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CITE-IT Web Source Credibility Rubric

Thinking Critically about Web Information—Applying the CITE-IT Test*
When you search the Web, you’re going to find a lot of information…but is it credible and reliable? Use this guide to help you determine this for yourself.
Give your Web page a score based on this point system. Is your Web source credible and reliable, should you CITE IT? Score: ____________
Should I CITE IT?
Does the information relate to your topic or
answer your question?
Is this the type of information you need for your
topic? (statistics, graphs, primary sources,
secondary sources)
Is the information at an appropriate level (i.e. not
too elementary or advanced for your needs)?
Can the information be verified by other sources?
Are there any sources cited for the information?
Are images/photos labeled and credited?
Can you locate the author or sponsor to find out
What else have they published on the topic?
Do they have the credentials to establish them as
What do others say about the authority of this
Is it the main organization that provides
information about a topic?
The site mentions my
topic briefly. There is not
enough information.
The site mentions my
topic but the information
provided is not what I
Information is provided
with no indication as to
where it comes from.
There is either no author,
or the author is possibly
an ordinary person
publishing without
expertise (i.e. credentials
are given, but a simple
search of the author fails to
establish the expertise of
the author).
The organization that
sponsors the site is
(Tell-tale signs include text
errors or conflicting
The site provides some
information, but it is not
enough. I can use it to
define terms, but not
much else.
The site provides the
type of information I
need, but it is too
elementary or too
advanced for my needs.
The site provides most of
what I need, but I still
need more.
The site is exactly about
the topic I am
researching and provides
almost all the
information I need.
The site provides the
The site provides the
most of the type of
right type of information
information I need, at the I need, at the appropriate
appropriate level.
There is a vague
reference to the
information source. (A
recent study…) The
reader must make
assumptions as to the
source of the
Author is named, but
with no credentials, or
the organization is of
questionable authority
There is a general
statement about the
source of the
information, but not
enough to locate it.
(Berkeley researchers
There is a good list of
sources that can be
located (i.e. working
links). Images/photos
care labeled and sources
Author is named, but the
degree of expertise is not
The organization is well
known, but the degree of
expertise of the author is
The author’s credentials
are given and clearly
indicate that the person
is an expert.
The organization is wellknown and highly
credible on the topic
(for example a student posting
on a university website)
Should I CITE IT?
Is the information fact or opinion?
Is it stating a point of view, promoting an idea,
service or product? If you need opinions, then
consider the author’s authority, their use of logic
and provision of evidence for their opinions.
How up to date is the information being
How important is it for your topic to have recent
information? Science, technology, and health
information normally need to be as recent as
Score meanings:
The intention of the page
is to present a biased
point of view, sell or
promote an idea, service
or product. It is not a
factual or balanced point
of view. The opinion is
either not backed up
with facts or the facts are
The intention of the page
is to sell or promote
something, but it also
provides some good
factual information. Or
expressed opinion is
somewhat logical and
presents some evidence.
There is no indication of
when the site was
created or updated.
The site was created is
over 5 years ago with no
date given for updating.
Very questionable
source. Do not use.
OK to use as a source for
definitions and basic
info, but do not cite it
The intention of the page
is to educate or to offer
mostly factual
The expressed opinion is
logical, presenting
enough evidence for the
The intention of the page
is to provide information
of scholarly, academic or
at least high quality.
Good source to use and
Excellent source to use.
Go ahead and CITE IT.
Evidence for opinion is
factual, presented as
numbers in charts,
graphs, tables, or
statistics or adequate
evidence for the opinion.
The site was created,
The site was created,
revised or updated within revised or updated within
the last 5 years. If they
the last 2 years. If they
are citing sources, they
are citing sources, they
are also recent.
are also recent.
* Modified version of the web page rubric developed by the Ron E. Lewis Library (http://library.lsco.edu/help/web-page-rubric.pdf - based on the CRAAP Test
created by Meriam Library at California State University-Chico.