Character profile Name: Margot Frank Personality traits: 1. Reserved: Margot is known for her quiet and introverted nature. She tends to keep her thoughts to herself. 2. Responsible: Margot is seen as a responsible and mature individual, often taking on more serious tasks and responsibilities 3. Intelligent: Margot is highly intelligent and academically inclined. She excels in her studies and is often praised for her knowledge 4. Kind-hearted: Margot is known for her gentle and compassionate nature. She is always willing to help others out. 5. Conscientious: Margot is meticulous and pays great attention to details. She is organized and likes to plan things in advance. Likes and Dislikes: 1. Studiousness: Margot is portrayed as a very diligent and serious student. Anne often mentions that Margot is her parents favorite because she is well behaved and does well in school. Margot is described as intelligent and committed to her studies 2. Reading and Writing: Margot is known to enjoy reading and writing. In one entry, Anne mentions that Margot reads a lot and has a collection of books. Margot is also depicted as having a quiet and a introspective nature, spending a lot of time on her own reading and writing.