Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Computers in Industry journal homepage: Digital transformation capability maturity model enabling the assessment of industrial manufacturers Ebru Gökalp ∗ , Veronica Martinez Institute for Manufacturing, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, 17 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge, CB3 0FS, United Kingdom a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 29 December 2020 Received in revised form 25 June 2021 Accepted 8 July 2021 Available online 27 July 2021 Keywords: Digital transformation Maturity model Digital transformation maturity Process assessment Smart manufacturing a b s t r a c t The utilization of on-premise technologies in the business environment is ushering in a new era known as digital transformation (DX). Although organizations are aware of the potential advantages of DX, they have faced problems creating a clear path to reshape their existing processes in line with on-premise technologies. Therefore, they need guidance from a holistic viewpoint. Maturity models (MMs) are developed to guide organizations by providing an extensive roadmap for improvement. The digital transformation capability maturity model (DX-CMM) is developed to assist organizations by providing current DX capability/maturity determination, derivation of a gap analysis, and the creation of a comprehensive roadmap for improvement in a comprehensive, structured, objective, complete, and standardized way. The aim of this study is to check the usability and applicability of the DX-CMM by performing a multiple case study, including assessments of the DX maturity level and derivation of a roadmap for DX maturity improvement to move one level further in two organizations in the chemical and machine manufacturing domains. The case study results show that the DX-CMM is applicable for identifying the DX maturity level, and it is capable of providing a roadmap for DX maturity improvement for moving one DX maturity level further, as well as benchmarking organizations evaluated using the same approach. © 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The exploitation and integration of new digital technologies have been transforming almost all industries by reshaping and frequently disrupting existing business and operating models. This transformation provides increasing innovations in value creation, sales, productivity, and service quality by improving the intelligence of products, processes, services, and systems. Recently, digital transformation (DX) has been attracting increasing interest from industry and academia. More than 80 % of CEOs reported that they have digital business transformation programs in place; and it is estimated that by 2030 > 70 % of new value creation in the economy will depend on digital platforms (World Economic Forum, 2018). Although DX has a significant disruptive impact on business and society, and organizations are aware of its potential effect, many do not have a clear roadmap to re-engineer the existing processes in line with the emerging technologies (Beckert, 2014). DX is a continuous and complicated undertaking that can substantially shape organizations’ operations. It is, therefore, essential to ∗ Corresponding author. E-mail addresses:, (E. Gökalp). 0166-3615/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. coordinate and manage the holistic business-to-technology scope of this transformation. It is necessary to acquire a comprehensive viewpoint to lead this DX, which includes heterogeneous and complex processes from different domains of strategy, human resources, process management, information technologies, among others (Neff et al., 2014). Correspondingly, there is a need for assistance and guidance to provide a clear path from a holistic viewpoint for the DX journey. The aim of maturity models (MMs), consisting of a sequence of discrete maturity levels, is to bridge over organizations by offering extensive guidance and providing a roadmap for improvement. To this end, we have developed the digital transformation capability maturity model (DX-CMM) to assess the current DX maturity level of the organizations and to offer a roadmap for maturity level improvement in a structured way. The aim of the DX-CMM is to satisfy four requirements to: • evaluate DX processes in detail; • provide guidance in identifying the current DX maturity level of the organization; • show opportunities for improvement to move to the next DX maturity level; • benchmark the organization against other organizations evaluated with the DX-CMM. E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 The research objective of this study was to analyze how the DXCMM identifies organizations’ current DX maturity level and gaps, and to provide roadmaps for DX maturity improvement. This this research aims to apply the DX-CMM to check its usability and applicability through the utilization of a qualitative multiple case study approach. The model was applied to two companies with different sectors, sizes, countries, and DX adoption. As a result of semistructured interviews with DX process owners, and investigation of DX-related documents, detailed assessment reports, including DX gaps, successful practices observed, and improvement opportunities, were documented and presented to the DX stakeholders in the organizations. After discussing the assessment results, the participants were asked to fill in the questionnaire to evaluate the applicability and usability of the DX-CMM. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: the related research is provided, followed by the structure of the DX-CMM. After this, the application of the DX-CMM is given, and the results are discussed; lastly, the paper is finalized and a conclusion is drawn. processes, reducing expenses and inconsistencies, and increasing employee productivity and involvement (Tarhan et al., 2016). These models have been utilized by hundreds of organizations worldwide because of their proven benefits.” A software process improvement and capability determination model (SPICE), also known as ISO/IEC 3300xx (ISO, 2015a, 2015b, 2015c), a revised version of ISO/IEC 15504 (ISO, 2012, 2004a, 2004b, 2003), provides a structured process assessment framework, facilitating a basis for process capability/maturity level improvement. It assumes that a higher level of process capability or organizational maturity is associated with better performance. Although SPICE was developed for the software development domain, after observing its benefits, such as expense savings, increased involvement of employees, predictable and improved quality and productivity, and constructing a consistency of process capture and use, it has been customized to different domains, such as automotive (Automotive, 2010), enterprise management (Ibrahim, 2008), IT security ((Barafort et al., 2006), IT service management (Malzahn, 2007), and government (Gokalp and Demirors, 2016). It consists of a set of technical standards documents for process improvement and capability determination, it is a reference model for the maturity models. The DX-CMM was developed based on SPICE. The primary reasons for selecting SPICE, the family of standards ISO/IEC 3300xx (ISO, 2015a, 2015b, 2015c), as a benchmark are its well-established and widely recognized structure. It presents a process viewpoint of process assessment, providing a clear set of requirements for the process assessment process, and the resources required to implement it effectively. It consists of technical standards, including the requirements for MM design (ISO, 2015b), process definition (ISO, 2015c), planning, and execution of process capability/maturity assessments (ISO, 2015d), and the application of process improvement based on the process assessment (ISO, 2013). 2. Background research A brief description of the DX and business process capability or MMs as well as a review of MMs developed for DX, smart industry, Industry 4.0, and smart service domains, is given in the following subsections. 2.1. Digital transformation (DX) DX is defined as a disruptive technological achievement bringing new business and operating models across all sectors. Organizations seek to reshape their processes in line with onpremise technologies such as digital twins (Annunziata and Biller, 2015), the Internet of things (IoT) and connected devices (Gilchrist, 2016), artificial intelligence (Schuh et al., 2017), cyber-physical systems, integration (Kagermann et al., 2013; Schuh et al., 2017), social media and platforms, blockchain (Swan, 2015), everything-as-aservice (XaaS), robots and drones, data analytics (Gökalp et al., 2021b; Gökalp et al., 2021c), and 3D printing (Schwab, 2017). For example, collecting data via IoT devices and implementing analytical tools to make predictive analysis on product quality trends can be defined as a DX project that will affect the existing production process, or the way employees are doing production. Since it has social, technical, technological, and managerial effects in the organization, it should be managed from a holistic perspective (De la Boutetière et al., 2018; Gökalp et al., 2021a; Henriette et al., 2016; Kagermann et al., 2013; Li, 2020; Verhoef et al., 2021) 2.3. Digital transformation capability/maturity assessment models A search on the Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar research platforms was conducted to identify existing MMs. The search terms relevant to this literature review research were defined as “Digital Transformation”, “Digitalization”, “Smart”, “Industry 4.0”, “Industry Internet of Things” AND “Maturity Model”, “Capability Model”, “Assessment Model”, “Readiness Assessment”, and so on. The references of the articles were also reviewed. Consequently, it was determined that there are 18 MMs regarding the development of MMs for the DX, smart manufacturing, and smart services domains. During the search, it was observed that there has been a research stream investigating the subject in recent years, and the MMs that are published extensively use the “maturity” (83 % of all studies) and “Industry 4.0” (61 % of all studies) keywords. Although there are no standard or published evaluation criteria for the scope of DX, we utilized the MM evaluation criteria used in (Özcan-Top and Demirors, 2019). Correspondingly, The 18 MMs, given in Table A1 in the Appendix A, were evaluated based on three criteria: 2.2. Business process Capability/Maturity models Process capability/maturity models (PCMMs) are developed to provide a guideline for the implementation of vital practices for organizational processes. These models have process capability/maturity levels, referring to the level of progress from ad hoc practices to established and measurable processes (Curtis et al., 2009). PCMMs provide the application of the model-based process assessment. As a consequence of the process assessment, the current capability/maturity level of the process is determined, and a roadmap for the process capability/maturity level improvement to the next level is achieved (Röglinger et al., 2012). There are some criticisms about the concept of MMs oversimplifying reality and lacking an empirical foundation (Benbasat et al., 1984); however, their benefits are demonstrated through several case studies (Goldenson and Gibson, 2003; Isoherranen et al., 2015). The MM approach demonstrated significant advantages in quality and productivity issues. They improve the performance and quality of • C1- The MM should be published as an academic paper, which is an indicator of the academic approach. • C2- The MM should include a detailed description of its components in order to provide a detailed analysis. • C3- The MM should be applicable across all sectors instead of being domain-specific. Although the number of existing MMs in the DX, smart manufacturing, and smart services domains is not small, none in the literature fully satisfied all of the evaluation criteria listed above. 2 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 MM1, MM2, and MM6 are published as a White Paper and do not fulfil C1. There is no detailed description of the components of the MM, and a preliminary MM is given in MM8, MM11, and MM14. There is no maturity level defined in MM4, MM15, and MM18. The assessment method is not described in MM3, MM5, MM10, and MM16. The measurement attributes are not defined in MM7 and MM17. Thus, these models do not satisfy the second criterion. Since MM9 was developed for the telecommunications sector, MM12 targets the supply chain sector, and MM13 targets Industry 4.0 strategy, these models do not satisfy the third criterion. Although all value-adding DX processes must be taken into consideration using a holistic and integrated approach in order to benefit fully from DX, none of the existing MMs has a comprehensive and integrated approach. Moreover, none have been developed based on a well-established PCMM, and they do not aim to improve DX processes. Additionally, none of them gives full details of the model for the application or provides an action plan for enabling maturity stage improvement. Taking all of these issues into account, it can be said that there is a lack of research in this domain. Thus, we aim to fill this research gap by developing an MM for the DX domain by satisfying all criteria used for the evaluation of MMs. It is developed by applying a theoretically grounded development approach. It is aimed to be applicable across all sectors and provide a detailed description of its components. The details of the research method are given in the next section. tifying DX processes in the model. As a result of three consecutive sessions, DX processes retrieved from the literature were discussed in the first session; additional processes offered by the experts were retrieved after some series of discussions in the second session, and all of DX processes were considered through a systematic and interactive meeting to resolve conflicts to reach a consensus on DX processes and DX process groups in the last session. As a result of the expert panel, all experts agreed on the DX processes and DX process groups defined in the DX-CMM. After developing the process definitions for the DX processes, and the measurement framework for capability and maturity level determination, the expert panel reviewed the developed DX-CMM and provided feedback. Consequently, the development of the DX-CMM was finalized. The third phase covers the validation of the model, with a multiple case study being conducted in two organizations operating in two different industries in two countries with different DX adoption levels. The decisions made when developing the DX-CMM are highlighted with grey boxes in Table 1. The DX-CMM needs to include both management-oriented and technology-oriented constructs and need to focus on both management and technology-oriented processes. 4. The DX-CMM: the digital transformation capability maturity model The aim of the proposed MM, the DX-CMM, is to improve the organization’s DX competencies in a structured way as a consequence of the existing capability/maturity level assessment, and to provide a comprehensive roadmap for improvement. The DXCMM was developed by customizing SPICE (ISO, 2015a, 2015b, 2015c, 2012, 2004b, 2004a, 2003), which comprises two dimensions, process and capability. The process dimension in SPICE includes software-development process definitions; and the capability dimension consists of process capability levels, which are, in turn, composed of process attributes (PA), including base practices (BPs) for Level 1 and generic practices (GPs) covering Level 2 to Level 5. Organizational maturity is also defined based on the process set for each maturity level. The capability levels defined in the SPICE measurement framework from level zero to level five have been developed to be appropriate universally to all processes except for level-1 (performed) where the observable indicators are different for each process, while all the PAs from level two to five are common for all processes. In the scope of this study, the process definition of 26 DX processes are developed, including level-1 process performance indicators as outcomes, base practices and work products. Thus, the DX processes capability level can be assessed based on SPICE owing to these developed process definitions. The DX-CMM has two dimensions, as seen in Fig. 2. The process dimension comprises process definitions for DX-related processes instead of software-development processes, while the capability dimension includes the same capability levels, PAs, BPs, and GPs defined in SPICE (ISO, 2012). The literature provides that the capability dimension is applicable to all processes across all domains (Automotive, 2010; Mc Caffery and Dorling, 2010; Mitasiunas and Novickis, 2011). Organizational DX maturity is also defined based on the DX process set for each maturity level. The requirements defined in SPICE, the set of standards of ISO 3300xx, were followed for the development of the DX-CMM. ISO/IEC 33004 (ISO, 2015c) was used in the development of DX process definitions, as well as the maturity levels of the DX-CMM; ISO/IEC 33003 (ISO, 2015e), ISO/IEC 33020 (ISO, 2015c), and ISO/IEC 15504-5 (ISO, 2012) were used for the capability dimension of the DX-CMM; ISO/IEC 33002 (ISO, 2015d) was utilized to perform process assessment; and ISO/IEC 33014 (ISO, 2013) was used to generate a road-map for process improvement. 3. Research method The research method to develop an MM for the DX domain consisted of three phases, as defined in Fig. 1. In the first phase, the organizations’ need for a clear roadmap for their DX journey was identified. As a result of the evaluation of the existing studies related to this need, it was determined that none of the current studies satisfies the requirements, and there is a research gap in this field. To fulfill this necessity, a solution approach, the development of an MM for guiding organizations in their DX activities based on a well-established PCMM, SPICE, was determined. The theoretical foundations of the development of the DX-CMM are detailed explained in one of our previous studies (Gökalp and Martinez, 2021). In the second phase the DX-CMM was developed by utilising the MM development framework proposed by De Bruin et al. (2005) as the methodological foundation. The framework offers six steps; namely, scope, design, populate, test, deploy, and maintain, to develop an MM in a structured manner. At the scope phase, the scope of the model was determined. At the design phase, the structure/architecture of the model was determined based on the criteria of the target audience, the method of application, and the driver of application, the respondents, and the application,which are defined in the MM development framework proposed by De Bruin et al. (2005) While the models’ dimensions and sub-dimensions, which should be measured, were defined at the populate phase, the model is validated in the test phase by indicating that the assessment result of the model is exact and repeatable. The multiple case study approach was utilized for validation of the MM. Following validation, the MM is made available at the deploy phase for generalization and standardization of the MM. As a final step of the maintain phase, the MM ensures its continued relevance through a longitudinal study. The DX-CMM was developed by identifying DX processes, developing the process definitions for the DX processes, and developing the measurement framework for capability and maturity level determination. An expert panel comprising five senior academicians, one senior DX leader, and one senior executive member working in the DX domain was formed for the purpose of iden3 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 Fig. 1. The Research Method. 4.1. The process dimension of the DX-CMM DX initiatives should include gearing up and aligning the strategy, culture, workforce, and process gathering to embrace this rapidly changing environment. As a result of the expert panel described in the research method section, the process dimension of the DXCMM consists of 26 DX processes defined under 4 process groups of strategic governance, information and technology, digital process transformation, and workforce management, as seen in Fig. 3 (below). These DX processes are defined based on the requirements outlined in ISO/IEC 33004 (ISO, 2015c), which states that a process definition should include the process name, purpose, outcomes, base practices, and output work products. DX processes can be defined as a set of interrelated or interacting activities that transform inputs into outputs for the purpose of enabling the DX of the organization. The literature review (De la Boutetière et al., 2018; Kagermann et al., 2013) and survey results (Koch et al., 2014; Leaders, 2018) show that the most critical dimensions of DX in organizations are organization strategy (Brynjolfsson and Hitt, 2000; Tao et al., 2017), upskilling of the workforce (Autor et al., 2003; Fu et al., 2011; Morrison et al., 2008), and digital process transformation. DX is not just about technology: successful 4 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 Table 1 Decisions made when developing the DX-CMM (Adapted from the study of Mettler (Mettler, 2010, 2009). 4.1.1. Strategic governance The DX strategy needs to be led from the top, with a strong, clear, and inspiring vision of how emerging technologies can create a new future with shared value (Tao et al., 2017). Organizations should create their DX roadmap, which is generated based on their vision. The portfolio should be designed based on the strategic objectives, enterprise worth, and risk. The projects should be managed by identifying, establishing, and controlling DX activities. Finding the most appropriate supplier and maintaining the relationship is also essential in the DX journey. software, data, and business process layers; management of infrastructure such as as IoT devices, servers, and so on; collecting, storing, analyzing, and distributing data; management of data analytics; development of applications based on agile software development principles; and IT security management. These processes are all fundamental to the DX journeys of organizations. 4.1.3. Digital process transformation This includes digitalization of business processes through technology to cut costs and increase productivity; integration of processes at different intra-company, and inter-company, levels, as well as across the entire value chain; establishing and maintaining a quantitative management of processes; improvement of the process performance; and data-driven decision-making, enabling machines to autonomously adapt to the predicted status. These are all essential dimensions in the DX journey of organizations. 4.1.2. Information and technology An IT strategy should be developed that is aligned with the organization’s DX strategy for migration to the desired future environment. The IT requirements for each DX project should be defined: the development, integration, and maintenance of a standardized enterprise architecture (EA), including hardware, Fig. 2. Dimensions of the DX-CMM. 5 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 Fig. 3. DX Process Categories. Fig. 4. Process Capability Levels (Adapted from SPICE). 4.1.4. Workforce management Cultural change should be implemented before the process transformation begins. Human resources (HR) skills development, organizational structure management, sustainable learning management, and organizational change management are all essential for the DX journey of organizations. 0: Incomplete, to Level 5: Innovating. The PAs at each capability level are shown in Fig. 4 (below). 4.3. Organizational digital transformation maturity Organizational DX maturity is the extent to which a firm consistently implements DX processes to achieve the desired level of achievement of DX maturity, which is evaluated by assessing achievement of the specified process capability levels for a defined profile of processes, as set out in an MM. Organizational DX maturity is evaluated concerning process capability in a staged manner. 4.2. The capability dimension The capability dimension, which is applicable to any process, was adapted from SPICE (ISO, 2012). It includes six levels, from Level 6 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 Fig. 5. The DX-CMM Maturity Levels. It is fundamental to understand that successful DXs occur stepby-step. The DX-CMM provides a roadmap, including all related dimensions, with a staged approach that relies upon a sequence of capability levels, from the basic necessities to the continuous adaptation for DX. Each level builds on the previous one. Fig. 5 shows that the model has six maturity levels, from Level 0 to Level 5. Level 0: Incomplete – The DX initiative has not yet started. Level 1: Performed – The DX initiative has been started. The vision of DX exists, and the roadmap for the transition strategy has been developed, but it has not been entirely implemented. The portfolio consisting of the DX projects that have been identified, evaluated, prioritized, and authorized is created. Additionally, a department or group is assigned to carry out DX. Workforce skill necessities are determined, and corresponding training starts to be acquired in the company. Level 2: Managed – DX is managed at this level, at which the digital shadow of physical items begins to be created. This concept is also known as Digital Twin, which serves as a bridge between the physical world and the digital world (Qi and Tao, 2018; Tao et al., 2018). This requires the performance of several complementary processes. Existing business processes are digitized through technology; the IT department publishes an IT strategy to migrate to the demanded future environment stated in the organization’s DX strategy; DX-related projects are started; feasibility analysis of the projects is performed, pilot studies are conducted, and requirements are defined for each project; the acquisition of IoT devices, hardware, and software has begun, and the vendor relationship is managed; the requirements and needs of the enterprise architecture (EA), consisting of the business process, information, data, application, and technology architecture layers are identified, and standards, guidelines, procedures are defined; and, finally, infrastructure, data governance, software development, and the security of the information systems are managed. Level 3: Established – DX is established robustly at this level. Key processes are well defined and consistent with corresponding standardization. Vertical integration, including intra-company integration of IoT devices, up to enterprise resource planning or customer requirement management systems, has been achieved. The developed EA is integrated, and organizational change is managed at this level. Level 4: Predictable – The quantitative techniques begin to be applied to the collected real-time data for products, services, or processes. Horizontal integration, which is the integration across networks at the business level, is established. Data analytics are applied. Level 5: Innovating – The organization uses the collected data for continuous improvement, innovative culture is established, and dynamic cooperation and increasing transparency, by extending operational visibility with automated and seamless information exchange among the network, are enabled. The relationships between organizational DX maturity level and DX process capability level are illustrated in Fig. 6. To give an example, at Organizational Maturity Level 1, the processes of SG1. Digital Transformation Strategy Development, SG2. Portfolio Management, WM1. HR Skills Development, and WM2. Organizational Structure Management are assessed. The capability level of these processes should be Level 1: Performed to satisfy the requirement of being Organizational DX Maturity Level 1. At Organizational Maturity Level 2, the processes of DPT1. Business Process Digitalization, SG3. Project Management, SG4. Financial Resources and Supplier Management, IT1. IT Strategy Management, IT2. Requirement Definition, IT3. Enterprise Architecture Development, IT4. Infrastructure Management, IT5. Data Governance, IT6. Agile Software Development, and IT7. Security Management, as well as the processes assessed at Maturity Level 1 (SG1, SG2, WM1, WM2), are evaluated. The capability level of these processes should be Level 2: Managed, to satisfy the requirement of being at Organizational DX Maturity Level 2. At Organizational Maturity Level 3, the processes of IT8. Enterprise Architecture Integration, DPT2. Business Processes Vertical Integration, WM3. Organizational Change Management, and WM4. Sustainable Learning Management, as well as the processes assessed at Maturity Level 2 (SG1, SG2, WM1, WM2, DPT1, SG3, SG4, IT1, IT2, IT3, IT4, IT5, IT6, IT7), are assessed. The capability level of these processes should be Level 3: Established, to satisfy the requirement of being at Organizational DX Maturity Level 3. At Organizational Maturity Level 4, the processes of DPT3. Business Processes Horizontal Integration, DPT4. Data-Driven Deci7 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 Fig. 6. The Relationships Between Maturity Levels and Capability Levels. sion Management, DPT5. Quantitative Performance Management, IT9. Data Analytics, and IT10. Enterprise Architecture Maintenance, are assessed. The capability level of these processes should be at Level 3: Established, to satisfy the requirement of being at Organizational DX Maturity Level 4: Predictable, and the previous processes capability level should stay at Level 3. At Organizational Maturity Level 5, the processes of DPT6. Self-Optimized Decision Management, DPT7. Business Process Integration Toward Life Cycle, and DPT8. Quantitative Process Improvement are assessed. The capability level of these processes should be at Level 3. Established, and the previous processes capability levels should stay at Level 3. to satisfy the requirement of being Organizational DX Maturity Level 5: Innovating. of the outputs, and so on, is produced and approved by the organization. 4.4.3. Step 3: assess current DX maturity level The assessment is conducted by the assessment team, one of whom is a competent SPICE assessor. The team follows ISO/IEC 33002 (ISO, 2015d) for process assessment procedures, including data collection and data validation techniques. The team collects data by conducting semi-structured interviews with process owners and investigating processes’ work products, such as documents, tools, and mail, for example. After completing data collection, the team analyzes and synthesizes them to rate BPs, GPs, and PAs, and correspondingly to determine the current capability levels, strengths, and weaknesses of the DX processes and DX maturity level of the organization. Finally, the team documents the assessment report containing these results. ISO/IEC 33003(ISO, 2015e), ISO/IEC 33020 (ISO, 2015c), and ISO/IEC 15504-5 (ISO, 2012) are followed for rating and capability level determination. To perform a Level-1 assessment, PA 1.1., focusing on the performing process, is assessed by checking the BPs described in the DX process definitions. To perform process assessments from Level 2 to Level 5, the GPs defined in SPICE are used. The PAs are rated based on the ratings of the corresponding BPs and GPs. The four-point rating scale is used for rating BPs, GPs, and PAs. The rating shows the extent of the achievement: if the achievement level is between 86 % and 100 %, it is rated as Fully Achieved (F.A.); if it is between 51 % and 85 %, it is rated as Largely Achieved (L.A.); if it is between 16 % and 50 %, it is rated as Partially Achieved (P.A.); and if it is between 0 % and 15 % of achievement, the rating is Not 4.4. The DX maturity level assessment process The DX maturity level improvement life cycle is shown in Fig. 7. The details are as follows. 4.4.1. Step 1: examine the organization’s business goals As a result of the examination of the organizational strategy, the need to improve the DX maturity level of the organization is determined. Then, initiation of the DX maturity improvement project is decided in the organization. 4.4.2. Step 2: initiate DX maturity improvement The assessment team is constructed, and the assessment plan, including the assessment team, interview schedules, delivery dates 8 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 Fig. 7. DX Maturity Level Improvement Cycle. Achieved (N.A.). The rating of PA is determined based on its BPs and GPs ratings, and the capability level of the process is determined based on its PA ratings: if all PAs below Level X are rated as F.A., and the PAs at Level X are rated as F.A. or L.A., the capability level of the process will be determined as Level X, as defined in SPICE. For instance, if the rating of PA 1.1 is identified as N.A., the capability level of the process will be Level 0; if the rating of PA 1.1. is determined as L.A., the capability level of the process will be identified as Level 1; if the rating of PA 1.1. is determined as FA, and PA 2.1 and PA 2.2 are assessed as L.A., the capability level of the process will be identified as Level 2. The DX maturity level of the organization is determined based on the process capability levels, as defined in the section on organizational DX maturity. ops an action plan, including work packages, assigned people, and schedules by considering their specific circumstances. 4.4.5. Step 5: improve the DX maturity level This step, including implementation of the action plan, confirming and sustaining improvements is long-lasting. It often covers a period of one year. As a consequence of completing this step, the following improvement cycle can be initiated. 5. Implementation of the DX-CMM A multiple case study was conducted following the protocol template of Yin (2013). 4.4.4. Step 4: analyze results and derive an action plan ISO/IEC 33014 (ISO, 2013) was used to generate a roadmap for process improvement. As a consequence of process capability level determination, process improvement opportunities are determined and prioritized for the establishment of an order of execution of the action plan in the assessment report. The organization devel- • The objective of the case study was to investigate if the DX-CMM could be used for assessment of the current DX maturity level and the derivation of a roadmap for improvement. • The research questions (RQs), defined according to the above objective, were: 9 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez • • • • Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 o RQ How does the DX-CMM identify organizations’ current DX maturity level and gaps and provide roadmaps for DX maturity improvement? The design type of the case study was multiple cases because it was applied in two companies in two different industries in two countries with different DX adoption levels to assess their 26 DX processes. The measures used in the research were the DX maturity level of the organizations. To identify the DX maturity level, the capability levels of the DX processes performed in the organizations had to be determined. Field procedure, data collection, and limitations were based on SPICE. ISO/IEC 33002 (ISO, 2015d) was followed to ensure the performance of assessment, consisting of activities for assessment planning, data collection, ratings, and reporting assessment, in a standardized manner. The objectivity of the judgment: To overcome the effects of subjectivity and reduce uncertainty in the results, the DX-CMM had explicit indicators and a hierarchical bottom-up approach for rating. As a first step, as defined in the section on the DX maturity level assessment process, BPs and GPs were rated as Not Achieved (N.A.), Partially Achieved (P.A.), Largely Achieved (L.A.), and Fully Achieved (F.A.). Then, based on these ratings, corresponding process attributes (PAs) were rated as N.A., P.A., L.A., and F.A., After that, process capability levels were determined based on the ratings of PAs, and lastly, the DX maturity level was determined based on the capability levels of the processes assigned to each maturity level. Moreover, the necessity to prepare an assessment report, including pieces of evidence, reduced subjectivity. is used to describe the company in this study, for the purpose of confidentiality. Case-2: The chemical company produces beauty care and laundry and home care products, employing around 53,000 people worldwide. The data was collected from three different people: the DX specialist, the IT manager, and the data scientist. The total duration of the interviews was three hours. The term “The Chemical Company” is used to describe the company in this study. 5.2.1. Step 1: examine the organization’s business goals These include the organizational strategy documents, including DX maturity improvement; the top management supports this improvement in the two companies. Thus, the initiation of the DX maturity improvement project was decided in each of the organizations. We checked the company reports, and additional information was requested from the interviewees. 5.2.2. Step 2: initiate DX maturity improvement The assessment team was constructed, and the assessment plan, including the assessment team members, interview schedules, delivery dates of the outputs, and so on, was produced and approved by the organizations. 5.2.3. Step 3: assess current DX maturity level The meetings with each organization occurred over two separate days to conduct the DX maturity level assessment. Semistructured interviews, as well as investigating direct evidence, were used for data collection. The collected data was analyzed to determine the DX maturity level of the organization. The findings were documented in the assessment reports. The interviews were recorded during the meeting, then transcribed and mapped onto each BP and GP in the model for rating. The Level-1 assessment was executed by checking if the BPs given in the process definitions were performed. The ratings were done based on evidence gathered as follows: F.A., L.A., P.A., and N.A as defined in the section on the DX maturity level assessment process. As an example, the rating in Level 1 of the digital transformation strategy development process in The Machine Company is given in Table A2. in the Appendix A. As is illustrated, PA 1.1 was rated as L.A. (Largely Achieved) based on the BPs ratings. For the assessment of PAs from PA 2.1 to PA 5.2, the GPs provided by SPICE were used and rated, as defined in (ISO, 2015c, 2012, 2004a). These capability level assessments were carried out for 26 DX processes in each organization. Detailed information about the evaluations was given in the assessment reports (University of Cambridge, Institute for Manufacturing, 2019; University of Cambridge, 2020). 5.1. Design of the case study The multiple case study was designed to cover the following activities: (a) Preparation: Development of the data collection templates, preparing semi-structured interview questions, and the postassessment survey questions to be used for collecting feedback. (b) Case Selection and Planning: Selecting organizations to be able to observe all patterns in DX processes and DX maturity levels. Managing the interactions with case organizations about the assessment plan, including assessment schedules and participants. (c) Assessments and Data Collection: DX maturity level assessment, and collecting data via semi-structured interviews and investigating direct shreds of evidence, such as documents, records, IT strategy, plans, tools used, and metrics collected. To triangulate data in each case, conducting interviews with at least three people from different roles, such as the head of the DX department, IT manager, process quality manager, DX project manager, and HR manager. (d) Analysis: Transcribing the voice records of the interviews, investigating the direct evidence, and analyzing the data to develop the assessment reports. (e) Validation of the Findings: Sharing the assessment results and discussing with interviewees to obtain their feedback and determine if any revision was necessary on the reports. 6. Results and discussions A process capability level is determined as Level X if the ratings of all PAs below Level X are F.A., and the ratings of PA(s) at Level X are rated as F.A. or L.A., as defined before. Process capability levels were determined for The Machine Company and The Chemical Company, as shown in Tables A3 and A4 in the Appendix A. For example, the capability level of the digital transformation strategy development process is Level 3 in The Chemical Company, since PA 1.1., PA 2.1, and PA 2.2. are rated as F.A. and PA 3.1 and PA 3.2 are rated as L.A. Still, the software development process is performed by the sub-contractors; the assessment of this process is assessed as Not Applicable, since the company outsources it. The improvement opportunities related to this process are also given in the assessment report (University of Cambridge, Institute for Manufacturing, 2019, 2020). 5.2. Case study conduct The DX-CMM was applied in two organizations. Case-1: The machine production company has 255 employees and is located in the UK. Interviews were conducted with three people: the head of the DX department, the IT manager, and the quality manager. The duration of the interviews for each person was approximately one hour. The term “The Machine Company” 10 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 6.1. Organizational DX maturity level assessment After performing the DX Maturity Level-1 assessment, as can be seen below, the requirements of being at DX Maturity Level 1, being at a process capability level of Level 1 for the processes of Digital Transformation Strategy Development, Portfolio Management, HR Skills Development, and Organizational Structure Management, are satisfied in both companies. Therefore, a Level-2 assessment could be continued for both of them. They developed a DX strategy and roadmap by conducting value-mapping workshops and gap analysis, created a portfolio for DX projects, had an organizational unit for DX management, and provided some DX-related training to improve their HR skills (Fig. 8). When we continued to assess Maturity Level 2, it was evident that, although the requirements of being at DX Maturity Level 2 are not satisfied in The Machine Company, they are satisfied in The Chemical Company, as seen in Fig. 9. Thus, the DX maturity level of The Machine Company was determined as being Level 1, and the capability level of the processes, rated below Level 2, should be improved to at least Level 2 to improve the DX maturity level of the organization from Level 1 to Level 2. The gap analysis to move to Maturity Level 2 is shown in Fig. 12. Meanwhile, an assessment for the next maturity level could be done for The Chemical Company. Fig. 8. Organizational Maturity Assessment – Level 1. A DX Maturity Level 3 assessment was performed, and it was observed that the requirements of being at DX Maturity Level 3 are satisfied in The Chemical Company, as seen in Fig. 10. Thus, a DX Maturity Level 4 assessment could be conducted. Fig. 9. Organizational Maturity Assessment – Level 2. 11 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 Fig. 10. Organizational Maturity Assessment – Level 3. To achieve Maturity Level 4, all processes assigned to Maturity Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 will achieve Process Capability Level 3 or higher. As seen in Fig. 11 (below), the requirements for Organizational Maturity Level 4 are not satisfied in The Chemical Company. To fulfill this, the business processes horizontal integration process should be improved from Level 1 to Level 3, and quantitative performance management and EA maintenance processes should be improved from Level 2 to Level 3. After completing these four process improvements, the organizational maturity level of the organization will be at Level 4. Thus, the DX maturity level of The Chemical Company is determined as being Level 3. For The Machine Company, the DX maturity level was determined as being Level 1. The gap analysis to move to Maturity Level 2 is shown in Fig. 12. All processes seen in the figure should be improved to Level 2. For The Chemical Company, the DX maturity level was determined as being Level 3. To achieve the highest DX maturity level of Level 5, The Chemical Company should first satisfy the requirement of being at Maturity Level 4, and then improve the capability level of the processes of self-optimized decision management and business process integration toward product life cycle from Level 0: Incomplete to Level 3 (Fig. 13). 6.1.1. Step 4: analyze results and derive an action plan The strong and weak points of the DX processes of the organizations were identified depending on the assessment findings in this step. Improvement opportunities were identified based on the identified weak points of the DX processes for each case. The aim was to achieve FA in the BPs and GPs to improve their capability levels to the next levels. For The Machine Company, the DX maturity level of the organization was determined as being Level 1. The transformation was then initiated in the company. There was a DX roadmap for the short term (one year). The portfolio consists of eight DX projects that provide good results in a short amount of time with a low budget. Moreover, a DX department was established in the organization, although the number of employees working in the department was only three. Lastly, there was a process management culture in the organization; thus, the DX-related projects can be easily defined and established. On the other hand, there was a long DX journey facing the company to achieve the highest DX maturity level. As a starting point, the organization should focus on the DX processes defined at Level 2. For example, development of the DX strategy document for the long-term vision, the acquisition of DX-related training, the development of plans for DX projects, and development of the IT strategy, including the 12 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 Fig. 11. Organizational Maturity Assessment – Level 4. operational environment, enterprise architecture (business, information, data, applications, and technology domains), enterprise culture, and current challenges can be taken into consideration as beginning steps. A total of 122 improvement opportunities for DX maturity improvement from Level 1 to Level 2 were defined in the assessment report (University of Cambridge, Institute for Manufacturing, 2019). Example Assessment Results for Two Processes in the Machine Company is given in Table A5 in the Appendix A. The initiatives highlighted in red suggest high priority, which means they should be done as a first step to improve the relative process. The blue ones, having medium priority, should be done as a second step, and the grey ones, having low priority, should be done after completing the previous ones. The overall DX maturity was scored at Level 3 in The Chemical Company. This means that DX is robust at this level. Key processes are well defined and consistent with corresponding standardization. Vertical integration, including intra-company integration of IoT devices, up to enterprise resource planning, customer requirement management, or supply chain management systems, has been achieved. Developed EA is integrated, and organizational change is managed at this level. The quantitative techniques are starting to be applied to the collected real-time product–service or process- specific data. The data analytics tools currently in use are showing improvements on the overall productivity and service quality. On the other hand, horizontal integration, including integration across networks at the business level, has not yet been achieved, and the functionalities of whole enterprises have not been integrated either. Additionally, self-optimized decision-making of the machines has not yet been performed. The guideline, including 84 DX process improvement opportunities prepared mainly for the company, will help to enable dynamic cooperation and increasing transparency by extending operational visibility across the supply chain with automated and seamless information exchange within the network. Example improvement opportunities are given in Table A6 in the Appendix A. 6.1.2. Step 5: improve the DX maturity level Performing activities stated as improvement opportunities in the assessment reports, sustaining these improvements, and monitoring them is a long-lasting step. Following confirmation of the sustainability of the improvements, the current improvement iteration will be finished, and a new cycle of DX maturity assessment can be started. 13 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 Fig. 12. DX Maturity Level Gap Analysis for The Machine Company. Fig. 13. DX Maturity Level Gap Analysis for The Chemical Company. 6.2. Analysis of the model’s applicability (RQ) explained. They declared that the main benefit of the assessment was understanding the necessity for the assessment and improvement of DX maturity; they also reported that they will focus on following the guideline for DX maturity improvement and on utilizing the same approach for future process improvement cycles. To investigate the usefulness and adequacy of the DX-CMM, we conducted a post-assessment survey with all of the participants The DX maturity level assessment results were shared in a meeting with the DX stakeholders in the organizations. The ratings for each BP, GP, PA, process capability level, and organization DX maturity level, and also evidence for the evaluations, were described. The developed roadmap for DX maturity improvement was also 14 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 Fig. 14. DX Maturity Comparison of The Machine Company and The Chemical Company. following the meetings. The open-ended structured questionnaire was used for the interviews, which lasted approximately ten minutes. Q1. Are measuring DX maturity level and achieving a guideline for DX maturity level improvement useful? (5-point Likert-type scale): Response is 4 in the median. Q2. Do you think that the application of these suggestions will improve the DX maturity level? (5-point Likert-type scale): Response is 4 in the median. Q3. Is there any information you want to add to the DX-CMM? Please write, if any. (Open-ended): “No” Q4. Is there any missing item in the guideline for DX maturity improvement? Please write, if any. (Open-ended): “The suggested actions are useful in the identification of ‘what’ to improve [in order] to increase the maturity level. Future work might seek to develop/expand on the ‘how’ to achieve these improvements.” essential, but commitment drives the budget. At the moment, in The Machine Company, there is an attempt to transition to DX: the vision of DX exists but it is not fully implemented. They are struggling with people’s commitment levels, and they do not consider training to be essential. They can also face organizational change management problems during the implementation of DX projects. There is a long DX journey facing the company to achieve the highest DX maturity level. 6.4. Mitigation of threats to validity The qualitative data, used in the multiple case study approach, might create some validity concerns. In order to mitigate threats that might have an effect on the internal, construct, and external validity and reliability, the following activities were performed. 6.4.1. Internal validity Detailed question sets at different granularity levels for each DX process were developed, the data was collected from at least three people in order to triangulate it, and different sources for direct evidence were used to overcome the threats to internal validity. Moreover, the utilization of a multiple case study approach was critical to mitigating this threat. A logical chain of data collection was designed and implemented, the detailed collected data was stated in the assessment reports, as well as being validated by the stakeholders in the organizations. 6.3. Cross-case comparison One of the logical bases for selecting the cases was to be able to observe a rating for each DX process capability level and DX maturity level of the organizations. The two industrial manufacturers’ DX journeys are quite different, and their ambitions regarding DX are different. They experienced different DX journeys, reflecting different maturity levels. The DX maturity comparison of The Machine Company and The Chemical Company is shown in Fig. 14. It was observed that, although the DX initiative started just three years ago, with four employees working in the DX department in The Chemical Company, they made a significant achievement in this limited amount of time. The reasons behind this achievement are commitment, HR skills development, and financial resource allocation. There is a particular unit for upskilling, they perform the training process in a well-established way, and they manage organizational change by training and empowering people. Budget is 6.4.2. Construct validity To overcome this threat, related to the objectivity of the constructs, the data collection was performed with different people and different sources; the interviews were recorded and transcribed; BPs, GPs, and PAs were rated objectively using the four-point ordinal scale of SPICE, including N.A., P.A., L.A., and F.A.; and the results were evaluated objectively. 15 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 6.4.3. External validity The cases were selected from different sectors, with different sizes, and from different countries in order to increase the generalizability of the results. As the DX-CMM has been designed independently of the sector, it is intended to observe its applicability in different circumstances. The assessment team did not observe any difficulty or difference during the application. The model was first applied to The Machine Company; and subsequently the replication material was applied to The Chemical Company. It was ensured that the replication logic was executed consistently and resulted in similar findings and conclusions in the same or different organizations. and capability. The process dimension consists of 26 DX processes defined under 4 process groups: strategic governance, digital process transformation, workforce management, and information and technology management. The capability dimension, adapted from SPICE, has six capability and six maturity levels. The application and usability of the DX-CMM were verified by the multiple case study in this study. The DX-CMM and the method for conducting DX maturity assessment were explained, and the results of a multiple case study analysis based on two different organizations were given. The results of the analysis show that the DX-CMM is capable of identifying DX maturity improvement opportunities at different organizational DX maturity levels and is successful at providing a guideline for moving the DX maturity level one step further. The post-assessment survey results show that the approach to assessment of DX maturity level and achievement of a roadmap for improvement is useful, and all suggestions for DX maturity improvement given in the assessment reports will improve the DX performance of the organizations. To this end, it can be asserted that the DX-CMM proposes a baseline for starting and sustaining a continuous improvement life cycle for DX processes in a well-structured way. It provides an evaluation of the current state of DX maturity in detail, and the generation of a feasible improvement guideline for moving one DX maturity level further, as well as benchmarking organizations evaluated using the same approach. The Machine Company has realized the importance of HR skills improvement, while initiating DX in the company; and The Chemical Company has understood that DX is a never-ending cycle that seeks to maintain continuous improvement. One of the limitations of this research is generalizability, because of the limited number of case studies. Additional case studies with different sectors, countries, and DX adoption levels are needed to increase generalizability. Future studies would include additional case studies and the development of a self-assessment tool for use by employees or organizations to evaluate themselves, observing any weaknesses and improving DX maturity on their own. 6.4.4. Reliability Reliability problems are related to ensuring that other people can conduct the same study utilizing the methodology. In order to prevent these problems, the case study protocol by Yin (Yin, 2013) was followed to identify the objectives, RQs, design, and data collection of the case study in a structured way, and the assessment methodology defined in the DX-CMM in detail was also followed. Moreover, the replication material of the case study was prepared and executed in different organizations. It was determined that consistent outputs were produced through multiple implementations. 7. Conclusion In this study, it was determined that none of the existing MMs within the DX domain fully satisfied the defined criteria: publishing as an academic paper, including a detailed description of its components, and being applicable across all sectors. None of the existing MMs has a comprehensive and integrated approach applicable across all sectors. Additionally, they are not developed based on a well-established process capability maturity model, they do not aim to improve the DX processes, and do not determine the DX maturity level of the organization based on the capability level of the processes. Moreover, none of them gives full details of the model for the application or provides an action plan for enabling maturity stage improvement. To fulfill these requirements, the DX-CMM, having a holistic and integrated approach applicable across all sectors, was developed based on a wellestablished process capability maturity model, SPICE, by applying the MM development framework proposed by De Bruin et al. (2005) to assist organizations by providing current capability/maturity determination, derivation of a gap analysis, and creation of a comprehensive roadmap. The DX-CMM, has two dimensions of process Author statement Ebru Gökalp: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Formal analysis, Writing - Original Draft, Visualization Veronica Martinez: Conceptualization, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision Appendix A Table A7 16 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 Table A1 The Existing MMs in DX/Smart Production/Smart Service Domain. MM# The MM Dimensions Levels MM1 The connected enterprise maturity model (Automation, 2014) – 1 Assessment 2 Secure and upgraded network and controls 3 Defined and organized working data capital 4 Analytics 5 Collaboration MM2 The digital maturity model 4.0 (Gill and VanBoskirk, 2016) - -Culture - -Organization - -Technology Insights 1 2 3 4 Skeptics Adopters Collaborators Differentiators MM3 IMPULS – Industrie 4.0 readiness (Lichtblau et al., 2015) - -Strategy and organization -Smart factory -Smart operations -Smart products - -Data-driven services - -Employees 1 2 3 4 5 6 Outsider Beginner Intermediate Experienced Expert Top performer MM4 A maturity model Industry 4.0 readiness (Schumacher et al., 2016) - – MM5 System integration maturity model Industry 4.0 – SIMMI 4.0 (Leyh et al., 2017, 2016) - -Vertical Integration - -Horizontal Integration - -Digital Product Development - -Cross-Sectional Technology Criteria 2 Basic Digitization 3 Cross-Departmental Digitization 4 Horizontal and Vertical Digitization 5 Full Digitization 6 Optimized Full Digitization MM6 Industrie 4.0 maturity index – Acatech (Schuh et al., 2017) - -Resources -Information systems -Organizational structure -Culture 1 2 3 4 5 6 Computerization Connectivity Visibility Transparency Predictive capability Adaptability MM7 DREAMY – Digital readiness assessment maturity model (De Carolis et al., 2017a, b) - -Process, -Monitoring and Control, -Technology -Organization 1 2 3 4 5 Initial Managed Defined Integrated and Interoperable Digital-oriented MM8 Three-stage maturity model in SMEs toward Industry 4.0 (Ganzarain and Errasti, 2016) - -Vision - -Roadmap - -Projects 1 2 3 4 5 Initial Managed Defined Transform Detailed BM MM9 A digital maturity model for telecommunications service providers (Valdez-de-Leon, 2016) - -Strategy -Organization -Customer -Technology -Operations -Ecosystem -Innovation 1 2 3 4 5 6 Not started Initiating Enabling Integrating Optimizing Pioneering MM10 Industry 4.0 – MM (Gökalp et al., 2017; Şener et al., 2019) - -Asset Management, -Data Governance, -Application Management, -Process Transformation, -Organizational Alignment Level 0 Incomplete Level 1 Performed Level 2 Managed Level 3 Established Level 4 Predictable Level 5 Optimizing 17 -Product -Customers -Operations -Technology -Strategy -Leadership -Governance -Culture -People E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 Table A1 (Continued) MM# The MM Dimensions Levels MM11 A smart manufacturing maturity model for SMEs (SM3E) (Mittal et al., 2018) - 1 2 3 4 5 MM12 DPMM 4.0 – Industry 4.0 maturity model for the delivery process in supply chains (Asdecker and Felch, 2018) - -Order processing - -Warehousing - -Shipping Based on SIMMI 4.0 MM13 Maturity and readiness model for Industry 4.0 strategy (Akdil et al., 2018) - Absence Existence Survival Maturity MM14 A preliminary maturity model for leveraging digitalization in manufacturing (Sjödin et al., 2018) - -People - -Process - -Technology 1 2 3 4 5 6 Connected technologies Structured data gathering and sharing Real-time process analytics and optimization Smart, predictable manufacturing MM15 A model for assessing the maturity of Industry 4.0 in the banking sector (Bandara et al., 2019) - -Products and services -Technology and Resources -Strategy and organisation -Operations -Customers -Governance -Employees 1 2 3 4 5 Initial Managed Defined Established Digital Oriented MM16 IMA – Infrastructure maturity assessment (Williams et al., 2019) - -Transport -Collaboration -Security -Mobility -Data Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Administrative Tactical Fixed Mobile Externalized Integrated Contextualized Orchestrated MM17 A maturity assessment approach for conceiving context-specific roadmaps in the Industry 4.0 era (Colli et al., 2019, 2018) - -Governance -Technology -Connectivity -Value creation -Competences 1 None 2 Basic 2.Transparent 3.Aware 4.Autonomous 5.Integrated MM18 Roadmapping toward industrial digitalization based on an Industry 4.0 maturity model for manufacturing enterprises (Schumacher et al., 2019) - -Finance -People -Strategy -Process -Product -Smart products and services -Smart business processes -Strategy -Organization -Technology -Products -Customers and Partners -Value Creation Processes -Data & Information -Corporate Standards - -Employees Strategy and Leadership Novice Beginner Learner Intermediate Expert – Table A2 Capability Level 1 Assessment of Digital Transformation Strategy Development Process in The Machine Company. Base Practices (BPs) Rate of BP Rate of PA 1.1 SG.SD.BP.01. Evaluate the business and market SG.SD.BP.02. Analyze the current situation of the company SG.SD.BP.03. Define the target situation of the company (i.e., value mapping, business model innovation) SG.SD.BP.04. Conduct a gap analysis SG.SD.BP.05. Define company-specific DX strategy and roadmap SG.SD.BP.06. Communicate the DX strategy and direction with all related parties SG.SD.BP.07. Publish the vision and strategy document L.A. F.A. F.A. L.A. L.A. F.A. F.A. L.A. (Largely Achieved) 18 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 Table A3 Capability Level Assessments of DX Processes in The Machine Company. Process Digital Transformation Strategy Development Portfolio Management Project Management Financial Resources and Supplier Management IT Strategy Management Requirement Definition Enterprise Architecture Development Infrastructure Management Data Governance Agile Software Development Enterprise Architecture Integration Data Analytics Enterprise Architecture Maintenance Security Management Business Process Digitalization Business Processes Vertical Integration Business Processes Horizontal Integration Quantitative Performance Management Data-Driven Decision Management Quantitative Process Improvement Self-Optimized Decision Management Business Process Integration Toward Product Life Cycle HR Skills Development Organizational Structure Management Sustainable Learning Management Organizational Change Management Level 1 Level 2 PA 1.1 PA 2.1 PA 2.2 Level 3 PA 3.1 PA 3.2 L.A. L.A. P.A. P.A. P.A. P.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. N.A. N.A. P.A. N.A. L.A. P.A. L.A. P.A. P.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. L.A. F.A. P.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. – – – – – L.A. L.A. – – – – L.A. – L.A. – – – – – – L.A. L.A. – L.A. L.A. L.A. – – – – – L.A. L.A. – – – – L.A. – L.A. – – – – – – L.A. L.A. – L.A. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – −. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Process Capability Level Level 1 Level 1 Level 0 Level 0 Level 0 Level 0 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 0 Level 0 Level 0 Level 0 Level 1 Level 0 Level 1 Level 0 Level 0 Level 0 Level 0 Level 0 Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 0 Level 1 Table A4 Capability Level Assessments of DX Processes in The Chemical Company. Process Digital Transformation Strategy Development Portfolio Management Project Management Financial Resources and Supplier Management IT Strategy Management Requirement Definition Enterprise Architecture Development Infrastructure Management Data Governance Agile Software Development Enterprise Architecture Integration Data Analytics Enterprise Architecture Maintenance Security Management Business Process Digitalization Business Processes Vertical Integration Business Processes Horizontal Integration Quantitative Performance Management Data-Driven Decision Management Quantitative Process Improvement Self-Optimized Decision Management Business Process Integration Toward Product Life Cycle HR Skills Development Organizational Structure Management Sustainable Learning Management Organizational Change Management Level 1 Level 2 PA 1.1 PA 2.1 F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. Not Applicable F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. L.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. L.A. P.A. – P.A. – F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. Level 3 Level 4 PA 2.2 PA 3.1 PA 3.2 PA 4.1 PA 4.2 F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. F.A. F.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. F.A. F.A. – – – – – – – P.A. P.A. – – – – – – – P.A. N.A. F.A. FA L.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. P.A. F.A. F.A. L.A. – – F.A. F.A. F.A. F.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. F.A. – L.A. L.A. – – – F.A. F.A. F.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. L.A. – L.A. L.A. – – – L.A. F.A. F.A. L.A. – – – – – – – – – – – – – L.A. L.A. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – P.A. P.A. – 19 Process Capability Level Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Not Applicable Level 3 Level 3 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 1 Level 3 Level 3 Level 2 Level 0 Level 0 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 Table A5 Example Assessment Results for Two Processes in the Machine Company. 20 E. Gökalp and V. Martinez Computers in Industry 132 (2021) 103522 Table A6 Example Assessment Results for Two Processes in The Chemical Company. Table A7 Abbreviations. Abbreviation Definition BP CMMI DX DX-CMM Base Practice: the specific functional activities of the process Capability Maturity Model Integration: a process level improvement training and appraisal program. Digital Transformation: the disruptive technological achievement bringing new business and operating models. Digital Transformation Capability Maturity Model: a model developed based on a well-established process capability maturity model of SPICE by applying a methodological maturity model development framework to guide organizations that wish to adopt digital transformation by providing a comprehensive, objective, consistent, and standardized approach. Fully Achieved: There is evidence of a complete and systematic approach to, and full achievement of, the defined process attribute in the assessed process. Maturity Model: a conceptual model consisting of a sequence of discrete maturity levels for a class of processes and represents a desired evolutionary path for these processes Largely Achieved: There is evidence of a systematic approach to, and significant achievement of, the defined process attribute in the assessed process. Not Achieved: There is little or no evidence of achievement of the defined process attribute in the assessed process. Partially Achieved: There is some evidence of an approach to, and some achievement of, the defined process attribute in the assessed process. Process Attribute: a measurable property of process capability Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination: a set of technical standards documents for the computer software development process and related business management functions F.A. 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