Sentence Outline LAMAR CARTY TRISHAUNA HARRIS Broad Topic: Narrowed Topic: Purpose: To inform the general public about the negative emotional, psychological, Adoption. The negative effects associated with adoption. and physical trauma that both adoptees and birth parents suffers due to adoption. Audience: The general public. Thesis Statement Three deleterious effects associated with adoption in today’s society are: Identity formation, difficulty forming intimate Relationship and unresolved grief. Sentence Outline 1. Identity formation has been one of the major negative effect of adoption on adoptee’s lives. a. Identity formation among adoptees begins with a general lack of awareness or lack of conflict with one’s identity followed by a sensitizing experience in which one may experience confusion, incongruence, and disequilibrium (Grotevant, 1997b). Sentence Outline Cont’d a. Parental attitudes reinforced by feelings of inadequacy can influence a child’s negative self-image (Blum, 1976). b. Feelings of grief and loss are typically associated with genealogical bewilderment as an adoptee comes to terms with the losses of self that are directly linked to the loss of one’s birth parents (Brodzinsky, Schechter, & Henig, 1992). Sentence Outline Cont’d 2. Adoptees may encounter difficulties with forming intimate relationships due to adoption which may leads to attachment issues. a. Attachment is a crucial developmental process with far-reaching repercussions; if there is disruption in the attachment system, there is a potential impact on future close relationships (Winward, 2005). Sentence Outline Cont’d a. Trauma due to initial separation from birth mother, or impaired ability to trust, along with fears of repeated abandonment, and other experiences typical in relinquishment and adoption may impede the development of healthy, secure, and intimate attachments (Foulstone, Feeney, & Passmore, 2005; Jones, 1997). b. Majority of researchers regard adoption as an ongoing life experience that places adoptees at risk for lifelong psychosocial adjustment and attachment difficulties (Brodzinsky, Schecter, & Henig, 1992; Haenga-Collins & Gibbs, 2015; Howe & Feast, 2000; Rosenberg & Groze, 1997). Sentence Outline Cont’d 3. a. b. Birth mothers often suffers from unresolved grief due to the relinquishment of a child. Grief is the one consistent outcome for birthmothers who place their child for adoption (Wiley & Baden, 2005). The act of relinquishing a child is labelled as an actual loss rather than a socially constructed loss (Wiley & Baden, 2005). c. The act of surrendering a child for adoption is a traumatic experience with physical, emotional, and psychological implications (Rosenberg and Groze, 1997). Reference Jansen. R.A., (2014). Birthmothers Today: The Post Adoption Experience. Retrieved from Sophia, the St. Catherine University repository website: Heath. L, (2012). The effects of adoption on identity formation a qualitative analysis. HIM 1990-2015.1357. Field and Pond (n.d.). How adoption affects the experience of adult intimate relationships and parenthood. A systematic review. New Zealand Journal of Counselling 2018. Volume 38/2. oads/2.-How-adoption-affects-the-experience-of-adult-intimate-relationships-andparenthood.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwii2aiyyujvAhVPRKOKHdjpDuwQFjAAegQIChAC&usg=AO vVaw3CqH2Zk98KK_UFbIjbQuc2 Green- Becker. J, (2009). Developing One’s Self: Adoption and Identity Formation Through the Eyes of Transracially Adopted Native American Adults. Portland State University. Paper 2792 776343.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiZ_Lr01ujvAhVSQq0KHew0DPKQFjANegQIGhAC&usg=A0vV aw3rdi9zkfYqNhbzCalGyJ8u Introduction I am adopted. I was not chosen; I was abandoned. At times I feel angry. At times I feel sad. At times I feel blessed. At times I feel thankful. I am adopted; And it is complicated. Written by the writer, I am adopted highlights the emotional trauma that he/she suffers as an adopted individual. Therefore, three deleterious effects associated with adoption in today’s society are identity formation, difficulty forming intimate relationship and unresolved grief. Conclusion In summation, the process of adoption is a lifelong commitment in which adoption -related issues may arise at any point in a parents’ or a child’s lifetime. Thus, three deleterious effect associated with adoption in today’s society are identity formation, difficulty forming intimate relationships and unresolved grief. Additionally, these effects negatively affects both the birthparents and adoptees psychological, emotional, and physical capabilities.