GoldWave Revision History ------------------------- v6.77 ------- Added language info in About form. Added confirmation when dragging-and-dropping more than 10 files. Added ISO-8859-1 / ANSI option to CD ID form to allow proper reading of older non-UTF8 CD database entries. Reworked Multi Device Recorder to resolve numerous issues. Added cue export prompt to File Merger. Integrated BPM Counter plug-in as Tempo visual and added difference calculation between two tempos. Fixed bugs: 'Skip' settings translation, Digital Time alignment, clipboard rate in some effects. v6.76 ------- Added keyboard functions for activating Sound windows. Fixed bugs: control button focus and wrong sizes with display scaling, status visual disappearing. v6.75 ------- Updated languages. Fixed bugs: playback error. v6.74 ------- Fixed bugs: playback error, effect plug-in icons blank, find zoom level. v6.73 ------- Added Control menu. Added Infinity Link. Updated Control window buttons to use theme icons. Changed selection drag icons positions. Fixed bugs: playback ending too soon, multi-device recorder volume error. v6.72 ------- Fixed bugs: drag icons twitch, Multi Device Recorder disconnect, spectrum preview pause. v6.71 ------- Fixed bugs: move selection range. v6.70 ------- Improved realtime preview of effect spectrum graphs. Update languages. Fixed bugs: visual quick select menu. v6.69 ------- Added drag-and-drop editing across Sound windows. Added option to hide drag-and-drop icons. Increased range of vertical zoom to see clipped samples. Added Resample to the list of Edit commands in Batch Processing. Added Ctrl key to limit shape points movement horizontally or vertically only, depending on initial direction. Improved CD Reader logging. Added "Auto" FFT Size for visuals. Added "Configuration" to visual context menu. Updated FLAC codec to 1.4.2. Update Monkey's Audio plug-in. Added Download button to Language options to get latest update. Fixed bugs: image errors in File Information, KMP_AFFINITY window, missing presets, Spectrum Filter relative keyframe time, auto-tile when maximized, speed rounding error. v6.68 ------- Added updated translations. Fixed bugs: Speech Converter error, ACM error, Time tempo length. v6.67 ------- Added a Logarithmic Y axis option to the Spectrogram visual. Added different icons for Follow Playback button. Added context menu for Playback Rate and Resample toolbar buttons. Included updated languages. Added realtime preview spectrums graphs for Noise Reduction, Spectrum Filter, and Parametric Equalizer. Fixed bugs: zoom after find, multi-device recorder tab order. v6.66 ------- Added Multiband Compressor dynamics effect. Added Multi-Device Recorder tool. Added Tempo setting to Time effect. Added different icon when zero snapping is off. Changed evaluation from usage count to limited number of saves. Added Snap option to Add Edit Selection in Batch Processing. Added Blend At Marker to Add Edit in Batch Processing. Removed news feed. Fixed bugs: blank Toolbar, File Compare error, missing Auto Cue presets, converted save translations, undo after batch crossfade. v6.65 ------- Fixed bugs: Effect Chain Editor, visual settings page. v6.64 ------- Languages updates. Expanded precision of coordinates in status bar. Fixed bugs: Effect Chain Editor error. v6.63 ------- Fixed bugs: Batch Progress window too small, Effect Chain Editor effects with no settings, Effect Chain Editor button width and text, maintain vertically tiling. v6.62 ------- Retained sizes of more resizable windows. Fixed bug: effect window sizing. v6.61 ------- Added default cue point colour. Changed cue lines to match cue colour when not default colour. Added secondary Y axis option for Sound windows. Fixed bugs: Effect Chain Editor not processing, Resample and Playback Rate translation, Waterfall grid, resizing Toolbar Options and Effect Chain Editor, FFT phase floating point errors. v6.60 ------- Minor fixes and language updates. v6.59 ------- Added Stripe visual. Increase colour range of Ring visual. Added button to install WebView2 for news feed. Added artwork metadata to Batch Processing. Added lockable option for toolbar. Added Ctrl+Stop (and F7) to pause preview instead of stopping it. Increased maximum sampling rate to 768kHz. Fixed bugs: Effect Chain Editor closing with effects open, middle button scrolling, PEQ gain limit, move Control window, duplicate ALAC attributes. v6.58 ------- Added Ring visual. Added more visual colour options. Increased magnitude range of Noise Reduction and Spectrum filters. Increase frequency range of Noise Reduction filter. Changed File Compare window to be resizable. Changed Effect Chain Editor window to be resizable. Added option for playback indicator in Sound window title. Added news feed window. Fixed bugs: percent text for maximum auto gain, Noise Reduction presets, Split File # token within cue name, direct editing and scrolling, Control window maximized position/monitor, fast forward with speed 5 and high sampling rate, Effect Chain Editor removing all when effects open or closing forms out of order. v6.57 ------- Improved language for Toolbar Options lists. Updated icon sizes in Toolbar Options lists. Changed Toolbar Options window to be resizable. Changed Chain Effect Editor window to be resizable. Increased Center range for Parametric EQ. Fixed bugs: icon colour tint, extraneous message box. v6.56 ------- Added > playback indicator to sound window titles. Added updated language files. Added Channel Separation visual. Added menu button to Speech Converter. Added trial extension button. Changed Attributes window to be resizable. Fixed bugs: overwrite video file, auto gain error, effect icons when adding effects in Batch Process and Effect Chain Editor, Main window position when taskbar at top. v6.55 ------- Increased maximum number of auto cues to 10000. Added presets to Auto Cue. Fixed bugs: VST presets, F6, Noise Reduction scale, Open URL vulnerability, SDS and SMP file types. v6.54 ------- Improved Compare Files tool and added difference spectrogram. Added "Now" button to File Information to set current date. Update PION plug-in to support latest WebView2 API. Added automatic download for WebView2. Changed PION debug mode to use external browser. Fixed bugs: small disabled icons, VST 64 bit bridge error, creation time after saving file. v6.53 ------- Added preset controls to Find command. Added preset controls to Trim Silence command. Added Mute settings for Play Device to mute or play unselected channels or play a solo channel as stereo. Added monochromatic toolbar icons and colour settings to Theme options. Restored several older themes. Added "Cut" to right-click-and-drag range menu. Added "Clear on playback" option to Spectrogram visual. Added keystroke to move playback to previous cue point. Updated GWVST to add 64 bit VST support. Normalized FFT visuals. Added Undo after Save As. Change Wave file handling to ignore case on chunk IDs due to increasing numbers of non-standard files. Added option to open poorly formed Wave files without showing errors. Added rounding to file sample conversions. Added update downloader. Fixed bugs: OggFile keeping file opened after failed detection, errors in dynamic Spectrum Filter. v6.52 ------- Added Dynamic mode to Frequency Spectrum. Renamed "Auto Scroll Lock" to "Follow Playback". Replaced freedb server for CD Reader. Changed waveform colour gradients default to off. Fixed bugs: CD Reader FLAC/WMA error, Effect Chain Editor error, Samples axis numbering, Amplitude Statistics pin. v6.51 ------- Fixed bugs: CD Reader error, Compare Files error, minor translations, foot pedal issues, file preview. v6.50 ------- Updated PION plug-in to add help button and links. Fixed bugs: Opus/Ogg exceptions. v6.49 ------- Added Compare Files to Tool menu. Added Plug-in Over Network for effects. Fixed bugs: Cue import performer, v5 settings import, Amplitude Statistics, Noise Reduction clipboard, Open/Save File dialog position, MediaFoundation ReadSample defect, LAME VBR header for unicode filename. v6.48 ------- Fixed bugs: Effect Chain Editor translation and other issue. v6.47 ----- Fixed bug: slow splash screen. v6.46 ----- Updated program icon, about image, and splash screen. Added commands to copy and paste alternate clipboards (A and B) available under Keyboard Options. Fixed bugs: spectrum related filters at half volume, mouse wheel, Colour preset name, missing items for translation. v6.45 ----- Fixed bugs: effects without presets. v6.44 ----- Improved quality of FFT Time change at 50%. Improved French language (thanks to t3chnob0y). Fixed bugs: create new preset, selection error message, VST support. v6.43 ----- Fixed bugs: exception loading artwork. v6.42 ----- Expanded some controls for improved language support. Added ability to translate preset names. Updated language files for French-Belgium and German (thanks to Pierre le Lidgeu and Kandelar). Fixed bugs: pause/error on exit, Crossfade and other missing language items, default preset, multichannel mixer. v6.41 ----- Added link to mobile version in manual. Added improved French translation (thanks to T.B.). Fixed bugs: Parametric EQ resizing, blank metadata in M4A files, Check For Updates missing, cue point triangles. v6.40 ----- Removed automatic language selection during installation. Added Microsoft Speech Platform support to Speech Converter tool. Added F3 and Ctrl+F keys for Language Editor searching. Added Spanish (Ecuador) translation (thanks to Mateo Cedillo). Fixed bugs: Crossfade error, Cue Edit preview time, spectrogram with scroll speed more than 1. v6.39 ----- Chinese update. v6.38 ----- Added "Peak to loudness" ratio to Amplitude Statistics. Fixed bugs: Amplitude Statistics error, channel icons, startup error related to visual quick list, bandpass/stop frequency ranges, low/highpass final enabled. v6.37 ----- Recompiled using Embarcadero C++ Builder 10.3 Rio. Redesigned user interface for language support. Added Language to Options menu. Added Language Editor. Replaced channel abbreviations with channel icons. Updated Opus plug-in to 1.3. Updated Ogg Vorbis plug-in to 1.3.6. Updated installer for single click installation. Fixed bugs: colours, right click selection, maximized monitor. v6.36 ----- Added Reduction setting to Noise Gate effect. Added Fade curve setting to Blend. Added 6 channel (5.1) support for M4A files (Windows 10 only). Added Apple Lossless M4A support (Windows 10 only). Added Finish/Length option in Set Selection. Added relative time to Set Playback Position. Added log file setting to Batch Processing Destination tab. Prevented GoldWave* native audio plug-in from being disabled. Added Windows 10 "OneCore" voices to Speech Converter tool. Added Windows 10 "OneCore" recognizers to Find (Text). Added "Undo after save" to Storage Options. Changed colour of Bar visual. Added LED Time visual. Integrated peak number into Analog Meter. Fixed bug: unique device name, device sort order with default first, VU Meter axis, Batch Insert Silence location, use current folder when no files opened, status bar information when tab closed, CD reader error. v6.35 ----- Fixed bug: crash related to cue point colour. v6.34 ----- Fixed bug: crash related to screen reader and auto scroll. v6.33 ----- Updated recording error help to add privacy setting. Added Dictation mode to Record settings. Added peak text to Analog Meter and improved border. Added controls to set cue point positions relative to markers. Added colour setting to cue points. Added more help for Batch Processing logic settings. Fixed bugs: Amplitude Statistics modeless, recording stopped without warning for Information button, ControlSpeedDown. v6.32 ----- Recompiled using Embarcadero C++ Builder 10.2 Tokyo Update 3. Added Crossfade to Batch Processing Added Playback Rate to Batch Processing (use Add Edit). Added check for Read Only attribute during Batch Processing. Added transparent colours to Crossfade preview. Added Location to Insert Silence. Included LAME MP3 encoder. Widened Amplitude Statistics window. Retained recording volume setting to work around defective device drivers. Allowed update checks for unlicensed users. Fixed bugs: move start/finish icon in toolbar settings, filetype extension wrong when changing types, default open file path, converted save on new file, freeze using "Open With" in File Explorer, help search button, Save window behind Main window after lower quality message, rewind at beginning, Time Similarity crash, mouse wheel while selecting audio. v6.31 ----- Recompiled using Embarcadero C++ Builder 10.2 Tokyo Update 1. Added Text search settings to Find. Added right-click precision context menu to up/down controls in Set Selection window. Replaced temporary filename with a similar filename when original file cannot be replaced. Fixed bugs: MP3 ACM setting, Loudness menu item for screen readers, trim while recording, VST noise, wheel zoom, rewind, Find progress. v6.30 ----- Fixed bugs: MP3 saving, MP3 ACM setting. v6.29 ----- Replaced ACM MP3 decoder with Media Foundation decoder. Added option to use old ACM MP3 decoder to GoldWave plug-in settings. Changed FLACFile plug-in to handle corrupt files with empty seek tables. Added Loudness effect. Added Amplitude Statistics tool. Fixed bugs: grid number colour in preview, save folder setting, Continue To End looping, Spectrum frequency coordinate, Find scrolling, Expression Evaluator channel output, VST stability. v6.28 ----- Recompiled using Embarcadero C++ Builder 10.2 Tokyo. Added Dial tone, Ring, Busy, Intercept, Vacant to Expression Evaluator. Added "Retain current view..." option to Window Options. Added cue point to file created by Speech Converter with text of speech. Added presets to Audio Attributes selection frame. Added Converted Save to File menu. Added drag-and-drop for reordering Sound window tabs. Added log to CD Reader. Fixed bugs: zero length MP4 chunks freeze, multichannel to stereo mixdown, VST trailing silence. v6.27 ----- Redirected remote links in help to default browser. Fixed bugs: Blend At Marker duration, Paste New zoom level, Table of Contents in the manual, cue index error, play very short selection, VST initial delay. v6.26 ----- Increased Blend At Marker time range. Fixed bugs: 6 digits after decimal, new cue point error. v6.25 ----- Added Blend At Marker to Edit menu. Added Cull button to Cue Points. Added "Time To Next" column in Cue Points. Added Trim submenu with additional trim commands. Changed Undo to undo changes to the view as well. Changed Set Start/Finish Marker to be enabled always. Added playback marker triangle option to remove selection handles. Added db and idb to Evaluator. Added "Show full filenames in title" to Windows options. Updated Ogg Vorbis, Opus, and FLAC plug-ins. Added "Retain cue points" option to File Merger. Improved File Merger progress estimate. Increased waveform scan block size. Added automatic cue export to Batch Processing. Added average line to Spectrum visual. Changed default settings for Spectrum visual. Added "Ctrl click" option to Window Options. Added more folder options to Storage Options. Added "smp" notation to enter time in samples. Added red warning text when recording volume is low. Added new Frequency Blend effect. Added work-around for defective driver recording volume. Fixed bugs: Compressor/Expander error, scrollbar click without drag, default folder when last used folder deleted, filename extension, MP3 AVI, MP3 encoder overflow. v6.24 ----- Added coordinates to Spectrum visual when mouse is over graph. Added support for more channels in custom Raw attributes settings. Improved VST plug-in. Fixed bugs: wheel zoom position, Noise Gate preview, corrupted Wave file, missing folder selection button, wide toolbar button. v6.23 ----- Fixed bugs: high DPI, effect chain editor, misaligned toolbar icons, paste, mix, and crossfade in one channel. v6.22 ----- Recompiled using Embarcadero C++ Builder 10.1 Berlin. Added drop-down menu to Chain toolbar button to list presets. Added CSV attributes for saving Raw or Text types. Expanded number of items in recent file list. Added work-around for flashing toolbar when system changes are made. UTF8 Cue File encoding is now the default. Changed Voice Over to remove requirement of compatible clipboard audio. Added small icon option to toolbar settings. Lowered the minimum latency setting. Fixed bugs: draw overview setting refresh, MS AMR decoding, move nearest marker when markers at same time, Voice Over crash, GWRemote stop recording, GWVST window size, idle and latency. v6.21 ----- Fixed bugs: Save as M4A, mono playback on multichannel device, right channel Noise Reduction. v6.20 ----- Increased size of VU Meter in recording Test Device window. Added Preview checkbox to File Open dialog. Changed Cue Points window to resizable. Removed mono setting for recording device. Added duplicates filter to Auto Cue. Fixed bugs: record test with more than 2 channels, ALAC, cue file MP3 type, UTF8 cue files, mouse wheel in tabs, auto save command line recording. v6.19 ----- Added Noise Gate effect. Added Multichannel Mixer effect. Fixed bugs: Window menu list, theme problems, FLAC error, mono playback, 1:1 initial zoom. v6.18 ----- Enabled themes for Windows 10 build 10586. Fixed bugs: Media Foundation attributes, .3gp support, themed task dialog too small, preset buttons, supported types too long, themes when batch processing. v6.17 ----- Disabled themes for Windows 10 build 10586. Fixed bugs: theme error when screen reader active, high DPI. v6.16 ----- Recompiled using Embarcadero C++ Builder Seattle 10. Added more themes. Changed layout of Keyboard Options window. Added more keyboard functions, such as EditFindNext. Added descriptions to keyboard functions. Updated Ogg Vorbis plug-in. Used Marker preview duration for NavigationBeforeStart and NavigationBeforeFinish functions. Added option to enable marker preview when moving the selection markers with the mouse. Updated connection to GWRemote. Added Windows Associations to File Formats Options. Updated Noise Reduction and Spectrum Filter graphs. Fixed bugs: Zoom Up/Down keys when Control has focus, Pan colours and contrast, scroll view left/right amount, batch overall progress, Ogg picture metadata error, Noise Reduction clipboard with different number of channels, help when screen reader active, ALAC file description, system information version, help. v6.15 ----- Reduced default visual frame rate for screen readers. Fixed bugs: record stop button. v6.14 ----- Added up/down buttons in Toolbar options. Added up/down buttons in Effect Chain Editor. Added ability to remove any effect in the chain. Added keyboard functions for volume, balance, and speed control to Keyboard options. Added Overview height setting to Window Options. Added higher resolution program icon. Fixed bugs: Echo presets, file merger titles, save as with different number of channels, looped recording waveform update, batch processing multiple instances, license all users, undetectable types case, staff visual channel, insert silence in one channel, filenames listed in batch processing, do not allow file type/attributes changes, ACM decoding, high DPI. v6.13 ----- Added ViewZoomInSelection function to Keyboard Options. Fixed bugs: FLAC encoding. v6.12 ----- Fixed bugs: Batch Processing, Save As title. v6.11 ----- Recompiled using Embarcadero C++ Builder XE8. Added Music Staff visual. Added "Transfer Settings From v5" button to Setup window. Added Memory Store, Recall, Exchange settings in Batch Processing selection edit command. Updated FLAC encoder. Added transparent colours to Voice Over preview. Added logic to Batch Processing. Fixed bugs: cannot restore Overview graph after window maximized, CD read speed, Voice Over presets, gw-meta-data placeholder, preset error message, Spectrogram buffer overrun, Effect Chain Editor preset, visual buffer overrun with mono files, Pop/Click detection. v6.10 ----- Used web browser for help if screen reader is active instead of built-in help window. Disabled Esc key for Batch Progress window. Added jump playback to next cue. Fixed bugs: update checking, LAME download, mouse wheel Scroll And Select mode, freeze when Control window docked. v6.09 ----- Sorted device lists. Changed Memory Storage to use Hard Drive Storage when memory is low. Added "Pop/click" to Find. Added more settings for Title in Split File. Updated help/manual. Updated GWVST icons. Fixed bugs: grid/BPM, spectrum peak, window list, record settings window, paste/replace one channel with mono, save when not all channels selected, interface error, cue triangle alignment, error on close, interface error, toolbar stability. v6.08 ----- Updated marker cursors. Changed time line font. Changed precedence for moving markers with playback marker last. Improved colour intensity of overlapped waveforms. Added small icons option to Batch Processing. Enabled Esc key for message dialogs with just an OK button. Added "Edit | Find" command to find silences or peaks. Fixed bugs: Mix and Crossfade preview, blank toolbar, missing recording buttons in horizontal Control window, colour overlap preset setting, GWVST32 plug-in. v6.07 ----- Added tethering support for remote control app. Updated status text as markers are dragged or moved. Added VST support through GWVST32 plug-in with 64 bit to 32 bit bridge. Added keystroke to search in Keyboard Options. Added Overlap setting to Colour Options and added better descriptions of other settings. Added visuals update when dragging playback marker. Added Apps to Options menu. Added support for GWRemote app. Fixed bugs: scroll/move marker at highest zoom level, message box position, slow processing, mono visuals, X-Y Graph, auto cue first silence. v6.06 ----- Recompiled using Embarcadero C++ Builder XE7. Sorted right-click effect and batch buttons presets menu. Changed selection grip boxes to transparent. Added option to remove selection grip boxes. Improved Analog Meter visual clarity and processor usage. Added tabbed Sound windows. Replaced hardcoded scroll and marker movement keys with configurable ones. Fixed bugs: open file types, batch processing comment 'c' key, list of windows, excessive processing when Sound window maximized, custom save attributes, Match Volume clip setting, CD reader alignment, batch progress bar, channel labels, effect toolbar separators, paste mono distortion, memory not freed when large file open fails, Pop/Click filter. v6.05 ----- Added labels to channels. Fixed bugs: Decoding audio files, shift up/down changing volume. v6.04 ----- Fixed bugs: mono recording distortion, pops saved in 5.1 channel Wave, preview buttons in Evaluator, default Opus 5.1 channel save attributes. v6.03 ----- Fixed bug: menu accessibility. v6.02 ----- Reduced minimum size of Sound windows slightly. Reduced size of overview graph slightly. Added old menu system for screen readers. Added cue at beginning of file for Auto Cue Mark Silence. Fixed bugs: mono recording mode, MP3 custom settings error, rewind glitch, waveform colour gradients, paste less channels, shift+up/down keyboard previewing. v6.01 ----- Lowered default playback latency. Added an extra digit for Pitch change. Fixed bug: screen reader errors. v6.00 ----- Recompiled as 64 bit, using Embarcadero C++ Builder XE6. Fixed 32 bit to 64 bit compatibility issues. Added multichannel support for up to 8 channels. Added automatic mixdown to play multichannel audio on stereo devices. Removed old ASPI and updated SCSI CD Reader code. Changed the way PCM values are converted to floating point. Added 6 more graph visuals and a setting to select the number of visuals. Added FFTSize and Minimum dB setting to Visual tab. Updated visuals to support new settings. Increased scroll speed of Envelope visual. Added colour fading to 3D bars visual. Changed appearance of some visuals. Remove old AutoTrim effect. Changed horizontal layout of Control window. Added channel selection controls to left side of Sound window. Changed playback to mute unselected channels. Improved visibility of edit markers by adding { and } boxes. Added splitter between overview and waveform to allow overview to be resized. Added highlights to overview to show zoomed area. Added drag-and-drop movement to playback cursor. Added channel selector window. Replaced old File Open/Save dialogs with new ones. Replaced Folder selection dialog with new one. Replaced and updated tool bar. Created over 150 new icons for toolbar and other places. Added "Options | Themes" command to select different themes. Replaced custom buttons with standard buttons for improved accessibility. Added drop-down menu to New toolbar button to list presets. Added drop-down menu to File toolbar button to list recent files. Added drop-down menu to Undo toolbar button to list recent changes. Changed the way file types and attributes are selected in Save As, Batch Processing, Default Save Format, Save CD Tracks. Added button to remove artwork from File Information. Added Date and Channel filters to Batch Processing. Changed Process list comment key in Batch Processing to "C". Added "Comment" Edit Command to Batch Processing. Replaced mono source radio buttons with drop-down list on Device tab. Replaced VCL Message Dialog with Windows Task Dialog for improved accessibility. Removed main window size setting in Window Options. Added single click mouse settings under Window Options. Replaced HTMLHelp with built-in help window. Renamed AutoTrim to "Trim Silence". Changed "Edit | Marker" to "Edit | Selection". Added more commands to "Edit | Selection" menu. Added more commands to "Edit | Cue Point" menu. Added "Select Channels" and "All" to "Edit | Channel" menu. Completely replaced built-in help with unified HTML manual. Started improving HTML manual. Removed all use of Windows registry. Moved all settings to XML file. Added "Hold & skip back" to foot pedal options. Added setup option to use one instance. Removed unused setup options. Renamed "Time Warp" effect to "Time". Created 64 bit Ogg Vorbis encoder/decoder from source. Created 64 bit Opus encoder/decoder from source. Created 64 bit FLAC encoder/decoder from source. Updated LAME downloader and installer to 64 bit version. Fixed bugs: [-Exclude-] cue name, Spectrogram visual, missing prefix on CD track titles, UTF8 CD titles, HID footpedal joystick buttons, performer prefix in cue file, ask to stop recording when closing window. v5.70 ----- Recompiled using Embarcadero C++ Builder XE4 Update 1. Increased size of processing window. Added audio notification options for the end of processing if processing takes more than 10 seconds. Adjust filter cutoffs for resampling effects. Added Pause button to Edit Cue Point window. Added "Allow unsafe detection..." to GWVST plug-in setup to support older VST plug-ins. Fixed bugs: opening multichannel files. v5.69 ----- Recompiled using Embarcadero C++ Builder XE4. Created certificate signed install program. Changed MPEG-4 AAC attributes name to "MP4 (MPEG4 AAC)". Added properties to Status visual to change elapsed time format. Changed fonts in visuals to Arial. Greatly improved appearance of Analog Meter visual. Improved appearance of Bars visual. Added "Add Opened" button and durations to File Merger. Redesigned Split File naming method to use tokens. Added settings to replace track number and title of split files. Added Cursor and playback buttons to Edit Cue Point window. Added F4, F5, and F8 playback keys to Edit Cue Point window. Replace fader in Playback Rate and Resample with up/down control. Added ACM_STREAMCONVERTF_END setting for GoldWave File plug-in. Increased maximum sampling rate to 500kHz. Fixed bugs: Speak to File in Windows 8, portable settings, Spectrogram exception. v5.68 ----- Recompiled using Embarcadero C++ Builder XE3 Update 1. Added loopback recording for recording streaming audio without enabling hidden/disabled Stereo Mix/What You Hear devices. Changed labels in Maximize Volume and Match Volume effects to make them more accessible to screen readers. Removed the need for Ctrl key to update text peaks. Added volume modulation to Flanger effect. Added tremolo presets to Flanger effect. Rearranged Window Options window. Added custom grid and snap settings to Window Options. Added Overlap setting to Time Warp Similarity tab. Improved Time Warp Similarity quality. Updated SCSI headers for CD Reader. Added "Enter License" button to licensing status bar. Changed DirectSound/WASAPI buttons to radio buttons. Improved continuity of high rate spectrograms at high sampling rates. Added Calculate button for cue point spacing. Added PERFORMER to cue file import/export. Added -portinit command line parameter to save registry settings to an XML file for program portability/mobility. Added Opus files format support (beta). Included updated libvorbis.dll file. Added channel processing setting to Compressor/Expander effect. Added prebuffer fade-in for level activated recording. Changed attributes listing for MP3 to show ACM attributes first if LAME is not installed. Changed old left/right selection method for left handed mouse. Improved MP3 file saving. Fixed bugs: recording test meter lag, record duration window not appearing, keyboard functions missing for some effect plug-ins, multichannel audio devices, Batch Processing "before finish" time, Batch Processing comments on Chain, Batch Processing Del key when editing comment. v5.67 ----- Recompiled using Embarcadero C++ Builder XE2 Update 4. Added Set and Specify commands to status bar menus for range and zoom. Set Cursor Location displayed when status bar cursor item clicked. Added Clear All button to File Information. Added ability to skip splitting files that already exist. Split batch processing messages across multiple lines if the message exceeds 260 characters (Windows limit). Added warning in batch processing when pathname may be too long. Added kbps to ACM attributes for deficient codecs. Reduced latency maximum. Fixed bugs: playback quality when screen reader active, memory exception while recording and monitoring, file splitting not processing entire file, status bar menu for zoom, incorrect CD ID calculation, batch processing relative paths. v5.66 ----- Shared recording mode used by default to avoid problems in drivers. Added more details for Information button on System tab. Confined Loop point playback to selection. Added search box to Keyboard Options. Added keyboard function to move cursor to mouse pointer. Added cursor position to status bar. Expanded PATH to include plug-in folders. Added Invert option to Mix. Fixed bugs: file splitting with different output sampling rate and CD alignment, monitoring, temporary files not deleted when recording cannot start, URL in ID3 tag, handle invalid image size, Alt+F4 on progress window, minimized batch progress window, batch processing chain comment, adding VST plug-ins, VST shellCategory presets, multichannel VST effects. v5.65 ----- Added Tone Meter visual. Changed layout of Visual tab in Control Properties window and added Properties buttons. Added "Copy from file" option to Add Edit settings in Batch Processing. Added code to replace M4A metadata to work around bug in Microsoft's Media Foundation. Added support for shellCategory VST plug-ins. Fixed bugs: device sampling rate, empty ID3 frames, delete/rename of very long file names, recording stops suddenly, QTFile plug-in not loading when PATH is not set. v5.64 ----- Recompiled using Embarcadero C++ Builder XE2. Changed default bitrate for MP3 encoding from 128kbps to 192kbps. Changed FLAC default to maximum. Added progress to task bar button in Windows 7. Added record buttons for new and selection. Added window to set duration for new recording. Added new file duration to Recording options. Added multiple selection to cue list. Added "Scroll speed" setting to Spectrogram properties. Improved playback startup for unusual sampling rates. Added USB HID support for foot pedals/switches. Improved foot pedal control. Modified batch comment edit box to use nested child control. Fixed bugs: zero length ID3 text frames, batch minimize/focus, zoom update, file preview with DirectShow, file type extension wrong when changed more than once, recording with mono device, monitoring with fixed rate device, abnormal termination after save, cue shift on trim and copy, saving M4A with a different sampling rate. v5.63 ----- Changed Batch Processing window layout. Added comments to Process list in Batch Processing. Added "Create new file" to Record options. Improved support for very long file names. Modified WASAPI code to handle more limited devices. Fixed bugs: UNC filenames, data dump exception, batch cue selection by number, record quality blank. v5.62 ----- Added browser and media control key and button codes to Keyboard Options. Added key name and code text box to Keyboard Options. Added title prefix setting to CD Reader. Created new code to read metadata from iTunes M4A files (Quicktime and Media Foundation APIs are unreliable). Expanded "/new" parameter to take attributes and filename. Disabled Media Foundation in Vista because it doesn't work. Fixed bugs: control button order when docked, status visual not visible when docked, "/same" parameter when Sound window maximized, frozen playback position and graphs, erratic position when paused, ID3v2.2 tag support, disabled/frozen interface when opening encoded/compressed file with command line, metadata in IFF/AIFF/AIFF-C. v5.61 ----- Changed WASAPI code to handle limited devices and drivers better. Moved "Shared mode" option to Quality list. Changed screen reader mode to override user settings for menu images and shared playback. Added Twitter button to About box and help. Restricted Open URL and saving M4A files through Media Foundation to systems with the AAC encoder installed. Redesigned Stereo Center effect to allow independent control of center and side volumes and removed channel differences mode. Fixed bugs: delay when using fast forward and rewind with WASAPI, stereo resampling becomes mono, playback position when using shared mode WASAPI and resampling required, rms average calculation, evaluator previewing past end and exception, ID3v2.4 tag support, removed M4A file type and attributes from save list if encoder not present, "/same" parameter. v5.60 ----- Recompiled using Embarcadero C++ Builder XE. Enabled Aero 3D Flip support. Changed the way some windows are forced to the top. Redesigned audio playback and recording to use WASAPI or DirectX. Replaced Control Properties Test tab with System tab. Added buttons to switch between WASAPI and DirectX. Added Configure button to display Control Panel Sound settings. Changed Troubleshoot button to Information button. Redesigned Control Properties Device tab. Added playback and recording Test buttons. Added recording volume fader (WASAPI only). Added shared mode playback and recording setting. Added "Today" and "Tomorrow" to recording timer days. Changed recording Threshold value to dB. Added timer information to recording window popup. Added Help button to Setup Options and a note that keyboard assignments are not stored. Added "Use file's current folder" to Split File. Added "[-Exclude-]" to skip cue points when splitting a file. Increased Release maximum on Compressor/Expander effect. Increased Attack/Release maximum on Auto Gain. Added lowpass filter to Auto Offset Removal to reduce oscillations. Replaced vague menu icons in status bar with inverted triangles and enabled left-click to change status item format. Updated screenshots in manual. Slightly enlarged main tool bar buttons and increased font size. Added Stereo Center effect. Added Media Foundation to handle more file formats through system decoders (Windows 7 required). Added saving MPEG4/M4A files through Media Foundation. Added Open URL to File menu to open remote files. Increase Maximum gain limit in Auto Gain. Added artwork to File Information window. Fixed bugs: Auto Offset presets, View Selection and View All in tool bar options list, file type listing problem, small Main window and maximized Sound windows, space bar and Control buttons, error on Close All and -close, Noise Reduction averaging. v5.58 ----- Slightly reduced size of Control buttons. Added "Discard cue point" option to Split File. Added "Output noise only" option to Noise Reduction. Changed install program to remove older version from add/remove list. Fixed bugs: ConfigRead::String, Overwrite status bar length, default mono WMA attributes, bandstop with dynamic default preset, batch list line ending in space, overlap 16x in Noise Reduction and Spectrum Filter, first split file containing all cues. v5.57 ----- Redesigned Control window with larger buttons. Added third playback button. Added pictographic playback buttons to indicate current function. Updated parts of manual and help related to playback buttons. Enlarged status and level visuals. Added Digital Time status visual. Changed Batch Processing default button to Apply initially. Added cue name to cue selection warning in Batch Processing. Added keyboard commands and context menu to Speech Converter. Added Speech Converter to manual. Added double-click in cue slot to select between cues. Fixed bugs: previous Batch Processing settings, command line subfolders with empty parent folder, exception in Spectrum visual with peak line. v5.56 ----- Added Speech Converter tool for text to speech and speech recognition processing. Improved quality of pitch changes with tempo preserved and time warp with oscillator synthesis. Replaced FFT overlap percentage with x factor. Added startup option to force screen reader mode. Added Batch Processing information option to remove text and pictures. Added more selection options for Add Edit in Batch Processing, including using cue points to set selection markers. Process commands in Batch Processing now added after currently selected command instead of at the end of the list. Added EditCueSelectBetweenNext command under Keyboard Options. Changed MPEG decoding to use ACM decoding when direct use of codec does not work. Added additional folder search to find QTML library. Added configuration for FLAC under plug-in Options to ignore corruption errors in FLAC files. Added Solid and Peak line options to Spectrum visual. Added right-click context menu to Batch Processing tool bar button to list and quickly select presets. Increased size of Overview waveform slightly. Updated Intel Integrated Performance Primitives. Fixed bugs: resizable setup window, shift in FFT effects with high overlap, BOM missing on batch log file, automatic titles when splitting file, HHCTRL.DLL missing freeze, spacebar activate buttons in Control window, exceptions caused by VCL when selecting long folder names, smallest Control window size not retained. v5.55 ----- Added many more commands to waveform right-click context menu. Added artwork/picture metadata storage to FLAC, MP3, Ogg, WMA, and iTunes to preserve artwork during cross conversions. Added Shift+PgUp/PgDn and Ctrl+Shift+PgUp/PgDn to move markers by larger amounts using the keyboard. Fixed bugs: saving cue points, edit/effect while recording, small Main window corrupts MDI windows, ID3 metadata. v5.54 ----- Added very high quality option under GoldWave file plug-in MP3 options. Fixed bugs: save CD tracks settings in registry, MP3 metadata, cue point lost after effect. v5.53 ----- Added Up/Down buttons to Batch Process tab. Added context menu to Batch Process list and Shift+Up/Down and Del keys. Added Up/Down buttons/keys to File Merger tool. Used base filenames in File Merger tool for better sorting. Added "/outfolder" command line parameter to Batch Processing. Replaced number conversion function to eliminate lingering problem with decimal separator error. Changed message box to appear in center of main window. Added dither checkbox under GoldWave file plug-in options. Added additional numerical text attributes for better precision. Added Calculate button on Auto Cue window. Added "Full crossfade" option to Silence Reduction effect. Added ability to apply Batch Processing to all opened files. Added status word to lines in batch processing log. Changed file format plug-ins to support more forms of metadata including text, cue points, artwork, etc. Added time limited licenses. Cue points at the exact end of the selection are now included in it. Added "Remove all text information" option to Batch Processing. Changed MP3 decoding to use decoder directly instead of ACM. Batch processing messages appended to existing log file. Added "/process@list" to Batch Processing command line. Added gray-scale option to Spectrogram visual. Added graph range settings to Spectrum Filter. Changed background colour for shape effects. Fixed bugs: dB y-axis setting and amplitude in status bar, subfolder parameter for folder with no files, Spectrum Filter with high rates and FFT size, backup settings filename, main window enabled when decoding, split track number base, freeze caused by ID3 comment tags and missing string terminators, Parametric EQ graph size, errors caused by invalid audio data, silence at start of playback for high prebuffer setting, backslashes in preset names, visuals flat near end, work-around for flawed Garageband files, unclosed M4A files, plug-in string configuration, GWVoice effects missing in manual, ACM MP3 encoding. v5.52 ----- Added work-around for Microsoft HHCTRL.OCX address range problem. Fixed bugs: cue points, Time Warp length/change displayed when selecting presets. v5.51 ----- Added Gradients checkbox to Colour Options. Added link to DirectX plug-in in help. Fixed bugs: problem with numbers expecting ',' decimal point in some locales, bar visuals range. v5.50 ----- Upgraded program and plug-ins to unicode for better international language support. Updated program icon. Updated About image. Replaced WAVE logo with GW logo in icons, splash screen, OpenGL visual, and documentation. Updated visuals to use 32 bit colour. Doubled frequency resolution of visuals. Added status bar hints to show full filename for recently opened files. Integrated GWVoice effects (Auto Gain, Censor, Auto Offset Removal, and Voice Over). Added Clear Recent File List button in Storage Options. Added option to only process and overwrite files that are older than the original file in Batch Processing. Added username to Batch Processing command line error messages to inform users running scripts as a different user. Added folder drag-and-drop support to Batch Processing. Added Sort command to context menu for Batch Processing file list. Added "/subfolders" command line parameter for Batch Processing. Stored window sizes for resizable effect windows. Stored envelope and balance graphing settings for Shape Volume and Pan. Added drive letter to CD Reader device list. Added Up, Down, Page Up, Page Down keys to edit boxes with associated fader control to change values in line or page increments. Added Ctrl+Down/Ctrl+Context Menu Key to display percentage menu for volume edit boxes. Used Intel Integrated Performance Primitives for accelerated, multicore/multiprocessor processing. Improved performance of Time Warp, Pitch, Spectrum Filter, and Pop/Click filter effects. Replaced old interpolated resampling effect with high quality, multithreaded, polyphase resampling filter effect. Used polyphase resampling for batch processing, saving, and paste, mix, crossfade, etc. when clipboard has to be resampled. Added Copy to right-click-and-drag menu. Added gradients to waveform in Sound windows. Added code to reduce flicker for waveform drawing again, but added a startup option to disable it for weak hardware. Increased reverb time to 6 seconds. Added ability to open all files in an M3U file list. Added Loop point to list of playback regions. Added automatic download of recent version of LAME MP3 encoder. Updated Vorbis encoder. Updated FLAC encoder. Fixed bugs: Loading of modulator setting in Mechanize presets, handling of corrupt FLAC files, invalid floating point when resizing Sound windows, Voice Over with mono music and stereo voice, absolute paths in M3U files, Rate Box checked in Batch Processing, playback cursor appearing on edge of window, loops and cursor playback, license all users, both channel selection in batch processing, delete preset context menu list, delete Voice Over preview image, delete Low/Highpass lock, selecting clipboard preset in Noise Reduction when none, evaluator preview, load setting after restore. v5.25 ----- Changed the way playback and recording devices are named to work better with Vista. Fixed index out of bounds problem when no recording volume devices are present. v5.24 ----- Added support for files containing ID3v2.4 tags. Added sortable columns to File Merger tool. Added new fade curves to Crossfade. Added click-and-drag view scrolling using middle mouse (wheel) button. Increased parameter ranges in Parametric EQ. Added progress window while adding subfolders in Batch Processing. Replaced font in all windows. Fixed bugs: some visuals not showing correct waveform when dragging start/finish marker, Spectrum visual shifted to left of grid, deadlock when trying to modify file while recording, default Mechanize modulator setting, devices blank when disconnected, listing of volume devices without recording sources. v5.23 ----- Removed pulsing from playback cursor. Changed solid, stopped playback cursor to transparent, faded. Added window option to hide playback cursor. Added Set Cursor Location window (Ctrl+G). Increased Mechanize frequency range. Increased Flanger frequency range. Added "Delete original files" option to Batch Processing. Changed Spectrum Filter to preview shape and gain changes as they are made. Added key commands for dropping cue points at start/finish marker. Added percent entry for some volume boxes. Added minimize button on batch progress window. Added "Select Between Cues" to cue point context menu. Fixed bugs: Ogg/FLAC album artist text, broken help links, Shift key and green play button, cue/marker dropping, drop files in File Merger, rewind/fast forward from cursor, right-click-and-drag context menu when mouse released in cue or axis area, context menu missing "View", WMA not detecting disk full, division-by-zero bug in QuickTime. v5.22 ----- Fixed Vista compatibility when opening or saving a file. v5.21 ----- Added Spectrum Filter effect. Added keyboard audio navigation and persistent playback cursor. Added Keyboard Options command for reassigning shortcuts. Changed zoom out to be symmetrical with zoom in. Added View command to right-click menu in Cue Points list. Added "From finish marker" to Add Edit in Batch Processing. Added "/range" command line parameter support to Batch Processing. Added "/clipboard:filename" command line parameter for Batch Processing. Changed Time Warp to update both change % and length. Changed QTFile plug-in to avoid certain file types. Changed Setup list to allow screen readers to read checkbox status. Added "10 Minutes" to View menu. Increased range of ASCII floating point numbers to +/-10.0. Added "Check For Updates" under Help menu for licensed users. Increased Volume Shape Y limit to 2.0. Replaced cue lines button with menu item in cue context menu. Added "Preserve mono/stereo" option to Batch Processing. Added percent and maximum settings to Silence Reduction. Stored File Merger window size and position. Changed CD Reader to select all tracks initially. Changed CD Reader "Select All" button to toggle selections. Added accessibility topic to help file and manual. Added "Export cue file" to File Merger. Added step numbers in Batch Processing messages. Added "Marker preview" option under Control Properties Play tab. Added Close All and Save All to File menu. Fixed bugs: Snap to Zero-Crossing, large XAC files, two Edit Drop Cue, Drop Cue Edit, stopped CD Reader using ASPI on NT/XP, jump finish to cue, previewing Channel Mixer, overlapped progress text, QTFile plug-in, zoom status mode, saving unsupported file type, invalid floating point in Dynamics, repeated MP3 encoder missing errors in Batch Processing and CD Reading, relative paths in M3U files. v5.20 ----- Added "Check for updates" option for licensed users. Included QTFile plug-in for decoding MOV, MP4, M4A files. Updated WMA plug-in for improved high resolution support. Updated FLAC plug-in to version 1.1.4. Added context menu to configure zoom item in status bar. Added partial information option to Batch Processing. Added more options to control AutoTrim. Fixed bugs: Start menu link for help, Specify View start, sampling rate in XAC files, abort processing, scroll bar in CD database selection listing, storing CD track data in limited user account. v5.19 ----- Updated built-in help. Added eject button, disc change detection, and easier previewing to CD Reader. Added album artist to File Information. Added M3U file support to Batch Processing and File Merger. Added more exception and error handling. Added error message when storage becomes full while recording. Removed code to reduce flicker when redrawing waveforms because it caused playback/recording glitches on weak hardware. Added "Reset audio devices" setup option. Fixed bugs: Open file previewing, CD Reader permissions, cleanup of Evaluator temporary files. v5.18 ----- Added Waterfall visual. Added Minimize option to Batch Processing. Added joint stereo MP3 option under GoldWave* file plug-in options. Added power management detection to avoid Suspend while recording. Added waveform context menu to time axis area. Added information to status bar units. Added cue point lines button next to cue points slot. Added colour setting for cue point lines. Reduced flicker when redrawing waveform. Removed unsupported unsigned attribute from custom file settings. Improved rounding when saving with 8 bit and 24 bit attributes. Added HH:MM:SS.XX/YY frame format for all time entry boxes. Added time entry section to manual. Fixed bugs: presets appending process list in Batch Processing, Spectrum visual log range, wave cue points, WMA file handling, command line rate conversion, H key for overview and wrong start time. v5.17 ----- Stored Batch Processing window size. Added filename to save confirmation window. Fixed bugs: overwrite listing delay in Batch Processing, noise reduction corruption with dual processors, Split Files tool bar button. v5.16 ----- Fixed problem saving MP3 files. v5.15 ----- Added JKL keys for playback. Added Shift+JKL keys for changing playback speed. Added H key for Play From Here command. Added Shift+[, Shift+], Ctrl+[, and Ctrl+] keys. Added Shift+Home, Shift+End, Ctrl+Shift+Home, Ctrl+Shift+End keys. Added manual CD ID entry option for CD Reader. Added track names in Read Time Range tab of CD Reader. Added preview buttons to Read Tracks tab of CD Reader. Changed FLAC plug-in to allow non-streamable sampling rates. Changed Batch Processing window to be resizable. Added Previous command under Marker submenu. Added dB option for status level text for screen reader. Added dual processor support to Noise Reduction, Time Warp (FFT), and Pitch effects when processing stereo files on a dual or multiprocessor computer (1.75x faster). Added submenus for different types of plug-ins under Options menu. Fixed bugs: ACM MP3 mono attributes, log spectrum visual, noisy dc offset filter, priority box position on resize, pass filter on lower sampling rate, play from here at finish marker, 24 bit WMA encoding, redraw incomplete while recording, paste stereo into one channel, anticipate setting in Compressor/Expander, disk full when saving MP3. v5.14 ----- Added logarithmic axis option for Spectrum visual. Removed auto-complete on comboboxes. Improved consistency of tool bar layout when Control window is opened and closed. Added horizontal scroll bar to File Merger list and made window resizable. Added processing priority to progress window. Increased Insert Silence time range under Batch Processing. Added "Auto save" and "Power down system" recording options. Lowered threshold minimums for Auto Trim and Silence Reduction. Fixed bugs: preset installation, close help, exception on old computers caused by optimized Ogg Vorbis plug-in, auto cue names, reduce average, blank docked level visual, tabbing into frames. v5.13 ----- Added manifest and made changes for XP themes support. Updated menu and tool bar images. Added Data button to File Format window. Added "Do not allow other file types..." option to Default Save Format tab. Changed Ogg Vorbis plug-in to use separate oggvorbis.dll module to allow faster (4x) processing and easier upgrades. Added a slow expanding fade option to Bulge visual. Added "Prefix original filename" option to Split File. Added cue naming options to Auto Cue (and Ctrl+Q). Added Backup/Restore Settings buttons under GoldWave Setup. Replaced Channel Mix effect with Channel Mixer effect. Added clipping options to Volume Match effect. Added Channel Selection to Batch Processing edit command list. Added Apply button to Batch processing to process opened file. Added "Preserve subfolder structure" to Batch Processing Folder tab. Added obsolete 24 bit Wave attributes for compatibility with older software. Fixed bugs: Envelope visual first refresh, FLAC encoding, first split file start time, custom format presets, window location when desktop unextended, initial zoom 1:1, redraw incomplete while recording. v5.12 ----- Added context menus to all effect tool bar buttons to quickly use an effect preset. Added support for MPEG Layer-3 encoder included with Windows Media Player 10. Added "Filter dc offset" option under Record tab. Added Alt+J and Alt+Shift+J to jump finish marker to cue points. Added Ctrl+Shift+Q to drop and edit a cue point. Added "Move Cue To Playback" command to cue point context menu. Added option to control file types used for system decoders. Added Envelope visual. Fixed bugs: effects tool bar, titles for split files, focus error on docked Control window. v5.11 ----- Added instant playback on mouse click on time line (axis). Added "/region:start,length" command line parameter to allow other programs set selection. Added presets to batch processing. Added "/process" command line parameter to batch process files listed on the command line. Added "/process:PresentName" parameter option for selecting a preset on the command line when batch processing. Added mouse-click reset for overload indicator in Analog Meter. Added more efficient and configurable AutoTrim edit command. Added AutoTrim edit command under Batch Processing. Added buttons window to Evaluator. Added "No to All" and "Yes to All" buttons when closing program with multiple modified files opened. Added right-click Play command to Cue Points Tool and F4 and F8 keys to start and stop playback. Added proxy server setting to CD Reader Options tab. Added Mono source setting under Device properties tab. Added file list pasting to Batch Processing and File Merger. Added foot pedal support and configuration settings. Added final peak levels to Match effect. Updated Ogg Vorbis plug-in to 1.1.1. Added support for more Apple-C attributes and changed default filename extension to aifc. Fixed bugs: prefix track number, crossfade curves, new file default time/rate values, docked controls enabled at start, maximum MP3 bitrate error, finish marker placed before start when recording stopped, vbr MP3 header, slowdown/freeze on single channel editing, crash on merging to mono, utf8 info for Ogg/FLAC files, slight differences on lossless files, dynamic filters, attributes box on multiple monitor. v5.10 ----- Changed visual bitmap creation to avoid multiple error messages and handle OpenGL problems better. Added command line parameter "-nosplash" to hide splash screen. Added automatic previewing on Open Sound window once started. Changed CD Reader help. Fixed Windows 98 File Open/Save incompatibility. Added File Merger tool. Fixed bugs: CDDB lookup with inexact match, CD track filenames, Control buttons still enabled after all files closed, DirectX plug-in, noise reduction shape, pan mix option, direct editing drawing. v5.09 ----- Added editing and selection commands to Batch Processing. Added drag-and-drop support for ordering effects, edits, chains on Process tab in Batch Processing. Added background (multithreaded) drawing of waveforms. Added envelope graph option to Volume Shape effect. Added balance graph option to Pan effect. Added volume only option to Pan effect. Added previewing to Open Sound window. Added latency setting for playback device. Added "Set finish marker at stop" option to Record tab. Added tip window to show current recording settings. Added "Show settings window" option to Record tab. Added Ctrl key for old mouse selection method to use context menu. Added Delete All to Cue Points window. Added numbers to Cue Points list. Added Copy and Paste buttons to File Information window. Changed New Sound window and added customizable presets. Modified the way recording is paused to avoid driver problems. Modified MP3 ID3v2 tag to avoid bugs in other software. Added ID3v1.1 tag import support. Added page up/down playback restart while playing view. Added cue point support to FLAC file plug-in. Prevented FLAC plug-in from scanning entire non-FLAC file. Changed batch processing to avoid decoding when not overwriting an existing file. Used WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE instead of WAVE_FORMAT_PCM for saving 24 bit or higher PCM audio for better compatibility. Altered and fixed mouse wheel zooming and added Ctrl vertical zoom. Added middle button context menu for changing mouse wheel behaviour. Added decibel Y-axis option for Sound windows. Added automatic incrementing of track number to Split File. Added sentinel to DirectX plug-in wrapper to detect failure. Changed visual hosting to completely avoid OpenGL when disabled. Added peak hold and decay times to VU meter visual. Replaced CDDB protocol with HTTP for CD Reader title download to avoid firewall conflicts. Added Save Titles button to CD Reader to save disc information locally. Added splash startup window to show loading status. Fixed bugs: Previewing in Effect Chain Editor, blocky small fonts on fader axis, double error message in Auto Cue window, evaluator exception, effect plug-in error handling, file read error handling, batch processing an opened file, frequency on bar visuals, keyboard navigation in plug-in windows. v5.08 ----- Implemented information and cue point support for visuals. Added file information to split files. Added option to open track files after CD Reader saves them. Fixed bugs: x-y/waveform visual not cleared, batch processing rate change, crossfade memory range error, stuttered preview for mix and crossfade. v5.07 ----- Implemented Redo edit command. Added simple Undo history (right-click on Undo button). Added ability to undo cue point changes. Added import/export buttons to save cues in a .cue file. Added auto import/export cue file option under Storage options. Added ability to use cue point names for filenames when splitting. Added track number prefix setting to CD Reader. Implemented CD Reader support for non-administrator users. Increased maximum crossfade length. Added internal file format plug-in option to disable system decoders. Added setup option to not show cue/info warning messages when saving. Added a new way to reset clip indicators by clicking mouse on them. Added more properties to Waveform and X-Y Graph visuals. Added peak hold needle to Analog Meter visual. Added incremental track numbering in Batch Processing information. Removed trailing tail audio from Reverb effect so that the the selection length is no longer changed. Added option to remove trailing tail audio from Echo effect. Added tool bar buttons for Resample and Playback Rate. Added better handling of exceptions in external plug-ins. Adjusted filters to reduce overshoot at cutoffs. Added file format detection for temporary GoldWave files. Added extraction of DirectX presets stored in registry. Updated DirectX Wrapper plug-in to sort effects in menu. Updated Ogg Vorbis plug-in to 1.0.1. Rewrote WMA plug-in to use synchronous reader. Added support for custom attributes in file format plug-ins. Added configuration page for custom MP3 attributes. Added basic user installation of preset and settings to installer. Fixed bugs: batch processing Apple/Amiga file types, overlapping buttons and layout problems under XP, error when adding cue when sorted by name, batch folder warning, starting recording again when timer active, default batch info, selection of identical devices, paste gives access memory beyond valid range error. v5.06 ----- Added Crossfade Edit command. Added Overwrite Edit command. Added Bulge visual. Added Subfolder option to Add Folder window in Batch Processing. Added more file format options to Split File window. Added anticipation and smoother settings to Compressor/Expander. Added message to create the destination folder when it does not exist for Batch, Split File, CD Reader, and temporary storage. Updated WMA file support to list many more attributes. Added basic FLAC file support (open source in plug-in SDK). Added Troubleshoot button to Device tab in Control Properties. Fixed bugs: Abnormal termination when saving compressed wave files, plug-in secondary DLL loading, zooming when deleting end of file while shown in view, cannot split file error, monitor/visual sampling rate when last file closed, undeleted tmp files when shutting down Windows while program still running, Dynamics with amplitudes above 1.0, cue placement fader, CD Extra last track length, cue points moved with playback rate effect, undeleted tmp file after resampling, batch silence reduction, Replace one channel repeatedly, paste mono to stereo clicks, FFT visuals when dragging marker over mono file, recording again after record fails. v5.05 ----- Updated host program plug-in interface for plug-in SDK. Added the View to end playback option. Added Control, Status, and Level tool bars, which are displayed when Control window is closed. Added new Tool Bar Options tab to manage new bars. Added patch to avoid defective drivers skipping beginning of playback. Added patch to avoid defective drivers playing old audio at beginning of playback. Added alternative playback initialization option under Device properties tab. Added cue placement setting to Auto Cue. Added track numbers to CD Reader Time Range drop down lists. Changed Split File to use default file format when not using CD compatible format. Improved performance when saving 16/24 bit audio. Added option to update default effect settings after each use. Fixed bugs: doppler preview, list views and XP styles, close while recording, CD Reader Time Range saving, saving as numerical text, saving as wave with MPEG codec, infinite playback loop freeze, pitch length, pitch/time warp on one channel, update question after saving selection, lost clipboard for batch processing, etc. v5.04 ----- Improved accessibility by automatically removing menu images and displaying elapsed time and status in text form. Added "config" command line option to disable plug-ins and avoid the multitude of broken DirectX plug-ins. Updated entire manual and added tutorial. Added Split File command under Cue Points submenu. Fixed bugs: toggle closed Control window, undo resample, update graph after Save As, FFT based processing. v5.03 ----- Increased axis range for Spectrum and Spectrogram visuals. Modified Analog Meter visual. Changed list values for Maximize and Match. Added shortcut keys for preview (F4) and stop preview (F8). Added shortcut key for renaming tracks in CD Reader. Fixed bugs: exception when moving markers near end of mono file, keyboard selection, index error in Batch save as type, unchecked Batch Rate box, modified not set on information change, average scan, exception when opening files without an extension, etc. v5.02 ----- Added old style left/right mouse selection option under Window Options. Added limited support for extensible RIFF WAVE format. Added new flat peak bar visual. Added track renaming to CD Reader. Added MaxMatch effect under Stereo menu. Added start/finish buttons to new/edit cue point. Fixed bugs: access violation during recording, mono/stereo description in status bar, batch deleting files when not modified, zoom factoring, jump next cue, close new files and saving, Alt+F6, colour button, modified status, evaluator on one channel, 24-bit record/play, glitch at start of record and playback, etc. v5.01 ----- Added quality setting to Device tab of Control Properties to eliminate the need for IEEE floating point format support. Set audio quality to 16-bit by default. Added Channel button. Added save confirmation option under Window Options. Added draw overview option under Window Options. Fixed numerous bugs: comma vs. period decimal point, recording speed, keyboard selection keys, tool bar configuration for Save button, cancel batch deletes files, channel problems, visual graph axes/ranges, temporary files not deleted after cancel, resample one channel, cancel batch processing, noise reduction clipboard, etc. v5.00 ----- Completely redesigned GoldWave to support effect plug-ins, file format plug-ins, visual plug-ins, effect chains, instant virtual editing, 24-bit internal sample precision, effect previewing, multiple undo, and multithreading. Replaced OWL based interface with VCL based interface. Added context menus in many places (right-click on things in Control window, for example). Changed program icon. Implemented new edit selection interface: click-and-drag, marker-drag, right-click-and-drag, right-click context menu. Added estimated time to completion to Processing window. Added start time and preview to Mix command for easier synchronization. Improved shape controls for more precise point control and accessibility. Allowed windows with shape controls or spectrum graphs to be resized. Added preview and preset controls to almost all effects. Redesigned most effects to support "live" changes of settings during preview playback (some still require Apply). Previewing of time based shapes starts at the current shape point. Added master gain control to Equalizer effect. Add Scan button to Offset effect rather than scanning automatically. Added logarithmic and linear options to Volume Fade effects. Replaced RMS setting with improved Volume Match effect. Replaced Exchange effect with Channel Mix effect. Improved Flanger effect quality and added modulator/stereo settings. Added Reverb effect. Added Smoother filter. Added Silence Reduction effect to automatically delete long silences. Improved Echo effect with number of echoes, feedback, stereo settings. Replaced Remove Vocal effect with Reduce Vocal effect and added Bandstop filter settings for stereo preservation. Improved Time Warp effect by extending change setting range and added descriptions for each algorithm. Improved Compressor/Expander effect by adding attack/release settings. Removed Noise Gate filter (obsolete, use Compressor/Expander). Improved Parametric EQ interface making it easier to add or remove bands. Added new modulators to Mechanize effect, including clipboard. Created DirectX Audio Plug-in wrapper and configuration window. Added Plug-in command to Options menu to configure plug-in modules when possible. Added new preset tree window to Expression Evaluator. Added new x and y user constants, < and > operators, and limit() function to Expression Evaluator. Significantly improved Expression Evaluator speed for hard disk based storage. Added preview support to Expression Evaluator. Added cue points slot to Sound window. Added tip window to show cue name when mouse is over cue point. Added Cue Point submenu to Edit menu. Expanded cue points context menu. Improved Cue Point tool interface. Cue points now adjusted automatically after editing commands. Added # notation to Split File feature of cue points tool. Moved Mark Silence button under Auto Cue button. Improved Mark Silence Auto Cue feature. Added Spacing Auto Cue feature to set cue points at equal intervals. Created Effect Chain Editor tool. Replaced CD Audio Extraction tool with CD Reader tool. Added many enhancements to the CD Reader tool including title and album database lookup, sector and speed settings, interface option, and saving a set of tracks to separate files complete with appropriate tags/information. Redirected CD Reader preview through Control window, making use of the current volume, balance, playback speed, and real-time graphs. Added Schemes to Colour options. Created several colour schemes. Improved Tool Bar configuration and added visibility, gray-scale, caption, and menu image options (turn off menu images for for screen-reader accessibility). Updated Tool Bar images. Replaced File Options with Storage Options and removed obsolete options. Added number of undo levels to Storage Options for reducing storage requirements. Expanded File Formats Options to include file plug-in precedence, default save format, and easier raw file format associations. Expanded File Information. Changed status bar layout and added images to indicate presence of context menus. Added status bar context menu for selecting channels. Replaced Batch Conversion with Batch Processing and added the ability to use effects and chains and take advantage of effect and file format plug-ins. Added more batch options: selecting entire folders or files of a certain type, expanded information, optional conversion, optional destination folder. Replaced Silence effect with Mute command using fast virtual editing. Changed View Other command to Specify and added start, length. Replaced most 1:X view commands with time based commands instead. Redesigned Device Controls window, now called Control window. Replaced User play button with configurable green and yellow buttons. Made speed control adjustments smoother while playing. Allowed visuals to be any size and resized smoothly. Added record pause button. Added level activated recording prebuffer. Added Visual property tab for listing visual plug-ins. Created new visuals (blank, blowing inferno, spinning logo, time and status, 3D bar, analog meter). Improved existing visuals (VU meter, spectrogram). Combined colour and non-colour visuals into one by using properties. Added Horizontal, Vertical, and Classic layout options for Controls window under Window menu. Increased recently used file history list size. Added website link to About box. Moved all settings to registry instead of unreliable ini file. Remove old name/password based licensing system. Updated install program to install plug-in modules and registry settings. Updated uninstall program to remove registry settings. Added gradient to bitmapped buttons. Created Ogg Vorbis file format plug-in. Created WMA file format plug-in. Created open source sample file format plug-in. Created open source sample effect plug-in. Created open source sample visual plug-in. Updated help file. v4.26 ----- Added rate setting to batch conversion. Added information message when opening .CDA files. Added log window for CD extraction to locate problems. Improved ID3 tag preservation across edits. Added code to preserve skipped header for File Types settings. Fixed bugs: edit box focus in evaluator, drop marker/cue shortcut keystrokes when monitor enabled, main window enabled after split, resampling error, blocked debug log message. v4.25 ----- Added settings to Mark Silence Cue Point feature. Added Controls under Options menu and Device Controls under Window Companion menu to make them easier to find. Added new licensing system for faster, automated, online orders. Added support for 24 bit AIFF files. Fixed bugs: Evaluator focus, CD device select empty track. v4.24 ----- Added cue point time stamp to level activated recording. Added automatic cue points to CD audio extraction tool to mark tracks. Increased batch conversion file list size. Increased new file length limit. Refined MP3 encoder search code. Added sgn() function to Evaluator. Fixed bugs: memory problem with Time warp and Pitch effects, pop/click filter tail, extra button for joystick option. v4.23 ----- Changed contact information to GoldWave Inc. Added more Vorbis support and created new module. Added internal option to fully open VBR MP3 files. Added room for one more recording volume control. Added code to find MP3 encoder if not copied to System folder. Improved volume shape smoothness. v4.22 ----- Revised German version. Added confirmation message when deleting presets. Added Ctrl+J key to jump start marker to cue point. Fixed marker dropping keys. v4.21 ----- Added code to try to avoid problem where Microsoft's multimedia streaming interface uses incorrect format for MPEG files. Changed ID3 tag for author in MP3 files. Removed extended padding header from ID3 tag for better compatibility with older software. Added Ctrl+Q key to drop cue points while recording or playing. Added new colour graphs. Added Joystick control option under Device Properties. Fixed evaluator tool using waveX terms. Fixed time warp when using small change factors. v4.20 ----- German version. Added more Vorbis attributes. Fixed cue points ordering for large files. v4.19 ----- Changed fast forward and rewind to use original playback region. Fixed Copy to. v4.18 ----- Added Ogg Vorbis support to batch converter. Added help information for Vorbis codec. v4.17 ----- Upgraded to Borland C++Builder 5. Improved CD audio extraction support under NT and 2000. Added ability to continue CD extraction when synchronization lost. Set GoldWave clipboard as default. Added option to open ASF files missing length information. Added Ogg Vorbis file support through new Common Audio Layer. Fixed bugs: noise gate, mpeg overflow, pops in file conversion, file conversion exception, expand/compress, snap to zero-crossing exception, raw filename extension, stereo noise reduction with clipboard. v4.16 ----- Fixed Volume Properties incompatibility with some sound cards. v4.15 ----- Added Batch conversion feature. Added Pop/Click filter effect. Added Split file button to Cue points tool. Added bitrate to status bar for MP3 files. Added more MP3 bitrate options under Save as. Improved graph refresh rate during disk access. Added SPTI support for CD audio extraction under NT. Fixed bugs: dragging one marker beyond the other gives negative range, [ and ] keys not working while monitoring, unbounded recording inconsistencies, missing temporary folder, save as, playback buffering, etc. v4.12 ----- Created self-installing program. Changed Device Controls Graph Properties to show a list of graphs. Added X-Y Mode graph. Synchronized left and right graphs. Added Unbounded option to Record Properties so file storage can be allocated dynamically. Changed Countdown timer to day/time timer. Improved Volume Properties compatibility. Added scrolling during playback when Scroll Lock key on. Added RMS setting to Volume Maximize command. Changed installation notice. Removed dependency on DDRAW.DLL. Added limited ID3v2 3.0 tag support. Changed MPEG attributes to show sampling rates. Fixed bugs: end-of-file noise in some compressed formats, use average in noise reduction, interpolate, file size. v4.11 ----- Fixed graph border in Device Controls window. v4.10 ----- Added tooltips to Device Controls buttons. Changed scroll bars to faders in Device Controls. Changed LED meters to gradient colours and added limit LED. Added two new realtime spectrum graph types to Graph properties. Added right-click context menu for selecting graph. Added fade time setting to Graph properties. Changed rewind and fast forward to work without playing first. Added recording Volume tab to Device Controls properties. Added Information command to File menu. Added Previous zoom command to View menu. Added Initial zoom setting to Window options. Added right-click context menu for cue points. Added Store and Recall commands to Marker submenu. Added 24 bit file support. Added floating point WAV file support. Added support for Windows Media audio compression in WAV files. Added support for BladeEnc MPEG layer 3 encoder. Added transparent support for all audio related formats recognized by the operating system, including movies: MOV, AVI, MPG, ASF (requires DirectX Media). Removed Audio extraction submenu (AVI extraction not necessary). Added Skip bytes setting to File types. Added Use clipboard option to Noise reduction. Added Expand/Compress effect. Added status bar range update when dragging a marker. Changed status bar range to show selection length. Added y-axis number colour setting. Updated help and manual. Converted images and figures for manual. Fixed bugs: Borland/Microsoft floating point exception, channel mixing and pasting, lost first sample in right channel paste, drop marker commands, copy to, pan, resample, etc. v4.04 ----- German demonstration version. v4.03 ----- German version ( Fixed bugs: stereo text files, converting stereo to mono with right channel selected, insert silence in one channel, MPEG 2.5, resample enabling, remove vocals save as mono, 12 bit unsigned save. v4.02 ----- Added OS Association to File Types option. Improved CD extraction "fix defects" processing. Revised manual and created HTML text version. Added more help, including a "Getting Started" section. Added some presets and expressions. Improved handling of invalid WAV files. Fixed bugs: zero-crossing, minimized Device Controls window, looping, axis 'k' numbering, positioning in full duplex, CD track end time, VOC conversions, time warp, etc. v4.01 ----- Added Select all command to Edit menu. Added Snap to zero-crossing to Marker submenu. Created Save as, Select all, Rewind, Fast, and Pause buttons for tool bar configuration list. Added Custom format buttons in Save as dialog. Added analysis graphs and time bar to Parametric EQ. Added function key support to Device Controls window. Clicking on balance or speed scroll bar icon resets bar to default. Added Finish to Device Controls Play Properties user play options. Increased LED meter hold time maximum. Selected initial preferred devices from Audio Properties. Changed CD extraction tool to show device list before requesting an audio CD. Added new CD extraction read technique and added support for more drives. Saved CD extraction options and settings. Status bar time and range format settings saved. Added Copy all command to cue point tool to copy all points to the clipboard in text format. Added MP3 file support to open raw MPEG layer 3 compressed files. Fixed bugs: File | Close, ASCII floating point file, help links, File Format help button, File Types caption, etc. v4.00 ----- Upgraded to Borland C++ 5.02. Redesigned all dialogs for improved ease of use. Removed all BWCC32.DLL controls. Added up/down controls to some dialogs. Added scroll bar controls to some dialogs. Used property sheet for expanded Device Controls setup. Added several windowing functions for spectral displays. Added View option for user play button. Added LED hold feature and time setting. Added Show axis option to draw axes on oscilloscopes. Added safety key, Mix, cache, and undo options for Recording Added Estimate option for device positioning. Added Microsoft Sound Mapper device selection. Changed balance scroll bar image to indicate left, center, or right balance setting. Changed balance and speed scroll bar paging to round to nearest level. Added oscilloscope display when dragging start/finish markers. Added new style dockable controls bars. Added Tool bar customization command to Options menu. Added many new tool bar buttons, selectable under new tool bar configuration command. Added submenu to Window menu to hide/show control bars and status bars. Improved "New Sound" selection dialog and added buttons for common settings. Added Replace command to Edit menu. Added Copy to command to Edit menu. Added Marker submenu to Edit menu. Added Set command to numerically set or align markers. Added Drop start/finish commands to move marker to current playback position (keyboard '[' and ']'). Improved Noise gate effect with attack and anticipation settings. Added Noise reduction effect with three reduction modes: shape, current, and average. Improved range and accuracy of all filters. Added 7-band graphic equalizer, with presets. Enhanced Doppler effect to allow changes to only one channel. Added Time warp effect with three different algorithms, two of which allow speed/tempo changes without changing pitch. Moved Speed effect under Time warp effect. Replaced Transpose with Pitch effect and added option to change pitch without changing tempo. Enhanced transpose/pitch effect to change selection instead of entire file. Enhanced Maximize effect to show rms level and maximum level/position and to specify new level. Create stereo effects submenu. Moved Pan and Exchange to stereo effects submenu. Added Remove vocals effect to stereo submenu. Added Audio extraction submenu to Tool menu. Created AVI audio extraction tool. Created CD audio extraction tool for SCSI CD-ROM drives. Added vertical zoom in/out and amplitude axis. Added several new zoom commands and keystrokes: Zoom in, Zoom out, Vertical zoom all, Vertical zoom in, Vertical zoom out. Added options to configure units for time and amplitude axis. Added drag-and-drop cue point positioning. Improved File Format selection dialog to support many new formats. Increased recently used file history list size. Added customizable file extensions for associating a format to a given extension. Added customized extensions to Open dialog "Files of type" list. New file formats supported: MPEG layer 3 wave codec, ASCII integer, ASCII float, ISDN A-law, IEEE single precision, 32-bit. Updated help file. Fixed bugs: compressed file handling, inverted A-law, looping, random fpe. v3.24 ----- Upgraded to OWL 5.0 and Borland C++ 5.0. Added tool tips. Change dialogs and status bar to use normal font. Added better time entry boxes (HH:MM:SS.TTT). Added Speed effect. Added A-Law support to VOC files. Added command line option to play file. Added many new expressions to Expression Evaluator. Limited "Unselected" playback to view, when possible. Improved looping of small sections. Added uncached direct-to-disk recording. Added cue point markers in Sound window. Fixed bugs: Saving in raw/vox format, modified status, playback lock, clipboard, graph drawing. v3.23 ----- Changed buttons to use system colours. Preset name stored. Fixed bugs: Finish marker move during recording, 8-bit rounding error on evaluator, command line, modified status/save enable. v3.22 ----- Added option to use private clipboard or Windows clipboard to work around problems with unreliable Windows 95 clipboard. Added support for MIDI Sample Dump SDS files. Added scrollbar tracking when zoomed in. Added keystrokes for moving start/finish markers and opening files. Reduced processor usage. Fixed bugs: Special character filenames, Countdown timer, Save monitor option, File options on NT, Close and Maximize, Help. v3.21 ----- Modified code to use old style Open/Save dialogs for Windows NT. Added autoscroll when dragging start or finish marker outside view when zoomed in. Increased number of Parametric EQ bands to 30. Added automatic frame rate limiter for oscilloscopes to reduce CPU load. Fixed bugs: Cleared coordinates, Path dialog. v3.20 ----- Converted code to 32-bit flat address model. Added Paste new command to Edit menu. Added a configurable parametric equalizer with 10 bands and a graphical interface with logarithmic scales. Added easy to use dynamic lowpass, highpass, bandpass and bandstop filters. Added long filename support and new Open/Save dialogs. Added file support for Dialogic VOX, Sample Vision SMP, DiamondWare DWD, and old style Apple AIFF. Added special Java/Web attribute to Sun (*.au) format list. Added transparent support for Microsoft's Audio Compression Manager allowing wave files to be compressed using a number of different algorithms. Added multithreading to recording and playback to eliminate gaps. Added new recording options to Device Controls Setup: countdown timer, level/threshold controlled recording, and looping. Added configurable frame rate for Device Controls displays. Redirected CD Player command to Windows CD Player. Added Volume Control to Tool menu. Added Ctrl+F9 and Ctrl+F8 recording keystroke. Added coordinates to status bar when zoomed in 1:1. Added "proportional" scroll bars to Sound windows to show a closer relationship to the Overview bar. "New Sound" settings now saved in configuration file. Stopped entire view from being displayed after edit/effect. Added code to automatically copy/update expressions and presets files. Fixed bugs: File | Close, Device Controls hidden by task bar, Undo disable, Evaluator overflow, Input buffer size, etc. v3.03 ----- Added Colours to Options menu. Added frame times to status bar. Added Playback buffer setting to Device Controls setup. Improved CD controls. Added support for A-Law in AU format. Update on-line help. Fixed bugs: AU, AIFC, and stereo conversions, View menu, Pan Y value, Save as dialog keys, playback, Doppler, etc. v3.01 to v3.02: --------------- Added Start and Finish to View menu. Added Paste at command to Edit menu. Added Triple buffering and Unselected to Device Setup. Changed Intro/end to Intro/loop/end. Added inject to CD Player, when supported. Fixed bugs: monitor/deflash, extended character filenames, paste noise, AIF and WAV file handling, playback problems, save status, paste fpe, etc. v3.00: ------ Version 3.00 is almost a complete rewrite of the code using Borland OWL 2.0 and improved C++ object oriented constructs. Developed with a 32-bit future in mind. Redesigned file handling to allow on-the-fly conversions, huge file support, transparent RAM or hard disk storage, flash, and an unlimited number of opened files. Added File options to configure storage, flash, and directories. Added directory selection dialog. Added a file history to File menu. Combined Export with Save as and added more file types and attributes. Added support for Apple AFC & AIF, A-Law, and WAV A-Law. Added A-Law and IEEE double to Raw File Format dialog. Added new effects: distortion, doppler, noise gate, user defined filter, and flange. Added fine tune to transpose. Removed interpolate from Resample (always interpolates). Improved status report during processing to allow user to switch to another application. Improved Shape boxes using a special technique to preserve the background without affecting the foreground line, allowing solid grids and numbered axis to be added. Added presets to save shapes and effects parameters in gwpreset.ini. Redesigned Device Controls window and made it resizable. Moved audio device selection to Device Setup dialog. Implemented a virtual audio device for realtime rewind and fast forward playback, automatic 16-bit to 8-bit conversion, and automatic resampling. Added realtime log spectrum bar graph, spectrogram, and LED meters. Added click-to-change feature on oscilloscopes. Added automatic volume updating when another program changes the device volume. Added configurable play button: selection, all, intro/end, and looping. Replaced record looping with monitor. Added configurable recording buffer size. Made working buttons and LEDs on minimized Device Controls window. Allowed Device Controls window to be closed to recover screen space. Added a second Tool Bar for quick access to effects. Created dozens of new bitmapped buttons. Modified status bars to have configurable time and range displays and to show Menu and Tool Bar hints. Removed AUX volume (should use sound card's mixer instead). Added Window options to configure placement and size of Main window and Sound windows. Improved direct editing with the mouse to prevent skipping. Made start/finish markers and play position line solid. Made start/finish marker movable in Overview bar. Used different graphing algorithm to make sound graphs appear cleaner and more accurate. Added graph cache to speed up redrawing of Sound windows. Added a background colour for the selection. Moved Settings options to File and Window options. Moved Editing options channel control to Edit menu. Improved Mix and Paste quality when editing across different sampling rates. Implemented virtual clipboard to allow copying of large files. Added Tools menu. Changed Cue Points interface and added a Revise button. Changed Evaluator interface and code to support unlimited files. Added CD player with play, pause, stop, track up, track down, eject, track scroll bar, and position gauge controls. Revised and improved on-line help. Created numerous presets in gwpreset.ini. Fixed bugs: ADPCM, evaluator parser. v2.12 to v2.14: --------------- Minor bug fixes: division by zero, sun export, etc. v2.12F: ------- Licensed French commercial version. v2.11: ------ Updated BWCC.DLL. Fixed bug: Maximize window on startup. v2.10: ------ New effects: offset and transpose. Renamed cross-fade to interpolate. Added cue points and zoom any. Changed undo to ask whether to continue when disk is full. Enhanced VOC file support (8-bit/16-bit/mu-law mono/stereo). Added support for 12-bit raw files. Added file name to Raw File Format dialog. Improved evaluator and added an expression file so expressions can be organized and saved. Added system menu to Device Controls window. Fixed bugs: Saved window coordinates, initial volume, Alt+F4, Speed text, etc. v2.01 ------ Licensed commercial version. v2.00: ------ New effects: cross-fade, resample, mechanize, pan, volume shaping, fade in, echo reverb, and 4 filters. Added trim to editing. More view commands: user, 20:1, 5:1, 1:10, 1:100. Enhanced Device Controls window: dual oscilloscopes, setup dialog. Setup for Device Controls: graph type, controls, looping, graph length, positioning, other. New tool bar buttons: Trim, User, Chan, Undo. Added second information bar for block info. Added Spectrum analyzer (easier said than done). Added direct editing with the mouse. Improved keyboard support. Added Export command. Added file support for ADPCM, MULAW, unsigned 16-bit, byte swap, Matlab. Added progress indicator in the information bar. Changed the expression evaluator, added edit buttons and "f" variable. Fixed bugs: Stereo echo, balance, PC Tools loading, refresh, etc. v1.00: ------ First release. Includes: mono/stereo, 8/16 bit, mu-law, independent channel editing, up to 5 sound windows, detached Scope and Controls window, tool bar, information (attributes) bar, MDI, expression evaluator, and several effects.