ENG 219 Report Guidelines Description: The ENGL 219 report is a research project that requires you to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Investigate one aspect of IT related field. Read academic literature (like journals, scientific magazines and articles). Conduct a balanced academic report. Give a short presentation on the most interesting and original aspects of the report. Submission Date: Students should submit their report on the 2nd May 2022 and their recorded PPT presentations on the 15th May 2022 . For late work, a penalty of 2% per day will be applied. Student’s work: 1. All students must complete all aspects of the report and presentation. 2. All students must be present for all consultations with the lecturer. Length of the report: 1. The number of words excludes the reference list and appendices. One student should not exceed 15002000 words; two students – 2000- 2500 words; three students 2500- 3000 words; four students 30003500 words. Plagiarism: Any student submitting plagiarised work will not be graded. Students should submit their reports on Blackboard SafeAssign/Turnitin to check their work on plagiarism. Interaction with Your Lecturer: Your title must be approved by your lecturer prior to starting your work. Report Layout: Cover Page Contents page Introduction Methodology Findings/Body part Conclusion Bibliography Appendices (if any) 1 ENGL 219 Report Assessment Rubric Component Description Cover page Contents page Shows the reader the basic organization of the report, with page numbers Introduction to the topic of the report is presented Background information is mentioned An outline of the structure of the report is clearly stated Definitions of key terms related to the topic (if applicable) Purpose and objectives of the report are clearly stated Method Introduction Apart from the title, shows the student’s name and module title and number Marks (30%) 1 2 4 Data Analysis & Findings Data (e.g. graphs, charts, tables) supports effectively the information and ideas of the researcher Findings are presented coherently and clearly explained Evidence in the report is properly synthesized (summarised/paraphrased) Findings are related to the tasks of research Ideas in the/between the chapters are properly linked 6 Methodology Data gathering methods are pertinent and clearly described. Sample (how many people surveyed or interviewed) is adequate. Instrument used is well-written and well-suited to the topic investigated. 2 References and citation The research is clearly cited in-text References are done correctly with regard to academic conventions Quotations are not overused in the research Conclusion Main ideas are briefly summarised and linked to the main argument. Main ideas are properly commented Predictions for future developments of the topic are expressed Further research that might be required is mentioned Bibliography is arranged to academic convention 3 Bibliography 3 2 Appendices (if needed) Layout and Organisation Language These include data related to the topic, which the reader may want to refer to Each appendix should have a title and be mentioned in the main body. The report includes all required components Formatting rules for layout, spacing, alignment, headings, page numbering, word limit, etc. are to be followed Organization is fully appropriate and effective for a topic Use of cohesive devices (key words, pronouns, references, linking words, transitions, etc.) is evident Correct use of grammar on sentence level and in spelling as well as capitalization and punctuation rules are followed Academic style requirements are fulfilled (no contractions, formal vocabulary and IT terms) TOTAL 1 1 5 /30 2 Report Format 1. Title page should include (appropriate font size) Subject of the report Name of the writer ID number Submitted on (due date) Submitted to (teacher’s name) 2. Table of Contents (font 18/20) should include All the headings (with the same numbers as used in the report) and the relevant page numbers Use font 16 One and a half line spacing 3. The actual report – Abstract, Introduction, Findings/The body Part, Conclusions and Bibliography (font 14, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing) 4. Appendix should include (font 10 or 12). 5. The report should be bound and not stapled like an assignment. 6. Clean white pages are to be used. 7. No pictures are to be included. 3