Research Assignment: Summary, Critique, and Argumentation

2 3 pages of 1 paragraph summary and critique (most important), what do like or not, the related to our
research, one line space,
All papers should be read, 1 presenter.
Research proposal
What Constitutes a Theoretical Contribution 1989-most important one
Journal of management republication
Making good argument sample:
Although the Human resource management department is an active department in the organization,
sometimes it could go slow and affect the performance and profit. There are several reasons why! One of
the most important roles of them that could be challenging is identifying and hiring candidates for jobs,
which because of the pandemic is disrupted. People work remotely and have flexible hours, so it is hard
to find someone to work with in person. Plus, managing remote and hybrid staff needs new capability
which acquire the organization to plan some trainings. Synchronizing hiring process, tasks, and the
payment process based on the outcome needs new rules and process which is up to HR system.