SHEMA ACADEMY ICT [COMPUTER EDUCATION] PROGRAM - General knowledge Practical computer operation Word Processing Programming / Coding Basic Graphics design GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 1. Introduction to computer: Relevance, Meaning, Parts, Input, Output and Storage devices, and Types of computers. COMPUTER OPERATION 2. First Steps On The Computer: Boot the computer Use The Mouse: Hold and move the mouse [desktop and/or laptop]; identify the mouse pointer; point the mouse at icons on the desktop; and Click Shut Down - The Keyboard 3. Icons: Meaning - Symbols that represent programs [like doors to a room] Open [click and press enter OR double click] and Close icons Minimize and maximize open windows… Resize open windows Move open windows 4. Opening Programs: Media Player [select, play, pause, stop, seek, volume, mute]; The Calculator; Chess Game 5. MS – Paint 6. MS – Word - Typing text: [Positioning hands, Keys for the left fingers and right fingers, Caps Lock, Space bar, Backspace, Enter Key, Shift key, ]Save [Save As, Save], Opening Saved Documents - Formatting text – size, bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, subscript, superscript, text color, highlight, change case, alignment [left, right, center, justify], bullets and numbering, indents [tab & others], Headings, Find and Replace, - Insert: Table, Pictures, Clip Art, Shapes, Header and Footer, Page Number, Word Art, Drop Cap, Text Box, Symbols and Special Characters; Cover page, Table of Contents [references] - Formatting Inserts: Design, layout - Graphics, printing etc - Page Layout: Setup [Margins, orientation, size, columns], Background [watermark, page colour, page borders], Paragraph [indent and spacing]; Arrange [position, text wrapping, align, group] - Review: Spell checking - View: Print layout, Full screen, two pages, zoom BASIC PROGRAMMING / CODING 7. Scratch Junior or Scratch COMPUTER LESSON KEY POINTS 1. INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER RELEVANCE The illiterates of today are not those who cannot read and write alone; they are those who cannot use the computer; those who do not have digital skills. We interact with computers and computerized programs everyday; we can hardly live without them in our world. MEANING Computer is a machine that helps us make our work easy. It accepts and process data and supply us information. PARTS Computer is a machine that has many parts: 1. Monitor 2. System Unit 3. Keyboard 4. Mouse 5. Speakers INPUT DEVICES Input means to put in something. Input devices are the things we use to tell the computer what to do; OR we use to put data in the computer. 1. Mouse 2. Keyboard 3. Scanner [optional] OUTPUT DEVICES Output means to get something out. Output devices are the things the computer uses to show us what it has done; OR the computer uses to put out information. 1. Monitor 2. Speakers 3. Printer [optional] STORAGE DEVICES Storage means to keep something safe. Storage devices are the things we use to keep our information on the computer safe. OR we use to store information. 1. Hard Disk Drive 2. Flash Drive 3. Compact Disc 4. Floppy Disc Drive or Diskette TYPES OF COMPUTERS AND COMPUTERIZED DEVICES 1. Desktop 2. Laptop 3. Mini laptops 4. Tablets and iPads 5. Phones 6. Digital wristwatch FIRST STEPS ON THE COMPUTER There are three things we all do at the computer. 1. Boot the System 2. Work with keyboard and mouse [or other input devices] 3. Shut down the computer when we are done 1. Boot the computer: Press the power button (|). This is how we power on the computer. Do not say, ‘ON’ the computer; say, ‘BOOT’ the system. 2. The Mouse: This is a computer mouse. It looks like a mouse. This is the mouse on laptop; it does not look like a mouse but it does the same work. There are two buttons on a mouse; one on the left; one on the right. CLICK Press the left button. Do you hear the sound? That is called a CLICK. We use it to select what we want on the computer. - Hold and move the mouse [desktop and/or laptop] - Identify the mouse pointer - Point the mouse at icons on the desktop; and Click 3. Shut Down: When we are done with our work on the computer, we SHUT DOWN the computer. This is how we turn off the computer. Don’t say ‘OFF’ the computer; say ‘SHUT DOWN’ the computer. Don’t press the power button to shut down the computer. WINDOWS 7 and below - Click the Start Button: Move the mouse pointer to the START BUTTON and CLICK. The start button is at the bottom left corner of the screen. - Click Shut Down: Move the mouse pointer to the SHUT DOWN and CLICK. WINDOWS 8 OR 10, and above - Click the Start Button: Move the mouse pointer to the START BUTTON and CLICK. The start button is at the bottom left corner of the screen. - Click Power Button Icon: Move the mouse pointer up to the POWER BUTTON ICON (|) and CLICK. - Click Shut Down: Move the mouse pointer to the SHUT DOWN and CLICK. THE KEYBOARD The computer keyboard is a set of keys we use to type and give commands to the computer. It is an input device. [Image] The keyboard has: 1. Letter keys 2. Number keys 3. Symbols 4. Function keys 5. Command keys 6. Arrow keys LETTER KEYS Touch the letter keys on your keyboard. The letters are arranged in a special way to make it easy for us to type: Line 1: QWERTYUIOP Line 2: ASDFGHJKL Line 3: ZXCVBNM NUMBER KEYS Touch the number keys on your keyboard. The numbers are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 SYMBOLS The symbols are written above the number keys. You must press down the shift key + the number key for the symbol to appear. Exercises: Display the following symbols: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + Press: - Shift and 1, you will get ! [exclamation] - Shift and 2, you will get @ [at] - Shift and 3, you will get # [hash] - Shift and 4, you will get $ [dollar] - Shift and 5, you will get % [percent] - Shift and 6, you will get ^ [accent] - Shift and 7, you will get & [ampersand] - Shift and 8, you will get * [asterisk, star] - Shift and 9, you will get ( [open bracket] - Shift and 10, you will get ) [close bracket] - Shift and - [hyphen] , you will get _ [underscore] - Shift and = [equal to], you will get + [plus] OTHER SYMBOLS ; and : [press shift and ; ‘ ’ and “ ” [press shift and ‘ \ and | [press shift and \ , and < [press shift and , . and > [press shift and . / and ? [press shift and / (semicolon), (single quote), (forward slash), (comma), (full stop), you will get ? ] you will get : (colon) ] you will get “ (double quote) ] you will get | (stroke) ] you will get < (less than) ] you will get > (greater than) ] FUNCTION KEYS The function keys are on the first row of the keyboard. They are used to do special things. They perform special functions. They are: F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 - Try them out and see what they do COMMAND KEYS The command keys tell the computer what to do. They are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Space bar Backspace [ Enter [ ] Shift [ ] Control [Ctrl] Page up Page down Function [Fn] ] ICONS & PROGRAMS ICONS Icons are symbols that represent programs, files and places on a computer. They are like doors to a room. You must open them before you see what is in the room. You have to open the icons too to see the content of the program, file or place they represent. HOW TO OPEN AN ICON Method 1 1. Move the mouse pointer to the icon you want to open. 2. Double-click the icon. Double-click means press the left button two times and very quickly. On a LAPTOP, you can tap the track pad two times and very quickly. Method 2 1. Move the mouse pointer to the icon you want to open. 2. Click on it once. 3. Press ENTER key [ ] on your keyboard. Method 3 1. Move the mouse pointer to the icon you want to open. 2. Right-click on the icon. It will display some options. 3. Click OPEN on the list HOW TO CLOSE AN OPEN WINDOW When you open an icon, the page that opens is called a window. This is how to close that window: 1. Move your mouse to the top right corner of the page. 2. Click the X button. That X button is the Close button. When the window is CLOSED, the page will disappear. If you want to see it again, you have to OPEN that icon again. Do you still remember how to open an icon? MINIMIZE OPEN WINDOWS If you don’t want to close the window completely, you can hide it for some time and go back to it whenever you want to see that page again. This is how to do it. 1. Move your mouse to the top right corner of the page. 2. Click the – button. That – button is the Minimize button. When the window is MINIMIZED, the page will hide at the Taskbar. The Task bar is at the bottom of the screen. You will see that icon on the task bar. If you want to see the page you minimized again, this is what to do: RESTORE A MINIMIZED WINDOW 1. Look at the task bar [at the bottom of the screen] and find the icon of that window or program you minimized. 2. Click on that icon. The window will open again. That means we have RESTORED the minimized window. *Restore means to put something back to where or how it was before. MAXIMIZE A WINDOW Maximize a window means to make the window big, and make the page cover the entire screen. Sometimes, your window may display smaller than usual and not cover the entire screen. If you want it to cover the whole screen, you just maximize it. This is how to do it: 1. Move your mouse to the top right corner of that page that didn’t fill the screen. 2. Click the [] button. That [] button is the Maximize button. When the window is MAXIMIZED, the page will fill the entire screen. If you want the page to return to the smaller size, just restore it: Click the [] maximize button again, the page will return to the smaller size. RESIZE WINDOWS You can make a window smaller or bigger without filling the entire screen. You just resize the screen. Here’s how to do that: 1. Move your mouse pointer to the edge of the page [right, left, top or bottom]. The mouse pointer will change to this or . If it doesn’t change, move the mouse again, a little up or down, or to the right or left until the mouse pointer changes. 2. When your mouse pointer has changed to this or , CLICK and DRAG the edge of the page up or down to resize the height of the page Or CLICK and DRAG the page to the left or right to resize the width of the page. Let’s do it together. RELEASE the button when you’re done. Activity 1. CLICK and DRAG: Press the left mouse button, hold it down, and drag the mouse. LAPTOP: Use a finger to click [press] the left button and hold it down; use another finger to move the mouse on the track pad without releasing the other one. 2. Make the page shorter; now let’s make the page wider. 3. Make the page taller; now let’s make the page thinner. MOVE OPEN WINDOWS You can also MOVE a page around and place it in another position you want. Here’s how to that: 1. Click the maximize button – the page will resize. 2. Move your mouse to the Title Bar. The title bar is at the top of the page where you see the name of the program or file. 3. CLICK and DRAG the Title Bar to the left or right, up or down and RELEASE the button when you’re done. WORKING WITH COMPUTER PROGRAMS There are many things we can do with a computer. For example, we can read stories and books, draw images, write stories, use the calculator, watch videos, listen to music and play games. We can do all these because there are programs on the computer that makes them work. Computer programs help us to read, draw, calculate, watch videos, listen to music and play games on the computer. A program is a set of instructions written for the computer to make the computer understand and perform specific tasks. Examples: Media Player; Paint; Calculator; Chess etc. WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM The first program on a computer is the Windows Operating System. Other programs on the computer work on the Operating System [O.S]. If the Operating System goes bad, other programs won’t work. CHANGE DESKTOP APPEARANCE The desktop is the first screen you see after the computer has finished booting. Below the desktop is the Task Bar. The Task Bar displays icons that provide quick access to some programs on the computer. We can change the way the desktop looks and design it the way we want. 1. Right-click anywhere on the desktop 2. Click Customize 3. CREATE USER ACCOUNT - Create user account; password protect 1. SET DATE AND TIME 1. Look at the extreme right of the task bar. You’ll see the clock. 2. 3. 4. 5. Right click on the clock. Click adjust date and time. Click change. Make the changes you wish and click change. ADJUST OR MUTE SYSTEM VOLUME 1. Click on the speaker icon to the right of the task bar. 2. Click and drag the slider to the right to raise the volume or drag to the left to lower the volume. 3. If you want to mute the speaker, just click the speaker icon on the left of the slider. The speaker will be muted and you will no longer hear any sounds. MICROSOFT PAINT - Launch Draw Colour Specific drawing projects: How Tos MICROSOFT WORD Microsoft Office Word [Microsoft Word or MS-Word] is a program that we use to type and format documents instead of writing and drawing on paper. We use it to type words and design our documents with different types of lines, shapes, colours, tables and objects as we like. HOW TO LAUNCH MICROSOFT WORD 1. Click the START button at the bottom left of the task bar. 2. Scroll down and click on Microsoft Office. 3. Click on Microsoft Office Word from the program list. OR 1. Click on the Search Bar beside the START button on the Task Bar. 2. Type WORD in the search box 3. Click on Microsoft Office Word from the program list. OR 1. Move your mouse to the Microsoft word icon W on the Desktop or on the Task Bar. 2. Double-click the icon to open the Microsoft Word program from your Desktop or click the icon once to open the Microsoft Word program from your Task Bar. Great job! Now, let us type your name. TYPE YOUR NAME 1. Move your mouse to the typing area [the blank, white page] you see. 2. Click to place your cursor at the beginning of the line where you want to type. The cursor is the straight line that is blinking on the page. 3. Now use the computer keyboard letters to spell your name. Great job! Your teacher will save this document for you with your name as the file name so that you can come back to it later. MICROSOFT WORD ENVIRONMENT From the top left to the bottom, here are the most important tools you will find in Microsoft Word environment: Office button Quick Access Tool Bar The Title Bar - Name of the document - Minimize, Maximize and Close buttons The Tool Bar - Home | Insert | Page Layout | References | Mailings | Review | View The Ruler and Margins The Typing Area The Scroll bar The Information Bar - Page numbers - Word count - Language - Layout View - Zoom Let us now see what these tools mean and what they do. OFFICE BUTTON Click on the office button. You will see the following: New | Open | Save and Save As | Print and so on. NEW New – creates a new document. Let’s do it. Click Office button. Click New. Click on blank Document. Click Create at the bottom right of the box. OPEN Open – opens a file that is already saved on the computer. Let’s do it. - Click Office button. - Click open. - Click the location of your file. - Select the file – choose the file that displays your name. [Click the icon W at the beginning of the file name]. Remember, your teacher saved it for you. - Click open at the bottom right of the dialogue box. That’s it. Great job! Did you see your name appear again? Just the way you typed it the last time. Great! TYPE AND SAVE YOUR SURNAME 1. Move your mouse to the typing area [the blank, white page] you see. 2. Click at the end of your name to place your cursor at the end of the last letter of your name where you want to type. The cursor is the straight line that is blinking on the page. 3. Press the space bar once. 4. Now use the computer keyboard letters to spell your surname. 5. Click the Save Button [the diskette] on the Quick access tool bar or Press Ctrl + S together. The file now has both your first name and your surname. 6. CLOSE the file and OPEN it again. Congratulations! Now, let’s show you how you can save your files by yourself from scratch. SAVE When we create a new file in MS-Word, we must save the file to our computer so that we can come back to it any other time we want. If we do not save the file, our work will be lost after we close it or when the computer shuts down. This is how we save our documents: 1. Create a new document. Type your name, press the space bar and then type your surname. 2. Click Office button. Click Save or Save As. 3. Choose the location where you want to save your file. If you like it where it is already, there is no need to change it. 4. Click the File Name box and type the name you want to call your file. 5. Click Save. When you are done, you may close the file. If you make any changes to the file after you save, you have to save again before you close the file. All you have to do is to click the SAVE BUTTON [the diskette] on the Quick access tool bar. Or press Ctrl + S together on your keyboard. That is the shortcut. PRINT When are done creating the document, we can print it out of the computer on to a piece of paper so that we can have it with us on paper after we shut down our computer. Here’s how to do that. Print 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Click Office button. Click Print. Select the printer. Type the number of pages you want to print. Click PRINT. HOW TO TYPE WITH MICROSOFT WORD Typing is very easy. All you have to do is press a key on the keyboard and it will appear on the screen. Super duper simple! POSITIONING YOUR HANDS Left hand – starting with the pinky, set your left fingers on the keys like this: A S D F – Space bar Pinky 4th finger 3rd finger 2nd finger Thumb Right hand – starting with the pinky, set your right fingers on the keys like this: ; L K J – Space bar Pinky 4th finger 3rd finger 2nd finger Thumb In this position, it is easy to reach all the letters on the keyboard. CAPS LOCK The Caps Lock key is the first key on your left before letter A. Use the left pinky to press it anytime you want a CAPITAL LETTER or UPPER CASE LETTER. SPACE BAR The SPACE BAR is the widest key on the keyboard. We use the space bar to put a space between words. Press the SPACE BAR after every word you type until you type the last word where you will put the full-stop. BACKSPACE BACKSPACE is the last key to the right on the second row of the keyboard. We use the BACKSPACE to erase what we typed – letters, words, numbers or spaces. If you make a mistake when typing, just press the BACKSPACE to erase the wrong letters or words you typed and retype the correct one. ENTER KEY The ENTER key is directly below the BACKSPACE. It is the last key on the 3rd row of the keyboard. Enter Key helps us move to the next line when typing. It forcefully shifts the cursor down to the next line so that what we type can appear on the next line even when there’s still space on the current line. If you want to leave a line and type on the next line after that, just hit the ENTER key again. Every time you hit the ENTER key, the cursor will move to the next line. SHIFT KEY There are two Shift Keys on the keyboard. The first SHIFT KEY is at the beginning of the 5th row of the keyboard. The second SHIFT KEY is at the end of the same row. The Shift Key does not work alone. When you press The Shift Key, you have to press another key with it. The Shift Key shifts the output of the key you press to the second function of that key. Example: Shift + Small letter Shift + Number Shift + Symbol key = = = CAPITAL LETTER Symbol above the number The symbol above that key UNDO AND REDO UNDO The UNDO button is next to the SAVE button on the Quick Access Tool bar. If you make a mistake while typing or designing in Microsoft word, you can quickly correct the mistake immediately by using the Undo button. When you click the UNDO button, the last action you took will be cancelled, and the program will go back to what it was before you took that action. It’s very easy and simple. Try it! REDO If you later find out that you didn’t really make a mistake, you can command the program to REDO the action for you. Just click the REDO button beside the UNDO button. Super cool, right? Yes! So you don’t have to be afraid of making mistakes when working in Microsoft Word. TYPING EXERCISE ABOUT ME My name is Firstname Lastname. I am 0 years old. My best food is Bestfood. My best colour is Colour. I attend The Shema Academy and I am in Basic four (4). I like sports, chess, dance and fine arts. Above all, I love God and I love my neighbours as I love myself. FORMATTING TEXTS Now that you know how to type; let me show you how to make changes to your texts and decorate your document. We call it formatting. Formatting is about fonts, colours and styling. All formatting can be done before or after typing the texts we want to format. Most people format after typing because it is easier and faster. That is what we will do. HOW TO HIGHLIGHT A TEXT Before you can make any changes to the texts you have already typed without erasing and retyping them, you must first highlight the text. Highlight the text means you should select the texts you want to make changes to so that the program will know where you want the formatting to start and stop. When you highlight a text, a blue colour box will be drawn over that word or words to show that you have selected this word(s) and any changes you make now will affect only this word(s). FIVE WAYS TO HIGHLIGHT TEXTS: 1. Double-click the text / word. 2. Click in the margin area behind the first word on any line to highlight all the words on the entire line. 3. Click to place your cursor at the beginning of the first word, move your mouse pointer to the end of the last word you want to highlight, then press the shift key and click. All the words within that range will be highlighted, even if there are multiple lines. 4. Click and drag your mouse over the words you want to highlight from the first to the last word. 5. Click at the beginning of the first word, hold down the shift key and press the arrow key to the right, left, down or up. All the texts within the range will be highlighted. FONTS A font is the computer’s handwriting. Just like your handwriting is different from your friend’s handwriting; there are many different fonts in MS-Word. When you change a font, they style of the letters and words in your document will change; just like changing your handwriting. CHANGE FONT 1. Highlight the texts you want to change to another font 2. Click the Home Menu. If the Home menu is already active, you can skip this step. 3. Move your mouse pointer to the Font section, and CLICK the arrow at the end of the Font box. 4. Click on the font you want. OR 5. Press the down arrow on your keyboard to search for more fonts or click the down arrow beside the scroll bar. When you see the font you want, just click it, or press the enter key. The font of the highlighted text will change to the one you just entered. - If you know the name of the font you want, you can also type it in the Font Box and Press ENTER on the keyboard. FONT SIZE We can make our texts bigger or smaller. Let’s do it: 1. Highlight the texts you want to resize. 2. Click the Home Menu. If the Home menu is already active, you can skip this step. 3. Move your mouse pointer and CLICK the arrow at the end of the Font Size box. 4. Click on the size you want. You can also: - If you want a bigger or smaller size than the ones listed, just click in the Font Size Box, and type in the number you want. The font size will change to what you specified. GROW OR SHRINK FONT 1. Highlight the text(s) you want to grow OR shrink. 2. Click on the big A after the Font Size Box to GROW the font and make the text bigger. Continue clicking until you achieve the size you want. OR 3. Click on the small A beside the Font Size Box to SHRINK the font and make the text smaller. Continue clicking until you achieve the size you want. BOLD A TEXT When you make a text bold, it will become darker like this – bold. 1. Highlight the text(s) you want to bold. 2. Click on the [B] below the Font box. Or press Ctrl + B. 3. Click it again to remove the bold and return the text to normal. ITALICS When you italics a text, it will bend like this - italics. 1. Highlight the text(s) you want to italics. 2. Click on the [ I ] below the Font box. Or press Ctrl + I. 3. Click it again to remove the italics and return the text to normal. UNDERLINE When you underline a text, it will have a line under it like this - underline. 1. Highlight the text(s) you want to underline. 2. Click on the [ U ] below the Font box. Or press Ctrl + U. 3. Click it again to remove the underline and return the text to normal. UNDERLINE STYLES We can underline a text in many different ways. Let me show you. 1. Highlight the text(s) you want to underline. 2. Click on the arrow beside the [ U ] below the Font box. 3. Select the underline style you like. 4. Click the [ U ] again to remove the underline and return the text to normal. If you want more underline styles: 1. Highlight the text(s) you want to underline. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click on the arrow beside the [ U ] below the Font box. Click the More Underlines… In the dialogue box that appears: Click the arrow beside underline style. Select the underline style you like. Click OK. If you want to change the underline colour 1. Highlight the text(s) you want to underline. 2. Click on the arrow beside the [ U ] below the Font box. 3. Click the Underline Color… In the dialogue box that appears: 4. Select the underline colour you like. The colour of the underline will change to the colour you selected. CHANGE CASE What if you typed a text in upper case and you wish to change it to the lower case and vice versa? Easy-peasy! Just change the case. Let’s do it. 1. Highlight the text(s) you want to change case. 2. Click on the arrow beside the [ Aa ] below the Font Size box. 3. Select the case you like: Sentence case, lowercase, UPPER CASE, Title Case [Capitalize Each Word] or tOGGLE cASE [first letter is lowercase]. FONT COLOUR 1. Highlight the text(s) you want to colour. 2. Click on the arrow beside the blue-coloured [ A ] with a red box under it. 3. Select the colour you like. HIGHLIGHT COLOUR 1. Highlight the text(s) you want to highlight. 2. Click on the arrow beside the [ ab ] with a green box under it. 3. Select the highlight colour you like. ALIGNMENT 1. Highlight texts or Click anywhere on the line of texts you want to align. 2. Move your mouse to the Paragraph section of the Home Menu. 3. Click the Left, Center, or Right alignment buttons after the Font Color [A] to align text to the left, to the center, or to the right of the page. 4. To return to normal, just click the same button again. Really simple, you try it. Do you notice the difference? JUSTIFY The Justify alignment is not like any of the other three. It stretches the texts on every line to align both left and right unless the texts on the final line are too few to stretch to both ends. It is a very good practice to JUSTIFY texts in the body of your documents unless you have a reason to deliberately align Left, Right or Center. BULLETS AND NUMBERING We can make lists in our documents and use bullets or numbers to mark out each item so that they are easy to identify. A list with bullets is called unordered list or bulleted list and the list with numbers is called ordered list or numbered list. BULLETS 1. Highlight the text(s) you want to make a bulleted list. 2. Click on the bullet button above the Left align button in the paragraph section. 3. If you want more bullet styles, click the arrow beside the bullet button. 4. Select the bullet you like. NUMBERED LIST A numbered list can be with roman numerals [1,2,3…], letters [a, b, c… or A, B, C…] or roman figures [I, II, III… or i, ii, iii…]. You choose. 1. Highlight the text(s) you want to make a numbered list. 2. Click on the numbered list button above the Center align button in the paragraph section. 3. If you want more numbering styles, click the arrow beside the numbered list button. 4. Select the numbered list style you like. MULTILEVEL LIST Just like the numbered list, a multilevel list can have a mix of numbers and letters, roman numerals and roman figures. You choose. 1. Highlight the text(s) you want to make a multilevel list. 2. Click on the multilevel list button above the Justify button in the paragraph section. 3. If you want more multilevel list styles, click the arrow beside the multilevel list button. 4. Select the multilevel list style you like. INDENTS [TAB & OTHERS] HEADINGS FIND AND REPLACE SELECT TOOL STRIKETHROUGH SUBSCRIPT SUPERSCRIPT Formatting text – size, bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, subscript, superscript, text color, highlight, change case, alignment [left, right, center, justify], bullets and numbering, indents [tab & others], Headings, Find and Replace, Select Tool 7. Insert: Table, Pictures, Clip Art, Shapes, Header and Footer, Page Number, Word Art, Drop Cap, Text Box, Symbols and Special Characters; Cover page, Table of Contents [references] 8. Formatting Inserts: Design, layout 9. Graphics, printing etc 10.Page Layout: Setup [Margins, orientation, size, columns], Background [watermark, page colour, page borders], Paragraph [indent and spacing]; Arrange [position, text wrapping, align, group] 11.Review: Spell checking 12.View: Print layout, Full screen, two pages, zoom TYPING TEXTS Printing BASIC PROGRAMMING / CODING 8. Scratch Junior or Scratch