:/ Antihypertensive Drugs 132-33 : - TREATMENT HTN for - { cholesterol management ( NaCl d. call, diet t ) exercise 1 weight loss etc .com/smoking I management ) treatment Pharmacological Lsympatholytic drugs LACEI ( Diuretics ( vasodilators ( ARB LCCB ÷÷÷÷i÷÷÷÷÷i÷i÷÷i÷÷÷: ÷ ÷ ÷i÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ i: & Epirote.te) vasodilators in severe HEN inhibit aldosterone inhibit Nat flux SIDE EFFECT ( Hyperglycemia ( µyperql Hyper lipidemia ( Hyponatremia ( ( Allergic • ( ( (up reaction calcium ne " Hypercalcemia L combine ↳ a ( - Henatypertensive emergency metabolized by acetylation POLYMORPHISM LSE slow ↳ rapid palpitation reflex tachycardia & sympathetic stimulation develop lupus erythematosus like syndrome headache, nausea, anorexia : acetylatorsttydralazined acetylates → Hydrazines , provoke anginal arrhythmias - • SNP : sodium nitro prussiate 't:÷÷i÷÷÷÷:÷:÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷: ÷i÷÷÷÷÷:: ÷: "" 4.ACEI:AngiotensinConvertingEnzymeInhibit • l inhibit ACE to , b - SE: hypotension renal to Drug interaction ( clinical ( receptor antagonists central acting agent thatapril from changing angiotensin I angiotensin I ( vasoconstriction d. Bpd aldosterone secretion d ↳ block bradykinin breakdown vasodilation adrenergic receptor antagonists - with diuretics If blocker ( resistance glycemic 2.gympaf.gg/yf,#I.Bm-iadrean&er9pi c ↳ minoxidil ) ( nitroprusside, nitroglycerine ) Hydralazine hyperuricemia metabolic alkalosis & Hypokalemia , ( Arteriolar dilators ( Hydrazine , ↳ Arteriolar & venolar dilators treatment ( lifestyle modification ) Noenspthrearsmaegioeloggical - 3.Vasodilato& I , K : - failure hyperkalemia dry cough angioedema , , sparing diuretics , NSAID ↳ block ↳ hyperkalemia use , bradykinin → impair effect Hypertension IHeart failures myocardial infarction Diabetic nephropathy contraindication : pregnant , renal artery stenosis, hyperkalemia Gerd , 5.tt/3B:Angiotensinreceptorblockingagent#o1stGEN ) zip adrenergic moss byliner - , HRT , conduction b. contractility I :} Bronchospasm, , • propranolol hadolol , Sota lol ( nonselective : 2nd GEN Peripheral selective Bi ( : vasoconstriction atenolobmetrop.ro/o1.bisorolol,esmo1o1 ) i'sina.in.w.aiiii.iiii.ie: " ( p -12 (B - SE : nitric oxide + , CNS , ( hebivolol ) hypotension , bradycardia libido , HDL b. Tag , AVOID : Asthma IDM adrenergic ( prazosin selectively effect ono ( not on doxazosin ) receptor > smooth muscle relaxation ↳ Bpd , presynaptic 22 dilation reflux is SE : , HTN binda , > block NE promote • veno 2.3 patient Rebound WITHDRAWAL 2.2 d- "" ( Iabetalol , carved , lol ) , • " " NE > release ) cardiac preload f t tachycardia d postural HTN , first dose phenomenon + sympathetic postural ( past excrete sedation dry mouth 7- St ( se . : first , , , outflow via d → HRD kidney The mental cough & angioedema ) dittiazem & heat & Dihydro pyridine ( - CDHPS ) , , used cardio depression AV block amlodipine Hypertension - headache cardiodepression [ AV block SBP DBP - 420 480 D OPTIMAL 0 NORMAL 120-129 80-84 SEVERE 7180 2110 A -1 bmost peripheral edema l ggensatdipaeahtieon ldittiazem , felodipine, nicardipinqnisodipine) vessels selective to blood vessels sfjerhaypappontie(nsioh / severe HTN CLONIDINE Laz agonist → sympathetic metabolism to ACEI ( except .at#n :.asonists/: n:i s: : i: o:i s: l: : HTN pregnancy + HTH , : ( Verapamil ( affect depressed baroreceptor :÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷:÷÷÷÷:÷÷ use ( ' prostatitis >hyperplasia outflow b ( vaso pressor center in brainstem ) " Clinical bradykinin on :÷÷÷÷:::::u÷::;mein÷÷÷÷÷: ÷÷:÷÷÷÷i÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷: ↳ treat Benign -Itagaent Knifed'aPIfPe"Tiatesitude , b less flow 9 ( no ( St effect similar hypotension Centrally acting agent ( Methyl dopa Clonidine ) • urine Losartan , Irbesartan • Vessel relax wishbones 8-12 hr depression , withdrawal life threatening ! -_ ( HTN crisis ) 6290040nF ) 633070347 - 9