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Architecture Student Learning Styles Research

This chapter includes research design, sampling, respondents, instruments used in the
study, processes of data gathering, and methods of statistical treatments.
3.1 Research Method
This study makes use of quantitative data in nature and makes use of surveys composed of
questions about the perspective of Architecture Students in their effective learning style
which is intrapersonal or interpersonal learning methods. The researchers used the Likert
Scale as well to interpret and determine the responses given.
3.2 Research Design
The researchers used quantitative research with the use of a survey method which involves
statistical and mathematical tools in determining the result. This study engaged the above
said method through survey questionnaires determining the effective learning styles in taking
up design course subjects in architecture of architecture students.
3.3 Setting of the Study
In order for the study to be conducted and the data to be gathered effectively, the
research study will be conducted at Adamson University taking into account the researchers'
place's availability and vicinity to the study's core audience, which will be the Architecture
students of Adamson University.
3.4 Respondents of the Study
The study aimed to determine the effective Learning Styles of architecture students in taking
up design courses. The number of participants were obtained from 1st to 5th year (100)
students that are taking up design subjects this school year.
3.5 Sampling Method
The respondents of the study were the Architecture Students from Adamson University for
the S.Y 2022-2023. The sample respondents were chosen through the use of Stratified
Random Sampling. A Stratified random sampling is a technique in which the population is
first divided into strata and then the samples are randomly selected separately from each
3.6 Research Instrument
The instrument used by the researchers was in the form of a survey questionnaire
which consisted of questions related to their topic. The research instrument used for
students was a survey questionnaire, the researchers prepared a google form that will
assess the different view of the student about the learning styles in architecture. The
instrument was guided by a study titled "Learning styles of design students and the
relationship of academic performance and gender in design education." The questions were
distributed within physical classes and online surveys.
3.7 Data Gathering Procedure
The researchers had to conduct a survey of all year level of architecture students in order to
complete this study. Furthermore, researchers created a letter which then can be read upon
before answering the questionnaires. There also Data Privacy Agreement which involves:
In compliance with RA 10173 or the Data Protection Act of 2012 (DPA of 2012) and its
implementing Rules and Regulations, we are detailing here the processing of the data you
will provide to us.
The following are the personal data that we may need to collect:
A). Affiliated College
Storage, retention, disposal. Personal data collected shall be stored in the google drive of
the undersigned for a period of three years. Upon expiration of such period, all personal data
shall be disposed of in a secure manner that forbids further processing, unauthorized
disclosure and editing.
The undersigned shall implement reasonable and appropriate organizational, physical, and
technical security measures to protect your personal data. Only authorized personnel shall
have access to the data collected and processed.
Under RA 10173, the following are some of the rights the data subject may exercise, (for the
full list of rights see https://www.privacy.gov.ph/know-your-rights/):
1. Right to be informed on the collection and processing of the personal data through this
consent form;
2. Right to object on the processing of personal data upon request;
3. Right to access the personal data collected and processed upon request;
4. Right request for rectification of personal data; and
5. Right to withdraw his or her consent.
By participating, you agreed to the following statements below:
- I understand that there is no risk involved in participating in this study. The result of
the survey will hopefully help in the implementation of rules and regulations and
crafting sound policies.
- I understand that I will not receive any form of remuneration or compensation for my
- I also understand that my participation in this survey is purely voluntary and that I can
withdraw from this study anytime and that my withdrawal will not affect my class
standing now or in the future.
- I understand that if there will be any publications to be made from this study, that I will
be duly informed.
- I understand that my involvement in the study is only once. All my personal data will
be kept strictly confidential and will be revealed only upon my request and consent.
Following approval, the researchers gave the questionnaire for a quantitative method
to the architecture students in each year level and provided them with a google form to
complete the survey questionnaire. The study was then conducted over several weeks in
conjunction with enrolled architecture students.
3.8 Statistical Treatment
The researchers used percentage to determine the difference of the results in each item in
the questionnaire. This was used because the researchers want to determine the quantity or
the exact result of the data gathered and interpreted in a way that it could be easily
comprehended. This treatment was applicable to find out the quantity of the participants who
use manual or automatic tools expressed in numerical figures.