Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 ]]]]]]] STENO CHORDS This is a basic chart of the letters of this machine. There are, however, different writing theories that represent some letters or sounds differently (e.g., the "*F" for "final V" in the chart below), and each court reporter develops personalized "briefs" and alternate ways of writing things. English Letter Stenotype Letter STKPWHRAO*EUFRPBLGTSDZ Example Transcription Initial B PW Barn PWARPL Initial C (Soft) K R (Use for soft c only) Cell KREL Initial CH KH Chart KHART Initial D TK Drop TKROP Initial F TP Fence TPETPHS Initial G TKPW Grasp TKPWASP Initial H H Hat HAT Initial J SKWR Jar SKWRAR Initial K K (Includes hard c) call KAL Initial L HR Less HRES Initial M PH More PHOR Initial N TPH Nod TPHOD Initial P P Pen PEPB Initial QU KW Quail KWAEUL Initial R R are, our, hour R Initial S S is, his S Initial T T Track TRAK Initial V SR Vase SRAS Initial W W Waste WAEUST Initial Y KWR You KWROU Initial Z S* Zipper S*EUPER Final B B Crab KRAB Final CH FP Church KHURCH Final D D Lard HRARD Final DZ DZ (Use only for words that end with friends ds) TP Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 Final F F Laugh/stiff PHAUGF Final G G Rag RAG Final J PBLG Wage WAEUPBLO Final K BG Sink SEUTPHRO Final L L Call KAL Final M PL Sim SEUPL Final MP FRP Lamp HRAMP Final N PB Man PHAPB Final NG PB G Ring REUPBG Final NJ PB G Range RAEUPBG Final NK * PB G Pink PEU*PBG Final P P Stop STOP Final R R Car KAR Final RCH FRPB March PAFRPB Final RF FR B Scarf SKARFRB Final RVE FR B Starve STAFRB Final S S Miss PHEUSS Final SH RB Slash SHRARB Final T T Root RAOT Final V *F Love HRO*FE Final X BGS Tax TABGS Final Z Z Breeze PWRAOEZ Final SHUN GS Portion PORGS Final KSHUN *BGS Action AKT*BGS Vowel A A Rat RAT Vowel A (Long) A EU Make PHAEUK Vowel Aw AU Law HRAUW Vowel E E Bed PWED Vowel E (Long) AO E Seed SAOED Vowel I EU Bid PWEUD Vowel I (Long) AO EU Sky SKAOEU Vowel O O Short SHORT Vowel O (Long) OE Lonely HROTPHLEU Vowel OI O EU Toy TOEU Vowel OO AO Root RAOT Vowel OU OU Tour TOUR Vowel U U Dude TKUTKE Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 Vowel U (Long) AO U umbrella AOUPWRELA BEGINNING STENO Read the notes straight across and down, and transcribe by encoding the appropriate English transcription on the box provided. Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 ABBREVIATIONS AND DERIVATIVES In Order of presentation in Lessons WORDS 1. Is 2. Saturday 3. Take 4. The 5. Takes 6. Are 7. Tuesday 8. Advertise 9. An 10. Street 11. In 12. Any 13. Tonight 14. Always 15. Purchase 16. Superintendent 17. Purchases 18. Superintendents 19. April 20. On 21. Open 22. Important, importance 23. Will 24. Already 25. And 26. Stand 27. Sunday 28. Opinion 29. Upon 30. Principal, principle 31. Principally 32. Principals, principles 33. Gentlemen 34. He 35. September ABBREVIATIONS/ DERIVATIVES S SAT TA T TAS R TUS TIS A ST N NI NIT ALS PUR SUPT PURS SUPTS AP O OP POR L LR AN STAN SUN PIN PON PRIN PRIN/I PRINS JE E SEPT TRANSCRIPTION S SAT TAEU T TAEUS R TAOUS TAOEUS A ST TPH TPHEU TPHEUT AHRS PUR SAOUPT PURS SAOUPTS AEUP O OEP POR L HRR APB STAPB SUPB PEUPB POPB PREUPB PREUPB/AOE PREUPBS SKWRE E SEPT Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 36. Satisfy, satisfactory, satisfaction 37. Advertises 38. Purchaser 39. Satisfactorily 40. Saltines 41. Unsatisfactory 42. Can 43. Could 44. Ask 45. January 46. July 47. Asks 48. Accept 49. Necessary 50. October 51. Acceptance 52. Accompanies 53. Accompany 54. Company 55. Companies 56. Necessarily 57. Unnecessary 58. Did 59. Today 60. December 61. Of 62. Dissatisfaction 63. Why 64. Account 65. Reply 66. Accountant 67. Accounts 68. Replies 69. Use 70. Another 71. Particular 72. Particularly 73. Particulars 74. Useless 75. Uses SAE SAOE TIS/ES PUR/ER SAE/LI SAES UN/SAE K KO SK JAN JUL SKS SEP NES OK SEP/ANS A/KOES A/KOE KOE KOES NES/LI UN/NES D TOD DES F DIS/SAE Y KT PLI K-T/ANT K-TS PLIS YUS AOT TIK TIK/LI TIKS YUS/LES YUS/ES TAOEU/E PUR/ER SAOE/HREU SAOES UTPH/SAOE K KO SBG SKWRAPB SKWRL SKS SEP TPHES OBG SFP/ATPHS A/KOAOES A/KAOES KOE KOES TPHES/HREU UTPH/TPHES TK TOD TKES TP TKIS/SAE KWR KT PHRAOEU K-T/A K-TS PHRAOEU KWRAOUS AOT TIBG TIBG/HRI TIBGS KWRAOU/HRES KWRAOU/ES Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 76. Percent 77. With 78. Would 79. Am, Many 80. Some 81. Anyone 82. Anyway 83. Someday 84. Sometime 85. Tiresome 86. Within 87. August 88. File 89. Go, gone 90. If 91. Suggest, suggestion 92. Accepting 93. Accompanying 94. Accounting 95. Advertising 96. Ago 97. Asking 98. Files 99. Filling 100. Forego 101. Goes 102. Going 103. Opening 104. Opening 105. Purchasing 106. Replying 107. Satisfying 108. Standing 109. Suggesting 110. Suggestions, Suggests 111. Taking 112. Useful 113. Using 114. Willing 115. Consider 116. Correspond PERS W WO M SOM NI/WON NI/WA SOE/DA SOE/TIM TIR/SOE WIN AUG FI G F SUG SEPG A/KOEG K-T/-G TIS AG SK G FIS FIG FORG GS -G/-G OPG OPGS PURG PLIG SAEG STANG SUG/-G SUGS TAG YUS/FUL YUS/-G -LG K –R KOK PERS W WO PH SOPL TPHEU/WOPB TPHEU/WAEU SOE/TKAEU SOE/TAOEUPH TAOEUR/SOE WIPB AUG TPAOEU G F SUG SEPG A/KOEG K-T/-G TAOEUS AG SKG FAOEUS FAOEUG TPORG TKPWS G/G OEPG OEPGS PURG PHRAOEUG SAEG STATPHG SUTKPW/-G SUTKPWS TAEUG KWROS/TPUL KWRUS/-G LG K-R KOBG Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. Enclose Friday From Considerate Considering Considers Correspondence Correspondent Corresponding Corresponds Encloses Enclosing Enclosure Enclosures Outstanding About Help Inform, information Think Anyhow Considerably Helper Helpful Helping Helpless Helps Informal Informing Informs Somehow Thinking Thinks Wholesome Had Order There, Their Accepted Accompanied Accounted Advertised Asked KLO FRI FR K –R/AT K –RG K –RS KOR/ENS KOR/ENT KORG KORS KLOS KLOG KLOUR KLOURS OUT/STANG B HE FOER THI NI/HOU K –R/BLI HER HE/FUL HEG HE/LES HES FOER/AL FOERG FOERS SOE/HOU THIG THIS HOL/SOE H OD THR SEPD A/KOED K –T/-D TIS/-D SKD KHROE TPRAOEU TPR K-R/AEUT K-RG K-RS KOR-FPBS KOR-EPBT KORG KORS KHROES KHROG KHROAOUR KHROAOURS OET/STATPHG PW HE FOAOER THI TPHEU/HOU K-R/PWHRI HER HE/TPUL HEG HE/HRES HES TPOE/AL TPOE/RG TPOERS SOE/HOEU THIG THIS HOHR/SOE H OD THR SEPD A/KOED K-T/-D TADEUS/D SKD Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. Considered Disorder Dissatisfied Enclosed Filed Helped Inform Opened Ordered Ordering Orderly Orders Purchased Replied Satisfied Suggested Theirs Thereafter Thereby Used Wednesday Where Which Write Wrote Anywhere Nowhere Rewrite Somewhere Whereby Writer Writers Writes Writing Be Been February Month Mr. Mrs. Remember K –PD DIS/OD DIS/SAED KLOD FID HED FOERD OPD OD/-D OD/-G OD/LI ODS PURD PLID SAED SUGD THRS THRAF/TER THR/BI YUS/-D WED WR WI WRI WRO NI/WR RE/WRI RE/WRI SOE/WR WR/BI WRIR WRIRS WRIS WRIG B -B FEB MO MR MRS REB K-PD TKIS/SAOED TKIS/SAAOED KHROED FAOEUD HED TPOERD OEPD OD/-D OTK/-G OTK/HREU OTKS PHRAOEUD SAOED SUGTKPWD SUGTKPWD THRS THRATP/TER THR/PWAOEU KWRAOUS/-D WED WR WEU WRAOEU WROE TPHEU/WR RE/WRI RE/WRAOEU SUE/WR WR/PWAOEU WRAOEUR WRAOEURS WRAOEUS WRAOEUG PW B TPEB PHD PHR PHRS REB Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. They Being Beings Considerable Mistake Mistaken Mistakes Monthly Months Remembering Remembers Remembrance Manufacture Manufactured Manufacturer Manufacturers Manufacturing Many March Merchandise Minute Minutes Monday Month Monthly Months Mr. Mrs. Much Necessary Necessarily Unnecessarily Unnecessary November Number Numbered Numbering Numbers October Of On THE BG BGS K –RBL MIS/TA MIS/TAN MIS/TAS MO/LI MOS REBG REBS REB/ANS M –FR M –FRD M FR/ER M –FR/ERS M –FRG M MAR M –DS MIN MINS MON MO MO/LI MOS MR MRS -CH NES NES/LI UN/NES/LI UN/NES NOV NUM NUMB NUMG NUMS OK F O THE PWG PWGS K-RBL PHEUS/TAEU PHEUS/TAEUN PHEUS/TAEUS PHO/HREU PHOS REPWG REPWS REPW/ATPHS PH-FR PH-FRD PH TPR/ER PH-TPR/ERS PH-ERG PH PHAR PH-DS PHEUPB PHEUTPHS PHOPB PHO PHO/HREU PHOS PH PHRS PF TPHES TPHES/HREU UTPH/TPHES/HREU UTPH/HREU TPHD*F TPHUPL TPHUPHB TPHUPHG TDHU OBG TP O Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. Open Opened Opening Openings Openly Opens Opinion Opinions Opportunity Opportunities Order Disorder Ordered Ordering Orderly Orders Organize Organization Organized Organizes Reorganization Reorganize Particular Particularly Particulars Percent Percentage Possible Impossible Impossibility Possibilities Possibility Possibly Practical Practically Principal Principally Principals Principle Principles Purchase OP OPD OPG OPGS OP/LI OPS PIN PINS TUNT TUNTS OD DIS/OD OD/-D OD/-G OD/LI ODS ORG ORG/AGS ORGD ORGS RE/ORG/AGS RE/ORG TIK TIK/LI TIKS PERS PERS/AJ POBL IM/POBL IM/POBLT POBLTS POBLT POBL/I PRAK PRAK/I PRIN PRIN/I PRINS PRIN PRINS PUR OEP OEPB OEPG OEPGS OEP/HREU OEPS PEUPB PEUTPHS TAOUNTPHTS TAOUNTPHTS OD TKEUS/OD OTK/-D OTK/-G OTK/HREU OTKS ORG ORTKPW/AGS ORTKDWD ORTKDWS RE/ORTKW/AGS RE/ORG TEURG TEUK/HREU TEUKS PERS PERS/AUE PBLG POBL IPH/POPWL IPH/POPWFRT POPWHRTS POPW ART POPWHR/EU PRABG PRABG/EU PREUPB PREUTPH/EU PREUTPHS PREUPB PREUTPHS PUR Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. Purchased Purchaser Purchases Purchasing Question Questionable Questioned Questioning Questionnaire Questions Receive Received Receiver Receives Receiving Recommend Recommendation Recommendations Recommended Recommending Recommends Regular Irregular Irregularity Regularly Remember Remembered Remembering Remembers Remembrance Remittance Remittances Reply Replied Replies Replying Represent Misrepresentation Representation Representative Representatives PURD PUR/ER PURS PURG KWE KWEBL KWED KWEG KWE/AIR KWES SEV SEVD SEVR SEVS SEVG REM REM/AGS REM/AGS/-S REMD REMG REMS REG IR/REG IR/REGT REG/LI REB REBD REBG REBS REB/ANS REMT REMTS PLI PLID PLIS PLIG REPT MIS/REPT/AGS REPT/AGS REPT/TIV REPT/TIVS PURD PUR/ER PURS PURG KWE KWEPWL KWED KWEG KWE/AEUR KWES SE*F SESRD SESR SESRS SESRG REPL REPH/AEUTKPWS REPH/AEUTKPWS/-S REPHD REPHG REPHS REG EU/REG EU/RETKWT RETKPW/HREU REB REPWD REPWD REPWS REPH/AEUTKPWS REPHT REPHTS PHREU PHREUP PHREUS PHREUG REPT PHEUS/REPT/AEUTKPWS REPT/TKPWS REPT/TEU*F REPT/TEUSRS Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. Represented Represents Request Requested Request Satisfaction Dissatisfaction Satisfactory Satisfactorily Unsatisfactory Satisfy Dissatisfied Satisfied Satisfies Satisfying Saturday Second Secondary Seconded Secondly Seconds Secretary Secretaries September Shipment Shipments Some Somebody Someday Somehow Someone Something Sometime Sometimes Somewhere Tiresome Wholesome Stand Outstanding Standing Stands REPT/-D REPTS KW KWD KWS SAE DIS/SAE SAE SAE/LI UN/SAE SAE DIS/SAED SAED SAES SAEG SAT SEK SEK/RI SEKD SEK/LI SEKS SEK SEKS SEPT SHIMT SHIMTS SOE SOEB SOE/DA SOE/HOU SOE/WON SOEG SOE/TIM SOE/TIMS SOE/WR TIR/SOE HOL/SOE STAN OUT/STANG STANG STANS REPT/-D REPTS KW KWD KWS SAE TKEUS/SAE SAOE SAOE/HREU UTPH/SAOED SAOE TKEU/SAOED SAOED SAES SAEG SAT SEK SEK/RI SEKD SEK/LI SEKS SEK SEKS SEPT SHIMPT SHIMPTS SOE SOEB SOE/PAEU SOE/HOU SOE/WOPB SOEG SOE/TAOEUPL SOE/TAOEUS SOE/WR TAOEUR/SOE HOHR/SOE STAPB OUT/STANG STANG STANS Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. Standstill Statement Statements Street Streets Suggest Suggested Suggesting Suggests Suggestion Suggestions Sunday Superintendent Superintendents Take Mistake Mistaken Mistakes Taken Takes Taking Thank Thanked Thankful Thanking Thanks That The Their Theirs There Thereafter Thereby Therefore They Think Thinking Thinks This Thursday Today STAN/STIL STAMT STAMTS ST STS SUG SUGD SUG/-G SUGS SUG SUGS SUN SUPT SUPTS TA MIS/TA MIS/TAN MIS/TAS TAN TAS TAG THA THAD THA/FUL THAG THAS THA T or –T THR THRS THR THRAF/TER THR/BI THR FR THE THI THIG THIS TH THURS DA STAN/STIL STAPHT STAPHTS ST STS SUG SUTKPW D SUTKPW-G SUGTKPWS SUG SUTKPWS SUPB SUPT SUPTS TAEU PLEUS/TAEU PLEUS/TAEUPB PLEUS/TAEUS TAEUN TAEUS TAEUG THA THAD THA/TPUL THAG THAS THA T THR THRS THR THRATP/TER THR/BAOEU THRTPR THE THAOEU THIG THIS TH THURS TKAEU Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. Together Tomorrow Tonight Tuesday Under Undergo Undergone Underneath Understand Understanding Understood Upon Use Used Useful Useless Uses Using Usual Unusual Unusually Usually Very Wednesday Where Nowhere Whereby Wherever Whether Which Whichever Why Will Willing With Within Would Write Rewrite Writer Writers TOG TOM NIT TUS UND UND/-G UND/-G UND/NET UND/STAN UND/STAN/-G UND/STOOD PON YUS YUS/-D YUS/FUL YUS/LES YUS/ES YUS/G USH UN/USH UN/USH/I USH/I V WED WR NO/WR WR/BI WR –VR WH WI WIVR Y L or –L -LG W WIN WO WRI RE/WRI WRIR WRIRS TOG TOPL TPH EUT TAOS UTPHD UTPH TK/-G UTPH TK/-G UTPHTK/TPHET UTPHTK/STAPB UTPHTK/STATPH-G UTPHTKISTOOD POPB KWRAOUS KWRAOUS/-D KWRAOUS/TPUL AOUS/HRES AOUS/ES AOUS/G AOURB UN/AOURB UN/AOURBH AOURB/EU SR WED WR TPHOE/WR WR/PW AOEU WR*FR WH WEU WEUSRR KWR L LG W WE UPB WO WRAOEU RE/WRAOEUR WRAOEUR WRAOEURS Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 445. Writes 446. Writing 447. Wrote WRIS WRIG WRO PHRASES 1. Is the 2. Is a 3. Are you 4. You are 5. In the 6. In you 7. To the 8. To tour 9. To you 10. To us 11. On the 12. On your 13. Will you 14. I will 15. Will your 16. You will 17. Respectfully yours 18. Sincerely yours 19. Can I 20. You can 21. Could I 22. Can he 23. Could you 24. He can 25. Can you 26. I Can 27. Could he 28. Dear Sir 29. Yours Truly 30. Yours Sincerely 31. Did I 32. Did it 33. Did the 34. Did he 35. Do you 36. Did you ABBREVIATIONS/ DERIVATIVES ST SA RU UR NT N UR TOT TOUR TOU TOUS OT OUR LU IL LUR UL RURS SURS KI UK KOI KE KOU EK KU IK KOE DS YT YS DI DIT DT DE DOU DU WRAOEUS WRAOEG WRO TRANSCRIPTION ST SA ROU OUR TPHT TPH OUR TOT TOUR TOU TOUS OT OUR HROU AOEUL HROUR OUL ROURS SOURS KAOEU OU BG KO AOEU KE KOU HBG KU AOEUK K OE TKS KWRT KWRS TK AOEUS TK EUT TK T TK E TKOU TKU Republic of the Philippines CAMARINES SUR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES Nabua, Camarines Sur (054) 288-4421 loc. 127 37. Of the Submitted by: Kristelle Llega BSOA 2D FT TPT