sides of an overhead transmission line and 500 m in the direction of
that line.
Table 111-4
An urban area or other densely built-up area
New transmission conductor (when installed)
The building-to-land ratio is no less than 25%.
Existing transmission conductor
The building-to-land ratio is no less than 30%.
Article 112
Regulations for Side-by-side Installation and Adjacency to and Crossing with
Other Objects
When overhead transmission conductors are installed side by side, close to or across other
objects, the transmission conductors shall be strengthened as follows:
Type 1 Transmission Line Strengthening Work
Type 1 transmission line strengthening work shall be carried out as specified in the following
Strength of electrical conductors
The strength of electrical conductors, excluding cables, shall be in accordance with Table
Nominal voltage
No higher than 35 kV
Higher than 35 kV but no higher than 130 kV
Higher than 130 kV but no higher than 300
Higher than 300 kV
Table 112-1
Strength of electrical conductor
Stranded wires with a tensile strength no less than 30 kN
Stranded wires with a tensile strength no less than 40 kN
Stranded wires with a tensile strength no less than 60 kN
Stranded wires with a tensile strength no less than 80 kN
Jointing of electrical conductors
No jointing point shall be provided in the midway of a span excluding cases of compression
Supporting structures
Class B reinforced concrete poles, class B iron poles or steel towers shall be used as
supporting structures.
Limitation of span
The length of span of overhead transmission lines shall conform to Table 112-2.
Table 112-2
Strength of electrical conductor
Length of span
Stranded wires with a tensile strength no less than 30
No longer than 150 m
Class B reinforced
concrete poles or
Stranded wires with a tensile strength no less than 40
class B iron poles
As per Article 109-2
Stranded wires with a tensile strength no less than 60
Steel towers
No longer than 400 m
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Stranded wires with a tensile strength no less than 80
As per Article 109-2
Shutoff time
Electrical lines shall be equipped with devices that automatically shut off the electrical circuit
within two seconds (or one second when the nominal voltage is higher than 35 kV) after an
earth fault or short circuit occurs in the electrical circuit.
Type 2 Transmission Line Strengthening Work
Type 2 transmission line strengthening work shall be carried out as specified in Table 112-3.
Table 112-3
Classification of
Class A reinforced
concrete poles or
class A iron poles
Class B reinforced
concrete poles or
class B iron poles
Steel towers
Strength of electrical conductor
Length of span
Stranded wires with a tensile strength no less than 10
No longer than 100 m
Stranded wires with a tensile strength no less than 10
Stranded wires with a tensile strength no less than 40
Stranded wires with a tensile strength no less than 10
Stranded wires with a tensile strength no less than 40
No longer than 200 m
As per Article 109-2
No longer than 400 m
As per Article 109-2
Type 3 Transmission Line Strengthening Work
Type 3 transmission line strengthening work shall be carried out as specified in Table 112-4.
Table 112-4
Classification of
Class A reinforced
concrete poles or
class A iron poles
Class B reinforced
concrete poles or
class B iron poles
Steel towers
Strength of electrical conductor
10 kN
20 kN
10 kN
30 kN
40 kN
10 kN
30 kN
40 kN
wires with a tensile strength no less than
wires with a tensile strength no less than
wires with a tensile strength no less than
wires with a tensile strength no less than
wires with a tensile strength no less than
wires with a tensile strength no less than
wires with a tensile strength no less than
wires with a tensile strength no less than
Length of span
No longer than 100 m
No longer than 150 m
No longer than 200 m
No longer than 250 m
As per Article 109-2
No longer than 400 m
No longer than 600 m
As per Article 109-2
3-5-6 Particulars of Installation for Side-by-side Use and
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at Adjacency to and Crossing with Other Objects
Article 113
Side-by-side Use Installation with Other Objects
Installation with Distribution Conductors
Side-by-side Installation of Overhead Transmission Conductors with a Nominal Voltage no
higher than 35 kV and Overhead Distribution Conductors
When overhead transmission conductors with a nominal voltage no higher than 35 kV and
overhead distribution conductors are installed on the same supporting structure, the installation
shall be carried out in accordance with the following requirements:
Position of installing electrical conductors on the supporting structure
The electrical conductor with a higher voltage shall be installed above the electrical conductor
with a lower voltage. When voltages are the same, overhead transmission conductors shall
be installed above overhead distribution conductors using separate cross arms. This shall not
apply where the electrical conductors with a higher voltage are cables and another electrical
conductors are insulated conductors or cables.
The clearance between any overhead transmission conductor and any overhead distribution
conductor shall be no shorter than the values specified in Table 113-1.
Strength of overhead distribution conductors
Overhead distribution conductors shall be any of those specified in the following items except
for cases where cables are used.
Those with a tensile strength no less than 5 kN where the span of the overhead
distribution conductor is no longer than 50 m
Those with a tensile strength no less than 8 kN where the span of the overhead
distribution conductor is longer than 50 m
Side-by-side Installation of Overhead Transmission Conductors with a Nominal Voltage Over
35 kV but Below 130 kV and Overhead Distribution Conductors
Overhead transmission conductors with a nominal voltage over 35 kV but below 130 kV and
low-voltage overhead distribution conductors shall not be installed on the same supporting
When overhead transmission conductors with a nominal voltage over 35 kV but below 130 kV
and medium-voltage overhead distribution conductors are installed on the same supporting
structure, the installation shall be carried out in accordance with the following requirements:
Position of installing electrical conductors
Overhead transmission conductors shall be installed above overhead distribution
conductors using separate cross arms. This shall not apply where such overhead
distribution conductor is installed together with overhead distribution conductor for the
SWER system.
Strength of overhead transmission conductors
The overhead transmission conductors shall be the stranded wires with a tensile
strength no less than 30 kN excluding the case where they are cables.
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Transmission line strengthening work
Overhead transmission lines shall be installed according to the provisions for type 2
transmission line strengthening work.
The clearance between any overhead transmission conductor and any overhead
distribution conductor shall be no less than the values specified in Table 113-1.
Nominal voltage
No higher
than 35 kV
Higher than 35 kV
Table 113-1
2.0 m in case of a medium-voltage overhead distribution line and 1.2 m in
case of a low-voltage overhead distribution line (0.5 m when the electrical
conductor with a higher voltage is a cable and the other electrical conductor
is an insulated conductor or a cable, and 1.0 m when the electrical conductor
with a higher voltage is an insulated conductor and the other electrical
conductor is an insulated conductor or a cable)
Value obtained by adding 6 cm for every 10 kV and fraction thereof over 35
kV to 2.0 m (or 1 m when the overhead transmission conductor is a cable
and the overhead distribution conductor is an insulated conductor or a cable)
Strength of overhead transmission conductor
Overhead transmission conductors shall be installed according to Item (3) of Paragraph
Side-by-side Installation of Overhead Transmission Conductors with a Nominal Voltage Over
130 kV and Overhead Distribution Conductors
Overhead transmission conductors with a nominal voltage higher than 130 kV and overhead
distribution conductors shall not be installed on the same supporting structure excluding the
case of the following paragraph.
Side-by-side Installation of Overhead Transmission Conductors and Special Overhead
Distribution Conductors
Where any overhead transmission conductor or any overhead distribution conductor to be
connected with any low-voltage electric machine or appliance to be installed on the supporting
structure of the overhead transmission line is installed on the same supporting structure, the
installation shall be carried out according to the provisions of Item (1) and Item (3) of Paragraph
1. Also, the clearance between the overhead transmission conductor and the overhead
distribution conductor shall be no less than the values specified in Table 113-1.
Article 114
Installation with Telecommunication Conductors
Side-by-side Installation of Overhead Transmission Conductors with a Nominal Voltage No
Higher Than 35 kV and Overhead Telecommunication Conductors
When overhead transmission conductors with a nominal voltage no higher than 35 kV and
overhead telecommunication conductors (excluding communication lines for power
maintenance, the same applies hereafter in this article) are installed on the same supporting
structure, the installation shall be carried out according to the following requirements:
Transmission line strengthening work
Overhead transmission lines shall be installed according to the provisions for type 2
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transmission line strengthening work.
Position of installing electrical conductors
Overhead transmission conductors shall be installed above overhead telecommunication
conductors using separate cross arms.
Strength and type of overhead transmission conductor
Overhead transmission conductors shall be any of the following:
Stranded wires with a tensile strength no less than 30 kN
Types of telecommunication conductors
Overhead telecommunication conductors shall be communications cables that have a metallic
shielding layer. This shall not apply where overhead telecommunication lines are any of the
following cases:
Where the overhead transmission conductor is a cable
Where insulated conductors are used for overhead transmission conductors with the
approval of the person responsible for the telecommunication line
The clearance between any overhead transmission conductor and any overhead
telecommunication conductor shall be no less than 2 m (or no less than 0.5 m when the
overhead transmission conductor is a cable).
Vertical wiring of overhead transmission lines
For vertical wiring of overhead transmission lines, cables shall be used for the portion from the
point 2 m above the object installed on the supporting structure by the person who installs the
telecommunication conductor to the lower end of the vertical wiring of the electrical lines.
Earthing work
An insulated conductor or a cable shall be used for the ground wire of an overhead
transmission line.
Any ground wire or ground electrode for overhead transmission lines shall be installed
separately from any ground wire or ground electrode for overhead telecommunication
Side-by-side Installation of Overhead Transmission Conductors with a Nominal Voltage Over
35 kV and Overhead Telecommunication Conductors
Overhead transmission conductors with a nominal voltage over 35 kV and overhead
telecommunication conductors shall not be installed on the same supporting structure.
Article 115
Low-voltage Appliances on Towers
Where any low-voltage machine or appliance to be installed on the supporting structure of the
overhead transmission lines is installed above overhead transmission conductors, it shall be
installed in accordance with the following requirements:
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This shall not apply where the overhead transmission conductors are cables.
The electrical circuit to be connected to a low-voltage machine or appliance shall not be
connected to any other loads.
Where the electrical circuit as specified in the preceding item is coupled with another electrical
circuit through a transformer, an insulating transformer shall be used.
One terminal on the loaded side of the insulating transformer as specified in the preceding item
or a neutral point shall be provided with class A earthing work.
Metal cases of low-voltage machines and appliances shall be provided with class D earthing
Article 116
Installations at Adjacency to and Crossing with Other
Adjacency to and Crossing with Buildings
Primary Proximity of Transmission Conductors to Buildings
Where overhead transmission conductors are installed in primary proximity to a building, they
shall be installed in accordance with the following requirements:
Transmission line strengthening work
Overhead transmission lines shall be installed according to the provisions specified for type 3
transmission line strengthening work.
The clearance between any overhead transmission conductor with a nominal voltage up
to 35 kV and any building shall be no less than the values specified in Table 116-1.
The clearance shall be secured to provide for the occurrence of such case that the
electrical conductor dips at the maximum design operating temperature sways in the
wind. (The same shall apply hereafter in this article.)
Table 116-1
Structural members of Type of transmission
2.5 m above the upper structural member, and 1.5
m below or on the side of the upper structural
Insulated conductor
member (or 1 m if installed so that there is no
danger of any person contacting it easily)
Upperstructural member
1.2 m above the upper structural member, and 0.5
(including TV antenna)
m below or on the side of the upper structural
Bare conductor
Insulated conductor
Bare conductor
1.5 m (or 1 m if installed so that there is no danger
of any person contacting it easily)
0.5 m
The clearance between any overhead transmission conductor with a nominal voltage over 35
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kV and any structural member shall be no less than the values obtained by adding 6 cm for
every 10 kV and fraction thereof over 35 kV to the value specified in Table 116-1 depending on
the classification of structural members of buildings and the type of electrical conductor.
Secondary Proximity of Overhead Transmission Conductors with a Nominal Voltage No Higher
Than 35 kV to Buildings
Where overhead transmission conductors with a nominal voltage no higher than 35 kV are
installed in secondary proximity to buildings, they shall be installed in accordance with the
following requirements:
Transmission line strengthening work
Overhead transmission lines shall be installed in accordance with the provisions specified for
type 2 transmission line strengthening work.
The clearance between overhead transmission conductors and buildings shall conform to Item
(2) of Paragraph 1.
Secondary Proximity of Overhead Transmission Conductors with a Nominal Voltage Over 35
kV to Buildings
Overhead transmission conductors with a nominal voltage over 35 kV shall not be installed in
secondary proximity to buildings.
Close Clearance below Buildings
Where an overhead transmission conductor is installed below and close to the building, it shall
be installed in accordance with the following requirements:
Horizontal clearance
The horizontal clearance between the overhead transmission conductor and the building shall
be no less than 3 m (excluding insulated conductors with a voltage no higher than 35 kV or
overhead transmission conductors using cables with a voltage below 130 kV).
The clearance between overhead transmission conductors and buildings shall conform to Item
(2) of Paragraph 1.
Article 117
Adjacency to and Crossing with Roads
Primary Proximity of Overhead Transmission Conductors to Roads
Where overhead transmission conductors are installed in primary proximity to roads or
pedestrian crossing bridges (hereinafter referred to as "roads or the like"), they shall be
installed in accordance with the following requirements:
Transmission line strengthening work
Overhead transmission lines shall be installed in accordance with the provisions specified for
type 3 transmission line strengthening work.
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The clearance between any overhead transmission conductor and the road or the like
(excluding the clearance on the surface of the road; The same shall apply hereafter in this
article) shall be no less than the value specified in Table 117-1. The clearance shall be
secured to provide for the occurrence of such case that the electrical conductor dips at the
maximum design operating temperature or sways in the wind. (The same shall apply
hereafter in this article.)
This shall not apply under any of the following conditions:
Where the horizontal clearance between the overhead transmission conductors using
insulated conductors with a nominal voltage no higher than 35 kV and the roads or the
like is at least 1.5 m
Where the horizontal clearance between the overhead transmission conductor, which
uses a cable and has a nominal voltage no higher than 35 kV, and the road or the like is
at least 1.2 m
Where the horizontal clearance between the overhead transmission conductor, which
uses a cable and has a nominal voltage over 35 kV but below 130 kV, and the road or
the like is at least 2 m
Table 117-1
Nominal voltage
No higher than 35 kV
Higher than 35 kV
The value obtained by adding 6 cm for every 10 kV and fraction
thereof over 35 kV to 3 m
Secondary Proximity of Overhead Transmission Conductors with a Nominal Voltage No Higher
Than 35 kV to Roads
Where overhead transmission conductors with a nominal voltage no higher than 35 kV are
installed in secondary proximity to roads or the like, they shall be installed in accordance with
the following requirements:
Transmission line strengthening work
Overhead transmission lines shall be installed in accordance with the provisions specified for
type 2 transmission line strengthening work.
The clearance between overhead transmission conductors and roads or the like shall conform
to Item (2) of Paragraph 1.
Secondary Proximity of Overhead Transmission Conductors with a Nominal Voltage Higher
Than 35 kV to Roads
Where overhead transmission conductors with a nominal voltage over 35 kV are installed in
secondary proximity to roads or the like, they shall be installed in accordance with the following
Transmission line strengthening work
Overhead transmission lines shall be installed in accordance with the strengthening work
specified in Table 117-3.
Closing distance of roads or the like
Table 117-3
Strengthening work
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No longer than 100 m
Over 100 m
Type 2 transmission line strengthening work
Type 1 transmission line strengthening work
Where, "closing distance" means the following two items in cases where overhead
transmission conductors are installed above or beside facilities such as roads, overhead
telecommunication conductors or the like. (The same shall apply hereinafter in these
The length of a part of the facility installed in a horizontal distance less than 3 m continuously
from the overhead transmission conductor
The sum of the lengths of parts of the facility installed in a horizontal distance less than 3 m
from the overhead transmission conductor in a span of the overhead transmission line
The clearance between overhead transmission conductors and roads or the like shall conform
to Item (2) of Paragraph 1.
Crossing over Roads
Where an overhead transmission conductor is installed crossing over a road or the like, the
overhead transmission line shall be installed in accordance with the following requirements:
Transmission line strengthening work
Overhead transmission lines shall be installed in accordance with the strengthening work
specified in Table 117-4.
Table 117-4
Closing distance of roads or the like
Strengthening work
No longer than 100 m
Type 2 transmission line strengthening work
Type 1 transmission line strengthening work
(Note that type 2 transmission line strengthening
Over 100 m
work will do for overhead transmission lines with a
nominal voltage no higher than 35 kV.)
The clearance between overhead transmission conductors and roads or the like shall conform
to Item (2) of Paragraph 1.
Article 118
Adjacency to and Crossing with Distribution Conductors and Telecommunication
Primary Proximity of Overhead Transmission Conductors to Overhead Distribution Conductors
or the like
Where overhead transmission conductors are installed in primary proximity to overhead
distribution conductors or overhead telecommunication conductors (hereinafter referred to as
"overhead distribution conductors or the like"), they shall be installed in accordance with the
following requirements:
Transmission line strengthening work
Overhead transmission lines shall be installed in accordance with the provisions specified for
type 3 transmission line strengthening work.
The clearance shall be as specified below. The clearance shall be secured to provide for the
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occurrence of such case that the electrical conductor dips at the maximum design operating
temperature or sways in the wind. (The same shall apply hereafter in this article.)
The clearance between overhead transmission conductors with a nominal voltage no higher
than 35 kV and overhead distribution conductors or the like or their supporting structures
(including guys and pole braces) shall be no less than the values specified in Table 118-1.
Table 118-1
Clearance (m)
[Clearance: m]
Classification of overhead transmission conductor
Insulated conductor
Overhead telecommunication conductor
or supporting structure of overhead
distribution conductor or the like
The clearance between overhead transmission conductors with a nominal voltage over 35 kV
and overhead distribution conductors or the like or their supporting structures shall be no less
than the values obtained by adding 6 cm for every 10 kV and fraction thereof over 35 kV to 2 m
(or 1 m when the overhead transmission conductors are cables).
Secondary Proximity of Overhead Transmission Conductors with a Nominal Voltage no higher
than 35 kV to Overhead Distribution Conductors or the like
Where overhead transmission conductors with a nominal voltage no higher than 35 kV are
installed in secondary proximity to overhead distribution conductors or the like, they shall be
installed in accordance with the following requirements:
Transmission line strengthening work
Overhead transmission lines shall be installed in accordance with the provisions specified for
type 2 transmission line strengthening work.
The clearance between overhead transmission conductors and overhead distribution
conductors or the like or their supporting structures (including guys and pole braces) shall
conform to Item (2) of Paragraph 1.
Horizontal clearance
The horizontal clearance between overhead transmission conductors and overhead distribution
conductors or the like shall be no less than 2 m when both electrical conductors are motionless.
This shall not apply under any of the following conditions:
Where the overhead distribution conductors or the like have a tensile strength no less
than 10 kN or they are cables
Where the overhead telecommunication conductors are installed with messenger wires
using galvanized steel wires with a diameter no less than 4 mm or with a tensile
strength no less than 4 kN, or when the overhead telecommunication conductors are
service wires with spans no longer than 15 m
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Where the vertical clearance between the overhead transmission conductors and the
overhead distribution conductors or the like is at least 6 m
Where the overhead transmission conductors are insulated conductors or cables
Secondary Proximity of Overhead Transmission Conductors with a Nominal Voltage Over 35
kV to Overhead Distribution Conductors or the like
Where overhead transmission conductors with a nominal voltage over 35 kV are installed in
secondary proximity to overhead distribution conductors or the like, they shall be installed in
accordance with the following requirements:
Transmission line strengthening work
Overhead transmission lines shall be installed in accordance with the strengthening work
specified in Table 118-2.
Table 118-2
Closing distance of overhead distribution
Strengthening work
conductors or the like
No longer than 50 m
Type 2 transmission line strengthening work
Over 50 m
Type 1 transmission line strengthening work
The clearance between overhead transmission conductors and overhead distribution
conductors or the like or their supporting structures (including guys and pole braces) shall
conform to Item (2) of Paragraph 1.
Horizontal clearance
The horizontal clearance between overhead transmission conductors and overhead distribution
conductors or the like shall be no less than 2 m. This shall not apply under any of the
following conditions:
Where the overhead distribution conductors or the like have a tensile strength no less
than 10 kN or they are cables
Where the overhead telecommunication conductors are installed with messenger wires
using galvanized steel wires with a diameter no less than 4 mm or with a tensile
strength no less than 4 kN, or when the overhead telecommunication conductors are
service wires with spans no longer than 15 m
Where the vertical clearance between the overhead transmission conductors and the
overhead distribution conductors or the like is at least 6 m
Where the overhead transmission conductors with a normal voltage lower than 130 kV
are insulated conductors or cables
Crossing Over Overhead Distribution Conductors or the like
Where an overhead transmission conductor is installed crossing over an overhead distribution
conductor or the like and when it is installed above an overhead distribution conductor, the
overhead transmission line shall be installed in accordance with the following requirements:
Transmission line strengthening work
Overhead transmission lines shall be installed according to the strengthening work specified in
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Table 118-3.
Table 118-3
Strengthening work
distribution conductors or the like
No longer than 50 m
Type 2 transmission line strengthening work
Type 1 transmission line strengthening work
(Note that type 2 transmission line strengthening work will
Over 50 m
do for overhead transmission lines with a nominal voltage
no higher than 35 kV.)
The clearance between overhead transmission conductors and overhead distribution
conductors or the like or their supporting structures (including guys and pole braces) shall
conform to Item (2) of Paragraph 1.
The overhead distribution conductor or the like (the uppermost one when there are two or more
located vertically) shall has a tensile strength no less than 10 kN or it is a cable.
This shall not apply where overhead transmission conductors are insulated conductors with a
nominal voltage no higher than 35 kV or cables with a nominal voltage below 130 kV.
Adjacency to and Crossing Under Overhead Distribution Conductors or the like
Adjacency under overhead distribution conductors or the like
Overhead transmission conductors shall not be installed below overhead distribution
conductors or the like within a horizontal distance equivalent to the height of their supporting
structures above the ground surface.
Crossing under overhead distribution conductors or the like
Where overhead transmission conductors are installed across overhead distribution conductors
or the like, the overhead transmission conductors shall not be lower than the overhead
distribution conductors or the like.
Adjacency to and Crossing with Special Overhead Distribution Conductors
Where overhead transmission conductors are installed close to or across the low-voltage
overhead distribution conductors connected to low-voltage machines or appliances specified in
Article 115, the overhead transmission conductors need not necessarily conform to the
provisions of Paragraphs 1 through 4 (excluding the provisions for clearance).
Article 119
Adjacency to and Crossing with Transmission Conductors
Adjacency to and Crossing of Overhead Transmission conductors with other ones
Where overhead transmission conductors are installed close to or across other overhead
transmission conductors, they shall be installed in accordance with the following requirements:
Transmission line strengthening work
The overhead transmission lines to be installed above or on the side shall be installed in
accordance with type 3 transmission line strengthening work.
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The clearance shall be as specified below. The clearance shall be secured to provide for the
occurrence of such case that the electrical conductor dips at the maximum design operating
temperature or sways in the wind.
The clearance between an overhead transmission conductor and another overhead
transmission conductor shall be no less than the values specified in Table 119-1
depending on the higher nominal voltage of the two transmission conductors.
Table 119-1
Type of electrical conductor
One overhead transmission
conductor uses a cable and
0.5 m
the other uses an insulated
conductor or cable
No higher than 35 kV
Both overhead transmission
conductors use insulated
The value obtained by adding 6 cm for
Both overhead transmission
every 10 kV and fraction thereof over 35 kV
conductors use cables
to 1 m
Over 35 kV
The value obtained by adding 6 cm for
every 10 kV and fraction thereof over 35 kV
to 2 m
The clearance between an overhead transmission conductor and a supporting structure of
another overhead transmission conductor shall be no less than the values specified in Table
Nominal voltage
Nominal voltage
No higher than 35 kV
Over 35 kV
Table 119-2
2 m (or 1 m when the electrical conductor is an insulated conductor and
0.5 m when it is a cable)
The value obtained by adding 6 cm for every 10 kV and fraction there of
over 35 kV to 2 m (or 1 m when the electrical conductor is a cable)
Clearance between Overhead Transmission Conductors and Overhead Ground Wires
Where overhead transmission conductors are installed close to or across overhead ground
wires (including distribution conductors of SWER systems installed on the top of a steel tower)
of other overhead transmission lines, the clearance between the overhead transmission
conductors and the overhead ground wires shall be no less than the values specified in Table
Article 120
Adjacency to and Crossing with Other Facilities
Primary Proximity
Where overhead transmission conductors are installed in primary proximity to facilities other
than buildings, roads, pedestrian crossing bridges, overhead telecommunication lines,
overhead distribution lines and other overhead transmission lines (hereafter in this article,
referred to as "other facilities"), they shall be installed in accordance with the following
The clearance shall be as specified below. The clearance shall be secured to provide for the
occurrence of such case that the electrical conductor dips at the maximum design operating
temperature or sways in the wind.
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The clearance between overhead transmission conductors with a nominal voltage no higher
than 35 kV and other facilities shall conform to Table 120-1.
Note that the clearance shall conform to Article 116 where overhead transmission conductors
are installed above the buildings strong enough under which people can walk around freely.
Table 120-1
Classification of other facilities
Upper structural
member of
below or on the
Part of building other than upper
structural members or facilities
other than buildings
The electrical
conductor is an
2 m or longer
1.2 m or longer
1 m or longer
0.5 m or longer
1 m or longer
0.5 m or longer
The electrical
conductor is a
The electrical
conductor is a
bare conductor
2 m or longer
2 m or longer
The clearance between overhead transmission conductors with a nominal voltage over
35 kV and other facilities shall be no less than the value obtained by adding 6 cm for
every 10 kV and fraction thereof over 35 kV to 2 m (or 1 m when the overhead
transmission conductors are cables and not installed above the upper structural
members of building).
Transmission line strengthening work
The overhead transmission lines shall be installed in accordance with type 3 transmission line
strengthening work.
Secondary Proximity or Crossing
Where overhead transmission conductors are installed in secondary proximity to other facilities
or they cross above other facilities, they shall be installed in accordance with the following
The clearance between overhead transmission conductors and other facilities shall conform to
Item (1) of Paragraph 1.
Transmission line strengthening work
The overhead transmission lines shall be installed in accordance with type 2 transmission line
strengthening work.
Adjacency Under Others
Where overhead transmission conductors are installed below and close to other facilities, the
horizontal clearance between the two shall be no less than 3 m, and the clearance between
them shall conform to Table 119-2.
Note that the clearance between overhead transmission conductors and other facilities need
not necessarily exceed 3 m when the overhead transmission conductors use insulated
conductors and have a nominal voltage no higher than 35 kV or when they use cables and
have a nominal voltage below 130 kV.
Protection against Lightning and Falling Trees
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Article 121
Protection against Lightning
The following measures shall be taken for overhead transmission lines to reduce flashover by
lightning and protect facilities against damage caused by flashover.
Overhead ground wires shall be installed for the overhead transmission lines with a nominal
voltage over 35 kV. Note that the distribution lines of SWER systems installed on the top of a
tower can be regarded as overhead ground wires.
Arcing horns shall be installed for insulator devices of overhead transmission lines with a
nominal voltage over 35 kV.
An armor rod shall be installed at the electrical conductor grasping part of suspension insulator
Article 122
Protection against Falling Trees
Overhead transmission lines shall be installed in accordance with any of the following
requirements to protect the facilities against damage caused by a falling tree.
Cut trees by the necessary length in an area where the facilities could be damaged by falling
Secure the height of electrical conductors so as not to damage the facilities by falling trees.
Article 123
Underground Transmission Lines
Dielectric Strength of Underground Transmission Lines
Dielectric Strength of Underground Transmission Lines
Dielectric Strength of Cables
Cables used for underground transmission lines shall have the dielectric strength that
withstands the power frequency voltage, the lightning impulse voltage and the switching surge
voltage that are supposed on the cables.
Dielectric Strength of Underground Transmission Lines
Underground transmission lines shall withstand the dielectric strength tests using the test
methods specified in IEC 60840 or IEC 60502-2 "Electrical tests after installation" depending
on the voltage.
Cables of Underground Transmission Lines
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Article 124
Properties of Underground Cables
Use of Cables
Cables shall be used for underground transmission lines.
Electrical conductor
Electrical conductors of cables shall have the electric resistance specified in IEC 60228 and
shall be stranded wires composed of solid wires, such as annealed copper wire, annealed
aluminum wire, hard-drawn aluminum wire and semi hard-drawn aluminum wire that satisfy the
mechanical characteristics specified in Table 124-1.
Table 124-1
Type of solid wire
copper wire
aluminum wire
aluminum wire
Semi hard-drawn
Diameter of solid wire
No less than 0.10, no more than
More than 0.28, no more than 0.29
More than 0.29, no more than 0.45
More than 0.45, no more than 0.70
More than 0.70, no more than 1.6
More than 1.6, no more than 7.0
More than 7.0, no more than 16.0
No less than 2.0, no more than 5.2
More than 5.2, no more than 7.0
No less than 1.2, no more than 1.3
More than 1.3, no more than 1.5
More than 1.5, no more than 1.7
More than 1.7, no more than 2.1
More than 2.1, no more than 2.4
More than 2.4, no more than 2.7
More than 2.7, no more than 3.0
More than 3.0, no more than 3.5
More than 3.5, no more than 3.8
More than 3.8, no more than 4.1
More than 4.1, no more than 5.2
More than 5.2, no more than 6.6
No less than 1.2, no more than 1.3
Tensile strength (N/mm2)
No less than 196,
below (462 - 10.8d)
No less than 59, below 98
No less than 159
No less than 186
No less than 186
No less than 182
No less than 176
No less than 169
No less than 166
No less than 162
No less than 162
No less than 159
No less than 159
No less than 155
No less than 98, below 159
Elongation (%)
No less than 15.0
No less than 20.0
No less than 20.0
No less than 20.0
No less than 25.0
No less than 30.0
No less than 35.0
No less than 10.0
No less than 20.0
No less than 1.2
No less than 1.2
No less than 1.3
No less than 1.4
No less than 1.5
No less than 1.5
No less than 1.6
No less than 1.7
No less than 1.8
No less than 1.9
No less than 2.0
No less than 2.2
No less than 1.2
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aluminum wire
More than 1.3, no more than 1.5
More than 1.5, no more than 1.7
More than 1.7, no more than 2.1
More than 2.1, no more than 2.4
More than 2.4, no more than 2.7
More than 2.7, no more than 3.0
More than 3.0, no more than 3.5
More than 3.5, no more than 3.8
More than 3.8, no more than 4.1
More than 4.1, no more than 5.2
More than 5.2, no more than 6.6
No less than 98, below 186
No less than 98, below 186
No less than 98, below 183
No less than 98, below 176
No less than 98, below 169
No less than 98, below 166
No less than 98, below 162
No less than 98, below 162
No less than 98, below 159
No less than 98, below 159
No less than 98, below 155
No less than 1.2
No less than 1.3
No less than 1.4
No less than 1.5
No less than 1.5
No less than 1.6
No less than 1.7
No less than 1.8
No less than 1.9
No less than 2.0
No less than 2.2
d: diameter of solid wire (mm)
A cable shall have an insulator that is a butyl rubber compound, an ethylene propylene rubber
compound or a polyethylene compound and have an electric shielding layer made of metal
provided on the insulated conductor, or shall be a lead-covered cable, aluminum-covered cable
or a cable with some other metal cover.
Note that a cable used in an underwater transmission line specified in Article 135 may not
necessarily have the electric shielding layer made of metal.
The shielding shall be of a tape shape with a thickness of 0.8 mm or thinner, a cover shape
with a thickness of 2 mm or thinner, a braided form with a thickness of 2.5 mm or thinner, or a
line shape with a diameter of 5 mm or less.
Article 125
Jointing of Underground Cables
Cables shall be jointed using a joint box that conforms to the following requirements:
The joint box shall not increase the electric resistance of cables.
The joint box shall have the dielectric strength equal to or higher than that of cables.
The joint box shall have a sufficient mechanical strength.
The joint box shall have a corrosion-free structure.
Article 126
Earthing of Underground Cables and Joint Boxes
Class D earthing work shall be provided on metallic members used for covering cables for
underground transmission lines, metallic parts of joint boxes and metallic parts of protecting devices
that house the cables (except for cable support hardware). This shall not apply to the parts where
anticorrosion measures are taken.
Article 127
Prevention of Over-voltage for Underground Cables
If a cable of an underground transmission line could be damaged by over-voltage generated by
a lightning impulse from an overhead transmission line or a high-frequency surge from a switching
operation at a power plant or substation, the following countermeasures shall be taken severally or
Protecting an Insulator of a Cable
Combination of earthing of a steel tower for overhead transmission lines with earthing of the
termination joint box structure and the metallic sheath of the cable
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Installation of an arrester
Protecting an anti-corrosion layer
Installation of parallel earthing wires
Installation of a protecting device for the anti-corrosion layer
Article 128
Underground Installation of Cables
Underground Installation of Cables
Classification of Underground Installation
A cable of an underground transmission line shall be installed in conduit systems, culvert
systems or direct burial systems.
Installation Methods
Conduit systems and culvert systems
Conduit and culvert systems shall be installed in accordance with the following requirements:
These systems shall be rigid and durable and shall not affect other adjacent buried objects.
Where these systems are buried under roads, they shall withstand the pressure from vehicles
or other heavy objects and shall not affect the strength of the road.
Buried depth shall be as follows:
The buried depth under a road shall be over 0.8 m.
The buried depth under a sidewalk shall be over 0.6 m.
Direct burial systems
Direct burial systems shall be installed in accordance with the following requirements:
To protect cables against shock, the direct burial systems shall be installed using any of
the following methods:
(a) Lay or nest underground transmission conductors in durable troughs and other
(b) Use cables with durable insulating covers, such as copper bars and steel pipes, for
underground transmission conductors and install them by covering the top and the
side of the underground transmission cable with durable plates or conduits.
Buried depth shall be as follows:
The buried depth shall be over 1.2 m in a place where there is a possibility of receiving
pressure from vehicles or other heavy objects.
The buried depth shall be over 0.6 m in other places.
Article 129
Indication of Buried Cables
Where underground transmission lines are installed using a direct burial system or conduit
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system, they shall be marked in accordance with the following requirements:
The name of the line, the responsible person and the voltage shall be indicated.
Such indications shall be given noticeably with intervals of about 10 m. This shall not apply to
restricted areas or places where the position of the electrical conductors can be recognized
Article 130
Structures of Conduits, Culverts and Manholes
Structure of a Conduit
A conduit shall have the structure that conforms to the following requirements:
A conduit shall withstand the pressure of vehicles and other heavy objects.
A conduit shall be structured so that it is difficult for water to enter it.
A conduit shall have the inside diameter that allows cables to be drawn in and out smoothly
and the inner surface shall be flat and smooth.
The radius of curvature of a curve on the conduit and the length of conduit between manholes
shall be such that the tensile strength and the lateral pressure applied on cables when they are
drawn in are less than the allowable limit.
Structure of a Culvert
A culvert shall have the structure that conforms to the following requirements:
A culvert shall have the structure that can withstand the pressure of vehicles and other heavy
A culvert shall be structured so that water can hardly enter into it.
A culvert shall have the form and dimensions that allow smooth installation and maintenance
work of cables. The tolerable bending radius of cable shall be taken into consideration
particularly at bends and branch points of the culvert.
If necessary, a drain, a ventilator, lighting, scaffolding for going up and down, a ladder and
other facilities shall be installed.
Structure of a Manhole
A manhole shall have the structure that conforms to the following requirements:
A manhole shall have the structure that can withstand the pressure of vehicles and other heavy
A lid of a manhole shall be such that people other than operators cannot open it easily.
A manhole shall be structured so that it is difficult for water to enter it and water entering it can
be removed.
Where a manhole has the size of 1 m3 or larger and there is a possibility that explosive or
flammable gas may enter it, the manhole shall be equipped with a device to diffuse the gas.
A manhole shall be structured so that cables can be installed, maintained and keep
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If necessary, facilities for going up and down shall be installed in the gateway.
If there is a possibility that a manhole lid can be moved by a cable accident, a chain shall be
installed on the lid.
3-5-8-4 Particulars of Prevention against Underground Electrical
Inductive Interference
Article 131
Protection of Underground Telecommunication Lines from Electrical Inductive
Underground transmission lines with a voltage over 35 kV shall be installed at a sufficient
distance from underground telecommunications lines to avoid causing interference with
communications through the underground telecommunication lines as a result of leak current or
Article 132
Underground Installations at Adjacency to and
Crossing with Other Objects
Adjacency to and Crossing with Underground Telecommunication Lines
Clearance and so on
Where underground transmission conductors are installed close to or across underground
telecommunication conductors, they shall be installed in accordance with the following
The clearance between the underground transmission conductors and the underground
telecommunication conductors shall be no less than 60 cm.
When the clearance mentioned above is less than 60 cm, any of following countermeasures
shall be carried out.
Durable fireproof barriers shall be provided between the underground transmission
conductors and the underground telecommunication conductors.
The underground transmission conductors shall be nested in durable pipes that are
nonflammable or are self-extinguishing and fireproof, and the pipes shall be installed in
such a manner so as not to contact the underground telecommunication conductors
"Self-extinguishing" means materials that flame in fire and extinguish by themselves when fire is
"Fireproof" means the materials that flame in fire, but do not spread at least.
"Nonflammable" means such materials as concrete, brick, tile, asbestos cement slate, steel, aluminum,
glass, mortar and other materials that have incombustibility no less than that of these materials. (The
same applies hereafter in this standard.)
Alternative Measures
Paragraph 1 does not apply in any of the following cases:
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Where underground telecommunication conductors are communications lines for power
maintenance and are optical fiber cables covered with materials that are nonflammable or are
self-extinguishing and fireproof or optical fiber cables nested in pipes that are nonflammable or
are self-extinguishing and fireproof;
Where underground telecommunication conductors are installed not to contact the
communications lines for power maintenance directly;
Where underground telecommunication conductors are optical fiber cables covered with
materials that are nonflammable or are self-extinguishing and fireproof or optical fiber cables
nested in pipes that are nonflammable or are self-extinguishing and fireproof, and the
responsible person has given the consent to the installation, or
Where underground transmission conductors have a nominal voltage below 130 kV and are
installed with the approval of the person responsible for underground telecommunication
conductors, and the clearance between the two is 10 cm or more.
Article 133
Adjacency to and Crossing with Underground Distribution Lines
Where underground transmission conductors are installed close to or across underground
distribution conductors, the clearance between the two shall be no less than 30 cm.
This shall not apply in any of the following cases:
Where each underground electrical conductor is:
covered with materials that are self-extinguishing and fireproof, or
nested in durable pipes that are self-extinguishing and fireproof.
Where either of those underground electrical conductors is covered with nonflammable
Where either of those underground electrical conductors is nested in durable pipes that are
Where durable fire-resistant barriers are provided between those underground electrical
Where those electrical conductors are installed close to or across each other in a manhole
Article 134
Adjacency to and Crossing with Other Underground Objects
Adjacency to and Crossing with Gas Pipes and Oil Pipes
Where underground transmission conductors are installed close to or across pipes that contain
flammable or toxic fluid and the clearance between the two is no more than 1 m, the
underground transmission conductors shall be housed in durable pipes that are nonflammable
or are self-extinguishing and fireproof, and such pipes shall be installed not to contact the pipes
containing flammable or toxic fluid, excluding the case where durable fire-resistant barriers are
provided between the underground electrical conductors and the pipes.
Adjacency to and Crossing with Water Pipes or the like
Where underground transmission conductors are installed close to or across water pipes,
steam pipes or the like and the clearance between the two is no more than 30 cm, the
underground transmission conductors shall be housed in durable pipes that are nonflammable
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or are self-extinguishing and fireproof, excluding the case where durable fire-resistant barriers
are provided between the underground electrical conductors and the pipes. This shall not
apply to such cases where the water pipes, steam pipes or the like are nonflammable or are
covered with nonflammable materials.
3-5-9 Special Transmission Lines
Article 135
Underwater Transmission Lines
Underwater transmission lines shall be installed in a place where they will not be damaged and
so that they will not be exposed to risk, and shall conform to the following requirements:
Cables shall be used for the electrical conductors.
Cables shall be housed in durable pipes or cables armored with metal wires with a mechanical
strength no less than that of galvanized steel wires with a diameter of 6 mm shall be used for
underwater transmission lines.
Article 136
Transmission Lines Over Bridges
Transmission lines installed on the side or on the lower surface of bridges shall be installed in
accordance with the following requirements:
Cables shall be used for the electrical conductors.
Cables shall be housed in durable pipes or troughs, or shall be installed so that nobody can
touch the cables.
Class A earthing work shall be provided to the metallic parts of tubes and other protectors that
contain cables, metallic electrical conductor joint boxes, and metallic members to be used for
covering the cables (Class D earthing work be provided where they are installed so as for
nobody to touch them), except where corrosion prevention measures are provided or the
electric resistance to the ground is no more than 10.
Where electrical lines over bridges are installed close to or across other facilities, the clearance
between them shall be no less than the values specified in Table 136-1.
Table 136-1
Other facilities
High, medium or low voltage circum-structural conductors,
telecommunication conductors, water pipes and gas pipes
Other facilities (excluding overhead and rooftop electrical
15 cm
30 cm
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Distribution Lines
3-6-1 Common Rules for Distribution Lines
Article 137
Allowable Voltages for Distribution Lines
The power utility shall be attempted to maintain the voltage at power supply points to the value
prescribed in IEC 60038 (1983-01) [IEC standard voltages] according to the nominal system voltage in
conformity to Article 56-1-(1) and given in Table 137-1.
Table 137-1
Nominal system voltage
230 volts
400 volts
Article 138
Value to be maintained
Value not exceeding 230 volts +6% or –10%
Value not exceeding 400 volts +6% or –10%
Insulation of Distribution Lines and User’s Sites
Principles of insulation
The live distribution line and electric circuit at users’ sites shall be insulated from the ground
except for the points or places given in the following items:
The connection point if the electric circuit is to be earthed
Places where it is very difficult to insulate a part of the circuit from the ground
Insulation levels of distribution lines and user’s sites
Insulation resistance of low-voltage wiring at users’ sites
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The insulation resistance between conductors of low-voltage wiring and between the electrical
circuit and ground shall be no less than the value given in Table 138-1 according to IEC 6034-1
(2005-10) [Electrical installations of buildings. Part 6: Verification. Chapter 61: Initial verification]
with respect to the nominal circuit voltage
for each section into which the electrical circuit can be divided by switching devices or over
current circuit breakers.
If insulation resistance measurement is difficult, it is sufficient to keep the leak current 1 mA or
Table 138-1 Minimum of insulation resistance (Table 61A of IEC 60364-1)
Nominal circuit voltage
Test voltage d.c.
Insulation resistance
SELV (no-earthing circuit) and functional special voltage:
If the circuit is supplied with power from an insulating transformer
(IEC 60364-411.1.2.1) and satisfies the requirements of IEC
60364-411.1.3.1 (electrically isolated from other circuits)
500 V or less (other than the above)
Over 500 V
Notes a: Insulation resistance measurement shall be conducted for each circuit with no equipment attached.
b: If electronic equipment is present in the circuit, measurement shall be conducted only between a
phase and the ground with the phase connected to the neutral conductor.
Insulation resistance of low-voltage distribution lines
For the insulated section of a low-voltage distribution line, the insulation resistance between a
wire and the ground and between conductors shall be such a value that the leak current for the
operation voltage does not exceed 1/2000 of the maximum supply current.
Insulation level of medium-voltage distribution lines
The insulation level of a medium-voltage distribution line shall be prescribed in terms of
dielectric strength.
However, if the insulation level is to be ascertained in terms of insulation resistance value as
the need arises, it is sufficient to know that the electrical circuit subject to measurement is
insulated from the ground.
Article 139
Earthing of Distribution Lines and User’s Sites
Classification of Earthing for Distribution Lines and User’s Sites
The type of a distribution line and earthing at the user’s site shall be as described in the
following items:
For the various types of earthing, the places to be applied, installation conditions and the
resistance to earth according to Article 57-2 or IEC 60364-3 (1993-03) [Electrical installations of
buildings – Part 3: Assessment of general characteristics] (the same shall apply to such
paragraphs mentioned below in this Article) shall be equal to or less than the value given in
Table 139-1.
Power system earthing
Power system earthing shall be executed at a transformer that connects a medium-voltage
distribution line and a low-voltage distribution line to prevent an accident of the low-voltage
distribution line, which may occur due to erroneous contact. For such earthing, Type B
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earthing work in Article 57-2 or TT or TN earthing of IEC60364-3 shall apply.
The earthing electrode of Type B earthing work and the earthing electrode of Type C or Type D
earthing work in Item (2) shall be mutually independent earthed systems (TT earthed system of
IEC 60364-3).
Protective earthing
If the insulation of electrical equipment deteriorates for some cause, an abnormal voltage may
appear in the external exposed conductive parts (*1) from the internal live parts and there is a
danger of electric shock.
To hold down this excessive line-to-earth voltage, Type A earthing work shall be applied to
medium-voltage distribution facilities, and Type C earthing work to low-voltage installations if
the voltage exceeds 300 V and Type D earthing work or TT earthing of IEC60364-3 if the
voltage is 300 V or less.
“Exposed conductive parts” refers to parts such as steel stands, metal case or the like of
apparatus installed in the electrical circuit.
Surge arrester earthing
Earthing shall be applied to surge arresters to carry safely the lightning current that strikes the
receiver to the ground.
Earthing type
Table 139-1 Earthing types of distribution lines
Installation conditions
Resistance to earth ()
Value prescribed for Type B
Low-voltage neutral conductor of TT
earthing work or design
transformer or TN earthing type
value of TT or TN earthing
Value prescribed for Type A
For medium-voltage
earthing work
Value prescribed for Type C
For low-voltage exceeding 300 V
earthing work or design
value of TT earthing
Value prescribed for Type D
For low-voltage not exceeding 300 V
earthing work or design
value of TT earthing
For medium-voltage
20 
Particularities of earthing of various types
Earthing arrangements and protective conductors
The earthing electrode, earthing conductor and protecting earthing conductor shall conform to
IEC 60364-5-54 (1980-01) [Electrical installations of buildings. Part 5: Selection and erection of
electrical equipment. Chapter 54: Earthing arrangements and protective conductors] as to
Properties, conductor diameter and diameter of conductor for equipotential bonding.
The minimum diameter of protective earthing conductors shall conform to Table 139-2
according to the sectional area of the phase conductors of the facility.
Table 139-2 Minimum sectional areas of protective conductors
(Table 54F of IEC 60364-5-54-543.1.2)
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Sectional area of phase conductor of facility
S [mm2]
S ≤ 16
16 < S≤ 35
S > 35
Minimum cross-sectional area of protective
Sp [mm2]
Installation of earthing conductor or earthing electrode
The earthing conductor for earthing of the various types shall be installed as described below.
The earthing conductor for earthing of the various types shall be of a corrosion-resistant
metallic wire and shall be able to carry the current safely at failures.
The earthing conductor shall be covered in the section from 40 cm underground to 2.5
m aboveground by a synthetic resin pipe or another shield of equivalent or higher
insulating effect and strength.
If the earthing conductor is installed along iron poles or other metallic objects, insulated
conductor or cable shall be used for the full length of the earthing conductor.
The earthing electrode of earthing of the various types shall be installed in depths not
less than 45 cm underground.
If the earthing conductor is installed along iron poles or other metallic objects, the
earthing electrode shall be buried with a clearance of 2 m or more from those metallic
Earthing of Steel Stands and Case of Equipment
The resistance to earth of steel stands and metal cases of equipment shall be at the resistance
to earth in Table 139-2 or less according to the earthing types prescribed in Paragraph 1.
If the situation falls under any one of the following items, the resistance to earth may exceed
the value given in Table 139-2 of Paragraph 1.
If equipment to be used with its case in live condition is installed with a fence or the like
to eliminate the danger of persons touching it.
If low- or medium-voltage equipment is installed on a wooden pole to eliminate the
danger of persons touching it.
If the steel stand or case is fitted with an appropriate insulating base around.
If the instrumental transformer without case is equipment covered with rubber, synthetic
resin or other insulating substance.
If a leakage circuit breaker (*2) is installed on the electrical circuit supplying electricity to
low-voltage equipment installed at a place other than a moist place.
This leakage circuit breaker is limited to the current-activated type with a rated sensible
current of 15 mA or less and an activation time of 0.1 second or less.
Application of IEC 60364
Low-voltage electrical equipment to be installed at user’s sites shall be installed according to
IEC 60364-3.
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If directly connected to a power utility, the earthing method (TN or TT earthing) shall be the
same as that of the power utility’s equipment involved in the supply of low-voltage electricity.
Low-voltage electrical equipment shall not be installed in such a manner of which earthing
methods (TN and TT earthing) are different from those used at the same user’s site.
Article 140
Equipment and Devices Installations for Distribution Lines
Installation of Equipment and Devices for Medium-voltage Distribution Lines
The equipment and devices that are installed on a medium-voltage distribution line (including
the medium-voltage live conductor, except cables, attached to them; the same shall apply
hereafter in this Article) shall be installed according to Article 69 and to meet either of the
following items:
(1) The equipment and devices shall be fitted with an appropriate fence around it to eliminate the
danger of persons (*1) touching it. The height of the fence and the clearance from the fence
to the live parts shall be 5 m or over, and a DANGER sign shall be posted.
The term "persons" in this item means the public and excludes operators (the same
shall apply hereinafter in this Article).
The equipment and devices shall be installed at a height of 5 m or more from the ground level
and in such a manner that there is no danger of persons touching it.
The equipment and devices with its live parts not exposed shall be installed in such a manner
that there is no danger of persons touching it easily.
Property of Oil-immersed Distribution Transformers
Oil-immersed transformers for power distribution shall be installed according to IEC 60076-1
(1993-03) [Power transformers – Part 1: General], IEC 60076-2 (1993-04) [Power Transformers
– Part 2: Temperature rise], IEC 60076-3 (2000-03) [Power transformers – Part 3: Insulation
levels, dielectric tests and external clearances in air], IEC 60076-5 (2000-07) [Power
transformers – Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit] and their related IEC standards.
Property of Medium-voltage AC Load Switch
The medium-voltage alternating-current load switch shall be installed according to IEC
62271-103 (2011-01) [High-voltage switches – Part 1: Switches for rated voltage above 1 kV
and less than 52 kV], IEC 62271-1 (2007-05) [Common specifications for high-voltage
switchgear and control gear standards] and related IEC standards.
Insulator Sets for Medium-voltage Distribution Lines
Mechanical strength of insulator sets
The insulator set to support a medium-voltage distribution conductor shall be installed in such a
manner that it will have a sufficient strength to attain a safety factor of 2.5 or over where
calculated based upon the assumption that the following loads will act at the point of installation
to the electrical conductor.
For the insulator sets to anchor an electrical conductor, the load due to the assumed
maximum tension of the electrical conductor
For the insulator sets to support an electrical conductor, the horizontal lateral load or
vertical load acting perpendicular to the axis of that insulator set
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Insulator set for urban area or Type 2 medium-voltage distribution line strengthening work
If the medium-voltage distribution line is to undergo Type 2 medium-voltage distribution line
strengthening work in conformity with Article 154-2 or to be installed in an urban area or other
densely populated area in conformity with
Article 154-3, the insulator set shall be as follows:
However, the following shall not apply for Type 3 medium-voltage distribution line strengthening
An insulator set whose 50% impact flashover voltage value is 110% or more of the value
of the insulator sets supporting other adjacent portions of that electrical conductor
An insulator set with an arc horn attached to it and using suspension insulators, long rod
insulators or line post (LP) insulators
An insulator set using a series of two or more suspension insulators or long rod
An insulator set using two or more line post (LP) insulators
Earthing of cross arms
The cross arms to attach an insulator set supporting a medium-voltage distribution line shall be
metallic and shall be earthed by earthing work Type D in Article 57-2.
If pin insulators or line post insulators are to be directly attached to a wooden post as supports
of an overhead distribution line, the relevant cross arms shall be earthed by earthing work Type
D in Article 57-2.
Article 141
Over current Breakers
Installation of Over current Breakers
On a medium-voltage distribution line, an overcurrent circuit breaker (*1) shall be installed on
the primary side of a distribution transformer and at the out going point of a distribution
“Overcurrent circuit breaker” means a device to automatically break the circuit when an
overcurrent occurs in the circuit.
In an indoor installation on a low-voltage distribution line and at a user’s site, it is desirable to
install an over current circuit breaker at necessary places to protect the equipment and devices
and electrical conductor.
“An indoor installation on a low-voltage distribution line and at a user’s site” shall be hereinafter
called a “low-voltage electrical circuit” in this Article.
Exceptions to Installation of an Over current Breaker
No over current circuit breaker shall be installed at the following places:
Earthing conductor of earthing work
Neutral conductor of an electrical conductor. However, an over current circuit breaker may be
installed if all the poles are shut off simultaneously.
The earthed conductor of a low-voltage overhead electrical conductor whose circuit is provided
with Type B earthing in part.
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Properties of Overcurrent Breakers for Low-voltage Circuits
A fuse used on a low-voltage circuit as an over current circuit breaker shall conform to the
following if installed horizontally.
The fuse shall endure a current 1.1 times its rated current.
The fuse shall melt in the prescribed time if a current 1.6 times or twice its rated current
flows through it according to the rated current divisions shown in Table 141-1.
Table 141-1 Melting time of fuses used in low-voltage electrical circuits
Property of Rated Current
When a current 1.6 times
When a current 2 times
the rated current flows
the rated current flows
Not exceeding 30 A
60 minutes
2 minutes
Exceeding 30 A but not exceeding 60A
60 minutes
4 minutes
Exceeding 60 A but not exceeding 100A 120 minutes
6 minutes
Exceeding 100 A but not exceeding 120 minutes
8 minutes
Exceeding 200 A but not exceeding 180 minutes
10 minutes
Exceeding 400 A but not exceeding 240 minutes
12 minutes
Exceeding 600 A
240 minutes
20 minutes
A distributing circuit breaker used on a low-voltage electrical circuit as an over current breaker
shall conform to the following:
The distribution circuit breaker shall not automatically operate at a current 1.0 time the
rated current.
A distribution circuit breaker shall melt in the prescribed time if a current 1.25 times and
twice the rated current flows through it according to the rated current divisions shown in
Table 141-2.
Table 141-2 Melting time of distribution circuit breakers used on
low-voltage electrical circuits
When a current 1.25
Property of Rated Current
When a current 2 times
times the rated current
the rated current flows
Not exceeding 30 A
60 minutes
2 minutes
Exceeding 30 A but not exceeding 50A
60 minutes
4 minutes
Exceeding 50 A but not exceeding 100A
120 minutes
6 minutes
Exceeding 100 A but not exceeding 225A
120 minutes
8 minutes
Exceeding 225 A but not exceeding 400A
120 minutes
10 minutes
Exceeding 400 A but not exceeding 600A
120 minutes
12 minutes
Exceeding 600 A but not exceeding 800A
120 minutes
14 minutes
Exceeding 800 A but not exceeding
120 minutes
16 minutes
Exceeding 1,000 A but not exceeding
120 minutes
18 minutes
Exceeding 1,200 A but not exceeding
120 minutes
20 minutes
Exceeding 1,600 A but not exceeding
120 minutes
22 minutes
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Exceeding 2,000 A
120 minutes
24 minutes
A distribution circuit breaker need not conform to the provisions of b if it is installed
according to IEC 60947-2 (1998-03) [Low-voltage switchgear and control gear – Part 2:
A circuit breaker on a low-voltage electrical circuit shall be capable of interrupting the
short-circuit current passing through the place where it is installed.
Properties of Over current Breakers for Medium-voltage Electrical Circuits
(1) A covered fuse used on a medium-voltage electrical circuit and installed as an over current
circuit breaker shall endure a current 1.3 times the rated current and shall melt within 120
minutes at twice the rated current or conform to IEC 60282-1 (1998-01) [High-voltage fuses –
Part 1: Current-limiting fuses].
An open fuse used on a medium-voltage electrical circuit and installed as an over current circuit
breaker shall endure a current 1.25 times the rated current and melt within 2 minutes at twice
the rated current.
An over current circuit breaker operating when a short circuit occurs in the electrical circuit shall
be capable of interrupting the short-circuit current passing through the place where it is
An over current circuit breaker shall have a device to indicate its switching status according to
its operation. However, if its switching status can be easily ascertained, it need not have such
a device.
Article 142
Earth Fault Breakers
Installation of Earth Fault Breaker for Low-voltage Electrical Circuits Exceeding 300 V
On a low-voltage electrical circuit exceeding 300 V and coupled with a medium-voltage
electrical circuit through a transformer, a device shall be installed to automatically break that
low-voltage electrical circuit when an earth fault occurs in the electrical circuit.
Installation of Earth Fault Breaker for Low-voltage Electrical Circuit
On an electrical circuit to supply electricity to low-voltage equipment and devices enclosed with
a metal case and installed at a place where there is the danger of persons easily touching it, a
device shall be installed to automatically interrupt the circuit when an earth fault occurs in the
electrical circuit.
However, such a device need not be installed if the situation falls under one of the following:
If the equipment and devices are installed in a dry place.
If the equipment and devices with a line-to-earth voltage of 150 V or less are installed in
a place other than a moist place.
If the resistance to earth of the earthing Type C or Type D provided on the devices is 3
 or less.
If the equipment and devices are covered with rubber, synthetic resin or other insulating
If the equipment and devices named in Table 142-1 are installed at such places shown in the
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said Table, it is desirable to install a leakage circuit breaker.
Table 142-1 Installed place of leakage circuit breaker
place of
and devices
and devices
Wet or moist place
Washing machine,
clothes dryer (in
bathroom), hot
water boiler,
(kitchen), laundry
workshop, filling
station’s car wash,
and others
Under the
eaves (exposed
to rain)
Well pump, air
machine, boiler,
outdoor outlet,
showcase, and
Outdoor unit of air
conditioner, well
pump, illuminating
light around a
pond, garden light,
outlet installed
automatic vending
showcase, icebox,
and others
Used on a 400 V circuit
(3-phase, 3-wire)
Package, separate or
window type air
conditioner, large dry
cleaning equipment,
irrigation and drainage
equipment, water supply,
drainage, circulatory
filtering equipment for
swimming pools, and
Properties of Earth Fault Breakers
The earth fault breaker shall be installed according to IEC 60947-2 (1998-03) [Low-voltage
switchgear and control gear – Part 2: Circuit-breakers].
Article 143
Surge Arresters
Places of Installation of Surge Arresters
A surge arrester shall be installed in an electrical circuit of medium- and low-voltage distribution
lines, at the places given in Article 80 and the following items, and places adjacent to these
On the medium-voltage side of a distribution transformer connected to an overhead distribution
It is desirable to install a surge arrester at the following places as need arises to prevent
distribution line accidents.
End of overhead distribution line
Installed place of switching devices
Near the installed place on the low-voltage side of a distribution transformer connected to an
overhead distribution line
Connection point of overhead distribution conductor and cable
Installed place of voltage regulator, power capacitor or other similar equipment and devices (on
both sides if it is series equipment)
If a distribution line is installed on top of steel towers, the primary support except the steel
tower itself
Properties of Surge Arresters
Properties of surge arresters installed on an electrical circuit of medium- and low-voltage
distribution lines shall be as prescribed in the following items as well as IEC 60099-1 (1999-12)
[Surge arresters – Part 1: Non-linear resistor type gapped surge arrester for a.c. Systems], IEC
60099-3 (1990-09) [Surge arresters – Part 3: Artificial pollution testing of surge arresters], IEC
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60099-4 (1998-08) [Surge arresters – Part 4: metal oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c.
systems], IEC 60099-5 (2000-03) [Surge arresters – Part 5: Selection and application
recommendations] and related IEC standards.
Rated voltage of surge arrester
For the rated voltage of a surge arrester, select the commercial frequency voltage value
according to Article 80 as the reference voltage value to determine the characteristics of the
surge arrester.
Nominal discharge current
Nominal discharge current of a surge arrester is expressed as the wave height value of a
lightning impulse current (waveform 8/20 s). Select it according to Article 80. For the surge
arrester installed in an electrical circuit of medium- and low-voltage distribution lines, a value of
2.5 kA or more may be selected.
Reference voltage
For the reference voltage of a surge arrester, a lower limit shall be selected according to the
system voltage used.
Protective level
The limiting voltage of a surge arrester shall be selected with an allowance of 20% or less for
lightning impulses and 15% or less for switching impulses.
3-6-2 Overhead Distribution Lines
Article 144
Overhead Distribution Conductors
Properties of Distribution Conductors
Classification of Distribution Conductors
The electrical conductors used in an overhead distribution line shall conform to the following
The electrical conductors of low- and medium-voltage distribution lines are broadly classified
into bare and insulated conductors.
Classification of bare distribution conductors
Due care shall be taken when installing bare distribution conductors where there is a fear of the
public suffering electric shocks, because the live parts thereof are exposed.
The bare distribution conductors shall include hard-drawn copper wire, annealed copper wire,
hard-drawn aluminum wire, aluminum alloy wire, aluminum-clad steel wire, steel-core
aluminum stranded wire, and galvanized wire.
Classification of insulated distribution conductors
The insulated distribution conductors shall be cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulated
conductor or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulated conductor according to the substance of the
covering insulator.
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Properties of Bare Distribution Conductors
Single conductors
Single conductors shall have the conductivity and tensile strength (N) equal to the tensile
strength per unit area (N/mm2) multiplied by its sectional area conforming to IEC 60028
(1925-01) [International standard of resistance for copper], IEC 60889 (1987-11) [Hard-drawn
aluminium wire for overhead line conductors], IEC 60888 (1987-12) [Zinc-coated steel wires for
stranded conductors], IEC 61232 (1993-06) [Aluminium-clad steel wires for electrical purposes]
and related IEC standards, according to its metallic wire material. The tensile strength of
hard-drawn copper wires shall be as shown in Table 144-1.
Table 144-1 Tensile strength of hard-drawn copper wires
Single conductor diameter (mm)
Tensile strength (N/mm2)
0.4 or more and 12.0 or less
(46.2 – 10.8d) or more
d: Single conductor diameter (mm)
Twisted conductors
Multiple single conductors stranded are called a twisted conductor, and twisted conductors
include a simple twisted conductor made by stranding single conductors of the same kind and
a compound twisted conductor made by stranding single conductors of two or more different
kinds. Their tensile strength shall conform to Article 97.
Properties of Insulated Distribution Conductors
Properties of conductors
The conductor shall be copper, aluminum or aluminum with a steel core and shall conform to
Paragraph 2.
Properties of insulators
Low- or medium-voltage XLPE insulators
Low-voltage XLPE insulators
The low-voltage XLPE insulator thickness shall be equal to or more than the value prescribed
in Table 144-2.
Table 144-2 Low-voltage XLPE insulator thickness
Low-voltage XLPE Insulator
Twisted conductors
Single conductors
Thickness of the insulator (mm)
(a nominal sectional area (mm2))
(diameter (mm))
8 or more and 38 or less
2.0 or more and 3.2 or
More than 38 and 150 or less
More than 150 and 325 or less
More than 325 and 500 or less
More than 500 and 600 or less
More than 600 and 1,600 or less
More than 1,600 and 2,000 or
More than 2,000
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Medium-voltage XLPE insulators
The medium-voltage XLPE insulator thickness shall be equal to or more than the value
prescribed in Table 144-3.
Table 144-3 Medium-voltage XLPE insulator thickness
Nominal sectional area of a conductor (mm2)
22 or more and 38 or less
More than 38 and 150 or less
More than 150 and 500 or less
Thickness of an insulator (mm)
Low-voltage PVC insulators
The low-voltage PVC insulator thickness shall be equal to or more than the value prescribed in
Table 144-4.
Table 144-4 Low-voltage PVC insulator thickness
PVC Insulator
Twisted conductors (a nominal
Single conductors
Thickness of an insulator
sectional area (mm2))
(diameter (mm))
0.75 or more and 3.5 or less
0.8 or more and 2.0 or less
More than 2.0 and 2.6 or
More than 3.5 and 5.5 or less
More than 2.6 and 3.2 or
More than 5.5 and 8 or less
More than 3.2 and 4.0 or
More than 8 and 14 or less
More than 4.0 and 5.0 or
More than 14 and 30 or less
More than 30 and 38 or less
More than 38 and 60 or less
More than 60 and 80 or less
More than 80 and 100 or less
More than 100 and 150 or less
More than 150 and 250 or less
More than 250 and 400 or less
More than 400 and 500 or less
More than 500 and 725 or less
More than 725 and 1,000 or less
More than 1,000 and 1400 or less
More than 1,400 and 2,000 or less
More than 2,000
Dielectric strength and insulation resistance of the completed product
The insulated conductor as a completed product shall undergo the test prescribed in Table
144-5 according to the type of the conductor and endure the dielectric strength and insulation
resistance as indicated below.
Table 144-5 Test of completed products
Test method
Type of
insulated conductor
Dielectric strength
Test method
Test voltage
Insulation resistance
Test method
e value
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Dielectric strength
Test method
Type of
insulated conductor
Medium-voltage XLPE
polyethylene) insulated
PVC (polyvinyl chloride)
insulated conductor or
low-voltage XLPE
Test method
Test voltage
Immerse in fresh
water for one hour
and then impress
an alternating
voltage between
the conductor and
earth for one
voltage of
25,000 V
voltage of
3.500 V
Insulation resistance
Test method
e value
On completion of the
dielectric strength
test, impress a direct
voltage of 100 V
shown in
between the
conductor and earth
144-6 or
for one minute and
then measure the
insulation resistance.
Table 144-6 Insulation resistance value
Properties of insulators
PVC Insulator
XLPE Insulator
R is the insulation resistance at 20 C.
 is the volume resistivity at 20 C (– cm).
D is the outside diameter of the insulator (mm).
d is the inside diameter of the insulator (mm).
 1.8 , assume
 1.8 for calculation.
Article 145
Insulation resistance
Volume resistivity (cm)
Load for an Overhead Distribution Lines and Safety Factor
Classification and Minimum Strength of Overhead Distribution Conductors
For medium- and low-voltage overhead distribution lines, conductors of the type and strength
shown in Table 145-1 according to the operation voltage of the distribution line shall be used.
Table 145-1
Operation voltage
conductor type
300 V or less
More than 300 V
The strength shall The strength shall be 7.0
be 5.0 kN or more kN or more in tensile
in tensile strength. strength (10 kN or more
in tensile strength if
installed in an urban
The strength shall The strength shall be 7.0
be 5.0 kN or more kN or more in tensile
in tensile strength. strength (10 kN or more
in tensile strength if
installed in an urban
Bare conductor
Type and strength of overhead distribution conductors
XLPE insulator
The strength shall be
10.0 kN or more in
tensile strength (30 kN
or more in tensile
strength if installed in
an urban area).
The strength shall be
10.0 kN or more in
tensile strength (30 kN
or more in tensile
strength if installed in
an urban area).
PVC insulator (*1)
There are no regulations on the thickness of the cable itself because
cables in installed condition are suspended from a messenger wire.
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PVC insulator, which exceeded 300V, can be used when the facilities of other
insulated conductors are difficult.
Safety Factors for Overhead Distribution Conductors
The medium- and low-voltage overhead electrical conductors shall be installed so that the
safety factor for tensile strength of the conductor is 2.5 or more when the assumed load given
in Table 145-2 is impressed, except for Paragraph 3.
Table 145-2 Assumed load on overhead distribution conductors
Load direction
A horizontal wind pressure of 790 N per 1 m2 of vertically projected area
Conductor weight
of an electrical conductor conforming to Article 150 (Table 150-1)
Installation by means of overhead cable
Installation by means of low-voltage overhead cable
The low-voltage overhead distribution line shall be installed as follows if cable is to be used for
the electrical conductor.
The cable shall be installed according to one of the following:
Install the cable with hangers suspended from a metallic wire to suspend the
cable (*2).
Keep the cable in contact with a messenger wire and wind a corrosion-resistant
metallic tape or the like over them in spiral form at intervals of 20 cm or less.
Install the cable by attaching a messenger wire firmly to the cable armor.
The “metallic wire to suspend a cable” is hereafter called a “messenger wire.”
The messenger wire shall be a twisted conductor with a tensile strength of 7.0 kN or
more or a galvanized stranded iron wire with a sectional area of 22 mm2 or more.
The messenger wire shall be installed with the safety factor according to Paragraph 2.
Earthing work Type D in Article 57-2 shall be applied to the metals used for the
messenger wire and cable covering. However, earthing work Type D in Article 57-2 is
not necessarily applicable to the messenger wire if an insulated electrical conductor or
another conductor having equivalent or higher insulating effect is used for the
messenger wire.
Installation by means of medium-voltage overhead cable
The medium-voltage overhead distribution line shall be installed as follows if cable is to be
used for the electrical conductor.
The cable shall be installed according to one of the following:
Install by means of hangers for a messenger wire. In this case, the hanger intervals
shall be 50 cm or less.
Keep the cable in contact with a messenger wire and wind a corrosion-resistant metallic
tape or the like over them in spiral form at intervals of 20 cm or less.
Install the cable by attaching a messenger wire firmly to the cable armor.
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The messenger wire shall be a twisted conductor with a tensile strength of 15 kN or more or a
galvanized stranded steel wire with a sectional area of 22 mm2 or more.
The messenger wire shall be installed with the safety factor according to Paragraph 2.
Earthing work Type D in Article 57-2 shall be applied to the metals used for the messenger wire
and cable covering.
Article 146
Jointing of Overhead Distribution Conductors
Splicing of overhead distribution conductors
Electric resistance at splice
In any case of electrical conductor splicing, the electric resistance of the electrical conductors
shall not be increased at the splice.
Mechanical strength of splice
When splicing bare conductors, or a bare conductor and insulated conductor or cable, or
insulated conductors, or an insulated conductor and cable, the mechanical strength of the
electrical conductors shall not be decreased 5% or more at the splice.
However, this excludes jumpers and other portions where no or little tension acts on the splice.
Splicing method
For the splicing given in Item (2), the splice shall be made using a splicing sleeve or another
device or by brazing. However, this excludes portions where brazing work is difficult for
technical reasons.
Insulating effect at splice
When splicing insulated conductors, or an insulated conductor and a cord or cable, the splice
shall be sufficiently covered with an insulating material having an insulating power equal to or
more than the insulated conductor or a splicing device having equal or larger insulating effect
shall be used.
Splicing of cords, cables, or a cord and cable
When splicing cords to each other, or cables to each other, or a cord and a cable, a cord
connector, connection box or other device shall be used. Direct connection is prohibited.
However, direct connection is allowed for cables without a metallic sheath according to the
prescriptions of Items (1) to (4).
Splicing of aluminum and other wires
When connecting conductors of different electrochemical properties, electrical corrosion shall
not occur at the splice. If insulated conductor or cable using aluminum for the conductors is
used for indoor, eaves and outdoor wiring, a connector shall be used when connecting the
electrical conductor concerned.
Branching of overhead distribution conductor
Branching of an overhead distribution conductor shall take place at a support of that electrical
conductor except the case where installed according to Article 145-3 or installed so that no
tension is exerted on the electrical conductor at the branch.
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Article 147
Dielectric Strength of Overhead Distribution Lines
Dielectric Strength of Medium-voltage Distribution Lines
The dielectric strength of the electrical circuits on a medium-voltage distribution line shall be
such that the circuit endures the test voltage when tested with a voltage 1.25 or more times
(*1) the maximum operation voltage impressed between the circuit and earth for 10 minutes
1.5 times the maximum operation voltage for distribution lines with a maximum
operation voltage of 7,000 V or less. If a cable is used for the electrical conductor, a
direct voltage twice the alternating test voltage may be used.
If it is difficult to carry out a testing for 10 minutes for technical reasons, 5 or more
minutes test may be made.
Dielectric Strength of Distribution Equipment and Devices
The dielectric strength of the transformers, rectifiers, switching devices and other distribution
equipment and devices installed on a distribution line shall be such that the equipment endures
the test voltage when the test voltage shown in Table 147-1 is impressed at the point of
impression for 10 minutes continuously (*3).
For the AC connection point or bus bar of distribution equipment and devices using a cable for
the electrical conductor, the test voltage may be twice the direct voltage.
For the transformers, rectifiers, switching devices and other distribution equipment and devices
that have undergone the withstand voltage test at the factory according to IEC 60071-1
(1993-11) [Insulation co-ordination – Part 1: Definitions, principles and rules] and related IEC
standards, the normal line-to-earth voltage value according to Article 56 may be used.
If it is difficult to carry out a testing for 10 minutes for technical reasons, 5 or more
minutes test may be made.
Table 147-1 Dielectric strength of distribution equipment and devices
Type of distribution equipment and devices
Medium-voltage winding with the
highest voltage exceeding 7,000
Medium and low-voltage winding
with the highest voltage of 7,000
V or less
Rectifier (excluding the mercury type)
and devices
equipment and devices with the
highest voltage exceeding 7,000
devices with the highest voltage
of 7,000 V or less
Point of
application of
test voltage
Between the
winding under
test and
winding and
between core
and case
Between live
parts and case
Test voltage
Voltage 1.25 times the highest
Voltage 1.5 times the highest
voltage (at least 500 V)
Alternating voltage once (equal
to) the highest voltage on the
direct-current side (at least 500 V)
Voltage 1.25 times the highest
Between live
parts and
Voltage 1.5 times the highest
voltage (direct voltage 1.5 times or
alternating voltage once (equal to)
the maximum operation voltage
for the direct-current live parts)
(500 V if that voltage is less than
500 V)
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The term “transformer” excludes the instrumental transformer, test transformer,
discharge lamp transformer and other special-purpose types.
“Distribution equipment and devices other than the above” includes the switching
device, circuit breaker, power capacitor, instrumental transformer and other
distribution equipment and devices. However, the surge arrester is excluded.
Article 148
Guard lines, Guard Nets and Protection Devices
Division of application
The division of application of guard lines, guard nets and protective devices shall conform to
the following items:
In case of approaching or intersecting a high-voltage overhead transmission line:
A guard net shall be installed if the medium- or low-voltage overhead distribution line
approaches a high-voltage overhead transmission line from below with a clearance of
less than 3 m.
However, the guard net may be omitted if the high-voltage overhead transmission conductors
are installed by Type 2 transmission line strengthening work according to Article 112.
A guard line or guard net shall be installed if the medium- or low-voltage overhead
distribution conductor intersects under a high-voltage overhead transmission conductor.
However, such a device may be omitted if the high-voltage transmission conductor is installed
by Type 2 transmission line strengthening work according to Article 112 and conforms to one of
the following:
If the top conductor of the overhead distribution conductor has a tensile strength of 10 kN or
If the overhead distribution conductor is a cable.
If the vertical clearance from the high-voltage overhead transmission conductor to the overhead
distribution conductor is 6 m or more .
In case of crossing an overhead telecommunication conductor
If the medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor intersects an overhead
telecommunication conductor, it may be installed only if a robust protective device is installed
above the medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor.
In case of crossing another low-voltage overhead distribution conductor
If the medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor intersects under a low-voltage overhead
distribution conductor, it may be installed only if a robust protective device is installed above the
medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor.
If the overhead distribution conductor adjacencies or crossings a cableway:
If the overhead distribution conductor adjacencies or crossings under a cableway (*1) with a
clearance of less than 3 m, it may be installed only if a robust protective device is installed
above the overhead distribution line.
However, such a device may be omitted if it conforms to one of the following:
If the horizontal clearance to the cableway is 3 m or more
If the horizontal clearance to the cable way is 2 m or more for low-voltage overhead
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distribution conductors and 2.5 m or more for medium-voltage overhead distribution
conductors and there is no danger of the cableway’s contacting the overhead electrical
conductor even when pole braces of the cableway collapse
The term cableway includes the carriages but excludes the cableway pole braces
Structures of guard lines, guard nets and protective devices
Guard lines and guard nets
The guard line shall be a firmly supported metallic wire of two or more strands, and the
guardnet shall be a metallic net. Their structure shall conform to Table 148-1.
Table 148-1 Structure of guard line and guard net
Division of application
Guard net
Guard line
Tensile strength 10 kN or over
Warp intervals 1.5 m or less
Tensile strength 7.0 kN or over
Woof intervals 1.5 m or less
Overhand width beyond the overhead 1/2 or more of the vertical clearance to the overhead
electrical conductor
electrical conductor (30 cm if this clearance is less
than 30 cm)
Clearance to the overhead electrical
60 cm
Earthing work Type A
Earthing work Type D
Protective devices
The protective device shall be a firmly installed protective device and its metallic parts shall be
earthed by earthing work Type D according to Article 57-2.
Article 149
Supporting Structures of Distribution Lines
Supporting Structures of Distribution Lines
Installation of Supporting Structures
The supporting structures of an overhead distribution line shall not be installed to go through
the space between electrical conductors of another overhead distribution line or overhead
telecommunication line.
The overhead distribution conductors shall not be installed with a supporting structure of
another overhead distribution line or overhead telecommunication line in between.
If the overhead distribution conductor are installed together with another overhead distribution
conductor or overhead telecommunication conductor on the same supporting structure, the
provisions of Items (1) and (2) above shall not apply to such installation.
Limitation of Span of Supporting Structures
The span of supporting structures shall be the value in Table 149-1 or less according to the
type of the supporting structure. Type 2 and Type 3 medium-voltage distribution line
strengthening work are prescribed in Article 154-2 and installation in urban areas in Article
Table 149-1 Maximum span of supporting structures
Classification of
Medium voltage
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supporting structures
Wooden pole, class A
iron pole, or class A
reinforced concrete pole
Class B iron pole or
concrete pole
150 m
Type 2 distribution
line strengthening
10 kN or over; 100 m
10 kN or over; 200 m
40 kN or over; 500 m
20 kN or over; 150 m
40 kN or over; No
10 kN or over; 400 m
30 kN or over; 600 m
40 kN or over;
Long-span work (*3)
10 kN or over; 200 m
30 kN or over; 250 m
10 kN or over; 400 m
Steel tower
Type 3 distribution
line strengthening
10 kN or over; 100 m
40kN or over; Longspan work (*3)
Iron poles, reinforced concrete poles or steel towers shall be used for the supporting structure of
an overhead distribution line installed in an urban area.
If the intervals of electrical conductor in horizontal arrangement are less than 4 m
Steel towers of the tension-proof type shall be used for the steel towers of long-span work
according to Article 109-2-(2).
Clearance between medium-voltage overhead electrical conductors and supporting structures
The clearance between the medium-voltage overhead electrical conductor and its supporting
structures, cross arms, pole braces, and guys shall be the value in Table 149-2 or more.
With arc horn (*4)
Without arc horn
Table 149-2 Clearance to supporting structures and the like
15 kV or over but less than 25 25 kV or over but less than 35
1.2 times the arc horn gap
1.2 times the arc horn gap
(minimum 20 cm)
(minimum 25 cm)
“With arc horn” is limited to the type that can restrict the arc direction.
The clearance between electrical conductors of the same circuit of a medium-voltage overhead
conductor shall be the value in Table 149-3 or over. However, this provision shall not apply to
the distribution line using a spacer wire and so on.
Table 149-3 Clearance of the same circuit
Voltage division
Wire interval
15 kV or over but less than 25 kV
25 kV or over but less than 35 kV
Article 150
Load for Supporting Structures of Distribution Lines and Safety Factor
Wind Load
The values in Table 150-1 shall be used for wind load according to the type of the supporting
structure. If the wind load is calculated from wind pressure (wind tunnel) experiments based
on a wind speed of 35 m/s, that load value may be used.
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Table 150-1 Wind load
Segment of an object receiving wind pressure
Wooden pole
Columnar pole
Triangle or rhombic pole
Square pole consisting of
steel pipes
Iron pole
Wind pressure to 1 m2 of the vertical
projected area of the structural
630 N
630 N
1,500 N
Columnar pole
Single pole Columnar pole
Hexagonal or
cross arms) octagonal pole
Iron tower
Those consisting of steel
pipes (excluding single poles)
Conductors forming multiple conductors
(Limited to those in which two compositional
Distribution horizontally and the clearance between such
distribution conductors is no more than twenty
times their outer diameter, the same applies
Insulator device for medium-voltage distribution line
Cross arm for a wooden pole, an iron pole limited to a
columnar pole, and a reinforced concrete pole for
medium-voltage distribution line
concrete pole
1,180 N
1,740 N if the webs overlap in front
and behind, and 1,890 N for other
630 N
950 N
630 N
1,180 N
1,350 N
2,290 N
710 N
790 N
1,100 N
1,260 N if used as a single object,
and 1,740 N for other cases
Strength of Supporting Structures and Safety Factor
The supporting structures of medium- and low-voltage overhead distribution lines shall have
the prescribed strength and safety factor to the load shown in Table 150-2.
Table 150-2 Strength and safety factor of supporting structures of medium- and
low-voltage overhead distribution lines
Load & Safety Factor
Supporting Structure
Load to withstand
Strength of supporting structures to the load
given to the left
Ordinary: Safety factor 1.5
or over.
Wooden pole
Wind load
(1) Wind load
(2) Vertical load
Iron pole
component of
Safety factor
1.2 or over
Type 2 distribution line
strengthening work: Safety
factor 2.0 or over
A safety factor of 1.5 or over to the assumed
normal load shall be secured by the
yield-point strength of the structural
members according to Article 103.
However, conformance with Article 103 is not
mandatory if the pole is a steel tube pole and
the complete pole can endure the load when
3 times the design load is exerted
perpendicular to the pole axis at the point 30
cm from the top with the pole fixed from the
pole bottom to 1/6 of the entire length of the
pole (*1) so that no deformation occurs in the
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concrete pole in
combination with
steel pipe)
conductor and
concrete pole
Wind load
Iron tower
Reinforced concrete pole
Iron tower
(1) Wind load
(2) Vertical load;
Same as (2) above
The complete pole shall endure the load
when twice the design load is exerted
perpendicular to the pole axis at the point of
30 cm from the top with the pole fixed from
the pole bottom to 1/6 of the entire length of
the pole (*1) so that no deformation occurs in
the pole.
A safety factor of 1.5 or over to the assumed
normal load shall be secured by the
yield-point strength of the structural
members according to Article 103.
However, conformance with Article 103 is not
mandatory if the pole is a precast reinforced
concrete pole and the complete pole can
endure the load when twice the design load
is exerted perpendicular to the pole axis at
the point 30 cm from the top with the pole
fixed from the bottom to 1/6 of the entire
length of the pole (*1) so that no deformation
occurs in the pole.
Same as pole Type A
A safety factor of 1.5 or over to the assumed
normal load and a safety factor of 1.0 or over
(*2) to the assumed abnormal load shall be
secured by the yield-point strength of the
structural members according to Article 103.
This length shall be 2.5 m if “the length from the pole bottom to 1/6 of the entire length
of the pole” exceeds 2.5 m.
The safety factor shall be 1.5 or over for the cross arms.
Calculation of Strength of Wooden Poles
If wooden poles are used for the supporting structure of an overhead distribution line, the
strength calculation for the wind load perpendicular to the overhead distribution line shall take
place using the following equation:
For the low-voltage overhead distribution line
Single pole without guy
390D 0 H 2  234H 3  S 98dh 
10 D 0 
is the sum of the halves of the spans on both sides (m).
is the outer diameter of the distribution conductor (mm).
is the height of the supporting structure of the distribution conductor from the ground
surface (m)
is the height of the wooden pole from the ground surface (m).
is the diameter of the wooden pole at the ground surface (m) calculated by the following
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D0 = D + 0.9H
is the top end diameter of the wooden pole (m).
is the diameter of the circle (cm) of equal area to the sectional area of the wooden pole
at the ground surface from which the area of the decayed parts is subtracted if the
wooden pole is decayed at the ground surface.
is the breaking strength of the wooden pole against bending according to the type of
wooden poles given in Table 150-3.
is the safety factor for the wooden pole.
is a coefficient depending on wind load taking a value of unity.
Table 150-3 Breaking strength
Classification of wooden poles
Breaking strength
39 N/mm2
Cypress and chestnut trees
44 N/mm2
White fir and spruce
42 N/mm2
Oregon pine
55 N/mm2
The values equivalent to those listed above
Single pole with guy
195D 0 H 2  117H 3  0.5S 98dh 
10 D 0 
S, d, h, H, D0, D0’, P, F and K are the same as those defined in a.
H-pole without guy
390D 0 H 2  234H 3  0.5S 98dh 
10 D 0 
S, d, h, H, D0, D0’, P, F and K are the same as those defined in a.
H-pole with guy
195D 0 H 2  117H 3  0.25S 98dh 
10 D 0 
S, d, h, H, D0, D0’, P, F and K are the same as those defined in a.
For the medium-voltage overhead distribution line
The prescriptions in Item (1) apply accordingly.
insulator sets and cross arms shall be added.
In this case, the wind load acting on the
Guy in Items (1) and (2)
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Guy used with single poles
anp 
12.5S 98dh   4875D 0 H 2  2925H 3 cosec
h 0  10
is the coefficient of tensile load reduction of the twisted conductor.
is the necessary number of strands if the safety factor of the guy is 2.5.
is the tensile strength (N) of one strand.
is the height of the guy-attaching point from the ground surface (m).
is the angle between the guy and pole.
S, d, h, H, D0 and K are the same as those defined in Item (1)-a.
Guy used with H-poles
anp 
12.5S 98dh   9750D 0 H 2  5850H 3 cosec
h 0  10
a, n, p, h0 and  are the same as those defined in a. and S, d, h’, H, D0 and K are the same as
those defined in Item (1)-a.
Calculation of Strength of Reinforced Concrete Poles and Iron Poles
Calculation of strength against wind load perpendicular to the distribution line
Calculation of the strength of reinforced concrete poles and iron poles used as the supporting
structure of a distribution line against wind load perpendicular to the distribution line shall take
place as follows:
( H  0.25) P
(2 D1  D 0) H 2
 K1
 K 2 S ( dh)
is the breaking load of the supporting structure (standard design load  2) (N).
is the wind load (N) per 1 m2 of vertically projected area of the supporting structure.
is the wind load (N) per 1 m2 of vertically projected area of the distribution conductors.
is the top end diameter (m) of the supporting structure.
D0 :
is the ground-level diameter (cm) of the supporting structure.
is the height of the supporting structure above the ground (m).
is a half of the sum of the spans on the both sides (m).
is the diameter of the distribution conductor (mm).
is the height of the supporting structure of the distribution conductor from the ground
surface (m).
is the safety factor of the supporting structure.
Calculation of strength against vertical load and bending moment
Calculation of the strength of iron poles and reinforced concrete poles used as the supporting
structure of a distribution line against vertical load and bending moment shall take place as
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A Z
is the allowable bending moment (N/cm2) of the structural material of the supporting
is the vertical load (N) present above the cross section in which strength calculation
takes place.
is the bending moment (Ncm) due to the load present above the cross section in which
strength calculation takes place.
is the equivalent sectional area (cm2).
Calculation method of A
For 0   2 
mE A2
P A1
 A1  P  P  A2  2 2 
A  A2   
1     2 
 A2  mE  y  A1 
mE A2
P A1
1 mE
A  A2  2
2 
y  2
 0.0001  0.01
 I1
m=0.0804  10 4 
 0.01  0.4
 I1
m=0.114  10 4 
 0.4  1.0
 I1 
m=1.472  0.995 
 I2 
is the slenderness ratio of the pole [(length (cm) of the pole from the point of load
action to the ground level)/(radius (cm) of gyration of area of the pole at the ground
y :
is Young’s modulus (N/cm2)
is the yield point (N/cm2)
p :
is the elastic limit (0.8y)
I1 and I2 :
are the moments of inertia (cm4) of the pole at the point of load application and
at the ground level.
A1 and A2 : are the sectional areas (cm2) of the pole at the point of load
the ground level.
application and at
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is the modulus of section (cm3) of the cross section concerned.
Steel Materials Used for Supporting Structures for Distribution Line
Shaped steel, steel tubes, bolts and other structural steel members used for steel towers and
iron poles shall conform to Article 103.
Article 151
Load for Foundation of Supporting Structures of Distribution Lines and Safety
Installation of Foundations of Supporting Structures
The foundation of a support of a distribution line shall be installed according to one of the
The foundation shall be installed so that its safety factor is 2.0 or over to the load (wind load or
assumed normal load) which the supporting structure should endure.
However, the safety factor of foundation strength of a steel tower may be taken to be 1.33 or
over to the assumed abnormal load.
A steel plate built-up pole or a steel tube pole that has a total length of 16 m or less and a
design load of 7.0 kN or less or a wooden pole shall be embedded according to the total length
divisions in Table 151-1.
In a rice field or another place of soft ground, especially strong guy anchors shall be installed.
Table 151-1 Embedment of iron pole Type A and wooden pole
Total length division
15 m or less
1/6 or more of total length
More than 15 m
2.5 m or more
A reinforced concrete pole that has a total length of 20 m or less and a design load of 15.0 kN
or less shall be embedded according to the design load division and total length division in
Table 151-2.
However, if installed in a rice field or another place of soft ground, the pole shall be 16 m or
less in total length and 7.0 kN or less in design load and especially strong guy anchors shall be
Table 151-2 Embedment of reinforced concrete pole Type A
Design load division
Total length division
15 m or less
1/6 or more of total length
7.0 kN or less
More than 15 m and 16 m or less
2.5 m or more
More than 16 m and 20 m or less
2.8 m or more
More than 7.0 kN 14 m or more and 15 m or less
(1/6 of total length + 30 cm) or more
More than 15 m and 20 m or less
2.8 m or more
10.0 kN or less
(1/6 of total length + 50 cm) or more
More than 10.0 kN 14 m or more and 15 m or less
More than 15 m and 18 m or less.
3.0 m or more
15.0 kN or less
More than 18 m and 20 m or less
3.2 m or more
Calculation of Safety Factors for Foundation of Wooden Poles, Reinforced Concrete Poles and
Iron Poles
The safety factor of the foundation of a wooden, reinforced concrete or iron pole shall be
calculated by the following formula:
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f 
KD0 t 4
120P(H  t 0) 2
is the safety factor of the foundation of the supporting structure.
D0 :
is the diameter (m) of the supporting structure at the ground level.
is the embedded depth (m) of the supporting structure.
is the height (m) of the point of action of concentrated loads from the ground surface.
is the load (N) converted into a concentrated load at the top of the supporting structure.
t0 :
is the depth (m) of the center of gyration of the supporting structure from the ground
t0 
Normal soil
Soft soil
(without guy anchor)
t ( m)
is the soil coefficient taking the value in Table 151-3.
Table 151-3 Soil coefficient
Classification of soil
[A] Aggregated soil or sand, and soil with plenty of
gravel or stone belonging under hard soil
[B] Aggregated soil or sand, and soil with plenty of
gravel or stone belonging under soft soil
[C] Quicksand (with no soil mixed)
[D] Moist clay, humus, fill and other soft soils
(excluding deep rice fields)
Soil coefficient (N/m4)
Reinforcement of Foundations of Supporting Structures
The foundation of a supporting structure shall be reinforced and firmly held so that its safety
factor is 2.0 or over.
Article 152
Reinforcement for Supporting Structures of Distribution Lines by Guys and so on
Reinforcement of supporting structure by guys
Supporting structures other than steel towers may be guyed to share strength with the guys.
In such a case, the strength of the supporting structure itself shall be such that it endures a half
or more of the wind load.
If a medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor is installed in secondary proximity to or
crossing condition with a building or the like (*1), supporting structures other than steel towers
shall be fitted with a guy on the opposite side of the building. This guy may be omitted in the
following cases:
If the medium-voltage overhead distribution line forms a horizontal angle of 10 or more
degrees away from the building.
If the supporting structure of the medium-voltage overhead distribution line uses a Type
B pole (*2) that endures the assumed normal load plus a horizontal lateral load of 2.0
kN or a Type B pole that endures 1.1 times the assumed normal load (*3).
The term “building or the like” includes buildings, roads, pedestrian overpasses,
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telephone lines, and low-voltage overhead conductors.
“Type B poles” include Type B iron poles and Type B reinforced concrete poles.
The applicability of “Type B pole that endures 1.1 times the assumed normal load” is
limited to the case where a cable is used for the electrical conductor or where each
span between adjacent supporting structures is 75 m or less and insulated conductor is
used for the line.
In a straight section (*5) using 15 or more consecutive Type A poles (*4), guys shall be installed
on both sides of the distribution line at intervals of 15 poles or less.
“Type A Poles” includes Type A iron poles and Type A reinforced concrete poles.
“Straight section” includes such a portion that forms a horizontal angle of 5 degrees or
Installation and safety factor of guys
Guys installed with the supporting structure of medium- or low-voltage overhead distribution
line shall be installed as follows:
Upper part of the guy
The metallic wire used for the guy shall be as follows:
The safety factor shall be 2.6 or over (*6).
The safety factor shall be 1.5 or over for a guy installed with a wooden pole, iron pole
Type A or reinforced concrete pole Type A.
If a twisted conductor is used for the metallic wire, it shall have 3 or more strands and a
minimum tensile strength of 10 kN or over.
Portion near the ground
For the portion near the ground, that is, from the underground portion of the guy installed with a
reinforced concrete pole or iron pole to 30 cm above the ground, a galvanized iron rod or
similar rod equal or superior to it in strength and corrosion resistance shall be used.
The guy anchor shall be installed firmly so that it can adequately endure the tensile load from
the guy. A guy anchor installed with a supporting structure other than a wooden pole shall be
of such a material that hardly corrodes.
If a guy installed on an overhead distribution line is in danger of touching an electrical
conductor, an insulator or the like shall be inserted in the upper part of the guy.
However, an insulator or the like need not be inserted if the guy is installed on a low-voltage
overhead distribution line in a place other than a rice field or other swamp.
A guy crossing a road shall have a height of 5 m or over from the road surface.
If this is impossible for technical reasons, 4.5 m or over and 2.5 m or over above a sidewalk are
allowed if there is no danger of interfering with traffic.
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Installation of wooden poles, Type A iron poles, and Type A reinforced concrete poles
As shown in Table 150-2, the strength of a supporting structure does not anticipate the uneven
component of tension in the distribution conductors.
Therefore, if installed on a
medium-voltage overhead distribution line where such an uneven tension acts, the wooden
pole, Type A iron pole and Type A reinforced concrete pole shall be fitted with guys that endure
that uneven tension, according to the following:
In a straight section (*7) of an electrical line where the difference in support span is large, guys
that endure the horizontal force due to the uneven tension brought about by the span difference
shall be installed on both sides of the electrical line.
“Straight section” includes a portion forming a horizontal angle of 5 degrees or less.
In the portion of an electrical line exceeding 5 degrees in horizontal angle, a guy that endures
the horizontal lateral component of the assumed maximum tension shall be installed.
At the place of anchoring all the conductors of a distribution line, a guy that endures the
horizontal force of the uneven tension equal to the assumed maximum tension shall be
Installation of supporting structures of tension-resistant or similar type in a medium-voltage
overhead distribution line
Type B iron pole or Type B reinforced concrete pole
Type B poles on a medium-voltage overhead distribution line shall be as follows:
If 10 or more poles for straight sections are used consecutively, one reinforced concrete
pole or iron pole of the tension-resistant type shall be installed at every 10 poles (*8)or
less. That pole shall allow for “the uneven” tension one third of the assumed maximum
tension" of each electrical conductor and summed up over all the electrical conductors
under the assumed normal load.
When every 10 poles are difficult, this type can be installed for every 15 poles.
If the support span exceeds 250 m, a supporting structure of the above-stated
tension-resistant type shall be used for the supporting structure concerned. However,
if a tension-resistant supporting structure is used at places adjacent to such a span of
the distribution line, a supporting structure of the tension-resistant type need not be
used for the supporting structure concerned depending on the ground conditions there.
Iron tower
If 10 or more towers for straight sections are used consecutively, one iron tower having
tension-resistant insulator sets or another tower equal or superior to it in strength shall
be installed.
If the tower span exceeds 600 m, the tension resistant type shall be used for the tower
However, if the tension-resistant type is used for the towers at places adjacent to such a
span of the distribution line, the tension-resistant type need not be used for the tower
concerned depending on the ground conditions there.
Regulation for Installation on Distribution Lines
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Article 153
Height of Overhead Distribution Conductors
The height of a medium- or low-voltage overhead distribution conductor shall conform to the
following paragraphs if a bare conductor, insulated conductor or cable is used.
If crossing a road, the height shall be 6 m or more from the ground surface.
For cases other than the above, the height shall be 5.5 m or more from the ground surface. It
shall be 4 m or over if a low-voltage overhead distribution conductor is installed in a place other
than a road.
If it is installed above a pedestrian overpass, it shall be 3 m or over from the overpass surface
for low-voltage overhead distribution conductors and 5.5 m or more from the overpass surface
for medium-voltage overhead distribution conductors.
However, if insulated conductor or cable is used, it may be reduced to 4 m from the ground
The height of an electrical conductor installed over the water shall be 5 m or more from the
highest water level if there is no navigation of vessels.
If there is navigation, it shall be 2 m or over from the mast of a vessel at the highest water level.
If a low-voltage overhead distribution line carrying an operation voltage of 300 V or less and
used for outdoor illumination is installed without interfering with the traffic, the height shall be 4
m or more from the ground surface.
For a low-voltage overhead distribution line installed under a bridge or other similar structures,
the height may be reduced to 3.5 m from the ground surface in spite of the prescription of
Paragraph 2.
If a medium-voltage overhead distribution line is installed in an urban area, the height shall be
10 m or more from the ground surface.
The height may be reduced to 8.0 m from the ground surface if insulated conductor is used and
5.0 m if cable is used.
For the one span of an overhead distribution line connecting the inside and outside of a
hydropower station, substation or similar premises, the height need not be 10 m or more from
the ground surface (*1).
Article 154
From the ground surface, it shall be 8.0 m or more for insulated conductor and 5.0 m or
more for cable.
Regulation of Distribution Lines at Adjacency to and Crossing with Other Objects
Minimum clearance between overhead distribution lines and other objects
If a medium- or low-voltage overhead electrical conductor approaches to or crosses another
object, it shall be installed with a clearance larger than the value prescribed in the following
items except for the service drop line and indoor and outdoor user’s sites.
Adjacency to buildings
Table 154-1 Adjacency to buildings
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(Apply if marked with
Top structures
of a building
(roof, eaves,
platform and
having the
possibility of
being climbed
on by a
A simple
signboard or
the like
installed on a
conductor conductor
The case
where the
conductor is
installed under
a building
Type 2
Type 3
(In the case of
(In the case of
primary proximity)
Lateral and
Upside, lateral
and downside
adjacency with
the electrical
conductor not
put in a
Upside, lateral
and downside
adjacency with
the electrical
conductor put in
a protective
(In the case of
(In the case of
primary proximity
excluding downside
Allowable unless contact occurs
(In the case of
(In the case of
primary proximity
excluding downside
Same as upside, lateral and downside adjacency with the electrical
conductor not put in a protective device
Upside, lateral
and downside
Structures of a
building other
than those
Medium-voltage distribution line
strengthening work
Clearance (m)
(In the case of
(In the case of
primary proximity
excluding downside
Adjacency to or crossing with a road or pedestrian overpass
Table 154-2 Adjacency to or crossing with road or pedestrian overpass
Road and
Position of
adjacency or
Upside and
Medium-voltage distribution line
strengthening work
Clearance (m)
(Apply if marked with ○.)
1.0 or 3.0
1.5 or 3.0
Type 2
Type 3
1.0 or 3.0
1.2 or 3.0
(In the case of
(In the case of
primary proximity)
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Conform to Article 153.
Do not
Adjacency to or crossing with an overhead telecommunication line
Table 154-3 Adjacency to or crossing with an overhead telecommunication line
Facility involved
Position of
adjacency or
Low voltage
Low voltage
(Apply if marked with ○.)
Type 2
Type 3
(In the case
tal 3.0
(In the case
of primary
crossing (*2)
Low voltage
Horizontal 3.0
t of overhead
ation line)
1.0 (protective
device) (*3)
Low voltage
and crossing
structure of
Low voltage
Upside and
Medium-voltage distribution
line strengthening work
Clearance (m)
Do not
Do not
The medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor shall not be installed in downside
adjacency circumstances with an overhead telecommunication line.
However, it may be installed by one of the following if the horizontal clearance between the
medium-voltage overhead distribution line and overhead telecommunication conductor is 3 m
or more.
If cable is used for the medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor.
If insulated conductor is used for the medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor
and the overhead telecommunication conductor have a tensile strength of 10 kN or
more and their supporting structures are reinforced to a strength equal or superior to the
strength of the supporting structures of the medium-voltage overhead distribution line.
The medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor shall not be installed in downside
crossing with an overhead telecommunication conductor.
However, it may be installed if installed by one of the following:
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If cable is used for the medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor.
If insulated conductor is used for the medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor
and a strong protective device earthed by earthing work Type D in Article 57-2 is
installed for the metallic parts between the medium-voltage overhead distribution
conductor and overhead telecommunication conductor.
The structure of the protective device shall conform to Article 148-2.
Adjacency to antenna
Table 154-4 Adjacency to antenna
Facility involved
Television antenna or the
(an antenna installed in
the form of an electrical
conductor is included
under overhead
Upside and
distribution line
strengthening work
(Apply if marked
with ○.)
Clearance (m)
Type 2
Type 3
(In the
case of
A medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor shall
not installed under an antenna and within the horizontal
clearance equal to the antenna pole height from the
ground surface.
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Adjacency to or crossing with other medium- and low-voltage overhead distribution conductors
Table 154-5 Adjacency to or crossing with other medium- and
low-voltage overhead distribution conductors
electrical line
strengthening work
(Apply if marked with
Electrical line
installed upside
Clearance (m)
Facility involved
Mutual adjacency
or crossing of
Mutual adjacency
or crossing of
Adjacency or
crossing of a
installed upside or
laterally and a
Adjacency of a
Electrical line
downside or laterally
Insulated conductor
Bare conductor
Type 2
Supporting structure
Insulated conductor
Bare conductor
Supporting structure
Insulated conductor
Bare conductor
Supporting structure
Insulated conductor
Bare conductor
not allowed
Type 3
upside or
(In the case
(In the
case of
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installed downside
to a low-voltage
conductor (*4)
Crossing of a
installed downside
with a low-voltage
conductor (*5)
Supporting structure
Insulated conductor
Bare conductor
Supporting structure
device) (*6)
not allowed
A medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor shall not be installed in downside adjacency
circumstances to a low-voltage overhead distribution conductor.
However, it may be installed by one of the following if the horizontal clearance from the
medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor and low-voltage overhead distribution
conductor is 3 m or more.
If cable is used for the medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor.
If insulated conductor is used for the medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor
and the low-voltage overhead distribution conductor have a tensile strength of 10 kN or
over and their supporting structures are reinforced to a strength equal or superior to
that of the supporting structures of the medium-voltage overhead distribution
A medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor shall not installed in downside crossing with
a low-voltage overhead distribution conductor.
However, it may be installed if installed by one of the following:
If cable is used for the medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor.
If insulated conductor is used for the medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor
and a strong protective device earthed by earthing work Type D in Article 57-2 is
installed at the metallic parts between the medium-voltage and low-voltage overhead
distribution conductors.
The structure of the protective device shall conform to Article 148-2.
Adjacency to and crossing with a facility other than Item (1) to Item (5)
Table 154-6 Adjacency to and crossing with other facilities
[other than Item (1) to Item (5)]
Top structure
of a building
Position of
adjacency or
adjacency and
Medium-voltage distribution line
strengthening work
Clearance (m)
(Apply if marked with
Type 2
Type 3
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(In the case of
proximity or
upside crossing)
(In the case of
Lateral and
jutting out of
a building,
and another
structure with
no danger of
climbed on
by a person,
or facility
other than a
Upside, lateral
and downside
adjacency and
crossing with
the electrical
conductor not
put in a
Upside, lateral
and downside
adjacency and
crossing with
the electrical
conductor put
in a protective
The case
where the
conductor is
Upside, lateral
and downside
adjacency and
(In the case of
primary proximity
other than
the above
(In the case of
adjacency or
upside crossing)
(In the case of
adjacency or
upside crossing)
(In the case of
primary proximity
Allowable unless contact occurs
Same as upside, lateral and downside adjacency and upside crossing
with the electrical conductor not put in a protective device
(In the case of
adjacency or
upside crossing)
(In the case of
primary proximity
Adjacency to plants
Table 154-7 Adjacency to plants
distribution line
strengthening work
(Apply if marked with
Clearance (m)
Type 2
Type 3
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Low voltage
Upside and
Shall not contact
due to ordinarily
blowing wind or
the like.
Shall not contact
due to ordinarily
blowing wind or the
Medium-voltage distribution line strengthening work
Facilities requiring medium-voltage distribution line strengthening work
If the medium-voltage distribution conductor is installed in adjacency or upside crossing
condition with another facility conforming to Table 154-8, it shall be installed using
medium-voltage distribution line strengthening work.
However, if the facility is an object other than a building or the like (*7), medium-voltage
overhead distribution line strengthening work shall be applied only if the medium-voltage
overhead distribution conductor may endanger persons due to its contact with that facility if an
electrical conductor of the medium-voltage overhead distribution line is broken or the
supporting structure collapses.
The term “building or the like” includes a building, road, pedestrian overpass, overhead
telecommunication line, antenna, low-voltage overhead distribution conductor, another
medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor, and medium- and high-voltage
overhead power transmission conductors.
Table 154-8 Installation conditions requiring medium-voltage
distribution line strengthening work
Type of medium-voltage
distribution line
strengthening work
Type 2
Type 3
Installation conditions of overhead distribution conductor
If installed jointly with an overhead telecommunication conductor
If installed in secondary proximity excluding downside adjacency to a building
If installed in upside or lateral secondary proximity to a road or pedestrian overpass
If crossing over a road or pedestrian overpass
If installed in upside or lateral secondary proximity to a low-voltage overhead distribution
conductor or the like
If crossing over a low-voltage overhead distribution conductor
If installed in secondary proximity to another type of facility
If installed in primary proximity to a building
If installed in primary proximity to a road or pedestrian overpass
If installed in primary proximity to an overhead telecommunication conductor
If installed in upside or lateral relation with another medium-voltage distribution conductor
If installed in primary proximity to another type of facility
Type 2 medium-voltage distribution line strengthening work
Medium-voltage distribution line strengthening work shall be as follows:
A wooden pole used as a supporting structure shall have a safety factor to wind load of
2.0 or over according to Table 150-2.
The span of an overhead distribution line shall conform to Table 149-1.
The insulator set used where the electrical conductor approaches or crosses another
facility shall conform to Article 140-4-(2)
The electrical conductor shall be installed in such a manner that there is no danger of
forming a short circuit due to wind-induced wire sway.
Type 3 medium-voltage distribution line strengthening work
Type 3 medium-voltage distribution line strengthening work shall be as follows:
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The span of an overhead distribution line shall conform to Table 149-1.
The electrical conductor shall be installed in such a manner that there is no danger of
forming a short circuit due to wind-induced wire sway.
Installation in urban areas or the like
If a medium-voltage overhead distribution line is to be installed in an urban area, it shall be
installed according to the following items so that there is no danger.
However, the following items are not necessarily adhered to if cable is used for the electrical
The definition of an urban area or another densely populated area is given in Article 111.
Strength of distribution conductor
A medium-voltage distribution conductor shall have a tensile strength of 30 kN or more
pursuant to Article 145.
Supporting structure
The supporting structure of a medium-voltage electrical line shall be reinforced concrete poles,
iron poles or steel towers.
Height of distribution conductor above ground surface
The height of the medium-voltage distribution conductor shall be as shown in Article 153-7.
Restrictions on span
The span of a medium-voltage overhead distribution line shall be as shown in Table 149-1.
Particularities of Distribution Lines for Joint Use and
Side-by-side Use with Other Objects
Article 155
Joint Use and Side-by-side Use of Distribution Lines with Other Objects
Joint Installation of Low-voltage and Medium-voltage Overhead Distribution Conductors
If low-voltage and medium-voltage overhead distribution conductors are installed on the same
supporting structure, the following items shall be adhered to.
The low-voltage overhead distribution conductor shall be installed under the medium-voltage
overhead distribution conductor and on separate cross arms.
The clearance between low-voltage and medium-voltage overhead distribution conductors shall
be 1.2 m or more (*1).
However, if installed on a corner pole, branch pole or the like where there is no possibility of
erroneous contact, the clearance of 1.2 m or more is not necessarily adhered to.
If cable is used for the medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor, the clearance
shall be 50 cm or more.
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Joint Installation of Low-voltage and Medium-voltage Overhead Distribution Conductors and
Overhead Telecommunication Conductors
If a low-voltage and medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor and an overhead
telecommunication conductor are to be installed on the same supporting structure, they shall
be installed according to the following items:
The overhead distribution line shall be given Type 2 medium-voltage distribution line
strengthening work.
The overhead distribution conductor shall be installed over the overhead telecommunication
conductor and on separate cross arms.
The medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor shall use cable or electrical conductor
with a tensile strength of 30 kN or more .
The clearance between overhead distribution conductors and telecommunication conductors
shall be 75 cm or more for low voltages and 2.0 m or over (*2) for medium voltages.
If cable is used for the medium-voltage overhead distribution conductor, the clearance
shall be 50 cm or more.
If vertical wiring (*3) of an overhead distribution line and of an overhead telecommunication line
are to be installed on the same supporting structure, they shall be installed with the supporting
structure in between and the vertical wiring of the overhead distribution line shall not jut out on
the road side.
However, they may be installed on the same side of the supporting structure if the situation falls
under any of the following:
“Vertical wiring” includes the distribution conductor or telecommunication conductor
installed in the longitudinal direction of the supporting structure and its accessories.
If the vertical wiring of the overhead distribution line is 1 m or more distant from the
vertical wiring of the overhead telecommunication line.
If the vertical wiring of the overhead distribution line and overhead telecommunication
line are cable and they are firmly supported on the supporting structure or cross arms so
that there is no danger of direct contact between them.
Vertical wiring of the overhead distribution line shall use insulated conductor or cable for low
voltages and cable for medium voltages in the section from 2 m above the overhead
telecommunication conductor to the lowest portion.
Items (2) and (4) shall not necessarily apply to vertical wiring of the overhead
telecommunication conductor if approval of the managers of both parties are obtained and if
that vertical wiring is cable or is put in an object with sufficient dielectric strength so that it will
not come in direct contact with the overhead distribution conductors.
Article 156
Service Drop Lines
Overhead Service Drop Lines
Low-voltage overhead service drop lines
Low-voltage overhead service drop lines shall be installed in accordance with the following
Electrical conductor
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The electrical conductor shall be of insulated conductor or cable.
The electrical conductor shall have a tensile strength of 3.0 kN or more unless it is
However, a tensile strength of 2.0 kN or more may be allowed only if the span is 15 m or less.
The typical conductors are listed in Table 156-1.
Hard copper
Table 156-1 The typical conductors
Annealed copper
Hard copper
Hard aluminum
Height from ground
The height shall be 5 m or over (*1) from the road surface if the conductor crosses a
If it is difficult to secure 5 m or more from the ground surface for technical reasons, 3 m
from the road surface is allowable if this height does not hinder the traffic.
If installed over a pedestrian overpass, the height shall be 3 m or more from the
overpass surface.
The height shall be 4 m or more (*2) from the ground surface for cases other than a.
and b.
If it is difficult to secure 4 m or more from the ground surface for technical reasons, 2.5
m is allowable if this height does not hinder the traffic.
Clearance to other objects
A low-voltage overhead service drop line shall be installed according to Article 154-1.
For a building in which a low-voltage overhead service drop line is directly drawn, or if it is
technically difficult to install such facilities according to the provisions of Article 154-1, the
clearance to other objects may be equal to or larger than the value prescribed in Table 156-2.
If the electrical conductor is insulated conductor, it shall be installed in such a manner that a
person cannot reach it even if he or she stretches out his/her hand from a window, corridor,
clothes-drying platform or a passage to one or other ordinarily accessible place.
Table 156-2 Clearance from low-voltage overhead service drop line to other facilities
Clearance (m)
Building directly drawing in a service drop line
If the facility is other than a road,
lowor Top structure of
medium-voltage distribution conductor, a building
and it is technically difficult to install a
service drop line according to the
Other than the
prescriptions of Article 154-1, and there is
no possibility of danger
If the facility is other than a building directly drawing in a
low-voltage overhead service drop line and it is technically
difficult to install according to the prescriptions of Article 154-1,
and there is no possibility of danger and the service drop line
is to be installed near the attaching point to the customer’s site
Allowable if installed so that there is no possibility of danger
2 m or over above the top structure if the electrical conductor
is insulated conductor and 0.5 m or over if it is cable
0.15 m or over to the side or under the top structure if the
electrical conductor is insulated conductor or cable
0.15 m or over if the electrical conductor is insulated
conductor or cable
Another building (if there is no possibility of a person’s
touching it) or telecommunication conductor shall not come
into contact.
0.15 m or over above and 0.1 m or over to the side of a lead-in
wire anchor (called the anchor hereafter) of a
telecommunication conductor or the like
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0.1 m or over above and to the side of a telecommunication
conductor or the like in the section within 25 cm on the power
source side of a wire anchor
Medium-voltage overhead service drop lines
Medium-voltage overhead service drop lines shall be installed according to the following items:
Electrical conductor
Insulated conductor with a tensile strength of 10 kN or more or cable shall be used.
Other installation method
Height of service drop line
To the height of a medium-voltage overhead service drop line, the provisions for
medium-voltage overhead distribution conductors in Article 153 shall apply.
However, the height may be reduced to 4.0 m above the ground surface if it is installed
in a place other than that of over and above road or pedestrian overpass and the
conductor is cable.
Adjacency and crossing of service drop lines with other objects
To the clearance from a medium-voltage overhead service drop line to another object,
the provisions of Article 154 shall apply.
For a building in which a low-voltage overhead service drop line is drawn, no particular
regulations are provided for on the clearance to another building or the like as long as there is
no danger.
Article 157
Exterior Wall Lines at Consumer Facilities
Low-voltage exterior wall service drop lines
Low-voltage exterior wall service drop lines shall be installed by insulator work (*1), synthetic
resin tube work, metal tube work (*2), bus duct work or cable work.
"Insulator work" is limited to open places.
"Metal tube work" is limited to installation on a building other than timber construction.
"Bus duct work" is limited to installation on a building other than timber construction and
places other than inaccessible concealed places.
Insulator work
Low-voltage exterior wall service drop lines installed by insulator work according to Article 177
shall conform to the following. In addition, they shall be installed in such a manner so as to
exclude the possibility of a person touching it easily.
The electrical conductor shall be of insulated conductor (*4) with a tensile strength of 2.0
kN or more.
"Insulated conductor" excludes PVC-insulated conductor.
The spacing between electrical conductors and the clearance from a wire to the building
on which the low-voltage exterior wall service drop line is installed shall be at least the
value prescribed in Table 157-1 depending on the rain shield conditions there.
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Table 157-1 Spacing between electrical conductors of low-voltage exterior wall
service drop lines installed by insulator work
Place not exposed to rain
Place exposed to rain
Spacing between wires (cm)
300 V or less
More than 300 V
Clearance to building part (cm)
300 V or less
More than 300 V
The clearance between conductor supports shall be 2 m or less.
PVC-insulated conductor may be used or the clearance between conductor supports
may exceed 2 m but is limited to 15 m only if the low-voltage exterior wall service drop
line is installed using an electrical conductor with a tensile strength of 2.0 kN or more
and keeping the spacing between electrical conductors to 20 cm or more and the
clearance from an electrical conductor to the building part on which it is installed to 30
cm or more.
Synthetic resin tube work
Low-voltage exterior wall service drop lines to be installed by synthetic resin tube work
according to Article 177 shall be installed as follows:
There shall be no connection point of electrical conductors in the synthetic resin tube.
The synthetic resin tube shall not be installed in a place where there is danger of
receiving the pressure of a heavy object or severe mechanical shocks. If, however, an
appropriate protective device is installed, such place may not be excluded from
installing the synthetic resin tube.
Connection and support of tubes and accessories shall be made as follows:
Synthetic resin tubes and accessories shall be firmly joined by insertion connection with
the tube insertion depth equal to or greater than 1.2 times the outer diameter of the
tubes (*5). In addition, the joint shall be firmly supported on the building or the like by
appropriate means.
If an adhesive is used, the insertion depth shall be of 0.8 or more times the outer
If the synthetic resin tube is supported by saddles or the like, the supporting clearance
shall be 1.5 m or less. In addition, a support shall be provided near the tube ends, the
connection point between tube and box, and the connection point between tubes.
Metal tube work
The low-voltage exterior wall service drop line installed by metal tube work according to Article
177 shall be installed as follows:
There shall be no connection point of electrical conductors in the metal tube.
The connection between metal tubes or between a metal tube and box or similar object
shall be accomplished by a screw joint or other equal or superior method to make a firm
and electrically perfect connection.
Bus duct work
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The low-voltage exterior wall service drop line installed by bus duct work according to Article 177
shall be installed as follows:
The bus duct shall be supported firmly at intervals of 3 m or less (*6).
The intervals shall be of 6 m or less if it is installed vertically in a place prepared in such
a manner that no person other than the operator has access there.
The connection between ducts shall be firm and electrically perfect.
The bus duct of a non-ventilation type shall be closed at both ends so that dust hardly
gets inside it.
Cable work
The low-voltage exterior wall service drop line by cable work according to Article 177 shall be
installed as follows:
Cables installed in places subject to the pressure of a heavy object or severe
mechanical shocks shall be protected with a metal tube or gas iron tube.
If an electrical conductor is to be installed along the bottom face or a side face of a
building, its supporting clearance shall be 2 m or less (*7) and it shall be installed so as
not to damage its covering if it is cable.
In a place where there is no danger of a person’s touching it, the clearance shall be 1 m
or less.
If the cable is to be installed in a state which is suspended from a messenger wire, it
shall be installed in such a manner that the electrical conductor will not touch the
building on which the low-voltage exterior wall service drop line is installed.
Medium-voltage exterior wall service drop lines
These shall be installed using cable for the electrical conductor in an open place as follows:
The cable shall be put in a rugged tube or trough or otherwise installed so that there is no
danger of a person touching it.
If the cable is to be installed along the bottom or a side of a building , its support span shall be
2 m or less (*8). In addition, it shall be installed so as not to damage its covering.
The span shall be 6 m or less if installed vertically.
(3) If the cable is to be installed in a state which is suspended from a messenger wire, it shall be
installed in such a manner that the electrical conductor will not touch the building on which the
medium-voltage exterior wall service drop line is installed.
Earthing work Type A (*9) of Article 57-2 shall be given to the metallic part of the tube or other
protective device in which the cable is put, the metallic wire connecting box and the metallic
sheath of cable.
Earthing work Type D shall be given to the sheath if it is installed in such a manner that there is
no danger of a person touching the conductor.
Article 158
Party Service Drop Lines
For a low-voltage service drop line, a party service drop line may be installed to avoid service
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line congestion above ground in a densely populated area.
For a medium-voltage service drop line, however, a party service drop line shall not be
Low-voltage party service drop lines shall be installed according to the provisions of Article 156.
In addition, the following paragraphs shall be adhered to in installation.
The service drop line extension shall not exceed 100 m from the branch.
It shall not cross over a road 5 m or more in width.
It shall not pass through a building.
Article 159
Power Meterings
Power Meterings
Authorization of Power Meterings
Power Meterings (hereafter called “meters”) shall be tested in respect of its structure and
Properties based on IEC 60521 (1988-03) [Class 0.5, 1 and 2 alternating-current watt-hour
meters] in Table 159-1:one by one and its term of validity is fixed. Fair and equitable energy
transactions are expected by permitting the use of such meters with the term of validity so fixed.
Table 159-1 Class of meter accuracy
Meter with transformer for High-voltage
Meter with transformer for Medium-voltage
Single meter and meter with transformer for Low-voltage
Installation of Single Meterings
In installing single meters (*1), the following items shall be adhered to as to a place and
position of installation, adjacency to wiring, and the mounting board of the exterior wall meter
The term “single meter” refers to a meter used by itself and not in combination with an
instrumental transformer.
Place of installation
Place where there is no fear of potential difficulty in meter reading or replacement work
because of future new construction or reconstruction of a building;
Place where there is no danger of induced damage;
Place where there is little influence of vibrations;
Place where there is little smoke or dust;
Place where there are little temperature variations;
Place not subject to corrosive action of chemicals or the like;
Place where there is little influence of magnetism;
Place of low humidity or free of moisture;
Place not hindering traffic;
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Outdoor place allowing easy meter reading and work;
Or, an open place allowing a person easy access without taking off his or her footwear if
installed indoors because of some technical difficult, and
Place where there is no other hindrance
Position of installation
The position of installation of a single meter shall be on the power source side of the
service entrance switch.
It needs not be on the power source side of the service entrance switch if meters are
installed for individual households of an apartment house or the like and there are
difficulties in work.
The indicator (*2) of a meter shall be at a height of 1.6 m from the ground surface.
If there are difficulties in work, the height may be 1.6 m or more and 1.8 m or less within
the limits of not hindering meter reading and work.
For the indicator of an electronic power meter, its display center shall be at a height of
1.6 m above the ground surface.
If meters are to be installed for individual customers in an apartment house or the like,
they shall be installed in the corridor or other place where easy meter reading is
possible even when the customer is absent.
Wiring near the meters
The wiring of a single meter shall be arranged so that the power source side comes on
the left side of the meter as you face it and the load side comes on the right side, and
the wiring on the power source side and on the load side shall not cross near the
terminals of the meter.
The wiring on the power source side and on the load side shall not be put in the same
synthetic resin or metallic tube.
Mounting board of outdoor meter panel
The meters and its outdoor meter panels shall be attached to a wood or synthetic resin board
15 mm or more in thickness to avoid leaning or be attached firmly to a pole or other building.
Installation of Meterings with transformers
In installing the instrumental transformer of a meter with a transformer (*3) or the like, the
following items shall be adhered to as to its place and position of installation and its Properties,
and in installing the meter with a transformer itself.
The term “meter with a transformer” refers to a meter used in combination with a voltage
transformer, current transformer or voltage and current transformer.
Place of installation of instrumental transformer
The place of installation of an instrumental transformer shall be as follows:
For low voltages
Between the first lead-in support and service entrance switch
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For medium voltages
If drawn from the distribution line directly into the power receiving room
Between the first support and service entrance switch
If drawn from the distribution line into the power receiving room via private poles
On the first private pole, unless otherwise decided
However, on the power source side of the service entrance switch and surge arrester if
installed in the power receiving room or the like
Position of installation of instrumental transformer
For the instrumental transformer, a position of easy replacement and inspection shall be
chosen and it shall be installed there as follows:
Low-voltage current transformer
2.5 m or over and 3.5 m or less above the ground surface if installed outdoors, and 2.3
m or over and 3.5 m or less above the floor if installed indoors
Medium-voltage transformer
If a medium-voltage transformer is to be installed in a place other than the power receiving and
transformer station (room) of the customer site, it shall be installed according to one of the following:
If the transformer is to be installed on a pole, it shall be installed at a height of 5 m or
over above the ground surface so that there is no danger of a person touching it.
If the transformer is to be installed on the ground in the yard or on the exterior wall or
roof of a factory or the like, an appropriate fence shall be furnished around the
transformer so that there is no danger of a person touching it.
If the transformer is to be installed on ground other than in the yard of a factory or the
like, an appropriate fence shall be furnished around the transformer so that there is no
danger of a person touching it. The sum of fence height and clearance from fence to
live part shall be 5 m or more. In addition, a warning of danger shall be posted.
The transformer shall be installed in a cubicle or the like earthed by earthing work Type
A of Article 57-2 so that no live part will be exposed.
Properties of instrumental transformer
The instrumental current transformer (CT) shall be installed in accordance with IEC 61869-1
(2012) [Instrument transformers – Part 1: Current transformers], and the instrumental voltage
transformer (VT) in accordance with IEC 61869-2 (2012 ) [Instrument transformers – Part 2:
Inductive voltage transformers].
Place of installation of meters with transformers
The provisions of Paragraph 2-(1) shall apply correspondingly to the place of installation.
Additional conditions are imposed as follows:
Place allowing easy meter reading, measuring and replacement work
Indoors in principle, if the meter is used for a contract demand of 500 kW or more
Position of installation of meter with transformers
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The height of the indicator (display center in case of an electronic combined meter) shall be 1.6
However, if it is installed in a power receiving room, meter cubicle or the like, the height may be
1.6 m or less.
Article 160
Underground Distribution Lines
Properties of Underground Distribution Cables and Jointing
Properties of underground distribution cables
The term “cable” refers to a conductor covered with an insulator and further covered by a
protective layer. Its Properties shall conform to the following items:
Properties of cable conductors, insulators and protective coverings
The Properties of the conductor, insulator and protective covering of an underground distribution
cable shall conform to the following:
Cable conductor
The copper or aluminum used for the cable conductor shall conform to IEC 60228 (1978-01)
[Conductors of insulated cables] as to electric conductivity and tensile strength per unit area.
The tensile strength and elongation of annealed copper wire and annealed aluminum wire shall
be as shown in Table 160-1.
Table 160-1 Tensile strength and elongation of cable conductors
Single wire type
Annealed copper wire
Annealed aluminum wire
Single wire diameter (mm)
0.10 or over and 0.28 or less
Exceeding 0.28 and 0.29 or less
Exceeding 0.29 and 0.45 or less
Exceeding 0.45 and 0.70 or less
Exceeding 0.70 and 1.6 or less
Exceeding 1.6 and 7.0 or less
Exceeding 7.0 and 16.0 or less
2.0 or over and 5.2 or less
Exceeding 5.2 and 7.0 or less
Tensile strength (N/mm2)
196 or over and less than
59 or over and less than 98
Elongation (%)
15.0 or over
20.0 or over
20.0 or over
20.0 or over
25.0 or over
30.0 or over
35.0 or over
10.0 or over
20.0 or over
Denotes the diameter (mm) of the single wire.
Cable insulator
The cable insulator thickness shall conform to Table 144-2 or 144-3 for XLPE insulators and
Table 144-4 for PVC insulators.
Cable protective covering
The cable protective covering thickness shall conform to Table 160-2.
Table 160-2 Thickness of cable protective covering
Type of cable protective covering
Cable using PVC insulator
Thickness of protective covering
 0.8
(1.5 if less than 1.5)
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Thickness of protective covering
Type of cable protective covering
Cable using XLPE insulator
Notes: (a)
Triplex cable
 1.0
(1.5 if less than 1.5)
 1.3
(1.5 if less than 1.5)
D denotes the inner diameter of the protective covering for round cross sections and the sum of inner major and
inner minor axes of the protective covering divided by 2 for other cross section forms (mm).
(b) The thickness of the protective covering shall be rounded off to one decimal place.
Dielectric strength of cables
Low-voltage cables
Low-voltage cables shall have the insulating capability according to IEC 60502-1 (1998-11)
[Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV
(Um=1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um=36 kV) – Part 1: Cables for rated voltages of 1 kV (Um=1,2 kV)
and 3 kV (Um=3,6 kV)] and related IEC standards or shall endure the test voltage prescribed in
Table 160-3 if that voltage is impressed for one continuous minute between conductors and
between a conductor and ground (*1) after immersion in fresh water for one hour.
In addition, impress a direct voltage of 220 V for one minute between a conductor and ground.
The insulation resistance value measured thereafter shall be equal to or greater than the value
prescribed in Table 144-6.
For single-core cables, only between the conductor and ground
Table 160-3 Test voltage for low-voltage cables
Stranded (nominal sectional area mm2)
8 or less
More than 8 and 30 or less
More than 30 and 80 or less
More than 80 and 400 or less
More than 400
Single wire (diameter mm)
3.2 or less
More than 3.2 and 5 or
Test voltage
(alternating V)
Medium-voltage cables
Medium-voltage cables shall have the insulating capability according to IEC 60502-2 (1998-11)
[Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV
(Um=1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um=36 kV) – Part 2: Cables for rated voltages from 6 kV (Um=7,2 kV)
and 30 kV (Um=36 kV)] and related IEC standards or shall endure the test voltage given in Table
160-4 for 10 minutes when subjected to the dielectric strength test according to Article 147.
Table 160-4 Test voltage for medium-voltage cables
Place of test voltage impression
Test voltage
Alternating voltage 1.25 times the highest voltage or
Between circuit and ground
direct voltage twice the alternating test voltage
Connection of underground power distribution cables
Straight connection and terminating connection of cables shall conform to the provisions of
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Article 146.
Article 161
Installation of Underground Distribution Cables
Installation methods of underground distribution cables
Electrical conductor
Cable shall be used for the electrical conductor of an underground distribution line.
Work methods
Underground distribution lines shall be installed by means of ductwork, culvert or direct burial.
The structure of the ductwork shall be as follows:
The duct used shall endure the pressure of vehicles or other heavy objects. The depth
shall not be 0.8 m or less under a roadway or 0.6 m or less under a sidewalk.
The inner surface of the duct shall not have protrusions that may damage the cable.
The structure of the culvert shall be as follows:
The culvert used shall endure the pressure of vehicles or other heavy objects. The
depth shall not be 0.8 m or less under a roadway or 0.6 m or less under a sidewalk.
The underground distribution conductors shall be provided with a fireproof device or an
automatic extinguishing facility shall be installed in the culvert.
Direct burial
If installed by direct burial, the cable burial depth shall be equal to or greater than the
value in Table 161-1 and the cables shall be put in a strong trough or other protective
Table 161-1 Cable burying depth
Cable burying place
Place subject to pressure of vehicles or other heavy objects
Places other than the above
Burying depth
Installation of underground boxes
Underground boxes (manholes, hand holes or the like) shall have the following structure:
The underground box shall have a strong structure capable of enduring the pressure of
vehicles or other heavy objects.
For an underground box installed in a place where there is a danger of permeation of
explosive or nonflammable gases and having a volume of 1 m3 or more, a ventilator or
other gas-exhausting device shall be installed.
The lid of an underground box shall be installed in such a manner that it cannot be
easily opened by a person other than the installer.
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The underground box has a structure that can drain the standing water inside it.
Earthing of metals for sheath and the like
Earthing work Type D of Article 57-2 shall be given to the metallic part of the duct, culvert or
other protective device in which the underground distribution conductors are put, and the
metallic wire-splicing box and the metal used for the sheath of underground distribution
conductors. (*1)
Article 162
Earthing work Type D of Article 57-2 need not be given if anticorrosive measures are
Indication of Buried Distribution Cables
If a medium-voltage underground distribution line is installed in a duct or trough, the name,
manager name and voltage (*1) of the buried object shall be indicated at intervals of about 10m.
However, for a medium-voltage underground distribution line installed at a customer site and 15
m or less in length, indication of the buried object may be omitted.
Intervals exceeding 10m are allowed in a place where no other person has access thereto or if
that distribution line can be clearly located.
Article 163
If it is installed at a customer site, indication of voltage alone is allowed.
Underground Distribution Lines at Adjacency and Crossing with Other Objects
If an underground distribution conductor approaches or crosses another underground buried
object, a fireproof bulkhead shall be installed between the two if the approach is within the value
shown in Table 163-1. Alternatively , the underground distribution conductor shall be installed
in strong nonflammable or self-extinguishable noncombustible ductwork.
If underground electrical conductors approach each other, the above-stated bulkhead or the like
needs not be installed in case of the following paragraphs:
If each underground distribution conductor has a self-extinguishable noncombustible
covering or are installed in a strong self-distinguishable noncombustible duct
If either underground distribution conductor has a nonflammable covering
If either underground distribution conductor is installed in a strong nonflammable duct
If a strong fireproof bulkhead is installed between the underground distribution
If the approach takes place in an underground box
Table 163-1 Clearance from underground distribution conductor
to other buried objects
Underground distribution conductor
Low voltage
Medium voltage
Underground telecommunication line
Pipe containing an inflammable or toxic
fluid (*1)
Pipe other than a pipe containing an
inflammable or toxic fluid (*2)
Other underground Low voltage
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electrical lines
Medium voltage
High voltage
A “Pipe containing an inflammable or toxic fluid” is not necessarily a gas pipe but it contains any liquid
inflammable substance. A petroleum pipe, for example, belongs to this category.
A “Pipe other than a pipe containing an inflammable or toxic fluid” includes a water supply pipe, steam
pipe, district heating hot water pipe and the like which are nonflammable or covered with a nonflammable
3-6-6 Special Distribution Lines
Article 164
Over water and Underwater Distribution Lines
Over water distribution lines
“Over water distribution lines” refer to such low-voltage distribution lines as installed over the
water surface of a stream or the like. These shall be installed according to the following items:
Installation of over water distribution lines
A cable of high wear resistance, shock resistance and bend resistance shall be used for the
electrical conductor.
Where the electrical conductors of an over water electrical line are to be connected to the
electrical conductors of an overhead electrical line, they shall be installed so that no water gets
inside the insulating covering of the electrical conductors from the connection point.
The connection point of the electrical conductors shall be firmly attached to a supporting structure at a
height equal to or greater than the value in Table 164-1.
Table 164-1 Height of connection point of electrical conductor
Place of connection Over the land (over the ground surface) Over the water
point Over a road
Not over a road
Over the water surface
Height of connection point
The distribution conductors of an over water electrical line shall be supported on a float and
installed so as not to damage their covering.
The float used for an over water electrical line shall be a series of floating objects firmly
connected by a chain or the like.
In an electrical circuit of an overhead distribution line used with an over water electrical line, a
dedicated switching device and over current circuit breaker shall be installed for each pole.
Underwater distribution lines
“Underwater distribution lines” refer to such low-voltage and medium-voltage distribution lines as
installed on the bottom of a stream or the like. These shall be installed according to the
following items:
Installation of underwater distribution lines
The underwater power distribution line shall be installed at such a place where there is
no danger of being damaged and in such a manner that it will incur no danger.
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Cable shall be used for the electrical conductor.
The cable shall be put in a strong duct for installation.
However, if the cable used for the electrical conductor is armored with galvanized iron wire with
6 mm in diameter or other metallic wire equal or superior thereto in its strength and thickness, it
need not be put in a strong duct.
Article 165
Distribution Lines over Bridge and Others
Place and work type of installation
Low- and medium-voltage distribution lines to be installed on a bridge or the like (*1) shall be
installed by the work method shown in Table 165-1 according to Article 177.
“Bridge or the like” includes railroad bridges, highway bridges and expressways.
Table 165-1 Place and work method of installation
Work Method
Applicable work type
distribution line
distribution line
Insulator work,
Cable work,
Over a bridge or the like
Synthetic resin tube work,
Cable work
Metallic tube work,
Flexible duct work.
Insulator work,
Cable work,
Side face of a bridge or the like
Synthetic resin tube work,
Cable work
Metallic tube work,
Bus duct work.
Cable work,
Synthetic resin tube work,
Cable work
Bottom face of a bridge or the like
Metallic tube work,
Flexible duct work.
Installation of low-voltage distribution lines
If low-voltage distribution lines are to be installed above a bridge or the like, the following shall
be adhered to in installing the same and the height thereof shall be 5 m or more above the
bridge road surface.
An insulated conductor 3.0 kN or more in tensile strength shall be used for the electrical
This shall be supported on cross arms firmly attached to building by using insulators of high
insulating, nonflammable and water-proof capabilities.
In this case, the clearance from an electrical conductor to the building parts shall be 30 cm or
Installation of medium-voltage distribution lines
If medium-voltage power distribution lines are to be installed over a bridge or the like, the
following shall be adhered to in installing the same and the height thereof shall be 5.0 m or more
above the bridge road surface.
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Cable shall be used for the electrical conductor.
The cable shall be put in a strong duct or trough for installation.
Earthing work Type A (*1) of Article 57-2 shall be done to the metallic part of the duct or
other protective device in which the cable is laid down, the metallic wire connecting box,
and the metallic body used for the cable sheath.
Where an anticorrosive measure is taken to these metallic objects or the resistance to earth
between these metallic objects and the ground is 10  or less (*2), earthing work Type A or Type
D of Article 57-2 is not required to be done.
If they are installed so that there is no danger of a person touching it, earthing work Type
D shall be done to the metallic body.
If they are installed so that there is no danger of a person touching it, the resistance to
earth shall be 100  or less.
If they are installed on a side face or bottom face of a bridge or the like, the following shall be
adhered to.
Cable shall be used for the electrical conductor.
The cable shall be put in a strong duct or trough or installed in such a manner that there
is no fear of a person touching it.
The cable supporting clearance shall be 2 m or less, and the cable shall be attached to
the supports so as not to damage the cable covering.
If the cable is to be suspended from a messenger wire for installation, the cable shall be
installed so that it will not touch the building on which the distribution conductor is laid
Earthing work Type A (*3) of Article 57-2 shall be given to the metallic part of the duct or
other protective device in which the cable is laid down, the metallic wire connecting box,
and the metallic body used for the cable covering.
Where an anticorrosive measure is taken to these metallic objects or the resistance to earth
between these metallic objects and the ground is 10  or less (*4), earthing work Type A or Type
D of Article 57-2 is not required to be done.
If they are installed so that there is no danger of a person touching it, the metallic body
shall be given earthing work Type D of Article 57-2.
If they are installed so that there is no danger of a person touching it, the resistance to
earth shall be 100  or less.
Clearance to other facilities
The clearance from the electrical conductors of a distribution line installed on a bridge or the like
to another facility shall be equal to or greater than the value shown in Table 165-2.
If it is installed with a strong fire-proof bulkhead installed in between, or the electrical conductors
are laid down in a strong fire-proof duct or installation, a less value than that shown in Table
165-2 may be allowed.
Table 165-2 Clearance from distribution line installed on a bridge
or the like to another facility
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Low-voltage distribution conductors, telecommunication
conductors, water supply pipelines, gas pipelines or other
similar objects installed on the same building
15 cm
Other cases (excluding another
medium-voltage distribution line
installed on the same building)
30 cm
User’s Sites Electrical Installations
3-7-1 Indoor Installations
Article 166
Restriction of Indoor Lines Voltage
The line-to-earth voltage of an electric facility in a dwelling house shall be 300 V or less
according to the safety measures mentioned in the following items:
In the case of TT earthing type, Earthing work Type D of Article 57-2 shall be given to any
single-phase low-voltage equipment irrespective of the user’s site.
The indoor wiring shall contain protective earthing conductors beforehand to ensure the earthing
of electric equipment.
A receptacle and plug with an earthing electrode shall be employed to make sure of earthing
conductor connection between the receptacle and equipment’s plug. The receptacle and plug
shall be of such shapes so as to prevent electric shock due to exposed live parts.
Article 167
Restriction of Bare Conductors
Bare conductor shall not be used for a low-voltage conductor to be installed indoors.
However, this shall not apply if one of the following paragraphs is complied with.
If an electrical conductor named in the following items is used in an open place with insulator
work according to Article 177.
Electrical conductor for use with electric furnaces
Electrical conductor to be installed in a place where the covering insulator of electrical conductor
will corrode
Electrical conductor to be installed in a place prepared to block out any person other than the
If installed by bus duct work according to Article 177
If installed by lighting duct work according to Article 177
Article 168
Electrical Conductors Used for Indoor Wirings
The low-voltage indoor wiring shall be annealed copper wire 1.6 mm in diameter or
other wire equal or superior thereto in its strength and thickness.
The above-stated thickness need not be adhered to if the operation voltage of the indoor wiring
is 300 V or less and one of the following paragraphs is complied with.
Annealed copper wire 1.2 mm or more in diameter may be used for the wiring to neon lights,
attendance indicator lamps or other similar devices or circuits. The same shall apply to the
case where the wire is installed by synthetic resin tube work, metallic tube work, metallic
raceway work, metallic duct work, floor duct work or cellular duct work.
Cable 0.75 mm2 or more in sectional area may be used for the wiring to neon lights, attendance
indicator lamps or other similar devices or control circuits. The same shall apply to the case
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where a safety device is installed to automatically interrupt an overcurrent from the circuit if such
Cord (*1) 0.75 mm2 or over in sectional area may be used for the wiring to show windows or
The term “cord” is referred to as a mobile electrical conductor to connect small electric
Article 169
Switching Devices at the Indoor Main Lines
A switching device shall be installed on the low-voltage indoor circuit in a place near the
service entrance and it shall be easy to open and close it.
The above-stated switching device may be omitted on the following electrical circuit:
If the electrical circuit is an indoor circuit with an operation voltage of 300 V or less receiving
electricity from a circuit 15 m or less in length that connects to another indoor circuit (*1).
Article 170
“Another indoor circuit” refers only to a circuit that can be protected by an overcurrent
circuit breaker with a rated current of 15 A or less or a distributing circuit breaker greater
than 15 A up to 20 A.
Indoor Wiring Utensils
For the indoor electrical circuits to be installed in an ordinary home or factory, indoor
wiring utensils attached to them shall be installed according to the following paragraphs:
The live parts shall not be exposed.
The above shall not apply to a place prepared to block out any person other than the operator.
Low-voltage non-covered fuses shall be installed inside a box made of nonflammable material or
a box lined with nonflammable material on all inner faces.
If they are installed in a humid or moist place, a dehumidifying device shall be installed.
If the wiring utensil is to be connected to an electrical conductor, the same shall be connected
fast and electrically safely by screw fastening or the like. In addition, no tension shall act on the
connection point.
Article 171
Indoor Electrical Equipment and Appliances
The term “indoor electrical equipment and appliances” refers to low-voltage
incandescent lamps, discharge lamps, and household and business electric appliances installed
indoors. These shall be installed according to the following paragraphs:
Incandescent or discharge lamps or household appliances shall be installed so that no live part
is exposed.
Low-voltage business electrical appliances shall be installed so that the live parts are not
The above shall, however, not apply to electric furnaces, electric welders, electric motors and
other appliances that are used with some live part inevitably exposed and the case where these
are installed in a place made inaccessible for any person other than the operator.
A household or business electric appliance with live parts accessible to persons shall not
installed indoors.
If the indoor electric appliance is to be connected to an electrical conductor, the same shall be
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connected fast and electrically perfectly by means of screw fastening or the like. In addition, no
tension shall act on the connection point.
Article 172
Prevention of Obstacles Caused by High Frequency Current
If the electric appliance has the possibility of generating radio waves or radio frequency
currents that will continuously and seriously interfere with the function of radio, television or
other wireless devices, it shall be installed according to the following paragraphs to prevent such
For fluorescent lamps, a capacitor 0.006 F or more and 0.5 F or less (*1) in capacitance shall
be provided in an appropriate place.
If a fluorescent lamp is of the preheat start type and is connected in shunt with a glow
lamp, the capacitance shall be 0.006 F or more and 0.01 F or less.
For a small AC series motor with an operation voltage in the low-voltage range and a rated
output of 1 kW or less, one of the following shall be adhered to:
Capacitors 0.1 F and 0.003 F in capacitance shall be inserted respectively between motor
terminals and between each motor terminal and the metallic case of the electric appliance using
such small AC series motor or the frame of the small AC series motor or ground.
For an electric appliance containing a small AC series motor in such components that the frame
of the motor is insulated from the appliance’s metallic case, steel stand and other accessible
metallic parts, capacitors 0.1 F and capacitors more than 0.003 F in capacitance shall be
inserted respectively between motor terminals and between each motor terminal and the motor
frame or ground.
A capacitor 0.1 F in capacitance shall be inserted between each terminal and ground.
Capacitors 0.1 F and capacitors 0.003 F in capacitance shall be inserted respectively
between electrical conductors that are connected to an electric appliance at a place close to that
appliance and between each electrical conductor and the metallic case of the appliance or
For a small AC series motor with an operation voltage in the low-voltage range and a rated
output of 1 kW or less used for electric drills, a non-inductive capacitor 0.1 F in capacitance
shall be inserted between motor terminals and a through-type capacitor with a capacitance of
0.003 F and sufficient shunting effect shall be inserted between each motor terminal and
For a neon lamp flasher, an appropriate device shall be installed between power terminals and
at a place close to each contact to prevent a radio-frequency current from occurring in the
electrical circuit connected to the neon lamp flasher.
Article 173
Over current Circuit Breakers for Electric Motors
For an electric motor to be installed indoors with a rated output exceeding 0.2 kW, an
appropriate device shall be installed to automatically block out, or alert the operator of an over
current that may burn out the motor.
This device is not required to be installed if one of the following paragraph is complied with.
If the motor is installed at such a position where the operator can normally monitor it while it is in
If there is no danger of such an over current that may burn out the motor occurring in the motor
winding, because of the structure or load Properties of the motor.
If the electric motor is of the single-phase type and the rated current of an overcurrent circuit
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breaker to be installed on its power supply side is 15 A or less (*1).
Article 174
The rated current shall be 20 A or less for distributing circuit breakers.
Installation of Mains for Electrical Circuits
In installing the low-voltage indoor mains from the service entrance switch or the
switchboard in the receiving room to the branching point of a branch circuit, the following
paragraphs shall be complied with:
Installation of main conductors
The mains shall be installed in a place free of danger of damage and an electrical conductor with
an allowable current equal to or greater than the value given below shall be used for the mains.
However, if the demand factor, load factor and the like are already known, an alternative
electrical conductor with an allowable current equal to or greater than the value given below
appropriately modified based on these factors may be used.
If the load on electric motors and the like is 50% or less:
If the total of rated current of the electric motors and the like (*1) is not greater than the total of
rated current of other household appliances, the allowable current shall be the total sum of rated
current of the household appliances supplied from the mains.
“Electric motors and the like” includes electric motors and similar household appliances
that require a large starting current.
If the load on electric motors and the like exceeds 50%:
The allowable current shall be the total of rated current of other household appliances to which
the following value is added:
If the total of rated current of the motors and the like is 50 A or less, the allowable
current shall be the value 1.25 times that total of rated current.
If the total of rated current of the motors and the like exceeds 50 A, the allowable current
shall be the value 1.1 times that total of rated current.
Installation of over current circuit breakers
On the power supply side of the mains, an over current circuit breaker to protect such mains
shall be installed on each pole except the neutral wire according to the following items:
If motors and the like are not connected to the over current circuit breakers:
If motors and the like are connected to the over current circuit breakers:
An over current circuit breaker having a rated current equal to or less than the value 3 times the
total of rated current of the motors and the like to which the total of rated current of other
household appliances is added shall be installed.
However, it shall not exceed 2.5 times the allowable current of the mains.
Exceptions to installation of over current circuit breakers
Installation of an over current circuit breaker may be omitted in the following cases:
The case where the allowable current of the mains is 55% or more (*2) of the rated
current of an over current circuit breaker that protects other mains connected to the
power supply side of the mains concerned
(*2) If the length of such mains is 8 m or less, the rated current shall be 35% or more.
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Article 175
The case of which length of mains is 3 m or less and to which no other mains are
connected on the load side
Installation of Branch Circuits
A low-voltage indoor circuit branching off from low-voltage indoor mains and reaching
household electric appliance shall be installed according to the following paragraphs:
Installation of switching devices and over current circuit breakers
For a branch circuit, a switching device and over current circuit breaker shall be installed on
each pole (*1) at a place within 3 m from the branching point on the mains.
If the allowable current of the electrical conductor from the branching point to the switching
device and over current circuit breaker is 55% or more (*2) of the rated current of the over
current circuit breaker that protects the mains connecting to that electrical conductor, the
switching device and over current circuit breaker may be installed at a place beyond 3 m from
the branching point.
For the over current circuit breaker, the neutral pole is to be excluded.
If the length of electrical conductor from the branching point to the switching device and
over current circuit breaker is 8 m or less, it shall be 35% or more.
Installation of branch circuits
The branch circuits are divided into the following 3 classes according to the load types
connected to them.
Branch circuit supplying electricity to lamp load equipment with a rated current exceeding 50 A
A branch circuit supplying electricity to one household electric appliance, other than a motor,
with a rated current exceeding 50 A shall be installed as follows:
No other load than this household electric appliance shall be connected to this branch
The rated current of the over current circuit breaker shall not exceed the value 1.3 times
the rated current of that household electric appliance (*3).
If that value does not fit any standard rating of over current circuit breakers, employ the
nearest larger rating.
The allowable current of the electrical conductor shall be equal to or greater than the
rated current of that household electric appliance and the over current circuit breaker
according to b. above.
Branch circuit supplying electricity to an electric motor alone
A branch circuit supplying electricity to an electric motor alone shall be installed as follows:
The rated current of the over current circuit breaker shall be 2.5 times the allowable
current of the electrical conductor connecting to that over current circuit breaker (*4).
If the rated current of that electrical conductor exceeds 100 A and the said rated current
value does not fit any standard rating of over current circuit breakers, employ the
nearest rating larger than that value.
For each portion of the low-voltage indoor wiring, the allowable value of the electrical
conductor of that portion shall be equal to or greater than the value 1.25 times (*5) the
total of rated current of the electric motors supplied from that portion of the low-voltage
indoor wiring.
If the total of the rated current of the electric motors concerned exceeds 50 A, the
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allowable current shall be equal to or greater than 1.1 times that current.
Other branch circuits
For branch circuits other than those described in Items (1) and (2) above, the capacity of the
electrical conductor, receptacle, screw connector and socket connected to such branch circuit
shall be as shown in Table 175-1 according to the magnitude of the rated current of the over
current circuit breaker that protects the branch circuit.
As to thickness of electrical conductor, annealed copper wire of the thickness shown in Table
175-1 or other wire of equal or larger rated current shall be used.
Table 175-1 Installation of branch circuits
Type of low-voltage
indoor circuit
Circuit protected by an
over current circuit breaker
with a rated current of 15 A
or less
Circuit protected by an
over current circuit breaker
with a rated current of
greater than 15 A and 20 A
or less
Thickness of electrical
conductor in the portion
(limited to 3 m or less)
from a screw connector,
socket or receptacle to
its branching point
Thickness of
indoor wiring
1.6 mm
Screw connector or
socket to which to
with a rated
current of 15 A
or less
Socket of the screw
type with a nominal
diameter of 39 mm
or less, or a socket
other than the
screw type, or
screw connector
with a nominal
diameter of 39 mm
or less
Socket for halogen
lamps, or a socket
for incandescent
lamps other than
halogen lamps or
for mercury lamps,
with a nominal
diameter of 39 mm,
or a screw
connector with a
nominal diameter of
39 mm
with a rated
current of 20 A
or less
Circuit protected by an
over current circuit breaker
(excluding a distributing
circuit breaker) with a
rated current of greater
than 15 A and 20 A or less
2 mm
Circuit protected by an
over current circuit breaker
with a rated current of
greater than 20 A and 30 A
or less
2.6 mm
Circuit protected by an
over current circuit breaker
with a rated current of
greater than 30 A and 40 A
or less
area 8 mm2
Diameter 2 mm
Circuit protected by an
over current circuit breaker
with a rated current of
greater than 40 A and 50 A
or less
area 14 mm2
Diameter 2 mm
Article 176
Receptacle to
which to
Diameter 1.6 mm
Excluding a
receptacle to
which a plug
with a rated
current of less
than 20 A can
be connected
with a rated
current of 20 A
or over and 30
A or less
with a rated
current of
greater than
30 A and 40 A
or less
with a rated
current of
greater than
40 A and 50 A
or less
Allowable Current of Indoor Wirings
The allowable current of PVC-insulated conductor and XLPE-insulated conductor used
for low-voltage indoor wiring shall conform to the following paragraphs:
Allowable current and current reduction factor of insulated conductor
The allowable current of the conductors given in Table 176-1 is the value in this table multiplied
by the allowable current correction factor (a) for ambient temperatures of 30C or less or by the
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current reduction factor calculated by the formula (b) ( denotes ambient temperature) of current
reduction factor for ambient temperatures exceeding 30C according to the insulator materials
given in Table 176-2.
Table 176-1 Allowable current of indoor wiring
Allowable current (A)
Single wire
(diameter, mm)
Twisted conductor
(nominal sectional area, mm2)
1.0 or more and less than 1.2
1.2 or more and less than 1.6
1.6 or more and less than 2.0
2.0 or more and less than 2.6
2.6 or more and less than 3.2
3.2 or more and less than 4.0
4.0 or more and less than 5.0
0.9 or more and less than 1.25
1.25 or more and less than 2
2 or more and less than 3.5
3.5 or more and less than 5.5
5.5 or more and less than 8
8 or more and less than 14
14 or more and less than 22
22 or more and less than 30
30 or more and less than 38
38 or more and less than 50
50 or more and less than 60
60 or more and less than 80
80 or more and less than 100
100 or more and less than 125
125 or more and less than 150
150 or more and less than 200
200 or more and less than 250
250 or more and less than 325
325 or more and less than 400
400 or more and less than 500
500 or more and less than 600
600 or more and less than 800
800 or more and less than
Annealed or
copper wire
alloy wire
Table 176-2 Current reduction factor
Insulator material
Allowable current
correction factor (a)
Formula (b) of current
reduction factor
PVC (excluding heat-resistant polymers)
60  
XLPE (limited to cross-linked polymers)
90  
Allowable current when put in a conduit
If the insulated conductors in Paragraph 1 are placed in a synthetic resin raceway, synthetic
resin tube, metallic raceway, metallic tube or flexible conduit for use, the allowable current of that
conductor shall be the allowable current prescribed in Paragraph 1 multiplied by the current
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reduction factor (c) in Table 176-3.
Table 176-3 Current reduction factor when put in conduit
Number of electrical conductors
in one conduit
3 or less
5 or 6
7 or over and 15 or less
16 or over and 40 or less
41 or over and 60 or less
61 or over
Article 177
Current reduction factor (c)
Indoor Wiring Works
Work methods and their applications
The work methods of low-voltage indoor wiring include the 13 types given in the following items,
i.e., synthetic resin tube work, metallic tube work, flexible conduit work, cable work, insulator
work, synthetic resin raceway work, metallic raceway work, metallic duct work, bus duct work,
floor duct work, cellular duct work, lighting duct work and flat protective layer work, and they
shall be applied according to the division of places of installation and operation voltages as
shown in Table 177-1.
Table 177-1 Application of low-voltage indoor wiring work
Operation voltage
Place of
Kind of work
Synthetic resin tube
Metallic tube work
300 V or less
Greater than 300 V
Open place
Open place
Other Dry
Other Dry Other Dry
Other Dry
Other Dry Other
place places place places place places place places place places place places
Flexible conduit
Cable work
Insulator work
Synthetic resin
raceway work
Metallic raceway
Metallic duct work
Bus duct work
Floor duct work
Cellular duct work
Lighting duct work
Flat protective layer
The mark ○ : indicates a place where the work concerned can be executed.
Synthetic resin tube work
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Synthetic resin tube work is executed by drawing the insulated conductor into a synthetic resin
tube that mainly uses hard vinyl conduit or flexible synthetic resin conduit. It is less expensive
and easier in execution than the execution of metallic tube work, and good at insulating
properties and excellent in chemical resistance. It is, however, weaker to mechanical impact
and heat than metallic tubes. Therefore, the said work shall be executed in such a manner so
that the pressure of heavy objects or severe mechanical impact can be avoided.
Metallic tube work
Metallic tube work is executed by drawing the insulated conductor into a steel conduit. This
work method is strong against the mechanical impact and, widely used for installation of
low-voltage wiring in an office building or factory.
Flexible conduit work
Flexible conduit work is executed by drawing the insulated conductor into a flexible conduit.
This work method may be employed for the connection of wiring to vibrating equipment or the
joints between structures or other points or places where some positional slippage is
foreseeable, or where complex bent may exist.
Cable work
This work uses PVC cable or polyethylene cable for the electrical conductor. This cable can be
directly attached to a building and can be used for wiring in a limited installation space.
Insulator work
This insulator work is executed by supporting the electrical conductor with insulators. This work
method is economical and relatively easy to execute. It can be used for wiring in a place where
an ample installation space can be secured.
Synthetic resin raceway work
A kind of exposed wiring is employed where
prefabricated building. In executing interior
synthetic resin raceway is often attached to
baseboard, and insulated conductor can be
raceway lid.
buried wiring is difficult, such as, in a concrete
finishing of a dwelling house, for example, a
the ceiling molding, ceiling cross members or
put in the raceway afterward by removing the
Metallic raceway work
Wiring is installed by laying insulated conductor in a metallic raceway. This work method can
be used for indoor wiring where little importance is put on the aesthetics or at the drop section of
a switch or receptacle when the switch or receptacle position is changed due to a design change
in concrete building.
Metallic duct work
This metallic duct work is executed by laying many electrical conductors in a bundle in a duct
made of iron plate. This work method is more economical and gives a better appearance than
that of metallic tube work. Additions and changes to the wiring are relatively easy. Therefore,
it can be used for wiring in and around the power receiving and transformer room of a factory or
office building.
Bus duct work
A bus duct is a wiring material consisting of a conductor strip laid in a metallic duct called a
housing (also called an enclosure) and has the following features:
Capacity of electrical conductor can be large.
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Highly reliable because the supporting insulator hardly deteriorates.
Easy to maintain because of simple wiring.
Easy to execute.
It can be used for the large-capacity mains in a factory or the like.
Floor duct work
Wiring is made by embedding a metallic duct with a wiring take-off in a dry concrete floor of an
office building or the like. For any equipment placement in a large room, a power line or signal
line can be taken out from the floor surface near the equipment for connection.
It can be used in the case where many persons are using telephones or business machines on
desks, where the type and layout of equipment are not determined at the time of construction,
and where equipment is added or the room is rearranged frequently.
Cellular duct work
Corrugated deck plates are generally used as a form of floor concrete or floor members of a
large steel building. In this method, the corrugation furrows are closed and used as cellular
ducts. It can be used in combination with metallic duct, floor duct or metallic tube work.
Lighting duct work
Conductors are laid down in the duct, and appliance attachment plugs are installed at arbitrary
positions in the duct. Lighting appliances and other small appliances are attached to these.
Because the appliance attachments can be arbitrarily shifted, this method can be used in a shop
or department store where rearrangement takes place frequently, an office building where
change of room partitioning is frequent, or in a factory where small appliances are used in a
large number.
Flat protective layer work
An electrical conductor made of a flat conductor and synthetic resin insulator and covered with a
flat protective layer can be used on the floor surface of an office building or the like.
It shall not be installed in a dwelling house, lodging rooms of an inn or the like, class rooms of a
kindergarten or elementary or junior high school, sickrooms of a hospital or the like, or at a floor
surface fitted with a heating element for floor heating.
Execution methods of various types of work
The execution methods of the various types of work in Paragraph 1 shall conform to Table
Table 177-2 Electrical conductors, earthing work and installation methods of
low-voltage indoor wiring
Kind of
resin tube
tube work
Insulated and
stranded wire
(excluding the
case of 3.2 mm or
Insulated and
stranded wire
(excluding the
case of 3.2 mm or
Earthing work
Earthing work Type D
shall be applied to tubes
for 300 V or less and
Type C for more than 300
V (*2)
Installation method
Connection of electrical conductors is not allowed
in the tube
Tube supporting clearance shall be 1.5 m or less
Connection of electrical conductors is not allowed
in the tube
Tube and accessories shall be made of brass or
Tube wall thickness shall be 1.2 mm or over for
embedment in concrete and 1 mm or over for
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Insulated and
stranded wire
(excluding the
case of 3.2 mm or
Earthing work Type D
shall be applied to tubes
for 300 V or less and
Type C for more than 300
V (*2)
Earthing work Type D
shall be applied to the
metallic parts of
protective devices that
accommodate electrical
conductors for 300 V or
less, and Type C for more
than 300 V.
conductor) (*1)
duct work
Bus duct
Bus duct
Floor duct
Insulated and
stranded wire
(excluding the
case of 3.2 mm or
duct work
Insulated and
stranded wire
(excluding the
case of 3.2 mm or
Lighting duct
duct work
Connection of electrical conductors is not allowed
in the tube
Tube and accessories shall be made of metal
Wire supporting clearance shall be 2 m or less (if
laid down along the bottom or side of a building
part) and 6 m or less (if laid down vertically in an
inaccessible place)
Provide an appropriate protective device for
electrical conductor installed in a place subject to
the pressure of heavy objects or severe
mechanical impact.
Exclude easy access for 300 V or less.
Exclude access for more than 300 V.
Clearance of electrical conductors is 6 cm or over
Clearance from electrical conductor to building
part shall be 2.5 cm or over for 300 V or less and
4.5 cm or over for more than 300 V (2.5 cm or
over in a dry place).
Supporting clearance shall be 2 m or less (for wire
laid down along the top or a side of a building
6 m or less, however, for voltages
exceeding 300 V and electrical conductor laid
down otherwise.
Connection of electrical conductors is not allowed
in the raceway
Earthing work Type D
shall be applied to the
Connection of electrical conductors is not allowed
in the tube
Tube and accessories shall be made of brass or
Earthing work Type D
shall be applied to ducts
for 300 V or less and
Type C for more than 300
Connection of electrical conductors is not allowed
in the duct
The sum of the sectional area of wires laid down
in a duct shall be 20% or less of the inner
sectional area of the duct
Duct shall be more than 5 cm in width and 1.2 mm
or over in wall thickness made of iron plate
galvanized or coated with enamel or the like
Duct supporting clearance shall be 3 m or less
Duct supporting clearance shall be 3 m or less if
attached to a building part
In a humid place, use a duct for outdoor use and
see that no water collects inside.
Earthing work Type D
shall be applied to ducts
for 300 V or less and
Type C for more than 300
V (*2).
Earthing work Type D
shall be applied to the
Earthing work Type D
shall be applied to the
Earthing work Type D
shall be applied to the
duct (excluding ducts 4 m
Connection of electrical conductors is not allowed
in the duct (wire branching is excluded if that
branch is easily accessible.)
Duct shall be 2 mm or over in wall thickness made
of steel plate galvanized or coated with enamel or
the like
Connection of electrical conductors is not allowed
in the duct (wire branching is excluded if that
branch is easily accessible.)
Duct supporting clearance shall be 2 m or less
Do not install a duct through a building part.
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layer work
or less in length).
Earthing work Type D
shall be applied to the
upper protective layer,
upper installed protective
layer, joint box, and
metallic case of an
insertion connector.
Used on a branch circuit protected by an
overcurrent circuit breaker of 30 A or less
Line-to-earth voltage of the circuit shall be 300 V
or less
Install a leakage circuit breaker on the power
supply circuit.
Use bare conductor if Article 167-1-(1), (2) or (3) is complied with.
Apply earthing work Type D of Article 57-2 if 300 V is exceeded and there is no danger of a
person’s touching the duct.
Article 178
c resin insulated
Indoor Wirings for Adjacency and Crossing
Insulator work
If low-voltage indoor wiring is to be installed by insulator work, the clearance from the
low-voltage indoor wiring to a telecommunication conductor, water supply pipe, gas pipe or other
similar object shall be 10 cm or more (*1).
If the conductor is bare wire, the clearance shall be 30 cm or more.
Work other than insulator work
If low-voltage indoor wiring is to be installed by synthetic resin raceway work, synthetic resin
tube work, metallic tube work, metallic raceway work, flexible conduit work, metallic duct work,
bus duct work, floor duct work, cellular duct work, lighting duct work, flat protective layer work or
cable work, it shall be installed in such a manner so as not to contact a telecommunication
conductor, water supply pipe, gas pipe or other similar object.
Conditions where low-voltage indoor wiring and a telecommunication conductor may be laid
down in the same tube, box or the like
It is prohibited that low-voltage indoor wiring is installed together with a telecommunication
conductor, as it is quite likely that there is a danger of erroneous contact. As an exception,
however, such installation is allowed if the necessary safety measures mentioned below are
If the low-voltage indoor wiring is to be installed by synthetic resin work, metallic tube work,
metallic raceway work or flexible conduit work with its electrical conductor laid down in a
separate tube or raceway from the telecommunication conductor, the installation shall take place
by placing a strong bulkhead between the electrical conductor and telecommunication conductor
and laying down the electrical conductors and telecommunication conductor in a duct or box
whose metallic part is given earthing work Type C of Article 57-2.
If the low-voltage indoor wiring is to be installed by metallic duct work, floor duct work or cellular
duct work, the same shall be installed by placing a strong bulkhead between the electrical
conductors and telecommunication conductor and by laying down the electrical conductors and
telecommunication conductor in a duct or box whose metallic part is given in the earthing work
Type C of Article 57-2.
If the low-voltage indoor wiring is to be installed by a work method other than bus duct work,
such a telecommunication conductor for a control circuit or the like and a telecommunication
conductor equal or superior to the insulated conductor in its insulating effect shall be used for
the telecommunication conductor.
Article 179
Indoor Installations for Electric Lamps
An electric lamp wire (*1) with an operation voltage of 300 V or less installed indoors shall be a
cord other than a vinyl-insulated cord and its sectional area shall be 0.75 mm2 or more.
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However, for electric lamp wires installed so as to exclude the danger of a person touching them
and at a height of 1.8 m or more, PVC-insulated conductor may be used if the wires attached to
the lamp base have a wire spacing of 10 mm or more at the lead portion and use annealed
copper wire with a sectional area of 0.75 mm2 or more.
“Electric lamp wire” refers to an electrical conductor used for supplying electricity to an
incandescent lamp suspended by it from a ceiling or the like at a user’s site and not
fixed on a building.
For the connection of a low-voltage electric lamp wire with an operation voltage of 300 V or less
installed indoors to the indoor wiring, the weight of the electric lamp or other devices shall not be
borne by the indoor wiring at the connection point.
No electric lamp wire with an operation voltage exceeding 300 V shall be installed indoors.
Article 180
Mobile Electrical Wirings
Low-voltage mobile electric wires shall be those described in the following paragraphs:
General case:
For a mobile electrical conductor with an operation voltage of 300 V or less installed indoors, a
cord other than a vinyl-insulated cord and with a cross-sectional area of 0.75 mm2 or more shall
be used.
If a vinyl-insulated cord is to be used:
For a mobile electrical conductor with an operation voltage of 300 V or less attached to an
electric heater (*1) or mobile flasher, a vinyl-insulated cord with a sectional area of 0.75 mm2 or
more may be used.
“Electric heater” includes discharge lamps, electric fans, desk lamps and other
electricity-consuming devices directly connected to a supply circuit, not through an
insertion connector even if these do not use electric energy for heat as well as electric
foot warmers and other devices having such a structure that the hot part is not exposed
and there is no danger of an electrical conductor touching the hot part.
If a tinsel cord is to be used:
A tinsel cord (*2) has an allowable current of only about 0.5 A. It is not desirable for safety
reasons to use such cord, as it will not be always protected without fail by the over current circuit
breaker on the branch circuit.
However, for electric shavers, electric hair clippers or other similar light and small household
electric devices that are used with quick movement, an ordinary cord does not have sufficient
flexibility and suffers broken strands frequently. Therefore, use of a tinsel cord of high flexibility
is required.
A tinsel cord 2.5 m or less in length may be used for the mobile electrical conductor attached to
an electric shaver, electric hair clippers or other similar light and small household electric
devices only if these are used in a dry place.
“Tinsel cord” refers to a highly flexible cord of 18 copper wires with a sectional area of
0.074 mm2 or less and 0.009 mm2 or more, each wound on a twined thread at a uniform
rate of 16 turns per 10 mm, and then stranded into the core of the cord.
Connection of mobile electrical conductors
Connection to wiring
For the connection of a mobile electrical conductor to low-voltage indoor wiring, an insertion
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connector or other similar device shall be used.
Connection to electricity-consuming device
For the connection of a mobile electrical conductor to an electricity-consuming device, an
insertion connector or other similar device shall be used. However, these devices need not be
used if the cord is fixed by screws to terminal hardware installed so as to exclude the danger of
a person touching it easily.
Connection to earthing conductor
If an earthing conductor is to be laid down to the metallic case of an electricity-consuming device
connected to a low-voltage mobile electrical conductor laid down indoors, one of the core
conductors of that mobile electrical conductor may be used for the earthing conductor. For the
connection of that core conductor to the earthing conductor fixed to the case of the
electricity-consuming device and a building part, one pole of the insertion connector or other
similar device used for the connection of the mobile electrical conductor to the
electricity-consuming device or indoor, exterior wall or indoor wiring shall be used.
However, if the mobile electrical conductor is connected by screws to the electricity-consuming
device, this provision is not necessarily adhered to for the connection to the
electricity-consuming device.
This insertion connector or other similar device shall have such a structure that the pole
connected to the earthing conductor can be definitely distinguished from the other pole.
3-7-2 Outdoor Installations
Article 181
Outdoor Installations
Installation of hanger wires for outdoor lamps
For a hanger wire of an outdoor incandescent lamp, an insulated conductor equal or superior in
strength and thickness to an annealed copper wire 1.6 mm in diameter shall be used for the
electrical conductor in the section up to a height of less than 2.5 m above the ground surface,
and shall be installed so as to prevent the contact of persons or wire damage if it is installed in a
place where there is a fear of a person touching it easily.
This shall not apply if it is installed by cable work according to Article 177.
Installation of exterior wall or outdoor wiring
Work methods and their applications
The work methods for outdoor or exterior wall wiring include the following 6 types: synthetic
resin tube work, metallic tube work, flexible conduit work, cable work, insulator work and bus
duct work according to Article 177. These shall be applied in conformity with Table 181-1
according to the division of installed places and operation voltages.
Table 181-1 Applications of low-voltage outdoor and exterior wall wiring work
Operation voltage
300 V or less
More than 300 V
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Kind of Work
Synthetic resin tube work
Metallic tube work
Flexible conduit work
Cable work
Insulator work
Bus duct work
The mark ○ indicates a place where the work concerned can be executed.
Execution methods of the various types of work
For the execution method of work, Article 177-2 shall apply with necessary modifications. For
the duct of bus duct work, a bus duct for outdoor use shall be used and no water shall permeate
inside. Any equipment and/or facilities of which operation voltage exceeds 300 V shall be
installed in such a manner so as to allow nobody to easily enter or touch the buildings other than
a wooden building.
Installation of switching devices and over current circuit breakers
Switching devices and over current circuit breakers of low-voltage outdoor or exterior wall wiring
shall not serve as those for indoor circuits. However, if the length of the wiring concerned is 8
m or less from the branch of the indoor circuit and the rated current of the over current circuit
breaker for the indoor circuit is 15 A or less (*1), they may serve for both.
For a distributing circuit breaker, the rated current shall be 20 A or less.
Installation of electric lamp wires installed on exterior walls or outdoors
An electric lamp wire installed on an exterior wall or outdoors shall be installed according to
Article 179.
Installation of mobile electrical conductors installed on exterior walls or outdoors
A mobile electrical conductor installed on an exterior wall or outdoors shall be installed according
to Article 180. If a mobile electrical conductor is connected to an exterior wall or outdoor wiring,
an insertion connector shall be used.
Installation of wiring devices or the like to be installed on exterior walls or outdoors
Wiring devices and electrical equipment and devices to be installed outdoors shall be installed
according to the following items:
For wiring devices and wiring within an electrical equipment and device, parts where there is a
fear of a person touching it or a danger of such part being damaged shall be installed by metallic
tube work or cable work (*1) according to Article 177.
Limited to cable work by which the electrical conductor is laid down in a metallic tube or
other protective device
For wiring devices, switching devices, connectors, flashers and other devices installed in an
electrical equipment and device, a strong protective device shall be provided if there is a
danger of these devices being damaged.
3-7-3 Special Installations
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Article 182
Traffic Signals
The electrical circuit from the control device of a traffic sign or the like to be installed at an
intersection or the like to the electric lamp of the traffic sign or the like shall be installed
according to the following paragraphs:
The wiring to a traffic sign lamp shall be installed according to the following items:
The electrical conductor shall be of a PVC-insulated conductor equal or superior in strength and
thickness to an annealed copper wire 1.6 mm in diameter unless it is cable.
If the electrical conductor is a PVC-insulated conductor, it shall be suspended from a metallic
wire with a tensile strength of 5 kN or two or more stranded iron wires of 4 mm in diameter or
For the metallic wire of Item (2) for electrical conductor suspension, an insulator shall be
inserted at or near the supporting structures.
The hanger wire of a traffic sign lamp shall be installed according to the following items:
The height of the electrical conductor shall be 2.5 m or more above the ground surface.
If the electrical conductor is to be installed by insulator work, the electrical conductor shall be
bundled at appropriate intervals.
On the power supply side of the control device of a traffic signal lamp, a dedicated switching
device and over current circuit breaker shall be installed on each pole.
To the metallic case of the control device of a traffic signal lamp, earthing work Type D of Article
57-2 shall be applied.
If the wiring of a traffic signal lamp circuit approaches or crosses a facility other than a building,
road, pedestrian overpass, railroad, overhead telecommunication conductor, antenna or
overhead electrical conductor, the clearance from the wiring of the traffic signal lamp circuit to
such object shall be 60 cm or more (*1).
Article 183
If the wiring of the traffic sign lamp is a cable, the clearance shall be 30 cm or more.
Public Streetlamps
If an incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp, mercury lamp or the like with a line-to-earth voltage
of 300 V or less is to be installed on a supporting structure of a power distribution line, it shall be
installed according to the following paragraphs:
Approval for installation of a public streetlamp
If a public streetlamp is to be installed on a supporting structure owned by a power utility
company, approval shall be obtained from the owner.
Lighting apparatus of public streetlamps
The apparatus shall not be fitted with accessories for a shop’s signboard or ornamental
The apparatus shall be strong and durable and shall be attached to a pole firmly.
The apparatus in its installed state shall incur no troubles even if subjected to slanted rainfall up
to 45 degrees from the vertical direction.
The apparatus shall have a structure that allows for easy replacement of the bulbs and the like.
The lead wire of the apparatus shall have a conductor with a sectional area of 0.75 mm2 or over.
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The apparatus attaching band and attaching accessory hardware shall be made of steel plate
given an anticorrosive treatment of galvanizing or stainless steel, which allows for easy
attachment and detachment.
The weight shall be 100 kg or less including the accessories.
Installation of apparatus
The attaching height of the apparatus shall be 4.5 m or over from the ground surface to the
apparatus bottom. However, it shall be 3.0 m or over above the ground surface if this height
does not hinder traffic.
For an incandescent or fluorescent lamp, the horizontal jutting distance shall be within 1 m from
the point of attachment of the apparatus to the pole.
Installation of lamp lighters
Automatic lamp lighters of the photoelectric type not built in the apparatus shall be installed at a
place where it is not influenced by ambient light.
Manual lamp lighters shall have a structure that prevents permeation of rainwater or the like
according to the installed place and shall be installed at a place where there is little danger of
being damaged and where operations are easy.
The wiring shall use, for the electrical conductor, an insulated conductor of 1.6 mm or more or
other wire equal or superior to the above insulated conductor in its insulating effect and shall be
installed according to one of the work methods in the following items:
Cable wiring according to Article 177
Synthetic resin tube wiring according to Article 177
Metallic tube wiring according to Article 177
Article 184
Submarine Lamps
An underwater floodlight for use in a swimming pool or other similar floodlight shall be installed
according to the following paragraphs:
The floodlight shall be put in a container conforming to the following items and shall be fitted with
an appropriate protective device if it is installed in a place where there is a danger of being
The radiating window shall be made of glass or lens and the other parts shall be made of a
strong metal given an anticorrosion treatment with a non-corrosive metal, cadmium plating,
galvanizing, painting or the like.
An earth terminal shall be installed at an appropriate internal place. In this case, the earth
terminal screw shall be of 4 mm or more in diameter.
For the floodlight, its screw connectors and sockets shall be made of porcelain except for the
socket for fluorescent lamps.
The floodlight in its finished state shall undergo a dielectric strength test by impressing an
alternating voltage of 2,000 V between a conducting part and a part other than the conducting
parts for 1 continuous minute and shall endure that test voltage.
The floodlight in its finished state shall be fitted with an electric lamp of the wattage of its
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maximum optimum lamp and immersed in water to a depth of 15 cm or more if its rated
maximum depth is 15 cm or less (*1). Supply electricity to it at the voltage equivalent to the
rated voltage of that lamp for 30 minutes and suspend the supply of electricity for 30 minutes.
Repeat this cycle of operations 6 times. There shall be nothing wrong in the floodlight such as
water getting in the container.
If the rated maximum depth exceeds 15 cm, the immersion depth shall be that rated
maximum depth or more.
The wattage of the maximum applicable lamp and the rated maximum depth shall be indicated
at a place easy to see.
For supply of electricity to the floodlight, an insulating transformer with operation voltages of 600
V or less and 300 V or less in the primary and secondary circuits respectively shall be used.
The insulating transformer in Paragraph 2 shall be installed according to the following items:
The secondary circuit of the insulating transformer shall not be earthed.
If the operation voltage of the secondary circuit is 30 V or less, the insulating transformer shall
be fitted with a metallic plate between the primary and secondary windings to prevent an
erroneous contact and the metallic plate shall be given earthing work Type A of Article 57-2. In
this case, the earthing conductor shall be of PVC-insulated conductor or cable if the earthing
conductor used for earthing work Type A is to be installed in a place where there is the danger of
a person touching it.
The insulating transformer in Paragraph 2 shall undergo a dielectric strength test by impressing
an alternating test voltage of 5,000 V between one winding and another winding, the iron core,
and the case for one continuous minute and shall endure that test voltage.
The secondary circuit of the insulating transformer in Paragraph 2 shall be fitted with a switching
device and over current circuit breaker on each pole.
If the operation voltage of the secondary circuit of the insulating transformer in Paragraph 2
exceeds 30 V, an appropriate device shall be installed to automatically interrupt the circuit if an
earth fault occurs in that circuit.
The switching device or over current circuit breaker in Paragraph 5 or the device in Paragraph 6
to automatically interrupt the circuit if an earth fault occurs shall be put in a strong metallic case,
which shall be given earthing work Type C in Article 57-2.
The secondary wiring of the insulating transformer in Paragraph 2 shall be installed by metallic
tube work.
For the mobile electrical conductor to supply electricity to the floodlight in Paragraph 1, a
continuous length of cable with no connection point having a sectional area of 2 mm2 or over
shall be used, and if it is to be installed at a place where there is the danger of its being
damaged, an appropriate device shall be installed.
For the connection of the mobile electrical conductor in Paragraph 9 to the wiring in Paragraph 8,
an insertion connector shall be used. It shall be put in a metallic case having a structure to
prevent water penetration, which shall be installed at a place other than underwater or other
similar places.
To the metallic part of the container and protective device in Paragraph 1, earthing work Type C
in Article 57-2 shall be applied. In this case, one of the core conductors of the mobile electrical
conductor in Paragraph 9 shall be used as the earthing conductor, and for the connection of this
earthing conductor to the earthing conductor attached to the metallic part of the container in
Paragraph 1 and its case and the building, one pole of the insertion connector in Paragraph 10
shall be used.
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The metallic part of the container in Paragraph 1, the metallic part of the protective devices in
Paragraphs 1 and 9, the metallic cases in Paragraphs 7, 10 and 11, the metallic tube used for
the wiring in Paragraph 8, and the earthing conductor in Paragraph 11 shall all be connected to
one pole of the insertion connector, and these connections shall be mutually electrically perfect.
An underground floodlight for use in a swimming pool need not conform to the provisions of
Paragraphs 1 to 12 if it is installed according to IEC 60364-7-702 (1997-11) [Electrical
Installations of buildings – Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations – Section
702: Swimming pools and other basins].
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