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Ranking of Marketing Journals by ABS-UK released on 14th March, 2018. 4 star to 1 star. (4
star top). Compiled & Extracted by Professor JUSTIN PAUL email: profjust@gmail.com
(facebook.com/drjustinpaul ; Join this group for updates on research in Marketing.
web: drjustinpaul.com
ISSN Field Journal Title AJG 2018 & 2015 Rank
1057-7408 MKT Journal of Consumer Psychology 4* 4*
0093-5301 MKT Journal of Consumer Research 4* 4*
0022-2429 MKT Journal of Marketing 4* 4* 4 4
0022-2437 MKT Journal of Marketing Research 4* 4*
0092-0703 MKT Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 4*
0732-2399 MKT Marketing Science 4* 4*
0167-8116 MKT International Journal of Research in Marketing 4 4
0022-4359 MKT Journal of Retailing 4 4
0309-0566 MKT European Journal of Marketing 3 3
0019-8501 MKT Industrial Marketing Management 3 3
0265-1335 MKT International Marketing Review 3 3
0091-3367 MKT Journal of Advertising 3 3
0021-8499 MKT Journal of Advertising Research 3 3
1094-9968 MKT Journal of Interactive Marketing (formerly JDM) 3 3
1069-031X MKT Journal of International Marketing 3 3 3 3
1062-726X MKT Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 3 3
0923-0645 MKT Marketing Letters 3 3
1470-5931 MKT Marketing Theory 3 3
0742-6046 MKT Psychology and Marketing 3 3
1570-7156 MKT Quantitative Marketing and Economics 3 3
1526-1794 MKT Academy of Marketing Science Review 2 2
0098-9258 MKT Advances in Consumer Research 2 2
1025-3866 MKT Consumption, Markets and Culture 2 2
1019-6781 MKT Electronic Markets 2 2
0265-0487 MKT International Journal of Advertising 2 2
1470-6423 MKT International Journal of Consumer Studies 2 2
1470-7853 MKT International Journal of Market Research 2 2
0959-0552 MKT International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management 2 2
1350-231X MKT Journal of Brand Management 2 2
0885-8624 MKT Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 2 2
1051-712X Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 2 2
0022-0078 MKT Journal of Consumer Affairs 2 2
1472-0817 MKT Journal of Consumer Behavior 2 2
0276-1467 MKT Journal of Macromarketing 2 2
0267-257X MKT Journal of Marketing Management 2 2
1069-6679 Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 2 2
0885-3134 MKT Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management 2 2
0969-6989 MKT Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 2 2
0887-6045 MKT Journal of Services Marketing 2 2
0965-254X MKT Journal of Strategic Marketing 2 2
1352-2752 MKT Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 2 2
1474-7979 MKT Advances in International Marketing 1
1441-3582 MKT Australasian Marketing Journal 1 1
1356-3289 MKT Corporate Communications: An International Journal 1 1
1363-3589 MKT Corporate Reputation Review 1
0735-9683 MKT Health Marketing Quarterly 1
0265-2323 MKT International Journal of Bank Marketing 1
1477-5212 MKT International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 1 1
1479-103X MKT International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 1
1865-1984 MKT International Review of Public and Non-profit marketing 1
The Members of the Search Committee
Sub- Application Cover letter – AVP
I would like to be considered for the advertised position at your School of Business.
I’m interested in this position because of following reasons.
1. I’ve been actively engaged in teaching and research for more than 15 years now.
I believe I would get more opportunities to apply my knowledge and exposure, if
I get this position.
2. I have published best selling case studies by Ivey-Canada & Harvard (such as
Louis Vuitton in Japan, Ferro Industries- Exporting Challenge in a Small Firm)
and 50 plus papers in many journals including premier journals, particularly last 3
years. I’ve also developed theoretical models in this area.
3. I’ve served as coordinator/dept chair of masters programs at two business schools,
such Nagoya University of Commerce, Japan & Indian Institute of Management.
Besides, I’ve been a consultant and trainer to many small and medium enterprises.
I’m currently serving as Ph.D Program chair at my university.
4. Experience – How can I meet your expectations
A proven track record of excellence as a researcher in the field
Please refer to the list of my publications. I’ve published all types of
articles, books and case studies in scientific journals, popular media and as
text books. To the best of my knowledge, I’ve the status as the youngest
author of books published by McGraw-Hill & Oxford University Press,
when I published my first book at age 29. (See drjustinpaul.com or
justinpaul.uprrp.edu )
Leading students and colleagues in research initiatives:
I ‘ve been leading the students by asking them to prepare Business plans,
marketing plans and international business plans in different courses I’ve
Developing strategies to strengthen the research mandate of an organization and
to further its mission, gain support
of other individuals and units and
successfully implement action plans:
I believe in public relations. I’ve developed a reasonable good network of over 7000
contacts on linkedin.com & approx. 80 recommendations. This could be considered as an
evidence of support from others.
A model of ethical behaviour
Always. Please read recommendation letters sent & testimonials on
Success with contracts, proposal writing and administering research budgets
I secured 15,000$ grant, every year from the University of Puerto Rico.
Developing curriculum and teaching students
I’ve developed curriculum & taught students at University of Washington,
Nagoya University of commerce, Japan, Aarhus University-Denmark,
ISM Uni, Lithuania etc. I promise a positive, enthusiastic, engaging and
energetic leadership style. Please go through my testimonials. I have the
energy and enthusiasm to work hard (10 or 12 hours a day), interact with
others to seek their support.
Ability to facilitate a climate that nurtures ethical and professional behavior
among students, faculty and staff
I believe in HARMONY, not in conflict.
Strength in team building and collaboration:
I would try my best, given this opportunity.
Therefore, may I request you to consider my candidature based on the points cited above.
I would be happy to take the research and collaborations with the industry into new
heights and facilitate the process of transcending the horizons, given an opportunity.
Thank you very much,
Professor, Graduate School of Business
University of Puerto Rico
Email: profjust@gmail.com
Web- justinpaul.uprrp.edu
Page: facebook.com/drjustinpaul