Uploaded by Mujieb Hariz Herlambang

Bali Tourist Demographics Report

Name : Mujieb Hariz Herlambang
Class : MKN 2-10
NIM : 4121220263
The pie chart illustrate the tourist percentage based on country origin. It can be clearly
seen that Australian tourist dominates holiday resorts in Bali. The table provide
information about average length of stay, total spending amount, and main activity.
Russian tourist have the longest staying time, Chinese tourist spend the largest amount of
money, and shopping become the most desirable activity.
Tourist divided in 5 country origin, there are Australia, Russia, China, Japan, and other.
Australia take over 45% of the total. The rest of percentage are 27% taken by Russia,
followed by China with 13% and Japan with 10%. Only 5% of the percentage from other
The average length of stay between Australia, China, Japan, and other aren’t too different.
Australian stay for 6 days, Japanese and other stay for 5 days, and Chinese stay only for
4 days while Russian stay up to 14 days. However, In term of total spending, Russian
spend the least amount only US$1400. Chinese spend up to US$4000, Australian spend
US$3600, Japanese spend US$3000, and other country spend US1500. Shopping become
the most favourite activity for China, Japan, and Other. Russian prefer sightseeeing while
Australian choose surfing as main activity.