THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEWEN LEARNING STRATEGIES AND RAD BLOCK EXAM RESULTS OF LEVEL 2 NURSING STUDENTS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEWEN LEARNING STRATEGIES AND RAD BLOCK EXAM RESULTS OF LEVEL 2 NURSING STUDENTS PRESENTED BY: GROUP 3 CHAPTER 1 1 CHAPTER 1 Rationale CHAPTER 1 1 Rationale 5 Theoretical Background CHAPTER 1 1 Rationale 5 Theoretical Background 10 Statement of the Problem CHAPTER 1 1 Rationale 5 Theoretical Background 10 Statement of the Problem 11 Null Hypothesis CHAPTER 1 1 Rationale 5 Theoretical Background 10 Statement of the Problem 11 12 Null Hypothesis Significance of the Study CHAPTER 1 1 Rationale 5 Theoretical Background 10 Statement of the Problem 11 Null Hypothesis 12 Significance of the Study 16 Scope and Limitations Research Methodology CHAPTER 1 Research Methodology 17 CHAPTER 1 Research Design Research Methodology CHAPTER 1 17 Research Design 18 Research Environment Research Methodology CHAPTER 1 17 Research Design 18 Research Environment 19 Research Respondents Research Methodology CHAPTER 1 17 Research Design 18 Research Environment 19 20 Research Respondents Research Instrument Research Methodology CHAPTER 1 17 Research Design 18 Research Environment 19 20 21 Research Respondents Research Instrument Data Gathering RATIONALE RATIONALE • Utilization of exams aims to gauge students’ comprehension of particular concepts after the standard school component of a course has been fulfilled. RBE, or Rad Block Exam, and other final examinations are a way for students and instructors to assess areas on which they need to work • A learning strategy is a student's method of organizing and employing a particular set of skills to acquire content or complete other tasks more effectively and efficiently in academic environments—these methods of encapsulating knowledge factor into how a student performs in an exam. 1 RATIONALE • According to Neroni et al. (2019), “Students use different kinds of learning strategies to reach the same goal: gaining academic success.” • Learning strategies are considered to be voluntary, intentional acts made by the learner with the intention of achieving a certain goal (Alarcon et al., 2019). 2 RATIONALE • Failure to pass final examinations raises the likelihood of not progressing to the next year's level; consequently, retention occurs. It not only causes mental distress, but it also predisposes to shame and guilt. • After the pandemic's peak, the country's classes gradually returned to the traditional face-to-face format. It has consequences for students in this situation. 3 RATIONALE • Nursing is a difficult job that takes a great deal of effort and devotion, therefore medical courses might be stressful. Students who use an effective learning technique are more likely to get high exam scores and satisfaction. • The researchers emphasize the need of studying these learning techniques established by students in order to take specific preventive measures in limiting academic stress and work overload. 4 5 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND The impact of self-regulated learning on various educational contexts has been explored in studies by Van Houten-Schat, et al. (2018) and Agarwal, D., Argalious, M. (2019). The former identified three types of interventions related to individual, environmental, and social aspects, all focused on goal setting and monitoring but lacking in self-evaluation support. The latter found that meta-cognitive abilities are necessary for efficient self-regulated learning, and five out of the fifteen self-regulated learning techniques used were statistically significant in boosting test performance scores among college students. The study also found that students who frequently used self-regulated learning methods performed better compared to their peers. 5 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 6 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND The nursing theory that connects with Self-regulated learning theory is Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory (1971). This theory focuses on the individual's ability to take care of their own health through self-care behaviors, which are essential for maintaining physical and psychological well-being. Like SRL, the theory recognizes 7 the importance of personal responsibility and active participation in one's own health and learning process. It stresses the significance of individuals having control over their own health and wellness, and being able to monitor and adjust their behaviors accordingly. 6 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 7 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND There are two primary groups within constructivism: radical and social. The first type of radical constructivism, known as cognitive constructivism, contends that an individual's subjective interpretation of their active experience determines how they construct knowledge. The second type of social constructivism asserts that knowledge is created via social interaction and that human growth is socially oriented. Jean Piaget's Constructivism Theory emphasizes the importance of assimilation and accommodation in building new knowledge. This theory focuses especially on the value of learning through contact with oneself or peers which can create new knowledge through existing ideas and new ideas. 7 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 8 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Connectivism is another learning theory that has gained popularity in recent years (2005). This theory emphasizes the importance of creating and maintaining connections between people, knowledge, and ideas. According to connectivism, knowledge is not contained within individuals but is distributed across networks of people and resources. In this sense, learning is seen as a process of creating, maintaining, and using connections to access and interpret information. Connectivism emphasizes the importance of seeking and connecting to diverse sources of information, while learning strategies prioritizes the sharing and cocreation of knowledge. When combined, connectivism and learning strategies offer a comprehensive approach to learning that values the aggregation of diverse perspectives and the active construction of understanding in analyzing and studying ideas towards on aiming a better exam result. 8 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 9 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND One nursing theory that connects with the connectivism theory of learning is Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring (1997). This theory emphasizes the importance of forming a therapeutic and caring relationship between the nurse and the patient, and views the patient as a unique individual with their own experiences, needs, and knowledge. 9 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 10 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study aims to answer the following questions: 10 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study aims to answer the following questions: 1. What are the demographic profiles of the respondents? 1.1 Age 1.2 Sex 1.3 Previous RBE exam results 2. What were the learning strategies of the level 2 nursing students that are helpful and effective for them to obtain high scores during exams? 3. Is there a significant relationship between the learning strategies and RBE results? 4. Based on the RBE results, what programs can be developed to address the effectiveness of learning strategies among level 2 nursing students? 10 STATEMENT OF NULL HYPOTHESIS 11 STATEMENT OF NULL HYPOTHESIS HO1 There is no significant relationship between the learning strategies and RAD learning block exam results. 11 11 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study was undertaken to address a current issue in nursing education. It likewise informs the development of effective teaching strategies, supports systems for nursing students, and contributes to the ongoing improvement of nursing education programs. Learning strategies are an important aspect that contributes to the student’s academic performance. It is essential to look at the efficiency of how learning strategies directly affect the RAD Block Exam. 12 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 12 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The findings of this study will be of great benefit to the following: The Students. The direct recipients of the output of this study are the nursing students enrolled in level 2. Through this survey, students will be aware of the relationship between the learning strategies and RAD Block Exam. Once they have a clear grasp of the learning strategies in achieving success at nursing school, it may enable them to adapt appropriately during the RAD Block Exam. In addition, the overall research can also help disseminate the effects of learning strategies on their academic performance. 12 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 12 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The Teachers. The teachers will also benefit from this study to have awareness of their student’s learning strategies and will contribute to formulating better RAD Block Examout comes. 13 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 12 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The Parents. The parents will also benefit from this study in hopes that through awareness they can provide supervision to their children’s learning strategies and how it will affect their academic performance. 14 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 12 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Future Researchers. Future researchers will also benefit from this study. This may serve as a guide for future researchers in gathering information and may 19 also serve as a foundation for more studies regarding learning strategies and RAD Block Exam. 15 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS 16 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS Scope of the study This study focuses on the analysis of the relationship between the learning strategies and the results of the Rad Block exam of level II nursing students at Southwestern University PHINMA. The scope of the study places its emphasis on the MCN1 - Lecture subject because it was the first subject during the 2nd year to have its face-to-face discussion and RBE 16 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS Scope of the study This study focuses on the analysis of the relationship between the learning strategies and the results of the Rad Block exam of level II nursing students at Southwestern University PHINMA. The scope of the study places its emphasis on the MCN1 - Lecture subject because it was the first subject during the 2nd year to have its face-to-face discussion and RBE Limitations of the study The study is confined to student nurses who are enrolled in Southwestern University PHINMA under the College of Nursing and who had undergone rad block examination. The learning strategies they utilized were soon reflected in their exam results. Furthermore, the limitations in our study include the limited subjects taken into account in assessing the students' previous RBE result. 16 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY RESEARCH DESIGN This study will integrate a quantitative descriptive research design in order to effectively identify the learning strategies of nursing students and interpret the relationship between their study habits and RBE exam scores. The data is obtained through a standardized questionnaire which entails the learning strategies and reviewing methods of nursing students. It is then analyzed through a statistical approach in order to determine the relation between the variables used in the research. This analytical framework will guide the researchers to successfully acquire relevant data, conducted through the research methodologies of this study. The research design will aid in the implementation process of data collection of the chosen respondents. Consequently, it will allow the researchers to evaluate the findings and devise a conclusion in an organized and timely manner. RESEARCH ENVIRONMENT The research study will be conducted at Southwestern University PHINMA, which is situated in the southern part of Cebu, Philippines. The University has two campuses. Urgello Street is where the Main Campus is located, whereas Aznar Road is where the other campus lies. Southwestern University PHINMA is a private University and was founded in Cebu City in 1946 with the goal of providing education in the nation's important growing regions. The Campus is accessible from any location in Cebu via ground transportation. Southwestern University PHINMA is well-known across the medical community and also runs the Southwestern Medical Center. Southwestern University offers a full circle education program by providing basic education, senior high, undergraduate (including Bachelor of Science in Nursing), and postgraduate degrees. 18 The proponent selected are 2nd year college nursing students at Southwestern University PHINMA. Using Slovin’s Formula, the number of participants will be limited to 300. Before the sample was collected, the researchers first determined the population of the currently enrolled second year nursing students of Southwestern University PHINMA. There are one thousand two hundred (1200) enrolled second year nursing students in the school year 2022-2023. Simple random sampling will be utilized to gather the research respondents. Slovins’s formula is used to calculate an appropriate sample size from a population. Slovin’s formula is used in computing the sample size of the study, having a result of sample size three hundred (300), with a margin of error 5%, and a confidence level of 95%. Sampling was created to choose selected individuals for the research process so they may participate as volunteers. The goal of sampling is to gather data about the population by using a sampling of some individuals. 19 Research Instrument A standardized questionnaire will be used to assess the participants’ responses in this research. It will be a questionnaire that has been statistically tested to circumvent biases. 20 Data Gathering To ensure the representativeness of the sample, the researcher will employ a simple random sampling technique to select the participants. The survey will be administered online using Google Forms and will take the form of a selfadministered questionnaire. 21 Research Procedure The researchers prepared a research proposal addressed to the research adviser and panel of examiners for permission to conduct a study on the relationship between learning strategies and RAD Block exam results of Level 2 Nursing Students and start gathering data within the Southwestern University PHINMA. The preliminary part of the data gathering is the demographic profile of the respondents and inquiries about the respondents' age, sex, and previous RBE exam results. Researchers will then be using a standardized questionnaire that provides reliability, unbiasedness, and validity. It uses a four-point Likert scale, where the respondents will rate their level of agreement with each statement or question in one of five categories: never, sometimes, usually, and always Prior to the distribution of questionnaires, the researchers will deliberately seek close-ended questions that are relevant to the study and will stimulate related ideas, the questions will then be modified and expanded upon by the researchers. The questionnaires will be made in google forms for easier dissemination of the link through different social media platforms to reach large quantities of level 2 nursing students of Southwestern University PHINMA. ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS When conducting research on the relationship between learning strategies and RAD Block exam results of Level 2 Nursing students, ethical considerations include obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring confidentiality and anonymity of participants' data, avoiding harm to participants, and ensuring that the study does not exploit vulnerable populations. 23