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Types of Creative Writing: Journals, Fiction, Poetry & More

1. Journals
are often confused for diaries. Technically, a diary is a type of journal, but
a journal is any written log. Example: gratitude journal, memory journal, dream journal,
or goals journal.
2. Diaries
is a specific kind of journal where you write down the events of each day,
resulting in a chronicle of your life.
3. Essays
short literary composition on a particular theme or subject, usually in
prose and generally analytic, speculative, or interpretative.
4. Fiction
one of the most popular types of creative writing is fiction. Prose fiction,
or narrative fiction, includes novels, short stories, myths, parables, romances, and epics.
Fiction originally meant anything made up, crafted, or shaped, but as we understand the
word today, it means a prose story based on the imagination of the author.
5. Poetry
another popular under-appreciated type of writing is poetry, which is the
most artistic, creative form of writing. Poetry is more economical than prose fiction in the
use of words, and it relies heavily on imagery, figurative language, and sound.
6. Memoir
are personal accounts (or stories) with narrow themes and specific topics.
They are usually the length of novels or novellas; shorter works of this kind would be
considered essays. Memoir topics focus on specific experiences rather than providing a
broad life story (which would be a biography).
7. Vignettes
is a brief evocative description, account, or episode. Vignettes can be
poems, stories, descriptions, personal accounts. The key is that a vignette is extremely
8. Letters
is a written message conveyed from one person to another through a
medium. The term usually excludes written material intended to be read in its original
form by large numbers of people, such a s newspapers and placards, although even these
may include material in the form of an open letter.
A written, or printed communication, especially one sent in an envelope
by mail, email or messenger.
9. Scripts
written, an original or principal instrument or document, manuscript,
written text of a stage play, screenplay or broadcast: the one used in production or
10. Song Lyrics Close cousin of poetry, song lyrics are a fun and creative way to merge the
craft of writing with the art of music.
11. Drama
is a literary work which is designed to be performed by actors. Drama may
focus on a single character or small number of character, and it presents fictional events
as if they were happening in the present, to be witnessed by an audience.
12. Blogging
a piece of technology that displays content on the web or an electronic
device. In terms of creative writing, blogs are wide open because you can use them to
publish any types of creative writing.
13. Creative Nonfiction Fiction that contains imaginary situation and characters that are
very similar to real life