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Data Collection Methods Lesson Plan for Grade 12

Passi City
Passi National High School
Grade Level
Learning Area
April Luna Joy P. Brown
April 14, 2023
Content Standard
Inquiries, Investigations
and Immersion
The learners demonstrate an
understanding of establishing appropriate
method of data collection
I. Objectives
Performance Standard
Learning Competency
Learning Competency Code
Select appropriate methods of data
Instructional Objective/s:
At the end of the lesson at least 85% of the students are expected to:
 identify the different ways/methods of collecting data;
 demonstrate correctly the different ways/methods of collecting data;
 appreciate and value the different ways/methods of collecting data;
Skill Emphasis:
 Develop critical thinking by evaluating and deciding which collecting data method/way best fits for the research
 Identifying / Giving examples
 Comparing closely related concepts
 Communicating
Value Focus
 Show concern for others as conducting or implementing researches.
 Shows interest in the lesson.
 Openness to learn new things.
 Eagerness to share his/her ideas with the class.
 Appreciation of the value of the lesson and its applications in real life situations.
Classroom Management
Indicator 4
 Students will work independently, in pairs and in groups of five during this lesson.
 During most of the activities, teacher will group the class into 5 groups. Each group must have a leader, a
secretary, reporter, materials manager, peace officer etc. Each member of the group has their corresponding roles
to play and responsibilities.
 Students may need more time in order to fully construct their projects but this can be done outside of class.
Learner Diversity
 If there are children with special needs in the classroom, the teacher will pair them up with students who can
assist them.
II. Subject Matter
III. Learning Resource
Ways/ Methods of Collecting Data
Materials: bond/pad paper, manila paper, pen, marker, research journals
Melegrito, Ma. Lourdes F. Applied Research: An Introduction to Quantitative Research
Methods and Report Writing, 1st Edition (2016). Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.: 927 Quezon
Ave., Quezon City
IV. Procedure / Learning Tasks:
Preliminary Activities
3 min
Good morning everyone! Welcome to a very exciting and interactive way of discovering the
wonders of Data Collection. Through this lesson, we’ll have a journey together on the road
to learning of the different Data Collection procedure.
A. Prayer
Indicator 6
The teacher will ask the students to stand for the prayer.
Indicator 5
Managed learner behavior
constructively by applying
positive and non-violent
discipline to ensure learningfocused environments
(The teacher utilized positive
reinforcement strategy in the form
of rewards and incentives to
foster student engagement in the
discussion also the teacher
oriented the students prior to the
start of the class about the
classroom rules and regulations
for an orderly class discussion.
Also, to manage students and
maintain order during the
discussion, the teacher utilized
colored flags)
Indicator 7
Planned, managed and
developmental sequenced
teaching and learning
processes to meet
curriculum requirements
and varied teaching
(The teacher creates a wellplanned and ordered sequenced
activities aligned to the
curriculum requirements and
Father God,
As we start this new day for new learning, we ask for Your guidance.
Lead us all the way. May You let us see through Your eyes, listen through Your ears, and
speak with Your Mouth
Be with us as we explore the world.
Give us the heart to love and be kind to one another. Please watch over all our teachers,
children, and families.
In Jesus’ name. Amen
*for students with different religion, the teacher will not oblige them to make the sign of the
cross or recite the prayer. They can opt to engage in personal worship or prayer, so long as
it is student initiated and does not disrupt classroom instruction.
b. Attendance Check
The teacher will check the attendance of the students and take note of those students
who are absent.
c. Classroom Management/ Rules/ Reminders
The teacher will remind the students to follow the classroom rules and observe the
health and safety protocols throughout the class like wearing of face mask at all times and
To manage students during the class activity, the teacher prepared colored flag:
Green Flag-START
Red Flag-STOP
The teacher will instruct the students that when they see a red flag, they are going to stop
doing anything. On the other hand the green flag signifies to start or to begin the activity and
yellow flag to keep quiet or be silent.
As a review of the past lesson, the teacher will provide questions for the students to answer
in form of a game.
Activity: Happy or Sad Face?
Direction: Recall the previous lesson about data collection and its importance by
giving a correct answer to the following statements. Show a Happy Face
if the statement is correct and a sad face if the statement is wrong.
A good research is based on correctly gathered data.
All information in the internet is correct.
There are many sources of data
It is important to use an appropriate data collection method in order to
gather the correct data for a certain research study.
5. Collecting data is a necessary skill for any individual
At this time, I will group the class into 5 groups. Each group will be given a paper. Now,
students must be able to decode the given numbers inside the box. There are exactly
6 words that you need to decode. The group who can decode all 6 words in the
shortest possible time will receive a reward.
Indicator 2
Used a range of teaching
strategies that enhance
learner achievement in
literacy and numeracy
The teacher employs activities
that enhance and support
learners’ higher level of literacy
and numeracy through a
decoding game as a significant
part of the instruction.
Indicator 7
Planned, managed and
developmental sequenced
teaching and learning
processes to meet
curriculum requirements
and varied teaching
(The teacher creates a wellplanned and ordered sequenced
activities aligned to the
curriculum requirements and
Indicator 3
Applied knowledge a
range of teaching
strategies to develop
critical and creative
thinking, as well as
other higher-order
thinking skills.
(The teacher provides
higher-order questions in
pamprosesong tanong
which include analysis, and
reflection that challenge
learners to analyze their
thinking to promote deeper
1. What words were formed?
2. Do you know the meaning of these words?
3. Do you have any idea about the use of these words?
4. Do you think these words have something to do with research?
Indicator 1
Applied knowledge of
content within and across
curriculum teaching areas
(The teacher cites intra and
interdisciplinary content
relationship as the teacher
provides an activity wherein
they need to apply their
knowledge in research on how
to gather data in the form of a
role play).
The teacher will remind the students before the start of the group activity about
the protocols to be observed (wearing of mask, social distancing and using
alcohol/sanitizers regularly) and the 3 colored flags;
Green Flag-START
Red Flag-STOP
The teacher will instruct the students that when they see a red flag, they are going
to stop doing anything. On the other hand the green flag signifies to start or to
begin the activity and yellow flag to keep quiet or be silent.
Activity 3: ACT IT OUT!
Directions: The class will be divided into 3 groups. Each group must demonstrate
or dramatize a situation or an event that shows the way of collecting data.
The class will only be given 3 minutes to plan out and 2 minutes for the
Indicator 3
Applied knowledge a
range of teaching
strategies to develop
critical and creative
thinking, as well as other
higher-order thinking
(The teacher provides a broad
range of questions in
analisis/pagsusuri part,
including those of higherorder thinking skills which
include analysis, evaluation,
synthesis, reflection, and
creativity, that challenge
learners to analyze their
thinking to promote deeper
The teacher will facilitate the students while they are performing the activity
ensuring that all students are given individual roles/ assignment. The teacher also
ensures that all students male or female are given equal opportunity to share their
ideas in class.
Analysis (Higher –Order-Thinking Skills – HOTS)
1. In the role play/ dramatization, what was the different data collection
methods mentioned?
2. How are the different methods of Data collection method performed?
C. EXPLAIN: 15 min
Ways/ methods of Collecting Data
1. Interviews
Interviews are a data collection method that is used to gain information
about a specific subject. Interviews are commonly given to experts in a
specific field, such as interviewing a psychologist that specializes in
children’s mental health when collecting data about a childhood mental
health problem. Interviews are commonly used by news reporters to gain
first-hand information about a specific story.
Group interviews can be classified into two types:
a. Focus groups – participants are selected by the researcher according to
the specific sampling criteria.
b. Natural groups – participants belong to a group that exists
independently of the study.
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwtxlgudc4s
2. Observation
Data collection is not always about asking questions or researching online,
but also about paying attention and observing as well. This is first-hand
data rather than second-hand data from another source. Observation data
collection includes specific items that are measured, seen or that others
can reproduce.
Indicator 2
Used a range of teaching
strategies that enhance
learner achievement in
literacy and numeracy
There are two kinds of observation:
a. Observation Checklist – quantitative in nature, and make use of ratings
or numerical rankings.
b. Observation Guide – more qualitative, and allow more general
descriptive documents.
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwtxlgudc4s
3. Surveys
Surveys are an excellent data collection tool. These are useful in
businesses, mental health studies, school projects or any other data
collection that requires information from a large number of people. Surveys
The teacher employs discussion
that enhance and support
ask specific questions that are filled out by individuals. The answers
learners’ level of literacy
provided in the survey provide data about a variety of subject, such as
through reading the definition
customer satisfaction about specific products or services.
of the important words and
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwtxlgudc4s
numeracy skills, for instance
interpreting numbers and
percentages in a pie chart as an
example of a survey.
Indicator 8
Selected, developed,
organized and used
appropriate teaching and
learning resources,
including ICT, to address
learning goals.
(The teacher ensures to provide
a comprehensive power point
presentation and integrate ICT
by showing videos and
providing video links that can
be easily accessed by students
to address their learning goals).
The importance of ensuring accurate and appropriate data collection
Regardless of the field of study or preference for defining data (quantitative,
qualitative), accurate data collection is essential to maintaining the integrity of
research. Both the selection of appropriate data collection instruments (existing,
modified, or newly developed) and clearly delineated instructions for their correct
use reduce the likelihood of errors occurring.
Consequences from improperly collected data include:
1. inability to answer research questions accurately
2. inability to repeat and validate the study
3. distorted findings resulting in wasted resources
4. misleading other researchers to pursue fruitless avenues of investigation
5. compromising decisions for public policy
6. causing harm to human participants and animal subjects
D. ELABORATE: 10 min
Indicator 3
Applied a range of teaching strategies
to develop critical and creative
thinking, as well as other higher order
thinking skills
(The teacher provides students the
opportunity to expand and solidify their
understanding of the concept and/or apply
it to a real-world situation. The teacher is
able to create a learning environment that
sustains learner’s active engagement and
self-motivation. Also the use of
metacognitive strategies like the creation
of a simple mind map or a graphic
organizer fosters student creative and
critical thinking skills)
Bring the lesson to a conclusion by asking students to stand up and pair up with
someone in the room other than in their group. Once in pairs, ask each student to
explain to their new partner what they learned with regards to the different data
collection methods. Give each student approximately 30 seconds to speak and share
their learning with their partner. Students could also ask their partners/teacher to
clarify parts of the lesson that they didn’t fully understand.
Also, the teacher will ask the students to create a simple mind map or a graphic
organizer about the things that he/she learned from the discussions. The teacher will
also ask the student to discuss with his/her pair the simple mind map that he/she
developed. The mind map will sum up the things that students are able to understand
from the lesson. This will serve as another form of assessment for the students. The
mind maps will reflect students understanding and can also show if students have
misconceptions about the lesson. This is an example of a metacognition activity
wherein the students think about what they learn.
Metacognition is simply 'thinking about thinking. Part of metacognition is actively
monitoring one's own learning and making changes to one's own learning behaviors
and strategies based on this monitoring.
E. EVALUATE: 5 min
Indicator 9
Designed, selected,
organized and used
diagnostic, formative and
summative assessment
strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements.
(The teacher provides a
summative assessment in order
to determine student’s
individual strengths,
weaknesses, knowledge, and
skills for the purpose of
improving and empowering
quality instruction).
Informal/Formative Evaluation
 Observation of students’ progress and understanding throughout Explore &
Elaborate activity.
 Responses to probing questions to small groups.
Formal/Summative Evaluation
A. Data Collection
B. Interview C. Observation
D. Survey
________1. It is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest,
in an established systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated research questions,
test hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes.
________2. It is a data collection method that is used to gain information about a specific
________3. It is a qualitative research technique where researchers observe participants'
ongoing behavior in a natural situation.
________4. These are useful in businesses, mental health studies, school projects
or any other data collection that requires information from a large number of
(Practical. Application)
As an application to your research study, determine your participants of your study and the data collection method/
technique to gather your data. Draft out your plan and make sure to include all the details and steps in choosing
your data collection method. Your work/plan will be presented and deliberated to the class.
Mastery Level:
Instructional Decision:
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who requires
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me achieve?
Prepared by:
Teacher II
Checked by:
STEM Subject Group Head
Asst. SH Principal II for Academics