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Syntax Extra Credit Assignment: Week 7

Syntax Extra Credit Assignments: Week 7
Dennis Thachireth
International American University
ENG 110 Undergraduate Academic Writing
Amanda Davidson, M.A
August 15, 2023
Simple and Compound Sentences
Rewrite four sentences by combining pairs of sentences using coordinating conjunctions to
form a compound sentence.
You may use the coordinating conjunctions of and, but, or or to combine each pair of sentences
to form a compound sentence.
Here’s an example:
Original sentence: A blanket of white wafted down the river. The captain ran to the bow.
Sentence Rewritten: A blanket of white wafted down the river, and the captain ran to the bow.
Combine each pair of simple sentences to create a compound sentence.
Use a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or) or a semi colon; to combine each simple
and, but, or
1. The boat sailed into the sea of white. The captain realized that it was a sea of feathers.
Rewrite here:
The boat sailed into the sea of water and the captain realized that it was a sea of feathers.
2. The boat rounded a bend. The explorers saw a large sandbar ahead.
Rewrite here:
The boat rounded a bend and the explorers saw a large sandbar ahead.
3. Lewis wanted to shoot. The mosquitoes were too thick.
Rewrite here:
Lewis wanted to shoot but the mosquitos were too thick.
4. The white pelican was not new to science. Lewis had not seen one before.
Rewrite here:
The white pelican was not new to science or lewis had not seen one before.
I am Poem
I am an empath,
I hear feelings without the need for explicit communication.
I see with my instincts to reveal unholy secrets and lies.
I want to heal hearts burdened by pain and suffering.
I am a listener to unspoken sorrows, a healer of wounded souls.
I wonder though, what it truly feels like to walk in another person's shoes.
I hear the whispers of loneliness and their cries, the forgotten.
I see the hidden scars that people bear beneath their smiles.
I want to offer solace to those full with heavy lives.
I am an empath.
I pretend that I can absorb the world's pain and transmute it into love.
I feel the weight of the world's emotions coursing right from above.
I touch the dreams of those who have forgotten their innocence.
I worry that these words of yearning might be lost in the noise of indifference.
I cry for the wounds inflicted by cruelty and the walls built by fear.
I am an empath.
I understand the complex web of emotions that connect us all.
I say, "Love is the language that transcends us all."
I dream of a world where love is the foundation of every interaction.
I try to make each step I take a step towards compassion.
I hope for a world where unity and love prevail over division and hatred.
I am an empath.
Sentences Worksheet
The following passage is from the book The Island Keeper by Harry Mazer (Dell
Publishing, 1981). Read the paragraph to yourself. After reading it, pick one sentence that
you feel is interesting. Underline that one sentence and then complete the questions
following the passage.
Cleo Murphy was late boarding the flight from Chicago to New York because Eric
Weeser, her father’s secretary, insisted on coming in with her and carrying her bags to the
American Airlines booth even though she could handle her two suitcases better than he
could. And then he stood there telling her how “time heals all wounds,” even those of the
“recent tragic events.” That was the way he talked. He was an old man, and he droned on
as if he had all the time in the world.
1. What feelings or emotions do you think the author is trying to elicit in this paragraph?
Why do you think that?
The author is trying to induce feelings of annoyance, impatience, and perhaps a touch of
humour in this paragraph. Cleo's lateness and Eric's somewhat overbearing behaviour are
intended to create a sense of tension and a mildly comical situation.
2. Which sentence from the above passage would you like to manipulate? Write the
sentence below. Underline the subject once and the verb (or verb phrase) twice.
Cleo Murphy was late boarding the flight from Chicago to New York because Eric
Weeser, her father’s secretary, insisted on coming in with her and carrying her bags to the
American Airlines booth even though she could handle her two suitcases better than he could.
3. List the nouns in this sentence.
Cleo Murphy, flight, Chicago, New York, Eric Weeser, father's secretary, bags,
American Airlines booth, suitcases.
4. List the verb (or verb phrase) in this sentence.
Was late boarding, insisted on coming, carrying.
5. List the adjectives.
Her, late, two, better.
6. List the adverbs.
Even, better, than.
7. What words are left?
The, from, to, her, she, could, her, and, in, with, to, the, even, though, he.
8. Looking at the sentence you chose, what are some other adjectives you could use, but
keep the same meaning of the sentence?
Delayed, postponed, tardy, tardily.
9. Looking at the sentence you chose, what are some other adverbs you could use, but
keep the same meaning of the sentence?
Persistently, adamantly, resolutely.
10. Looking at the sentence you chose, what is another verb (or verb phrase) you could use,
but keep the same meaning of the sentence?
Arrived behind time, delayed departing, suggested to go, insisted to go.
11. Rewrite the sentence using different adjectives, adverbs, and verbs but keep the same
Cleo Murphy arrived behind time for the flight from Chicago to New York because Eric
Weeser, her father’s secretary, suggested to go with her and to bring her bags to the American
Airlines booth even though she was capable of managing both her suitcases greater than he
12. Rewrite the sentence using different adjectives, adverbs, and verbs but change the
meaning of the sentence.
Cleo Murphy arrived early for the flight from Chicago to New York because Eric
Weeser, her father’s secretary, threatened to go with her and refused to bring her bags to the
American Airlines booth even though she wasn't capable of managing both her suitcases any
lesser than he could.